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File: 2.55 MB, 2560x1437, GameCube-Console-Set.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9446136 No.9446136 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically, what could Nintendo had done in order to have given the Gamecube more mainstream success?

>> No.9446141

>pokemon sells 10s of millions
>"what da peopuru want is ruigi mansion"

>> No.9446142

not be purple and not have a handle and have a realistic zelda as a launch title instead of faggot luigi.
that said, GCN is still based.

>> No.9446147

Full-scale Pokemon RPG with GBA connectivity for levelling, battling, and trading
Swallow their pride and use DVDs
No piracy protection

>> No.9446148

windu waika

>> No.9446151

>"what da peopuru want is ruigi mansion"
kek, what the fuck were they thinking

>> No.9446152
File: 175 KB, 469x469, dk_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given that the GC was easy to develop for, had a very strong lineup of first party games, a respectable third party offering (if not quite on par with Xbox or PS2) was very affordable, and the Miniature disc format at 1.4 GB was more than enough to hold most games of the era (Very few games of the generation actually warranted using a full DVD for storage) I think its safe to say Nintendo had a PR problem.

It didn't really matter if it would have had a DVD player or if GTA had been on the console; In spite of all the good the hardware already had, it lagged behind the Xbox and PS2 in sales. Even if you did put GTA on there and give it a DVD player, I'm not confident it would have improved sales significantly. For whatever reason, the mainstream had little interest in the 'Cube.

>> No.9446153

gotten GTA, that was the mover of that generation, the GTA knock-offs it had sucked

>> No.9446160

-DVD drive
-Online functionality
-An exclusive FPS to compete with Goldeneye/Halo

There, I saved it.

>> No.9446218

They marketed it for children and windwaker looked gay as shit at the time. It alienated every 10-19 year old boy who wanted things that are badass or cool. When you were competing with halo having luigis mansion and windwaker made it look fucking gay. Then they had animal crossing, a fucking virtual dollhouse. Xbox and ps had cheap demo disks. I got a gamecube during 6th gen- after I had already had xbox and ps2 and when it was only $100. I beat ocarina when I was 8 and windwaker looked fucking gaaaaaaay when they announced it. Brodude culture and calling other kids faggots was big back then and the nips cartoony ideas don't play well to that.

>> No.9446325

have it play DVDs

>> No.9446362

>"what da peopuru want is ruigi mansion"

>> No.9446380

Full size discs's with DVD playback.
Online support, specifically for smash bros
Realistic Zelda
not make the controller look like a fisher-price toy.

But I still love the cube for what it is.

>> No.9446652
File: 402 KB, 640x480, DSC00020_jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the design itself was a deterrent for anyone but children at the time.
i'd say:
>launch the cube in either black or silver
>remove the handle
>revert the controller design to the last prototype sans the red start button and it looks less like a toy

these 3 aesthetic changes would've made a profound difference in sales. it was just too gay for the hyper-masculine culture of the early 2000s.

>> No.9446679

so making the b button green and not circular would've sold more? how nigga?
that prototype looks far more toy like than the final design

>> No.9446692

Everyone saying online functionality isn’t being realistic. Nintendo’s Japanese nature made them notoriously lag behind in that regard. Hell, they were still using friend codes into the early Wii U days IIRC.

>> No.9446718

>hey we're just going to iterate on our n64 games that were already getting really boring and barely do anything new with them, hope everyone is happy we're playing it safe this gen!
Basically don't do that.

>> No.9446732

It's not a Japanese problem, it's just Nintendo being weird. Don't forget that the Dreamcast was the first real console to have online before PS2 and Xbox did.

>> No.9446867

>they were still using friend codes into the early Wii U days IIRC.
They have friend codes on the Switch

>> No.9446880

>had a very strong lineup of first party games

several of their offerings are worse than the n64 predecessors except for smash bros

>> No.9446969

>pokemon sells 10s of millions
>"what da peopuru want is ruigi mansion"
There are literally two full length Pokemon RPGs on the Gamecube plus spin off games and a peripheral to play all of your Game Boy Pokemon games on your TV (a big deal back when you had to buy AA batteries every week just to play your games)

>> No.9446970
File: 27 KB, 455x341, B8374077-9321-4909-9914-60369DBCEEDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Full-scale Pokemon RPG with GBA connectivity for levelling, battling, and trading
They made two of those.

>> No.9447106

Overclock it and add a waggle remote
Maybe include a waggle sports game as a pack in title

>> No.9447110

That first point was probably more important than people realize now. The ps2 and Xbox being cheap DVD players at the time was a non-trivial appeal to a lot of people.

>> No.9447147

Honestly, at that point in time, I think Nintendo were kind of just fucked. They put out a lot of good games, and made a lot of good decisions with the GC, and people didn't want it. PS2 was just too popular, and Nintendo's niche was shrinking. Maybe if they had really pushed to get ports of the GTA games on GC, but even that probably wouldn't have done that much. DVD player functionality might have won a few sales, but even then, PS2 was a titan. People were just going to buy the PS2 regardless.
Make it a fraction of the PS2's price from the get-go, AND have GTA, AND have DVD player functionality, I guess.

>> No.9447148

They really didn't market it for children though. Nintendo's marketing was this weird bullshit at the time.

I guess if you think the colour purple is inherently childish. Even then, if you were a boring insecure retard, you could buy the black one.

>> No.9447149

hell yeah i want some luigi's mansion

>> No.9447151

Literally how is that controller different? Because the B-button is green and looks less practical?

>> No.9447154

start button is red and circular
b button is green and covers more space

>> No.9447157

And this makes it less childish, in the eyes of the consumer?

>> No.9447159

i'm not him. I was just pointing out the differences. As far as my opinion goes, I just like the fact that the B button is bigger because the one we got just feels stupidly small.

>> No.9447162

Probably settled on the final design to differentiate A and B as the primary buttons, and X and Y as secondary. The whole logic of the GC controller design really clicks when you're playing games that were designed for it.

>> No.9447163

N64 has Snap, both Stadium games, and Hey you Pikachu and the ability to play the GB games and the GameCube has Coliseum, XD, and Pokemon Channel so really the only last gen Pokemon game that didn't get a sequel on the GameCube was Pokemon Snap which I really doubt would have moved many units

>> No.9447164

Forgot to mention that you could also play the GB and GBA games on the GameCube

>> No.9447172

>There are literally two full length Pokemon RPGs on
yeah they are spinoffs though, i think if they made a full mainline entry on there they would have sold way more. they could have still had a similar story and just added routes + full pokedex. I do like xd and colosseum though

>> No.9447173

That's a Gamefreak issue though. For whatever reason, Nintendo can't seem to just step in and develop Pokemon games on their own. It's probably some contract stipulation.
Custom Robo was kind of like Nintendo's attempt at developing a Pokemon in house, but that series never really took off.

>> No.9447175

>Custom Robo was kind of like Nintendo's attempt at developing a Pokemon in house, but that series never really took off.
kek what

>> No.9447178

So basically the answer is: simultaneous sarin gas attacks within all major Sony headquarters

>> No.9447179

Actually, turns out a developer called Noise made those, but I'm going to assume Nintendo do own that franchise outright.
They don't actually own Pokemon, which I'm guessing is why they haven't ditched Gamefreak, and gotten Monolithsoft or Intelligent systems to make Pokemon games yet.

>> No.9447185

>PlayStation 2 launch price: 300$

>DVD player average price in 2000-2001: 500$

>> No.9447204
File: 73 KB, 1200x1091, zelda_windwakerhd_a_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An american ad team couldn't make up for the actual games themselves. This shit looked gaaaaaaaaaay dude.

>> No.9447207

It's Zelda. It's a fairy tale game. People expecting it to suddenly be drab brown and filled with gore didn't understand what they were playing in the first place.
The "mature" offerings on GC were Metroid Prime, Resident Evil, and Eternal Darkness, to name a few. That section of the audience was absolutely accounted for.

>> No.9447224

I get that you're trying to speak to the mindset of a retarded 12yo, but do you have to act like one, as well?

>> No.9447227

Nintendo are the only company who face this double standard that if they have any cartoony games on their console, immediately the entire console is for babies. No one in the world was like "the Xbox is gay as fuck, because Blinx the Timesweeper exists".

>> No.9447362

>Nintendo are the only company who face this double standard that if they have any cartoony games on their console, immediately the entire console is for babies
dont think its that its just that nintendo primarily make kids games and third party support has been ass for a number of their systems so youre primarily getting the console for nintendo games

>> No.9447383

Those aren't real Pokemon game
The Pokemon that just came out could have easily been in GameCube, and it would be considered one of the top 10 best games of all time today for being on the cube

>> No.9447386

Mate those aren't real Pokemons

>> No.9447387

Zelda and Pikmin are considered a kids' games while Dragon Quest and Katamari Damacy aren't, because?

>> No.9447394

Games that were unafraid to try something different and are now beloved classics that have stood the test of time.

>> No.9447395

learn to read nigger

>> No.9447397

Citadark Isle in XD was a legitimate challenge

>> No.9447401

>Zelda and Pikmin are considered a kids' games while Dragon Quest and Katamari Damacy aren't, because?
youre just pulling shit out of your ass first of all those aren't first party ips. Nintendo consoles only exist to sell nintendo games, nintendo makes kids games so their consoles are kids consoles you can cope all you want and bring up other games but it doesn't mean shit. the target audience for nintendos games and consoles is children. Why do you care anyway? if you like it play it

>> No.9447405

Thats cool that you think that but it does not change the fact that they lack many things a child
would expect out a a mainline pokemon game. No badges, no catching pokemon, no routes,
a poor replacment for the E4 in colo. The games are great, I like them a lot and I've even come
to appreate the small roster in both games but they are a compainon peace that works as a standalone
not a full pokemon experiance. If they were counted as mainline games they'ed almost be SwSh before SwSh

>> No.9447415

That's because there was shit like Halo, Metal Gear Solid, Grand Theft Auto, God of War, and Tekken. Mario and a cartoony Zelda weren't winning people over in the edgy early 2000s, the closest thing you had from the big Nintendo franchises that scratched that itch was Metroid Prime and maybe Smash Bros

>> No.9447423

Nintendo secured exclusivity for Resident Evil, and bunch of cool Capcom projects at the start of the GC lifecycle. They also had Eternal Darkness, MGS Twin Snakes, and Geist (for what that's worth). Plus, tonnes of cross platform games, Hitman, GUN, Medal of Honor, Splinter Cell.
They were definitely thinking about the "I'm 13 and too mature for Zelda" crowd.

>> No.9447425

Zelda isn't for kids. Zelda is a well made game with universal appeal. The Tonka Construction game I used to play when I was a kid is a game for kids.

>> No.9447430

Zelda is for kids, but it's OK for you to play it. You should branch out however.

>> No.9447437

What should I play?

>> No.9447439

Consider playing Money Puzzle Exchange, of course.

>> No.9447442


>> No.9447450

Resident Evil 4 was hardly a Gamecube exclusive. A shoddy remake doesn't make up for the PS2 having MGS 2 and 3 along with being able to play the unblemished original.

Eternal Darkness and REmake are cool, I'll give you that.

>> No.9447456

Capcom blew off the deal because the first few games didn't sell so well, but you can't accuse Nintendo of not having any games that depict blood and the colour brown. They were clearly going out of there way to obtain those kind of games during that generation.

>> No.9447498

Fairy tales are dark. Majoras mask was dark. Most fairy tales are about kids being murdered by witches and monsters. Read Joseph Campbell bro.

>> No.9447501

Calm down.

>> No.9447504

The gamecube more or less offered the exact same experience as the N64 and had about the same success. There was nothing Nintendo ever could have done. It already had exclusivity to RE4, pretty much the best game of its kind till this day so it was not a question of having games that adults would like or something like that.

>> No.9447507

This. It was Nintendo being stubborn with shit like cartridges and mini cds, developers didn't want to work around that.

>> No.9447513


>> No.9447515

This and a controller that isn't dogshit, having less buttons than the competition was fucking retarded

>> No.9447524

There are very few controllers more sublime to use than the Gamecube's, sorry you have shit taste.

>> No.9447535

Maybe if you still have manlet hands bro. Shit is too small.

>> No.9447558

Except for the duke all controllers are small so I will never comprehend this argument. If you mean specific ergonomics then say so instead of saying the size is too small.

>> No.9447567

My middle and ring fingers hit the cstick/dpad offshoot when gripping normally and I am only 6'2. It is much much worse with a wavebird, basically unusable. That said the dual shock 1-3 were way worse. Gamecube was amazing until my hands got too big.

>> No.9447578

Sounds like you are grabbing it like an octopus. I feel like it's always less a matter of size and more about how people have grown used to grab controllers. I would never hold a controller like you describe.

>> No.9447595

Full sized discs. Both the ps2 and xbox (with an accessory) could play dvds. That made it either to convince you parents to get those consoles.

>> No.9447597
File: 958 KB, 1500x2000, Resized_20221127_104927(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like you just have small hands. The thing was designed for children afterall. My index is too bog for the trigger. My hands are tpo big for the grip in general. I use a razer xbox one for my pc and it is adult sized.

>> No.9447601
File: 72 KB, 1093x1457, Resized_20221127_105022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is much much worse to be fair. One of the worst controllers I have ever used. It is as if they didn't design it for a human.

>> No.9447642

People are seething, but you're totally right. Wind Waker did well in reviews, but was faggot shit on the playground. When Twilight Princess was delayed, everyone was pissed, because a good chunk of them skipped Waker entirely.

>> No.9447654

I was really fucking pissed about it because I had beaten OoT and played a lot of Majoras. Zelda to me was badass and there were redead zombies in adult links world infesting the town. In Majoras mask you start out being cursed into being black immediately and people treat you bad for it. For them to go from those to windwaker was unforgivable to 10yo me. They massacred my boy. I ended up not playing windwaker until I was much older and I had already played through KOTOR multiple times, gotten lost in morrowind for hours, and of course played halo 2 with all my friends. I also got a psp and skipped gameboy advance entirely from gbc.

>> No.9447825
File: 280 KB, 1200x800, 1665744123912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the hyper-masculine culture of the early 2000s.
do what

>> No.9447828

Make the Nintendo 64 use CDs for one.

>> No.9447843

They got rid of them on the WiiU and fucking BROUGHT THEM BACK for the Switch.

>> No.9447848

>collage of random shit from the 90s-2009
Yes hyper-masculine.
Big push on sports and cars with the continuing influx of normalfags to gaming, war on terror pushing more and more shooters, high levels of sex-sells marketing never to be seen again

>> No.9447858 [DELETED] 

'95-'05 was comically homophobic. I don't mean in an SJW way or anything, but people seemed honestly terrified if they liked something with bright colours they'd come down with a crippling penis addiction.

>> No.9447930

Capcom didn't blow off any deal, they were given the same exclusivity contract basically every developer gets likely with a sales minimum tacked on. The reality is nintendo failed to cultivate gamers who liked those kinds of games, they all went to playstation, sega and xbox because of interest, age or previous gen experience with those types of games. To this day it's why bayonetts struggles on nintendo and why mainline final fantasy only makes it to nintendo decades after they were released.

During the 5th gen gamers were acclimating to all kinds of new 3d games, ones nintendo didn't have anything to offer in and the 6th gen expanded on this. Nintendo today is still dealing with the fallout of this as they continue to fail to court the majority of action focused gamers, and somehow depriving two generations from monster hunter didn't stop the first non nintendo mh game from breaking all of capcoms sales records.

It just goes to show who is into these consoles. Kids and nintendo adults. They wouldn't buy call of duty but they'll buy pokemon regardless of how it turns out. They'll buy mario games that are mostly the same as the ones they played 15 years ago. That's just how the pieces fell into place in the industry decades ago.

>> No.9447984
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 1643018367901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better concepts for their games. Hmm. Would someone pick up the console with GTA3, a new open world game where you can do sick shit or Mario 64 again but with water? Zelda but a cartoon with lots of water, Luigi hunts Ghosts, Kirby Cart game, Mario Kart but with 2 riders, Star Fox as a shitty Zelda clone, the Gamecube first party titles conceptually aren't interesting. Especially when compared with the popular genres that were propping up on other consoles. Metroid Prime was a good idea but it's not enough.

>> No.9447989 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 636x614, DZWrLq8X0AAX3ct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a better time.

>> No.9447992

Pikman, animal crossing, warioware, donkey kong junglebeat

>> No.9448007
File: 836 KB, 3000x2000, 1649585366585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure if you repeat it enough time history will change.

>> No.9448087 [DELETED] 

i've never been a fan of bright colors, but i don't mind them if they happen to be in something i enjoy. example: kirby, nintendo shit in general, puzzle bobble, mr. driller (hehe), et al. if i'm picking colors out for clothes or customizing an rpg character, i'm not going for pink. these days, i'm frequently seeing dudes who insist their favorite colors include pink, talk like fags, have feminine mannerisms, and one of them seems like a perfectly ordinary guy, but he's a vtuber and demands to be referred to as a she.

going from a time when "gay shit" was intolerable to a time when some people seem to try being as gay as possible has been a wild ride.

one hypothesis i've heard is it has to do with single mothers. if your mom is the only one raising you, then it stands to reason your mannerisms would be more feminine.

>> No.9448101 [DELETED] 

no anon. propaganda, relentless propaganda.

>> No.9448120 [DELETED] 

It was a based time

>> No.9448145

>Released 2000 like it was supposed to
>Actual disks and not mini disks shit
>Mainline Mario and Pokemon as launch titles

That's all you need to do. Online also would be nice but i'm being realistic here.

>> No.9448408

I can’t even begin to count how many things in this image are absolutely NOT from the early 2000s

>> No.9448492

Resident Evil 4 was a Gamecube exclusive initially, and REmake remained one until 7th gen. I think I'm going to agree that it's more of an image thing.

DVD playback was a great selling point for XBox and PS2, but I don't think the lack of it for Gamecube was a critical drawback, people bought those consoles for games, primarily, the movies were just a good bonus.

Joseph Campbell is a self-important faggot who disregards basically all research that has ever been done on the subject of mythology and folktales. The Monomyth is a bunch of pseudoscientific pop-history jerking off, why don't you fucking tell people to check out Ancient Aliens while you're at it, you cantankerous catamamite?

>> No.9448536 [DELETED] 

As despicable of a cringelord as this guy is, you have to be even more autistic than he is to not understand that this picture is a joke. He needed to be bullied more, but so did you

>> No.9448621

The disc capacity (and to a lesser extent, the controller having fewer buttons to work with) were really the only two things stopping the Gamecube from getting as much as the Xbox and PS2 did. Gamecube ports/multiplats weren't even bad overall when they happened, it's just those two hardware constraints that forced the console to miss out on a lot of stuff coming out at the time.

>> No.9448628 [DELETED] 

It was the end result of the AIDS/HIV panic that was going on in the late 80's/early 90's. Scare entire generations enough and you shouldn't be surprised when there's an extreme reaction to the thing ten years down the line.
Kinda like what's been going on these days with social media, LGBT, and white guilt.

>> No.9448630

RE4 was an exclusive for almost a year before the PS2 version came out and it may as well still be considered one given how many cutbacks they made to the PS2 version. they cut the poly count in half... let that sink in. they removed almost all of the dynamic lighting effects, physics effects, replaced tons of 3D models with fucking 2D sprites, etc. it's one of the worst butcherings of the 6th gen. it may as well be a demake. i don't see how you can say the GCN version of RE4 isn't an exclusive when it was not even nearly fully ported to its competing platforms.

>> No.9448646
File: 5 KB, 171x178, What you starting t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from 99.99 to 999.99
Yeah the average is like $450 thereabouts, and that's holiday season prices too.
You are right though, the PS2 was absolutely not the cheapest DVD player option when it entered the market. It was, however, the only one that also had the ability to play PS1 and PS2 games natively. That made a significant difference for households that wanted both functions, junior could play his video games while mom and dad could use the media controller to watch Star Wars Special Edition on DVD.

>> No.9448664

wow that image takes me back, I can practically smell the paper

>> No.9448701

A third Pokemon Stadium would've been better. That's what most people thought Colosseum was gonna be. Why even bother with the name?

>> No.9448750 [DELETED] 

>muh DVD
>muh online
>muh GTA
you know what console had all of these? the Xbox, and it sold 24m to the GameCube's 22m. in other words, this stuff meant fuck all. i'd even go as far as saying that if Nintendo had decided to prioritize DVD, online and big name multiplats, they'd be worse off than they ended up being because it would have no doubt reduced their priority on what people actually bought a GCN for: Nintendo exclusives. the reason the GCN failed is not some big mystery; you had two edgy black boxes that looked like they came straight from a 16 year old's wet dream, both filled with NPC shit like sports games, racing games and shooters... up against a purple lunchbox with a launch title starring the store brand half of the mario brothers. imagine being some divorced stepdad on christmas and coming home with some faggot child console to your wife's son and being the bad guy, when you could buy one of the "cool" consoles to make little billy happy, get laid by billy's mom, and the frosted-tipped retail wigger at the store tells you that you "can use it for DVD, too" --a feature which wouldn't have helped sell a plastic purple purse, but doesn't hurt when you're already dropping $350 on another guy's sperm. long story short, the GCN had no identity outside of "Nintendo game machine". it wasn't cool, it wasn't sleek, it wasn't feature-filled, it was just a gay purple box. it also happened to be a gay purple box with the best games of the gen, but that didn't matter. it was a marketing failure and the sales showed it.

>> No.9448783 [DELETED] 

>NPC shit
Why are you like this?

>> No.9448784 [DELETED] 

>Why are you like this?
let's talk about why you're upset.

>> No.9448792

It's what happens when you spend too much time lurking here without any sort of mental filtering. Setting aside his terrible usage of meme buzzwords. He's right, most kids wanted to get the cooler consoles marketed for big boys.
I got the Gamecube cus I wanted Nintendo games, and spent a lot of time just waiting for more games and getting really aggravated watching from the sides as a lot of really cool and fun looking games came out for PS2 and I couldn't play them.

Don't get me wrong, most of the games I did actually get for the Gamecube, I played the shit out of them and loved them. It's just the waiting period between games was a fucking eternity.

>> No.9448967

>I got the Gamecube cus I wanted Nintendo games
i bought my GC for phantasy star online. was it worth it? im still playing the same cube and same copy of the game so i guess it really did turn out alright.

>> No.9449354

Everybody else was trying new things too, they just did a good job instead of giving us Luigi's Mansion hahahaha Nobody cares about Luigi's Mansion in 2022, in fact it's less noteworthy now with all its sequels than it was back in 2001.

>> No.9449371

Start and Select Buttons
Z1 and R1 triggers
Real second stick, not a stub
System not designed like a lunchbox

Wave Race 64 2
Mario Kart 64 2
F-Zero X 2
Mario 64 2
you get the idea.

>> No.9449430 [DELETED] 

>NPC shit
we're going to pretend Mario isn't NPC shit?

>> No.9449438
File: 96 KB, 301x456, elh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i care about luigi's mansion in 2022, even though it isn't retro :(

>> No.9449456

>He's right, most kids wanted to get the cooler consoles marketed for big boys

YEP, this was me. As a 16-year-old boy taking his first $360 paycheque from Tim Hortons to buy a 6th-gen console in March 2004, I chose the PS2 despite already owning a SNES, N64, GBC and GBA. The Gamecube was like a joke to me. I was definitely in the "Mario is for kids" camp, mainly because a lot of my friends were. Truth was that we were all just desperately insecure and looking for any way to separate ourselves from our childhood. The same reason why we didn't want to be seen with our parents in public.

Fast forward to 2008 when I'm in university, I found a Gamecube with six games at a yard sale for $40. I decided to take a chance on it and within a week I was super glad that I did. These days I actually prefer it to the PS2 because of the memories I made while playing it with friends in university. I also visit my parents a lot because they're actually pretty awesome. So you can say I've grown in a lot of ways.

>> No.9449479

Delay Majora's Mask and Perfect Dark to be launch titles.

>> No.9449498

PSO was a surprise hit for me. I bought it on a whim years ago during one of those long drought periods, my brother and I loved playing it in spltscreen. Great game.

>> No.9449578

>except for smash bros
64 is the best Smash, and I will fucking die on this hill.

>> No.9449584

It needs GTA III.

>> No.9449664
File: 503 KB, 1148x806, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advertise with goth girls

>> No.9449668

whoa whoa, easy there tiger, we've got a hothead over here

>> No.9449904


Jesus Christ

>> No.9449906 [DELETED] 

so pic not related?

>> No.9449945 [DELETED] 

Why can't zoomers spot real women anymore?

>> No.9450064 [DELETED] 
File: 2.77 MB, 340x334, 1664030881019509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you think whatever you posted is attractive, i've got some bad news: you're a faggot

>> No.9450104

My dad likes luigis mansion and donkey kong junglebeat. My dad is a nintoddler. He also can't handle movies without hollywood endings. No country for old men sent him spiraling.

>> No.9450110

Their're right though

>> No.9450116

>Based dad enjoying happy games played for fun and storybook endings.
Don't know how old you are, but the older I get the more I hate depressing shit. I just reread The Road and almost put it down like a dozen times despite knowing exactly what was coming next.

>> No.9450132

your dad is a fag

>> No.9450135 [DELETED] 

>avoiding depressing things with age instead of embracing reality and preparing for your inevitable, extremely painful and terrifying death

>> No.9450143

Why reread The Road? I get that it is a 1-2 day read but it wasn't even good.

>> No.9450159

>Spending the time you have dwelling on that painful end before it arrives
I think I'd honestly rather just kms
For some reason it was burned into my mind that I REALLY liked it the first time I read it and I had some free time this weekend. That and it's one of like 5 physical books I own.
It would have been more productive for me to stand and just get rained on for the 8 or so hours i spent reading it.

>> No.9450174 [DELETED] 


>> No.9450180 [DELETED] 

>Spending the time you have dwelling on that painful end before it arrives
i've got bad news bub, it doesn't end. fading to black would be the most merciful closure to this hellish existence but you aren't gonna get that lucky, sorry.

>> No.9450183 [DELETED] 


>> No.9450185 [DELETED] 

So what happens when you die, smart guy? Tell us all about it.

>> No.9450189 [DELETED] 

Asses are for gay men

>> No.9450194 [DELETED] 

all i'll say is this: do you agree that not being born is the same as being dead? we'll call that "non-existence". if you came to life out of non-existence, then take a guess what's going to happen when you die and return to that state...

>> No.9450196

Yeah it was really boring and the prose was pretentious and stupid to me. I read The Stranger around the same time and that is also depressing but it struck a chord with me way more.

>> No.9450202 [DELETED] 
File: 236 KB, 1290x1470, IMG_4431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking wish cowboy. As if it would be that easy.

>> No.9450212 [DELETED] 

yeah bro you just randomly popped into this meatsuit out of the void but when you die and return to the void you'll stay there in comfortable unaware darkness for all eternity. that's less believable than christcuckery.

>> No.9450220 [DELETED] 
File: 350 KB, 1290x1555, IMG_4578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krishna has my back bro

>> No.9450230 [DELETED] 

>He thinks he's not just an animal
You are not special. You will be gone the moment you stop breathing. No one will remember (you)

>> No.9450289 [DELETED] 

>he thinks animals are souless and are not also recycled

>> No.9450297 [DELETED] 

>just an animal
you are, because you're just an NPC in my world. me though, yeah, i'm special and will continue to be recycled until i find a way out. i envy you, robot.

>> No.9450348
File: 169 KB, 365x273, Halo-flood-forms-library.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They could have understood americans better.

>> No.9450358

The gamecube did have online just very few games supported it

>> No.9450496
File: 192 KB, 1542x1723, how_nintendo_could_have_saved_the_gamecube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9450502

they could've made it good. but this is nintendo we're talking about.

>> No.9450504
File: 227 KB, 901x1200, heinekencube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They wanted the dudebro audience, problem is gamecube only appealed to toddlers.

>> No.9450534

Dude that's why they needed goth chicks in their ads and emo Peach

>> No.9450539
File: 76 KB, 828x540, dreamcasttruck3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They prefer Sega. You can't fake it.

>> No.9450562

Well, this is a kids' console in the era when gaming became edgy, serious, and gritty, don't think it had a chance.

>> No.9450568 [DELETED] 

spot on
he's fucking right and you're either a faggot boomer or a tranny zoomer, you clearly weren't there in the moment and you don't get it, nintendo dropped the fucking ball and only melee was seen as a justifiable reason to own one

>> No.9450603

Have you tried this setup >>9450504 ogreboy?

>> No.9450627

She IS a Gamecube! It's TOTALLY INSANE!

>> No.9450637

He's right though. So either you're a zoomer who wasn't there or you just don't remember it clearly. The generational jump in graphics from the N64 to the GameCube was absolutely insane. GTA 3 looked real as fuck to me. And with this kind of tech, all anyone wanted was a realistic next gen Zelda done in the style of Ocarina of Time. And what did people get? A cartoon cel-shaded Zelda that looked more kid-friendly than anything that came before it. Some loved it immediately, but a huge portion of the gaming landscape was PISSED.

In retrospect, it's obviously a gorgeous game that's "aged" very gracefully and still looks great. But was it the right move for Nintendo at the time? Probably not. People wanted something closer to that Spaceworld demo. That's why people lost their fucking minds at that initial Twilight Princess reveal. It was the mature realistic Zelda people had been waiting since the N64 for:


>> No.9450653

You’re a fucking faggot. The 10-19 year old boy demographic was not what held the Cube back you child. It was lack of interest from older gamers who were teens when playing PS1 games and who continued with Sony. The PS2 was so hyped it was always going to win.

>> No.9450707 [DELETED] 

you dumb retard if the gc had competent online, shipped exclusively black and had a pro controller with a dvd player it would have crushed the ps2 because nintendo was pushing raw power, it embarrassed ps2 owners several times.

>> No.9450713

My uncle is 6’5” with massive football hands and he’s got no issues with the GC controller and minimal with the DualShock (although it’s not perfect). Maybe you’re just an awkward sperg?

>> No.9450726

For $100 - $150 bucks more you can get a DVD player that also plays PS1 & PS2 games. That was a huge selling point in the early 2000s.Also
>You will never again be able to go into circuit city to purchase a vhs copy of Nutty Professor 2: The Klumps.
What's the purpose of living?

>> No.9450743

DVD player

>> No.9450747

He's cute

>> No.9450832 [DELETED] 

This is the most cucked take. Loser.

>> No.9450836
File: 1.10 MB, 1500x2000, Resized_20221127_104951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not holding razor blades but it is too small.

>> No.9450841
File: 1.10 MB, 1500x2000, Resized_20221127_105030(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a modern xbox controller.

>> No.9450862

They showed this in 2000. They promised a realistic styled badass zelda then gave us a faggot cartoon.

>> No.9451179

At this point I'm convinced there was nothing that sega/nintendo/microsoft could had done different to have made their consoles more successfull other than go back in time and somehow change the future so that sony never entered the gaming market.

>> No.9451250

But in sales it was wii (family waggles) > xbox 360 (superior online play) > ps3. They solved it in the very next generation.

>> No.9451259

>That first point was probably more important than people realize now. The ps2 and Xbox being cheap DVD players at the time was a non-trivial appeal to a lot of people.

people realized it then too, every single publication made the sale for them that you can have a dvd player even if they don't play games. it wasn't a secret and sega and nintendo were just being jews about muh copy protection and payed the price.

>> No.9451346

I was strictly talking about the 6th gen but yeah they actually turned around in the 7th gen, mostly because sony fucked up the PS3 at launch and nintendo decided to go a different direction

>> No.9451356

>Nintendo and gamefreak are the same company
Gamefreak very clearly wanted to stay on handhelds with the mainline games considering they did so until Nintendo literally stopped making handhelds at the 3ds.

>> No.9451363

>Wave Race 64 2
>Mario Kart 64 2
>F-Zero X 2
>Mario 64 2
>you get the idea.
They literally made a sequel to all of these games.
GX comes up first in google suggestions over X and gets talked about way more than the n64 one.

>> No.9451547

Well during 6th I sold my ps2 for an xbox. But that was because I wanted splinter cell, halo 2, morrowind, and kotor. The ps2 had no games that interested me. I got it in large part because it played dvds lol.

>> No.9451550

>the edgy early 2000s
It's funny. I never thought about the 2000s like this before. It's so true. I skipped over all Nintendo consoles after the SNES until the GBA came out. My first return to Nintendo with a pure console was the Wii U. Ouch.

>> No.9451553

I didn't get a gc until late. And that was just for re4 and a few other used titles as a second console.

>> No.9451556 [DELETED] 
File: 235 KB, 1280x846, ee4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mgs was cornball bs

>> No.9451558

The older I get the more I want actual escapism. The world is already full of suffering. If I wanted to see more miserable shit I wouldn't be playing video games.

>> No.9451563
File: 20 KB, 400x225, eae35e6c474b4993eae3c3b8724082143cc232aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tom Clancy
Mediocrity The game

>> No.9451568
File: 198 KB, 800x600, tom-clancys-splinter-cell-chaos-theory-multiplayer-screenshots-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me. Just offering 7th generation graphics and gameplay during yhe 6th gen.

>> No.9451578

You really just mean Mario and Zelda. Actually I can't think of a lot of direct sequels from N64 to GCN. Rogue Squadron 2, Melee, Paper Mario, Mario Kart, uuuh Mario Party?

N64 fans were more butthurt about Goldeneye or some suitable replacement being gone from the GCN lineup. I'm sure there was a Diddy Kong Racer fan or two in there as well.

>> No.9451587

No. No one expected that. People expected this, and this is basically what people always imagined Zelda looked like. Fairy tales aren't Disney channel cartoons meant for three year olds, learn the difference.

>> No.9451592

Time splitters 2 was the closest we got until nightfire.

>> No.9451596
File: 7 KB, 256x192, gamecube_zelda2_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason it didn't upload the pic.

>> No.9451602

Nuking Sony's HQ was their best chance.
As long as the playstation exists, there's nothing Nintendo could have realistically done.
You can't drag all these people who owned a psx and make them completely forget what they experienced in the 5th gen and coerce into buying a nintendo console for the 6th gen.

>> No.9451858

I want to hold hands with a Gamecube

>> No.9452056
File: 32 KB, 640x336, lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9452770

Not as many zoomers on this board as you lot think given goth women garner 0 reaction. It's time to stop accusing your dissenters of being zoomers

>> No.9452873

I was sorta the same, my dad got my family a PS2 because it was a cheap DVD player that also played games but I didn't actually played all that much PS2 games back then because I was forced to play in the living room and my parents limited the time I could play on it (and I only had like 3 PS2 games, a demo disc and a bunch of PS1 games like crash that I replayed over and over again). I was more addicted to my gba and pokemon since I could play it anytime I wanted so I usually just asked for gba games on special occasions.
I always wanted a gamecube thought because I had a friend that had one and the first party nintendo games to me were infinitelly better than what I played on PS2. Also you could play multiplayer with 4 people at once and with gb player you could even play you gameboy on the big screen (absolutelly the coolest fucking thing to me as a kid). Too bad the gamecube was pretty much nonexistent in my country/town but I got a wii later so I guess that makes up for it.

>> No.9452909

What did he mean by this? Esl?

>> No.9453306

You appear to be a homosexual.

>> No.9453580

To save the GC you have to save the N64

>> No.9454038

Zoomers are all over this board larping like they were around in the 90s, it's painfully obvious

>> No.9454078

"you lot" is British English for "y'all"

>> No.9454147

You being mad that people stopped giving a shit about what you like or never did in the first place isn't an obvious case of zoomer.

>> No.9454165

Made it red

>> No.9454171

I don't think that'd help but it would look better.

>> No.9454364

N64 was doomed desu

>> No.9454576

>19 year old boy

>> No.9455289

They were trying to outweird Sony but that was impossible after Sony's Giger Porno ads.

>> No.9455304

DVD drive and online.
>They literally made a sequel to all of these games.
They fucked up the Mario games. Sunshine should have been an actual 64 sequel, Double Dash should have been MK Wii all along, and Wind Waker should have been the E3 2001 demo. Nintendo should have committed to capturing mature gamers instead of doubling down on kid shit they started in the 64 era.

>> No.9455681

The franchise is called pocket monsters.

>> No.9457242

What were they thinking dude

>> No.9457341
File: 231 KB, 1280x720, Perfect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She saved the N64. If only Nintendo hadn't gone all pacifist, she would have saved the Gamecube.

She was the only agent who could have taken down MasterChief.

>> No.9457661

That's true, but dudes who don't like goths are in fact very gay.

>> No.9457663

She very clearly did not "save" the N64, considering Perfect Dark came out in like 2001, and the N64 was all but done by that point.

>> No.9457669
File: 131 KB, 500x723, LmpwZw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely think Aoumua was right about this. It looks drab and miserable. I think people overrate adult Link as a thing anyway. Kid Link always had more personality.
This is also the kind of imagery Zelda was associated with through most of it's early years. Very cartoony. Very whimsical.

>> No.9457679
File: 413 KB, 1200x1034, Mg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wind Waker is literally the closest they've ever gotten to the original vision.

>> No.9457680

Ayoooo dey got Luigi on dis shiet?

>> No.9458198

I was tween/early teens when these systems came out.
So most of my stuff was gifted.
I went from N64 and original PlayStation to Dreamcast and original Xbox.

The GameCube controller looked revolting to me. Nintendo didn't really learn from the N64. They replaced one fuck up controller with a different kind of fuck up controller.
No ability to play CDs, nevermind DVDs was an obvious turn off.

My cousin about my age and his older brother were playing PS2. They might get some titles earlier, but we were playing pretty much the same stuff I was.

My uncle, other side of the family, had a PS2, played GTA III on it, thought it was cool.
His young stepson, significantly younger than me, had a GameCube.
The only person that I knew that had one.
Didn't lead me to believe it had any appeal to older audiences.

>> No.9458217

People wanted a sequel to Mario 64. Not ghostbusters with Luigi. That was their first mistake. Wind Waker looking like power puff girls game was their 2nd mistake. Making their console a purple lunch box was their 3rd mistake.

>> No.9458234

People are saying launch with a Pokemon game but the fad was long dead by 2001. Pokemon regained its crazy popularity during the DS era.

>> No.9458240 [DELETED] 


>> No.9458241

Gen II was still alive and well in 2001. But the GBA and Gen III was more the Gamecube's contemporary so Pokemon isn't going to save it.

>> No.9458294
File: 1.99 MB, 3200x4540, mario2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make this game >>>/wsr/1289229

>> No.9458307

You both are right.

>> No.9458387

>the fad was long dead by 2001
Ruby and Sapphire sold 16 million dude, and there's been way too much Gen III waifufagging over the years for me to confidently suggest Pokemon ceased to be widely popular

>> No.9458394

Yeah, fuck them for thinking outside of the box or trying something different and unique instead of making the same shit over and over like they currently do.

>> No.9459105


>> No.9459112

you should ask on gamebanana.

>> No.9459125

The games a two hour tech demo. Luigi's Mansion copers should become Luigi's Mansion ropers

>> No.9459151

Luigi's Mansion isn't outside the box in the slightest.
>no but don't you understand, vacuums are extremely innovative

>> No.9459163

if you didnt swap out the c-stick with a second analog, you were a chode

>> No.9459535

>when it was only $100


I bought a GC for 100$ in 06 off my friend came with 2 controllers sonic game, luigis mansion, wind waker, and smash bros. I think I only ever played smash and nothing else and all these years later still have no desire to pull it out of the basement and play it.

the GC would of maybe had a chance if they did not lose rare but still I doubt it

>> No.9460116
File: 515 KB, 1080x1278, Illidans Mansion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"what da peopuru want is ruigi mansion"

>> No.9460406

>N64 has ... the ability to play the GB games
Am I really so out of the loop that I'm not aware of this?

>> No.9460594

Pokemon Stadium has the GB Tower which lets you play RBY and GS on the N64. Pokemon Box R&S has a similar feature for RS but not FRLG or Emerald.

>> No.9460927

Rare was entirely irrelevant in sixth gen. Also Nintendo didn't "lose" Rare, they sold them.

>> No.9461078

A true console one could have revived it.

>> No.9461131 [DELETED] 


>> No.9461313

That was 7 million less than gold and silver.

>> No.9461328

RBY and GSC*
Also Gamecube had the Game Boy Player of course.

>> No.9461382

isnt this just minigames lol?

>> No.9461394

>Yeah it was really boring and the prose was pretentious and stupid to me. I read The Stranger around the same time and that is also depressing but it struck a chord with me way more.

lmao please dont compare l'etranger to that retard's attempt at a novel called 'the road'
>the man walked into the room. the man smelled blood in the room. the boy followed the man. the man told the boy to not come into the room.
the author literally has a learning disability and that's why his writing is dogshit

>> No.9461402

No one cares.

>> No.9461403
File: 29 KB, 400x366, ow the edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of something else unpopular on that system

>> No.9461813

Shove it up yo ass game

>> No.9461815

So? Still massive sales figures. That's not a dead fad, that's a reliable megabrand

>> No.9461830

>sold their shares in Rare
They never owned Rare

>> No.9461838

they owned a 52% stake at one point

>> No.9461959

made good sequels to n64 games instead of shit ones, xbox was intriguing and playstation was still king

>> No.9462695

Most GC entries were at least good, and some of them blew their predecessors out of the water. F-Zero, Smash Bros, and Paper Mario are the obvious contenders.

>> No.9462704

Mario and Zelda were more popular and had worse entries on the GC.

>> No.9462725

Arguably, but they're still really good games.
If you're a "Zelda fan", and you turned your nose up at Wind Waker, you can suck my dick. I don't care.

>> No.9462779
File: 46 KB, 464x698, b925c58a-72dd-11ed-a271-52540063affb_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI is amazing

>> No.9463023

but it was successful anon

>> No.9463036

No they didn't

>> No.9463090

Can confirm that the Gamecube was viewed as a kids system during the early to mid 00s. Apart from Resident Evil 4 and Twilight Princess there weren't very many high profile M or T rated exclusives on the system. It didn't have a multiplayer FPS to rival Halo, or a groundbreaking open-world game to rival GTA. The only Online game I remember for the Cube was Phantasy Star Online. It didn't get a good Final Fantasy game, no Kingdom Hearts games, and no other big exclusive JRPG to steal the weebs from Sony. It didn't have a Zelda, Mario, or Pokemon game on launch. No Goldeneye or Perfect Dark sequels. The first Zelda and Mario games we did get on Gamecube felt gimmicky instead of feeling like next Gen versions of SM64 and Ocarina. Wind Waker's gay aesthetic was a turn-off to fans who liked the darker look of Ocarina and Majora's Mask. Keep in mind that someone who was 12 when they played Ocarina in 98 would have been 16 when Wind Waker came out. The series didn't grow up with its fans and instead went backwards into a more kiddie aesthetic just as the target demographic was growing out of it. Nintendo made a series of bad decisions that not only kept them from capturing the 15-30 year-old dude demographic, but that also kept them from capitalizing on the demographics that they could have successfully appealed to (children, weebs, and fans of N64 games).

>> No.9463738


>> No.9463746

you're right, they only owned 49%.

>> No.9463761
File: 52 KB, 576x432, DanBackslide-405242_576_432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking the GameCube using regular CDs would have made it sell significantly better
>When the original Xbox, which used regular CDs, barely outsold the GameCube

>> No.9463985

True but it wasn't white hot like it was in 99. It wouldn't have done much for the GameCube at that point.

>> No.9464260


>> No.9464343

There was also this, which played in movie theaters at the time and was hype as FUCK... right until the moment it showed chibi faggot Link and the cel-shaded babby graphics.

Obviously now we can all appreciate Wind Waker's art style, but coming from Ocarina, and then Majora's Mask which pushed the series with more mature storylines and themes and evolving gameplay, seeing chibi Link was like being slapped with a wet towel. Nintendo was basically making incorrect decision after incorrect decision in terms of marketing and aesthetics.

>> No.9465130

Nintendo didn't catch on to the fact 9/11 happened

>> No.9465234
File: 49 KB, 720x480, 538147-582401_20031121_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huh u like that? take summa that!! who's tough now Osama? Imma bout to get mediaeval on your ass!
anon u just saved the cube.

>> No.9465378

It was a bad time to be Nintendo. The attitude was that games were supposed to be getting darker, bloodier, and more "mature". Gamer culture ironically still needed to grow up a little and get all of that bullshit out of it's system.
We're in a slightly better place with that stuff now. Seems like there's more of a general acceptance that you can like a game like Pikmin or Animal Crossing, and you can like games that are dark and gritty, one style isn't inherently better than the other, and thinking that doesn't make you some kind of stunted retard or homosexual.

>> No.9465393

We're still not ready for an honest conversation about the quality of GC era nintendo games.

>> No.9465395

They're mostly better than anyone thought they were at the time. Pikmin 1 and 2 are among Nintendo's better games. No one thought that at the time. It wasn't dark and edgy Zelda, so it didn't matter.

>> No.9465404

>They're mostly better than anyone thought they were at the time
Oh my god no, If anything this has always been their reputation. They're still relentlessly jerked off. Seriously they sound like Disney fans today praising "The Black Hole." They were not slept on, they weren't good compared to what everyone else was doing. Wind Waker being a tedious unfinished slog is still the minority point in its discourse, Metroid Prime having the most heinously slow movement in the genre and its frankly not interesting lock on based combat are footnotes to how over-talked these games are.

This of course ignores the disgusting and awkward Kirby Airride, the embarrassing state of mario sunshine where even microsoft was outshining nintendo's platforming efforts (let alone sony who had 3 flagship franchises on yearly releases)

It's not even a matter of people not playing them, they usually sold more than those flagship playstation titles but they never kept people on the console because the quality wasn't there and the releases too far apart.

>> No.9465408

Gamecube games rule. Only 6th gen I emulate. Xbox games are all better on pc, ps2 was a weeb console with no real good exclusives. I'm not interested in playing a 60 hour grinding turn based anime simulator of any of their sub par forgotten platformers like spy crash and daxter.

>> No.9465413

>They were not slept on
They comparatively were, because no one bought a GC
Even people who bought a GC didn't buy F-Zero GX

>> No.9465446

Exactly this. With the exception of Melee, almost every major Nintendo game on the Cube either felt like a step backwards or came out too late in the console's lifespan to make a difference. Pikmin 2 was good, but too much of a niche product to drive hype. Metroid Prime was a good adventure game but a terrible shooter. Wind Waker and Sunshine paled in comparison to the groundbreaking N64 games. In general, it felt line Nintendo was always several steps behind its competitors during that time.

>> No.9465496

Neither did wipeout fusion. It was never going to do mario kart numbers but never forget that mario kart was the pack in bundle.

>> No.9465710

The Gamecube's C-nipple was so bad that Metroid Prime didn't even use it for aiming with NO option to change your controls. Meanwhile on Xbox, if you were a psycho who wanted Goldeneye controls in Halo, you had the option for that.

>> No.9465867

wind waker looked gay as shit because it is gay as shit and still remains gay as shit to this day. If Nintendo just stuck with what they were doing with the spaceworld demo I guarantee Zelda wouldn't have been such a damn laughingstock for a while. I don't care if Twilight Princess is boring to some people, it feels more like the proper successor to OoT's gameplay style than wind waker. Or at least thats what I WOULD say if the gameplay wasn't such a fucking downgrade from a goddamn n64 game. I love the aesthetics Twilight Princess was going for, and I'm still pissed that all they ever did for the remaster was slap an HD texture pack, remove the vaseline filter, and call it a fucking day. Twilight Princess needed more than an HD port, it needed a damn overhaul with the graphics, world design, and gameplay. At least the Twilight Princess manga adds much more context to the story and further fleshes out the lore and its characters even further than the game did.

>> No.9466164

>I was touching a nipple for years and never knew it
Later, virgins

>> No.9467550

Nintendo were fortunate to survive into the current era where being a manchild consumer is celebrated, their slop suits the current demand but back in the early 00s it was seen as childish and outdated.

>> No.9468931

Made it a GameSphere.

>> No.9469412

Pretty much this. The XB and PS2 dominated the mature (and multiplayer) market. We all used to say "RE4 is the only real reason to own a GC" and then the PS2 port made that obsolete.

>> No.9469420

>PS2 port
you mean the one with half the poly count, removed lighting effects, 2D tree branches, no real time cutscenes, lowered difficulty and dumber AI?

>> No.9469469


That still wouldn't be enough to get anyone to buy a GC

besides, nobody I knew cared about those kinds of minor inferiorities

>> No.9469470

>half the poly count
>minor inferiorities
lmao. also
>nobody i knew
your mom, dog and cum sock don't count as "people you know"

>> No.9469519

Dude the PS2 version of the game sounds like it's underwater. This isn't even a "well in COMPARISON" type of argument, if the only version of RE4 was the PS2 version, then to this day people would be saying the sound is awful.

>> No.9469526

>lowered difficulty and dumber AI?
This was proven wrong btw, surprising nobody gamecube fanboys were making things up about a game they never played.

>> No.9469538
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for some reason they compressed all of the assets which doesnt even make sense given that the PS2 uses DVDs. some argue that it was a rushed port, but the game was in development on PS2 before GC even released and had an additional 9 months of dev time and still looks and sounds like complete shit. just look at the ganado faces in the PS2 version. this is taken from an emulator at higher res btw lol

>> No.9469541

It was not proven wrong. There's fewer enemies on screen in the PS2 version and they have fewer pathing nodes to follow, meaning instead of spreading out and taking multiple paths to get to you, they all take the same path, causing them to form a single file line. They only try to spread out once they get close to you.

>> No.9469545

show me where it was proven wrong. it wasn't, because it's easily observable during normal gameplay. they reduced the number of ganados onscreen and made weapon upgrades more powerful.

>> No.9469554

>the game was in development on PS2 before GC even released
This helps nothing because early versions of RE4 were scrapped or turned into other projects. RE4 on GC was started on GC. Don't lie. Speaking of not lying:
>they have fewer pathing nodes to follow
hyper specific, post some proof. Nobody would make a claim this pin point without having seen some proof, so lets see it.
>made weapon upgrades more powerful.
One grain of truth found, hard to imagine it but changes in re-releases like this happen all the time. Who is to say the GC balance is better? Maybe its worse. Argue your position beyond "well the numbers are bigger so uh uh yeah its worse!" How. Why. What does it do? How does it hurt things? If it's really worse, prove it. RE4 fans are so fucking annoying, play another game already.

>> No.9469587

>Who is to say the GC balance is better? Maybe its worse.
we're not arguing about which balance is "better", i said the PS2 version was made easier, and it is. there are fewer enemies to contend with and most weapons do more damage, plain and simple. don't try to change the point of argument. this is irrelevant anyway since there are dozens of other issues with the game that require no proof of explanation. you should be arguing from the side of content, the only objective advantage that the PS2 has over the GC; but we both know that the content is not sufficient in replacing what was lost. one of the biggest appeals to RE4 is the atmosphere, and downgrading the game in everything from audio sample rate and cutscene quality to poly count and lighting does major damage to the experience. the GCN version of RE4 is better. you are wrong and stupid.

>> No.9469601

>there are fewer enemies to contend
Prove it.

>> No.9469617

>hyper specific
No? You just mean you don't know how to talk about video game AI? Pathfinding is one of the oldest problems in video game AI.


You can see when the ganados get aggroed they all try to walk to the left of the bonfire for no reason, they then take an identical path to Leon with the exception of the guy who is coming from the far right of the village.

>> No.9469626

if i prove it, will you admit that you're wrong and the PS2 version is shit?

>> No.9469629

Actually the PS2 has two advantages, the other being that it supports both letterboxed and full widescreen resolutions, whereas the GCN version supports only letterboxed. This is why I play the Wii version with a GCN controller, since that version has literally every advantage of both versions.

>> No.9469635
File: 2.94 MB, 640x334, the best version of the best game ever made ultra nightmare leon must die mode.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can be reproduced on gamecube.

I will agree it has fewer enemies, also here's proof they take the same damage regardless of version and re4/cubefags are whiners.

>> No.9469637
File: 2.93 MB, 640x334, the bad version of the best game ever made easy mode.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9469642

Then reproduce it.

>> No.9469648

Nobody said the starting gun was any different in any version of RE4. The Blacktail and Red9 are stronger in later versions of RE4. It also depends on region, all versions of RE4 in Europe have the same weapon power.

>> No.9469652

>Nobody said the starting gun was any different in any version of RE4.
They said the majority of them were, really it's a couple of adjustments.

>> No.9469669

Nobody said majority. All players who aren't doing some kind of "one hand tied behind my back" run of RE4 uses the Red9 or Blacktail as their eventual primary weapon, as they are the two most powerful pistols in the game.

Also it has to be said that actually the semi-automatic rifle is weaker in later versions of RE4, it was strongest in the US and Japanese versions on GCN. I have also heard that the mine layer ammo drop rate is higher in some versions of the game but desu I haven't used that gun since 2005 so I don't know if that's true and I doubt it.

>> No.9469675

see: >>9469587
>most weapons do more damage, plain and simple
not very plain and simple is it?

>> No.9469815

four weapons have more powerful upgrades and at least two weapons are more expensive. there are 2-3 fewer enemies onscreen on PS2 at a given time. PS2 version is easier. cope.

>> No.9469828

Gamecube more like Gameboob haha

>> No.9469831

I have a hard time getting over the fact that I was completely oblivious to the existence of Game Cube until I went to college. I literally did not know it even existed until a friend wanted to play some Mario Kart and that GBA multiplayer Zelda game. The Wii was just at peak hype then. You know you're doing something wrong when people that grew up with Nintendo NES/SNES don't even know your console. Nobody was talking about this thing. I think some of it was carry over from the N64 losing to the PS1. I know my friends all went the PS2 route. I wasn't exactly a hardcore gamer back then. I was just an average PS2 gamer with a half dozen games. I was late to the PS3, but I knew it existed. It just wasn't priced for a lot of us.

>> No.9469846

lmao you having your head in the sand wasn't the Gamecube's problem. Anyone who knew about any gaming related media or culture (magazines, gaming news sites, any forum at the time, etc) talked about the GCN.

>> No.9470434

>lmao you having your head in the sand wasn't the Gamecube's problem

Seems like a BIG advertising problem.

>> No.9471091


>> No.9471096

They definitely pushed for the GC to be a thing. I remember seeing a lot of ads on TV, and I remember seeing Smash Bros kiosks out in public and stuff.
It just wasn't the time for it. Gaming culture didn't want Nintendo games in the early 2000's. It wanted 50 Cent: Bulletproof, and Manhunt.

>> No.9471152

It also didn't help the gamecube games weren't good.

>> No.9471297

They are good, and you not liking them doesn't make you right or cool.

>> No.9471790

Both of those games were considered whatever games that people only paid attention to because of the free advertising those games got in non-gaming media, like news and music publications. It's curious that you're saying people wanted that when the game mentioned earlier in your post, Melee, sold more than your two examples combined and had overwhelmingly positive response from gamers.

>> No.9471990
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There wasn't really that much they could've done. After the N64, they had to play catchup with the GC and the console did do that to some extent. The problem for Nintendo was the fact that they were facing lineups like pic related from the PS2 and they couldn't compete in quality or quantity. They would've needed to make some huge concessions and basically recover their third party support even better than they are doing now at their best with the Switch in the present day to even get on par. Buying more exclusivity was the only way Nintendo was to even catch up to the PS2 and they didn't do enough of it.

>> No.9472162

>Some loved it immediately, but a huge portion of the gaming landscape was PISSED

I remember being the only person in my friend group who liked Wind Waker from the beginning. My friends were so visceral with that game I actually used to hide the disc before they came over. I mostly lost touch with them, but the one guy who is still my friend is now like "nah bro I always loved Wind Waker". It's like we just collectively decided to stop hating this game and now suddenly it's cool again.

>> No.9472195

tp stinks

>> No.9472287

This is something that always bothered me, the c-stick was terrible. It was like Nintendo never actually knew what to do with twin sticks and just made something different (small and akward) for the sake of being different instead of something that works. A bunch of first and second party 3D GCN games had weird controls where you just can't use the second stick to aim.

>> No.9472318

Full sized DVD tray and playback support. A non-polio stricken controller with 4 shoulders/triggers. More Mature Games For Mature Gamers Such As Myself, though I think the above would have allowed for easier transfer of edgier/western shit from PS2/Xbox. This combined with having a different CPU/GPU arch (same sitch for Xbox, cept it had the above features and specs to bruteforce bad PS2 ports) probably caused its downward spiral from the start. I distinctly remember the slow trickle between significant releases. Capcom and Nintendo weren't enough to prop it up for its lifecycle and I ended up getting a PS2 as well in time. Outside of that I don't know what else was really in Nintendo's control. Sony had a fucking strangehold on both consumers and developers.

>> No.9472337

Ports to/from similarly powerful, but much different architecture aren't easy. That aside, the GCN had more memory overall and PS2 was notable for its shitty resolution, interlacing, jaggies, and texture quality. This was largely overcome with talented development from the ground up for it (I mean look at SH3's models), but we're talking about a port here. I'm sure an RE4 built from the ground up for PS2 would have been a different story.

>> No.9472356
File: 439 KB, 1182x662, boogiegendo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Game Boy Pokemon games on your TV (a big deal back when you had to buy AA batteries every week

gameboys also had AC adapters you could use while plugged into the wall dumb zoomer and they didn't cost as much as a $50 accessory for a $150 console to play handheld games without batteries

>> No.9472360

Yeah but he's really not wrong. Edgy western 'urban' slop, Halo, and realistic vroomshit were definitely what "cool" people were playing. Combine all the games that you can think of adjacent to that (definitely don't forget GTA), and compare the sales to the like 10 GC games of significance over the 6th gen. Sure the numbers look less favorable. The Chad Warden meme was true. Yeah, people who appreciate quality and see past shitty fads play the good stuff even if it's a little weeby or childish, but that was NOT the fucking zeitgiest.

>> No.9472382
File: 25 KB, 450x324, fragmaster_nerdshoe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like gamePUBE... ic hair!

>> No.9472383

Anon, this isn't how things worked. Your average, generic game of sixth gen didn't actually sell that well. This is sorta like how all the movies year after year that make a shitload of money AREN'T R rated. The movies most likely to get the top spot are G rated. The best selling game of sixth gen was The Sims.

And don't compare Halo to the games we're talking about. Halo is a brightly colored game with orchestral music about fighting aliens, it isn't grimdark or edgy like Manhunt in the slightest.

>> No.9472386

>I guess if you think the colour purple is inherently childish. Even then, if you were a boring insecure retard, you could buy the black one.
The kids who grew up on the NES were in their teens and early 20s at the time. That is the prime age for hating gay purple kiddy cartoon shit. I don't think you realize how much people were shitting on Wind Waker once it was revealed. Even the biggest Nintendo fanboys were having a hard time defending it. They knew it looked like something that belonged on Nick Jr. All they could do was hang their heads in shame and try to change the subject.

>> No.9472394

>let's ignore GTA and God of War the fact that Nintendo had like fucking 10 'big' games the whole gen I'VE GOTTA WIN MY ARGUMENT ON FOURCHANNNN
Look man I like the Gamecube. I'm not saying what happened was right, but people thought they were faggot kid games. They're idiots and who cares but that's the way it was. Sorry! Sorry.

>> No.9472407

>a game that ran on an ubiquitous household appliance with practically no system requirements
Not really playing fair here. We're talking about consoles and what the console demographic wanted. These people were in their teens and twenties and male. We're not talking about an appliance product for mom and sis. People wanted action, edge, and graphics from a console.

>> No.9472420

Yeah but they couldn't significantly get these games over in massive quantities because porting them was a fucking ask.
>okay princess let me shrink the assets to fit on your stupid discs, make it work on your gimped controller, and reprogram it for your entirely different architecture
By lacking these things is just created a spiral that it less popular, which made devs less likely to bother, which made it less popular, etc etc

>> No.9472424

Yeah actually we do usually ignore them, since they're not as common. GTA3 sold well, yes, but in general games they were not the best selling games. There was no such thing as grimdark selling that well, it was just that bad publishers and devs pushed that shit out, which is also the reason so many R rated movies get made. It's not a problem with consumers, it's a problem with creators.

The real point is that you're making the case that grimdark was "where it was at" when, firstly, it's not that simple, and, secondly, you're wrong even if it was that simple. God of War got outsold by Simpsons Road Rage, for god's sake. In reality sixth gen had a wide variety of market forces, of which violent games actually ranked pretty low on the totem poll. Shit like Madden had and still has a much better claim to what customers actually want.

>> No.9472442

If you weren't making a free roaming game then shrinking assets to fit on the GCN was easy. And outside of GTA, free roaming sucked shit that gen.

>> No.9472469

GTA San Andreas was the best selling PS2 game, so. Wrong. East or west, casual or core, the GC failed to capture the zeitgeist and developers on almost every level due to its weird port-unfriendly hardware, childish aesthetics, and bad will and broken ties from the previous generation. It didn't have Madden either. On the nip side it practically had NOTHING going for it outside of Nintendo's properties. The Sims was a popular PC franchise, so fuck off with that, it wasn't big because of the lame ass console shovelware. It barely limped to the finish line on scant first party games and Capcom's support. As for what was popular amongst core games: I was there, and I know how my idiot peers talked and what they liked. Guess I'm remembering wrong! ANYWAY, Nintendo's console shit was not the lion's share of sales then is what I'm trying to say and what I've been saying. Despite all that I liked it, but you're proving my point by mentioning all this shit that was on other machines anyway.

>> No.9472475


Not broken up Resident Evil 4 into two separate disks. That shit was retarded.

>> No.9472478

*bleh, so it did have Madden. Anyway, all the other shit is right. Fuck you.

>> No.9472490

I think Sega's marketing campaign back in the '90s caused permanent damage to Nintendo's reputation. They've been the family-friendly Mickey Mouse console for kids ever since they censored Mortal Kombat back in 1993.

>> No.9472506

GCN was the easiest to port games to. This is some weird factoid you keep repeating that just isn't true. And yes the GCN did have Madden. You are a dipshit and you don't know anything about what people wanted back then.

PS2 was the hardest to port to that generation, though not the most expensive because Xbox required extra shit like providing 2001 HDTVs to your staff for development purposes.

>> No.9472529

Animal Crossing is just The Sims but worse.

>> No.9472534

>an ubiquitous
Hi, ESL-kun.

>> No.9472537

Gamecube won

>> No.9472542

The console versions of the Sims sold very well.

>> No.9472569

Not that anon but PS2 sold 8 units for every 1 GC sold. Kind of a stupid argument on your part to insist that sales aren’t all the proof we need as to “what people wanted.” The market already told us. There could be confounding factors but pretty much all of them can be attributed to mistakes Nintendo made prior to the Gamecube’s release. Regardless of whether or not PS2 and Xbox had great sales with more mature games for more mature gamers such as myself, the perception that the Gamecube was a kid’s toy was absolutely real.

>> No.9472570

>Kind of a stupid argument on your part to insist that sales aren’t all the proof we need as to “what people wanted.”
I'm very obviously arguing specifically about grimdark bullshit. PS2's success wasn't just grimdark bullshit, either.

>> No.9472626

Did you just want to say the funny ESL meme? What do you find wrong about that word pairing, you goddamn moron? Walk me through it, professor.

>> No.9472637

I hold my Xbox controllers like that.

>> No.9472638

It was the easiest to program for, not port to, dipshit. Taking Sony's proprietary MIPS/graphics salad or x86/Xbox+DX code and transferring it to the GCN was not trivial. It's not trivial to do this to/from any arch. It added a tax and many ports from PS2 or PC ran poorly. Multiplats with development for it in mind from the start are a different thing entirely. Almost everything ported to it without it in mind from the start had framerate issues or downgrades. Many cases. SSX Tricky, Dark Alliance, THPS3.

>> No.9472646

Not that guy, but since you asked, ubiquitous is pronounced "yu-biquitous" and hence doesn't ever get "an" in front of it. The a/an rule is phonetic.

>> No.9472653

>Taking Sony's proprietary MIPS/graphics salad or x86/Xbox+DX code and transferring it to the GCN was not trivial
Good thing that's not how most games were made in sixth gen. There were very few "ports from PS2 or PC", most games weren't made with any specific platform at the beginning of development. Your handwaving about examples is very cringe. We all know you're JUST talking about the water in Balder's Gate. It's not the game as a whole or anything, it's just one graphical effect. THPS3 looks better on GCN, btw.

>> No.9472654

Even if I'm overstating the appeal of gritty, 'mature' stuff, Nintendo's console software certainly wasn't bringing home the bacon then. I don't know how you can claim it was. Yeah so I forgot to add sports to the mix. That too I guess. Sports, gritty/violent, urban, and racing sold on consoles then overwhelmingly. Consoles were for core teen/college male gamers in that era, not a more wholesome vibe chasing crowd, at least in the west. The proof is Xbox becoming a fucking household name. It's entire library is that shit. It was at a loss but the will it built allowed 360 to be such a success. 7th gen double down on everything that made 6th gen consoles huge in the west. I don't even give a fuck any more. You're a disingenuous slimy shit and hope you die.

>> No.9472659

Yknow. Fine. I concede. I suppose I've never or rarely actually heard this word out loud before. I'll go back to my favela.

>> No.9472661

>Sports, gritty/violent, urban, and racing sold on consoles then overwhelmingly.
That's great, anon. Hey did you know Kingdom Hearts sold as well as God of War? They're both PS2 exclusives. No, sixth gen didn't revolve around Manhunt.

>You're a disingenuous slimy shit and hope you die.
That's great, you little whiner. You're wrong and you don't know shit outside of your little bubble.

>> No.9472668

No it didn't, it looked worse and ran at a lower framerate. Also way not to acknowledge Tricky. Also Spyhunter, Gauntlet Dark Legacy. A lot of western stuff was poorly ported. It got better when they started developing with all in mind later, though.

>> No.9472670

You're sticking to singular, exemptional examples when I am talking about the generation as a whole.

>> No.9472671


>> No.9472681

No, you're explicitly claiming one dumb thing ruled the generation when it obviously didn't. Also you are in fact a retard, you're the one who brought up God of War as an example and now you're upset when an equal counterexample blows up your shit idea.


They look the same.

>> No.9472694

Oh so now it's the same, not better. Well I'm saying they ran worse because it was a port not made with the platform in mind, because that was the case.

I'm saying GameCube's dearth of western lizard brain core did hurt it quite a bit, yes. I think that's undeniable. Xbox picked up that slack and ran with it out of nowhere.

>> No.9472698

and on top of lacking that, it lacked any weeb/jap-shit of any significance outside of Nintendo and Capcom's entries. The aforementioned KH and the like.

>> No.9474283

Colosseum is way better than stadium

>> No.9474314

Genius Sonority was based. Kinda funny how the animations in Colosseum and XD are better than any of the 3D trash Game Freak has put out in the past few years.

>> No.9474371
File: 64 KB, 1000x991, 1668134026031652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I make this same point every time I see it, and people still parroting the same talking points. They will forever claim, the only reason why the PS2 sold 155 million units was because of the DVD player alone. Even though, the Xbox had a DVD player (I don't care if it was a 20 dollar separate purchase for a DRM dongle and DVD remote. It wasn't required on later models anyway). People can't fathom it was a perfect storm of features. The PS2 really was the ultimate console for its time

>> No.9474728

I took the opportunity to look back over this article:

The only thing that jumps out at me is that there was a shortage of dev kits.

>> No.9474740

Also I wish all the games in Sonic Mega Collection were unlocked from the start.

>> No.9474751

Thank god for luigis mansion and not those shitty turn based milked shits.

>> No.9474773

Damn that is a long article.

>> No.9474776

They still managed modify disc anti piracy

>> No.9474781

Hmmm how about creating zip-based cartridge?

>> No.9474812

These probably aren't good or feasible ideas, but this is what I thought of it at the time.
-more jrpgs. The ones it got were great but it was like water for a dying man, I felt the same about N64.
-a mainline Final Fantasy game. Crystal Chronicles would probably be comfy now but it was insulting at the time.
-keep Resident Evil 4 exclusive? maybe? idk
-both Zelda games were disappointing in some way
-no fully 3D Pokemon game, Gale of Darkness was not it
-why is the Mario game centered around a water gun??

>> No.9474815

Zip drives are much more expensive than CD drives, and the disks themselves are so expensive that it verges on the cost of cartridges. You'd have to buy dozens of N64 games after price drops before you, the customer, would see a cost savings overall. And that's after buying a $400 N64.

Carts require no drive, just a slot, and while they were a bad choice overall, they did have the added benefit that Nintendo could control costs by making different manufacturers compete. Nintendo would be unable to control zip disk costs over the five years of the console.

>> No.9474828

I've been wondering for a while what an N64 with a GCN setup would be like. Mini-CDs with a large bank of cheap memory for caching.

>> No.9474882

Glad many anons here educating zoomers who don't understand how uncool Nintendo was at one point. As others said the people who grew up with atari/sega/nes/snes were now teenagers and/or in their early 20s and even though NOA tried to make more mature marketing it was still seen as super kiddy with most of their games, NOA tried hard to market to an older audience instead of embracing nintendo being nintendo. CELDA was a joke online for many years, even having Resident Evil become an exclusive game(for a while at least) didn't save it, kiddy gay shit. Everyone had a PS2, it was difficult to find someone who owned a gamecube or an xbox, the only reason xbox even outsold gamecube was because of Halo/Halo2, no one gave a shit about the xbox otherwise, it was PS2 or get the fuck out.

>> No.9474941

That's literally why all of my friends had a PS2. It was a DVD player without getting jewed to buy an extra DVD controller. You could play games and it also had a DVD player which was cutting edge technology at the time.

It would be the equivelant to a Switch being able to play Ultra HD movies from a USB stick with native software. No add ons or downloads required. Just put an HD movie on to a USB and it can play it.

XBOX was the superior console because it had excellent online and impressive graphics. The PS2 was a workhorse that did everything. The gamecube was strictly seen as a Nintendo Babby console but it was still fun.

>> No.9474957

>That's literally why all of my friends had a PS2. It was a DVD player without getting jewed to buy an extra DVD controller. You could play games and it also had a DVD player which was cutting edge technology at the time.

This never happened. In reality, everybody understood that watching DVDs was a minor perk. In that time, most families would just own one DVD player. Parents weren't going to buy a second. They did not want to compete with their children for screen time because one person wants to watch a movie and another wants to play MGS2. Anybody with enough disposable income to buy multiple electronics didn't give a fuck about DVD playback because they're going to be buying multiple electronics anyway, including things to watch movies on. Poor people who would appreciate bundling a DVD player into a popular console with lots of games won't bother until the console is lowered in price and there are tons of $20 games available.

The only people who give a fuck about DVD playback as a selling point are a handful of nerds with gadget lust.

>> No.9475205

Xbox at least had multiplayer going for it. 4 controller ports, built-in modem, included voice chat headset and a centralized online service (Xbox Live) made it great for playing with others.

>> No.9475272

I think the Gamecube would have had a fighting chance if it had PS1 compatibility. Add in better online support - imagine playing Double Dash and Melee online - and I think it could have been a winner.

>> No.9476470

gamefreak has consumed them i think the last game they made was pokemon trozei kek

>> No.9477037

Painfully incorrect. It was that little extra thing that got parents to buy them. It went from a "toy" to "an investment" besides, every college student plays their DVD's on game consoles.

>> No.9477041

PS2s could be used to play DVDs.
It was however, also a PlayStation 2.
If the only purpose is a cheap DVD player, there are numerous documented examples of cheaper players than a PS2. PS2 did not sell well because it was a DVD player, but because it was a PS2. Any other interpretation is a cope.

>> No.9477047

Wrong, as already explained in the post you're replying to.

>> No.9477054

Use full size discs so developers could properly use the hardware which was relatively powerful for the time. Designing the controller to have full parity with the competition (2 shoulder buttons and clickable analog sticks) would have been nice too.

>> No.9477058

>there are numerous documented examples of cheaper players than a PS2
That also played ps2 games? I doubt it

>> No.9477059

Exactly, nothing else was a PS2. Now you're getting it.

>> No.9477084

>That also played ps2 games? I doubt it
Not him, but that is a silly straw man argument. I think the point everyone is making is, the PS2 was really the ultimate package from 2000 through 2006. It plays PS1 and PS2 games, free online play, DVD and CD support out of the box, BC with just about every PS1 accessory and endless games to choose from

>> No.9477086

GCN disc space was not an issue unless you were making a free roaming game. The only reason almost all GCN games fill out the disc is just redundant data, a method of lowering loading time.

Where does this myth on this board come from about the disc? If it's not some crippling data limitation then the next thing they'll make up is that it was expensive.

>> No.9477087

That's it. That's exactly why the PS2 was off to such a start, not to say there weren't good games - there was a solid selection from day 1 and the following year plenty came out up until 2002 where the PS2 had a bigger and better selection of games than even modern consoles do after 5 years.

It sold on what it was, and what it promised.

>> No.9477786

>unless you were making a free roaming game
aka the genre that was the biggest breakout success that generation, with the best selling games.

>Where does this myth on this board come from about the disc?
What myth? Many multiplatform games were stripped down or had cut content on gamecube, even though the console's horsepower was more than capable. Nintendo made the same idiotic decision to ship games on inferior storage twice in a row and they paid for it both times.

>> No.9477809

what lol there's literally nothing else like Luigi's Mansion

>> No.9477830

Literally a game where you can't even jump, in a platforming franchise. It was experimental, unlike its counterpart games.

>> No.9477836

dvd player was a big selling point. you either had no friends or weren't there

>> No.9477873
File: 4 KB, 450x320, Console_hardware_sales_sixth_gen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half the suggestions I'm seeing in this thread are things the Xbox did, and that saw about as much success as the GameCube.

>> No.9478171

I still have my childhood one, I was at the age where I knew a lot of people who had one. Idk about mainstream but it's still kind of sad that they lost Rare during that time, Banjo-Threeie or Donkey Kong on GameCube would've been sick.

>> No.9478947

Freeroaming games use little disk space because you need quick data streaming, especially back then. GTA San Andreas is 400MB without the radio

>> No.9478959

They marketed the system for children during the late 90s when edgy marketing was all the rage and kids hated anything that looked "gay" or "kiddy". Their marketing was very out of touch as usual

>> No.9478989

this. Nintendo didn't do anything wrong really. They had a lot of great 1st party games, got a good number of the 3rd party games, had comparable hardware.

If you look at this graph, the one damn difference is the DVD player. I knew people (girls for example) who got one and literally just used it as a DVD player and never played any games. The vast 'success' of the PS2 really was just because it got memed (similar to the wii) and bought by normies that didn't actually use it for real games.

>> No.9479076

DVD player was not a big selling point, you either had no friends or weren't there.

>> No.9479081

Graphix whoring was an adult thing in 2000 you zoomer tart. When I was a kid I played Gameboy games that looked like your whore mother shat them out onto the screen half the time, I didn't give a shit about how 'realistic' GTA looked: I gave a fuck about the fact that you could buy whores and then kill them to get the money back. That's what we talked about at school, not how OH MY GAWWWDD CLAUDE LOOKS SO SUGOOII like you did. So you're either a zoomer tart with stolen valor nostalgia or a gigaboomer who's like 65 now. Pick one.

>> No.9479086

Free roaming games have shitloads of audio and furthermore, because of their structure, cannot be broken up into multiple discs. So no, you can't easily fit a freeroaming game in.

>> No.9479096

The Gamecube was a failure of past decision making processes at Nintendo. There was truly nothing wrong with the console itself, but Nintendo had already dug itself a hole with the last two generations and it was never going to be anything but a failure as a result. Start with the SNES era, open up to collaboration with third party devs, actually build the SNES playstation and jump on CDs with the N64 as it was rather than spending years waffling market share to Sony. Don't make the N64 a powerhouse. It doesn't need to be and all it did was keep production costs high and costs to the consumer high which is the exact opposite of Nintendo's core philosophy. They took a leaf out of Sega's book and predictably the results were terrible.

>> No.9479097

The Mario "franchise" isn't a platforming franchise, just the mainline Mario games are. There was no experiment with Luigi's Mansion, it's a game where you vacuum.

>> No.9479105

Audio can be compressed so that's less of an issue than you might think. You might whinny about how it'd sound like shit but in practice we were all playing out of garbage tier CRTs with speakers built in so audio sounding like shit didn't matter.

>> No.9479112

>aka the genre that was the biggest breakout success that generation, with the best selling games.
Just GTA3 trilogy. Nobody much cared about the other games in the genre until the next generation.
>What myth?
The myth you're propagating. GCN didn't have cut content.

>> No.9479119
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>If you look at this graph, the one damn difference is the DVD player.
Anon, the Xbox had a DVD player and only "required" a 20 dollar DRM dongle / remote to use it. Later on in the systems life, it wasn't required at all (and could be modded out long before that). I wish people would stop using this as an excuse. You don't see sales numbers like that because of one benefit. 155 million sales only because the PlayStation 2 was a glorified DVD player? Right. Just admit the PS2 was a overall better console and move on. It's like me complaining the Xbox had a built in ethernet connection and that it wasn't fair you had to buy an add on for PS2

>> No.9479123

this, Mario tennis was worse, Zelda was worse, Mario was worse, smash was better but worse for being a fun party game (smash 64 was much easier to pick up and play), Mario party was worse, Mario kart was, well, 64 sucked too so hard to say it was worse, but it wasn't great.

cube just smacked of no originality and of weak sequels. and as others have said, no boy in their right mind would choose a gay purple lunchbox with a fisher-price controller over either of the black media boxes full of guns, blood and tits. Felt like they tried too hard to win Japanese back but nobody in Japan cared since they didn't have games that meant a lot to them, and in the process they got BTFO by the "mature games for mature gamers" on PS2/Xbox. Though really they were losing that fight even when it was sega of america slapping the super nintendo with its genesis dick

>> No.9479127

>You might whinny about how it'd sound like shit
This but unironically
>we were all playing out of garbage tier CRTs
No we weren't, consumer TVs had perfectly good audio for decades by that point.

>> No.9479140

Those games fucking sucked too, load times and slow animations made playing it an act of suffering.

the controller was smart in that you can easily find and press any button you need by sense of touch alone. It was designed that way; Nintendo saw too many testers of new games that were confused and overwhelmed by the number of sticks and buttons on a dualshock. The problem is that the thing is small and looks stupid

did you not play ocarina of time? did you not see the reaction to e3 2004?

they tried but many of those were also on PS2/Xbox and Nintendo still didn't have GTA or Halo. Even the sports games were inferior.

>> No.9479142

When you play highly compressed audio during action scenes in your average free roaming game, you get shit like this where it drops audio, plays the audio out of sync, tanks the framerate, and when it does play it sounds like shit. All at the same time.


>> No.9479147

tbqh online functionality really doesn't matter. It only became a major selling point around 2004 with the release of Halo 2. PS2 also had online functionality but it was very rudimentary and didn't really matter either. So overall it wasn't something that made/broke a system in 6th gen.

>> No.9479149

still have no idea who they made the dualshock for, it feels like an alien made it. Xbox got there finally after a while, I think 360 and onward are good compromise. I have the same problem, GameCube was great until I became an adult and now they're too tiny.

>> No.9479161

well your growing up sure didn't help Nintendo sell the console when it mattered, did it?

>> No.9479163

Be nice Anon, it was a good story

>> No.9479167

given how horrible their 3D attempts were until monolith was contracted in to help them, I really think the reason they resisted so long was that game freak is totally incompetent at 3D.

>> No.9479174
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>No we weren't, consumer TVs had perfectly good audio for decades by that point.

Lol, lmao

>> No.9479180

yeah but in the US it was all plain gold boxes. They rarely featured art like this but in magazines and maybe on the back of the box.

>> No.9479181

nah, 2001 was a lull but it came back strong with gen 3.

>> No.9479186


>> No.9479187

Not him, but I think mid to high level TV's at time had pretty great built in speakers all things considered

>> No.9479190

Kids didn't play game cube on those tvs

>> No.9479193

I wonder if it was them desperately trying to win back Japan and then failing to realize they had totally lost America in the process

>> No.9479217
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Call it the FZEROcube and make nothing but FZERO games, at least 4 a year.

>> No.9479220

>i was poor so everyone else was too

>> No.9479221


They were deathly afraid of confusing newbie players who they thought couldn't comprehend using two sticks and buttons on top of it. Goldeneye was made to be beatable with only left stick for movement because Nintendo told rare it had to be simple to understand. They did the same thing for retro with Metroid Prime. Then they still learned nothing from GameCube because they made the Wii which purposely dropped the second stick in favor of a pointer. It took 14 years after the release of the dual analog from sony for Nintendo to commit on actually making their standard pad a dual analog controller without weird asymmetrical shit, and that was with the Wii U. They spent 14 years being afraid of little kids not understanding two sticks when fucking 8 year olds were calling people faggots on halo 2 MP. I think they just made massive blunders there.

>> No.9479228

in terms of creators, don't forget too that the biggest TV show of the period was The Sopranos, at least amongst critical thinking. Obviously friends had a bigger viewership but you didn't have to pay to watch friends.

>> No.9479232

they even lost EA by the end because sales were so bad. Xbox had much more of the sports crowd and PS2 was PS2. GameCube was universally known as your kid sister's console.

>> No.9479241

Is that supposed to mean something? That wasn't most people's TVs.

In my family, I had two TVs to play on, one was a late 80s Mitsubishi and another was some Sony from the late 90s that I bought at a garage sale. And that was assuming I couldn't play on just the family TV. All of those were run of the mill, average TVs, and you can clearly hear the difference between 128 kbps and 32 kbps on their speakers.

>> No.9479242

what faggot parent "competes" with their kid for the toy that they fucking bought them? you tell the shits that it's grownup time and they have to go do something else while you use the unit to watch a movie. what fucking world do you come from?

>> No.9479246

No they didn't.

Anon, EA was literally the last publisher to stop making games for the GCN. The last games they made? Sports games. GCN had sports games.

>> No.9479249

>what faggot parent "competes" with their kid for the toy that they fucking bought them?
None, you're just inserting a word that isn't appropriate because it would give you an argument when you don't have one.

All kids get off the TV when mom and dad want to watch the news, anon.

>> No.9479256

Were you born in 2010? In the 90s-2000s parents didn't want the noisy games machine in the room with the big TV, it was in another room or a kids bedroom, which would not be a TV worth the same as a small car.

>> No.9479260

TVs with good speakers cost like $200-$300, tard, not what a small car costs. Yes audio quality in your game matters.

>> No.9479268

So you were born in 2010? I didn't say sound doesn't matter?

>> No.9479275

No, and you look retarded for handwaving some kind of argument like that. If you went into Sears in 1980-2000 then your average TV with perfectly good speakers, which yes people do give a shit about, was like $200-300.

>> No.9479283

We were talking about premium tvs not 'perfectly good'. Anything was fine then because nobody knew the difference. Again I didn't say people don't care about sound? Retarded person arguing making up both sides.

>> No.9479285

yeah that's what I'm saying, and looking back it seems I misread the original post. That said, I don't understand the post I'm replying to, saying that people would just buy multiple DVD players. I grew up rich and still we only had one dvd player until probably 2006 or so. The implication seems to be that PS2 playing DVDs wasn't appealing but that's simply not true. It wasn't 100% of why people bought one but it was a compelling point in its favor. So I don't get why that post is going on about just buying multiple dvd players or something and that dvd playback didn't matter at all. Most folks I knew in similar state were the same, having one player and just putting it on the main TV. Generally in my experience it was a PS2 for the first years of it's release, and then later on people bought dedicated units because the kids finally won them over whining about not being able to play when the movies were on. The only example of "multiple compatible devices" that sticks out to me is the one family that had all three consoles and so technically had two DVD players.

>> No.9479286

>We were talking about premium tvs not 'perfectly good'
No, that's another retarded thing you're handwaving. Just shut up, everything you just said was wrong.

Average TVs from back in the day can play sound from video games just fine and that means the audio quality of the games matters.

>> No.9479298

Again it's like you're replying to a different post, but its not even another post in this thread. My point was that the big daddy TV in the house was not the one that a game cube would be connected to, it would be a small bedroom TV or a 'play room' whatever you want to call it TV, would not have been an expensive one to trust kids around. These tvs would not have great speakers although I'm sure perfectly serviceable as you say.

>> No.9479302

>it would be a small bedroom TV or a 'play room' whatever you want to call it TV,
Which most of the time could play good audio just fine.

No, dumbass, most kids did not play games on a ten inch TV.

>> No.9479320

I literally just said that. Looks like you need a nap buddy.

>> No.9479323

>it would be a small bedroom TV or a 'play room' whatever you want to call it TV
Stop talking.

>> No.9479329

We'll speak again when you're feeling refreshed.

>> No.9479339

You seem upset. Stop talking.

>> No.9479348

Projection now. Try explaining your point if you really want to carry it on instead of the low effort in your other posts where you make up the other persons argument. What are you actually disagreeing with me about?

>> No.9479360

>Try explaining your point
The point was already explained, at this point multiple times, and your low effort posts trying to contradict that are retarded. Kids didn't play on tiny, low quality TVs, generally. They usually just played on whatever was the family TV from ten years ago. An average TV that could play video game audio just fine.

>> No.9479369

Well they did play on small tvs, and the kind of tvs you say too. I don't know how you can make such a generalisation. You start off saying something like just because you were poor everyone was, do you think because you never played game cube on a small tv nobody else did?

>> No.9479373

I have consistently and only said that kids played on regular TVs, and you just, again, said a stupid thing like this:
>You start off saying something like just because you were poor everyone was

>> No.9479385

Oh this wasn't you?

Why do you think kids didn't play on small tvs? My suspicion that you weren't born until after the era is still pretty strong.

>> No.9479396

That's because you're retarded and handwaving. Kids played on whatever TV, and no most TVs were not 10 inch.

This is also a stupid argument because sixth gen gamers were mostly employed, not children.

>> No.9479409

I dont think you were there.

>> No.9479435

I think you need a nap.

>> No.9479445

I said that to you earlier, got anything else?

>> No.9479494

We'll speak again when you're feeling refreshed.

>> No.9479498

Unoriginal and a bullshitter.

>> No.9479504


>> No.9479529

There you go again kid, what will you say next.

>> No.9479689

>Just GTA3 trilogy.
"Just" 60 million copies

>> No.9479703

Yes, just one trilogy.

Fighting games wouldn't be a breakout genre if it was literally just SF2 that people played.

>> No.9480607

Kill somebody on stage by beating them with the cube during it's presentation.

>> No.9480635

Because they're literally the same people you're praising

>> No.9480639

Now she's generic animu girl.
Photobashers get the rope

>> No.9480657

This is rewriting history. A huge issue with GameCube is that it basically had zero games at launch. It felt like a downgrade compared to the n64 in terms of games.

If you want to fix things, they should have kept rare on board making games as a starting point and actually had good release games.

>> No.9480673


>> No.9480823

Correct opinions

>> No.9481841

Speaking of dumb normie bitches that had PS2 and barelly played real games I remenber back then those singstar or buzz games being pretty popular and normies that barelly gamed actually buying those games. So there's another reason why the PS2 succeeded

>> No.9481843

>smash 64 was much easier to pick up and play
It literally controlled the same or you think melee was harder because of meme shit like wave dashing and L-cancelling which was shit the devs never intended to be there?

>> No.9481856

>zero games at launch
That's just a downright lie the gamecube actually had a solid launch lineup. Sure it didn't launch with the literal best game ever made up untill that point like the n64 but the n64 actually only had like 3 games for quite a few months after launch

>> No.9482680
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DVD playback (and a full size disc tray, obviously).

>> No.9483057
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It would be difficult with the new competitor. They would have to secure the exclusive rights to the most popular games like Madden and Fifa for a more mainstream success.

This but it has to be timed with marketing.