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9411105 No.9411105 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he so popular compared to every other RM?

>> No.9411107

because of his ass

>> No.9411109
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>> No.9411121

Just look at him. What an absolute unit.

>> No.9411126

>was in the first game
>has a memorable design
Most /vr/ threads are complete dogshit

>> No.9411149

he's in like half the games

>> No.9411295

I think it's that he fits the classic "big tough friend" archetype that shows up constantly in Japanese cartoons. Boss in Mazinger is the first that comes to mind, but there's also that kid in Detective Conan and even Barrett in FFVII when you think about it. Given how MegaMan is so obviously inspired by classic Japanese cartoons, it's not too surprising that they'd end up with a recurring character who could fill this role.

>> No.9411419
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Cut Man is more iconic and has more historical value to the series, being conceived around the same time as Mega Man himself as a protagonist. Also, his successor, Metal Man, is all around one of the best robot masters in the series.

>> No.9411427

He has moxie

>> No.9412279

He's a big guy. Japan loves buff dudes.

>> No.9412297

Metalls resemble him

>> No.9412303

Because he was for 90% of players the first boss they ever faced in Megaman. Yes it's probably better to fight Bomb Man first but we didn't know that back then.

>> No.9412307
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What I liked about the original 6 robot masters is that they were designed with a job in mind (working in construction, power plants, etc.) prior to being reprogrammed to be evil by Wily. The themes for some of the later robot masters seem so stupid and arbitrary in comparison. "Top" Man? "Pharaoh"Man?

>> No.9412309

Because he stole those ones, he built the others himself from scratch.

>> No.9412313

He's cute

>> No.9412317

he’s Wily’s favorite

>> No.9413007

Is it bad that I could hear the sound effect in my head as soon as I saw these two posts in succession?

>> No.9413008

Mega Man's original rival

>> No.9413012

Like and subscribe! XD

>> No.9413016

>I'm totally not a zoomer guys, look I'm talking about Megaman with you!
Try playing his stage sometime, newb. You'll go to Bomb Man's or Cut Man's stage immediately.

>> No.9413575

But I always went to Guts Man first. Yeah I know the stage itself is annoying but I'm basing it on which robot masters are easiest to beat first.

>> No.9413609

there's an explanation for every one of them, with the most bizarre being that shadow man is an alien robot that wily found in an ancient ruin

>> No.9413628

I'll never forgive the faggot /v/irgin who recommended I tackle Shadow Man first because his weapon is most like Metal Man's.

>> No.9413683

>Top Man
Runs a toy factory.

>Pharaoh Man
Tour guide for the Egyptian pyramids.

>> No.9413721

idk, having scissors on your head while being a timber felling robot is pretty stupid, or being an antarctic investigation robot designed to look like he's wearing a parka

>> No.9413745
File: 78 KB, 512x416, AAA076AB-B2F0-4AAA-8772-226F9E4AC37F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
