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File: 328 KB, 852x1072, pokemonguide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9421365 No.9421365 [Reply] [Original]

The original first generation Pokemon games had such a cool atmosphere that was not replicated in subsequent entries, and seemed to get further diluted with each subsequent entry.

>> No.9421369
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>> No.9421371

For me, it's peaked with 2nd generation. 3rd was okay and from 4th onwards it just lost any sense of direction. They had to finish on Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, making GBA games the last ones and Battle Frontier the final season of anime.

>> No.9421449

I remember having this and putting all the stickers on my wall only to have my bitch of a grandma peeling them off throwing them away as I came home from school because she thought they were demonic because her church said Pokemon was satanic. I cried for the rest of the evening.

>> No.9421470

For me it's the enhanced GBA remakes.

>> No.9421505

Gen 1 and 2 were so good. Then it turned into the souless slop made for manchildren it is today

>> No.9421515
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You know why right?
Originally the pokemon were simple.
> Based on Animal
> Based on Animal + Element
> Based on Japanese Mythological creature

Save for Mr. Mime and Mewtwo they were all animalistic. Even the bi-pedal pokemon (blastoise, nidoqueen, etc) were still distinctly animals.

Nowadays they are:
> Random item the developer saw on his way to the ktichen.
> Animal + Human

They look more like furries than animals.

>> No.9421546

Yes, the first 2 gens are unparalleled in atmosphere.
I will play devil's advocate and say that Sinnoh had a feeling of endgame that partially saved it from how uninspired was most of it.

>> No.9421601
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>> No.9421614

Well I'm inclined to agree since there's literally no other much simpler explanation for that perception disconnected from any objective merits of the games.

>> No.9421631

I wouldn't bother. Most pokemon in general are based on animals, and the series has always had dumb looking pokemon, but you talk to some of these guys and you'd think they were ALL good designs.

>> No.9421634

But I like Hitmonchan.

>> No.9421729

I used the stickers to fill in the Pokedex in the guide as I actually caught them or traded for them. What a magical time... literally EVERYONE was either playing the games, watching the show, or collecting the cards.
Pokemon Go was close to that type of atmosphere but I wasn't in school by that time so I have no clue if it was as commonplace.

>> No.9421749
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1st and 2nd gen w/ Stadium 1 and 2 are the peak, ultimate Pocket Monsters experience.
Optional/addendum: Snap and the TC game boy games.

>> No.9421757 [DELETED] 

I believe your kind is referred to as "genwunnners"...

>> No.9421758 [DELETED] 

zoomer cope

>> No.9421763

I really like Gen 3, but I can see where it started to push away from atmosphere, aesthetic and being an open ended RPG. The hand holding and bigger stories started in Gen 3.

Gen 2 frustrated me a lot when I was younger. With how hard it was to find many pokemon. Like going through this whole dungeon and a guy wants to give you tyrogue, but if your party is a full, you can't take it. Or darks and steel types being in the later half of the game. Now I really appreciate all the little corners in the game. I feel like gen 3 was the last game to have exploration in it.

>> No.9421786

So do I. His elemental punches were way cool. I should have posted Muk or something.

>> No.9421803
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ORAS was really good i think they really outdid themselves remaking Gold and Silver. you can really tell that the originals were meant to be the ending of the series. but then we all know what happened there .

>> No.9421823
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1998-2000 Pokemania will never be repeated again. Pokemon swept the nation. Every schoolyard had its own Pokemon culture, hierarchy, interactions, urban legends, and so on. There were enough Pokemon to make it fresh every time but not so much that it became convoluted or impossible to master. You had the trading cards, the figures, the BIG FUCKING DEAL movie, all the other merchandise. When Pokemon Stadium came out I was so hyped to see my Pokemon in 3D I played until I threw out my neck.

I am so glad to have lived through this period at the prime age.

>> No.9421842

The craze of those times is over, but now Pokemon is a classic household name. Like it trascended its initial phenomena and it's now part of the general pop culture anyway. I see Pokemon t-shirts and tattoos on random normies every day in my city.
I remember back in college when Black and White came out, all the chads and stacies were playing it, it was really weird for me, who came from 4chan thinking normies all hates any sort of "geek" stuff or that they would make fun of people playing Pokemon.

>> No.9421923

The 90s satanic panic was a hell of a phenomenon. America had to find a new boogeyman after the USSR died off and before 9/11.

>> No.9421947

Was it not replicated or was it diluted? I dont understand what you're trying to say.

>> No.9421957

Just a retread of the 70s Satanic Panic brought to you by the same spooks. They were struggling to come up with a new headline grabber until they invented the school shooter

>> No.9421970 [DELETED] 

You guys have a whole board to this crap, can't you keep it there

>> No.9422003

for baptists the satanic panic never ended

>> No.9422049

Pokemon kino comes from the anime and the TCG, not the games. The games have always been average at best imo, not on par with console action RPG's like Secret of Mana or Magic Knight Rayearth. That said, as far as Game Boy games go, I prefer Harvest Moon.

>> No.9422116

Wonder what would have happened to GameFreak if they ended with gen 2. Would the pokemon sales had helped them with new development, or would they be unable to hack it in the 2000s as a dev and inevitably need to fall back on the ip?

>> No.9422183

I hate the new mon designs after gen 2. Lucario for instance is just shitty furfag bait hes not even cool no matter how hard they try. Deoxys was a fucking stupid legendary showing that even by gen 3 its gone to complete shit.

>> No.9422205

The TCG was amazing at the start (for collecting, playing was a pain) - but saying that the games weren't kino is just disingenuous.

>> No.9422257
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He was based on Felix Trinidad the boxer

>> No.9422306

See >>9421515
Also keep in mind, a bunch of the pokemon from Gen 2 were the leftovers from gen 1 that they cropped off to keep the number at 150. So the reason Gen 2 is still appealing is that its still basically Gen 1 pokemon.

>> No.9422320

Explain the "wun" spelling, unless it's just some forced and desperate attempt at justifying your lack of a soul.

>> No.9422352

That's a lie though.

>> No.9422397

Im genwunner and thought Deoxys was one of the few new designs i actually liked being Mewtwo 2.0

>> No.9422398

I don't the hate for Muk, he's not bad just generic.

>> No.9422470

for me it's hitmonlee

>> No.9422476

I had that puzzle glued to a piece of cardboard and affixed to my ceiling. Looked up at it every night while lying in bed.

>> No.9422478

Also that's how I first realized Farfetch'd doesn't evolve into Doduo.

>> No.9422558

mewtwo was a cool looking alien. deoxys just looks dumb. i get what they were going for but it just wasnt cool. stupid head, stupid legs, stupid arms and a stupid torso the entire design is shit. i get that its DNA but thats just fucking dumb for a pokemon design.

>> No.9422682

Except it's not. Fucking Ho-oh appears in the first episode to the anime. Speak not when you don't know about which you speak.

>> No.9422692
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This is my favorite gen 2 pokemon. He was cut from Gen 1 but I'm glad he was put in Gen 2

>> No.9422887

My friend's parents pulled this, they threw out all his Pokemon stuff. Games, VHS tapes, toys, cards, all of it. My parents were equally religious but they weren't quite so strict

>> No.9422920

based grandma lets me guess you are a satanist today

>> No.9422927
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>> No.9422934

This was the common thought a few years ago, but since the big leak we now know that virtually none of the gen 2 Pokemon that made it in were slated for gen 1. That being said the general sentiment that gen 2 is closer to gen 1's design sensibilities than any gen after holds true, but for other reasons:

>Gen 1 and 2 were genuine sibling games, with GSC being conceptualized as "Pokemon 2".
>Gen 2 was the last time Satoshi Tajiri was leading the team actively, gen 1 and 2 can be thought of as his personal childhood games with the premise of the world coming from his own fond memories of an era of childhood that was quickly being devoured by technological innovation and new apartment complexes. The games have a much more personal undertone because they were inspired heavily by the creator own personal childhood and his desire to bring that to a new generation of kids. Gen 3 onwards the games are primarily headed by Junichi Masuda who, while a great musical composer, has a far less personal attachment to the series and a different vision for what the world of pokemon is (especially in an atmospheric sense). You can kind of see this by how the games start feeling significantly more like places you're visiting (like on a vacation) and less like a coming of age story where a boy finally ventures out into his own homeland to explore and grow.
>The franchise by gen 3 was already a proven success story and the teams desire to prove that the IP still had legs I think caused them to shift focus on design philosophy. One example of this is in the first 2 gens the designs seem to, in a lot of ways, play homage to either real animals or kaiju monsters. As the series goes on there's a marked increase in pokemon being animals+theme (duck+jouster/knight vs duck+leak or duck+psychic powers) imo this feels a little cheap/juvenile but its probably easier to prompt new designs for the team..

I could on with my autism on this idea, but i stop here lol

>> No.9423013

I remember back then all the boomer teachers at my school would tell us that no one would care about "pokeymans" in twenty years

>> No.9423062
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The games had been out for over a year by the time the anime premiered, "Pokemon 2" had been announced, and Ho-oh had already been revealed as a new Pokemon that would be available in those games. Pic related is an early magazine article about the anime from back when it had just been announced and very little details were known yet.

Speak not when you don't know about which you speak.

>> No.9423071

It's hard to believe nowadays that there was ever a time when pokemon was uncool

>> No.9423074

Video games in themselves were uncool and seen as childrens' toys or dumb shit for autistic nerds up until the mid 2000s or so.

>> No.9423082

Gen 2 still had this atmosphere. Gen 3 was when it all started to change (though I still think Gen 3 is excellent by any means). Gen 1, 2 and 3 are my personal triad. I have no interest in whatever came next

>> No.9423103

If only he actually was put in gen 2

>> No.9423104

Based debunker

>> No.9423107

I was in high school in the early 2000s and I used to bring my gba to school and play pokemon ruby in the bathroom while I took a shit

>> No.9423119

gen 3 lost some of the 90s anime aesthetic that makes pokemon great, but it has my favorite set of new pokemon

>> No.9423131

I didn't play Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, only LeafGreen/FireRed. These two are absolute classics

>> No.9423183

Jacky Chan
Bruce Lee

>> No.9423206 [DELETED] 

For the entire planet the satanic panic never ended, because all governments are run by satanic pedophiles who rape and eat children.

>> No.9423251

firered and leafgreen are kinda soulless compared to the originals. Heartgold/Soulsilver were much better remakes

>> No.9423262 [DELETED] 


>> No.9423298


>> No.9423836

With all the shit they add, all the betas should be in by now.

>> No.9423863

Gen 3 up to the first 3DS games were the era when you were shunned for liking it.

>> No.9424223

gen 3 is smooth, that's why so many hacks use it. gen 4 is clunky and slow and the sprites have too much squash and stretch fuckery that makes them look shitty.

>> No.9424271

Why Poliwhirl?

>> No.9424297

Pokemon fad more or less died out with the movie. Gen 2 it was starting to become lame and for most of the 2000s you were considered a fag for still liking Pokemon. Like you said, it's not until around X/Y where it changed, likely because the people who were little kids when the fad was at its height would have been in or entering their 20s and so would have had nostalgia and disposable income.

>> No.9424460
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And like others have said, while that might've been the case for kids that grew up on gen 2 and were still in middle school at the time, those that started with gen 1 were in college when gen 5 was released. That was the actual point when it became okay to like Pokemon again, when the earliest fans first got old enough to stop being immature teen edgelords.

I was in college when Platinum got released, nobody made fun of anyone for being into Pokemon then. And pic related is from 2010, late gen 4 in America (American release date of BW was March 2011).

>> No.9424479

You grew up to post on 4chan so maybe your grandma had a point

>> No.9424490

The original artwork is more soulful

>> No.9424515

How hard it must be, to be so inferior, intellectually.

The first game was released in February of 1996.
The first episode of the TV show began production in June of 1996.
Initial development of the second game beginning in July of 1996.
The first episode was AIRED in JAPAN in April of 1997.
The first mention of G/S came out in February of 1997 (it would be released 2 year later).

You stupid shit, an anime episode isn't aired live. It's an incredible strain on the artist's wrists.

>> No.9424518

FireRed > Red

>> No.9424527

I still want to play HeartGold/SoulSilver one day, bc Johto and Gen 2 are so dear to my heart.

>> No.9424539
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>The first mention of G/S came out in February of 1997 (it would be released 2 year later).
That anime announcement article is from December 1996 and mentions both "Pokemon 2" and Ho-oh by name.

>> No.9424547

151 is more than enough fictional creatures to memorise or fill out a virtual world. Once they got into like 300-400 it was just retarded. After I saw they were just going to keep adding 100 more with every game, I stopped caring. Silver/Gold were good as games in the way they expanded the game systems, but in terms of the pokemon anything after gen 1 is dead to me.

>> No.9424592

No they weren't. They used to market games to entire families and young adults.

>> No.9424606

Doesn't matter. Video games much like super heroes and action figures were for nerds in the 90s and early 00s, not that anon but I can tell you this was true, being into nerdy shit wasn't cool like it is now no matter who they marketed shit to. Disney movies were also marketed to families, and you couldn't just be over a certain age and admit to liking Disney like you can now.

>> No.9424610

Yes, to families, so that daddy and mommy can play them with their kids. Not so that daddy and mommy can play them on their own, or that adults without kids can buy them with no intention of ever playing them with kids.

>> No.9424676


It would have been great if they kept the 151 and different generations would follow the same path of collecting them. as adults you could be the "master" and actually mentor them because the kids would be exploring the same world and learning the same game patterns. but unfortunately the world was ruined by a committee cashgrab attitude

>> No.9424686

My first Pokemon game was Crystal and I was in 10th grade when BW came out. Also, I grew up with all of the other kids in my school thinking Pokemon was uncool, except when BW came out a lot of kids in my high school were playing it for some reason.

>> No.9424704

Oh look, someone else had Crystal as his first game.

>> No.9424880

>Initial development of the second game beginning in July of 1996.
You can't read, I'm sorry anon

>> No.9424895
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You have to understand that the first generation of games were made by an almost different mindset and team than the later generations.
Tajiri had a very clear idea of what pokemon was and wasn't, Sugimori hadn't lost his soul yet, and Masuda wasn't an arrogant asshole.
Once it became clear to Nintendo that this shit prints money from kids, due in large part to the anime and merchandising (toys and tcg), that is when the shift began.
Contrary to what others on 4chan may think, the decline in that atmosphere you speak of started with Pokemon Yellow, as it changed the original games into something with more mass appeal from the anime. Generation 2 with Gold, Silver, and Crystal still had for the most part that original vibe but you could clearly see that the aesthetic was softer and cleaner than the original Red and Green. After this, Tajiri basically left and Masuda changed pokemon to his idea. Some of the later games would still be fun and even great, but purely from the perspective of that original aesthetic and atmosphere, never the same.

>> No.9424909
File: 3.21 MB, 882x1806, pokemonmanual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gen 1 had so much soul. remember the "trainer guide" manual. it had cool art, it had the gym leaders, it had a little weaknesses and resistances chart. it was awesome.

>> No.9424912
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Before anyone @'s me for the Sugimori comment, please go fuck yourself seven ways to Sunday.
In very much the same manner that Akira Toriyama phoned Dragon Ball in after the Frieza saga and ESPECIALLY for all of Super (peak soul being in the Dragon Ball era before the Saiyan Saga), Sugimori has become painfully generic and overly clean. There are plenty of pictures online of people drawing new pokemon in early Sugimori style and vice versa, and it's easy to see how much better his pre gen 3 style was.
Also, I fucking hate that people just blanket state that Gen 1/2 Sugimori is just Toriyama. No you blind faggots, having been inspired by Toriyama of course some of the aesthetic is similar but even by the early gen 1 sketches and original artwork, Sugimori had his own distinct style, otherwise the marketing never would have worked as well as it did.

>> No.9425024

Why not Zoidburg?

>> No.9425604
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Hate to break it to you anon.

>> No.9425607
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>> No.9425614

First gen was before Pokemon was fully solidified as a mammoth moneymaking brand, and was more of a personal project from one guy trying to communicate his childhood experiences of bug collecting.

>> No.9425648

Zoomers think if you can put a silly name on something, you immediately win.

>> No.9425656

poliwhirl is satoshi tajiri's (pokemon creator) favorite pokemon, so it was pushed hard in gen 1

>> No.9425657

the changed started to happen during the later half of gen 4 when you started to see hipster stores like hot topic have pokemon shirts in them

>> No.9425667

Wait, they added shit to the game? Never mind, nobody should play this

>> No.9425675

One of the strangest things to me is realizing a lot of Gen 2 art was actually done before the Pokemon yellow art was. I'm sure its not every piece, as G/S development, especially in terms of Pokemon, was all over the place, but a lot of it seemingly was done for significant Pokemon like Ho-oh.

>> No.9425678

pokemon started to lose steam when gold/silver came out and by summer 2001 it was uncool

>> No.9425680

IMO 1st and 2nd Gen both had it. I like Ruby/Sapphire just fine but things had clearly changed by then

>> No.9425692

Kind of just looks like a bunch of parts bolted together, like it's a Gunpla or something. I was never a huge fan of that particular look a lot of later stage Pokemon went for.
And yes I'm aware gen 1 had a few of those, but they stood out because they were robotic or mechanical looking designs amid a sea of organic designs, and they weren't necessarily even the best designs either.

>> No.9425696

I'll never forget that my friend outright just gave me his copy of Silver because of this perception. His parents dropped $50 on that for his birthday or Christmas or whatever, and he just threw it away for normalfag points.

>> No.9425713

There's a sort of rounded pieces stuck together look that dominated a lot of Gen 3/4. I actually think Gen 5 was a good turn around for the series design wise and came closest to the classic stuff, Gen 6 had some good, but Gen 7 went off the edge with bizarre yet bland designs.

>> No.9425738

Was this an exclusively American phenomenon? I’m from Eastern Europe and nobody has ever said bullshit like this, we just had idiotic rumors about some kids killing themselves by jumping from a window or drinking gasoline and setting it ablaze because they though they’re Charizard. Curiously enough, I remember only women (my mother and my female teachers) talking about this bullshit and warning us about it.

>> No.9425748

Inflation-wise it would've been about that, but back then it was $30--which is saying something, how many big, event games are $30 these days? Inflation went up, sure, but the perception of $30 back then is what it is now--fairly cheap.

That said I did find it weird how careless normies were with money. Even though $30 wasn't a huge deal for my family, I wouldn't get spoiled with games like that all the time. Meanwhile I saw kids trading away n64 games for snacks and shit.

>> No.9425749

The amount of bad designs obviously increases with every single generation but are there any gen 1 Pokemon which are generally considered to be bad designs?

>> No.9425758

People often say Voltorb but fuck them, it’s a mimic and it works in the world.
I’d say Seel is a bad design, or Seaking - literally just a seal/fish with a horn slapped in its head, nothing interesting or cool about them. Also, I’m not a fan of the Pidgey line but it is inoffensive.

>> No.9425773

Pretty sure it's the same idea as dorks using the term "freeze peach" a few years ago. Just a dumb way to mock someone.

>> No.9425781

>dudes wearing pokewalkers on their hats

>> No.9425786

Yeah I think Voltorb is probably a lack of imagination but it still works

>> No.9425787
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it's just nostalgia

>> No.9425830

>Meanwhile I saw kids trading away n64 games for snacks and shit.
That's just fucking retarded.

>> No.9425881

>drinking gasoline and setting it ablaze because they though they’re Charizard

I look like this and I do this.

>> No.9425912

>Secret of Mana

Was fucking garbage with a lazy rushjob ending.

>just spam magic to win bro

He spelled it wrong implying that it’s le bad.

Now spell muk backwards

>> No.9425921

sugimori art really started getting soulless when they did new art for the gen 1 pokemon for fire red/leaf green

>> No.9425926 [DELETED] 

Original Sugimori art had three fundamentals:
>cocky protags/rivals
>emphasis on functional clothing, rather than globohomo 'fashionability'

>> No.9425927

gold/silver was supposed to be the final pokemon game, but when pokemania blew up worldwide they didn't want to derail the money train

>> No.9425928

$30 was standard for gameboy games. Even 3DS games rarely retailed for over $35-$40.

>> No.9425932

'Pokemania' was dying down well before GS, retard.

>> No.9425934

>we just had idiotic rumors about some kids killing themselves by jumping from a window or drinking gasoline and setting it ablaze because they though they’re Charizard
it doesn't get much more eastern european than that

>> No.9425936

goldeen/seaking are kind of lazy

>> No.9425937
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Pokemania was pretty wild, I was just at the brink of the target demographic, when gen 1 hit in 1998 I was just starting first grade. My older brother was more the target but having a brother a couple of years older lined me up to get into the things my older brother was into. Frankly I don't think anything will ever be that big again, it was like a perfect storm of media and products to keep it as this constant thing for a few years. Things didn't really die down until around crystal's release date - by then I think people were losing interest and even I could feel it as the media became less ever-present. Guess its the fate of all fads.

Still, all the shit that came from it sure was something.

>> No.9425939

Their markings are actually relatively complex. Seel/Dewgong are the true kings of laziness. Even the names are uniquely lazy.

>> No.9425951

>Also, I’m not a fan of the Pidgey line but it is inoffensive.
I get it. I actually like the Pidgey line but think that with Spearow/Fearow.

>> No.9425954

Something about the Pidgey line just says 'bro bird', but I can't articulate it. Spearow line is clearly just asshole birds, though.

>> No.9425972

Whatever even happened to Tajiri?

>> No.9425980

Televangelists in the 90s were awful then and they're awful now. Latching onto anything to give them relevancy because they lack the Holy Spirit to guide them to preach the true Gospel, so they have to create panic surrounding kids media so gullible-but-well-intended grannies will listen and give them money.

They're purposefully deceptive and in their wake leave generations of young children questioning God into their adulthood.

Luke 17:2 "It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones."

>> No.9425983

the old sugimori pokemon art had way more aggressive poses for the pokemon

>> No.9425984


>> No.9425987

No It wasn't. Pokemon was still pretty hot through summer 2000

>> No.9425991

Pokemania really died out spring/summer 2001

>> No.9425992

He stopped being involved with pokemon a long time ago

>> No.9425996

The movie was cringe and caused countless edgy tweens to drop it, in addition to normalfags simply being cattle who can only enjoy something if it's new and shiny and mass appeal. I lived it, you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.9426007

yea with the dog movie

>> No.9426043
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>> No.9426050

Only Ivysaur/Venusaur and Raticate look 'aggressive' here. Mostly because they have literal angry slants on their brows.

>> No.9426078

I was around back then and pokemania was still strong as fuck after november 1999

>> No.9426080

My mom took me to see that one the day it came out and the theater was almost empty

>> No.9426086

I remember seeing the first movie in theaters and when Ash got stoned all the kids started crying "no ash no!" (in 1999 I was 7 years old) and I remember being pissed off at them. I was a grumpy kid.

>> No.9426090

That's just an example image I found. In the old school sugimori art the only pokemon who have cutesy or neutral poses are the cutesy pokemon

>> No.9426092

I think the Pidgey line looks nice. Simple and effective yet memorable. Spearow and Rattata look great too. Fearow and Raticate look goofy, lacking any of the coolness of Pidgeotto and Pidgeot. I like things like Grimer and Muk just fine too.

IMO the worst Gen 1 design is Tauros. It's a buffalo with three tails, whoop de fucking doo. I also don't like Dragonite all that much. It looks simultaneously goofy and plain.

>> No.9426101
File: 162 KB, 736x831, 3f3e011b35bc90b42fca40f286e9db23--pokemon-red-red-and-blue[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That art came later for the Blue version. The original Sugimori art was... this

>> No.9426108
File: 4 KB, 256x192, FfKZhjLVEAAt588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was really weird for me, who came from 4chan thinking normies all hate
lol he fell for the old "I'm an outcast because of vidya" cope. No buddy, you were called a faggot because they thought you were a faggot. Liking videogames is almost universal among young people and, guess what, pokemon is the most normie shit imaginable.
Yeah, teenage Chad will probably force himself to play videogames less to get chicks, but Chad playing vidya is just Chad. (You) continue being (You) with or without a gameboy in hand.

>> No.9426118

This comic came out when Heart Gold/Soul Silver were out, and it absolutely was a case where college kids were feeling nostalgic over GSC.
Hell you can ad two more panels to this now, almost 13 years later
>Wage slaves too busy to play Pokemon
>late 20's/30-something parents playing Pokemon with their kids(or being the weird aunt/uncle who talks to their nephew about Pokemon

>> No.9426121 [DELETED] 

Now instead of "Pokemon is satanic you can't play that" it's "white men are Nazis you can't put them in games"

>> No.9426124

when I saw the first pokemon movie in theaters there were so many kids from my school there with their parents that it was like a field trip

>> No.9426148 [DELETED] 

To be fair, their religion does say that enjoying anything other than God and hard work is sin.

>> No.9426220


>> No.9426254

Saw first 2 in theater, this one was one of the first movies i ever "streamed" watching it as a rental on Direct TV.

>> No.9426285

No, that art was made for the release of Blue. Prior to that there was no official art of all the Pokemon, and the magazines that promoted it had to draw their own.

The plainer art you're thinking of was done for the anime model sheets, which kinda require basic art of the creature just standing there.

>> No.9426305 [DELETED] 

The difference being that one was actually a wide spread phenomenon and the other is mostly people having a victim complex.

>> No.9426310

>and the magazines that promoted it had to draw their own.

Damn, any examples of this?

>> No.9426313

I can confirm this. Every week during middle school through high i was coming home with backpacks full of "old games" from kids or kids who stole them from siblings, usually only paying them a dollar or a piece of my lunch. Traded an orange juice at lunch for mario land 2. Some kid just for free gave me all his n64 games. Gave a kid a crude drawing on the bus for entire dk land trilogy. It was a wonderful time if you were into old vidya and were dealing with kids too early to experience nostalgia.

>> No.9426316

Here. >>9423062
Top left picture of Growlithe and his buddies, middle left picture of the Hitmons, the Blastoise in the bottom left corner and I THINK the Pikachu in the top right corner were all done by the magazine's staff.

>> No.9426317

And then everyone stood up and clapped.

>> No.9426319
File: 177 KB, 769x1078, Pokemon - Illustrated Book of Pocket Monsters Character Art Book Encyclopedia Pokedex Creatures Inc Guide Book_0023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why are they also used in this official guidebook from 1996 that predates Blue?

>> No.9426320

I will say the Ultra Beasts were some of my favorite designs in many gens. Fuck me,i like Mewtwo and Deoxys and Giratina and all the designs that skirt the edges of digimon tier.

>> No.9426323

Huh, interesting. Might've been done for that guidebook and then reused for Blue promotions?

>> No.9426338

Yeah, I got both Star Fox 64 and Goldeneye from a friend of a friend for free. It was initially supposed to just be a loan, but he just let me keep them since he ended up giving his console away anyway.

Back then most people just treated video games as childrens' toys you grow out of, so if someone wanted your old toys there was no issue just giving them away.

>> No.9426339

Nah, since Blue had the more dynamic art we know in the west.

>> No.9426341

That's just gaming in general

>> No.9426345

There's a massive difference between a friend loaning you a game and later forgetting about it, and kids trading games for fucking orange juice. One of those things feasibly happened, and the other is a teenager roleplaying.

>> No.9426350

What we do know is that this art >>9426319 was not all that widespread at first, and that magazines like Corocoro Comics had to draw their own at first.

The original Pokemon manga is also full of hilarious misinterpretations like the dirt around Diglett being its feet and the gem in Persian's forehead being a third eye, which was obviously a result of it being based purely on the sprites and not on any kind of drawn art.

>> No.9426358

He didn't forget about it, I was talking about Goldeneye with another friend while he was around and he said I could just keep the games since he didn't have his N64 anymore.

>> No.9426359

That's also believable. Trading away an N64 game for orange juice is not. That faggot was roleplaying.

>> No.9426361 [DELETED] 

One of Jesus' miracles was at a wedding reception where he turned water to wine. Doesn't support that narrative, chief.

>> No.9426379

Lol you sound jealous you were not doing the same thing back then. The kid wanted my orange juice, i jokingly said, yea if yoh give me a game for it, he said alright he will tomorrow. I didn't believe him and next day was a field trip, he showed up, jokingly asked him where my game was and he hands me mario land 2. Couldn't believe it myself, but its what ticked in my head to start seeing how much stuff i can get for free or cheap. Same kid later just gave me his gameboy with game&watch gallery in it. Late 90s to midish 2000s was a goldmine for Nintendo and ps1 games practically for free.

>> No.9426383

And then everyone stood up and clapped.

>> No.9426389

I sure did.

>> No.9426391


>> No.9426491

That's exactly right. A lot of what they added to the remakes was shit.

>> No.9426498

I literally lied about knowing the Japanese names for pokemon on the playground when I was a kid.
Nobody ever corrected me, and I had Japanese pokemon cards/games. fuck em.

>> No.9426526

all you needed back then to know the japanese names was an issue of beckett pokemon collector

>> No.9426620

I think you're out of touch, anon.
The youngsters are all over Fortnite nowadays.
I'd argue it's even bigger in hours consumed per zoomer.

>> No.9426626

jackie chan and bruce lee, both hong kong chinese, are considered subhuman animals by the japanese

>> No.9426628
File: 561 KB, 864x786, 034Nidoking_RB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Red/Green https://archives.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Category:Art_from_Pok%C3%A9mon_Red_and_Green

>Blue https://archives.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Category:Art_from_Pok%C3%A9mon_Red_and_Blue

The red and green artwork is solid, but a lot of the blue redraws are dynamic and full of energy. Chameleon and Nidoking for instance. I think Red/Green work really well as "standardized" images for promotional stuff, and the blue designs work better for characterization.

>> No.9426630

fortnite (and minecraft before it) are absolutely huge with kids, but it's not as all encompassing as pokemania was from 1999-2001

>> No.9426632

the blue art made great pokemon cards back then

>> No.9426649

worth remembering that alongside the "bug catching and fighting" stuff that most commonly gets cited as Pokémon's main inspiration another big one was the Capsule Monsters from Ultraseven, which fed into the design philosophy of the Pokémon themselves quite heavily, it's most obvious with Gen 1/2 designs(heck Rydon is the very first proper Pokémon that was designed and he's very blatantly Ultra Kaiju derived), but it's still pretty noticeable even with a lot of the modern designs

>> No.9426658

As nice as it is to discuss pokémon outside of /vp/ the bad part is that people manage to be even more ignorant about Pokémon. How the fuck are you gonna fall for the localization names made up by moronic americans who had nothing to do with the creation of the pokémon? Do you also think Sandshrew is a shrew? Jackie Chan is not even a boxer, Bruce Lee is not even a kickboxer.

Hitmonchan/lee are named after a famous japanese boxer/kickboxer respectively.

>> No.9426661

This truly is the peak of Nidoking. Such a good kaiju.

>> No.9426665
File: 78 KB, 1092x615, chanlee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ebiwalar after boxer Hiroyuki Ebihara.
Sawamular after kickboxer Tadashi Sawamura.

>> No.9426986

And Hitmontop?

>> No.9427017
File: 53 KB, 512x461, 663031916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called Kapoerer in nip, it's just named after capoeira as a whole rather than a specific practitioner.

>> No.9427081

>He spelled it wrong implying that it’s le bad.
It also implies that he and you are le fags.

>> No.9427234

>Hating Deoxys
Thanks for telling us you have shit taste anon

>> No.9427272

I believe you, I traded a copy of "Pyramid of Light" from the yugioh movie to a gay autist in exchange for pokemon ruby
kids are dumb

>> No.9427372

>"I lived it"
>my observational bias trumps reality
Yea, you're experience isn't fact. Doesn't matter tweens dropped it, the first movie made millions of dollars. 2000 was also a big hit for its budget. Not to mention video sales were very high. The first 5 all got US theatrical releases. Because pokemon was doing so well prior to it coming out. Not to mention the cards, toys and anything else attached to the franchise.

3rd Gen is really what decided the fate of the franchise. That pokemon as a franchise needed games, anime, cards ect. to have a cycle of new content, i.e. new locations, gym leaders, and of course pokemon. This all happened because pokemon was so successful, not because it was dying out. Things within the franchise came and went, but it's still here, and still does pretty much all of them. There's still an anime, movies, special, mangas, toys, main title games, spin off games and so on.

>> No.9427778

a lot of the gen 1 pokemon are very kaiju inspired

>> No.9427797

pokemania was always gonna burn itself out and take a dip in popularity

>> No.9427885

Sugimori art.
Originally a passion project.
The old team was smaller.
They cared more about the thing for its own sake than selling merchandise or the absolute need to make more just because.
Now the games are focused on being easy, (not that they were ever hard but they would at least have some difficulty) changing the meta for competitive pokemon, (admittedly its strong point, pvp) and qol changes or regional gimmicks nobody really asked for. Removing HMs is fine, even great. They aged badly, they were just roadblocks in a linear rpg, serving their purpose. Now everything also has to be "consistent" and you have no little charming things like NPCs saying weird funny shit just for the fuck of it. What made them great us no longer there. Ship of Theseus taken to its extreme.

>> No.9427940

Dunno, was never furfag but I thought Lucario was kinda neat as a martial artist pokemon. Big sucker for that aesthetic. But I was 13 when gen 4 came out, so it aligned with my edgy phase. Looking back he's not that great, but stuff like Aura Sphere was cool as hell. Plus Gen4 had a lot of nice Gen1 and 2 evos like Yanmega. But overall yes, Gen4 was basically where the series died for me. I never played 5 or 6, and then I thought I'd give ORAS and Moon a try. Soulless remake all the way through, fuckers even throw the battle frontier in your face. Moon I didn't even finish, my fun in that one came from resetting until I got a shiny starter, and then building a team of legitimate shinies from sos chains. I got a female Salandit, Wimpod, Charjabug, and Vulpix before I quit playing for no real reason. Autism, I know.

>> No.9427942
File: 230 KB, 862x1280, 000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to post some lesser known sugi card art from the earlier days of pokemon.

I really like Blastoise and Ivysaur here

>> No.9427950
File: 218 KB, 848x1280, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metapods color is interesting here, he went for a grey tone. Kinda makes metapod look like it's about to shed maybe its depicting harden? Weedle lookin fierce though.

>> No.9427954

That charmander just took a bad batch of something.

>> No.9427956
File: 220 KB, 857x1280, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arbok bullying diglett here lol. Also the depiction of Fearows drill peck is cool.

>> No.9427958
File: 213 KB, 857x1280, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the weaker sets, nidorina's is cute though.

>> No.9427965
File: 220 KB, 882x1280, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Oddish line got some love here, I'm not sure which move Wigglytuff is using here though, looks like it's healing psyduck?

>> No.9427969
File: 217 KB, 861x1280, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good set, even Meowths derpy depiction has a charm to it.

>> No.9427970
File: 213 KB, 854x1280, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love Poliwhirls little hand squirtgun, loved doing that in the pool as a kid.

>> No.9427974
File: 226 KB, 865x1280, 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very rare depiction of Weepinbell from beneath, I guess this is from before they standardized it to always be shown from above, Kadabra has a cool card.

>> No.9427985

Rip Golem. Slowbro, Magnemite, and Tentecruel got good cards here

>> No.9427989
File: 224 KB, 859x1280, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9427991
File: 205 KB, 870x1280, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dodrio all tangled up

>> No.9427998
File: 220 KB, 882x1280, 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite set, did my boy Gengar right, also like how Kinglers crab hammer smashes a Ditto.

>> No.9428003
File: 218 KB, 857x1280, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:,^( Cubone.

>> No.9428006
File: 227 KB, 870x1280, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my favorite but really solidly drawn set, everyone here looks great.

>> No.9428007

Makes me think modern pokemon designs are made by deviantart fuckwits since that's what artists are now, apparently. Back then it was different. Back then you had to you real mediums like paint, pencil or whatever and now a complete dip shit can just sit on a computer with a pad and have it do more than half the actual work.

>> No.9428014
File: 235 KB, 894x1280, 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jynx giving some luvin'

>> No.9428021
File: 223 KB, 848x1280, 014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tauros, Magikap, Gyarados have good depictions here. Bold choice for Ditto depicting it transforming rather than as it usually looks, I can respect the decision though.

They definitely have changed design sensibilities over the years, even Sugimori himself unfortunately...

>> No.9428023
File: 238 KB, 912x1280, 015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Snorlax's proportions here, makes him a bit more chibi but its cute. Omastar is freightening and another rare underside for Omanyte!

>> No.9428026
File: 198 KB, 932x1280, 016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one I have. I never thought of Dragonites antennae having any function but they're depicted here shooting some kind of laser (hyperbeam colors?). Not a fan of Mwtwo's proportions here but mews aborto look is cool, Dragonair and Dratini look dope.

>> No.9428027

thanks for telling us youre a shitty zoomer with no standards

>> No.9428029

>I'm not sure which move Wigglytuff is using here though, looks like it's healing psyduck?

The moves are all written on the cards

>> No.9428035

>shooting some kind of laser (hyperbeam colors?)
And yes, that's Hyper Beam

>> No.9428115
File: 9 KB, 161x312, japmemeeo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dope, nice to know

>> No.9428394

Gen 5 dex is quite literally a remake of Kanto if you look at it. Everything in the dex is 1:1 with a Kanto equivalent. It was effectively a soft reboot. They designed it from the ground up to be 150 new pokemon. No old ones until you even beat the game. They were appealing to the gen 1 fans and have been since (gen 6 megas mostly kanto mons, let's go pikachu) I don't really care for a lot of them myself. People like Golurk for example and stuff like that. I'm indifferent. The ones that have funky trade evos are pretty damn cool though.

>> No.9428467
File: 12 KB, 517x391, 1665042213782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trainers didn't fuck around back then

>> No.9428493

Once their was more then like 250 Pokemon I lost all interest.

>> No.9428534

Similar for me but with the power ranger originals. At the end of the show they would say the power is yours. The problem was that the power is god's apparently. I've hated God and this world since I was 4 years old. Glad to see all these years later I've been right. Fuck everything.

>> No.9428543
File: 397 KB, 893x2947, genwun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called nostalgiafaggotry. The golden age of Pokemon was Gen 3-5 from an objective point of view. The first two gens were buggy poorly-designed piles of shit.

>> No.9428548 [DELETED] 

least schizophrenic rightoid

>> No.9428549

Good news, Game Freak is recapturing that magic with the newest game.

>> No.9428571

the old art is just knockoff toriyamashit, he eventually developed a style of his own and it looks a lot better

>> No.9428583

OG Pokemon was buggy when it comes to competitive play, but that doesn't change the fact that they had a cool atmosphere that made them an interesting world to explore and play in, something the sterile soulless later games lack

Basically, sure competitive play has gotten better, but the games just stopped being cool so who cares

>> No.9428585

lol I remember in like 2002 or 3 I bought a NES with two controllers, a zapper, and over a dozen games for $20 from a classmate. I miss the 2000's, I miss $2 NES games at flea markets.

>> No.9428625

Caterpie just busted a nut.

>> No.9428642

This post reeks of cope. 95% of players don’t care at all about the bugs and competitive play is a fraction of the fanbase. “Objective golden era” = “My ego is so fragile I NEED to be universally right to feel something other than suicidal.”

>> No.9428649

Interesting Golem pic. I always assumed it was a refurbished design to use as a third evo for Geodude since it always looked like a reptillian design with a rock shell, but this image not only shows it just being rocks, but the arms look much more like carved stone here rather then dino claws.

>> No.9428656

I wonder if its just coincidence ghastly is next to cloister. He never really hooked like his evos so i wonder if it started out as a pearl evolving into one in a shell.

>> No.9428665

"Objective golden era" = The period of time when the games were relatively bug-free, the game engines were fantastic, the competitive play was fun, the regions were interesting to explore, etc
Kanto is as generic as it gets, single-player is a slog through a billion poison types and there's nothing interesting to see or do. Genwun is especially bad with the horrendous balancing; Psychic types dominate, the critical hit system is retarded, hyper beam is broken, it's just unfun to play. On top of this the designs are just a bunch of generic shit with Toriyama eyes pasted on.
Johto is a tiny and bland region, the level curve is absolutely fucking awful, the distribution is retarded and they placed a bunch of Johto pokemon in postgame Kanto, which by the way was a waste of time since everything of marginal interest there was closed down/outright cut from the game. Johto itself is littered with Kantomons and the gym leaders barely even use Johtomons. The competitive scene was an absolute slog stallfest Johto is called "West Kanto" in the fanbase for a reason.
Face it, the series didn't get genuinely good until Gen 3, and got shit again with the transition to 3D in Gen 6. Literally the only people who say Gen 1/2 were good are balding millennials who grew out of Pokemon at the turn of the millennium and won't let go of their childhood nostalgia.

>> No.9428668

That would be a bad ass alt Ditto form to be added, like a Mew that just has access to those 3 lines moves.

>> No.9428672

>I wonder if its just coincidence ghastly is next to cloister.

Hey you wanna know something that's gonna blow your mind?

134 Vaporeon
135 Flareon
136 Jolteon
137 Porygon

>> No.9428676

japanese eeveelution names don't have that motif

>> No.9428683

I did similar for this price, but was a saturn.

>> No.9428781

True, traded Superstar Saga for Ruby and a Shaman King RPG. My grandma got m a second copy of Superstar Saga later too. I also traded something back for another Superstar Saga between those, so I had 2 copies until recently when I sent one in the mail to someone.

>> No.9428785

>got kid icarus 2
>traded it to a friend for links Awakening
>bought kid icaurs back a month later for a dollar

Sure hope that dollar got him something great.

>> No.9428802

>when the tranny is retarded

>> No.9428805 [DELETED] 


Quite incel

>> No.9428809

Guyana, South America
A new POKéMON was discovered deep in the jungle.

>> No.9428820
File: 365 KB, 784x346, temtem_oc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They look more like furries than animals.

>> No.9428824

Hoothoot and Pidgey design do not correlate with each other.
Gen 2 was ass

>> No.9428825

see >>9428824

>> No.9428869

At the end of the day these are young kids games, so childhood nostalgia is just about the extent of their value to be honest, none of them are deep gameplay experiences as far as JRPGs go so they're only as good as the fun you had with them as a kid. Genwun was flawed gameplay wise and competitively when you look at it critically nobody will deny that, but what made Genwun so special was the unique and cool aesthetic and tone of the world that sucked you in and made you wonder more. It was cryptic, mysterious, with a hint of darkness underlying it all, Pokemon during Genwun was a world of mystery and intrigue and THAT is why it was so special to be in.

Unfortunately, by Gen 3 they lost all of that spirit and it just became sterile. They may have worked out some of the bugs in the gameplay and improved on the technicalities, but they lost the soul that made you want to live in the games world in the first place.

>> No.9428889

Nice cope, but people who have only just played through the series in recent years consistently land on Gen 3-5 as the best ones despite then being older titles. Literally nobody new to the series ever says Genwun or its sequel are the best.

>> No.9428962

even the pokemon artists that were around then like sugimori and mitsuhiro arita use soulless digital art now

>> No.9428968

gamestop used to always have a huge bin with NES games for 25 or 50 cents each back then

>> No.9428970

You don't know what you're talking about. Read what Aquinas has to say on virtue and happiness.

>> No.9428976

They could very well be the least flawed games from a technical or competitive perspective, but again being perfect games was never part of the magic of Genwun that makes it near and dear to people's hearts, people who didn't experience it as a kid but rather are playing them as adults looking for some "objective" gaming experience based on how competitively balanced or pristine it is just aren't going to understand the matter of artistic and atmospheric soul vs. soullessness, which is what this thread is about.

>> No.9428986

Dude I’ve gotten games from a classmate for cheat codes to a game I found on game faqs or angelfire fan sites. Are you really going to argue kids can’t be bad with valuables? It happens.

>> No.9429003
File: 416 KB, 1300x480, gastlytimeline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He never really hooked like his evos so i wonder if it started out as a pearl evolving into one in a shell.
No, not at all, Gastly was just a pile of smoke both in concept art and the sprites that made it into the original games. Only on the later post-development sugimori revisions did Gastly became a black sphere

>> No.9429007

> Hoothoot and Pidgey design do not correlate with each other.
What the fuck does that even mean and why they should

>> No.9429128

In my island it was the Ninja turtles for some reason. The neighbor kid just came to my house to play with mine after his parents tossed his.

>> No.9429197

I've had way more fun battling in Stadium and in Gen 1 random battles on Showdown than I have in any other gen.

>> No.9429281

>smogoncel autism

You lot ruined the franchise. Go kill 10000 of the same Pokémon in a row to EV farm autist.

>> No.9429298
File: 823 KB, 1390x1034, early pokemon art combined.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, competitive Gen 1 is fun. It's kinda lame how most teams have the same 4 or 5 Pokemon, but there's a surprising amount of variety despite that.
Hyper Beam being broken actually made things more fun honestly.

>> No.9429304
File: 15 KB, 225x225, 1551222772435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting basic battle mechanics to work in a game that revolves around battling pokemon even in singleplayer is "smogoncel autism"
the absolute state of genwunners

>> No.9429347

The basic battle mechanics do work with rare exceptions. Focus Energy isn't all that important.

>> No.9429353

Anon, people have pored over the code of these games in the decades since release, they're full of things that do not work as intended due to mistakes and errors that are easily fixed by amateur romhackers. Lots of typo-level stuff.

>> No.9429368

>Kanto is as generic as it gets, single-player is a slog through a billion poison types and there's nothing interesting to see or do.

The layout of Kanto in Gen 1 is so much fun to get around, though. It feels open in ways that later regions don't. Not having surface level theming doesn't change that.
>oh look this town is on stilts :)
>oh look this town is on boats :)

yeah ok thats nice but you still loop around in a set path.

>> No.9429374 [DELETED] 

Competitive Pokemon faggotry will never not be massive basedcel cringe.

>> No.9429389

You never noticed it because you were a child, anon. Going back to play the games now is the best way to convert a genwunner to reason. They'll still cope and mumble something about how the games are still better than the later entries, with no intentions of actually playing said later entries to see how wrong they actually are about that.

>> No.9429395

>experiences as far as JRPGs go so they're only as good as the fun you had with them as a kid
I'd argue for the standards of the original Gameboy, Pokemon mogs any other cut down NES JRPG that got ported to it. It had a lot of unique innovations compared to the genre at large. The ability to just dump your entire party and handpick an entirely new one at will is something even modern JRPGs just don't have outside of Pokemon, for instance. Encounters are far more upfront and obvious than your typical FF or DQ world map, too, allowing you space to prepare and figure out strategies depending on what trainer type you're up against - and the very concept of distinct sets of enemy types bound up in a single sprite you could see on the overworld map is just not something JRPGs of the era had at all.

Pokemon in its original incarnation was something groundbreaking and revolutionary. It's not hard to see why it sold so much when your typical Gameboy game was just cut down bing bing wahoo, cut down NES JRPGs, and puzzle games. Pokemon was a full fledged RPG experience you could carry in your pocket, and the trading/social functions are just icing on the cake. Most of the flaws people cite are peripheral in comparison. I don't give a shit if my JRPG is unbalanced. Most of them are. I give a shit if the gameplay mechanics are engaging and the story/setting has something to offer. Pokemon's story is and always has been pretty basic, but it checks the other two boxes handily. There was nothing like Pokemon's setting before Pokemon. There was nothing like Pokemon's gameplay mechanics before Pokemon, not on the Gameboy, not on the NES/SNES, nothing.

I think that while later generations are certainly more polished experiences, they're at the core the same experience. Game Freak's inability to innovate certainly doesn't take away from the fact that Pokemon when it first became a thing was a very innovative experience, however.

>> No.9429396

I just got done playing Violet on my Switch emu an hour ago, faggot. You know nothing about me. The fact remains that nobody on Earth besides you and a few of your sycophant buttbuddies gives a flying fuck about balance or the occasional bug in a JRPG. Imagine if FFfags started massive flame wars because FF6 had bugs in it - like, no shit. Nobody cares. Your competitive 'scene' is a joke and the average fighting game wipes its ass with the entire population of your community.

>> No.9429397

I know that, I'm just saying it's not a huge deal for the most part. And in some cases, like Hyper Beam or Missingno, the glitches actually make the game more fun. Most of the glitches are very minor or acceptable as quirks in the mechanics.

>> No.9429405

Literally nobody is saying Violet is any good. Pokemon was at its peak in Gens 3-5 and went back downhill after that.

>> No.9429409

>make a random seethe argument about me being a nostalgiafag
>whine because I pointed out I've played EVERY pokemon game, including the very latest release
You're the real nostalgiafag, clinging onto decaying memories of your little 'competitive' matches over NWC while doing the exact thing - refusing to play newer Pokemon games - that you just accused me of.

>> No.9429412

Not that anon, but I played up to Gen 3 myself before I lost interest and I still preferred Gen 1 just because I liked the early Pokemon world and tone much more. I don't play competitively so all the minutia involved in that is irrelevant for me, I was just in it for the adventure. Pokemon games as single player experiences aren't hard, even in Gen 1 as unbalanced as it apparently was, you can still win the game easily just by training your favorite Pokemon of choice with the basic knowledge of strengths and weaknesses and that's that. None of the programming flaws of the game actually make the game difficult or unplayable.

>> No.9429416

The 3D-era pokemon games are a regression back to the era of buggy janky poorly-designed messes of the first two gens. And I've never even mentioned competitive, that's an obsession you've had for whatever dumbfuck reason. I brought up the fact that the game is full of bugs, many of them to do with the battle system, and you're sitting here pretending like they don't apply to single-player battles which you do the entire fucking game.

>> No.9429417

Actually, scratch that, judging by your posts, you're way too young to have experienced DS wifi. You're just a retard peddling fake memories from bloggers because you think it makes you look more sophisticated than all the 'nostalgiafag' genwunners. I can drag out my half broken DS lite with soul silver and pearl right fucking now you stupid nigger. I bet you can't even post proof of ownership of a single Pokemon game.

>> No.9429420

Nobody's denying the glitches exist, but in practice they don't hurt the experience much. Code not working as intended doesn't matter if the end result is still fun.

>> No.9429434

Hoenn completely mogs Kanto. Better exploration, better environmental diversity which felt like you were actually exploring a tropical island region, better postgame, better pokemon distribution, everything was just so much more improved, and the Gen 3 engine is probably the best in the series by far, which is why so many Pokemon ROMhacks use it.

>> No.9429440

>half water and constant need for HM abuse
Pass. IV had by far the better overworld. It's downside is that it's slow as fucking molasses save for Platinum.

>> No.9429449 [DELETED] 

>noooo the tropical island region has water routes aaaaaaaa I'm going insane save me charizard!!!!
Congratulations, you have the irredeemably shit taste of an IGN tranny. Hoenn is full of memorable routes, everyone remembers the sandstorms of Route 111, the volcanic ash-covered Route 113, the lush and tropical areas around Fortree, it's all fucking great. What the fuck does Kanto even have? Nugget Bridge, maybe? Completely unremarkable.

>> No.9429454

You're still evading the issue that the tone of the franchise changed massively by Gen 3 and that some people much prefer the tone of the early games.

>> No.9429456
File: 445 KB, 1920x825, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It has uhhhhhh, trees and ash/sandstorms
You truly sold me, nostalgiafag.

>> No.9429458

Enjoy opening the menu and selecting Dive for the nth time this run btw.

>> No.9429460

I kept this guide in my desk at school and would often take it out during class when the teacher wasn't looking. Eventually, I was able to impress all of my classmates by reciting all 151 in numerical order.

>> No.9429462

All Pokemon games are unbalanced. Game Freak, in their only saving grace, doesn't cater to these inbred retards and tries to "craft a real competitive meta". That's why Smogon needs a gajillion houserules in order to even function properly as a format.

>> No.9429463

Water routes in Hoenn are the ultimate pleb filter. It would be one thing if they were empty, but they had lots of cool shit to see in between like the shipwreck, shoal cave which had a cool tidal mechanic, pacifidlog which is still one of the most original towns in the series, and even some secrets like mirage island. Not to mention diving was pure kino.

>> No.9429465

It's hilarious that you're trying to deflect away from Kanto criticism by trying to get me to shit on Sinnoh. It won't happen, because Sinnoh was also great with memorable routes.

>> No.9429469

>it has cool shit like uh,,, island you can't see 99.999% of the time and has nothing relevant on it and some underwater caves where you encounter the same 4-5 pokemon over and over again
They are empty, anon. You're just too blinded by nostalgia to see it.

>> No.9429471
File: 26 KB, 312x301, literally me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will mate, thanks. You can just use Dive by pressing the button over a dive spot btw.

>> No.9429476 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 1280x720, IS THAT HECKIN KANTOOOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genwunner malding over basic criticism of KANTOOOOO
every single time

>> No.9429478

>plays the superior game but develops an inferior position
>has schizophrenic episodes assuming there's only one person disagreeing with him ITT
sad, you should start dumping soijacks anon, it's your only recourse against the gen 1 'enemy' by this stage

>> No.9429480

The island has a unique berry on it you can't get elsewhere.

>> No.9429482

"I made my already easy game easier by RNG manipulating an obscure secret"

>> No.9429483

You're really trying hard, but it's perfectly fine if you think Sinnoh is better than Hoenn, nothing wrong with that and I have no interest in arguing, it was a fantastic region as I've already mentioned. Genwun is still shit and always will be. Kanto is still awful.

>> No.9429484 [DELETED] 

>he's so out of wack by this stage he actually is posting soijacks
Imagine being this mad at the demons living rent free in your own head.

>> No.9429486

That dude doesn't even play Pokemon, he's simply picking random Blogspot stances to argue about on the internet out of boredom.

>> No.9429487

I really just get the impression that people who have a hateboner for Red and Blue are just jealous that they were latecomers to the franchise who didn't grow up during Pokemania

>> No.9429489 [DELETED] 

What soijak? That's an actual unedited thumbnail made by a genwunner who was expressing his emotional state upon viewing Kanto games. He's one of you.

>> No.9429491 [DELETED] 

>he's trying to deny he posted a soijak after posting a soijak
/qa/ lost and you will never be a woman

>> No.9429492 [DELETED] 

>y-you're just jealous...
absolute state

>> No.9429495 [DELETED] 

The delicious irony of your post is that the only people who even touch genwun titles are speedrunning trannies since the games are borderline unplayable for practical purposes.

>> No.9429496 [DELETED] 

>n-no you're tranny
Sad, imagine projecting this hard on the internet. Dump your soijak folder anon desu, I know you have one and I want to see it.

>> No.9429501 [DELETED] 

soijaks are wojak edits newfaggot, hence the name
that's just a genwunner jewtuber who edited his own face and thought it would make for a good thumbnail, it's posted on /vp/ all the time to remind people like you of your status

>> No.9429506

You sound boring

>> No.9429507 [DELETED] 

>i-it's not a soijak! n-newfag!!
You're coping even harder than your parents did after you announced your transition to them.

>> No.9429562
File: 5 KB, 522x527, mewtwo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure soul

>> No.9429563 [DELETED] 

Are you going to make a post defending Kanto as a region (preferably in an actual, quantifiable way and not "it has sovl") or are you just going to fizzle out after this tantrum, since your attempt to deflect into a Hoenn vs Sinnoh flamewar didn't pan out?

>> No.9429567 [DELETED] 

>waits thirty minutes because his soijak ridden tranny brain is THIS desperate for the last word
lol lmao

>> No.9429583

Sugimori's art has never looked like Toriyama's, what the fuck am I reading

>> No.9429589

Feel free to make another post and have the last word mate, you were completely unable to defend genwun or Kanto in general and were subsequently unable to shift into a Hoenn vs Sinnoh war, and now you're resorting to this. I'll just say that I certainly hope that this post >>9429458 wasn't you, since that would tip your hand revealing yourself to be generally unfamiliar with the basic gameplay of later games in the franchise which you claim to have played. It makes no sense whatsoever as criticism of R/S/E, considering you have to navigate your way through more menus in R/B/Y just to to use any HMs at all. Every single time you want to cut a small tree or push a boulder etc, you have to open the start menu, enter the team menu, navigate to the pokemon with the HM you want to use, and finally select it after potentially navigating through a list of multiple HMs it might know. Far more cumbersome than simply pressing the A button twice, but I'm sure you know all of this, since you've played all the titles after all.

>> No.9429592
File: 74 KB, 540x654, ERJvbtCWkAcEH4m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not 1:1 but he was clearly heavily influenced by Toriyama, especially when it came to proportions, posing and the characteristic eyes.

>> No.9429607

Gen1 is the only one where each of the starters is a cool Pokemon.

>> No.9429648
File: 74 KB, 960x540, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look like they have bound feet.

>> No.9429652
File: 456 KB, 1560x2400, dbz character scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9429696 [DELETED] 

tl;dr schizo ramble asserting everyone shitting on his garbage opinion is dah same... because dey are!!!
you will never be a woman or have good taste, end.

>> No.9429821

that list is pure cope. its amazing how we all beat the baby tier RPG despite all the GaMe BrEaKiNg BuGs. that entire cope just reeks of competitive faggotry

>> No.9430031

Precisely. Gen 1 has technical issues everyone knows about now but none of them really put a damper on the gameplay, it's just too simple of a game for any of it to really matter

>> No.9430069

Fuk, i want that pokemon world.

>> No.9430109

I’m a Gen-Two Chad loser. Gen Two fixed a lot of the bugs and mechanics in Gen One and is the generation most people in these threads agree is the peak of poke kino.

>> No.9430138 [DELETED] 

This. Fuck nostalgia. New shit is automatically good.

>> No.9430141

Not seeing it. So they're both frowning, is that it?

>> No.9430148

Gen 2 was better

>> No.9430242

gen 4 was awful

>> No.9430250

for me it's the underwater diving

>> No.9430253

I've played tons of gen 3 and I've never once gotten the island to appear

>> No.9430261

It's that plus some of the genwunners can be really obnoxious about shitting on the newer pokemon and pokemon games

>> No.9430267

going into the unknown dungeon to get mewtwo felt like a huge adventure back in 1999

>> No.9430271

>Something about the Pidgey line just says 'bro bird', but I can't articulate it.

You ever catch a bug or a small lizard or from as a kid, just a tiny one, barely does anything, but its "your" bug? Its like that. In a world of wild beasts, pidgey feels like something you could tame.

>> No.9430274

I still have all of mine in a sticker book

>> No.9430296
File: 103 KB, 700x462, tilting_at_windmills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're so wound up its almost comical. Calm the fuck down.
I grew up during pokemania and loved the shit out of red and blue, the only region I didnt like was Gen 5, I just dont see the point in being so ridiculously defensive about it, I love all Pokemon games.

>> No.9430309

Gens 1-3 were my childhood and I still like R/B, but genwunners need to fuck right off.
>I haven't cared about the series since I was a kid, but I'm an expert because I was there first.

>> No.9430316 [DELETED] 

The difference being that second thing never haooened. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.9430334 [SPOILER] 
File: 335 KB, 750x734, A01A4D49-FAF4-4C2C-A6EB-171EEAB5CF93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got something that’s gonna blow YOUR mind

>> No.9430340

I love how the vast majority of this thread concedes that Gen Two was the peak of classic Poke-kino, but you faggots are just so obsessed with the Gen One boogeyman that you can’t stop screaming about it for two minutes.

Are new Pokefans really this insecure? Go play scarlet and violet, no ones stopping you.

>> No.9430345

gen 1 and 2 are usually lumped together as the "classic" era

>> No.9430401 [DELETED] 

But /vp/edos can’t come up with a phrase that encompasses both generations because their frontal lobe has been rotted out by Smogon autism.

>> No.9430421 [DELETED] 

Don’t lump pedos into this faggot

>> No.9430450 [DELETED] 

But /vp/ is full of weirdos who want to coom to animals and underaged Pokémon trainers. No wonder they love Pokémon after it pivoted to cater to furfags and babies.

>> No.9430451 [DELETED] 

No shit, the trainers are all intentionally designed for sex since it’s inception

>> No.9430480

>lumping everything after gen 2 together

>> No.9430550

>better graphics
>better music
>fixed many problems
Yes, enhanced.

>> No.9430562 [DELETED] 

t. some boomer who went to /vp/ hoping to nostalgiawank over the older titles, only to be upset by the fact that everybody criticises them for having aged terribly instead

>> No.9430564

the fire red/leaf green graphics are really bland compared to ruby/sapphire/emerald

>> No.9430565 [DELETED] 

hating genwunners is fine, but /vp/ is 50% coomers/furfags and 50% little faggot zoomers who weren't even alive with red/blue came out

>> No.9430587 [DELETED] 

>getting upset that people are younger than you

>> No.9430589

This happens with all franchises tho. It becomes rarer and rarer people say mario 1 is the best, or Final fantasy 1 is the best. It's just what happens. Objectively gen 3 on are better made games. The quality of life improvements can't be ignored. Gen 3 does also include a gen 1 remake. Its a lot easier to munchkin in Gen 1 and work around the balance issues, so I see the fun of it, but mostly the core game is captured in gen 3. When I see genwunners all mad I don't get it. Gen 3 is a really good generation for pokemon. About the only thing they screwed up was the distribution of johto pokemon. Needing Emerald or Colosseum was a bad call.

Otherwise I see Gen 1 and 2 being a less is more, black and white movie appreciation kind of love. I think people imaginative people are drawn to the blankness of that era. Also, it's lots of peoples favorites, just not the majority at all, it is a minority that like them.

>> No.9430593

Dunno about Mario 1, lots of people still play/revere that game and I haven't noticed any particular backlash against it. I see more regarding Mario 64, mostly because of the camera.

>> No.9430601

I guarantee you, if you ask people their favorite mario game, the majority will not say the part 1 from the NES. Mario 3, mario world, mario 64 will all be higher. Just saying, pokemon is not unique in that regard.

>> No.9430606

Yeah I see what you're saying there. I was more thinking in terms of the level of criticism levied at earlier titles.

>> No.9430610 [DELETED] 

That was a joke about how buggy Scarlet and Violet are.

>> No.9430614 [DELETED] 

seetheposts don't deserve legitimate replies

>> No.9430619

sure, but that's not gonna come up for most people. Die hard fans will be more critical. I really also think it's more the other ones are better. You fix the issues in pokemon gen 1, without altering the experience, it's still not gonna be most peoples favorites.

>> No.9430627

>You fix the issues in pokemon gen 1, without altering the experience, it's still not gonna be most peoples favorites.
What qualifies as "not altering the experience", though? I do in fact see a lot of people whose favourite games are Fire Red and Leaf Green, even in anti-genwunner strongholds like /vp/.

>> No.9430641

I don't know, I dont have issues with gen 1, I am speculating, I really like gen 1.

>> No.9430645 [DELETED] 

>12 year olds were designed for sex

/vp/edos everyone

>> No.9430651 [DELETED] 

if you weren't alive when red/blue were released then your opinion on pokemon goes straight in the trash

>> No.9430654 [DELETED] 

You have that backwards, unbiased opinions will always have more value.

>> No.9430664

>Save for Mr. Mime and Mewtwo they were all animalistic.
Especially Jynx.

>> No.9430673

mario 1 is mostly associated with speedrunning nowadays

>> No.9430675

I started with red in 1999 and my favorite gen is 3, so I'm not blinded by nostalgia

>> No.9430684

If anything Gen 1 was atmosphereless. It got the coolest artwork and it being still rough with the ideas gave it a unique charm, yes.
That said, I prefer the way that every subsequential generation shown their regions, even if I'm not a fan of the games after the transition to 3D on the handhelds.

>> No.9430708

>Pokemon games had such a cool atmosphere when I was 12, and seemed to get further diluted the older I got.

>> No.9430710

But they're amazing compared to the Game Boy graphics.

>> No.9430724

It's not really the graphics per se, most 3rd gen romhacks use the FR/LG graphics as a base. The spritework etc is great, it's just that R/S/E is a more visually appealing title due to Hoenn having a much more diverse gameworld in terms of environment than Kanto.

>> No.9430730

Pokemon games got better the older I got, then worse when they made the transition to 3D and started creating theme park regions set outside of a fictional Japanese setting while catering to Western sensibilities.

>> No.9430736

>set outside of a fictional Japanese setting
New York region was cool and unique, at least until they've let immigrants in.

>> No.9430761

>better environmental diversity which felt like you were actually exploring a tropical island region
> but they had lots of cool shit to see in between like the shipwreck, shoal cave which had a cool tidal mechanic, pacifidlog which is still one of the most original towns in the series, and even some secrets like mirage island. Not to mention diving was pure kino.

This is what I was referring to earlier in the thread with Masuda's vision vs Tajiri's vision. In your head Pokemon is about the exploration of new unseen fantastical lands (like a vacation or something).The first two generations don't view the world through this lens, it's about the exploration of a familiar world, cities, suburbs, farms, forests. Not dense jungles and castles. Pokemon gen 1-2 is closer in its world fantasy to Mother 1 than it is to typical JRPG fantasy. Its this schism that has caused a rift in Early pokemon fans and later pokemon fans, its basically 2 different series connected by the idea of semi-fantastical monsters..

>> No.9430772

Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh were all explorations of foreign lands to anybody living outside of Japan. Hoenn and Sinnoh were not "fantastical", they were as grounded in terms of environmental layout as Kanto or Johto, because they were also based on regions of Japan designed by Japanese men familiar with them. Unova is where things started getting strange, because the region was meant to be based on New York City, but was expanded to become more of a condensed version of the USA in general in terms of environments.

>> No.9430843
File: 559 KB, 3200x2159, EiGt9s9WsAARJil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm not clear on what I mean by fantastical or vacation like. In Hoenn onward every region has been created through the lens of and outsider looking in. When Tajiri and the team first created Kanto the world was the world he actually experienced, HE experienced his hometown going from rural to urban and the juxtaposition of the two, HE experienced going into caves and forests to hunt for bugs, it was crafted from HIS experiences and I think this is felt in the first two games. They're mini versions of his lived experienced (not in the sense of region geography). Hoenn onward is where the regions start being outside the creator's (Masuda by this point) lived experiences, Masuda didn't grow up in a Hoenn environment, or a Sinnoh environment, or a Unnova environment etc, that's why the pokemon team has a research field trip for every fucking game now, and I think that can also be felt in the newer games (Alola being the most egregious example). The worlds are crafted through the lens of an outsider who's just visiting or has recently appeared now, rather than an almost nostalgic look back on their own upbringing.

To condense what I'm getting at. There's a difference felt in a game made by someone who went to research a castle in the countryside, and someone who grew up running around in them. Even if the geographic/environmental layout is 1:1 from their country of origin.

>> No.9430869

Using your argument, the series has been from the view of an outsider looking in since Gen 2 with Johto, not Hoenn.

>> No.9430889

Same here. My mother believed all video games to be satanic. Same with card games. Trading cards were banned in our schools and there was no way we would ever be allowed to play any card game in our house. My father was a nerdy guy, so he had some games on our family PC and let me play them when she wasn't around.
Funniest part is, 25+ years later, my parents have a Switch and my mother probably plays more video games than I do.

>> No.9430959
File: 2.14 MB, 2527x3262, phoebe probably goes commando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you about G1, but I was actually even more captivated by the world in Ruby/Sapphire when it was new, Hoenn drew me in in a way which Kanto and even Johto just hadn't before.
Traversing the desert, scouring through Meteorite Falls and the volcanic area, etc, the wilderness was varied and interesting, and I liked a lot of the Pokémon designs, places like the scuttled ship really stood out to me as well. I remember thinking the graphics were really colorful, detailed, and pretty, and it made the world feel very alive to me. I missed the day/night cycle from previous gen, but the weather effects were really neat.

There was more too, diving out deep in the ocean looking for treasure when I thought I had seen most of the game, and then stumbling upon these weird ancient cave chambers which I had no fucking idea existed. With the slightly creepy music filling me with wonder, I see these weird symbols on the walls which I had seen in a couple of other places before, and I soon realize this is an alphabet, I write the (Braille) alphabet down on a piece of paper so I can reference and translate the written text in the chamber as well as the other places which had mystified me, and this sent me on quest to discover what this stuff was.

I was also a teenager by that point, so unlike with the older Pokémon games, I really took notice of the cute girls in this game. Battle Girl, Parasol Lady, Pokémon Ranger, Phoebe, May, all these pretty girls making me hot and bothered was special to me as well.

It's definitely different that way, yeah.

>> No.9430967
File: 905 KB, 856x933, 3485770bf049e10a186428628fa0a932 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fair, but I think Johto was his upbringing, and Kanto was more his adult life once urbanization kicked in. The two regions are pretty similar just one is more 'modern' and the other more 'traditional' which is what someone like Tajiri would have seen over his ~25 years of life. Bug catching for instance was an activity he actively engaged in as a kid apparently, so seeing it be made a big deal of in the national park feels like evidence of this.

>> No.9430973

>Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh were all explorations of foreign lands to anybody living outside of Japan. Hoenn and Sinnoh were not "fantastical", they were as grounded in terms of environmental layout as Kanto or Johto,

Hoenn is where the environmental themed towns really begin to become the norm, though.

>> No.9430987
File: 751 KB, 929x836, may bikeshorts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess what I'm saying is that I didn't really appreciate the whole thing about Kanto and Johto being so strongly based in Satoshi Tajiri's upbrining until I was much older, and that Hoenn took me in much more as an adventure in my youth.

Starting playing Fire Red for the first time just this week though, it brings back a lot of fond memories of Kanto, and reminded me that the progression in the game world of the original game (which is replicated), was actually really good and clever. It also adds a lot of nice quality of life upgrades from RSE which I very much appreciate.
It's more challenging than the modern games too, which is another thing I like, it's not hard, but it doesn't feel braindead.

>> No.9431013
File: 115 KB, 344x364, 1516255801286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Growing up I knew about the satanic panic surrounding pokemon but I never actually experienced it. Even the most religious family I knew growing up weren't bothered by the games which was weird. Their kid was fucking obsessed with pokemon cards and I was surprised he was even allowed to have them.

Not long after pokemania his parents would later go fucking rabid over Harry Potter books, so I knew they had it in them.

>> No.9431015

I get why all these areas and enviromental exploration seemed cool, but at that point it began to feel too far from the every-day, modernworld RPG environment that drew me into Pokemon as a kid. at that point, its just another total fantasy world RPG.

>> No.9431024
File: 158 KB, 1196x1280, Pokemon-to-real-world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, he grew up in a suburb of Tokyo in the real-life Kanto region. His upbringing in Pokemon world terms would be the areas around Saffron City. Johto is the next region over (Kansai).

>> No.9431029

Her mouth is legitimately just fully on the side of her face.

>> No.9431041
File: 191 KB, 769x498, ah, the sprawling desert of new york city.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

irl kyushu is like that, it's a really environmentally diverse place complete with actual sand dunes and stuff
there's a difference between having a geographically interesting region that is based on real life and one like Unova which is really just a pastiche of the USA with jarring environmental transitions that feel more like you're in a theme park visiting different sections

>> No.9431043

I'm speaking beyond the strict geographical representation of the areas in game to real life

>Satoshi Tajiri was born on August 28, 1965, in Setagaya, Tokyo.[3] Tajiri grew up in Machida, Tokyo, which at the time still maintained a rural atmosphere[4] and was rapidly growing.[5] As a child, Tajiri enjoyed insect collecting as a hobby, which would be an inspiration for his later video game work.[6] Other children called him "Dr. Bug",[4]

He was a rural-kid who saw his area grow into a more modernized location.

>> No.9431047
File: 3.33 MB, 1919x913, grfjerfefe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing about Japan is, you're never more than a good bike ride over from a massive fucking national park. The island is more mountains and trees than people.

>> No.9431053

Yes, but that's only relevant to Kanto. He never grew up in the areas that Johto represent. It's no different than Masuda making a region based on Kyushu. He was an outsider looking in when creating the Johto region.

>> No.9431056

It's like a 2 hour drive away. You're telling me his family never went on day trips?

>> No.9431059

More specifically, even if it was relatively rural compared to Tokyo, his upbringing was culturally distinct from the Kansai region. The Johto games kind of make a point of this, with people from Tajiri's home region of Kanto poking fun at the Johto bumpkins.

>> No.9431060
File: 11 KB, 300x150, fortree .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not the environmental diversity, its that they went from having tiny representations of towns to
>This city is a giant tree fort
>this city is built on rafts
>this city is reached through an underwater cave
>this city is a hotspring

Like don't get me wrong,they're interesting areas for sure, but they're not attempting to be "real" cities anymore. Which makes sense; they wanted to show off the GBA's capacity and it'd be boring if it was just Kanto/Johnto esque cities in every game. But what people call boring about Kanto is what I found very relatable as a suburb/city kid.

>> No.9431065

It's like a 2 hour drive to reach the very outskirts of Kansai. It's 6 hours to reach Kyoto/Ecruteak, the mid-point of the Johto region. He never once mentions his time in Kansai growing up, just that he spent time around the outskirts of Tokyo.

>> No.9431070

>he had to have gone to the DIRECT CENTER of this region or else it doesn't count

really nigga?

>> No.9431085

I don't think it's a stretch at all for him to have to go to the cultural centre of a region to have an idea of what the people there are like, instead of maybe right up to the border. Regardless of all of this, he never even mentions a childhood or even young adulthood of visiting Kansai leading to an inspiration of the games at all. Johto is very much treated like a "vacation" with the way that the game plays up the contrast of Johto being a very different place than Kanto with a more rustic vibe and ancient cultural buildings and whatnot.

>> No.9431090

>I don't think it's a stretch
you have to visit houston and dallas OR ELSE you can't say you went to texas. because I said so.

it's niggering a two hour drive away. You can't sit there with a straight face and unironically pretend there's not more of a cultural interchange than you are from the entirety of Japan, you LARPer.

>> No.9431094
File: 489 KB, 1280x800, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only one of those that is particularly fantastical is fortree, I'll grant you that one, but let's not ignore Lavender Town with its giant haunted tower with a cemetery inside

>> No.9431095 [DELETED] 

>Are new Pokefans really this insecure?
Yes, Zoomers have nothing unique to define their generation and are lost souls to begin with.

t. millenial

>> No.9431101

That's a resort, not a town, anon. Nobody's unironically living on stilts outside of the third world nowadays, and a city you can only get to through an underwater cave is complete nonsense on so many levels (how the fuck do these people get food, medical supplies, building materials?)

>> No.9431103

>you have to visit houston and dallas OR ELSE you can't say you went to texas. because I said so.
Where did Tajiri ever even say he visited Kansai? This is pure speculation on your part in the first place. He has literally only ever mentioned the suburbs of Tokyo as inspiration for his games. And yes, I would much rather listen to a person's opinions on Texas had they actually spent significant time in major cultural centres like Houston or Dallas as compared to a person who may have visited some town right on the border of the state he lived when he was younger.

>> No.9431107

>And yes, I would much rather listen to a person's opinions on Texas had they actually spent significant time in major cultural centres like Houston or Dallas
spoken like someone who's never talked to a texan before. imagine some LARPing loser on 4chan trying to tell someone who's been in texas their whole life they don't understand their state because they didn't go to the liberal capitals of the state. l m f a o
i'm done with you, you're clearly way too head up your ass to understand people or cultural regions. never travel.

>> No.9431108

Nobody's unironically living in a haunted town in the mountains with a giant cemetery-tower either.
>and a city you can only get to through an underwater cave is complete nonsense on so many levels (how the fuck do these people get food, medical supplies, building materials?)
The same way you get to and from after visiting to it- flying pokemon.

>> No.9431113

I guarantee some guy living in a town in Oklahoma could visit a border town in Texas and not feel out of place. But, again, Tajiri never mentioned anything other than suburban Tokyo as his influence, so your entire argument is baseless.

>> No.9431115

>haunted town
every town's haunted, that's how ghost stories work. your house is probably built atop dead bodies.
>in the mountains
do you realize where Japan is?
>a giant cemetery-tower
japan has vertical cemeteries, and people do live near them.

>> No.9431118 [DELETED] 

Ive never used /vp/, I still remember when /vp/ was created as a containment board to keep you autistics contained off of /v/.

Imagine being so pathetic you get kicked off of /v/ of all places.

>uses boomer as an insult
>gets triggered over being called a zoomer

Go chug more tidepods snowflake

>> No.9431120

>but let's not ignore Lavender Town with its giant haunted tower with a cemetery inside

Indoor Japanese cemeteries are a thing, anon. Funny enough, as a young weeb in the late 90's/2000's, Fox family used to have a Japanese themed block that would have little interstitials with Japanese facts and things, and one of the things they mentioned was cemeteries on rooftops due to overcrowding. Its been a thing for a while.
Lavender is actually a perfect example, because despite its reputation, the only really grim, death related thing in the town is the tower. I sometimes joke that is Lavender town was made in Gen 3 onward, the whole town would be cemetery themed.

>> No.9431124

>flying pokemon
I'd love to see any non-legendary flying Pokemon carry an industrial crane or digger around lmfao
It makes no sense anon, I like Hoenn but you're kinda coping rn

>> No.9431130
File: 300 KB, 800x553, RBY_Kanto_1803769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japan has vertical cemeteries, and people do live near them.
Can you show the real-life version of Pokemon Tower? I'd be interesting in seeing it. It must be a feat of engineering; a skyscraper of a building filled with functional gravesites on each floor.

>> No.9431131

r/s/e has way better colors than fr/lg

>> No.9431136

>I'd love to see any non-legendary flying Pokemon carry an industrial crane or digger around lmfao
You can see a tiny pidgey carry a normal sized child around if you load RBY up and give it a go

>> No.9431137

the downhill slide started with gen 4, then 5 was a slight trend in the right direction, and then right back in the shitter

>> No.9431138

>; a skyscraper of a building filled with functional gravesites on each floor.

Ashes and some stones don't weigh that much, anon.

>> No.9431143

it's seven stories anon, that's not a skyscraper, that's a mid-rise building at best.

>> No.9431146

>a child is comparable to an industrial crane
Yeah, you are coping.

>> No.9431153

It's all about scale, anon. Silph. Co, the largest skyscraper in Saffron City aka Tokyo is a mere 11 floors. The map drawn up for R/B/Y clearly shows that Pokemon Tower is meant to be a massive building.

>> No.9431158

For a little pidgey? That's a lot of weight to carry. You don't even need to carry it in, just have an Abra teleport it.

>> No.9431162
File: 1.61 MB, 2957x3248, 20150616_1230351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes its based on the ushiku buddha, it was the tallest statue in the world at the time of the game's release, not only is it surrounded by a huge graveyard, the interior also stores many ashes of the dead, only on one floor though

>> No.9431164

>i-if you have an abra do it instead it'd work guys
C o p i n g. It's okay, anon, Hoenn is a good region despite the fact that its towns make no sense, nobody cares about the towns anyway.

>> No.9431165

>it's based on this thing that actually isn't really like it at all

>> No.9431170 [DELETED] 

>seething gen 3er going 'no that doesn't count' every time it's pointed out he doesn't actually know Japan all that well
You reek of the worst type of American dourist

>> No.9431171
File: 967 KB, 960x461, buddha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a moron

>> No.9431175
File: 11 KB, 237x213, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not? People use Pokemon to do work for them all the time. There's a guy who uses an Abra in GSC to warp people out of the Indigo Plateau. It's nothing new to the series.

>> No.9431180

>a machop stomping the ground = a pidgey flying an industrial digger into a city in the middle of a caldera

>> No.9431183
File: 9 KB, 288x288, Pokemon_RBY_PokemonTower_F5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you show me the Japanese skyscraper full of graves on each floor like the Pokemon Tower?
>Sure, here's the statue of a Buddha that has some ashes interred only on the first floor that you asked for
thanks bro, it makes even more sense when you consider the tower was converted to a functional radio tower in GSC

>> No.9431190 [DELETED] 

>/vp/ zoomer has to actually confront the genwunners he constantly bitches about
>gets absolutely btfo

>> No.9431192

People seem to hate gen 4, but it had
>return to form of day night cycle
>weather in various regions
>lower touch screen for apps
>physical special split
>new evolutions for beloved old pokemon that are (mostly) cool (looking at rhyperior)
>the sinnoh dex is general is pretty inspired
>pokewalkers with hgss, which are pretty good remakes for the most part
>platinum fixed the slow speed (which I frankly never noticed) and added a hell of a post game
>underground and nintendo wfc
>Sinnoh in itself has a nice variety and was more than welcome after water (no Hoenn hate btw)
>hgss made gsc better, in a lot of ways (definitely messed some stuff up too but actually made the game a bit harder and added some nice stuff)
Had a hell of a time with those games, I never understood and will never understand the hate for them.

>> No.9431197

>It must be a feat of engineering; a skyscraper of a building filled with functional gravesites on each floor.
this retard is a moron who thinks japanese bury their dead

>> No.9431198
File: 436 KB, 843x632, 2_japanese-cemeteries[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to match every single goalpost I shift the conversation to, or... or else!!!
Vertical cemeteries aren't even that rare lmfao

>> No.9431203 [DELETED] 
File: 316 KB, 700x525, Ogimachi-Village[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm convinced he's a fat American who's never even traveled outside of his state, much less another country, by this stage. He unironically thought living near the mountains was some impossible task fit only for fiction.

>> No.9431207

Citing meta reasons on either side is missing the point. Yes, there's no reason to believe, given the game mechanics, Pokemon couldn't do the work to create fantasy architecture and cities.
But there's something to the fact that all the cities in Gen 1/2 have a feasible feeling thats lost. Its reasonable that a kid will visit a bunch of somewhat same-y looking towns. Its much less likely a kid can up and travel to a resort, let alone a town that's a giant resort.

>> No.9431214 [DELETED] 

Is it really any wonder that the series ramped up the handholding so much after Gen 2? These younger generations are clearly retarded.

>> No.9431215

Gen 4, if anything, is over-loved. People adore Platinum and HGSS.

>> No.9431218

It had a shitty slow engine and all of the same problems the games not directed by Tajiri have.

>> No.9431219
File: 200 KB, 640x402, ushiku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a spiritually significant massive 390ft tall statue with 5 floors, the stored ashes are not the on the first floor but the third. It is also famous for being surrounded by a large graveyard.

>b-but the fictional adaptation has a different number of floors!
>b-but there's only dead inside on a single floor instead of all of them!

>> No.9431226

What the first four gens, what the later ones lack, is a sense of mystery. I think the rise of the Internet is what we have to thank for the most part. In gens 1-4, there was always this sensation of "there's something I'm missing, right under my nose or around that corner". Some Pokemon you've never even seen ingame, some hidden area with unique items, even hidden legendaries and events in purely optional areas.

>> No.9431234

>Lavender is actually a perfect example, because despite its reputation, the only really grim, death related thing in the town is the tower. I sometimes joke that is Lavender town was made in Gen 3 onward, the whole town would be cemetery themed.

If these towns originated in later gens:
Pewter would be carved out of a mountainside
Cerulean would be made up of boats
Vermillion would be powered by electric Pokemon
Lavender would be a giant graveyard, the entire city
Celadon would be Las Vegas
Saffron would be an ultra-futuristic city with platform levels
Fushia would be an old Japanese pavilion themed city
Cinnabar would be entirely build in side and on a volcano
Vermillion would be in a forest

>> No.9431235

The first two gens were the only ones with a sense of mystery. Gen 3 started the trend of saturday morning cartoon plots, way too many legendaries to the point where they lost all sense of specialness, and the start of unrealistic theme park regions.

>> No.9431238

So why love the other non Tajiri games more? Gen 5 on doesn't do anything great besides adding megas (which are mostly meh at best) and a few cool designs here and there.

>> No.9431240

>So why love the other non Tajiri games more?
Can't really answer that since they're all varying degrees of shit. Pokemon lost its soul when Tajiri stepped down.

>> No.9431252

Not arguing that there isn't something different about g1 and 2. But gen 4 does not deserve the vapid hate.

>> No.9431254

I disagree. I grew up during all four of them, gens 3 and 4 had plenty of mystery to them.
>Sealed Chamber and the Desert Ruins/Island Cave/Ancient Tomb
>Shoal Cave
>Scorched Slab
>Old Chateau
>Sendoff Spring/Turnback Cave

>> No.9431257 [DELETED] 
File: 296 KB, 1028x505, 1667822114460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit games don't deserve hate
zoom zoom

>> No.9431258

None of those were mysterious.

>> No.9431264

Oh okay, my misake

>> No.9431272

I'm not the guy posting about genwunners. I like them up through 4. But with all the sperging itt I get how you'd be confusing me for them.

>> No.9431278

>I'm not the guy posting about genwunners
You don't have to be. I'm mocking your shit taste for liking the post-Tajiri titles, which were nothing more than blatant cashgrabs instead of passion projects by the series creator.

>> No.9431282

I think the problem is once you make the mythology a central part of the story, it makes it obvious there's more to these places than just being cryptic. I will say there's not as much mystery to Gen 1, but the areas that are mysteries--Pokemon Mansion, Unknown Dungeon/Cerulean Cave,Seafoam islands, Power Plant, are so because they have nothing to do with the main story.

>> No.9431292

Except for Pokemon Mansion, you're right. But the ones I listed are optional too. Nobody is finding the Sealed Chamber without hearing about it from somebody on the playground, especially.

>> No.9431301
File: 966 KB, 994x552, PKMN_Tower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no way of inarguably proving this, so fair enough I suppose...but the first 2 gens really do FEEL different(in a lot of way really) from the subsequent 3 (and those feel different from the next ones to date...) Personally I think whatever special spice they used, its unfortunate they ditched it in favor of a more typical JRPG vibe. They had something pretty special...

I can kind of agree with this, but being the autist that I am sometimes I wonder if it's entirely just the internets fault. Sure a large part of it does come down to how quickly accurate information is disseminated amongst the playerbase, sometimes even before launch, but the game's game-design does it no favors. I remember in gen 2 going to the opposite side of the lake of rage out of curiosity and stumbling upon Ancient power, it's been a while since a similar thing has happened to me in a pokemon game, there's no sense of exploration ending in you finding something worthwhile. The closest I've come was in B2W2 stumbling upon Cynthia and getting stomped lol, that was a cool surprise.

lmfao, accurate. Which is unfortunate because its not even NECISARILY a bad thing, but Gamefreak is not a strong enough dev team to keep up with all the other JRPG dev teams which do the same thing so they look like clowns in comparison.

>> No.9431313

>sometimes I wonder if it's entirely just the internets fault.
Oh no, Game Freak has also gotten way lazier. But I mean, before Black and White even came out, everything about its postgame and secrets was posted on Serebii or Bulbapedia.

>> No.9431319

So, remake the same game again and again ad infinitum?

>> No.9431324

My bad it wasn't B2W2 it was BW, those games were so lame to me I mind-edited the only good part about them to the much better sequels lmao.

>> No.9431341
File: 15 KB, 562x562, Pokemon_RBY_PewterCity[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually wrong. Look at how they changed Pewter in the remake: they replaced the rock terrain (since it's near a mountain) to generic forest

>> No.9431345
File: 277 KB, 720x600, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9431362

>I have no way of inarguably proving this
>FEEL different
>whatever special spice
>something pretty special
Textbook nostalgia.

>> No.9431364

Peak soul. They made the cities even less cartoonish than they were in the original. Much more in tune with the original Kanto vibes.

>> No.9431368

>When I see genwunners all mad I don't get it.

You’re the one seething here and pointing at the genwun boogeyman

>> No.9431372
File: 223 KB, 1536x1842, maylene anklegrab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. It originates from cost cutting and time saving in drawing manga and animating anime, I'm not really sure why people replicate it for single art pieces like that. Maybe it's to more easy convey emotion when the face is turned away from the viewer, but there'd be better ways to do that I think.

I was actually a lot less impressed with DP when it was new. Wasn't bad or anything, but Sinnoh to me wasn't as exciting or fun place to me as Hoenn. Sinnoh didn't have all that deep diving and seafloor exploration which Hoenn did, something which I absolutely loved. There was of course some cute girls, Gardenia, Marley, etc. Maylene is especially underrated.

>day night cycle
>regional weather
>lower touch screen for apps
I liked that.

>physical special split
Honestly I never really cared much about all that stuff, the gameplay was well rounded and functional by Gen 3.

I never did get that far into HGSS for whatever reason. I've been meaning to give it another go after I'm done with FR, maybe there's some nice romhacks which can spice it up in a couple of places. I wish there was a Gen 3 style fan remake of GS, mainly because I prefer the 2D sprite world over the early 3D Pokémon worlds like on the DS.

>underground and nintendo wfc
I didn't like this at all. The times I did have wifi, there wasn't fucking anyone anywhere close who had Pokémon running, otherwise the digging minigame stuff felt like obnoxious busywork which occasionally had a little bit of payoff. I liked the secret bases in Hoenn much better because they were actual locations in the game world, not some separate hidden away map.

I imagine it was a lot better if you had at least a few people to regularly engage with in that stuff. Later on when I had better internet, I don't think I ever got a particularly good or interesting trade with the wifi thing in any Pokémon game, unless you count obviously cheated as fuck legendaries, but they feel like a waste of my time.

>> No.9431380

Originated, not just 'appeared'
The towns in later Pokemon games are ridiculous

>> No.9431381

This makes no sense because I was a kid when gen 3 and 4 were out as well. You can't just claim nostalgia for shit being played by 13 yr olds lmao.

I'm not even sure why I'm responding in earnest here, you're just another shitposter probably.

>> No.9431386

You can't say vague bullshit like "this game just FEELS different, there's a secret spice" and expect to be taken seriously to begin with. That's just meaningless gibberish. If you can't actually quantify why the game is better, then you aren't looking at it objectively, you're speaking with emotions like a woman.

>> No.9431393

neither of these have anything to do with the games? this is just merch branding, you can't really call this atmosphere

>> No.9431394 [DELETED] 

zoom zoom

>> No.9431415

The funniest part is he started the shitflinging at the imagined persecution in his head and got curb stomped

>> No.9431420

I didn't say better cockface, im saying different. Learn2read Rtard. I've already quantified it and the anon i replied to already accepts my argument for gen 1. Go back to /vp/ shitposter-kun.

>> No.9431423

/vp/ is absolutely crawling with zoomies exactly like that, it's not hard to guess what board he crawled out of. Probably making seetheposts about the evil old genwunners there as we speak.

>> No.9431427 [DELETED] 

>video games need to be objective like my feelings
You stink of balding transman trying to fit in.

>> No.9431431

Seems like you care far more about flinging shit than discussing pokemon. No wonder these threads always go to hell. And this board. It's acknowledged they aren't the same but they are still pretty fun games. I hope to never be as bitter as you.

>> No.9431453

>enters the thread of people discussing how the games used to be good under Tajiri and then went to shit
>gets upset when people echo that sentiment
good job

>> No.9431462

I already made a post about how the games were different but the newer ones have some unjustified hate. I'm not upset about opinions, it's just the utter vitriol. And there's no reasons given either, you just talk about muh sovl. Remember when is the lowest form of conversation.
No verification required.

>> No.9431472
File: 775 KB, 738x1031, BlankPikachuWizardsPromo24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have played only the original Pokemon back when it was popular, and I was at the prime age. I really liked it. But, I never, ever felt like playing any of the other games in the series, back when they were new. They simply didn't seem interesting, plus other games existed. Years later, when I did try to emulate the other games, I got bored after about an hour of playing. I truly wonder if you do actually have to be a child to like these games, because I do still enjoy playing and remembering the first game.

>> No.9431501
File: 198 KB, 660x1150, tcgkino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the TCG game

>> No.9431504

>But what people call boring about Kanto is what I found very relatable as a suburb/city kid.
I honestly never got that feeling from the original Pokémon games, I got the feeling of going out on adventure and looking through caves, forests, and old powerplants and what not. There wasn't anything which felt especially relatable to me in that sense, I had already seen real world locations in videogames.

Not that I'd call Kanto boring, because I don't think it is.

I don't agree at all. There was a lot more myth building and speculating on the playground with the first two gens, I remember that very well, but everyone didn't just go on the internet to look shit up by the mid 2000s. You could, and it would be more reliable information by then, but the only time I did that back then was if I got completely stuck on a part in a game and couldn't figure it out (well, still actually).

The game world had a lot of wonder for me to discover, and I did it on my own because I wanted to see it myself. See >>9430959

I guess when you put it that way, I can see your angle, but stuff like Meteor Falls, the hidden undersea chamber, the Regi tombs, all that was separate from the main plot of the game. I had seen those tomb structures, but not known what they were, and they never came up otherwise so I didn't think much of them. Accidentally finding what would lead to the answer like that was wondrous to me.

>I hope to never be as bitter as you.

>> No.9431505

Anon, are you saying that you went on 4chan and someone disagreed with you?

>> No.9431521

Guess they’re steamin mad they missed out on the playground Pokémon culture during the height of pokemania and now only have autistic smogoncel metagamers and furry fetishists to create a community with.

Seriously if you missed the cultural event around Pokémon one and two you shouldn’t even be allowed to post ITT.

>> No.9431528
File: 522 KB, 640x480, 339545-pokemon-snap-wii-screenshot-a-picture-of-a-meowth-in-pursuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But then we gradually all realized that the console games were nothing but shitty shovelware
>They actually weren't going to make a good 3D Pokemon game, ever

Name a bigger disappointment.

>> No.9431530

i think pokemon in general is gay as fuck, but i can't lie, this is cool.

>> No.9431534
File: 1.06 MB, 680x880, 742b421f5cdc237241c3cb790d965c8b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swung by it recently because I had fun with FR. The board has NOT gotten better with the years, today it's basically just /v/ if it was about Pokémon and had more furries and troons, and if there was no moderation at all, featuring equal parts overwhelming bitter contrarianism and mindless consooming in the userbase.

I like it just fine here.

Wouldn't mind the occasional more casual Pokémon thread about the retro entries here on /vr/. No competition autism, no zoomer culture war faggotry, just the few of us interested talking about playing through some of the games again and talking recollections about things from back in the day.

>> No.9431535

I'm in a similar boat as that anon (grew up rural/suburban though) and things like exploring a powerplant or a Forrest seem more relatable than exploring hawaii or a snowy blizzard mountain i think is what he means. Riding your bike over to the next development over is something I actually did a a kid (or having out at the local cemetery or breaking and entering into the old condemned house there were haunted stories about) i don't know of many kids who lived on a floating house...

>> No.9431538

Yeah, and then I made fun of them and then they got upset. What of it?

>> No.9431542

>But then we gradually all realized that the console games were nothing but shitty shovelware
Stadium 1/2 and Colo/XD were great

>> No.9431546

There's definitely moderation on /vp/, they get upset if you make fun of minorities or zoomies.

>> No.9431550

I think that perception of games has really gone away recently where people now even prop up dogshit old games that are "hidden gems" for a really good reason, back then just a great game being old was deemed outdated and thus obsolete.

>> No.9431567

I like them, but they're disappointing. You can explain how unfeasible it was for GameFreak or Hal to make a full RPG at the time, that quick, or why they couldn't do it in the GC era...but the desire was for a full 3D RPG adapting the whole Gameboy experience--cities, wild pokemon, routes, a full set of Pokemon, etc.
Weere what we got still fun games in their own right? Sure. But if you said "N64 Pokemon game" before you saw Snap, stadium, or anything else, you'd probably expect a standard RPG
>inb4 that one guy who says "ackshually I knew the development team was too small to pull that off, even though I was a little kid"

>> No.9431569

I guess I haven't thought about it that way, but I also wasn't all that much for going out and exploring as a kid. I grew up urban/suburban, and most things were mostly the same, going out on the country, most country things were mostly the same country things.
I did my adventuring in videogames, it was of no risk to myself, and there were far more fantastical and interesting things to discover. I consistently hated school roadtrips.

They sure as shit didn't when I was there.

>> No.9431570

I recall this being possible right up until YouTubers started making channels about video game collecting. You can actually watch the price of retro games spike dramatically shortly after some asshole decides to make a video about how viewers need to go out and collect a console's games before they become expensive.

>> No.9431574

Guess mods were asleep, I've been banned there before for hurting delicate sensibilities

>> No.9431575

not this guy but yeah, normies hated Colosseum because of no rental Pokemon. I know, that sounds sacreligious now where you are supposed to breed pokemon to be competitive, and to pick each move on each of your pokemon yourself, but back in the day you just wanted to have friends over and play. You didn't want to spend time importing pokemon, or have the only option TO BE to import pokemon.

>> No.9431580

>but yeah, normies hated Colosseum because of no rental Pokemon
and they loved SwSh, normie taste is consistently awful

>> No.9431612

>I did my adventuring in videogames, it was of no risk to myself, and there were far more fantastical and interesting things to discover. I consistently hated school roadtrips.

No offense, but that says alot. Pokemon had a certain appeal for the kind of kid who killed time by pretending things were more interesting that they were.I knew I wouldn't find dinosaur bones in the sand at the beach, or anything interesting besides some broken shells, but I still dug and pretended I would. it made things fun for me, and I wouldn't want to have not had those memories.
You seem very practical minded, which is ok, but it also seems you already tried to act very grown and serious minded as a kid. Which again, isn't bad, but makes me feel you might've missed out on a certain feeling of childhood nostalgia and feeling that's particularly unique. But again I don't think that's much note to you because you'd find such a feeling pointless.

>> No.9431619

>what made Genwun so special was the unique and cool aesthetic and tone of the world that sucked you in and made you wonder more. It was cryptic, mysterious, with a hint of darkness underlying it all, Pokemon during Genwun was a world of mystery and intrigue and THAT is why it was so special to be in.
>Unfortunately, by Gen 3 they lost all of that spirit and it just became sterile.
this is how i feel

>> No.9431623

Colosseum/XD are full RPGs, sans wild Pokemon (though it's made up for by catching other trainer's Pokemon). What you're asking for is the eternal Pokemon open-world RPG dream, which Game Freak only just started to try and strive toward.

>> No.9431627

XD had a spot where you could battle and catch wild pokemon

>> No.9431686

>Colosseum/XD are full RPGs, sans wild Pokemon

And thats a huge, huge sans.

>What you're asking for is the eternal Pokemon open-world RPG dream,

I mean just a few more towns, routes instead of instant travel, and wild Pokemon would've made them far more fulfilling.

>> No.9431705

Didn't mind pretend and stuff, I liked making sand castles, playing with toy swords and guns with friends and my brother, building with Lego, etc.
We pretended where we were, imagining medieval castles, military space bases, etc.

>> No.9431720

they weren't gonna do a full fledged pokemon adventure on console back then because it would've hurt the gameboy game sales

>> No.9431810

humanoid designs aren't automatically bad, but furbait is always bad

>> No.9431819
File: 847 KB, 750x750, 2AB1F7DB-951C-4704-BE81-0D48502D7D04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just googled Scarlet and Violet starter evolutions out of curiosity, and yup, 2 out of 3 evolve into humanoid furry bait.

Dead franchise.

>> No.9431821

Mewtwo was a proper final mission for a game. The whole time you're building up this vague backstory about Pokemon and genetic experiments, the whole time this cave is there just beyond your reach, waiting inside this genetic monster who's never even really given much of an explanation or anything, none needed

>> No.9431826

>they weren't gonna do a full fledged pokemon adventure on console back then because it would've hurt the gameboy game sales

Again, as a reasonable adult, we know this. As a kid? did you really think an N64 Pokemon game would be the ones we got?

>> No.9431834

As a kid, we wanted the anime but in video game form. Just the handheld games in full 3D would have been disappointing as fuck.

>> No.9431871

the only reason the cave is out of reach after you get surf is because of the guy standing in front of it

>> No.9431872

I have better memories with 2nd gen, 1st one seemed too janky and unpolished.

>> No.9431878

Perhaps unpolished on the technical side, but there's a lot of content in that cartridge, and I still think the original Kanto worldmap and its progression is very well devised.

>> No.9431936

Movie 4 and 5 only got limited releases in a select few US cinemas and weren't released until the mid-00s as direct-to-DVD movies in Europe, to be fair.

>> No.9432203

>Where did Tajiri ever even say he visited Kansai?
It's safe to assume that he did visit Kyoto and Nara at least. I would commit sudoku in shame if I was a Japanese and never done so.

>> No.9432518

thats exactly how i feel too. it felt like exploring a real world similar yet different from our own. the newer ones feel like a theme park ride where you see a bunch of cool stuff but doesnt feel as immersive as G1.

>> No.9432759

Yeah, except you have to bait them first, only one ever appears at a time, and there's only three possible catches per location. Plus there's that fucking Munchlax (uncatchable because it's not actually part of the Gen3 dex) who will randomly eat your bait and waste all your effort.

>> No.9432939

>Nintendo is offering full refunds for Scarlet and Violet because of how badly it's getting slammed by everybody
It's close, at least.

>> No.9433049


so much revisionist history from zoomers who didn't grow up or were far too young during Pokemania. I loved Pokemon from when it came out and stuck with it all the years it was dead so I know exactly when pokemania died. I would say that indeed the peak of popularity was around the release of the first movie which was holiday 1999. That's when the franchise has reached it's highest point that not even even at the height of Pokemon Go a few years ago was able to match. Thats not to say Pokemon died right after that,, that was just the peak of popularity, after that it never got as crazy hot as that christmas season but 2000s was still full of pokemania to go around by still riding the hype of the original wave an the hype of the sequels coming out that year. Pokemon 2000 definitely had less people in theaters. The orange islands in general weren't as popular for fans of the show an in the trading card game the 2 gym leader expansions were not that popular, espcially since the cards mostly sucked powerwise. The Pokemon league "finished" and many toys R US dropped it entirely while a few kept it for a "side season" before gold and sivler came out. In general a lot of interest dropped during this time When GOld and Silver came out at the end of the 2000s ther was interest again but it didn't rekindle the fire to even early 2000s hype. The first half of the year you basically saw the franchise slowly dying, barely anyone watched the movie, and only the most hardcore fans were still hardcore fans, most casuals had moved on. By the end of that summer in 2001 Pokemon was dead and I mean dead dead. That holiday season and all of 2002 you could buy Pokemon merchandise for literal pennies, I was a huge fan and got like 12 Mewtwo Plush toys for $2, they were literally 10 cents each and nobody was buying them.So yeah PKMN died in Gen2 with only the most hardcore fans sticking with it. Gen3 is what started to build the franchise again

>> No.9433060

to continue off. Gen3 is when the anime wrote a bit better again. the TCG was now only handled by NIntendo and they invested a ton of money and in general you started to see new merchandise again. The franchise slowly built itself back up after that through out Gen3, Gen4, Gen5. It was Gen6 when the franchise as finally able to be no longer a niche but be seen as "cool" again since it's when kids were now older and able to be nostalgic for Pokemon and shortly after that Pokemon Go made Pokemon what it is today an accepted franchise no matter what age.

>> No.9433204

Literally half of Hoenn's routes are water routes, and while there are some interesting ideas in a few of them (specifically, the three current routes that should be one but aren't because it's thematically important for Hoenn to be 50% water), they're by and large indistinguishable bullshit.

Kanto's routes do have some standouts, by the way: Route 2 is split between the (bifurcated) main path and the secret path, Route 24 is Nugget Bridge as you noted, Route 12 is entirely docks, Route 17 is Cycling Road, Route 23 has the Badge Gauntlet, and the *three* water routes stand out by virtue of the fact that Kanto isn't completely flooded, so they're actually interesting.

>> No.9433226

Binary thinking, a decline is not dead. You're dead as wrong. Less is not dead. Besides that tho, Pokemon the movie 2000 made more money around the world than the first movie. The home video release sales of the show were also strong up till 2002. You're ass pulling you're observational bias again. Why?
>The orange islands in general weren't as popular for fans of the show an in the trading card game the 2 gym leader expansions were not that popular.
Prove it, prove these things weren't as popular.
>most casuals had moved on
Then why was pokemon out selling final fantasy and gran turismo? Next you gonna tell me Grand theft auto 3 was a failure since it sold 1/3 as much as pokemon?
>That holiday season and all of 2002 you could buy Pokemon merchandise for literal pennies
This being your metric is hilarious. Again, prove it. Secondly nothing that's popular is immune to liquidation and clearance. You overload the shelf in 2000 and 2001 and make a good profit and then reduce price of the overstock. It's better to have items to sell than to sell out.
> Gen3 is when the anime wrote a bit better again.
Not at all relevant to what you said, better quality does not mean more or less popular. Gen 3 is actually when ratings went down and home media sales went down. Talk about revisionist history.

>> No.9433235

>and 2 are the peak, ultimate Pocket Monsters experience.
have you done gen3/colosseum or gen4/ battle revolution those are way better imo

>> No.9433246

Right, but to say pokemon was dead in 2000 is a lie, ahead of gold and silver hype was high. It was the 3rd movie was the one that majorly bombed. Despite this tho, they still did 4th and 5th as special releases, which is a testament to pokemons popularity. Point being something's not dead if it's still got life in it.

>> No.9433251

kek happy i wasn't raised by boomers. worst i got when i was younger was my mum limiting my vidya and computer time to like 1 hour because she saw retarded parenting shows that said she should do that, shed happily let me watch tv all day though

>> No.9433260 [DELETED] 

I noticed boomers seem to be trying really hard to revive the "everything I don't like is evil/satanic" meme lately, they just attached it to politics now

>> No.9433267

>Go kill 10000 of the same Pokémon in a row to EV farm autist.
kek they dont do that they just inject and pretend they did that

>> No.9433269

Im not even mad? Im defending both positions, but alright. Keep projecting bro.

>> No.9433281

Has there been anything in the pokemon franchise like the burned mansion? Going around an old house with burglars there and journals about mew and mewtow. It was so subtle, but that's what made it engrossing.

>> No.9433290

>When I see genwunners all mad I don't get it.
i bet a lot of them haven't even played any of the other games or if they have they haven't tried playing gen1 since they were younger the pc system and lack of running shoes make gen1 cancer to play

>> No.9433294 [DELETED] 

Nah, the idea that Satanists rule the political landscape is an age old theory. The only thing different is that with the rise of the internet and figures like Alex Jones becoming mainstream, conspiracy theories have also become mainstream. It's not a revival of anything.

>> No.9433418 [DELETED] 

Back in the early-mid 2000s when only millennials and gen x used the internet it wasn't nearly as ubiquitous. Nowadays all the boomers are on 4chan and their abused children parrot their views trying to make daddy/granddaddy proud.

>> No.9433438 [DELETED] 

take your kosher ass back to r*ddit

>> No.9433480

I can't prove it by taking you back to the year 2002 so you can see it, I lived it. I was deep into Pokemon and being a fan then SUCKED ass.
I mean do you even have data for your "strong home video sales up till 2002? Doubt it and no it's not like Pokemon died after the first movie came out, I specifically mention how it slowly started to get less and less popular. Obviously if every kid in america loves something and it dropes 40% it's still 60% aka the majority of kids loving Pokemon in say the year 2000 but it's still down from the fads all time high. 2001 was the year fans started to drop like flies and by that holiday it was basically dead, 2002 was the worst year of Pokemon in terms of popularity. 2003 brought it back up because of Gen 3 and it was midly popular all in that era.
Just look at forum posts from the orange islands era and many people didn't like Tracy or that arc and wanted to get to the new region, they saw it as filler. I loved Orange Islands though. And again the anime was still immensely popular, I believe it was always KidsWB highest rated show pretty much during the entire of their run even up to the mid 2000s, that doesn't mean it was anywhere near when it was pokemania. Casuals did move on and didn't come back until Pokemon XY and later Go. The franchise was still really big with kids and fans all that time to sell millions but not the extent of before or after. So yeah saying the franchise was "dead" I don't mean F-Zero dead, it just was not the cash cow that it was or is right now.
Gen3 is indeed when the franchise slowly started to grow again in terms of acceptance, sales , merchandise available. and the second half of Gen 2 was when the franchise was at its lowest low.

>> No.9433489
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*kills pokemania*

>> No.9433513

See, i consider myself a "hardcore" fan from that era, and i played up to gen 3, but thats when i dropped off. Im sure mechanical level it was supperior, but like it just never clicked with me like the first 2 gens. Im sure its because at that time i was already deep into retro scene and other rpgs to fill my time, but i also remember just not really liking the "feel" of the gba game or its world and i didn't like most new monsters. I did however get Colosseum when it came out(and Channel...) and really enjoyed that, so i never felt like i outgrew pokemon, i just had more interests at the time. Coincidentally, i didn't get back into the series till X/Y like a lot of nostalgic people did, but i always kept an eye on the series growth and changes during those unplayed years, because the series was something i was always fond of.

Funnily enough, im sure the ip sparked my retro gaming obsession. As a kid i only had pc, lcd games and local arcade machines. Then i got a gameboy and later pokemon right around the time i was looking into all these games, old and new, i never got to play and it created this probably unhealthy "gotta catch/play em all" mental state of real world pokemon collecting, except it was for systems and games i never played before.

>> No.9433535
File: 542 KB, 686x742, XUURW38afkhcQi0m6QY4EIQDxTD996Cdjeg0YV4_E2M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isnt really true at all, plenty of Pokemon in gen 1 weren't based on animals.


Hell Magnemite is definitely a "random thing the developer saw on his way to the kitchen" Pokemon, and as for furry hybird Pokemon gen 1 still had shit like Jynx, Machoke and Alakazam.

Gen 1 designs were simpler out of necessity, they had to make something that was comprehensible within an 8 bit black and white sprite. Nowadays they dont need that kind of restraint with their concept art.

>> No.9433543


Twice, it killed the zoomerwave of pokemania too. Yes it's more content but gen 2s shitmons also greatly dilute the brand, gen 1 mons are an excellent complete roster and at this point pop culture icons, when you start deviating from them you start alienating people

>> No.9433560

It's proof that Tajiri was a hack that lucked out with the first titles. He wanted to make a sequel and ended up almost killing off the franchise in the process. No wonder he stepped down after that.

>> No.9433586

>obvious samefag

Pokemon is the biggest its been since 1999, Pokemon Go is the 8th highest grossing game of all time and Pokemon Sword and Shield have the 2nd best sales in the franchise next to Gen 1, with Scarlet and Violet looking to surpass it in time. Stop making up shit.

>> No.9433590 [DELETED] 

America is literally in the hands of a political clique with an insane cult like metality.

American Puritanism never went anywhere…. it just transformed into the new civic religion of liberalism.

Complete with kneeling, original sin (white guilt), excommunication (purity spirals and cancel culture), mass burnings, heretic hunts (le wussian spies!)…. even the Bush era neocon warmongering has changed hands rather neatly, and now you’re a traitor if you speak against US military hegemony or world policing.

>> No.9433605

Gen One starter final evos:

1) canon turtle
2) literally a dragon
3) dinosaur

Scarlet/violet final evos:
1) humanoid furrybait
2) humanoid furrybait
3) Chinese alligator

Something went wrong along the way

>> No.9433646

Venusaur was never a dinosaur, the only reason people think that is because of the English name motif. Its original name means "strange/mysterious flower" and the designer of the Pokemon himself confirmed the evolution line is meant to be a frog with a flower on its back. All three Kanto starters are meant to be based on creatures children might keep as pets- a frog, a lizard, and a turtle.

>> No.9433649

>i bet a lot of them haven't even played any of the other games or if they have they haven't tried playing gen1 since they were younger
I played gens 1-3 as they came out and I still replay them each regularly enough for nostalgia/time killing, usually one right after the other as a marathon. I have no problem saying the technical aspects of the games improved by gen 3 (which only makes sense) but I still enjoyed it less anyway.

I simply liked the world, lore, tone, etc of gen 1 the best. By gen 3, the Pokemon world just felt more sterile and less cool to me and I wasn't as interested anymore. Gen 3 improved a lot of things which is what's good about it, but it also doesn't have the same spirit of the original games that made me invested in the first place.

>> No.9433650

>I can't prove it by taking you back to the year 2002
>2 years after gold/silver came out
lol, yup, not what you said earlier, we're done.

>> No.9433664

there's so many that just seem like monsters. Electabuzz, slowbro, parasect, just really ugly looking things that if I met one I'd be scared. Now they gotta make so many of them cool or cute looking. It felt like pokemon were the monsters from RPGs and you could catch them.

>> No.9433673

they were putting an emphasis on making pokemon cute-looking to appeal to girls from the very beginning, clefairy was almost the series mascot but they eventually went with pikachu which was also a cute pokemon but with a bit of an edge

>> No.9433692

This is similar to points I've attempted to, but failed to articulate about why Mother 2 is interesting compared to any game that has ever tried to ape it ("mother/earthbound clones"). Well fucking done. Pokemon Gen1/Gen2 really are different in that it is clear that they come from the personal experiences of people, and that sense of unknown in a familiar world, and a certain air of mystique that comes with being young and not yet understanding the scope of the world, really reaches you here.
Sometimes, creators succeed in remembering what it felt like to be young, and capture that same feeling through their own works. They clearly had happy, fun, interesting childhoods filled with experiences that were cool and worthy of sharing with other people. These are the stories people WANT to hear, because it reminds them of the same sorts of things they experienced then too.
Not to derail this but in the same way that Pokemon Gen 3 and beyond were painted by the brushes of second, third, and fourth-hand experiences rather than genuine ones, so too do Mother clones fail to understand this. Even Mother 3 itself failed to do what Mother 2 did so masterfully, and for the same exact reasons that Gen3+ pokemon failed to replicate the charms of Gen1+2.

>> No.9433708

I sometimes wonder what my boomer teacher would say nowadays with Pokemon as popular as ever and even moving on to the next generations. My 3-year-old son loves his stuffed Pikachu.

>> No.9433780

pokemania was always gonna burn itself out

>> No.9433787

the boomer teachers back then fucking hated pokemon

>> No.9433796
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, GTA5_JimmyDeSanta-6594-1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is such a retarded attitude that I only see on here and I have no idea where it came from. I think its honestly people internalizing TV stereotypes of "nerds" while missing the point. They werent dorks because they liked comic books or video games, they were dorks because they were obsessed with them to an unhealthy degree and had little else going for them in life.

This shit has always been present in popular culture, my dad went to college in the 1970s and he told me dudes in the dorms there would read X men comics and trade them around. Clearly my dad is not an incel considering I am alive. I'm a young millenial and in middle school kids were playing Pokemon off of Game Boy emulators on their jailbroken iPhones, lots of guys on the football team in high school would openly play Pokemon.

You didnt get bullied for liking things, you got bullied for being a loser. Think about the stereotype of the burnout who just plays CoD and Madden all day. Those are "chad" games yet nobody likes that guy.

>> No.9433845
File: 591 KB, 1049x430, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to get off topic, but in attempting to make my own game I've come to the conclusion most "Earthbound" likes aren't really pulling inspiration from Earthbound, but rather from Mother 3. The more fantastical world, the greater focus on zany characters and dialogue, ever the art direction. On a scale Mother 1, 2, and 3 go from being more personal and pulpy(M1), to eccentric and zany(M3). Personally I prefer the world/experience of M1. One day I'll make some autistic ass youtube video or blog post delineating this phenomena because I'm sure other people see these games the same way and having a point of reference to articulate it would be, if not helpful, at least neat to see all plotted out.

Man As much as I love the gen 2 games, gen 1 really hit it out of the park with its dex. Such a tight roster of intriguing creatures and animals. Even as a set my eyes have fun just jumping around and seeing all the designs. The limited pallet also went a ways to creating a cohesive whole. The mons work as an individual design, as a evo line, and as a full dex. On 3 layers it just works.

>> No.9433884

God, what a shitty time this was to have to deal with when this asscrap came out.

>> No.9433890

Still looks like a dinosaur, dude. Thats all that matters to kids.

>> No.9433907

I wasn't aware Itoi grew up in America.

>> No.9433917

You are not a millennial if middle school kids were using smartphones.

>> No.9433936

What dinosaur does it look like? It just looks like a fat kaiju frog.

>> No.9433943

I grew during Pokemania, everybody hated Venusaur except for girls because it had a giant gay pink flower on its back. You either picked the firebreathing dragon or the smug turtle with cannons on its back

>> No.9433975

What frog has legs like that? It looks closer to something like an anklyosaurus or stegosaurus, just with a plant replacing the shit on their backs. It does have some toad like properties, but its still very dinoish mixed in.

>> No.9433996
File: 70 KB, 640x480, NINTENDO64--Pokemon Stadium 2_Jan27 13_30_28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't see the dinosaur elements honestly, and when asked about it Sugimori just reiterated that it's a monster-frog

>> No.9434012

tbf, virtually nothing in EB or Mother 1 is like growing up in America lol, its more of a general youth culture honestly.

>> No.9434041

>middle school kids were playing Pokemon off of Game Boy emulators on their jailbroken iPhones
That says it all, that's the difference, you didn't grow up in the 90s - early 00s. "Geek culture" became cool and even fashionable in the late 00s and 2010s.

Speaking of X-Men, reminds me of a perfect example I have from when I was in middle school a little while after the X-Men movie came out so probably circa 2001-2002
>kids talking about X-Men
>edgy kid ringleader heckles "lol u guys STILL like x-men?"
>edgy kid cohort chimes in "x-men r kewl man"
>gets called a nerd by kid number 1

And that was just mild bullying regarding X-Men, a blockbuster film. You probably can't imagine this during the age of Iron Man movies when you grew up because by then this shit was cool, normies started wearing superhero t-shirts as fashion statements and all, but just a generation prior only the "dorky" kids did that.

Now Pokemon? You had to be a closet Pokemon fan if you were an older kid during these years, . Pokemon and Power Rangers (or Potty Trainers as it was called) were the two major things you were GUARANTEED to be lambasted for, and not even necessarily by the "cool kids" either, the few kids who chose to openly display Pokemon fandom were mocked even by the kids into DBZ and Marvel/DC shit

>> No.9434115 [DELETED] 

>Power Rangers (or Potty Trainers as it was called)
american wit at its finest

>> No.9434161 [DELETED] 


>> No.9434167 [DELETED] 


>> No.9434283 [DELETED] 

Good job owning those elementary aged Americans who live rent free in your head

>> No.9434295 [DELETED] 

Thanks, making fun of dysgenic mutts like yourself is great fun.

>> No.9434325

They're urns with ashes, not full bodied graves.

>> No.9434330 [DELETED] 

>being mixed race is le bad….. because it just is ok?!?!

>> No.9434353

Yep, i remember when pokemon overnight was no longer "cool" and my neighbor friends and i were still into it, but not my school friends. One of my school friends came over without warning and being the little fag i was, i quickly scrambled to try and hide all my Pokémon stuff before he came to my room.

>> No.9434356

Pokémon just doesn’t hit different anymore.

>> No.9434373

The reason for the different atmosphere is the edginess and self-awareness that started almost immediately.
>hey, you like pikachu?
>well here's his BABY form
>and it looks like a stealth jet

>> No.9434378

It was apparent from gen3 that they were phoning it in. I can't believe it's been 20 years that I've been saying "meh, doesn't look like they tried, I'll see what they do next time"

lol shit series

>> No.9434440

Yeah, kids are usually at their worst and most judgemental in middle school. They're going through puberty and want to seem as mature as possible. By high school though pretty much everybody was over it and playing Pokemon was cool again.

>> No.9434446

I agree retro pokemon is cool.

now that my reply is on topic why does the post count of this thread keeps dropping?

>> No.9434451
File: 2.19 MB, 1064x1495, sugimons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm I checked the archive it was just /pol/faggotry

Have some gen 1 artwork

>> No.9434461

bros.... I want to go back

>> No.9434471

I always imagined it like a dimetrodon but a plant on its back instead of the fin.Venusaurs feet, and teeth, I never got frog or toad from it.

>> No.9434472

They were phoning it in immediately in Gen 2
>okay so here's a bunch of baby pokemon nobody asked for
>here's a bunch of shitmons with terrible stats that nobody will use
>also we're making almost every new pokemon look cute and have simple emoticon-looking expressions because we want more girls to consoom our product
>a bunch of them are designs that we cut from Gen 1 because we thought they were too shit, but hey, here they are!
>level curve? it doesn't matter
>team rocket is back! the entire plot is that they miss giovanni-sempai
>but hey look, we added kanto!
>well, pretty much everything of interest in kanto has been cut, and the gym leaders are going to be a cakewalk because you've already beaten the elite 4, but... kanto!
Millions of kids were excited to buy G/S, played through this cashgrab and promptly dropped the series. Pokemon Crystal remains the worst-selling entry of the main games.

>> No.9434479

Gen 3 they put in more effort than any other gen. Like it or love it, it has the most depth and an overhauled EV/IV system. Serious thought was put into rarity, stats and movepools too. Again, maybe not perfect or great, but gen 1 had none of that and gen 2 seemed all over the place. Gen 3 is the gen they just copy/paste now, and you know, remove some features

>> No.9434481 [DELETED] 

which alternative games franchise to pokemon would be ideal for me?
I search
>franchise without fairies
>franchise without magic
> anti-pokemon franchise
>franchise whose target is totally opposite to that of pokemon
>franchise without competition
>franchise exclusive for playstation, pc or xbox console

>> No.9434486 [DELETED] 


>> No.9434487 [DELETED] 

The Last of Us

>> No.9434494 [DELETED] 

Reasons why The Last of Us Would this be an ideal game franchise for me?

>> No.9434496 [DELETED] 

because it fits all of your criteria

>> No.9434498

nobody felt that way back in 2000

>> No.9434501

newer pokemon would look so much better if they were drawn in this style

>> No.9434503

They did, which is why pokemania died and Crystal sold way worse than Yellow despite bringing more content to the table. Gen 1 shits all over Gen 2.

>> No.9434505
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sure but let's not pretend the art style of the promotional artwork is the only thing separating old and new pokemon

>> No.9434570

Releasing Crystal outside of Japan was pretty dumb to begin with, the game's big selling point was online connectivity, and that had to get stripped out.

>> No.9434582

were westerners too dumb/bad at the game to care about the battle tower? that was another selling point in japan, added a lot of replayability and was so well-received there that battle facilities became a staple of the franchise

>> No.9434594

The Battle Tower in Japanese Crystal and the Battle Tower in western Crystal are entirely different things, so no, the western Battle Tower was not a selling point.
And the Japanese one was online and falls under the "online connectivity" I mentioned.

>> No.9434634

>The Battle Tower in Japanese Crystal and the Battle Tower in western Crystal are entirely different things, so no, the western Battle Tower was not a selling point.
lol they're not "entirely different", in fact the only meaningful difference was that real-life money would be charged to your phone bill and you could host multiplayer battles there
that aspect was criticised in Japan because it was blatant jewry and kids were driving up the phone bill that their parents were likely paying for
what they kept moving forward and expanded upon was the NPC battle tournament aspect, which there were more of in the western version

>> No.9434658

You're basically taking an adult stance toward it, trying to list 'objective' factors why Gen 2 is 'inferior' or whatever. kids didn't give a shit about that. What they gave a shit about is that the next big craze was already there. It was called Yugioh.

>> No.9435193

>rumors about some kids killing themselves by jumping from a window or drinking gasoline and setting it ablaze because they though they’re Charizard
The one thing I remember is hearing about some kid who killed himself by jumping out of a window while trying to catch a pidgey. But it was ok 'cause before jumping he told his friend to revive him using the dragon balls.

>> No.9435403

This is all extremely true.
I'm willing to call it a polishing release, but that is generous. It still didn't elevate the innovation that made Pokemon famous, nor did it elevate Pokemon as an RPG series.

>> No.9435419

It was both. Like Final Fantasy after FF7, Pokemon had the opportunity to be THE videogame series and it choked.

For the inverse of this, see Mario or Zelda, which, through console gens 3, 4, and 5, consistently delivered a big boom (Mario 2 and Zelda 2 notwithstanding).

>> No.9435545

Poor timing is more the cause of low crystal sales. it was debuted in the middle of summer holidays and at the end of the GBC life cycle. meanwhile kids were still playing G/S for first time they got at Christmas 6 months prior. It had the shortest shelf life, zero hype/promotion for it, and most kids had no idea it existed. paired with the GBA promotion at the time, everyone including gamefreak were getting ready to make the jump to the next gen. Yellow at least had a year and released right in time for another cashgrab at christmas.

>> No.9435564

>okay so here's a bunch of baby pokemon nobody asked for
That was for the breeding system. The babies were ultimately somewhat merchandiseable, which was probably the main point, but you just train them up so they evolve anyway, so I don't see the problem, a level 3 Pikachu isn't realistically any more useful than a level 3 Pichu.

>here's a bunch of shitmons with terrible stats that nobody will use
Gen 1 had a bunch of those. Goldeen/Seaking, Onix, Ekans/Arbok, Parasect, and also Magikarp, which is comically fucking useless, but you do eventually get a very good Gyarados out of it if you persevere in leveling it up, which isn't too hard to do early on, so I guess that one doesn't count.

>also we're making almost every new pokemon look cute and have simple emoticon-looking expressions because we want more girls to consoom our product

>a bunch of them are designs that we cut from Gen 1 because we thought they were too shit
Actually untrue, more recent leaks show that only a few of the new ones in Gen 2 were made from scrapped Gen 1 Pokémon, like only two or three.

>level curve? it doesn't matter
What's your problem with it?

>team rocket is back! the entire plot is that they miss giovanni-sempai
Not the most inventive, but they weren't inventive the first time around either, they were incredibly simplistic and generic criminal badguys.

>but hey look, we added kanto!
Yeah, as a bonus for the postgame, and it was something they never planned on doing or thought was even possible, they just realized that they were able to do it late in development after a serious bout of optimizing. Fuck free content though I guess.

>pretty much everything of interest in kanto has been cut, and the gym leaders are going to be a cakewalk because you've already beaten the elite 4, but... kanto!
It's somewhat cut down, but a lot is still there. If you want to make it more interesting for yourself you could always try tackling it with a weaker party.

>> No.9435680

I certainly remember a lot of people dumping on the accessibility of new pokemon. You can probably look at old gameFAQs message boards. Baby pokemon were panned, 6 baby pokemon that offer nothing. It's not like you find level 5 Elekid in the wild and then level it up to 30 for Electabuzz. You had to go breed an Electabuzz.

Also Dark and Steel types being endgame pokemon was a bad choice. They hyped the new types pretty heavily, but then you couldn't get them.

I agree with the sentiment that a lot of johto pokemon are forgettable or bland. Sunflora, Stantler, Dunsparce. Then you had ones that could have been interesting in a vacuum, but in the game they are not as effective. Like Jumpluff or Piloswine. Then you had ones that are very interesting gameplay wise, if you dig in the meta, Fortress and Blissey... but why would the general public care? People wanted Houndooms and Scizors but didn't want to have to play the game for 50 hours to get them. I think Johto did everything right otherwise, but when they only added 100 new pokemon, they made way too many bad calls. I could easily say most of the gen 2 pokemon have low appeal. Most people won't sit and break all this down to figure out where they went wrong, they just won't play the game. You get surface level with people, kids, Blastoise and Charizard look way cooler or like games you wanna play. A big water turtle, and guess what, you can start the game right away with the thing that becomes that. Ho-oh and Lugia, not the same story.

>> No.9435720

Yu-gi-oh came later, ahead of or around gold/silvers release there was a lot of stuff that segmented the market. Digimon, Monster Rancher, Robopon, Dragon Warrior Monsters, and also anime in general became westernize. The cheap turn around of anime shows was a huge interest to fox and kids WB so there was a major influx of that. Not to mention Star Wars was back making new movies.

Pokemon hit this perfect storm of timing to be a hit. Gameboys had been on the market for a good while and were cheap to get, RPGs were coming into fashion thanks to SNES hits and playstation. And there was a void of a giant media franchise at the top of the zeitgeist. Like say star wars or the MCU. The accessibility of gen 1 sealed it too. I agree trying to pick apart reasons like an adult is kind of futile. I think tho, from a marketing stand point, like how mario came with the NES and the SNES, nintendo should have just sold gameboy colors with gold/silver. Every single gameboy color moving forward should have had the game packed in. That would have broken records. Japan just doesnt like that shit tho. Its what made sonic successful.

>> No.9435763

competitive play is for virgins
just pick your favorites, simple as.