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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 410 KB, 1060x945, a5e6bf36-69c5-441a-9910-f62c33da620a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9415751 No.9415751 [Reply] [Original]

HG101 for some reason are seen as authorities, when they're really just clueless retards. Sadly since they're often the ONLy english online source talking about a Japan only game, their word is often seen as gospel.

> Her name is Silphia (yes, different from the title).

I have no clue whose ass this was pulled from, but her name is Sylphia (spelled "シルフィア" in japanese). This is a blatant example of HG101 perpetuating factually incorrect information.

>As she lays dying, a force resurrects her as a fairy, giving her a second chance against the forces of evil.

Asshole is just watching the opening cutscene (which anyone can do) and just describing it without understanding it. She's chosen as a champion of the gods, and embued with the power of the Gods. Either Zeus or Athena.

>Sylphia was published by Tonkinhouse, and technically Compile’s name is never mentioned anywhere. However, its credits indicate that many of their staff members worked on it. Takayuki Hirono is listed as the “Game System Adviser”, and several programmers and artists, including Kouji “Janus” Teramoto are part of Compile’s regular staff. So it was definitely subcontracted to them, either in part or in full.

Compile staff did work on it, but he's speculating that it was formally outsourced to them. In truth, I have no clue what the backstory to the game is - but more critically neither does Kurt. Most sources will list Sylphia as a Compile game (such as mobygames), but Tonkinhouse is the only listed developer for it.


>> No.9415803

Her name is Shirufuia
By the way, what is the purpose of this thread?

>> No.9415848
File: 358 KB, 1228x1511, PC Engine Fan - August 1993 (Compressed)_0090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By the way, what is the purpose of this thread?

Pointing out that Kurt Katala pulls things from his ass while doing sloppy research and questionable knowledge of Japanese. They crank out as many poorly researched articles as possible to dominate as many niche Japanese only video game searches as possible - often the only english language source.

But their sloppiness results in myths and lies being spread. There's so many better sources for retro games (both past and present).

HG101 is like pollution.

>> No.9415861
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And the game manual's version of the story. It specifically cites Zeus as embuing the light with the power of the gods.


Both the manual and gaming mags refer to her as "シルフィア" so I have no clue where this "Silphia" business comes from. More than likely Kurt's Japanese is terrible and he's trying to show off how clever he is, but mangling the Japanese in the process.

>> No.9415870

used to enjoy reading HG101 ages ago until i grew a brain stem of my own and started researching and playing video games on my own. such a shitty website.

>> No.9415878 [DELETED] 
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This is the tool kurt uses to research his games.

>> No.9415882
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Same. When I didn't know anything they seemed magical. Then I learned more and realized how superficial and often downright wrong they are. It's baffling anyone takes them seriously as a source.

>> No.9415884

HG101 was cool because it was only of the few places documenting japanese gaming, but the articles were always poor and indicated very short playtimes and copy pasting of hearsay from elsewhere. But at least it brought up interesting stuff from time to time until the Trump election which seems to have broken Kurt Kalata's brain, the site really lost its soul afterwards.

>> No.9415891

Stopped reading their articles after the Goemon 3 shit, they all can die.

>> No.9415898

Companies themselves make up stuff and allow shit translations, it is no surprise that shit like this exist

>> No.9415908

>By the way, what is the purpose of this thread?
He's just butthurt. There are about 4 people on this board who have HG101 living in their head rent free.

>> No.9415912

Hi Kurt

>> No.9415915

Hello, schizo.

>> No.9415923

Thought this was a shitty rpg from the cover

>> No.9415928

OP posted a thread and started a discussion you stupid twat

>> No.9415935
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I remember on their Gunbird page they say the leader of the evil trio is simply known as "The Boss" but it doesn't take much searching to find out her name is Rouge.

>> No.9415936

Entire thread is him complaining about another site instead of just informing us. Way to get people interested in your stupid weeb shit.

>> No.9415951

not saying you're wrong, but if you're right, then you shouldn't be advertising their website, cause i never heard of em before you made this thread

>> No.9415952

>There's so many better sources for retro games (both past and present).
Not asking this as a bait question or anything, I genuinely want to know. What are they? I haven't read HG101 in ages. There are a few obscure/retro game blogs I follow but I can never get enough.

>> No.9415962

>Someone was wrong about an obscure game from +30 years ago!! I must go and inform /vrpg/
Just send them an email with the correct info if it bothers you so much, anon. What's the point crying about it here?

>> No.9415969

Fuck! I meant /vr/, my point still stands.

>> No.9415978
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>Way to get people interested in your stupid weeb shit.
that's your assumption. i don't know what the fuck he's thinking. i came here on my own to check on the board and the threads. fuck you and fuck giving a shit about gathering interest in hobbies.

>> No.9415985

That bald cuck exaggerated faces never fail to trigger me. Bimmy is a hack.

>> No.9416023

The bald cuck is right, anger makes me better

>> No.9416027

Anyone recall a weird pc only Korean beat em up that had a HCG101 article about it? Had like weird as creatures in a very 90s 3D computer graphics visual style and i think there was some mention of Capcom possibly having a connection to it as publisher maybe?

>> No.9416129

I don't but now you reminded me of that taiwanese copy of metal slug
Forgot the name

>> No.9416131

Chaos Front?

>> No.9416140

*nvm, Demon Front i mean

>> No.9416329

I will never give that troon website my clicks. Deal with it hardcuck gaming.

>> No.9416343 [DELETED] 

>Calling Shirufuia, Sylphia
>Being this virginal
>Caring about YouTube zoomslop
>Mentally marinating over vowel literation transliterated from a different alphabet
Go to a bar and engage a female in conversation

>> No.9416401

Learn kana and try again.

>> No.9416482

That's literally what the katakana romanizes as you fucking nerd, but I digress. Sylphia is clearly what anyone with a basic knowledge of European mythology would translate it as, yet you miss the point
>Taking it up the butt when someone is clearly taking the piss out of you for obsessing over some fag YouTube nonsense

>> No.9416524

>That's literally what the katakana romanizes as
Anon I...

>> No.9416527

>That's literally what the katakana romanizes as you fucking nerd
No it isn't lol

>> No.9416528

Is this a good game, or the OP a faggot? I want to expand my PC Engine library...

>> No.9416541

OP never mentioned anything about the game being good

>> No.9416547

Is it good though?

>> No.9416558

This is the most autistic post I've seen here in a while, well done OP.
If you like Compile shooters you'll like it.

>> No.9416583

Please stop pretending to be retarded

>> No.9416695
File: 29 KB, 265x237, 1668480404118739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her name is Silphia (yes, different from the title).
>I have no clue whose ass this was pulled from, but her name is Sylphia (spelled "シルフィア" in japanese). This is a blatant example of HG101 perpetuating factually incorrect information.
You literally posted it.

>> No.9416960

I call it the TVtropes syndrome

>> No.9416975

>Silphia has no life
the /vr/ mascot we didnt know we needed

>> No.9417030 [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 474x508, soyjack faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le rent free

>> No.9417258

Kurt Kutala is a resetera member who once tried to shut down a fan translation group because one of the romhackers once posted "resetera is cancer" with no further context on twitter. This group was one of the most active translation groups out there.

The infamous Ganbare Goemon 3 incident, if you remember it. He cherry picked one case of a minor tranny NPC in the game to make it seem like the "alt-right translator" added it and not Konami, and he was personally involved in organizing the personal harassment of the romhacker and his friends including sending them abuse and hate online and IRL and trying to get their works removed from romhacking websites and wrongfully attributed to friends who submit censored versions of the translations while insulting the original group. After he successfully drove them online for a while, even his resetera fellows were thinking he's gone too overboard and he stalked the group online for any sign of activity to harass them again.

IF you check his posts from that incident further, you'll find him suggesting to harass the translation group because they didn't do a good enough job scrubbing the manjis from the games, which supposedly makes them nazis.
BUT Kurt Kutala did coverage of the Ganbare Goemon series prior to that on HG101, and in those articles he's talking about that supposedly offensive Japanese content as "funny Japanese humor". He noticed and quickly scrubbed most of it from his new site later.
He also complained that /vr/ will be unusable for a few months after that controversy. (Which raises all sorts of questions about his sourcing methods)

Agnes Kaku barely doing her job for one journalist helping HG101 do an interview for nip vidya veterans, and she sued, and Kurt Kutala sided with her against his contributor.

Let's just say he's a shitty person. Neither people whom he decides are his enemies, nor his associates, are safe from him.
2013 and before, and it was a calculated "feminist" shift.

>> No.9417930

>could've taken a minute of his day to actually learn kana
>refuses and just keeps on schizoposting
Pretty based, not gonna lie

>> No.9417948

In the end, who decides the official romanization? Wouldn't be better if the japaneses used a more accurate alphabet for foreign words?

>> No.9417953

This is an arcade port?

>> No.9417954

>Pointing out that Kurt Katala pulls things from his ass while doing sloppy research and questionable knowledge of Japanese.
Keep up the good fight my man

>> No.9417957

You're approaching this from the foreign point of view of assuming the Japanese actually CARE how it's "officially romanized". Any romanization is just for style, it being consistent isn't really all that necessary. The actual name, as they're concerned, is シルフィア, whether someone stylizes that as Sylphia or Silphia or Shirphyah is pretty damn irrelevant to them.

>> No.9418009

nope, original game

>> No.9418051

Is he the same guy who went after the creator of those un-worked patches games like Lunar and Popful Mail? The behavior sounds very similar.

>> No.9418057

>Agnes Kaku barely doing her job for one journalist helping HG101 do an interview for nip vidya veterans, and she sued, and Kurt Kutala sided with her against his contributor.
To be fair, Agness Kaku sucks too.

>> No.9418071

>Both the manual and gaming mags refer to her as "シルフィア" so I have no clue where this "Silphia" business comes from. More than likely Kurt's Japanese is terrible and he's trying to show off how clever he is, but mangling the Japanese in the process.
He probably just copied the Japanese Wikipedia article, pasted it on Google Translate and took whatever romanization it gave at face value.

>> No.9418206
File: 115 KB, 328x232, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no fan of Kurt, but "Silphia" appears right in the screenshots posted here >>9415882 as >>9416695 pointed out.

>> No.9418208

That's exactly why I'm asking. Reading manga for decades now, there's always a moment when a character has its name's spelling changed because the "official romanization" came out. But, as you said, the japanese have their alphabet and don't care. So why is there an official romanization? From where does it come?

>> No.9418235

>So why is there an official romanization? From where does it come?
Generally, either from the author, who stylized it that way in a chapter somewhere, or from the official rightsholders who came up with official spellings for all the names so that international translators can all spell it the same way to make shit easier for marketing and merch.

>> No.9418283

Also, I know you're probably going to ask "but if the Japanese don't care, the author probably doesn't care either and just picked a random spelling. Surely that means he might spell it differently in a later chapter?"

The answer is that yes, he might, and that always makes things fun when the translators discover that the "official spelling" wasn't all that official after all.

>> No.9418365
File: 959 KB, 2135x3030, Bloomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case in point, Toriyama spelling ブルマ's name as BLOOMER in a 2007 Dragon Ball drawing after spelling it as BULMA for years.

>> No.9418373

It's also been spelled "BULUMA" on some official merch.

And to be fair, in this instance it's pretty clear the man just legit though the English word "bloomers" WAS spelled "bulma" to the point he didn't bother looking it up to check.

>> No.9418410

Thank you a lot! It was really educative for me. Right now, I'm thinking the saner way for international translation would be just romanizing the kanas and leave at that, instead of delving deeper into a meaning or a more western spelling. It would sound a bit weird (like "Shirufuia"), but what can it be done? It's a different language, after all.

>> No.9418428

The state of OP. I somehow knew his autism over the romanization would backfire.

>> No.9418493

Though to be honest, Toriyama is the last person you should use as a measure of consistency. He's never been very serious about keeping things consistent, and is known to completely forget things he himself once wrote.

Anyway, on-topic: Japanese to English is a total shitshow because the two languages are diametrically opposed. There's basically no way to translate Japanese to English without reading the source language, interpreting its meaning, and then rewriting it in the target language. This is a well accepted aspect in the business of translating between the two languages, to the point that there's even discussion about how the translator actually becomes something of a second author when they translate works (look up "Who You're Reading when you Read Murakami" for example).

>> No.9418505


What's more, in nerd circles, translating from Japanese to English has a long-standing grassroots element. There is as much if not more unofficial/fan work in this field as there is official releases, and for a long time fan works were almost all you had. That means that we are used to a level of self-determination as to whether a translation is "good" or not. You see it all the time; People who don't know shit about Japanese will trash a sub group for their work quality, regardless of whether they know shit about it. Often it's increased because multiple teams do the same show/etc. separately and simultaneously, meaning you can actually see multiple different translator's takes on the same project and decide for yourself which is "best". Sometimes this means fans will pick their own romanizations and ignore "official" decisions. Sometimes this means fans will reject how official translations are done, especially if the unofficial has already been around for a while. It's just a very messy thing, where fans are used to doing their own thing and where the work itself is anything but a hard science, thus making for a complex situation.

>> No.9418526
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I have grappled with these kinds of questions often over my years of studying Japanese. My current opinion is that it is paramount for the translator to interpret the work and to express the intended idea in a compromise between the creator's intentions and the audience's expectations. However, making something that is natural and readable while maintaining the spirit of the original work is paramount to your success in the translation.

Using this case as an example, I would reject typing straight romaji, as it would result in unreadable gibberish, so it just won't work for the target audience (there's no hard and fast rule to any of this and it may well change over time, this is still all my opinion).

Now then, one might say that because the game uses the romaji "Silphia" that it is the best fit, and that's not uncommon. However, one might need to further assess the situation. You really don't know who came up with the idea for "Silphia" anyway; It's not as if every Japanese game dev team had an expert in English in their ranks. If that were the case you would have never gotten pic related in Fighting Baseball.

I will reiterate; I feel that you really have to interpret from what you think the intention was and what you think would achieve the intended effect. Another good example of this is in the translation project for the original La-Mulana. That game's opening sequence was in English, even in the original version; Yet, it was totally rewritten for the translation patch. The reason is rather obvious when you see it; The JP original attempt was simply stilted, unnatural English, likely written by someone who didn't have an excellent grasp of it, but who wanted something that felt cool or interesting. This happens constantly in Japanese; English is very cool and foreign to them. Well, for La-Mulana's English patch, the translation team rewrote the opening to something that better expressed the believed the intent to an English player.

>> No.9418532

The dream would be to have something like what Final Fantasy XIV has, which is a permanent on-staff translation team that has an on-going dialog with the actual game production team, so as to ensure that things flow from the very beginning and to make sure that localizations line up across different markets. See this interview for more, very fascinating: https://na.finalfantasy.com/topics/265

I don't want to keep blogposting, but the short is that translating is not easy, and is largely interpretive. The one thing that is really funny in OP's case is that the game text says Silphia but the box art says Sylphia, so you can see even the creators were not on the same page. it still says シルフィア so that's what counts, right? (also, the standard romaji of that would be "shirufia" as フィ becomes "fi", not "fui"). If you were translating to English, then you'd pretty much have your choice of which one to use. It could be as simple as saying Sylphia looks more exotic. Who knows? It's all up to the translator, really, to make something that sounds good to the target audience.

>> No.9418625

>Using this case as an example, I would reject typing straight romaji, as it would result in unreadable gibberish, so it just won't work for the target audience (there's no hard and fast rule to any of this and it may well change over time, this is still all my opinion).

I dunno, I don't think "Shirufia" would be interpreted as unreadable by a random reader with no familiarity with Japanese. In the Danish translation of Dragonball, Bubbles the monkey is called "Baburusu" because... well, I guess the translator didn't recognize it as English and just romanized directly. It's how I was first introduced to the character, and I didn't think the name was unreadable gibberish or anything. Didn't recognize it as the English word Bubbles of course, but on its own, taken as a random fantasy name, it was fine enough.

>> No.9418649

I still read them occasionally and have no idea about wider drama but it bowled me over how on their Drowned God review they put "trigger warning: conspiracy theories".

>> No.9418805

He's right though. That's exactly what the kana says

>> No.9419201

It's not.
And you're probably him.

>> No.9419207

What are some good articles sites? Recently I've been finding myself reading old magazine scans more and more.

>> No.9419324
File: 379 KB, 889x560, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's resetera in general. They were saying the patches shouldn't be posted on romhacking sites, that anyone disagreeing with an official localization is one of their weeb mortal enemies, and even were asking him to pull the patches offlines from his personal blog (which they didn't have influence over).
The creator of those patches (which didn't even affect the translations, just the hostile anti-rental "balance changes" that wouldn't pass bugtesting) was fed up with the endless crap and moved on to original translations.
Then they found some screenshots about le based "Hillary jokes in Summon Night 6" Vic Ireland mocking Ebonics in Albert Odyssey, made a huge thread about it, and decided that those patches are the only acceptable moral way to play these games...... and those patches still don't change the translation.

ResetEra is cancer indeed, they're parasites, they're found of destroying things they're not even sure they don't need.

If you want some rage fuel, check the HG101 article about the Exile prequel for the MSX, which wasn't localized because of its general irreverence towards religions (best ally included), rape, hallucinogenics, etc. It's written in 2012 and basically begs fan translators to not be afraid of the controversial subject matter so that more detailed articles about the game can be written.
Those detailed articles? Accusing the translators of Bahamut Lagoon and Live-A-Live of "exporting Japanese fandom misogyny" over the NTR heroines because no one would naturally hate them, the Ganbare Goemon situation (which his clique really tried to milk for all of its worth, including woke retranslations of past works by Tom, who worked on the Game Gear version of Lunar Magical School and a friend of Kurt was using that controversy as an occasion to promote his work on the Saturn remake and all the different ways he censored it "as it should be")

It's exactly like pic related

Get your game info from more sources.

>> No.9419342

Being an EOP really is hell, isn't it?

>> No.9419347

Check this one: https://shmuplations.com/
Developer interviews with minimal commentary to add context.

>> No.9419357

You don't have to stay one.

>> No.9419358 [DELETED] 

not really, since this is the white man's world and english is the language of art, science, commerce and progress. what's actually hell is being a 5'7" asian who can't grow a beard and has a 4 inch pecker and needs to pretend that learning a dying language spoken exclusively by social retards and people on a tiny island (with a negative birth rate... at least until the US sends niggers over to pump jap women) is somehow a hallmark of superiority. thing is, it isn't. you're just kind of a dumb fag with an linfated sense of self worth based entirely on a the identity you've molded out of sexlessness and inadequacy.

>> No.9419373

Somewhat got the semblance of a smirk in one corner of my mouth out of me. Time well spent. Probably the most impactful thing you did today too. Creating this shit thread isn't it.

>> No.9419389 [DELETED] 

Being a white guy doesn't mean much nowadays when you're quickly becoming a racial minority and most of your newer generation are being encouraged to be chemically castrated because of a Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex.

>> No.9419393

Isn’t this the website that bullied one rom translator?

>> No.9419401 [DELETED] 

>manlet slant eye cope
we don't need to be a majority, and we never have been. we are your rulers, and rulers are a minority. there are more ants than people but i doubt many would argue the superiority of ants. no matter what you do, no matter how hard you cope, you will always be beneath us and you will always be a little brown man. stay mad.

>> No.9419407 [DELETED] 

>slant eye
I'm white too and if you don't think white people aren't being cucked right now, then I got a bridge to sell you.

>> No.9419414 [DELETED] 

>"most of your newer generation"
>hello fellow white
lmao, stay mad manlet.

>> No.9419416
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That's a really cool website, yeah. I love reading stuff like that.

>> No.9419548


>> No.9419584

>the Trump election which seems to have broken Kurt Kalata's brain, the site really lost its soul afterwards.
He was already falling into wokeism by the early 2010s, especially when Feminist Frequency started asking for monies. I used to frequent the HG101 forums and he would often white-knight people who were supporting censorship.

>> No.9419657 [DELETED] 

they have a safe ethno-state while we're ruled by jews who are replacing us with brownoids

>> No.9419768

is she related to girugamesh?

>> No.9419778

I fucking love videogame autism.
Great thread.

>> No.9419784

Before that, it was known as the site where Agnes Kaku decided to air her dirty laundry with Konami and even confidential project files as downloadables and "how dare those filthy nips edit my heavily-editorialized localizations" because TECHNICALLY Konami didn't have her sign an NDA.
Then one of the HG101 regulars took her to Japan for a documentary and she did a shit job of translating fuck all of the developers' interviews, then she sued him.
Right now, the articles are paid for by external contributors.

It's less zealotry and more self-interest. The forums have massive crossover with threads and members of neogaf/resetera, down to the controversy topics. That's the crowd who really pressured localization companies to be as censor-happy as they are right now. He always wanted to rebrand the website as a "radical feminist gaming website".

As I mentioned before, DDS caught their attention simply because he was dissing ResetEra (during a period everyone was dissing ResetEra because of a pedophilia scandal leading lots of admins and long time members, some being employees of 8-4 and Treehouse, to burn their accounts there) and so he had it as his life mission to destroy him. DDS' internet existence was very minimal, so he attacked Tom his main translator who used to be more active in preserving imode phone games and even a translated playthrough of a private proto of an unreleased SMT spinoff... all of that is gone now because of the harassment and downscaling of Tom's online presence, of course. But if you look closer, in Kurt Kutala's words anyone who says "ResetEra is cancer" (ResetEra being his current clique) is doing an "alt-right dogwhistle" and is fair game for the vilest shit imaginable.

>> No.9419786

>Right now, the articles are paid for by external contributors.
*He pays external contributors to write articles

>> No.9419801

It's like beating a dead horse at this point. Early 2020 had a lot of people (in the clear web, not even kiwifarms) digging some shit about Kurt Kutala after that incident. There's a bunch of links to his books, they're not that great desu and it's hilarious someone would pay for a longer version of the grossly inaccurate articles on his website. I encourage anyone interested to check that out, and generally take care around such unhinged individuals and cliques of their enablers online (HG101, SnesCentral, TinyCartridge, ResetEra...)

As for Kutala, all what it takes is one of his ResetEra friends to use the wayback engine or archive.is on anything written before 2010, and the problem would sort itself out.

>> No.9419825

>IF you check his posts from that incident further, you'll find him suggesting to harass the translation group because they didn't do a good enough job scrubbing the manjis from the games, which supposedly makes them nazis.
>Wanting to remove the Manjis
How retarded is this guy?
Is he going to complain at Google Maps having Manjis on Japanese maps?

>> No.9419864

I remember being excited for some of the books coming out. Glad I didn't buy I copy. I read some excerpts and it was so sloppily written. Interviews with Japanese game devs were really awkward and not illuminating at all.

Are there any better sources for Japanese video and PC games in English?

>> No.9419876

that's the logic, but a key detail is the target has to be an average person, someone you have a chance of bullying

>> No.9419891 [DELETED] 

asians have always been a low priority threat for jews because they're too docile and hiveminded. goyim whites are enemy #1, and they've done a good job fragmenting their socieities but there's still a lot of work to be done on that front. don't worry though, the jews haven't forgotten about asia. they've been hard at work spreading pedophilia, homosexuality and feminism (see: south korea) as a gateway to the inevitable tide of whites and middle easterners that will be sent there once asian liberal policymakers become the dominant political force and allow foreigners into their countries. it's already happening and will be getting much more aggressive over the next 5-10 years. make no mistake though, the future will be "white". the end goal is an anglo-zionist white ruling class overseeing an afro-asian underclass. useless eater rednecks, niggers, gooks and turbans alike will be combined into one low IQ worker race to serve the anglo-zionist master.

>> No.9419920 [DELETED] 

Yeah, he's saying Kalata sided with her.
He's arguably understating what she did, the guy said even he noticed she wasn't translating things correctly at all despite his meagre japanese and after he got someone else to replace her she actively sabotaged interviews by contacting and lying to the scheduled interviewees.
She ended up suing him in three separate jurisdictions for saying this and lost all three times and had to pay his legal fees.

>> No.9419926

>Are there any better sources for Japanese video and PC games in English?
shmuptranslations, as mentioned earlier in the threads.

>> No.9419932

I've found the overall ResetEra like mentally about this is absolute schizo nonsense based on tribality
In general people complain about bad translations where they insert some absolute nonsense, meme, random woke shit. And then it turns out that a lot of these annoyances are basically SJW, so that automatically means that anyone complaining about translations are gamers chuds, so anything pissing them off, no matter how bad it is = good. I also highly suspect a lot of this bullshit is pushed by friends of friends and etc. that's usually how it works in the background and the sheeps eat it every goddamn time

>> No.9419940

Why do these jews get mad at manjis?
Do they not know this shit has existed before they were even a thing?

>> No.9419971

The common opinion has shifted from "if you get offended at something inoffensive due to misinterpreting, it's your fault for being stupid" to "if you accidentally offend someone by saying or doing something they misinterpreted, it's your fault for not being careful enough to not potentially offend".

So if you use a manji symbol somewhere, anywhere, it's your fault when retards get offended and think you're a nazi because you could've just NOT used that symbol."

>> No.9420041

Some days I don't blame them, studying Japanese quickly becomes an all-encompassing hobby. I enjoy it, but it's serious work.

>> No.9420068

I never blame them. At least not for not studying Jap. That would be weird. Anyhing else that's going in the thread though? Gross.

>> No.9420104


Game translation groups aren't made up of average people. They're made up of flighty, fragile doofuses who are pathetic enough to actually care what Twitter cliques think of them. Anything they do wrong to appease SJWs or whatever is their own fault.

>> No.9420117

I dont know man, I fit the bill and I took some heat for posting a funny meme and despite some trannies trying to cancel me I just kept going. Barely even lost any followers.

>> No.9420134

The problem is mostly that these people want to interact and hang out with the general "romhacking/translation community", which is full of these trannies. It's either appease them, or be branded a nazi by everyone that even knows who you are.

>> No.9420159

I don't think it's that bleak. That cancer has spread to the romhacking community yes, but from what I've seen there's a good chunk of people that aren't like that at all. People just doing their thing without playing identify politics. Well, that's my experience anyway.

>> No.9420165

>trigger warning: conspiracy theories
HG101 *is* the site that published that Agnes Kaku interview where she wishes she could rewrite MGS2 to have less "conspiracy theories". It reminds me of those chick tracts that said the very concept of fiction is satanic.

>> No.9420181

I remember HG101 praising the upskirts in Wonder Momo, I assume that's been scrubbed away with earth salt by now.

>> No.9420185

Agreeing that the situation isn't that bleak, yet.
The issue was centralization, the identification of the danger was the public learning about what happened with HG101 and ResetEra vs DDS/Tom (and others, purged from romhacking dot net in the same way), the solution was to never rely on a single website from now on.
Translations are getting done, shadow drops are happening all the time, common bad actors are identified and avoided, no one is claiming a game anymore (persona 2 psp had someone else just post the us ps1 script corrected for inaccuracies from the jp text, instead of a patch that took longer in "localization edits" than the actual translation) and the situation is improving

Nice catch, I was aware he memoryholed the Valis stuff too

>> No.9420315

I like Tom's work. I wish he was more based to pay no mind to the seething crowd, but, eventually, the harassment got to him.

>> No.9420386

I'm not and it is. Cope

>> No.9420404

Agness Kaku is such a parasite. Spends most of her post-MGS2 career trashing Kojima's writing in interviews, only to claim credit for "fixing" his stuff once people started praising the game's story, acting as if she was anything more than a middleman who added a few cheesy one-liners here and there. Talk about biting the hand that fed you.

>> No.9420567
File: 81 KB, 840x344, Shmuplations' Translation - SMT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember reading this very same interview in Japanese, but I noticed the translator on Shmuplations left out the part where Kaneko thinks Satan has a redemption arc.
My translation
>. . . Growing up, I tried reading the Book of Revelation from the Bible, and it's pretty similar [to Go Nagai's Devilman], right? It's like, Satan is saved at the end of the story. So when you look it at that way, I think it was a really great manga.
source for anyone curious: https://web.archive.org/web/20201003213351/http://proxemics.net/blueskytheory/TOR/stgtrans/combined-all.html

>> No.9420801
File: 316 KB, 1314x604, 1667452527162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We almost lost Tom (Retrotranslator) DDS and all the other amazing hackers that help them with their insane number of high quality translations because of Kurt.
Hope he dies from terminal cancer on his colon.

>> No.9421485

Yup, they didn't make all of their sources or scanned materials available and I remember some anons raising a similar point before. Whether by incompetence or malice, idk (but leaning towards the former, all things considered). Due diligence is always needed.

There was some Chinese baidu archivist who posted a ton of those early famitsu scans and a shit ton of interviews, but downloading them is a pain and I'm not sure someone bothered reuploading them on more accessible websites. That could help. They're worth it just for the artwork.

>> No.9421494

It's a waste that long interview was taken down after Konami intervened, it was so damning for her, but in her own words.
Translators are expected to not "localize" developer correspondence, are supposed to follow style guides established by the developers, cooperate and discuss choices with other translators on the team, will have their translation edited the hell out for consistency/legal/technical limitations or playtester feedback, and not to disrapage the work and at least have some mediocrum of good faith and will to make a presentable work.
For most of the interview, she was making it clear she has zero intention of doing any of that.

But between that HG101 documentary's trashfire, and another incident, karma eventually caught up to her.

The other (unconfirmed) incident was talked about by some anon translator who saw her blog posts disrapaging projects she worked on, making translation comparisons for a game she worked on to make it seem as if the original writing is shitty (those "jp text" "literal translation" "my localization" comparisons) and in fact she did something like that on HG101 for MGS2 too, and that anon translator went and translated the blog post in Japanese and sent it to the original developers, which didn't... appreciate.

>> No.9421579
File: 7 KB, 252x240, 1403038283299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that anon translator went and translated the blog post in Japanese and sent it to the original developers, which didn't... appreciate.

>> No.9421590

I'm skimming this thread but why can't videogame people not have drama in their circles lol

It's always the most embarrassing shit.

>> No.9421810

>asking jews to not get offended at anything

>> No.9421937

I still have that and a bunch of their old articles saved. I used to like them just because it had comparisions of different versions of a game in an easy to read format. But then the Valis rewrite and their new shitty site turned me off far before the Goemon 3 incident.