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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9456303 No.9456303 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /vr/ hate RE1 remaster so much?

>> No.9456312

It's literally just the one guy complaining about some aspects of the set design. You can tell its a fantastic game if the only thing criticisms recited on here about a few candles.

>> No.9456313
File: 37 KB, 854x637, beast_animal_farm_screenshot[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its better than the original in every way at the cost of minutiae and this makes /v/eddit seethe, even though both are readily available and every remake has been far worse since

>> No.9456314

what? its one of the most beloved games here

>> No.9456315

Not retro enough.

>> No.9456316

A few contrarians pretending to be retarded

>> No.9456318

who cares nigger

>> No.9456346

You are

>> No.9456348

I don't, though.

>> No.9456358 [DELETED] 

Literally just third worlder Snoy pissgoys seething like NESfag (janitor who will delete this post)

>> No.9456360 [DELETED] 

nintendo cultists aren't human, it's morally correct to kill them.

>> No.9456364 [DELETED] 

He actually likes this game though lol. Rent free

>> No.9456367
File: 2.53 MB, 1392x2123, 1546668627272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean the remake or the remaster of the remake?

>> No.9456375 [DELETED] 

imagine being a sony fan lmao

>> No.9456394 [DELETED] 

Time to buy SMB for the 15th time, goy.

>> No.9456395

The most autistic image ever made.

>> No.9456398 [DELETED] 

time to buy to another cinematic "masterpiece", goy

>> No.9456407

>Do you mean the remake or the remaster of the remake?
As someone who owns both and has a PC that isn't a toaster, they're both playable.

>> No.9456409 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 720x917, 1644426996833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current sony is 1994~2006 sony

>> No.9456443

But remaster look better. Bloom looks amazing in the remaster. Comparing them with CRT shader would be more kind to the GC version.

>> No.9456451
File: 1.83 MB, 1470x730, 1620203743918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, the remaster looks amazing with the REupscale mod. The main problem with the remaster is the shitty upscaling and black crush, alongside some oversights like the lack of trees in the background of the dam area. REupscale fixes all of that.

>> No.9456473
File: 180 KB, 997x748, 1640323639065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI upscaling

>> No.9456514
File: 318 KB, 1908x1146, 31600AB500000578-0-image-a-23_1455905128879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because as much as you like to pretend it's all about the gameplay, tone and art direction are important if you have taste.

Also, continuing to parrot nonsense like "it's better than the original in every single way" ad nauseum it's dangerous for the next generation who will naturally believe it in good faith to the point at best they will only check out the remake until it completely replaces the original in the popular conscious and when people think of resident evils legacy they will think of the revisionist paintjob done by different people that takes a dump on the original craft. At very least it's disrespectful to the original artists.

Imagine how Tolkien would feel knowing that 100 years from now when his characters Legolas and Gimli are brought up people will only think of some moron riding a shield and a goofy comic relief

>B-but mikami
A hack, a lot of the brilliance behind the game was not on his hands, the game was a collaborative effort, the game is not his

>> No.9456520

Do they? I don't get that impression at all dude. Its well liked and deservedly so. I only simply prefer the original because its well, the original game and it was designed very specifically to have a certain atmosphere that I feel the remake just didn't seem to get. Or maybe they did know, they just wanted to make the game have a different spin on the original so it feels different yet very familiar.

I just think both games rightfully stand on their own as solid games despite being mostly similar outside the atmosphere changes.

>> No.9456537

But the remake has great tone and art direction.

>> No.9456538

I think AI upscaling isn't a very good solution, as it produces variable results. Maybe playing HD with CRT shaders could help hide its flaws.

>> No.9456571
File: 2.70 MB, 772x1854, 1668106634039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't start, we've been through this, it's getting tiring

>> No.9456575

Yeah, they both look fucking great. Thanks for confirming it with proof.

>> No.9456581
File: 2.88 MB, 1920x1080, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI upscaling isn't inherently bad, you're confusing it with filters like Scale2X, xBR, SuperEagle etc., which is ironically what CAPCOM probably used for the original background upscale, hence why it looks smeared and ugly. Keep in mind that the rerelease of RE1make came out in early 2015, which is way before machine-learning-trained upscalers became good enough to be used for commercial products.
>I think AI upscaling isn't a very good solution, as it produces variable results.
It produces variable results (artifacts, false positive/negatives etc.) if there isn't enough visual information on screen. The REupscale project uses direct rips of the GameCube files, which are high resolution enough to be upscaled to something like 1920x1440. Anything higher would probably cause artifacts. It's not like the teams behind these projects don't hand-fix most of these issues, it's not as easy as just feeding the images to an algorithm and copy pasting the results.

>> No.9456586

Oh, also, as an addendum
>Maybe playing HD with CRT shaders could help hide its flaw
This would look ugly as well, because CAPCOM absolutely raped the background in the remaster and they all look smeared and aliased, which caused by them probably slapping a sharpening filter on top of the terrible upscale.

>> No.9456616

This image looks better than the original, but the one you posted before had AI scaling issues on the floor.
Capcom unfortunately uses a lot of terrible filters. They did the same with Onimusha 1 HD. DMC4 SE also has oversharpened textures.
You might be right. I tried using CRT shader with Onimusha before. CRT shaders were fine, but when i tried lowering resolution, I believe, looked worse than the PS2 version.

>> No.9456630

I feel like RE1 is more fun to blast through but Remake's art direction is pretty amazing, no idea why people create wars over the versions. I never got shit like "muh lit candles", RE is retarded no matter which version you play.

>> No.9456631

the mansion was supposed to be used and lived in by a bunch of people like a month before the game starts. i haven't cleaned my house in 10 years and it looks nothing like the REmake mansion.

>> No.9456637
File: 792 KB, 1920x1344, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but the one you posted before had AI scaling issues on the floor.
To be fair, that was from an older revision of the project, it was just an old image I had saved from this board years ago. They've made more handmade fixes since then so it looks a little better.
>Capcom unfortunately uses a lot of terrible filters.
DMC HD Collection was probably one of the worst HD remasters from CAPCOM I've ever seen. I agree there.

>> No.9456713

was this a loading screen? if not, it was pretty unnecessary.

>> No.9456716
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>> No.9456781
File: 91 KB, 600x557, razer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must be new here. Lurk moar plz. We have such autistic sights to show you.

>> No.9457456


Lets see:

- no female zombies in the mansion or the laboratory(lisa does not count because she is not a normal zombie).

- most weapons are the same ones as the original(i expected a infinte submachine gun as a reward after beating the game).

- no "mercenaries" mode.

- in the original the chimeras were quick and dangerous enemies. In the remake are very weak.

>> No.9457468

why are you so obsessed about female zombies? Is it some kind of weird fetish of yours. I know you are the same guy that always brings up female zombies in RE threads

>> No.9457474

>both are readily available

It's actually really difficult to find and play the original version of Resident Evil right now if you don't resort to emulation. PS1 used disc prices are outrageous and the Playstation 3 console store is the only way to even buy it digitally. Even then you're still stuck with the Dual Shock version and it's horrid soundtrack

>> No.9457486

DMC HD also has HD textures, all of which are inferior to the original. They also messed up the transparency on 3's textures. There is a mod that fixes transparency. However, because of DDMK, it's still the best version.
RE4: UHD's new textures are quite bad, and it also has a lot of issues, but at least the HD mod fixes them.
Code: Veronica: Lightning botched
I don't know of any issues with Okami, Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles, Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles

>> No.9457598

I'm struggling to see the remake flaws. Please autistic kuns explain in great detail so I can also hate remake as well for whatever reason.

>> No.9457641

The HD version ruined the visuals of the Gamecube version.

>> No.9457662

Is Zero as botched?

>> No.9457664

The spiders in the residence are the scariest enemies in the game.

>> No.9458798
File: 96 KB, 906x882, c426bae20cdcb08ce4642822a4f552de81aff488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

terrible HD remaster
added mechanics that are just simply not fun to engage with (can't escape grabs unless you have tools, need to burn down zombies otherwise they wake up again, doorknob breaks for no reason, bunch of stupid puzzles that suck on a second+ run, all of that mitigating the interest for ressource management and that's all i can remember from the top of my head).
it's probably fun if it's your first time. when you look at vidya like used goods. when you never replay games again and only go online to argue with random strangers that a game you played 17 years ago is an undisputed masterpiece.
but if you want to dive deeper into the system and replay games out of fun then REmake 1 is just not doing it. It's already a hassle to go for it once. A second run is just not fun in any way. The original holds up way better in that regard.

>> No.9458814

>can't escape grabs unless you have tools
I am not seeing the issue

>> No.9458815

it attempted to remake the greatest game of all time. the point was not for it to replace, but to stand among the greatness of the original.

>> No.9458852

I pretty much lose all interest in replaying the REmake when I remember you have to do the same shit in the same order with both characters every single time before you can even start exploring the mansion. Even Chris has a few different options for how to proceed in the original game and you can get a completely different introduction to Rebecca and a different set of event triggers if you get the Armor key and go to Richard first thing.

>> No.9458856

Does that REally ruin the game, though? Is it REally a dealbreaker to see that aspect minimized? Or are you just concocting REasons to disapprove of the REmake?

>> No.9458859

REmove yourself

>> No.9458861

REassess your opinions

>> No.9458873

Yes. If they were going to change anything, they should have made it more open from the beginning and added more branching choices with the other characters. Not lock it down to a mostly linear path and cut half of Barry and Rebecca's scenes.

>> No.9458889

So the game was a failuRE then, got it.

>> No.9458921

Because it's good and /v/ hates good games

>> No.9459294

I don't think so. For some reason Capcom kept the assets to Zero but lost them for REmake.

>> No.9459526

I don't hate it, I played it before the original and I love both. I hated 0, that fucking piece of shit. I expected more REmake and got this pile of hot trash instead.

>> No.9459543
File: 700 KB, 1920x1080, 8EeD8x9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're partially correct. There are some visual changes. but the most drastic thing they did was give Rebecca some really thick eyeliner for some reason. It's not terrible or anything but it can be slightly distracting if you're used to her player model from REmake. They still had all of the original renders for RE0's backgrounds though, so it got through the remastering process relatively unscathed since everything is so crisp and high-res, matching the game's internal resolution. I guess it's fortunate (or unfortunate?) that RE0 was the game that they still had the original renders for, since RE0 included a lot of animated elements in its backgrounds that would probably look terrible if they were upscaled à la REmake HD edition.

>> No.9459645

Holy fuck you are a massive faggot

>> No.9459746
File: 2.96 MB, 480x360, RE Hunter Jill.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate it, I hate that people act like it makes the original obsolete, when in fact they compliment each other nicely.
I prefer the original by a decent margin, but like both games and they're both well worth playing for RE/Survival Horror fans.

>> No.9459756

RE1 remaster was also a gamble. When it sold well, they spent more money remastering, RE0 I believe

>> No.9459757

As someone who's never played a Resident Evil game and thus has no zombie dogs in this race, I will say that I don't like the new carpet that the remake has in the entryway compared to the OG. Also, the lamp on the stairway was way better when its bulbs were connected from above instead of below. That said, the kitchen and dining room are clearly superior spaces, the tubes are way better (but the new left wall is a bit of a downgrade), and the zombie is spookier. Sorry if this wasn't autistic enough.

>> No.9459761

Who needs colour? Just wash my shit out and removed the Svol

>> No.9459765
File: 191 KB, 649x707, 1231922173452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice plagiarism

>> No.9459790

I feel like those screenshots are more silver-y than the game actually looks, I remember it being warmer.

>> No.9460037

REbirth is fantastic and ISOs are readily available

>> No.9460167

>muh colors muh crows
Anyone who shits on REmake or REmake 2 are tertiary zoomoids.

>> No.9460184

>/vr/ is one guy

>> No.9460186

soul / soulless

>> No.9460230

The original mansion is way better and more iconic to me. Not just because it is the original one either but each room in the original had a very striking visual identity that made them all memorable. Also the fact most of the rooms are well lit helped with this. True its a horror game but the lighting still worked in its favor anyways. Remake mansion by comparison the color pallet makes everything blend together. Nothing stands out as much because of that. All the lit candles are also a bit ridiculous and would fit more at home in a Castlevania game than an RE game. The original mansion made more sense that scientists from Umbrella would be working there. Also gives a The Shining vibe from the movie with the original mansion. Horror doesn't always have to be pitch black darkness and forcing spooky cliche's.

Remake is cool and still one of my favorites but original still beats it.

>> No.9460237

>Remake mansion by comparison the color pallet makes everything blend together. Nothing stands out as much because of that

This, i thought i was the only one who noticed it in the remake.

>> No.9460243

I'm not a REmake hater. In fact I think it's the best remake out of anything ever made. It doesn't replace the original though. And that lack of color is one of its worst faults. It has no contrast and shit looks *unironically* soulless. The mansion also became too cartoony, like a stereotypical spoopy haunted mansion.

>> No.9460297
File: 59 KB, 385x385, 1399984107736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are both great and I love both mansions

>> No.9460305

Cartoonish and garish

Realistic, creepy, and atmospheric.

No comparison. REmake is superior in every single way. Anyone who has even a cursory knowledge in art aesthetic can tell.

>> No.9460318

why did I only notice now Nemesis was inspired by that cenobite?

>> No.9460328

The first zombie cutscene from the remake is a severe downgrade from the original. That very clearly visible eye looking straight into your soul was exactly what gave that scene all the horror.

>> No.9460335

REmake Jill has the best butt

>> No.9460341

>Anyone who has even a cursory knowledge in art aesthetic can tell.
REmake is basic cliche horror aesthetic,it just doesnt make sense that theres fucking candles and shit and if the lighting was realistic we wouldnt see shit in the REmake because candles dont light up a big mansion like that.

>> No.9460342

Did they rerender the backgrounds or what? I remember seeing pixelated oversharpened shit and assumed it's just the gamecube port with filters.

>> No.9460347
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I don't understand. Did they lose the original 3D models or not? These can't be just upscaled pictures.

>> No.9460354


>> No.9460369

>REmake is basic cliche horror aesthetic

So identical to RE1?

>> No.9460479

they lost the original assets yes. 90% of the game is just upscaled but they did remake around 2 rooms. that room and the outside furnace coffin area.

>> No.9460482

RE1 was trash to begin with. Trash controls, trash gameplay.

>> No.9460489

thanks for the bump baby.

>> No.9460506

ur a stupid faggot stupid bitch fuck u

>> No.9460512


>> No.9460532

based resident evil enjoyer

>> No.9460534

no,its worst.

>> No.9460549

also its my understand they they didnt lose the 3d models themselves aka the entire mansion as it was reused in umbrella chronicles but they did lose the... coordinates for the camera angle placements? so they would have needed to eyeball the EXACT positions for each camera angle which i guess is near impossible?

>> No.9460626

That room's especially egregious but the remastermake is overall good. You're an idiot if you don't see it, but it's not worth throwing the baby out with the bathwater either.

>> No.9460630

They're both good but REmake is not a replacement. I didn't play the original until very recently because I assumed this for decades. It's still very much its own, worthy experience.

>> No.9460638

The lighting around Chris looks like fucking dogshit

>> No.9460645

Thankfully more people are starting to criticize the remake a bit now that the honeymoon phase is over despite it lasting a few years. Its still a great game as I said. It just has flaws and its okay to point it out.

>> No.9460651
File: 2.10 MB, 640x480, tick.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replacing the maximum soul live action bits with ugly gamecube CG movies was unforgivable. Heavily censoring all the gore was almost as bad.

>> No.9460785

If you want to see a real turd in piss see what they have done to RE2

>> No.9460848

Holy fuck you are a massiv retard

>> No.9460851

Holy fuck you are a massi retard

>> No.9460867


>> No.9460884

animal farm is not that long

>> No.9461646

It blows my mind how some of you call the remake soulless, it has incredibly rich atmosphere. Just looking at a screenshot isn't even enough because the remake adds a lot of visual details that are only experienced during gameplay, like the lightning/thunder outside the mansion. Tons of scenes have dynamic moving shadows as well as prebaked ones, and especially the audio design is way better and adds a lot to the ambiance. The original game is good but cmon, saying the remake is soulless is just blind faggotry.

>> No.9461656

The color palette is pretty shit and it lacks contrast. I love both games and it's okay to point out their flaws.

>> No.9461669

Muh candles.

Same problem as any game that's beloved, contrarianism takes over when it gets too popular. It was a common opinion for people to say that REmake was the "optimal" entry of classic RE so of course you had a few retards latch on to it claiming everything else is shit. People get mad and now the game is actually shit and some other entry has to be selected to be called the greatest one that invalidates the others.
I tried playing the GC version on my crt again recently and actually thought there was something wrong with my tv when I started playing. I thought maybe some setting or my connection was fucked somehow but no, game is just ridiculously fucking drab. I do like the aesthetic overall but it really does feel like overkill.

>> No.9461683

Yeah. If you play REmake and then jump to a super fucking colorful game like Dead Rising, it's like whiplash. RE0 looks slightly better than REmake despite being released the same year, but the lack of color is still there.

>> No.9461693

The really bizarre thing is that REmake looked much more vibrant in pre-release material. It's like they just desaturated the hell out of it at the last minute.

>> No.9461710

Do you also complain that Silent Hill has a shit color palette?

>> No.9461730

No, Silent Hill didn't have a remake that took a big shit on the original color palette.

>> No.9461736

Come on, SH's color pallets are way better. The redish brown of the rust and blood is a great contrast between it for instance. In REmake it's so dark that it become annoying to read the screen occasionally. I like REmake and think it's a good game, but the pallet doesn't work as well as they probably thought it would.

>> No.9461774

>Silent Hill didn't have a remake that took a big shit on the original color palette
Not yet, you mean.

>> No.9461775

You can be sure I'll be here to shit on it when it comes out. I'm sure it will make REmake seem flawless by comparison.

>> No.9461776
File: 314 KB, 1920x1080, 1639468704023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redish brown in Silent Hill = GOOD
Redish brown in Resident Evil = BAD

>> No.9461787
File: 73 KB, 1024x768, sh1_screen_32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct, glad you understand.

>> No.9461793

At least you admit you're just shitposting.

>> No.9461794


>> No.9461985

If we're being real we'll just flat out admit the original has dogshit visuals and audio like any normal well adjusted individual, but of course we're on 4channel so we gotta be autistic about SOVL even though the original creator also prefers the remake.

>> No.9462069
File: 164 KB, 775x1041, zombie handsome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no idea

>> No.9462074
File: 274 KB, 1280x720, 1669584016271893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. It makes more sense. So the house model of Umbrella Chronicles was the one used in the original game? It makes a lot of sense for it to be so.

Maybe it was just a lazy port. They may have lost some stuff but not everything. But they didn't want to go to the trouble of fixing it. Maybe they also lost the rendering settings, that's why the renders that >>9460479 talks about feels wrong.

Even if they lost it, if Umbrella Chronicles uses the same models, they could simply rip the game models and remake from there. It's much more work than just upscale it though.

>> No.9462086 [DELETED] 

I watched a gameplay to check the house model. I don't know anon, it looks different from Umbrella Chronicles.Check here: https://youtu.be/rv2wsBxqWAs?t=5426

>> No.9462108 [DELETED] 

umbrella chronicles was a complete asset dump. this is the same game that they mutilated re3 because they didnt have any proper current gen assets of that game so they just reused outbreak locations despite it having nothing to do with re3. when they go into the rpd station they even only explore the right wing because outbreak never showed the left. it was especially bad because theres 1 single room from the left wing(licker window room) and they do infact go in there just to double back.
iirc the only things that they created were new carlos and nemesis models, sergei/final bosses and the new factory chapter. everything else came from re0,1 and outbreak with some sounds from re4(female zombies). oh and richards stars vest. high effort game.

>> No.9462114

umbrella chronicles was a complete asset dump. this is the same game that they mutilated re3 because they didnt have any proper current gen assets of that game so they just reused outbreak locations despite it having nothing to do with re3. when they go into the rpd station they even only explore the right wing because outbreak never showed the left. it was especially bad because theres 1 single room from the left wing(licker window room) and they do infact go in there just to double back.
iirc the only things that they created were new carlos and nemesis models, sergei/final bosses and the new factory chapter. everything else came from re0,1 and outbreak with some sounds from re4(female zombies). oh and richards stars vest. high effort game.

>> No.9462116
File: 243 KB, 1280x720, 1669584064301125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I though you were wrong at the beginning, because I compared this picture with the wrong room in UC. But then I remember that wasn't the same room I though it was. I watched the whole gameplay and I couldn't find this room in UC. I could be wrong here, but I think we don't go through that room in UC.

But I compared the other rooms and it's exactly the same, except for some breakable assets. In the worst case scenario all they needed to do was to rip UC chronicles. Maybe they did that, but since it didn't have some rooms they had to remake it, but they got it "wrong"? I don't know.

In the worst case scenario they only needed to rip UC and rerender. But maybe they lost all the other information about the render, like the camera position as you said and also, possibly, the rendering settings.

>> No.9462118

This is the root cause. Imagine for a moment if the remake was the original. People here would flip and argue for it being better in any way they can because older = better regardless of the actual quality of the game.

>> No.9462119

this rundown has left me sickened and disgusted

>> No.9462123


So they definitely didn't lose the 3D models (most of them, at least). What they probably lost were the rendering information, like the light source, camera position and rendering settings. That makes much more sense. In worst case they only needed to rip UC to get the models back. If they put some effort they could have recreated the whole thing though.

>> No.9462139

In an alternate universe:
>wtf the remake removed crimson heads??? what a joke!
>why is the mansion so brightly lit? they totally ruined the horror and atmosphere of the original!
>what were they thinking with those fmvs with garbage ass actors??? the original cg movies were pure sovl and scarier!!!
>why did they cut out an entire section of the game? was it really that hard to remake it?
>you used to need daggers to get zombies off of you... now you just mash buttons to push them off, lame!!!

>> No.9462147

I'm not seeing the scaling issues on the floor. Sorry if it's obvious, I guess I'm not sure what I'm looking for.

>> No.9462159

You mean from 1.0 to 1.5, or from the original remaster backgrounds to the REupscale mod? Either way, look at the blood on the ground. In 1.0 it's blending into the tiles. The edges of the tiles in general are also more defined in 1.5 and less squiggly-looking, but you can only notice that if you zoom in.

>> No.9462390

I don't have a problem with it, it's fine as its own thing. The problem I have is that retards are trying to push this as the only version to play, and that the '96 original should be disregarded.

>> No.9462772

>i haven't cleaned my house in 10 years

>> No.9462775

I just don't get how people enjoy it, honestly. I like the original so much more.

>> No.9462908

To be fair, Silent Hill only uses the reddish brown color pallets in the Otherworld, elsewhere it tries to keep it grounded. Many of the complains I read with Remake on /vr/ seem to be concerned with the excessive use of it for the sake of horror aesthetics, at times going against the source material and feeling entirely out of place.

>> No.9462914

Two horror games looking identical in terms of art direction is a copout.

>> No.9462936

A copout for what?

>> No.9462939


>> No.9462942

Not keeping the original game's art style because you're too used to what you've just made a year earlier.

>> No.9462945

The remake has a better artstyle for a horror game.

>> No.9462952

>oooo spooky house

>> No.9462954

Because 4chan is full of contrarians, simple as.

>> No.9462970


>> No.9462989

>oooo spooky house
Sounds like RE1 to me.

>> No.9462995

you really need to take the loss and move on. your childhood game isn't better than the original because you want it to be.

>> No.9463018

>present no argument
>declare victory
Okay, nice talking to you.

>> No.9463329

This looks terrible.

>> No.9463332
File: 687 KB, 540x990, Rebecca.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They removed Rebecca's hips and ass. I'll never forgive them.

>> No.9464312


so capcom is turning into feminist agenda?

>> No.9464376

Yeah I agree, Capcom's oversharpened upscale is pretty horrifying.

>> No.9464381

Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't that costume in RE0 actually ADD hips an ass? A better comparison would probably be her default model.

>> No.9464391

Has anyone ever compiled the differences between the GC version and the remaster, other than the backgrounds and the new easier difficulty setting?

>> No.9464437

I assume probably not because it's not even a big deal. Not like the HD Collection of Silent Hill is anyway.

>> No.9464482

Imagine dedicating this energy to literally anything else, maybe youd be able to get a job.

>> No.9464498

All this seething and not a single argument anywhere to be found
many such cases

>> No.9464534

Thinking anyone cares enough about this to argue with you is laughable

Its like if you made your own game and then bragged about being the best in the world at it. Absolutely nobody cares

>> No.9464591

That's a REmake, not remaster.
The remaster OF the REmake is a bit meh, from the Photoshop-filter upscaled BGs to the addition of babby Very Easy mode + the shitty 2D control scheme.

Other than that, the REmake 1 is still THE definitive, the OG remake, that sparked the remaking fever. Still waiting for RE2 to get the REmake treatment.

>> No.9464609

The original was renound for how bad it was and corny due to the shity voice acting. I don't see how anyone could have this opinion.

>> No.9464612

I love the original but I loved the original because when I was a kid it was genuienly scary and I was to stupid to notice the imperfections. As a teenager it was hilarious and the imperfections gave it more life but let's not pretend like the horrible voice acting is worthy of praise. RE1 is good as a stand alone project and there's not reason to believe that the remake will make it some how resigned to the dust bin of history. People can play both.

>> No.9464620


>> No.9465097

The original is better than the remake in almost every way
>REmake mansion looks like a theme park haunted house when in reality it's supposed to be the squeaky clean exterior to mask the dirty deeds going on in the lab underneath. Having it be dilapidated is just retarded
>REmake has nothing but a combination of gray/brown/green color scheme. It's so ugly and tiresome to look at.
>REmake has tons of added nonsense like the Lisa Trevor storyline and breadcrumbs of journal entries about how/why the mansion was built and the reasoning for all the traps and hidden areas. Nobody cares.
>Dumb gameplay mechanics like that defense knife which makes the game incredibly easy
>Crimson Heads. So now you have to carry around a gas can, which you have to back track to fill up, and a lighter and run all around the mansion setting zombies you already killed on fire. This is the biggest sin of the game. Why add more backtracking and item management to a game that was already pushing these 2 aspects to the players limits
Anyone who prefers the REmake is a retarded faggot.

>> No.9465112

>if you don't like what i like you're dumb

riveting. i prefer the original, but you're still stupid.

>> No.9465137

>game is bad because it’s gray/brown/green instead of gray/brown/orange
>game is bad because this thing makes it easier
>game is bad because this thing makes it harder
>game is bad because it added some more optional text journals to read
>game is bad because its a spooky mansion, just like the first game
No I think you’re the retarded one here buddy.

>> No.9465160

>>game is bad because it’s gray/brown/green instead of gray/brown/orange
See >>9456571
As you can see from this pic, the mansion was properly colored as any classic mansion would be. Every area in REmake looks identical
>>game is bad because this thing makes it easier
Yes. It didn't need to be made easier. It was never a hard game to begin with.
>>game is bad because it added some more optional text journals to read
It only hurt the lore of the story. Sometimes not knowing why things happened is better. Only retard wants every detail spilled out for them. It hurt the narrative flow of the game. The journals in every other RE are mostly workers telling of how things are slowing getting worse until finally reaching the point of no return.
>>game is bad because its a spooky mansion, just like the first game
First game wasn't spooky. It was a beautiful mansion. REmake is just a theme park ride at Six Flags.

>> No.9465175

You weren't alive then, you wouldn't know

>> No.9465179

Retarded analogy but ok whatever retard

>> No.9465206

Kill yourself immediately.

>> No.9465219

>lose argument
>proceed to insults
Ok retard.

>> No.9465226

Not engaging with your nonsense points, I’d rather just tell you to kill yourself.

>> No.9465229

>Not engaging with your nonsense points
If they are so nonsensical they should be pretty easy for a smart lad like you to deboonk. Of course you will just reeeee like a retarded faggot.

>> No.9465239

Why haven’t you killed yourself yet? Hurry up and also do a flip.

>> No.9465253

>Why haven’t you killed yourself yet? Hurry up and also do a flip.
I'll do it after you offer some solid disputes of my "nonsensical" points. But you have none so I might as well just let myself expire naturally.

>> No.9465258

So what’s wrong with the mansion being spookier?

>> No.9465264

>So what’s wrong with the mansion being spookier?
It makes no sense from a storyline point of view. The mansion was the "front" for Umbrella. It was perfectly clean and kept up to hide the horrible lab and the experiments they were doing underneath. The REmake mansion looks like it hasn't been cleaned or maintained for decades and the idea of Umbrella risking some government house or environmental agency snooping around because the mansion is in such disrepair is fucking retarded.
And the spooky mansion was cliche by the mid 90s. The fact that the mansion looked so nice was a fresher approach.

>> No.9465265

meh current capcom doesnt have the direction and common sense to make an actual remake of re2. if they did i know it woudnt be good so im not too bothered. its a shame too cause re3 could benefit greatly with a remake with all its design flaws

>> No.9465276

But the mansion and umbrella lab under it has been vacant for a while. Also, I'd imagine the giant snake roaming around the mansion isn't exactly keeping things tidy, alongside the multitude of wild dogs and zombies shitting up everywhere.

>> No.9465278

Less talking more dying please.

>> No.9465283

>Less talking more dying please.
I accept your defeat.

>> No.9465287

>But the mansion and umbrella lab under it has been vacant for a while.
Not that long. It would take decades of neglect for the mansion to look like it did in REmake. Umbrella kept the mansion looking nice for as long as the lab was operational. Once things started going wrong in the lab, most people were either evacuated (or killed turned into zombies by the T-Virus).
> Also, I'd imagine the giant snake roaming around the mansion isn't exactly keeping things tidy, alongside the multitude of wild dogs and zombies shitting up everywhere.
This happened after things started going to wrong. Things ran smoothly for a long time, then like most mad science experiments, things went bad quickly.

>> No.9465292
File: 1.38 MB, 1008x631, REmake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and yet the candles keep burning. LMAO

>> No.9465295

>First game wasn't spooky.
>REmake looks like a theme park, but the clown colors in the original don’t
The entire design principle of the game was to scare the player. If you think it fails at that, that isn’t a good thing. The remake has significantly better horror atmosphere, arguing about what the mansion “should” look like is irrelevant. Also that image doesn’t accurately represent the colors or detail of the games, you can’t tell how much better detail the remake has when it’s that small and you can’t tell the flaws of the original backgrounds either since it’s so small. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the colors were adjusted in post, neither game looks like that during play. You also bitch about it being easier and harder simultaneously. Your arguments aren’t as solid as you think and it seems like you’re bitching just to bitch. It’s fine if you like the original due to nostalgia or whatever, but none of your reasonings are solid.

>> No.9465296

I didn't know /vr hated REmake 1, all I know is that I consider it one of the best remakes (or remasters if you will), if not the best remake ever. Almost everyone I have seen play the first game opts for the remake.

>> No.9465302

Why are you delaying the inevitable? Just kill your miserable self already.

>> No.9465306

I don't know man, have you seen the room of a shut-in NEET or a generally unkept person? Their rooms go to shit after like a week of not taking care of it. The timeline is perfectly plausible in REmake.
Canonically speaking, Wesker is the one lighting the candles since he carries a lighter with him like Chris. Check the game files, it's pretty obvious especially once we learn that Wesker was working for Umbrella.

>> No.9465323
File: 3.87 MB, 2000x1080, nothorrorvstrvehorror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This person unironically thinks the images on the right have a better horror atmosphere than the left.

It's abundantly clear we're arguing with people who don't have the slightest clue about art, it's sad.

>> No.9465326

The Shining isn't a horror film, you missed the point.

>> No.9465328

you're right it's a buddy comedy, thank you for correcting me

>> No.9465334

>completely shifts the argument to unrelated movies
>le art
Are you just pretending to be retarded?

>> No.9465336

>horror and comedy are the only two spectrums of films
pseuds are so stupid, your IQ was clearly not high enough to get it

>> No.9465340
File: 810 KB, 1131x550, jillstart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Canonically speaking, Wesker is the one lighting the candles since he carries a lighter with him like Chris
canonically speaking you're full of shit since they are lit as soon the team arrives. imagine implying with a straight face that wesker went into the mansion beforehand to light the candles to get the mood just right lol, lmao even.

>> No.9465349

You do realize that Wesker has been in the mansion before, right? This isn't his first visit. Have you even played RE1 or REmake?

>> No.9465353

Electronic candles :^)

>> No.9465356

You do realize candles burn for few hours before running out right? Was he replacing the candlesticks every day too?

>> No.9465362

no, you see canonically speaking wesker has a lighter which 100% means he was lighting every candle in the mansion manually

>> No.9465364

Burtonkino is unbeatable.

>> No.9465374
File: 100 KB, 300x300, Resolutions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides that, what else is left? The controls are a big one. Another is the false 16:9 mode which everyone uses, which causes everyone to miss ammo down in the area where you play ring-around-the-rosie with Lisa, see pic related. It's at the very top edge of the screen, and you need to climb some boxes.
It's been so long that I've forgotten what the GCN/Wii version is like. Maybe I'll play through the original version again and see what I notice.
If the lighting doesn't count as backgrounds, then that's another major change.

>> No.9465376

Have you even interacted with a real candle before? Burn times are dependent on wax quality and quantity, and that much wax on a candlestick lasts about 4 days. These aren't your typical Bed Bath & Beyond mini-candles that housewives buy.
>imagine implying with a straight face that wesker went into the mansion beforehand to light the candles to get the mood just right lol, lmao even.
How else is he supposed to see in the dark? He has to light the candles.
This is basically irrefutable. Even capcom themselves confirmed it by giving Wesker a lighter. If you can't see the hints and empirical evidence at this point then you're a lost cause.

>> No.9465380

Maybe if the game was about van hellsing visiting a mansion in transylvania and finding a magic book that turns corpses into undead the tim burton style would be appropriate. Alas it's about secret biological experiments in the modern day america.

>> No.9465385

REmake doesn’t even look like a Tim Burton movie anyway, it’s far too grounded.

>> No.9465402
File: 428 KB, 852x428, graveyardre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totally, that's why in the remake they even added the hallmark gothic graveyard to a mansion that's only 30 years old meaning the graves contain the bodies of... uh... nevermind, it adds to the grounded realistic horror atmosphere and mikami who wanted resident evil to have ghosts says a haunted mansion doesn't need a story

>> No.9465412

>candleautist gets BTFO when its revealed that there's a canonical explanation to it
love to see it

>> No.9465414

Looks like Return of the Living Dead to me.

>> No.9465417

>false 16:9 mode
i'm surprised this isnt mentioned more. the game does a weird Pan And Scan with it on.

>> No.9465426

candlesisters... wesker's lighter and high quality candlewax meaning he only had to dilligently replace and relight the sticks every 4 days... how will we ever recover? nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it's over for us

>> No.9465432

>I don't know man, have you seen the room of a shut-in NEET or a generally unkept person?
It's messy. The walls aren't crumbling and the infrastructure isn't in a state of disrepair.

>> No.9465437
File: 88 KB, 340x390, bhd 2015-01-28 04-00-31-689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried many times to convince people to play in 4:3. Most times I'm ignored because "I hate black bars on my screen." These are the same retards that stretch 4:3 games and movies on their widescreen TV because "I hate black bars on my screen."

>> No.9465442
File: 370 KB, 1280x1707, 280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be surprised. Some people just live like pigs. Zombies might actually be tidier than most people.

>> No.9465467

Fair enough. But the dingy mansion in REmake was caused by neglect (people not fixing things). The NEET room is caused by NEETs actively messing shit up.

>> No.9465490

I thought it was obvious, even the in game preview shows that it just zooms it in and cuts off the backgrounds. And the remaster imperfections are less noticeable in 4:3.

>> No.9466196
File: 1.49 MB, 1440x3053, 2022-12-04 17-19-47.mkv_snapshot_04.04_[2022.12.04_18.16.10].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, there are some other things that are different...

Jill's panties are hidden with a void. I have a modded costume for it that slightly alters the colors to match the RE3 colors, and it also removed the void.
You can also see the rigging on the models was changed. In pic related, Barry's hands have been moved to accomodate him holding his gun. There's a lot of this in RE1HD and RE0HD.
The font has been changed.
You can select a costume at the start of the game, rather than having to grab the Costume Key from an item box and then heading towards the costume room. The costume room in the HD version allows you to swap to any costume, rather than just the two originals, and the text when you inspect the clothes racks was changed to reflect this.
In the Wii version, when you inspect the door with the two emblems to head to the Lisa boss fight, her scream is slightly different. The HD version uses the original GCN scream.
Depth of Field was removed. I never see people mention this one, either. The backgrounds are always sharp. In the original, long hallways were blurrier the further away they were from the camera, and the same happened with your character. This is immediately noticeable in the dining room.

Ultimately, the PC version is still vastly superior due to quality of life changes; both official and not, like 60fps and the doorskip mod, that I would never go back to replay the Wii version.

>> No.9466239

Really, they removed Jill's hips and ass from Rebecca and gave her her own. They copy pasted Jill's lower body to make the original Rebecca model in REmake.

>> No.9466280

What costume mod?

>> No.9466302

How can anyone play PS1 with texture filtering when it shits all over the tiled textures

>> No.9466327
File: 674 KB, 1180x940, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't find the original link anymore, but it's small enough to upload.

>> No.9466334

Oh, isn't this the Retcon Pack or something? I only remember it because it changed Jill's STARS uniform back to blue.

>> No.9466362

All my stuff is from 2015. Ancient things. I haven't played REmake in a very long time, but I still have the game mostly memorized. Played it too much.

I got no clue what the Retcon Pack is. That may be why I couldn't find my mod that only changes the RE3 costume. I also have one that removes the goggles from her Army costume.

>> No.9466486

It's a crime it didn't get a ps2 port

>> No.9466493

>demonstrates clear lack of understanding of the source material
>continues arguing anyway while other retards engage him

>> No.9466518


>> No.9466739
File: 29 KB, 509x384, jill butt ds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*DS Jill

>> No.9468038

yeah you're right i guess i WOULD assume a house full of McDonald's bags, soda cans, and cum socks wouldn't look like an abandoned gothic mansion. gee, i wish i thought of that sooner

>> No.9468173

Always liked that you could poke her breasts and butt in this version.

>> No.9468309

funny but you're still wrong and don't understand the game.

>> No.9468414

Fuck off cringe retard

>> No.9468432
File: 3.75 MB, 407x439, d8etbu6-91c2e332-af42-402e-9c39-d620b313101a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved RE1.
Loved REmake even more.

REmake is the perfect survival horror game.

>> No.9468662

Wouldn't she wear a sports bra? I'm fine with fanservice as long it's not retarded and this looks silly.

>> No.9468672

The cave with the candles would be a bitch to light up.

>> No.9468813

yeah, it would wear something like that in real life, devs were just being coomers

>> No.9468843

It was made for a much lower resolution where the jiggle physics needed to be more exaggerated to be noticed. Jiggle physics used to be an accepted and welcomed example of technological development, since tits jiggle IRL, until around the time of GG where every woman had to be as unrealistic and masculine as possible to be considered a serious character.

>> No.9468974

You're not as smart as you think. The Shining is a horror film, it's just not "traditional" horror.

>> No.9468980

clean your dads house you disgusting goblin

>> No.9468987
File: 25 KB, 512x384, DdRLW3oXkAYMmQU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't REmake Jill use the same face model as the girl from PN03? That's lazy.

>> No.9468992
File: 97 KB, 765x1146, juliavothjillvalentine014jpg-0d6f89_765w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure that REmake Jill is based on Julia Voth. And yes, she cosplays Jill.

>> No.9468996

That's a big nose

>> No.9469003

Lol, what about Haunting Grounds?

>> No.9469090

guarantee you're uglier than me

>> No.9469097

It's an absolutely beloved game and it is here too. There's just a shitposter here with a vendetta against it for some reason, because there aren't enough places for crazies to go on the internet I guess.

>> No.9469237
File: 237 KB, 1920x1080, 1645139441363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9469261
File: 907 KB, 1280x720, REMakeComparison2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do so many people get assblasted about the candles?

>> No.9469270

I'm not the autistic candlefag, but it'd be more atmospheric if they were snuffed, indicating that the whole place has gone silent and there's no living soul around to light them up. The candles being alight gives you an idea that someone's been there (obviously Wesker) but that just detracts from the horror of an experiment gone wrong and killing everyone.

>> No.9469364

>its a horror film but its not a horror film
wow high iq fucktard we got here, kill yourself, you probably think space odyssey is just a space film too

>> No.9469386

>REmake is the perfect survival horror game.
It's fucking shit.

>> No.9469409

>It's the fucking shit.

>> No.9469419

>It's shit the fucking.

>> No.9469463

I think every Kubrick film is degenerate jew garbage.

>> No.9469610

Resident Evil is just degenerate japjew garbage.

>> No.9469689

Usually when a game is so good, the irrational haters resort to hyper-fixating on some minute detail since there are no actual major flaws worth mentioning.

>> No.9469885

However, in a way it adds another question, which makes it creepier maybe?

>> No.9469897

A question with no real logical answer, it's a silly detail if thought about logically but we're talking RE. Camp is a major aspect of RE, it's one of the few elements taht actually has remained true to the series, so I don't think it really matters all that much. If it was some plot detail I could understand but it's just an aesthetic detail, it doesn't matter.

>> No.9470005
File: 19 KB, 511x252, shinningspaceodyssey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In what reality do you live in to say the shinning isn't a horror movie? Do you realize just how ridiculous you sound?

Just because it's not gothic nor a slasher doesn't make it not horror. The one thing that might distinguish it from most other horror movies is just the fact that it's actually good

>> No.9470603

Because it's weird. I don't know why the remake designers tried to make the mansion so gothic for no reason. I mean, it's the mansion of a billionaire, it's not supposed to look like a run down castle.

The lab was in lockdown for weeks and there was no one sane around, so who was lighting up the candles? Lisa?

>> No.9470629

>who was lighting up the candles? Lisa?
She lights the fireplace and other lights in and around her cabin and the caves.

The real answer is that they still wanted to do prerendered backgrounds which meant they couldn't let the player have a flashlight. The choice was either the unnatural fullbright lighting of the original or spooky candles and dim lights.

>> No.9470654

Once some jackass makes a mod turning the candles into bulbs, can we achieve world peace?

>> No.9470718
File: 145 KB, 742x1013, residentevilstory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The candles are just an example that clearly illustrate a much bigger issue. If you look at >>9456571 you can see how the shift towards the cliche grimdark halloween gothic haunted house style goes far beyond the addition of candlelight.

>> No.9470732

>a much bigger issue
You're the one, my man. Everyone who loves Resident Evil is in love with REmake.

>> No.9470745

Anti-storyingamesfags BTFO into the next dimension.

>> No.9470850

I look at that picture, and I see 2 things I enjoy. I see monsters in a somewhat real looking environment which the juxtaposition helps makes creepy, and I see a gothic haunted house thrill ride which is a ton of creepy fun. I don't know who decreed there can only be one spoopy zombie game, but he's a no fun faggot. Both are good, so the candles have to go so we can all achieve peace and harmony

>> No.9470878

The original has terrible visuals, bad acting, and is extremely short. The remake is a better game in every conceivable way. Your favorite jpeg and candles are completely irrelevant. Holy fuck I’m so tired of you faggots.

>> No.9470896

The remake has much better audio as well.

>> No.9470984

The 1996 game is good.
The 2002 remake is also good.
The 2015 remaster of the remake is complete shit.

It bothers me because that is just going to be how people think the 2002 Gamecube classic was.

>> No.9471237

i actually kinda prefer the remake

the tone and lighting are significantly more "creepy mansion" than the original. granted, 3d rendering wasn't nearly at that same point yet, but it still looks great for the time it came out. the remake just really nailed the look

>> No.9471246

how come all these ports look worse than the originals in several ways? Are they too lazy to just find a proper way to port and upscale shaders?

>> No.9471283
File: 2.39 MB, 448x252, 1453712702887.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never even thought about the candles all these years until I saw this thread

>> No.9471529

yea the remaster was lazy as fuck. i remember when it was first announced the first thing i thought they were gonna put in was the laser or kung fu idle animations they showed during development

>> No.9471578

funnily enough there are lit candles in re3 in an otherwise abandoned location as well

>> No.9471582

yeah we're already aware you're retarded

>> No.9471612

Completely changes the art direction, inserts unnecessary cursing, cuts content, completely changes the characterization and motivation of the villain, inserts and retcons stuff in an attempt to make it fit in with later games. Pretty much everything people bitch about in modern remakes.

>> No.9471624

you lost, give up

>> No.9471642

I.... don't?

I do, however, think it gets too much credit -- it is a freaking remake while some people treat it like the second coming

>> No.9471649

i liked it, finished it with jill rescuing both barry and chris if i recall right on gamecube, nice experience not nice enough to play through it with chris despite there being some differences to the plot

>> No.9471661

original done did good with what they had to work with but the remake is eye candy not gonna lie, less bright colors and the atmosphere was that of being in a horror movie

>> No.9471703

oh jeez not the heckin curserinos!!

>> No.9471715
File: 8 KB, 480x360, Alone in the Dark 1992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trash controls
much better than alone in the dark that had similar ones but had way more issues with the low quality sprites
>trash gameplay
if you didn't like alone in the dark you won't like the "tank" controls and the static camera that doesn't follow you from 3rd person view
as for ammo conservation, stiff melee and puzzle solving it stayed through to the inspiration source

>> No.9471723

>too much credit
it pulled a game that was good out of the swamp and slapped better graphics on it, ironed out the kinks and made enough story changes to give people who liked the original enough reason to replay it

>> No.9472140
File: 445 KB, 1000x750, image_2022-12-06_183112559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First Row
REmake wins hands down. More horrific, and the action movement of the head in the original is gaudy as shit.
>Second row
Props to both. REmake has better lighting and the reflections off the floors are so danm good. Conversely, OG front hall is significantly more believable and has better coloring.
>third row
OG is garish and gaudy, has no decent color design except for the black and white tiles. REmake blow it out of the water easily, it's only downside is the unbelievable candles.
>fourth row
Dead even. I can see stuff way better because more lighting and color, REmake looks like an actual abandoned kitchen.
>fifth row
REmake has all the same advantages but ups the detail. Only a super autist that can only separate rooms by color coding would think the original is better.
>final row
OG wins this one hands down.
Final score from your picture: 2-4
However REmake has:
>more alternate modes
>entirely new additions such as the entire Trevor family's saga
>the subtle bounce of Valentine tits
>believable writing and voice work
Don't see how anyone would say the original is straight better unless they're an autist that needs color coding to handhold them.

>> No.9472313

I miss the original basement theme, but even in the original it was only zombies down there so it wasn't very dangerous. I suppose they had to take into consideration people having a one-way trip with a lack of items. Imagine being trapped down there with hunters.

>> No.9472480

>Imagine being trapped down there with hunters.
haha yeah wouldn't that be horrible
There's 3 of them down there in Arranged mode

>> No.9472510

>slapped better graphics on it

>enough story changes to give people who liked the original enough reason to hate it

>> No.9472585


>> No.9474145

Is there a comprehensive list of all branching paths in the original game? All the ways to start as Chris and see different encounters or whatever?

>> No.9474156

You don't understand, anon has to hug every single zombie he sees.

>> No.9474192
File: 59 KB, 655x2548, Chris flowchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are accurate as far as I know. This is for Chris.

>> No.9474194
File: 81 KB, 655x3560, Jill flowchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is Jill's.

>> No.9474223
File: 53 KB, 600x338, b715e13a629667a1-600x338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has no one ever made a decensorship mod for REmake? The toned down violence is annoying. I really hate thatvthe Hunter's decapitation is replaced by just them slashing at your neck. Seeing your character or Rebecca get decapitated in the original is among the most surprisng and memorable moments of RE1 to me, we have footage where they show it was intended to be kept even but there was probably ratings issues. Wish they would have restpred thus content for the remaster.

>> No.9474235


Great point.

>> No.9474281

actually i didnt know you can kill 42 without the v jolt. when i first played it after thinking you kill it and it regrows i thought that meant it was just gonna keep regenerating so you had to do something elsewhere first. iirc if you do the vjolt the boss music changes signifying its vulnerable
it gets alittle confusing after yawn. what if you dont get poisoned?
i was lucky here that i just never got into a situation to see the game was censored up until a few years ago. i saw that hunter demo video before release and just assumed thats what happens. after all the hunters take like 12 minutes to prepare the insta kill so that never happens and i knew how to prevent becca from dying cause of the original. the fact you dont actually lose your head does suck a lot. i wonder if the neck meat texture is still there.

>> No.9474391

If you don't get poisoned, just move down to the next row of events with Plant 42.
The middle path looks like it could get a little murky there though. Basically, there's 2 slightly different cutscenes after the plant fight depending on whether you told Rebecca "Yes" in the serum room or if you met her with Richard and got him the serum within the time limit. She gives you a radio at that point if you're following the serum room path, but you'll already have one from Richard if you bring him the medicine before he croaks so the dialogue is a little different.
Something else it doesn't note is that if Rebecca helps you with the plant, she'll move to the chemical room afterwards and can heal you 3 times.

>> No.9474423