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939806 No.939806 [Reply] [Original]

Why was Proto Man fighting you in MM3 if he was your brother? Was he working with Wily, or was he just being a dick?

And who the hell is Break Man? Is that who we've been fighting the whole time or is it just some random clone or something?

I mean, I realize its pointless to ponder the amazing narrative found in the Mega Man games, but I have no clue what the fuck is going on here.

>> No.939816

He's training you or something. I don't remember too well, but I do remember that there was an explanation for the Protoman thing.

>> No.939821

He was working for Wily at the time, as Wily had recently repaired him, and saved him from an energy defect he had. But Wily's repair was only a temporary fix.

>> No.939824

Break Man is Proto Man

>> No.939834


Later fights he's concerned with Megaman's well being, but the Break Man fight was actually working for Wily.

>> No.939842

They neglected to include the protoman-breakman transformation animation that is still in the game. But Breakman is quite obviously Protoman anyways.

>> No.940629

I want to know what it is about that slightly more complete helmet that makes Protoman a badass, and why he doesn't use it again.

>> No.940634

If he was working for Wily; why did he try to kill Mega Man while Wily was manipulating him into collecting the materials he needed for Gamma?

>> No.940642

Care to repeat that question?

>> No.940643

Gamma was constructed already. All the MM3 robot masters were a joint effort of Wily and Light. Wily already seized them and the completed Gamma and that's why Megaman fought to stop them.

I'm not sure why you think Megaman is constructing Gamma. AT least, that's the only translation of what you said that might leave you baffled.

>> No.940650

The plot to Mega Man 3 is that Wily is SOOOO SORRRY about trying to take over the world twice or so and is working with Dr Light to make a peacekeeping robot of Mass Destruction.

The game's Robot Masters are designed to collect component elements to build Gamma.
They went violent either to give Mega Man busywork or because there was something actually corrupting about the elements they were collecting, and Mega Man had to defeat them to get the elements.
During the initial 8 stages Proto Man appears several times and fights Mega Man.

If Proto Man is working for Wily; why is he antagonizing Mega Man at the points before Gamma is finished?

>> No.940652

>Mega Man had to defeat them to get the elements.
I'm not sure where you are getting all this. Is this in the manual? Because MM3 is devoid of cutscenes.

>> No.940662

Mega Man 3 is not devoid of cutscenes.

There's no introductory one, but this makes it clear Wily was waiting for Mega Man to collect the last of the elements for Gamma to steal it. But yes the rest of the details are in the manual.

>> No.940664

I guess it's been longer than I thought since I've played MM3. I completely forgot about that.

>> No.942924

Breakman is Protoman with a mask over the lower part of his face, and he fights you to test you.

And since it's been brought up, here is my favorite song probably from the entire NES gen of games.


>> No.943143

>Breakman is Protoman with a mask over the lower part of his face
Don't forget with a Sniper Joe eye in his visor.

>> No.943151

His Break Man mode is supposed to be a lot stronger too, but he literally never uses it again.

>> No.943279

Protoman basically has robot cancer with his dying core. Wily switched cores and Protoman basically felt obligated to help him. This was probably before the "mysterious super hero that wanders the earth" phase of Protoman's life. He works for Wily and fights Mega Man in the robot master stages, he's aware Mega Man is a son of light and goes kinda easy on him, really just kind of pushing him around. The Gemini Man thing was him actually helping because he probably wanted to give Mega Man a chance.

The Break Man fight was probably a serious fight. There can't really be an excuse like "he's training you" because that wouldn't explain the fake alias.

Want to hear a headcanon theory I had for a while? It would only be canon for the first three games. Protoman is the Mega Man of 1+2. I came up with this after MM2's ending (that contrasted so much with the original) and the similarities found in MM3 and 1. In my headcanon after MM2 he gave up fighting for peace because it was fighting fire with fire, and he joined Wily to actually make a difference. He has a change of heart at some point in MM3 and from then on tests and helps you. Again, that makes no sense in any of the sequels and even in the ending where it lists Mega Man as the first robot made. I explain that by saying Light specifically made replacement bodies for Mega Man (like the extra lives). Protoman was just the Mega Man that didn't die and got away.

I'm always surprised nobody mentions the similarities in fortress bosses in 3 and 1.
>yellow devil
>water based boss
>mega man copy (MM1 has one, MM3 has three)

>> No.943306

>Protoman's eyes aren't there and are just lights.

>> No.944825

>even in the ending where it lists Mega Man as the first robot made

Eh? As far as I know, Megaman has always been DLN-002 and Protoman is DLN-001.

>> No.944835

MM3 is also similar to MM in that it makes you re-fight robot masters without using a hatch system. (Of course, it's the MM2 robot masters...)

>> No.944843


Rock is DLN-001.

Blues is 000.

>> No.945258

I always thought Break Man was a fake version of Proto Man and that the Proto Man you fight during stages was Break Man

>> No.946451

>the red robot is number zero

Holy shit does anyone else realize this...?

>> No.946491

Well shit.

>> No.946680

>Why was Proto Man fighting you in MM3 if he was your brother? Was he working with Wily, or was he just being a dick?

>> No.946712

Is MM5 a prequeal to MM4?

>> No.947123

Protoman is not Zero. Stop this fanon train right this instant. Go beat the Power Fighters with Bass and see why that theory is dead on arrival.

>> No.947125

No. Why would it be?

>> No.947153

Except that we know Wily built Zero. This is shown explicitly in Power Fighters and X4.

Proto Man just faded away. His power core probably finally gave up far away from anyone who would hope to repair it.

>> No.947165

>inb4 Protoman died in some accident and they used his parts to build Zero and never told X

I hear this so much.

>> No.947181
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That would also be retarded for two reasons.

-We see Zero's whole form. He's well on his way to being built while Protoman is alive and well.
-Why would Wily need the most defective robot currently in existence to complete his masterpiece?

I like both characters but it just doesn't add up for any reason beyond fans wishing it to.

>> No.947191

Oh I agree. Its just that people swear Zero is built from Protoman somehow.

>> No.947193

The plots to the old megamans never make much sense

It feels like 90% of the plot was removed or something

>> No.947194

I always hear it was Roll that gets used to make Zero, but this argument was literally only because "red robots with blonde hair" and came from people who for some reason still thought that Zero was female.

>> No.947195

Classic was never about deep plot. And 8's attempt at it was just awful.

It's best when left to "there's 8 robots attacking, here's why! JK it was Wily

>> No.947204

People seem to overestimate the value of color association. It can't possibly be that hard to paint any robot red.

>> No.947230
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>> No.947227

Although that one is also hilarious, it makes more sense than the one I hear.