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File: 54 KB, 1600x874, segadreamcast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9425140 No.9425140 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else like to imagine a world where Sega never stopped making hardware and took the place of Sony or Xbox in the console market?

>> No.9425191

I usually like to think of the world where we got the sega Pluto or whatever it was called, that was a hybrid 32x/sega cd, and also like to imagine what if the Xbox was straight up just called “dream cast 2”. Sega and Microsoft had a huge working relationship for the first xbox where basically the internals were the same as the arcade machines sega was using, and the Dreamcast itself was a miniature windows machine.

>> No.9425196

I don’t even go that far. If the Dreamcast had gotten 2-3x the sales on hardware and games it probably would have lasted much deeper into the 6th gen, and I’d have loved to have seen what the extra 3 years of games would have been

>> No.9425207

Imagine how retarded a sega console would be today

>analog stick triggers
>uses 52 cds instead of blu ray or dvd
>somehow makes a deal with intels new gpus instead of using amd or nvidia
>despite using intel for a gpu they source a chinese arm company for their processor
>controller has a charge port for a vape pen
>the vape pen has proprietary vape juice as game tie ins
>they go with a 2.66:1 cinemascope aspect ratio
>touchpad like steam deck but for abxy not a camera control

>> No.9425237

There is no world where SOA/SOJ stop making bad decisions forever.

>> No.9425243

Now it's a fifarino console with onlineplay

>> No.9425551

It wouldn't really have been possible, unless arcades remained popular. SEGA always saw consoles as an extension of their arcade business and arcades were dwindling at the time.

>> No.9425578

All the time :(

>> No.9425619

>If the Dreamcast had gotten 2-3x the sales on hardware and games it probably would have lasted much deeper into the 6th gen,

nah. Sega was hundreds of millions in the red, no one was buying DC games on account of the consoles being able to run burned games, and no one was buying the hardware on account of the PS2. Selling 2-3x more means they sell 20-30 more titles.

>> No.9425636

I am imagining a stack of addons for the Dreamcast, each of which costs more than the console itself, but none of which have any good games.

>> No.9425737

Dreamcast 2 launches in 2005 with SegaNet. Comes with VF4 and HangOn 2005

>> No.9425761

It should have been Nofriendo that went under after how they tried to throw Sega under the bus at the US congressional hearings on video games.

I wish Sega did survive, it’d be nice having an actual game company in the mix instead of a massive tech conglomerate that dabbles in vidya.

>> No.9425794

SEGA would have been way better to keep around in the long term.
They were predominantly a video game focused company that developed their own video games internally.
Sony has fucked what little studios they had left in the ass and I really don't know what the fuck Microsoft was smoking.
They managed to get Halo and after that they just stopped trying

>> No.9425805

SEGA would have been a nice middle ground between kiddie Nintendo and realistic gamer bro xbox and playstation. I would love a system with couch coop party games AND sports games that actually try to look like actual sport

>> No.9425836

2005 is too late

>> No.9425858

We must invent a world-making device and make one, then travel to it.

>> No.9425874

No. At best we'd get a couple more Phantasy Star games that don't live up the the Genesis versions and maybe another Shenmue. Conversely, there is already way too much sonic vore in this reality.
T. Genesis enjoyer

>> No.9426064
File: 150 KB, 1920x1080, doh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fast-track a new system with technically more powerful hardware than the current market leaders
>Lose all early-bird advantage when the machine is inadequate in key specialized areas that the industry happens to focus on
>Repeat as many times as it takes for your spirit to completely shatter

>> No.9426069

The Xbox consoles are Sega consoles in spirit.

>> No.9426564

B-but the quality arcade ports

>> No.9428294

Its a real shame the Dreamcast failed. Had it won, order independent transparency could have become the norm. Instead we were stuck with obsolete 2d triangle accelerators for the last 20 years.

>> No.9428406
File: 213 KB, 600x346, 4146e53ad3135f7b51a909904808e7b3_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> order independent transparency could have become the norm.


desktop gpus have that for at least 12 years already.

sega just used off the self technology, the gpu was a Videologic PCX2 (pic) that you could buy for a PC, albeit with modest software support due to how the gpu wars went. (somewhat 4th place against amd, 3dfx and nvidia)

Videologic is a division of PowerVR, that was absorved by Imagination Tecnologies. Those guys never stopped doing GPU tech.

source: https://www.imaginationtech.com/products/gpu/

>> No.9428423

Look at how they handled PSO2.

Let see if you still think they could actually be successful.

>> No.9428637
File: 430 KB, 1410x1400, Sonic Adventure 2 Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only for a few minutes until I realize that it would be worse than what we have. I'm glad Sega went out on their sovlful y2k arcade machine and not some generic PC-in-a-box console.
I fucking love Sega but even if they weren't insolvent let's be real here: 3D Sonic games and Phantasy Star Online were not gonna keep that console relevant.
Pretty much this. Xbox was everything good about the Dreamcast and then some. Xbox 360 was hot as hell in its first few years and then no console has caught my attention that much since then (besides the Wii for living room fun)

>> No.9428703

Xbox wasn't as good as dreamcast

360 is literally fucking garbage. Halo, gears (shit), and then a bunch of downgraded pc games.

360 remains the tech illiterate midwit console to this day.

>> No.9428706

They got out at the best time

>> No.9428760

they could have been the shining light in a bleak games industry full of gta clones with grey overcast weather.

DC didn't deserve to die that way with the false accusation that the ps2 was 10 times more powerful. DC could have done monkey ball, outrun 2 and VF 4.

I think the naomi 2 upgraded the dremcast a bit but I can't see much different.

PS5 and xbox x are pretty pointless, they are almost the same but with a different operating system. I'd like to think they would use an arm cpu and a weak gpu that outperforms the big ones because of special optimizations. Too bad consoles have to be normies cod boxes to succeed.

>> No.9428761
File: 2.98 MB, 4032x2268, DC 1 & 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xbox was better than Dreamcast just based on controller alone.

>> No.9429075

Game library isn't as good. Xbox has some cool games but it's a much thinner list. Most of the Xbox exclusives are eurojank tier shit.

Sega Dreamcast:

•3PS/FPS: Bang! Gunship, Cyber Troopers Virtual On 2, Frame Gride, Gundam Side Story Ashes, Head Hunter, MDK2, Outrigger, Red Dog, Slave Zero, Soldier of Fortune, Unreal Tournament

•Action: Berserk, Draconus, Dynamite Cop, Elemental Gimmick Gear, Heavy Metal Geomatrix, L.O.L lack of love, Maken X, Shenmue 1&2, Soul Reaver, Spawn Demon's Hand, Zombie Revenge

•Fighting: Capcom vs SNK 2, DOA 2, Fighting vipers 2, Force Five, Guilty Gear X, Kenju, KoF XI, MVC2, Power Stone 1&2, Project justice, Soul Calibur, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Virtua Fighter 3

•RPG: Black/Matrix AD, Grandia 2, Skies of Arcadia, Time Stalkers

•Horror: Blue Stinger, Carrier, D2, Dino Crisis, Resident Evil 2/3/CVX

•Vehicle: Crazy Taxy 1&2, Hydro Thunder, Millennium Racer, Re-Volt, Sega GT, Sega Rally 2, Star Wars Racer, Stunt GP, Test Drive 6 & V Rally, Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2, Toy Commander, Toy Racer, Vigilante 8 2nd, Zusar Vasar

•Platform: Evil Twin, Frogger 2, Jet Grind Radio, Ms Pacman Maze Madness, Napple Tale, Rayman 2, Sonic Adventure 1&2, Super Magnetic Neo, Tomb Raider Revelations & Chronicles

•Run 'N Gun/Shmup: Bangai-O, Cannon Spike, Dolphin Blue, Expendable, Border Down, Chaos Field, Charge 'N Blast, Fast Striker, Gunbird 2, Gunlord, Ikaruga, Karous, Last hope, Mars Matrix, Psyvariar 2, Rainbow Cotton, Redux Dark Matters, Shikigami Shiro 2, Sturmwind, Trigger Heart, Trizeal, Under Defeat, Zero Gunner 2

•Other: Chu Chu Rocket, Cosmic Smash, MoHo, Popn music 1-4, Rez, Sega Extreme Sports, Space Channel 5, Tetris 4D, Tony Hawk 2, Virtua Striker 2, Virtua Tennis 1&2, Wetrix, Worms Armageddon

>> No.9429102

>Xbox has some cool games but it's a much thinner list. Most of the Xbox exclusives are eurojank tier shit

Sadly this is true.

I owned an Xbox back in the day, spent many hours on it between 2002 and 2006. But I can't remember the last time I turned on my Xbox to actually play games, I mainly use it as a DVD player. A lot of the games just don't have a lot of charm, they're older, jankier versions of what's currently available on modern consoles. If I'm actually playing stuff, it's almost always on my Dreamcast or Gamecube.

>> No.9429138
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I'm fine with SEGA being a 90's thing, that's part of what makes them special, sort of. In all honesty a modern day SEGA console would be the same as the other modern day consoles, just not as interesting as the old stuff. All the important games/series ended up on GameCube, PS2, or Xbox anyway. We even got a new Streets of Rage after all these years. I do think they would maybe fair a little better than Nintendo if they had stuck around for a little longer, but that's not saying much

>> No.9429145

I only wish the consoles we got stuck around for a little longer. SEGA CD, 32X, Saturn, Dreamcast all deserved at least a few more years to really shine. Thankfully we at least still have an active homebrew scene for Genesis and Dreamcast.

>> No.9429313
File: 1.12 MB, 4096x4468, Controllers Dreamcast 2.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could have had this

>> No.9429329

Yeah I agree the Dreamcast is pretty cool I don’t own one myself yet but after a couple of things I’d like to get one with the GDEMU. It appeals to me in the same way N64 did, it’s an under appreciated or overshadowed console of its generation and there is a simple and affordable way to play the entire library. Having said that it’s a smaller library and I’m probably gonna have to dig to find the games that I really like, most of it seem to be appealing to arcade fighting and driving game fags. I’m not interested in that Chinese shenmue game either. It was proud to be a sports console enough to have the sports edition? I bet those games aged like milk. Some of genres you list are paper thin and some of the titles like cray taxi and jet grind radio look cringe to me. I’m more interested in third person shooter, action adventure, hack and slash and horror. Starting to have second thoughts about the Dreamcast after all, as I might be chasing a meme. And let’s not kid ourselves, Xbox was the best console of that generation. I didn’t play every game on it and I’m sure there are shovelware on there from the sheer volume but it had some of the best games of the generation, third party titles the Dreamcast could only Dream of. Not console warring it’s just a well known fact

>> No.9429552

The Xbox is literally just the fucking halo box and always has been. You just revealed yourself to be a retarded nigger.

You should just get a ps5 and play all the over the shoulder cinematic California games by the sounds of your shit taste.

>> No.9429571

? Xbox basically got all the games that PS2 got, which are the best of that generation. If you think the Dreamcast got the better games you’re a obviously fanboy in a dysfunctional relationship with the truth

I do want a PS5 next year when they release the new hardware, for now I love my PS4 Pro

>> No.9429610

Xbox didn't even get a fraction of the ps2 games. You're obviously a shit skin who only plays FIFA and GTA.

>> No.9429612


•Action: Berserk, Blood Will Tell, Bujingai, Castlevania Curse/Lament, Genji, Maximo Ghosts/Zen, Onimusha 1-4, Rygar, Nightmare Christmas, God of War 1&2

•Action/Adventure: Ico, Lupin III, Musashi Legend, Okami, Robin Lloyd, Shadow Destiny, Shadow Colossus, Steambot, Tomb Raider Underworld/Angel, Wonder Trek

•ARPG: Demon Stone, Norrath 1&2, Dark Cloud 2, Dirge Cerberus, Kingdom Hearts 1&2, Odin Sphere, Radiata Stories, Rogue Galaxy, Devil Summoner 2, Tales of Destiny DX/Destiny 2/Abyss, Sword Etheria

•RPG: Marl Kingdom, Ar Tonelico 1&2, Arc Lad Twilight, Mana Khemia 1&2, FFX, FM Alchemist 2, Minstrel Song, Shadow Hearts 1-3, Digital Devil 1&2, Suikoden 5, Valkyrie Profile 2, Wild Arms 3&5

•Strategy: Black/Matrix II, Disgaea 1&2, Eternal Poison, Front Mission 4&5, Grim Grimoire, Growlancer 2/3/6, Makai Kingdom, Ring Red, Tear Ring Saga 174

•Platform: Ape Escape (Pumped, Piposaru, 2, 3, Million, Big Mission), Graffiti Kingdom, Klonoa 2, Sly 1-3, Tokobot

•Fighting: SoulCalibur 3, Tekken 5/Tag, Virtua Fighter Evo

•3PS/FPS: Armored Core Nexus, Armored Troopers, Cyber Troopers, Darkwatch, GitS, Gungrave 1&2, Maken Shao, MGS 2&3, Soldier of Fortune, Sub Rebellion, Syphon Filter 5/6, Time Crisis 2/3/Zone, Winback 2

•Shmup/RunNGun: Neo Contra & Shattered, Dragon Blaze, Gradius V, Homura, Hunter Wayward, Raiden III, R-Type F, Silpheed, Steel Dragon, Red Star, Thunder Force 6, XII Stag

•Vehicle: ATV Fury, Gadget Racers 1&2, Seek & Destroy, Kinetica, MotoGP 2&3, Motorstorm Arctic, Sled Storm, Splashdown, Twisted Metal Black

•Air: Ace Combat 0/4/5, Drakengard 2, Sky Gunner, ZoE 1&2

•Horror: Clock Tower 3, Extermination, Fatal Frame 2, Haunting Ground, Obscure 1&2, Silent Hill 2&3, Siren 2, Suffering, The Thing, X Files Resist

•Other: Amplitude, Beatmania, Bombastic, Culdcept, Trapt, Disaster Report, DJ Hero, Dokapon Kingdom, Frequency

Only a couple of these are on Xbox

>> No.9429618

Lol no Nintendo won that generation

>> No.9429662

Yeah yeah you’re technically right, back then exclusives mattered more and PS had far more weeb games but a lot of the hard hitting titles went to both Xbox and PS2. Xbox was a more robust and smoother console of the two, which is why I preferred it although you’re right PS2 had a bigger selection of games

>> No.9429685

This is /vr/ anon
Why would we care about anything after the last retro console

>> No.9429732
File: 507 KB, 2914x282, dreamcast price cut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the subject of the Dreamcast, blaming SoA and their $199 price tag for the Dreamcast not making money is quite funny, because Japan did it first.

>> No.9430076

You’d use a Time Machine to do some trivial viddy game bullshit? Ridiculous, I’d go back and help Hitler

>> No.9431690


Why are so people saying dReAmCAsT iS uNdErrATEd?

These games look like PS2 rejects

>> No.9431790

All of those are shit.

>> No.9432003

What the fuck is 28 thousand yen in real money?

>> No.9432236

At that time 110 yen = $1, so it started at $270 and price cut to $180. The Japanese were ok with that price, can't blame him for attempting to pricematch.

>> No.9432246

>Xbox wasn't as good as dreamcast

og xbox was literally Dreamcast 2. It also had a shitload of original Sega games on it, more than other consoles of the generation.

>> No.9432247

79990 Hungarian Forints.

>> No.9432286

Look up what the word “literally” means, stupid fucking nigger.

>> No.9432516

The Dreamcast is an overrated console

Whenever the topic of sixth generation consoles comes up, inevitably you'll find dozens and dozens of commentators drooling for the Dreamcast. "So innovative." "So ahead of it's time." "The games were so good." Maybe that's true to a certain degree, but was it really that good back then? And does it hold up now?

To answer the latter question, no, it doesn't hold up today. The vast majority of DC games exclusives were ported to PC or other consoles. Usually the port is a superior version to the original too. The only times the DC port is superior is when the game was ported from PSX or N64 to DC. There are still some DC exclusives, which are outliers, like Soulcalibur 1 and Metropolis Street Racer... although truth be told their direct sequels built off the same formula in a vastly superior fashion, so again, not much to go back to there.

I feel the system was largely carried by the amazing graphic fidelity in comparison to N64 and PSX. Dreamcast provided one of, if not, the biggest leap in graphical technology of any console prior.

Were the games innovative? To a certain extent some were: Seaman, D2, Samba De Amigo, and Ill Bleed had a lot of different and unique ideas that didn't really come together in an experience that other game developers wanted to emulate or expand upon. Other games built upon existing formulas in new ways: Shenmue, Jet Grind Radio, and Space Channel 5. Of course, it wasn't all doom and gloom, you had some timeless classics like Rez, Crazy Taxi, Power Stone, Ikaruga, or Grandia 2- none of which are exclusive to DC anymore.

>> No.9432519

Was the system SO ahead of it's time? Short answer: Yes, long answer: No, not really. Yes, it was the first 128-bit console... followed by the PS2 which was released less than 6 months later. Yes, it had a built in 56k modem... that was slow as all hell(56k modems downloaded at 5KBps and about 1KBps up). It was also coming out at the same time cable/DSL internet was gaining popularity, so those households with disposable income- that could afford buying a 300 dollar console brand new- were less likely to have a dialup connection. The VMU (memory card) had a cool LCD screen and buttons on it, so you could play it like a tiny, tiny gameboy when it wasn't being used as a memory card... which stored 100KB for game data, less than a ps1 memory card and 80 times less than a PS2 memory card. It had some things that were unique and ahead of it's time, but not necessarily well implemented.

So, in conclusion, I think the Dreamcast is overhyped. That doesn't mean you can't love it or are a bad person for loving it. Hell, I love the Sega Saturn, and I'll be the first to admit that console was a dumpster fire in more ways than one. But, you know what, I still find a lot of charm, value, and nostalgia in that console which brings me great joy. It also had more quality exclusives games than DC, but that's a story for another day.

>> No.9432535

>And does it hold up now?
yes, every game looks amazing compared to the other consoles, you have games running at a solid 60fps, and in vga. the res is amazing for the time. also the console has good analogue triggers which is nice.
so yes its ahead of its time

>> No.9432557

dreamcast launched i nov 1998 and dial up was by far the most popular internet connect during dreamcasts life.

>> No.9432908

To be fair, ahead of this time, doesn’t mean shit if it doesn’t hold up today. I don’t think the DC does … sorry fanboy. Consumers at the time spoke with their money, Generation 6 was a fierce competition and the DC just didn’t live up to it then and it certainly doesn’t do much now other than “Let me see what this is about, I want to be a contrarian hipster”. This contrarian opinion echoed by youtubers somehow created this illusion the DC is a good system but it’s probably the worst one of the generation

>> No.9432979

It also later got a broadband adaptor

>> No.9433423

I just play the games on steam. I replay kotor and splinter cell chaos theory, and morrowind, and even occasionally halo but I do so on steam.

>> No.9433431

Cheap dvd player is why ps2 sold.

>> No.9434220
File: 836 KB, 3000x2000, CircuitCity2000Holidays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're peddling this meme again?

>> No.9434396

>no date
>the DVD players from reputable companies are all $200+
>For another $100 you had an entire console

Seems like a good deal to me nigger, don't see what's so controversial here.

>> No.9434450

>get a fraction of the ps2 games

I hate to use a nintoddler argument, but they're right when they say quantity =/= quality

>> No.9434602

Ps2 games
>weeb rpg elevator waiting game
>weird gay mascot 3d platformer
>inferior ports of everything else

>> No.9434615

Being a cheap DVD player helped it sell. But don't pretend like that was the only reason it sold. It sold because it was a cheap DVD player + the next fucking Playstation.

>> No.9434660

SEGA stopped making consoles not only because they were losing money rapidly but because games were changing as a medium that was opposite of SEGAs arcade mentality. When those werent the norm anymore and the fact that arcade at home was almost 1:1 there was no point for SEGA to continue making consoles.

>> No.9434694

Former part (out of money), I agree, latter part, I don't. All companies want to make money in whatever sectors they can. If the market can accommodate Sega as a console maker (And they don't go bankrupt), you bet your ass they're going to make one.

>> No.9434763

Even so, SEGA would have to change their entire image (arcade quality, japanese games) to compete with the modern day console demographic that I think they would just be too niche for anybody to buy a new SEGA console outside of Japan. Nobody today would buy a SEGA console if it was made today. Few people, of course, but the big demographic doesnt care about those type of games at all. And those who do like their niche, they can now widely play it on any console they want (Yakuza, Sonic, ATLUS RPGs, arcade games are now available on every major console, they have now totally removed all console manufacturing parts and now strive purely as a publisher). I think that if SEGA stayed even for one more generation they would have totally gone out of business entirely, selling Sonic to Nintendo or something.

>> No.9434867

just say you dont like video games.

>> No.9434878

He's right though. They're a bunch of 6/10s

>> No.9434880

Why do people worship Sega so much when they made movie games like Yakuza and Shenmue?

>> No.9434882

It's contratian nintoddlers

>> No.9434886

Sony bitchslapped em too hard when they released ps2 right after dcast

they got too offended to ever make another one

>> No.9434943

> tech illiterate midwit

... but enough about you and your failed troll attempt, sweaty

>> No.9434985

>Anyone else like to imagine a world where Sega never stopped making hardware and took the place of Sony or Xbox in the console market?

My one issue is that Sega's main source of income is arcades. Arcade profits fund everything Sega does. How does Sega survive when the arcade collapses in the late 90s/early 2000s?

Nintendo at least owns several franchises like Pokemon. And popular handheld electronics like Gameboy and Nintendo DS.

How does Sega fund itself during the console wars when the arcades collapse? Right now Sega survives as a Third party developer.

>> No.9435014

Sounds like fucking kino expect they would use blurays irl

>> No.9435027

By pivoting to pachislot machines

>> No.9435314
File: 549 KB, 1471x828, 0265C73B-6F4C-47D0-ADCE-5616F5F0F39D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I actually sat through this video to make sure there are no hidden gems. Prognosis: negative

1/3 of the library is shitty redundant racing
1/3 of it is subpar fighting games to dull your senses
The remaining 1/3 are unplayable resident evil games with fixed camera, rpg games that would remain flops on any other console but a big deal on the dreamcast only titles like skies of arcadia, literal garbage jank ports like south park, the list of insults goes on but I will stop here. 0.1% of the library look decently playable and they’re sports games of all things that loses its luster by the second play.

If you sit through the video like I did you will understand why those no name games are considered big hits on the dreamcast, there isn’t much going on here at all…

>> No.9435364

Great. Now do that with the PSX and you'll have the same results. Also, take your meds.

>> No.9435375

>2.66:1 ratio
>Exclusive game tie in vape juice


>> No.9435423

But that is a fifth generation console? I agree though it isn’t even fair to compare the Dreamcast to PS2

>> No.9435448

You got a point. It just feels like the PSX is more of a contemporary of the Dreamcast than the other consoles of the 6th gen.

>> No.9435450

Also I don’t give a shit about making a statement like X is better than Y. Fuck console wars. I’m only here to explore the possibility the Dreamcast is worth the time and money, sad to say so far it’s not looking very good

>> No.9435487

We get it. Tell me, from your researches, what console has the most value of time and money?

>> No.9435510


The modern landscape would be so much healthier if Xbox had never come in. Would love to have seen SEGA live on.

>> No.9435530

The Wii for how cheap it is and how much shit it can do

>> No.9437070

Yes and No. The Saturn was too big of a failure. I instead imagine a world where Sega had a better handle of what it's franchises should be. Nintendo had such a strong sense of what to do on the SNES and N64, but Sega was lost. The Saturn should have given us;
>Sonic & Knuckles 2
>Phantasy Star 5
>Golden Axe 4
>Ecco The Dolphin 3
>Toejam & Earl 3

If you look at these games there's great diversity here. Especially if you maintain Toejam and Earl as a roguelike, it never should have become a platformer. Besides the variety, a lot of these brands were iconic. Regardless if people actually played the game, people generally knew about Ecco the dolphin, or golden axe. I am also shocked that Sega CD or 32X never gave us many of these games. The disconnect from what Sega was producing to what the market was hungry for was big issue. Id love if Sega was still making hardward for sure, dreamcast was great, but they just never strongly backed it up with software.

>> No.9437587
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>no one was buying DC games on account of the consoles being able to run burned games
What the fuck was up with that? The Saturn couldn't play burned games straight out of the box. But the Dreamcast could, with no modding whatsoever. To this day I own a whopping one real copy of a DC game. The rest are just three-for-free to infinity.

>> No.9437594

I had one but I got rid of it for xbox so I could play morrowind, halo, kotor. Later I got a gamecube. I never liked gayboy final fantasies or their weird lame platformers like dexter and spy bandikoot. I had a psp and played metal gear on that.

>> No.9437596

Didn't you have to pop the top open while the first game reads or something

>> No.9437614

Hell no. For my DC, all you have to do is insert a burned disc as if it were any official game, and that's it.

>> No.9437662

Hard to say whether Sega's pure S0VL of that era would have have lasted into modern eras. You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain. Dreamcast was the best of us, bros..

>> No.9438907


Nobody tell him. Stinky zoomer.

>> No.9438916

Xbox did perfect the controller though. It is now over and done. Nintendo copies xbox and sony does too. They finally actually added grips and made it so the analog sticks don't smack each other. The ps3 is one of the worst controllers ever designed.

>> No.9438932

The most retarded take I think I've ever seen. Its Online UI and OS is still better then whatever the fuck they run on current Xbox one.

>> No.9438936

Xbox 360 perfected online play. That was what it did. PS3 was garbage with no selling point and the worst controller of all time and wii was a gamecube with a new controller and ability to buy games you already owned. PC was always able to play console games at the time or if they were 'exclusive' emulate them within 5 years. Automatic. Still is.

>> No.9438953

Hell yeah that's a Sega console. I would have bought 2.

>> No.9438957

It has been said to death that the xbox is the DC2 based on all the sega games but go ahead queen... wax on about a nonexistent systen where they put all their current gen games on.

>> No.9438961

>Seething that he hasn't bought an imaginary Sega console while I bought 2

>> No.9438963

you used to have to use a bootdisk and then switch it out with the game you wanted
now they come with boot information already with the games

>> No.9438994

Lmao, you're right not gonna make it! carry on for me vidja bros!

>> No.9439016

>im an xbox fanboy: the post
why are Americans like this?

>> No.9439024

It's because of posts like that one that I wish Sega had kept microshart out of the industry

>> No.9439036

I agree with this. Halo 2 on the Xbox was great, same with Halo 1. Past that... eh. Morrowind is nostalgic but because I couldn't afford a PC at that time so it was the best of both worlds for me, especially after the Toonami Morrowind commercial.

However, in the modern age, you're better off just getting the controllers, even the Duke one, and emulating some shit on a decent PC.

>> No.9439115

Another monstrous retarded take. This board is Xbox is DC2 or Xbox is retarded... thats all you guys can scream about.

>> No.9439508
File: 281 KB, 480x640, 204683-radirgy-dreamcast-screenshot-and-he-s-toast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Giga Wing 1 and Radirgy