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File: 33 KB, 197x478, 197px-Cronosmom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
945028 No.945028 [Reply] [Original]

Who is Chrono's dad, and what happened to him?

>> No.945029

He was Lavos

>> No.945032

I always assumed he had worked as a guard at the castle, and died on-duty at some point.
Considering he trained with wooden swords and was a decent fighter, it's fair to assume someone in his family taught him.

>> No.945031

what? really?

>> No.945034

Not lying, he was.

>> No.945036

The Entity. Crono is a Christ-like figure, other miracles include easing from the dead and feeding an entire army regiment with one jerky.

>> No.945038

Raising from the dead*

>> No.945042 [DELETED] 

Chrono's dad was a nigger.

>> No.945045

Chrono is his own grandpa.

>> No.945050

>Who is Chrono's dad

probably Vegeta

>> No.945054

chrono's dad is probably a dinosaur

>> No.945064

The same man who fathered Cloud Strife, Squall Leonhart, and countless Pokemon trainers, a man who travels the world defiling women and producing heroic offspring.

>> No.945073

Is there even an RPG protagonist who has both of their parents alive and as regular people?
Everyone I can think of either has just a mother, no parents, or one of them is some plot related legendary badass.

>> No.945074


>> No.945075


The Ultima series makes no mention of the Avatar's parents, but given you're just supposed to be some guy from Texas, it probably applies

>> No.945167

Crono's dad got eaten by the heckran. Jeez, don't you guys sidequest at all?

>> No.945181
File: 2.79 MB, 283x360, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a man who travels the world defiling women and producing heroic offspring.

>> No.945183

I hope she's not actually saying L-O-L over and over.

>> No.945184

Alex from Lunar

>> No.945207

>regular people
ness' dad was a phone booth that traveled the country with him

>> No.945215

golden sun if i remember correctly, at least initially

>> No.945221
File: 39 KB, 640x480, legogod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Entity. Sets up a bunch of portals to save itself, but in the process inadvertently creates the Time Devourer.

Way to go, Entity. You're lucky some Jimmy Durante-wannabe is an even better manipulator and willing to clean up your mess.

>> No.945224


sounds regular to me

>> No.945225
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>> No.945226

Let's assume Chrono Cross is a huge piece of nonsensical shit that fucked over an otherwise perfectly good JRPG story.

Just kidding, you don't have to assume

Who was Crono's father?

>> No.945252

Crono's father is Taban, Lucca's father. Lucca knows it too, that's the real reason for any awkwardness between them.

And he's still getting some from Crono's mom; it's not like his wife can stop him.

>> No.945262

Killed along with the rest of the Saiyans.

>> No.945268
File: 176 KB, 367x417, Screen shot 2013-07-28 at 10.02.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucca's mom wasn't against sharing her father.

That's why Chrono and Lucca are so close.

>> No.945270

I like your style

>> No.945273


is this rance?

>> No.945275

wooooah, any source?

>> No.945282

Better question.
Considering how many alternate timelines there are...

Does crono have the same dad in each one?

>> No.945286


yes, it's vegeta

>> No.945293

Technically Elli from Xenogears? I mean, her dad was a general but nothing famous, and her mom was just a mom.

>> No.945301

A load of SaGa series characters have "normal" both parents.

>> No.945304

Some of the Shining____ characters have normal parents, forget which.

>> No.945305

Do they have to be alive through the whole plot?

If not: Suikoden.

>> No.945307

>Squall Leonhart

Laguna is Squall's dad. His mother was Raine.

>> No.945310
File: 104 KB, 500x452, time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all seriousness, evidence points to Chrono's father having been either a soldier, or some form of guard in his town or the castle.

Or maybe this hunk of man awesome here.

>> No.945339

Unimportant to the story.

My guess is it has something to do with absentee hard-working dads being more typical for kids in Japan. See: Earthbound.

>> No.945350

>Let's assume Chrono Cross is a huge piece of nonsensical shit that fucked over an otherwise perfectly good JRPG story.

How did it do that, other than Lucca dying? It wasn't until the re-release of CT on DS that they retconned shit.

Chrono Cross' main problem is they didn't develop the whole Schala/Janus thing like they should've and just throw in Schala/Time Devourer shit at you in the end with not much explanation.

>> No.945430

What is this guys deal? Who is he?

>> No.945445

do you even push it to the limit?

>> No.945452

2deep4 your triggernigger mind

>> No.945458

I am well aware of the joke, fad, whatever on YTMND. I just want to know if any other information about him surfaced.

>> No.945762

>le butthurt triggerchild

>> No.945772
File: 192 KB, 909x639, murderer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crono is the spawn of Lavos. Lavos is also the entity. The whole cast are just puppets, their strings pulled by Lavos to orchestrate his metamorphosis into the time devourer. He opens the portals so you can go through time and murder timelines, which go to the darkness at the end of time where he can feed on them.

>> No.945804

>not understanding the plot

Chrono was his own dad. That was like the entire fucking point of the game.

>> No.945817
File: 13 KB, 333x333, good_morning_crono[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.945827

>a man who travels the world defiling women and producing heroic offspring.

I'd play a game about him.

>> No.945837

There was a man like that. I guess you never read the Bible or would've heard of him. His name was Jesus.

>> No.945836
File: 56 KB, 200x150, 15340659534e67e23e04327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.945839

every time i see that sun.

>> No.945907

Haha, I've seen that pic a dozen times and I never noticed.

>> No.945908

this sounds like the plot to "the lost gate" by orson scott card.

>> No.945915

What is it with RPGs and single parents anyways?

>> No.945932

that makes my boner even harder

>> No.945935

Mother 3 though not for long

>> No.945939
File: 84 KB, 700x700, 393c77a63eb1c94a15e7d098c8bc4a43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have my own theories...

>> No.945941

DQVII, and an older brother too.

>> No.945945


It's deeper than that; look at a lot of fantasy and mythology, and you often see heroic figures are orphans; to draw examples off the top of my head, you have

Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter, Aragorn, Frodo, James Bond, Kullervo, Oedipus (sort of), Batman, Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights, that is), Mowgli, Vito Corleone, Taran, Rand al'Thor, and many, many more.
I suspect it has to do with being a convienent lead in to a number of "explanations" for the protagonists heroic stature, either some revelation of divine parentage, or why the protagonist is in training from the age of 6 or whatever, or even something as simple as immediately marking the character as different and special.

But in any case, it goes far beyond video games.

>> No.945953

Crono is his own dad, he time travelled and fucked the living fuck out of his mom before the events of the game.

>> No.945968

The wish of every man.

>> No.946209

And normal parents have robots and monsters for kids.

>> No.946227

This makes my dick hard

>> No.948704


>> No.949578

ergo, Laguna is Crono's dad, and banged a lot of other fantasy whores.

>> No.950785


she is indeed saying LOL over and over.