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/vr/ - Retro Games

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947187 No.947187 [Reply] [Original]

Got an N64 yesterday, along with this and Turok 2.

Do I have shit taste, or are they not all that great?

>> No.947192

Turok games are pretty boss.

>> No.947197

Although to clarify, I enjoyed what little I've played of 2's multiplayer. The singleplayer for both of them just seems...bleh.

1 has sort of dull level design, and 2 has oversized levels that just seem to drag on without the ability to save midlevel (as far as I can tell).

>> No.947205

nigga those games are the shit.

Give a try to rage wars and shadow of oblivion, they are fun in their own ways.

obligatory post with a link to working pc ports of dinosaur hunter and seeds of evil as well as evolution.


>> No.947207

You can save by finding warp portals.

>> No.947212

Don't have those two, sadly.

Ah, okay. I didn't get terribly far honestly, was sort of late when I tried it out.

>> No.947216


i should clarify, the pc port of seeds of evil lets you save anywhere.

>> No.947215

Those games are pretty fun OP especially 2's multiplayer hours of fun with friends.

Can't speak for Turok 3 because of how late it came out and I never got to play it. I hear differing opinions about but its always "Its the best one" or "Its the worse one."

>> No.947218

I really want to reply Turok 1 sometime, but damn those fucking jumping sections. Turok 2 did improve in that area.

>> No.947224

Oh cool! I was going to use that anon's mediafire tomorrow, but I might as well snag it now then.

That was actually one of my main gripes with it, honestly. Why do developers think injecting platforming segments into an FPS works?

>> No.947249

Turok 3 is easier to play because you will usually know where you are going in a level. It has 2 playable characters who have different weapons and special skills which adds some replay value. Most weapons are not as great as in the older games though and the way they are distributed isn't all that fair imo. Danielle simply has better weapons than Joseph in the end.

>> No.947263

I kind of wish I'd gotten that one, then...

>> No.947274


Turok = Staring Straight Down To Gauge Your Position For Every Jump: The Game

>> No.947282

If you like challenge and hardcore dungeon crawling:
Turok 2 > Turok 1 > Turok 3.

If you play games for the story and atmosphere:
Turok 3 > Turok 2 > Turok 1.

Turok 1 > Turok 3 > Turok 2

Overall graphics:
Turok 3 > Turok 2 > Turok 1.

Then there's Rage Wars, which is a multiplayer game - Turok 3 has multiplayer of similar sophistication, so I don't really see the point of playing Rage Wars. But it´s an option.

>> No.947286

Oh, yea, and I should mention that Turok 3 allows you to disable look spring and aim inverting. So you can aim up and down while moving, and you aren´t forced to use inverted aim like Turok 1 and 2. That´s a big incentive for some people.

>> No.947293

>you will usually know where you are going in a level.

Well shit that is new for a Turok game. Not being sarcastic, half the time in 1 and 2 I had to figure out what switch or door I missed.

>> No.947297

Thanks anon.

Turok was an okay game. Really not the greatest but it was something to play outside of Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. I have Turok 2 but I really haven't played it much, I'll have to dig it out soon.

>> No.947310
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>> No.947315

I only played the first Turok on PC, but it was pretty bad. The levels were just really boring. It was like the people who made it had never worked on FPS level-development before.

>> No.947324

This was the basis for the metroid prime games anon, once you get used to it, it really works
Trust me, I´ve beaten all classic turok games

>> No.947327

>It was like the people who made it had never worked on FPS level-development before.
The game was made in 1997. So... Uh... It´s likely the guys at Acclaim had never made an FPS before.

A lot of Acclaim people later ended up at Retro, which is interesting.

>> No.947328
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>> No.947337

It was their first FPS game, before that Iguana made the NBA Jam games. For a company to go from that to an FPS I said they did okay.

>> No.947357

I have these games but I've honestly been unable to play them, I'm too spoiled with modern FPS controls to get used to classic FPS controls.

I did give Turok 1 a serious try, but I had to give up after getting lost around the second or third level.

I have 3 but never tried it, though. I've gotten the vibe that that game is the best of the three? Maybe I'll give that one a shot one day.

>> No.947363

turok is one of my favorite FPS.

>> No.947373

I say try 2, I can't really enjoy 1 much anymore myself, especially if you aren't concerned with the plot.

Problem with 2 is that the framerate goes to shit when it comes to explosions and if you really are used to modern FPS controls, I totally understand.

>> No.947382
File: 132 KB, 640x454, Glide64_Turok_3;_Shadow_of_O_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you liked the original Half Life, there's a chance you'll like Turok 3.

>> No.947403

>I have 3 but never tried it,
How do you own a game without having played it? Never understood this.

>> No.947518

Not him, but I picked up Turok 3 sealed at the very end of the N64's life cycle for $15. I just never got around to playing it myself. I only buy games that I INTEND to play, but it doesn't always happen. I have a fuckton of games.

>> No.947543

The look spring is terrible. I love the first two Turok games, but the look spring is so frustrating.

>> No.947554

I hated Turok 2 at first but then it grew on me, and then I was opened to how great it was. I picked up the first one afterwards and it's also pretty good. Haven't tried 3 but heard great things. Always get another look and if you hate it, understandable we all got different tastes.