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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 94 KB, 800x697, fwkbuqrodwa8drotnhxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9467272 No.9467272 [Reply] [Original]

Post poorly programed cash grabs that were never play tested and almost no one in their target audience was able to beat

>> No.9467275
File: 46 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you didnt make that pixel perfect jump on the second level that filtered 90% of the players even the adults. Well since there is nothing here to kill you and start the level over again better cut the system off and start over again

>> No.9467280 [SPOILER] 

Bubsy on SNES was one of my favorites as a kid and I beat it when I was 7.
That's as far as I could ever get in Lion King, that level drove me nuts.

>> No.9467281

I'm sorry you got filtered by a game I beat when I was 9, zoomie-kun.

>> No.9467286
File: 30 KB, 300x262, 6a00d83452033569e200e54f2b923f8834-800wi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hit boxes were fucked up and I knew it was trash and never rented it again

>> No.9467302
File: 25 KB, 648x409, genesis-bubsy-ii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might be retarded for thinking busby 2 would be better but who ever designed the hub world must have been on acid

>> No.9467307

The programming is perfectly fine. It runs smoothly and isn't buggy. The main issue is that the art, music, and gameplay are way too undercooked and makes the game feel uncanny. Maybe this is a redundant/obvious observation, but I think if the art and music were a lot better, people would view it a lot less harshly.

>> No.9467312


>> No.9467313

Didn't it come out that they literally were made by the higher-ups to make that level as hard as it was so kids couldn't beat it in a rental period and had to go buy it?

>> No.9467319

Even if you bought it if you didn't jump on that giraffes head in just the perfect way you got stuck in purgatory

>> No.9467323
File: 10 KB, 256x224, 384116-the-simpsons-bart-s-nightmare-snes-screenshot-an-indiana-jones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was a 8 year old before internet guilds suposed to get this shit?

>> No.9467328
File: 96 KB, 640x437, Krustys_Super_Fun_House_%28NA%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe I got pretty far into it back in the day, but holy shit does it become a total chore.

>> No.9467340
File: 170 KB, 650x434, timthumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely no information about how to pull off the specials in the manual before the internet and no official guild or anything in any game mags. Just mash buttons and hope for the best. Also you want an ending? Fuck you

>> No.9467343
File: 22 KB, 320x200, brutalpaws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole series was ass. You had to play through the campaign as each character to unlock any specials instead of them just being available from the start. Like imagine if street fighter ore mortal kombat pulled that shit. No wonder it didn't make it past 4th gen

>> No.9467347
File: 4 KB, 320x256, rat_trap_14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best part is that they just slapped Simpsons characters on some unrelated Amiga game.

>> No.9467353

I loved this game as a kid, but I'm not going to defend it. The "speedrun" strat is hilarious, after scoring a goal you just take the ball to the corner and there's nothing the AI can do to you..

>> No.9467365


>> No.9467415
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>> No.9467429

>activate virgin vision goggles
>nothing have changed

>> No.9467437

>literal movie ad
At least they're honest about what it is.

>> No.9467447
File: 10 KB, 393x525, virgin vision.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ten gorillion hours in ms paint

>> No.9467473

the jumps were not nearly as hard for my 5 year old brain as the fucking monkey puzzle at the end. i still remember figuring that out when even my older bro and mom were stumped. i love this game. it was obviously made at a crunch but its still so full of love and creative ideas, especially the first three levels. it looks and feels fantastic and it feels kind of refreshing having the best and hardest part of the game be level 2.

>> No.9467540

More like BlockBubster rental amirite?

>> No.9467557


It could be worse:

|At least Bubsy ran at a solid (mostly) 60fps. Awesome possum cruises along at a blistering 10fps.

The Genesis / Mega Drive version of Bubsy looked OK:

>> No.9467563
File: 30 KB, 480x360, reunion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A lot of the early PC games right up to the CD era were jank central.
They were usually made by a single dude or a couple of dudes at home and it was rarely beta tested, if tested at all.
A lot of the games had broken mechanics, glitched out randomly, were generally unplayable and mechanics undocumented.

Also a lot of the time the "difficulty" level was not really thought through and balanced so you'd get stuck playing the "early" part of the game over and over and that would be the "entire" game since nobody could actually get past that.

One example would be this game Reunion. It's a fairly straightforward space colony building game. Everything seems interesting and it's enjoyable except a bit into the game (an hour or two of gameplay) an overwhelming force of aliens show up and obliterate you. They always show up after a certain trigger and they almost always are so overwhelming that you not only need to know they are coming but allocate all of your effort and production to fending off this one threat that you otherwise never see coming. The equivalent would be playing some rpg today and you get your crew to level 5 and a level 50 enemy shows up and kills you. And you're expected to be able to kill him so now you have to grind in the first area for way too long just to get through this one arbitrary obstacle.

>> No.9467568


I love it that there is an exclusive Jaguar Bubsy game:

>> No.9467574
File: 259 KB, 1280x1706, tumblr_p3770oXaYI1snhn1io1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post poorly programed cash grabs that were never play tested and almost no one in their target audience was able to beat

>> No.9467880
File: 17 KB, 267x373, Etvideogamecover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always been that way

>> No.9467905
File: 250 KB, 700x335, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2016-02-21 12.22.46 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>we definitely play tested this and 99% of players certainly will be able to get through it

>> No.9467906
File: 296 KB, 685x599, 685px-Super_Lion_King_title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't play original much but I bet it's a fucking cakewalk compared to bootleg NES version which I had as a kid.
This was a nightmare thanks to fucked up collisions and scrolling. And immortality cheat doesn't work on that level because you have no lifebar.

Otherwise, a pretty solid port, despite having only 5 levels from original game and sounds stolen from Twinbee. Good music.

>> No.9467936

Zool, that game suck ass yet it was advertised everywhere

>> No.9467964

This image sums up most of my childhood on the NES. I got really fucking good at this level, but for some reason always gave up as soon as I got in the van.

>> No.9467975

Imagine getting filtered by the bobcat.
Skill issue

>> No.9468128

Isn't that from the loading screen? C64 games took something like 10 minutes to load from tape, and usually they put a loading screen in there because of that. The Dizzy games I had put some other Codemasters titles in there.

>> No.9468147


>> No.9468149
File: 12 KB, 512x448, 19245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst example I can think of. The fact that you fall through the platforms on half your jumps makes the game borderline unplayable.

>> No.9468152

Oh yeah the Lion also has permadeath for some reason when all the other characters dont which has to be a programming error

>> No.9468168
File: 58 KB, 220x165, Rayman_PSX_-_Band_Land.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone get past bandland? Lol

>> No.9468190

Fun fact: it's extremely difficult to design a game while on acid.

I think it's much more likely that the designer just didn't share your vision of what the hub world should be.

>> No.9468205


>> No.9468214


>> No.9468216


>> No.9468221

Bubsy 1 is not exactly a bad game. It is just a bit hard, so Shitnic fans naturally get filtered by it and then blame it on the game instead of their own ineptude. The sequels are soulless and not very noteworthy imo.

>> No.9468247
File: 23 KB, 240x358, 6a00d83451c29169e2011571d8a7ca970b-250wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dock Ellis pitched a no hitter game tripping balls off of acid so why not?

>> No.9468259

this is about 70% of NES games

>> No.9468271

in Burgerland we had disk games that took 10 minutes to load and had no load screen just blackness.

>> No.9468524
File: 283 KB, 800x1286, E2C2F532-479A-4B07-8B8B-952B56A4FD52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9468547
File: 11 KB, 299x259, 1669999177127605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bwahaha fuck 8 year olds bwahaha fuck everyone especially block buster. How the fuck was anyone suposed to figure that out?

>> No.9468553

Designing a game is more complicated than throwing a ball. Even at a pro level.

>> No.9468569


>> No.9468586

Holy shit how fucking bad are you.

>> No.9468592

I have never known anyone who has taken acid to not end up masturbating for 6+ hours on it.

>> No.9468618

Im obviously not talking about microdosing.

>> No.9468690

The last time I did it I played the armored armadillo stage in megaman x for like an hour just amazed at the colors

>> No.9468897

Guys this is a videogames board not a drugs board
There is NOTHING more boring than hearing other people talk about psychedelics, except possibly eavesdropping on women chatting
keep on topic OKAY?

>> No.9469027

RoboCop 9000

>> No.9469050

The funny thing is that bubsy (the first game) was actually loved by many kids back when it was released, both me and my sister loved the MD version, which was borrowed from my cousin. My friends also liked it.

>> No.9469074

Because the first one is a good game made with soul. Also did so well that Acollade managed to get a cartoon out of it and four flopping sequels, that's a lot.

>> No.9469079
File: 358 KB, 512x512, Z7HeRooppxU (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9469108

I thought the cartoon was just a pilot.

>> No.9469127

I never really felt like Bubsy was that bad of a platformer. The original Bubsy. Like, it could have used a little more refinement, but it wasn't a bad attempt at riding the wave that Sonic left behind.

>> No.9469132
File: 469 KB, 482x651, xmen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Uncanny X-Men for the NES is one of the easiest games I can pick for the console. I remember when my friend rented the game, and we were excited (I was like 10) to play some X-Men on the NES. But it truly is one of the worst on the NES that was published by a third party publisher. The packaging makes the game look good too. Literal "no time to beta test, just ship it" game.

>> No.9469161

To be fair he’s not 9 yet so I understand.

Tbh I find it funny when people say “yeah as an autistic child I put 200 hours in and I beat it, why can’t you!?”

>> No.9469573
File: 132 KB, 604x800, 3d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol good luck getting that 200 hours in when your parents limit you to a half hour a day so you don't become a retard

>> No.9469603
File: 20 KB, 254x224, t&cwwr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a kid, I wanted to believe this game was good, because skating and surfing were cool. But sadly, no.

>> No.9469607

I had the t-shirts and never played the game. I think thats good enough for me.

>> No.9471918


>> No.9473003

Programmed by David Goodenough

>> No.9474713

The skating portion of the game is fun. Surfing is impossible.

>> No.9474718

it was hard but it was good

>> No.9475005

I did but never beat the game

>> No.9475008

thats what ure mom said lol gottem

>> No.9475765

It was a bug in the code that moved the hitboxes into the wrong spot.

>> No.9475770

Shut up, tard.

>> No.9475801

I could never beat the final level of Jurrasic park for the Megadrive with the velociraptors running around beneath the giant dinosaur skeleton. If I jumped in the skeleton, it wobbled, but no matter how much I jumped on it it would never fall down on them. If I jumped down, I was just instakilled by velociraptors. Don't know what to do til this day

>> No.9475812

This, it's like having random discussions about your dreams or something. It's SO fucking boring, interesting to literally nobody but yourself. Druggies, take your shit to some druggie forum and spare the rest of us your druggie fever dreams

>> No.9475814

Hey, worked on me. I got to the final boss but was blueballed on a rent by the fact that you had to do this awkward pounce thing and throw him off a cliff, so I ended up getting me mum to buy it. Thing is it's actually not that bad on a replay, it's a pretty well-made game just with some bullshit parts. The waterfall level is much more annoying than the sunset level once you know what's coming.

>> No.9475817

>World of Longplays
How do they manage to bear playing these jankwares for so many years

>> No.9475826

What's the name again

>> No.9476015

Same fag

>> No.9476017

But guess which one got paid 100 times more than the other

>> No.9476036

underage samefag

>> No.9476380

that Eternal Champions Expanded Universe money had to go somewhere.

>> No.9476393
File: 25 KB, 195x266, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than this shit

>> No.9476409

Any Amiga game basically

>> No.9476415


>> No.9476441

My pirated version of the game had that last giraffe that never let me finish the level (he'd raise his head, even though he shouldn't have, thus killing Simba). Wonder if that was just a bug or some anti-pirate thing.

>> No.9477072

Pretty sure it was in the real version too

>> No.9477174

Surfing is actually piss easy once you figure it out, the manual just doesn't explain it very well. You can easily loop the score on level 1 by just spamming the same trick over and over, it's retarded design.

>> No.9477284
File: 140 KB, 1278x1018, desert sand feels warm at night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically any licensed game. There's like, a dozen exceptions over the entire history of gaming.

>> No.9477320
File: 440 KB, 596x466, impossible mission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impossible Mission for Atari 7800. A literally impossible mission.
>The cart was released with a bug where some of the pieces with which you need to solve the game are hidden under computer terminals, but the game will not allow to you search the terminals and collect them. This bug was eventually fixed, but Atari never released the updated version in the United States

>> No.9477890
File: 2.01 MB, 640x484, SNES - Last Action Hero (USA) 2022-10-25 23-54-07.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beat em up with only punch/kick, not even a jump kick

>> No.9477906

I’ve actually never jerked off or had sex on acid now that I’m thinking about it. Every time I’ve spent six hours or more on something during a trip it’s been a movie marathon.

>> No.9477913
File: 38 KB, 498x500, 51H6owWn5jL._AC_SY1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First realisation that games could be bad.

>> No.9477927

American copium lmao

>> No.9478415
File: 18 KB, 224x225, downloaoood (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did acid quite a few times but never had the urge to jerk off or have sex. I think the most active thing I did was biking around a city because of bicycle day. Shit was like inception and now I think I live in a simulation

>> No.9478601

Fractured Furry Tales is basically Bubsy 1, but with somehow worse level design and collision detection. Lots of dead-ends everywhere, enemies attacking you before they're even on-screen so you have little to no time to react, the lead designer even admitted that he threw in a bunch of extra lives in every level to compensate for all this and have the player just brute force their way through the game.

>> No.9478603

Please stop playing videogames altogether. You're too retarded for them.

>> No.9478631
File: 42 KB, 612x612, lol-funny-funnypics-garfield-derp-jared-colbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reviews are abysmal. I dont know how the fags in this thread can defend that whole fucking terrible series other than nostalgia

>> No.9478638

Didn't the lead designer also have Bubsy hanging from a noose in the office as well?

>> No.9478641

it’s not THAT hard
the next couple levels get much worse

>> No.9478647

shut up nerd

>> No.9478650

I hated this fucking game. My Dad was a huge comic book fan so he, of course, bought nearly every LJN licensed MES game for me and my brothers.

The Wolverine NES game is not terrible at least.

>> No.9478696

Bubsy 1 is actually okay. It's like a 6/10, but I had fun with it as a kid. The rest of the series blows dead bear.

>> No.9478702


>> No.9478773

>Shoddy SNES port

Thats your problem, play the Genesis version.

>> No.9478779

How was thw original game btw? Krusty Suoer Fun House was literally the last game i rented from blockbuster

>> No.9478792

Oh I fucking forgot about that. Flashbacks of rage from I don’t even know if child or early twenties.

>> No.9478875

Town & Country Surf Designs: Wood & Water Rage

>> No.9479864
File: 30 KB, 466x231, elmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some e-celeb just made me aware of these absolute cash grab "games":
>Advertised as a way to teach kids numbers/letters
>Really just has them collect the same singular letter or number 20 times, then repeat again on the next level with a new symbol
>This of course doesn't actually teach them the advertised skills, just basic symbol matching. You wont learn to read or count from this.
>Absolute worst part is each game only has THREE levels, which even a kid wouldn't take more than a few minutes to beat since its just a single pattern match every time
>They split this shit in to two games to charge parents even more money
>Both games are the same, with models being swapped around per game.
Perhaps one of the scummiest games post action 52.

>> No.9479889

If you lived in California you were required by law to own this game, all my friends did anyway.
And we all sucked at it.

>> No.9479890

Has there ever been a good console educational game? I mean obviously with stuff like this it was just made to steal money by licensing a popular IP and no one cared.

>> No.9479901


>> No.9479980

Most of the ones I remember were on PC, but those two games in particular just feel extremely scummy because they're so blatant.
At least something like mario educational games, while shit, put in some level of effort.

>> No.9480016

I'm still pissed about getting Mario's Time Machine SNES as a gift when I was 4. But it's technically not poorly programmed, it's just not fun and the only redeeming quality it has is the surf theme

>> No.9480042
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>> No.9482131


>> No.9482206

An endless amount of games have been designed. Only 23 people have ever thrown a perfect game.

>> No.9483116

Its an arcade game, so try young adults.

>> No.9483118

Kek what a horrible sentiment. Actually makes me wonder the same thing.

>> No.9483157

>The Wolverine NES game is not terrible at least.

It was passable. But I never thought it was great. X-men really was a 'ship it' bad game. I would say the worst licensed game on the NES. It also pissed me off as a kid, because I really loved the X-men and the first X-Men game I played was that. I think LJN did have some good releases, I don't think their output was as bad as people say. But their bad games did help them gain a bad reputation. I'm looking at X-Men and Back to the Future II and III.

>> No.9483167

As awful as 1 was, you can at least attempt to have some fun with it because it's pretty obvious what you have to do, even if the game is essentially a really bad vertical shooter. 2&3? I've tried to play it a few times and not once was I able to return a single item because all of the time periods look identical and so do all the sub areas in those time periods. It's also absurdly long with no saving

>> No.9483203

>Regarding the lack of weapons in the game, Riding stated that the film's star, Arnold Schwarzenegger, "feels that if children are constantly subjected to these violent images on the screen, they will identify with the violence and project it through to their real lives."

>> No.9483214

that's all well and good but the fact that it's an snes beat em up with less options than any other game in the genre is beyond sad. There's not even punch/kick combos from mashing the button.

>> No.9483285

I was 10 and confused as fuck, trying to understand why it was so bad in comparison to other 3d games ive been playing.

>> No.9483854

It is the Sonic CD of Bubsy. Right up to the fact it has the best soundtrack out of all his games.

>> No.9483887

why are you such a retard

>> No.9484134
File: 33 KB, 266x373, Streets_of_Rage_3_(box_art).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't want you to beat the game within the rental period so they crank up the enemy HP
fuck this game, that fucking decision turns the whole thing into a boring slog.
the Japanese version doesn't have this problem, go play a translated version of that instead

>> No.9484162

That fucking title screen music tho


Unbelievably the music (albeit the Game Boy version) ended up being used in an Ariston washing machine advert in the early 90s. Apparently the director heard it on his kid's Game Boy and loved it so much he used it. Hopefully he got permission from the composer Jon Dunn:


>> No.9484183

Found the article about the music


>> No.9484198
File: 930 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear half the SNES library is just dogshit Amiga/DOS ports

>> No.9485231

genuinely a skill issue

>> No.9485726

SNES library can be weirdly eurojank at times

>> No.9485772

To this day, my sister is the best T&C player I have ever met. I beat her at every other game we owned, but for whatever reason she had a knack for this game that was spooky.