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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9470129 No.9470129 [Reply] [Original]

Want to get into the franchise but I don't want to play retro games just for the sake of playing retro games. If the new ones are better, I will just start with them

Don't care about "see how it all started" stuff and the like

>> No.9470141

We literally have a thread already >>9462060
Short answer: newer Tekken is better, just pick 7. Tekken only got more or less polished after 5DR

>> No.9470142

I hoped for a lot of answers and some explanations so I can draw conensus from it. Don't want to turn another thread into that. Thanks for the answer though

>> No.9470143

>but I don't want to play retro games just for the sake of playing retro games
Then fuck off to /v/ you stupid nigger

>> No.9470145

I'm on /vr/ because I genuinely enjoy most retro games more than newer games. Sorry for your retardation

>> No.9470164

>Short answer: newer Tekken is better
how come 3 wins every single ranking and poll there is, though?
>because nostalgia
most street fighter rankings have 4 first and often 2 not even in the top 5 though

>> No.9470181

Long answer:
>Should you play 1993 Doom if you can play Doom Eternal? Should you play Street Fighter 2 if you can play SFV? Should you play Mortal Kombat II if you can play Mortal Kombat 11? If you ask yourself these questions then you are on a wrong board.
Short answer:
Also, stick to the existing thread. We have one cancer with numerous mortal kombat threads already, no need to ruin the board further.

>> No.9470203

5DR has modern polish without the slide towards 2d and homogenized juggling.

>> No.9470253

There are 20 Sonic threads at any given time

>> No.9470296

I have never seen 20 sonic threads at a given time. Nice try

>> No.9470324

>I don't know hyperbole!

>> No.9470330
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Oh, you were pretending to be a dumbfuck. Ok

>> No.9470334

Right now is the lowest number in a long time and it's still 5 or arguably 6 while you complain about two threads for an actually good franchise that isn't universally hated

>> No.9470350

>NOOO you must use my sensationalist fanboy thread

>> No.9470356

Telling on yourself at lightning speeds.

>> No.9470418

For me it's something like this
Gameplay 3>DR>5>T1>6>7>4>2>T2>1
Story/Presentation 4>2>3>5>6>T1>7>T2
Music 2>3>4>T2>5>1>6>T1>7
3 is pretty much untouchable in how good it feels to play and how you can evade any bullshit in this game with movement, later games started adding way too many homing/tracking moves so it devolved into half the matchups becoming knowledge check fiestas

>> No.9470425

>Gameplay 3>DR>5>T1>6>7>4>2>T2>1
What do you like about the 3 gameplay more than 7 and the others?

>> No.9470432

>Gameplay 3>DR>5>T1>6>7>4>2>T2>1
>Story/Presentation 4>2>3>5>6>T1>7>T2
>Music 2>3>4>T2>5>1>6>T1>7
Very subjective, good luck defending this

>> No.9470449

Tekken 3 is the best

>> No.9470457

Its what i've already mentioned
The movement is very snappy and fast unlike 7 and the roster size is optimal enough that it's not too small or too big. Only real downside here is that Heihachi doesn't have an electric

>> No.9470469

Have you played T7 by any chance? The movement has become almost SF-like in snappiness. T3 was still more VF-like

>> No.9470474

Played for like 100 hours last few weeks, the kbd feel like you aren't moving anywhere and you have to sidewalk more than step

>> No.9470486

Strange, my experience is the opposite. I prefer Tekken 3 myself but mostly because nostalgia.

>> No.9470506

maybe i'm just used to it so much at this point, T3 def required more effort on the stick to move but the fact that you can evade so much makes it a lot more impactful in matches

>> No.9470520

>you can evade so much makes it a lot more impactful in matches
Probably this

>> No.9470551

Probably, yeah.

I don't like that so many characters are available to you at the start, and to unlock the others you have to pay real money and not complete the game or win meme challenges. Also the characters are too big. It's not a bad game, but there's nothing that T3 didn't do better.

>> No.9470562

Tekken 3 Chads won

>> No.9470765

Tekken 3 is good but Tekken 7 is better gameplay wise.

Plus online and deeper training mode.

>> No.9470852

what polls exactly? polls measure popularity, more popular =/= better game. you'd really only rank T3 higher because it was the one that most people played. but that's because it was the peak of 3D fighters boom, when the genre was not just a niche but something that almost everyone cared about. it's pointless to compare this way because the genre's appeal declined after T3 / SC times. you could as well ask "polls" what was better, Tekken or VF, and of course they'd say Tekken because few in the West cared about VF. or same if you asked who was a better character, Blanka or Makoto, and Blanka would win by a landslide mainly because he was in SF2 and it was far bigger than SF3.
my point is, T3 is pretty broken, Jin is OP, half the cast feels unfinished or just weak, etc. to my awareness, T3 has next to no competitive scene and no one takes it very seriously. T7 is a way more polished and refined game with far better balance, depth, and way less jank and cheese, that actually is taken very seriously at tournaments. T3 is still fun and was awesome when it came out, but new ones are just plain better as games.
>most street fighter rankings have 4 first and often 2 not even in the top 5 though
whoever doesn't put 2 in top 5 is most certainly a casual player who doesn't understand shit about FGs. SF2 started the FG genre as we know it. not a perfect game, but still played today with a serious competitive scene.

>> No.9470864

>too many characters
>BUT you pay more money to unlock more so it's bad
>characters are too big
i get where you're coming from. you're the kind of guy who plays FGs for fun and single player. yeah, I get it, for you specifically T3 may be more fun. you fight, you unlock characters, it's cool and all. but if you will actually learn the game, you'll realize T3 is pretty shallow and unbalanced. T7 is "better" for people who actually want to learn Tekken and play vs other good players, not do basic tactics vs CPU.

>> No.9471157

Not them, but depth isn't the end-all-be-all for a fun multiplayer game. Not everyone is a fan of Fuctions vs Functions Infinite.

>> No.9471159

I can't argue with this and I own every single tekken game there is period other than the big shitty slots and eos mobile games.

>> No.9471165

It never was.

>> No.9471453

play tekekn 2 and tekken 3 they are good, 6th gen games are OK but they are not so magic as the 5th gen ones

>> No.9471474

>Tekken 7

>> No.9473170

>10 reasons why I'm trans
Nothing worse than Youtube clickbait shit videos with obvious paid for viewers

>> No.9473173

This. It's not even a competition. 7 >> 5 >>> 3

>> No.9473239

anon, i get what you mean. some people play games for pure fun. the problem is, it gets old quick. that's why T3 was played by everyone but then got left behind, but some other FGs are over 20 years old now but still are played everywhere. see SF2 that still has tourneys, or King of Fighters 98 / 02.
and it's literally like this with most FGs, you come for fun or cool chars or anime tiddies, but stay for the depth. you can play a fun game for months, but you can play a deep game forever.

>> No.9473256

What's with all the sudden amount of Tekken 3 posts lately? Some youtuber made a video?

>> No.9473262

>Want to get into the franchise but I don't want to play retro games just for the sake of playing retro

Tekken 7 is the right choice, then. T3 is a masterpiece but it's retro and not better than T7.

>> No.9473275

I've played all Tekkens up to 7
3 and 5 are the best.
6 is the worst.
But with Tekken even the worst titles in the series are fantastic games in their own right

>> No.9473278

The depth is not the issue here. Go check any serious guide on Tekken 3 with reversals, escapes, parries, chickens, counters, rolls and then tell me if you think SF2 is somehow deeper. And people rarely play SF2 today, they play SSF2T which is frankly a different game, way more balanced. T3 has issues and never had a balance patch unless you count TAG1 as one but that one introduced even more issues. The thing is - T7 is still essentially the same game and stage walls and expanded movesets aside it is not a deeper game the T3. At the same time it is one of the most popular fighting games around and if you play T7 at a high level there is no reason to go back to T3 and master it. SSFT2 on the other hand is the best rendition of SF2 style gameplay which you won't found in later Alpha, SF3, SF4 and SF5 releases because they all play very differently.
Can't comment on KoF because I am less familiar with it.

>> No.9473281

6 can't be worse than 1

>> No.9473283

>why do people talk about one of the greatest retro games ever on a retro board?

>> No.9473285

1 has that earlytomid90s early 3D so bad it's good charm, and can be considered an historical artefact.
6 doesn't have that

>> No.9473331

The past week or so there's a lot of threads or posts about this game, it wasn't a game that got posted here a lot regularly.
Tekken in general is not a very discussed series here.

>> No.9473356

Imo one of the N64 vs PS1 system wars threads opened this pandora box. Tekken 3 is just an example of a game that N64 won't run without major downgrades

>> No.9473461

I agree T7 is essentially "same" game, i.e. with same mechanics, but T3's balance is just too rough around the edges, and this destroys half of the game's depth as result. any good mechanic requires a few big balance patches and revisions, which is what T5–T7 essentially did. regardless, as you said, "if you play T7 at a high level there is no reason to go back to T3 and master it." And this answers OP, T7 is simply about same concept but improved in every way, there's no real reason to stick to T3 other than historic interest and retro gaming. and I don't see any real T3 hardcore fans and "scene", when every arcade fighter like even Vampire Savior or SFA2 still has a following, even divisive ones like SFA3.

>> No.9473493

Exactly. Still, in retro gaming terms, T3 is better than most other stuff from that era. OP should go ask /fgg/ instead.

>> No.9473704
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