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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 60 KB, 1024x888, zsnes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9433798 No.9433798 [Reply] [Original]

I know it's a terrible SNES emulator by modern standards, but I still use it anyway because of its comfy interface.

>> No.9433804

comfort trumps all

>> No.9433805

So use ZMZ. You get the ZSNES interface with a more modern SNES emulation core. Hell, you can even replace the provided Snes9x 1.53 core with a bsnes or newer Snes9x core.

>> No.9433807

I think you can get that interface on newer emulators

>> No.9433809

dear stupid idiot.
ZMZ exists.
your friend,

>> No.9433815

i totally understand the importance of a good user interface in feeling satisfied with software. it's why i use Retroarch and Retroachivements

>> No.9433852

Full of code execution exploits. Enjoy your malware.

>> No.9433857

you poor soul

>> No.9433865

Are you that poor you can’t even afford a SNES with a clone flashcart? How about the Wii? They’re like $10 on eBay

I understand people on budget emulating games before they commit to hardware but people who emulate the most basic systems should stop and think to themselves just how pathetic they are and maybe if they have a conscience the size of a pea they would get a job

>> No.9433868

I still use it too. Works fine on my machine.

>> No.9433898

you chad lad

>> No.9433906

I had no idea people used other emulators LOL

I knew they existed, but I actually thought ZSNES was still the champion

>> No.9433908

Why is it terrible, anyway? You open it, you play the game.

Isn't it that simple? kek

>> No.9433919

Newer emulators do the same thing ZSNES does. It's just other people trying to leech off its success.

>> No.9433923

But I really wonder what makes it bad. I mean, I can play the games. Simple lmao

>> No.9434094

For me, it's bsnes-mt

>> No.9434346

Nobody cares morally about emulating games you fucking autist.

>> No.9434391

>bro, think of the poor e-bay resellers :(
How are you such a cucked dipshit?

Oh wow, these roms from sets I downloaded 12 years ago and which haven't given me any problems yet are sure going to give me trouble.

>> No.9434409 [DELETED] 

But he lost

>> No.9434470 [DELETED] 

He will win 2024 and he will win BIG.

>> No.9434587

nobody gives a shit what you understand autist

>> No.9434591

I still use VirtuaNES.
It just feels bette to me than more advanced emulators, even if less accurate. It doesn't support some mappers and can't load roms from archive, though.

>> No.9434616

Does something like this exist for Nesticle or Genecyst?

>> No.9434623

I unironically use retroachievements for most score-based games, collectathon games, or NES games to add some goal to them and keep track of what I've done

>> No.9434637


>> No.9435093

old thing bad new thing good

>> No.9435095
File: 62 KB, 683x342, retacg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too use RetroAchievements, I think it's fun.

>> No.9435151

>comfy interface
You've obviously never used the debugger interface

>> No.9435295

i cant use this without a crt monitor and with someone to connect to from zbattle, it's just not the same

>> No.9435361

Emulators are for playing games, not for fucking around in the interface.

>> No.9435460

Enjoy your random crashes in games like SMRPG, sound effects in SMW that sound like they have a cold and graphical glitches, all resolved even in Snes9x which itself is rather antiquated.

>> No.9435529


>> No.9435558

You DO have the snow falling Christmas theme don’t you?

>> No.9435581

would be nice if it could be used offline without an account

>> No.9435592

>softcore points
what, like as in not hardcore, what is that

>> No.9435620

there's hardcore mode that jannies you from using savestates etc.

>> No.9435653

it has so much soul it's unreal

>> No.9435657

Old thing best (SNES)
Thing in the middle now bad and only for retards (Zsnes)
New thing good (Snes9x, bsnes)

>> No.9435672



>> No.9435673

Fresh bait off the presses, almost got me 8/10

>> No.9435956

>How about the Wii?
Is there some reason to run outdated emulators on the Wii instead of a computer? Computers can be connected to TVs too, they make them in other sizes besides $4000 tower of autism.

>> No.9436136

I thought they were for "preserving"?

>> No.9436139

because it is, king

>> No.9436152

Oh my god you're such a gigantic faggot. Jesus Fucking Christ, go play in traffic you obese cunt.

>> No.9436169

I also think that using a PC to emulate games is completely soulless and playing on a real hardware + flashcart is based, but you don't have to make an autistic rant about it.

>> No.9436447
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I still use NESticle

>> No.9436494

I stopped using it cause it was outdated but then I saw guys like
and now use it again to make them mad. I am going to make my post, close the thread, and never come back as I enjoy Kirby's Avalanche and they will forever fume DUUUUR IT'S NOT DUH RIGHT EMULATOR DUUUUR THAT'S PUYO PUYO but I will have fun and they're BUNCH OF CHOWDER HEADS haha.

>> No.9436498

My comfiest childhood memory probably is getting a cd with like 700 snes roms and spending hours in zsnes trying random games, playing a bit, going to the next one, and then completely forgetting the names so when I wanted to play that one game with the mech I had to spend a few minutes or even hours looking it up.

>> No.9436501

I wanted to keep using it but there have been problems with the sound when emulating some of my favorite games, so I swapped to Snes9x. I'll always remember it fondly.

>> No.9436502

>and now use it again to make them mad
Lmao nigga you can use whatever you want. I was just informing you of a better emulator but if you wanna use a shite emu for da lulz, who here is going to stop you? Fucking goobers, I swear.

>> No.9436509

brings me back to 2010 :)
now most emulators are some github shit with non existant ui

>> No.9436530

I really like the RetroArch UI because you can just use the controller you're playing with instead of having to swap to the mouse. I like the xmb clone the most. but znes was very comfy.

>> No.9436730

>just playing the game is hardcore
>cheating at it is "playing normally" and something you deserve acknowledgement for doing good at

Shit makes so little sense, what's the point of having an icon saying you beat a boss without taking damage when you just savestated your way through it?

>> No.9436769

i woke up today telling myself it was going to be a good one. but blast it all, i'm literally shaking now.

>> No.9436792

It was bad even in 1999 because the audio is absoutely broken. It couldn't even do mario's mushroom power up sound effect correctly.

>> No.9436806

Snes9x isn't antiquated by any means. It just doesn't aim for cycle accuracy, which only causes compatibility problems with like five games at this point.

>> No.9436927 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 299x168, he mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.9436941

If you want to use an outdated piece of shit emulator just to stick it to anonymous on the internet then all the power to you lol

>> No.9437024

That UI takes me back. First learning about emulation in 03, it was fucking mindblowing

>> No.9437030

code execution exploits doesn't mean malware retard. Otherwise Windows is one big malware package.

>> No.9437043


>> No.9437549

Funny how you didn't reply to the post that detailed exactly why ZSNES is a horrible emulator in general, but whatever, you do you.

I was more referring to there not being a major update since 2019 (although to my surprise there was a 1.61 release this year) and it not supporting modern APIs such as Direct3D 11, Vulkan or XInput, but it is still otherwise a solid emulator that has seen major improvements over the years, unlike ZSNES which is woefully outdated and terrible and hasn't seen updates since 2007.
That is why old emulators such as ePSXe and ZSNES should be given the boot, we're not in 2010, guys.

>> No.9437569 [DELETED] 
File: 1.61 MB, 480x264, baby-crying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the baby bawled because he spoke the truth

>> No.9437595

I'll do whatever I want with emulators and if that causes you physical pain, that's your problem, not mine, innit?

>> No.9437613

Is there anything worse than a hipster contrarian?

>> No.9437624

Windows is one big malware package.

>> No.9437634

Accurate enough.

>> No.9437638

Been using it for more than a decade and its always worked on my machines. Sounds like poor people cope for owning slavboxes from the late 90s

>> No.9437643

>whatever, you do you.
I love that salt where you try to act like you're above it all and people can do what the want, then you spend paragraphs and ranting and raving how people shouldn't be allowed to play games the way they want.

>> No.9437648

>not being a major update since 2019
Not my problem
>although to my surprise there was a 1.61 release this year
Not my problem
>not supporting modern APIs such as Direct3D 11, Vulkan or XInput
Not my problem
>unlike ZSNES which is woefully outdated and terrible and hasn't seen updates since 2007
Not my problem
>should be given the boot, we're not in 2010, guys.
Not my problem

I'm playing games and having fun. You're shitting yourself because people won't play games "the right way". Your emotional trauma is not my problem.

>> No.9438408
File: 591 KB, 600x906, I kneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9438495

Get a load of this seething impotent tj

>> No.9438645

I remember some Super Metroid hack that crashed one of the emulators years ago, and it shut itself off. I got kinda scared. That's one of the things to note if you're playing any hacks, there are SMW hacks that only work because of old emus, but then other hacks for other games won't work on the older emus, because the hacker utilized a specific function that wasn't implemented in the old emu.

>> No.9438674

I dont have any problems with it. There is no lag for me and the sound is just fine. I run it on Ubuntu 20.04 and it works flawlessly for me.

>> No.9438680 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 722x720, 477CFC0E-A9FC-4C20-AF45-C7247E7884A6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9438690

Seems that way lmao

>> No.9439352

You are quite right. It works fine! I have also used it many, many years (decades?) without problem. You'd think if it was somehow unplayable we would have noticed it by now, lol. Notice how the people who attack you can only do so in their imagination. That guy saying "ree enjoy your crashes", you can imagine his puffed up red face as he HOPES you have a bad time, but you're clearly not. Can you imagine living like one of these people? Getting mad at the way others play video games? You'd have to have an extremely fragmented personality to do that.

>> No.9439358

Yup, can't go wrong with the snow. I always defaulted to ZNES for SNES stuff, and Nesticle for NES.

I was playing with Nesticle before I was old enough to even know what a testicle was. First game I ever emulated was Dragon Warrior 3 because I couldn't find a used copy at any of the local shops.

>> No.9439389
File: 926 KB, 546x1318, the travails of a king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9439517

why u do this to me? why make me suffer?

>> No.9439596

i use it to keep track of games i've beaten

>> No.9439605

Who else here used to call it NEStle?

>> No.9439671

Maybe I'm just a brainlet, but I find RetroArch to be absolutely incomprehensible - on Android, at least.

>> No.9439730

you have to be 18 to use this board

>> No.9439812

>Recommends the Wii
>Virtual Console is still emulation

That is the dumbest fucking argument on earth you retard. ZSNES was great back in the day since it felt comfy. Same reason people like Norton Commander type applications for DOS or Linux.

It's purely nostalgia but it just feels right. No one is stopping you from using Higan or BSNES etc or any high accuracy SNES emulator.

At the end of the day, only a few have that vibe so take your pick.

>> No.9439818

Damn owned. I think emulation is awesome but achievements are gay. Just take screenshots of the ending screen like a real man if you're into beating games and shit.

>> No.9439819

Had the same thing but with a CD from a kid I knew at school who copied MGBA with roms. Had no idea about emulation and it blew my mind.

>> No.9439827

ZSNES is if nothing else, a time capsule to what emulators were like back in the late 90s-early 2000s. A time capsule that doesn't really still exist with most emulators.

>> No.9439832

Zoomer faggot detected

>> No.9439835
File: 201 KB, 600x600, 1626176894560.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am still going to use this all day while I fuck your mother.

>> No.9439839
File: 68 KB, 480x480, 1656797449079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use it every day and nothing happens.
I don't die and nobody fucks me.
I think all people who want perfect emulation should be executed.

Yes I watch Mortal Kombat every day.

>> No.9439881

>I think all people who want perfect emulation should be executed.
There's some truth to this mentality. Never remember having any issues using the old shit back in the day. It was fine enough.