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946007 No.946007 [Reply] [Original]

How does /vr/ feel about Mario All-Stars compared to the originals?

>> No.946017

Mario is a very boring an unimaginative franchise

>> No.946023

How so?

>> No.946029

its a good bang for your buck, but maybe it should have been a rom collection + extras instead of remakes.

>> No.946032

Messed up physics, but a good deal for the money back then.

>> No.946045

First 4 games were rehashes with improved graphics. SMB2 wasnt even supposed to be a mario game but they just threw a mario sprite in there anyways.

Yoshi's Island was the only remdeeming game. Mario 64 was broken as hell and felt empty compared to other games and shitty development on the 64. Mariosunshine was tedious and while it tried to be creative and innovative it fell short imo. Luigis mansion though was the shit. Little bit too shory but fun to play b

>> No.946053

I was born in '85 so I barely played the originals. So the first time I could actually play them fully was with All-Stars. While I went back and played 1 I can't really bring myself to play 2 & 3. No real reason for 2 I just can't do it. But 3 is such a long game (if you are not using the whistle) that I can't play it without saves. And I hated Lost Worlds.

>> No.946061

>First 4 games were rehashes with improved graphics.
get a load of this guy. The only one that could be considered a rehash is SMB2j.

>> No.946064

>Save princess
>All 4 games

At least Mario Rpg made it more interesting

>> No.946072
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>Playing Mario games for the story.

>> No.946075

The story is minimal because there has to be a little bit of something, it's not that important. The gameplay is the important thing.

>> No.946076

>SMB2 wasnt even supposed to be a mario game but they just threw a mario sprite in there anyways.

Oh look, another faggot talking out of his ass about something everyone already knows that isn't even true.

Doki Doki Panic was meant to be a Mario game but they turned it into a licensed game halfway through development because it was too different from SMB1.
The western version just finished what they started.

>> No.946096

Suuuure it was. Thats why the original game had no mario characters in it but due tothe fact the west was cockcrazy for another italian plumber game they slapped marios face on it because it had similar gameplay to smb. Doki Doku Panic was supposed to be an original IP but since they though the western world would think its just a mario rip off they made it into a mario game so people would buy it. It was purely a business/financial decision more than anything you ignorant fuck.

>> No.946105

In the end they been using elements from USA in their spin off Mario games. Birdo has appeared in Mario RPG and so have shy guys. In any case it was a fun game and just changing the sprites didn't change how fun it was. They even said it wasn't the real SMB2 in Nintendo Power so it's not like they were totally secret about it.

>> No.946109

I know the characters were added in other games. Once they made that decision to make it SMB2 they're like

>well i guess this drag queen yoshi is a mario charcter now. Fuck, that means we have to
Put him/her/it in other games to validate it as an official character......goddamn it.

I love the shit out of SMRPG though.

>> No.946117

Nintendo was working on a vertical Mario game but were having trouble figuring it out. Then they worked on Doki Doki Panic when they got the license for it and then swapped the sprites for Mario characters for when the original license expired.

Pretty big generalization of the original story but basically what happened.

>> No.946118
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>an original IP
>when it was designed to be a tie-in for a Japanese tech expo

Yeah, sure. Original.

Calling it "originally a Mario game" isn't all that right either, the way I read it (based on this article: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2011/04/the-secret-history-of-super-mario-bros-2/)) - it seems what would become Doki Doki Panic was originally a prototype, a sort of "what if" experiment with vertical scrolling Mario-style platforming that was a "Mario game" basically because it was an internal Nintendo project and slapping Mario on it gives the programmers an easy base to work with when it comes to graphics and sound. Then Fuji TV came over, gave Nintendo some characters and said "make a game", after which they dug out that prototype and made Doki Doki Panic, which they then made into a Mario game for overseas since the tie-in would be completely lost on anybody not in Japan.

Kind of interesting, now that I've read up a bit on it.

>> No.946119

It's their game. I don't give a fuck what they do with it as long as it's fun to play. Do you actually hate USA or just annoyed they just did a sprite change?

>> No.946120

>Fuck, that means we have to Put him/her/it in other games to validate it as an official character......goddamn it.

That... is not how that works at all. They could have easily left the SMB2 characters out of future games. I'm glad they didn't.

>> No.946130

It's my opinion. I don't give a fuck about what you think. Do you enjoy riding mario's dick this hard or do you jut hate that someone has a different opinion than you?

>> No.946132
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The originals of 1 and 3 are better on the NES - the improved graphics kind of take away from what they were. 2, however (yes, we ALL fucking know that Doki Doki Panic wasn't originally a Mario game, you can stop beating that dead horse already) seems really improved with the SNES graphics. Really is improved a bit with the look of the game. Also, the GBA release of the game is pretty cool, too.


Smoki Smoki Panic

>> No.946137

You didn't really answer my question. Do you actually hate the game or do you just hate it because they sold it as a sequel to SMB?

>> No.946143

You didn't answer my question either.

I dislike them for the same reason I dislike the zelda series. They bore me. There's nothing that interests me from either franchise. Excluding mario rpg and yoshi's island because they were actually different and creative.

>> No.946148

No I don't enjoy nor played every Mario game. They did the sprite swap and it has over time became the true Mario 2 people wanted over SMB2j. You just seem so angry about it. If you don't like it don't play nor comment on it.

>> No.946157

>implying mario platformers aren't different and creative

nigger please

>> No.946163

I disagree with you on 3. I don't think the graphical overhaul to it was a detriment; if anything, some of the environments on the NES could be sparse, and I think the overhaul in the SNES version was an improvement. Even with that aside, though, the ability to save and resume your game makes the SNES version far better.

As for 1, the graphics are fine, but the All-Stars version fucks with the physics in a weird way. Same goes with Lost Levels by extension, of course (though again, save games make Lost Levels far better).

>> No.946182

>nothing to contribute


Why would I hate something that I haven't played? I'd have no basis for my opinion. The only people that hate something they've never played post on /v/.

Also this thread was asking an opinion based on all stars vs originals. So I stated my opinion on both. I have every right to comment. Just because it's not the same as yours doesn't make it any less or more valid.

>> No.946212

This picture makes Bowser/Peach more or less canon.

>> No.946561


> 2, however (yes, we ALL fucking know that Doki Doki Panic wasn't originally a Mario game, you can stop beating that dead horse already) seems really improved with the SNES graphics. Really is improved a bit with the look of the game

As someone that was at one time so obsessed with SMB2 that they played it from the moment they got up to the moment they went to bed, for months on end, I have to disagree.

The original graphics are still better in my opinion, and the All Stars version took out levels, some of which were the best in the game.

>> No.946578

>and the All Stars version took out levels,
Wait what? I've played both the NES and the All-Stars version and never noticed anything missing. What levels are you talking about?

>> No.946593
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>the All Stars version took out levels

Which ones?

>> No.946623
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>> No.946640

>and the All Stars version took out levels, some of which were the best in the game.

The fuck are you smoking

>> No.946657

I look at All Stars the same as I look at light beer. With utter disgust and bitter acceptance that I don't have the originals on hand. It never felt right, really.

>> No.946692


It's interesting to play both versions of each game and see what differences they have.

For example, in Super Mario Bros. 3, I much prefer the first king being a dog to him being a Cobrat from SMB2. The animation of him scratching for fleas is a nice touch. On the other hand, Bowser moves too slowly in the final battle. They sped him up a bit in the All-Stars version and it's arguably the best 2D fight between Mario and Bowser.

SMB1 butchers the classic Mario theme, but gives Bowser some kick ass boss battle music and adds some very interesting backgrounds.

>> No.946754

>makes ridiculous claim
>is asked for proof or example
>never seen again

>> No.946756

People saying the old graphics were better are just overly nostalgic.
But I LIKE the graphics of the first SMB on the NES better just because they are so iconic.

>> No.946774

I think this guy knows what's up. The physics are fucked in the first one, and the music is shittier, but DDP/SMB2j/whatever you call it and Mario 3 is made better due to the more detailed environments and ability to save, the latter being a much bigger deal in smb3. The version with SMW is the one to have though. I just greatly enjoy the convenience of all the games on 1 cart.

IMO smb3 really kind of made the NES look like a piece of shit. SMB was lots of brown in a lot of places, and that was OK because it was ultra early in the NES lifespan. I think that the ideas for the worlds were executed much better in the remake. SMB3 has lots of brown and black in it's palette, and I think that the AllStars version makes it look so much better that I can barely stand seeing the original.

so ultimately:
Lost levels I can't speak for, not enough experience with either version to compare effectively
DDP/SMB2j<Remake (ability to save)

absolutely essential SNES game for literally every library, but doesn't disqualify any of the originals but 3.

>> No.946779
File: 9 KB, 256x239, Mario All-Stars &amp; Super Mario World # SNES_00015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone whom Luigi grew on out of not having any real choice but to be 2nd player all the time as a child...I loved it.

>> No.946854


I think I'm going to play both versions just to check. I honestly remember All-Stars as missing levels, I did play it constantly for months on end.

This was years ago, so maybe I'm confused.

>> No.946882

It was some of the bonus levels after completing world 8 or something, wasn't it?

I don't know, I've only read about it, never gotten there.

>> No.947394

>Lost levels I can't speak for, not enough experience with either version to compare effectively

Original 8-bit version is essentially SMB 1 with the ability to choose Luigi (who jumps higher), different levels, and poisonous shrooms in the beginning.

>> No.947396

my nigga

>> No.948464

how do you select Luigi in a one player game?

>> No.948475


I played the crap out of it. It was my second SNES game, and I got it for free in the mail when Nintendo was giving away copies. You only had to pick up a voucher from a department store and pay the shipping and handling, which was about $3.

The new graphics and music were enchanting, but the real allure was in the The Lost Levels. The game was legendary at the time, and overcoming the challenge was a real mark of pride for fans of the series.

Being able to save in SMB3 was also very nice.

>> No.948482

You can't in Super Mario Bros. 3

But sometimes I'd start 2 player mode and intentionally kill of Mario in order to continue playing through as Luigi.

>> No.948573 [DELETED] 

Just to well you Doki Doki Panic is SMB2USA not SMB2j. SMB2j is lost level.

>> No.948574 [DELETED] 

For some reason I can't delete it.

>> No.948580

Just to tell you SMB2j is Lost Levels not DDP. DDP is SMB2USA.

>> No.948589

The physics isn't fucked with as it's an actual port of the NES code, however Nintendo screwed up the block physics so that breaking them no longer sends you downwards but a little bit upwards.