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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 615 KB, 667x523, hbg_zelda_parallel_worlds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9420062 No.9420062 [Reply] [Original]

Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/?

Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.



Homebrew Lists & Links (...still needs update) :

IPS/BPS Patcher:

















>> No.9420064
File: 545 KB, 792x524, akira_64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is your dream game, /vr/ ?

>> No.9420090

can i play that on the PC port yet?

>> No.9420098

Parallel Worlds is trash

>> No.9420109

Demakes. Demakes as far as the eye can see.

>> No.9420167

Zniggy 64

>> No.9420170

So we’re the Genesis Mini 2 ROMs ever dumped? Was wondering if a Part Quiz Sega Q translation was viable.

>> No.9420171

Parallel Worlds is fantastic besides a handful of questionable design decisions, like requiring bomb jumps, making you guess the solution to the lost woods, and a dungeon consisting entirely of identical rooms with warp pads. But 90% of the game is phenomenal.

>> No.9420173
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>> No.9420174

Parallel Worlds Remodel is trash though, I will give you that. Turns every dungeon into a hallway.

>> No.9420239

Hopefully once Minish Cap's decomp and pc port is out, we will get something on the level of Zelda Classic maps.

Also actual Fire Rod

>> No.9420557

Megaman/Rockman X5 for Sega Saturn (Sega kept supporting the Saturn in Japan and some other East Asian Countries up to sometime in the year 2000, so it could have been a neat swan song title)
Fallout 1 for the N64. PS1, and Sega Saturn Fallout 2 for N64 and Dreamcast
Fallout Tactics for Xbox and GameCube.
Goldeneye on GameCube
Half-life 1 on Sega Dreamcast
System Shock 1 on 3DO, N64, and Sega Saturn (Saturn release would be bundled with a Memory Card)
Quake 2 on Sega Saturn
Blood on Sega Saturn, PS1 and N64.

>> No.9421354

Super Don Karma World
I got stuck on the wallkick-earning level like a dumbass for almost an hour, only because I figured out late that the green pipe you respawn from after the checkpoint is also the one to enter in to go on with the stage

>> No.9421360

What a surprise, the sprite looks like shit when you try to make him actually blonde.

>> No.9421379

Especially that shade of blond. He's strawberry blond at most, but I always thought it red hair before Wind Waker created blond autism.

>> No.9421453


>> No.9421456

Gyruss for Atari 7800

>> No.9421781

VHS filters are overused nowadays but these guys owned it

>> No.9422020

he nails that 90s commercial guy voice as well

>> No.9422406

Vampire Hunter 2 Arranged (the one on PS2 with all 18 chars) on CPS2. Fuck the SNES schizo.

>> No.9422410

Does it still break spectacularly on tunnel transitions at 30/60fps? Seems like that setting is a gimmick otherwise. Used their recommended OCs on both Mesen-S and SNES9x.

>> No.9422434

>arranged/Chaos Tower stuck in 480 and handheld/system link hell

>> No.9422464
File: 1.41 MB, 664x444, LV45.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the FF6T romhack but the .zip file is passcode protected. Anyone assist with this or a new download would help. Also whats the best Final Fantasy 5 hard type hack?

>> No.9422468

Why haven't you started a disassembly of your favorite game, anon?

>> No.9422590

>I have the FF6T romhack but the .zip file is passcode protected.
I just downloaded the english translated version off of RHDN, and there is no password.
>Also whats the best Final Fantasy 5 hard type hack?
Final Fantasy V: Ancient Cave English. You get random items and jobs, and fight against progressively harder enemies and bosses with a time-limit to prevent grinding.

>> No.9422936

Not intelligent enough to do a disassembly, and also even if I was, I don't have the experience in assembly for it yet.

>> No.9422956
File: 23 KB, 700x701, WLA 65x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not terribly sure of how useful this will be, but I wrote it anyways because I thought it was cool. It supports all of the compatible WLA-DX preprocessors, and has all of the legal 6502 opcodes. https://pastebin.com/yRYL5j2c
If I could, I would've supported // comments as well, but unfortunately UDL2 files don't support that. Maybe someday in the future.

>> No.9423034
File: 145 KB, 1322x1000, kirby_adv_disasm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did!!!
...but only to fix a glitch that has been bothering me forever. Kirby's jump inputs get eaten sometimes, due to the order of operations in which animation state change checks are performed, as i have learned. if you were to say, switch directions from left to right or go from a walk to a run on the same frame you try to jump, no jump. people tended to think that the lag in this game was eating these jump inputs, nope, just sloppy or inattentive programming.
i have rearranged the code so that jump and special attack inputs now have priority over anything else that happens. because of bank switching, i had to do it for normal states, having powers where you aren't holding something, having a sword, hammer, parasol or starrod.
i'll probably release it on RHDN eventually...
also i have zero plans of actually finishing such a disassembly. it would take at least a year or so that i could be doing way cooler and more interesting things. but it was fun.
so there. i did start a disassembly of my favorite game.

>> No.9423048
File: 399 KB, 1411x1080, simcity-snes-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SimCity SNES with mouse support.

>> No.9423059

How do you think people learn ASM in the first place?

>> No.9423123

By first dabbling in programming first?

>> No.9423127

mr iwata is smiling down on you from heaven

>> No.9423437

Should I make NES game using Assembly Language or C Language? I watched the tutorial on Pikuma and seeing downsides and upside of each language, I don't know where else to go, like VisualBasic? or CodeBlocks? or something?
I may be brainlet, but I keep reaching the roadblocks every fucking time. I want to feel like starting making NES games but I feel blurred in head or I don't got a good assets.

>> No.9423490
File: 50 KB, 220x225, iwata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> NES games with ASM or C
slow down there champ. you've got a ton of things to learn before you even have to worry about that. start here:

>> No.9423595

Nerdy Nights has been the most frustrating guides I ever read in my life due to ADHD when I was young like 10 years ago. I need a "hand holding help" style like tutorial, which I did watch the tutorial on Pikuma but it is hard for me to try and stay focus, but I see how you use the registers, the flags, and "Address layout" thingy that idk what's it called at the time of writing this.

>> No.9423694

> I need a "hand holding help" style like tutorial
ok if you have some hardware and ASM knowledge here's a vod setting up VScode with CC65, maybe this will help you

>> No.9423703

What happened to the mega folders?

>> No.9423730

Some asshat reported it so the person who was hosting it decided to not put it back up

>> No.9423786


>> No.9425086


>> No.9425216

I wanted see Megaman 8, Tron games and Megaman Fighter on N64

>> No.9425219

>Fuck the SNES schizo
Faggot like you know nothing about Nintendo PlayStation

>> No.9425226

Corpse Party 666444: Satsuki's Heart

>> No.9425229

>C Language
I suggestion for Super NES

>> No.9425257
File: 67 KB, 377x253, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9425439 [DELETED] 






>> No.9425453

Its time for the contents of the Mega Folders to be re-uploaded onto places like Reentry.org, dropbox, Carbonite, anonfiles, iCloud, Privatebin, Schakenmods, CDromance, or the Freenet

>> No.9425516

Shantae and Rusty TG-16

>> No.9425521 [DELETED] 

Can I help you sir

>> No.9425747 [DELETED] 

What picture?

>> No.9426008

Why a nukige?

>> No.9426137

Bosconian on the NES
Goldeneye with Dalton's model and not Brosnan's (with Brosnan's as Trevelyan as an option)

>> No.9426360
File: 41 KB, 750x315, goldeneye_lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goldeneye with Dalton's model
Actually in the game! ...sort of
There was an All Bonds cheat/mode planned with Connery, Dalton, and Moore, but they couldn't get the licensing for it. The headshots and textures still exist, and with a gameshark, you can replace them with existing characters.

>> No.9426487

SFC DK have updated.


>> No.9427314

Because yellow fetish with Zelda hearts.

>> No.9427971
File: 187 KB, 670x473, 1390580499294.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're so close to hundreds of kino Star Fox 2 romhacks bros.

>> No.9427993

That’s damn cool. Would be nice to see this if the game got a pc port put in or activated? I guess you can w a GameShark?

>> No.9428921


>> No.9428938

A shiren the wanderer game for the 3ds. It could have normal mystery dungeon gameplay on one screen and have you control an ally or something on the other.

>> No.9430152

is there a site that'll just give me modding and romhacking news? homebrew as well maybe

>> No.9430165

i mean romhacking.net has a front page with writeups for releases and updates, if the author decides to submit one

>> No.9431160

Darkstalkers: The Night Warrior on SNES

>> No.9431925
File: 730 KB, 2048x1536, 79B9A4A7-6F6F-41EE-B1D8-0DA929170425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m the brainlet from the first question.
I literally felt overwhelming with a lot of this. I understand mostly about the flag (0 flag, overflow flag, etc.), I understand about the A X and Y registers that LDA, LDX, and LDY I’d to Load (or put numbers in) into the Register, and STA, STX, and STY is to STore (copy and paste numbers) into selected Address, with TAS and TAY is to transfer numbers between.
As I’m up to the iNES Header information on Pikuma tutorial, my mind started to feel like shit of de motivations and retirement.

If I were to start making NES tutorial book here, I’d be shitted on or laugh at..

>> No.9432042

>Kirby's jump inputs get eaten sometimes

I KNEW IT, no fuckin wonder I struggled with that game at times. Thanks for clearin that up with your disassembly, man.

>> No.9432848
File: 64 KB, 1018x1084, nes_init.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I literally felt overwhelming with a lot of this.
Totally normal.
NES games came in all different shapes and sizes, and the later more complicated ones basically "hacked" the system into doing things it was never designed to do. The header is there to tell the emulator how to handle these games. For now, that's really all you need to know.
It's ok to just copy paste that NROM header, stack initialization, interrupt disable, and PPU warmup waiting loop without really understanding how or why they are necessary. It's what everyone does.
If you stick with it, it will make sense in retrospect. Relax.

>> No.9434308


>> No.9434962 [DELETED] 

https://youtu.be/2incXPOOItA Want to try this one that basically just got released some time ago on emulation, which file should i patch? The clean one, fastrom or non-fastrom? I'm kinda retarded

>> No.9435039


>> No.9436213

Here are the patched ROMs. For MiSTer FPGA use Starfox EX 1.02 (HARDWARE - NON-FASTROM), works beautifully.


>> No.9436221

is mister any good for debugging homebrew?

>> No.9436245

I have not used it for specifically debugging any kind of ROMs but the core developers always recommend cross referencing software emulator behavior or online videos of hardware recording when we come across something that we might perceive as a bug.

>> No.9436869

Whoah is this like the Metroid Planets of SF?

>> No.9436963

No. Planets is a remake. This is a romhack.

>> No.9437862
File: 2.05 MB, 240x160, english_town_map_no_sound.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Town map.

With sound: https://files.catbox.moe/nq1ivz.webm

>> No.9438063


>> No.9438881

Any functioning ROMhacks or TCs of the Megaman games for OG Game Boy, GBC, or GBA?

>> No.9439108

looking great as always, anon. keep it up

>> No.9440727


>> No.9440796

Wait a minute, that's not a map.

>> No.9440803
File: 192 KB, 638x360, p3p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Persona 3 Portable also calls a menu "Town Map".

>> No.9440809

But there's a map in the background.

>> No.9440886
File: 23 KB, 240x160, english_town_map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it doesn't have whorehouses.

>> No.9440914

Whorehouse, more like brothel or Strip Club.

>> No.9440916

what is the best Simon's quest 'fix' or hack?

>> No.9441496


>> No.9442278

Legit question from a total outsider here, how do I even find worthile romhacks to play? The very few I tried years ago were all kinda garbage.
spoonfeed me your tricks please

>> No.9442327

I wait for someone to discuss it. If they don't it must not have been good

>> No.9442342

Ogre Battle with mouse support

>> No.9442354

You kind of have to build an intuition, which is difficult these days since even bad hacks can look pretty good in screenshots. >>9442327's advice is good. The good hacks will tend to generate some buzz and get discussed more. Some communities like SMWC and Metroid Construction still make use of their forums so you can lurk release threads to see what other people think of a particular hack before trying it yourself.

>> No.9442405
File: 91 KB, 860x343, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played through Rockman X4 Boost recently.
It was pretty fun, first time I ever enjoyed a romhack, the difficulty wasn't sky high because of a million changes, all it does is greatly increase enemy speed, a simple but effective way to make the game much harder without making it annoying to play.
I managed to beat it with both X and Zero with a little extra challenge by not using a single E-Tank.

>> No.9442937

>that magic bar placement
absolutely retarded

>> No.9443246

>in 21XX
Anon, E-tanks have been replaced by Sub-Tanks by that time, and they're reusable.

>> No.9444075

It has an E on it, its an E-Tank.

>> No.9444778


>> No.9445620
File: 933 KB, 1000x866, Fusion_suit_dread_prologue_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9445702

>active X vs Metroid war

>> No.9445706

What do people use nowadays to rip PSX sprites? Tim2View completely refuses to scan Twinbee Yahoo Deluxe Pack so I can't use it.

>> No.9445757

Literally waiting 7 years for this hack...

>> No.9445785

I wonder if it's still planned for a 2022 release.

>> No.9445832

it was planned for 2022? he stopped giving out informations about the hack and even removed his thread on metroid construction (which is a good thing).

>> No.9445850
File: 785 KB, 185x185, Chinese rekt video.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that horrible new layout for SMWC

>> No.9445859
File: 122 KB, 940x387, Screenshot 2022-11-26 at 15-37-30 SRX88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A blog post last January stated as much. But things can change over a year. We already know he had to make some big changes to the hack when he ran out of memory and refused to just expand the rom.

>> No.9445969

>january 2021
thats literally 2 years ago. I would be surprised if he finishes it in 2023 ngl.

>> No.9445985

not for a month it isn't

>> No.9446227

[citation needed]

>> No.9446404
File: 541 KB, 2591x747, smwcenterthenandnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9446418

The old version had more character but in the same way as old Geocities pages: vivid colors, divergent borders, animated gifs in the sidebar, snowfield effects. I'm not broken up about them being replaced with something easier on the eyes.

Main page content that changes while you're trying to read it is really fucking gross, but other than that the new version is fine. Those 16x16 diamond tiles are pure SMW

>> No.9446725

Diablo I (n64)
Diablo: Hellfire (64DD)

Over on sixth gen console, Diablo II + expansion (GameCube/PS2) and Warcraft 3 on Xbox/Wii

>> No.9446728

Starcraft Ghost getting finished.

>> No.9447285

I want to get into super metroid rom hacking. I heard subversion introduced a new tool for making rom hacks. Are there any guides or something where I can start by looking shit up.

>> No.9447341

apparently it's SMART?
Your best bet would be hanging around the metroid construction community

>> No.9447760

Here you go, friend

>> No.9448734


>> No.9449935

This here…truth been told.

>> No.9450783

Hey anyone know where I can find a rom that is uncensored?

>> No.9451263

Donkey Kong Racing

>> No.9451298

Being nonspecific doesn't help me help you, what game(s) in particular?

>> No.9451624

Well I want any game that had lewd content I simply want a list of good games with uncensored content that all.

>> No.9451713
File: 50 KB, 1040x448, bionic_commando_literally_hitler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I simply want a list of good games with uncensored content that all.
Uh, as subjective as that is, i suppose you could take this:
And if any of those are "good games", cross reference romhacking.net to check for retranslations or uncensorings.
...i mean what is your goal here? pixelated boobies? some swear words? crosses? swastikas?

>> No.9451748

lurk more

>> No.9452001

Here, this is stuff from my homebrew/bootleg collection that I know for sure is NSFW
https://we .tl/t-aNhd2FL7BE

>> No.9452005

For the record, this is just part of a whole larger collection of stuff I've just grabbed over the years from the many places I have had access to or still have access to

>> No.9454072
File: 19 KB, 512x448, smb_3mix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9454141

Silent Hill and Blood of Omen (SNES demake)

>> No.9454157

has anyone written a book on romhacking yet

>> No.9454463

Speaking of Super Mario Bros. 3 hacks, this new one

>> No.9454472
File: 16 KB, 1080x886, Super Mario Bros. 3+ (b1.1_11-27-22)-221129-230040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding a screenshot of the title screen of the 1.1 beta version

>> No.9454824

at least 65

>> No.9454836

I must have the wrong ROMs. The first one I used played the cool intro but crashed at the main menu, and the other ROM I grabbed skips the intro but plays the game properly.
Having wall jumps and ground pounds in SMB3 is fucking wild, I wonder what else is there?

>> No.9454962

N64 shadow transparent effects

>> No.9454982

Don't know if anyone can help me here.
Last year I injected some gba roms using NSUI, and distinctly remember being able to add a sound/jingle to the banner that could be heard while hovering on the game on the 3DS.
I still have some of those games installed (Pokemon Red with the Charizard cry, Super Mario with the "Sssuper Mario!" cry, etc.).
Now I wanted to inject some other games but I can't find the option to add sound to the banners anywhere on NSUI...maybe I used another program in addition to that? Problem is I can't remember...

>> No.9455103

Here ya go, Anon.

>> No.9455114

I just used the same no-intro ROM most SMB 3 hacks need and it worked right off the bat

>> No.9455284
File: 131 KB, 640x1094, Xross_Impact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give ikkitousen a CPS-3 Final Fight style make over.

>> No.9455696

Never understood why goldeneye good?

>> No.9455839

NES ROM collector looking for other NES ROM collectors

Montezuma's Revenge was ported to NES earlier this year, I wonder who has it?
I wish these Kickstarters wouldn't seclude their projects only to backers because it only encourages piracy but there is no way to buy a digital ROM. Makes it hard for flashcart owners who just want to have as many games as possible

>> No.9455882


>> No.9456249

Wow thanks for the mustard gas, anon.

>> No.9456796
File: 829 KB, 700x784, s838104172161106457_p41_i1_w700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen this get posted anywhere but an obscure forum that hides their content from newcomers in an attempt to feel exclusive. It's a commercial rom hack (lol) of the first Mega Man game called Mega Man X: Age of Wily. I haven't played it yet but it's supposed to be decent. It's made by Pacnsac Games, who makes and sells romhacks and begs for money on Patreon. For a cool $55 you can have the honor of playing this game, or you can play it for free since it's a pirate game to begin with. The forum I found it on had some supremely butthurt attention seeking faggot who bought the cart and dumped it and felt so betrayed when his friend put the rom online before he did. He wanted to make sure everyone on the forum knew it was HIM who bought the game and dumped it, and HE ALONE deserves credit. I won't name him to indulge his unhealthy attention seeking behavior. Here is the game for anyone interested. anonfiles/X4AdsfKby5/

>> No.9456895

Trying to make a hack of NES Super Mario Bros.
What's the best way to do it? GreatEd or SMB Utility? Not a software developer so I'm incapable of using a disassembly.

>> No.9457124

I got you bro https://anonfiles com/G3n9tbKby5/Montezuma_s_Revenge_USA_Aftermarket_Homebrew_nes

>> No.9457234

Arn't all Pacnsteals hacks just graphics only hacks? At lest the ones where he didn't outright steal an in-progress group hack and try to sell it as his own. (the Deadpool Ninja Gaiden hack in specific)

>> No.9457258

Pretty much, yeah, in addition to Mike Ditka's Big Play Football being something previously being sold by Nintendoage before (I assume) he got his hands on it and is likely selling it without the same licensing agreements I believe Nintendoage had

>> No.9457373
File: 19 KB, 1137x1080, Metal-Slug-1st-Mission-World-EnJa-180415-115358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really a "dream game", but I'd like to see more fangames, homebrews or romhacks using the aesthetic of NGP Metal Slug.
The reason to why there aren't that many MS fan projects, is that the aesthetic of the mainline is difficult to replicate, and no-one's really willing to do that for free.
Replicable aesthetic is a reason to why, there are so many classic Mega-Man fan projects compared to X ones.
It would be interesting to see what fans could do with the formula of MS if they weren't limited by its graphical style.
I always thought that the NGP aesthetic was the most logical choice, but no-body seems to remember these handheld games.

>> No.9457913

Real fun?

>> No.9458058

Is there really not a hack that puts Soma into a Metroid game absorbing Metroid enemy souls? Or Samus in a Castlevania game?

>> No.9458139

Gameboy color?

>> No.9458283
