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9398457 No.9398457 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Weird/jank ports that were your first exposure to the game and thus your preferred version

>> No.9398465
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Not my preferred version though

>> No.9398471
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Way too easy but still my favorite.

>> No.9398482

Haven't played it but OP asked for weird/jank ports, there is no way this is worse than the Famicom conversion

>> No.9398494
File: 10 KB, 1024x960, demons-and-devils.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no Famicom Ghouls 'n Ghosts though.

The Master System version is weirder than jankier, but there's plenty of each in there.
On the weird side, there's a brand new equipment system that lets you permanently upgrade Arthur's breastplate/helmet/boots independently getting you extra hit points/spells/speed respectively.
On the jank side, just look at it.

>> No.9398504

Oh shit I'm dumb, it's Ghouls n Ghosts not the regular Makaimura. Looks interesting

>> No.9398525
File: 154 KB, 640x917, Mk2-boxshot23sgmkii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like MM64, and I played the PlayStation original first.
I thought the anti-aliasing making the graphics smoother fit the proto-cel shading aesthetic better than the pixelated textures on the original, and not havig load times is also a plus. I often replay either this version or the PC version instead of the original.
Also pic related, the Genesis version of MKII was the one I had as a kid and I still prefer it for the music alone. The character select screen music is so pumping, better than the original, and the less colorful graphics make the game look grittier, which fits the somber atmosphere of the game. Also FERGALITY!

>> No.9398649 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9398654

That is a separate series though. There are DKC ports on the GBC

>> No.9398670 [DELETED] 

don't care faggot

>> No.9398676

Your drug addict father murdered your whore mother

>> No.9398684

Ultima VI SNES. I'm not sure how janky it is compared to the PC version, but I'm sure it's not the preferred way to play it.

As a kid I had an Ultima VI cart that wouldn't save (dead battery?) so I'd just start the game fresh every time I played it, and leave the SNES on all day.

>> No.9398710

Well, there's only the one. But the widely accepted irony is that it's way better than the GBA ports lmao

>> No.9398802

>Mega Man 64
>go into electronics store
>there's a box with a PS1 on it that they forgot to remove
literally unplayable

>> No.9398803
File: 342 KB, 1200x675, supermariobrosfamicom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Mario Bros. Deluxe replaced visibility with soul. It was a fair trade in my opinion.
>cute map screens
>cute high scores with cute colored names
>cute fortune telling minigame
>cute calendar included for absolutely no fucking reason
>cute You vs. Boo
The content from Deluxe is kino but can never escape the GBC

>> No.9398818
File: 83 KB, 476x437, Contra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does contra count? i grew up with the nes game but had no idea it was an arcade game til it was released on xbox live arcade. i played it and fucking hated it compared to the nes version.

>> No.9398823

The Land games are basically ports let's not shit ourselves. The entire conceit behind them was "can we pull off DKC/DKC2/DKc3 on Game Boy?". Yeah they technically aren't ports but they're attempting to be the same experience which counts for something

>> No.9398885

I had a NES with SMB1 but I still bought SMB1 for GBC, as a kid it didn't bother me as much and I was actually able to beat it (mostly since I was now like 10 years old and save feature). I agree that the map and all the extra details almost make it the definitive version of the game. Too bad there isn't a romhack to get the best of both worlds.
This game actually released on the Virtual Console for the 3DS after the NES original had already been released. In a way Deluxe does work better on a handheld since the sprites are bigger, so even on 3DS there was a reason to play this over the original.
you forgot to mention the kino multiplayer which is basically "you vs boo" but with a friend. If we get NSO Game Boy games added we'll definitely see this and it'll have online so we might be able to play these again.

>> No.9398906
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Only played the first, but there's enemies, bosses and even level themes 100% original to the game, not to mention that all level layouts are brand new as well.
Even if you count the reused source assets, an intent to recreate "the same experience" is kind of a stretch as definition for a port. You might as well claim Super Mario Land 2 was a port of Super Mario World.

>> No.9398910

The first is the only one with unique level themes

>> No.9398919

You are wrong and retarded. All three games have entirely unique locations.

>> No.9398937
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This is such a weird version of Final Fight, it is based on Final Fight Guy, has new talking inserts and Alpha Guy and Cody as unlockables
The fact Nintendo never put out a full screen version of deluxe really pisses me off.

>> No.9398950

I had Dragon Warrior 2 with a dead battery and would just try to speed through each time.

>> No.9398958

>basically ports
That's not what a port is.

>> No.9399402

Tengen Ms Pac Man on Genesis with its pointlessly 16bitted up graphics and TURBOSPEED MODE was kino but kinda weird

>> No.9399442
File: 6 KB, 113x170, halflife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Half-Life 1 with the """HD Models""" when I played it 4 years ago but then I used the original models and I havn't looked back since then.

>> No.9399447

Never played contra, what makes the nes version better?

>> No.9399450
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Those early Capcom ports for the GBA feel like lazy fangames

>> No.9399458

I wonder if it's feasible for a single basement dweller to make a Mario Advance 0, which is the All-Stars Mario 1 with the content from Deluxe that runs on a GBA.

>> No.9399465

Why not Mario Advance 5? It's not as if they cared about original release order for the other 4

>> No.9399473

I guess it doesn't really matter. However, I think the Advance ports got better with each game and I doubt a fan made Mario 1 remake would surpass Advance 4.

>> No.9399474
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I get that it's worse than the DC original in just about every way but playing on the GameCube is too comfy. Something about Mega Collection, Gems and SA 1 and 2 sharing the same home is so satisfying.

>> No.9399475

They're all perfectly fine just a bit weird except Alpha 3 which was a technical marvel.

>> No.9399482

Mentioning of Gems I learned how to consistently grab all the time stones in the overclocked GC version of Sonic CD which makes playing other ports a breeze. That's another weird port that I enjoy.

>> No.9399483

It seems like everyone likes to use the dreamcast character models in the PC version but I just like the DX models better.

>> No.9399496
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>> No.9399505

>perfectly fine
Save for the sound, color palettes, baffling visual "updates" and diminished screen real estate of course.

>> No.9399606
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Don't know whether it would be my preferred version. Didn't played any others but small screen did made it harder than it needs to be.

>> No.9399982

>This is such a weird version of Final Fight, it is based on Final Fight Guy, has new talking inserts and Alpha Guy and Cody as unlockables
FFOne GBA does hold the distinction of being the best way to play Final Fight on the go until portable emulation got good.

>> No.9400005

Gex 64

>> No.9400032
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Being a PCfag for all of my childhood years, this was the only 2d fighter I had ever played in my life up until like 2012

>> No.9400048

What's the storywith this port?. I remember even the system screen showed up so it must have been a straight port, but apparently the chain combo system was missing for the human controlled characters?

>> No.9400054

Sonic Adventure

>> No.9400118

Contra is one of the few instances where the home console port was better than the arcade.
The controls/gameplay and music were vastly superior on NES version. The arcade controls felt rather floaty, graphics were fine. Not to mention the arcade version is vertical screen. Contra and it’s sequel Super C are must plays.

>> No.9400161

The everything.

>> No.9400168
File: 356 KB, 918x652, SNES_Doom_Box_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related and the Street Fighter 2 DOS port by U.S. Gold.

>> No.9400271

This is such a turbocucked thing to say when someone offers a friendly correction to an error you made. Jesus Christ man you’re mentally I’ll

>> No.9400283

this but wolfendtein

>> No.9400690


>> No.9401116

Same here, SNES Doom may be a barely playable port but it's also where basically all my Doom nostalgia lies.

Also I'll never be able to tell if it's just nostalgia talking but I swear the shittily compressed SNES OST sounds better.

>> No.9401170

The biggest flaw of it ultimately is the compressed to hell audio, and Megaman Legends is a game that REALLY has a ton of vocal lines, so the compression stands out when every cutscene sounds like it's in a tin can.

>> No.9401232

>tfw looking at a massive collection of Sega Genesis ROMs when I was emulating as a teenager
>find a homebrew port of Wolfenstein 3D
>tfw the homebrew Sega Genesis version became my preferred version of Wolf3D solely because of nostalgia

>> No.9401437

It's a miracle that they did it at all. It's basically an uncompromised port of Legends. Why does it exist is my question
>got one of those Brick Game bootleg things from a flea market in Mexico
>didn't have access to any other version of Tetris so clocked an embarrassing amount of hours into its version

>> No.9401778

This, except the first PC version.

>> No.9401783

>no mouse support
What were they thinking?

>> No.9401789

I had the same experience with this same game. Didn’t learn legends or legends 2 existed for a good 5+ years after playing this

>> No.9402269

Super Street Fighter II Turbo Revival for GBA also has a game crashing bug when trying to reach Akuma as any other character besides Ryu.

>> No.9402295
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>> No.9402303

>calendar included for absolutely no fucking reason
why was this so comfy?

>> No.9402310

It's ashame Teisels voiced by a kiddy fiddler.

>> No.9403258
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>> No.9403274

Unironically not a port by any definition

>> No.9403314
File: 97 KB, 800x800, defcro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a messy port of a clunky game. Yet I love it. I will always love it.

>> No.9404775

This but the GBA version, actually the GBA Doom is pretty good

>> No.9404968

Oof, but same. Only ever seen a Saturn at the weeb import store IRL. Remains mysterious to me to this day

>> No.9404974

What >>9403274

But for me I just played this for the first time on Series S. It's pretty amazing. Plays better that OG 1&2 on xbrick

>> No.9404983

Anything you play on Series S is a jank port of that experience on Series X

>> No.9405006
File: 88 KB, 382x267, its own thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon clearly doesn't understand what a port is but he's got the right idea. Ports are boring. Let's talk about ports that aren't ports.

>> No.9405045

I always was more used to the Sonic & Knuckles Collection tracks and found the MJ ones to be tryhard percussion-fests.

>> No.9405072

2 GB is very close to 2 SNES. They combined the second and third worlds and levels have simplified elements, but they are very similar otherwise. The others have more differences with the first games being essentially entirely different and the third having similar themes but different level layouts.

>> No.9405165

Semantic jews are the worst.
It's a port.

>> No.9405168

Contra on the NES (and Super C for that matter) barely counts as a port. It's a completely different beast of a game.

>> No.9405203

baiting or retarded?

>> No.9405225
File: 2 KB, 400x400, efg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not a port though, it's a completely new game

>> No.9405234

show me the flying pig enemy in DKC1
or a sky/city level

>> No.9405413 [DELETED] 
File: 575 KB, 644x800, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not DOOM if it has different levels than the original!!

>> No.9405505 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 383x384, 164000342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if the graphics are downgraded a high level of playability is retained in this port due to the additional scaling hardware present in the Mega CD. Arrange soundtrack by Zuntata is what truly takes this port to the next level, making it my prefered version to play.

>> No.9405524
File: 47 KB, 383x384, 164000342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if the graphics are downgraded a high level of playability is retained in this port due to the additional scaling hardware present in the Mega CD. Arrange soundtrack by Zuntata is what truly takes this port to the next level, making it my preferred version to play.

>> No.9405546

If anything the arcade versions have worse physics, the jumps are all kinds of fucked up

>> No.9405670

>Comparison of SMW to Six Golden Coins
That approaches a straw man. The DK Land games are far closer in gameplay, content, and yes graphics than SMW vs. Mario Land 2.

>> No.9406417

It wasn't created to be "Doom on N64", it was created to be a new game in the Doom series that was released for N64

>> No.9406432

Fair enough, but the point of the hyperbole was that if you establish something as vague as a similar "experience" and visuals as a criterion, you can probably justify anything as a port.

>> No.9406545

Hey dumbass let me highlight something in that post for you
>Yeah they technically aren't ports
>they aren't ports
It's right there you can go back and read it >>9398823
You're repeatedly arguing against something it never said

>> No.9406556
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>> No.9406578

Opening >>9398823 with "they're basically ports" and then adding what you selectively choose to highlight is kind of auto-arguing to begin with, anon.

Including straight contradictory notions doesn't really make for an universally true statement as you can quote whatever bit you need; I'm unironically sorry if I'm spoiling a reliable lifehack for you here though.

>> No.9406579

Doom 64 feels like a port, may even have a very similar engine to Doom 2, but it is an entirely new game, supposedly it was going to be the original Doom 3, now Quake 2 is an "enhanced" (with the limits of 64) port....with a few differences but it is

>> No.9406605

You're being pedantic over stupid shit because you'd rather argue over talking points you want to rally against.
My actual point
>true: DKL games are not ports
>also true: DKL games are attempting to recreate the experience of the DKC games on Game Boy, it's pretty much the reason they exist
>my conclusion: this is meaningful to how we think about the DKL games and their context
The intended purpose of the game is pretty clearly "DKC on your Game Boy", not "a new game in the Donkey Kong/Donkey Kong Country series released for Game Boy". (>>9406417)

>> No.9406608

Well the most important part is how calm you are rn

>> No.9406610

Ad hominem

>> No.9406614
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This and I loves the GBA mario ports despite the voice clips. Especially SMB3 because ecards

>> No.9406632
File: 32 KB, 600x574, don.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's operating under a big assumption about youself.

>> No.9406686

I think everyone should chill, ports are a blessing, in most cases.

>> No.9406695
File: 2.71 MB, 960x720, RE1 Chris rotate.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resident Evil on Saturn

also this

>> No.9406724
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Well, back in the day sure.

Nowadays though, the task of sieving through multi-version games to find what's actually worth playing is kind of a drag. For each one you find with proper "consolation" content and interesting tweaks, you'll find a handful or two of all-round downgrades.

>> No.9407857
File: 62 KB, 480x321, B7AFD4B4-0ED6-4C4A-A9B9-FAE95CBAD50C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No music, censored everything, but it’s got a certain charm to it. I had a great time playing death matches with the Duke bots

>> No.9408137

Not my preferred version, but I do still think it's good.

>> No.9408140

I think the fact that you save the babes in the game is much more aligned towards his movie-hero nature.

>> No.9408141
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screenshot might be helpful

>> No.9408158

Pretty cool version of the game, never got to do the co-op but I bet it's a good time.

>> No.9408193

Quake 2 on the N64 is actually has entirely original levels and a very Quake 1 like soundtrack so it could be considered it's own campaign.
The remixed levels, new weapons and being able to save the babes makes this version worth playing.

>> No.9408198

This and the Snow level are the best ones in the game 2bh

>> No.9408203
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I like the voices and graphical effects.

>> No.9408218
File: 344 KB, 1725x775, FITXEmW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of the Turtles, Hyperstone Heist is a strange port of Turtles in Time.

>> No.9408239
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Yeah this is Sensible Soccer for the SNES

>> No.9408254
File: 156 KB, 796x978, 2Q==(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regret playing this before the original because I hated it.
10 years later I decided to try the original game and loved it.
Then I played this version and was able to appreciate it.
Oh no

>> No.9408736
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>> No.9408808
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>> No.9408946
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Once I realized that ports and remakes aren't real games, the quality of my gaming life jumped up immeassurably.

>> No.9408948

Based chad with his 14 consoles hooked up to the same TV

>> No.9408962
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The NES originals will always feel wrong for me.

>> No.9409013

Why did you pick the worst possible example? SMB2 and even SMB1 (discounting TLL's homogenization and the block bug) are more aesthetically pleasing. SMB3 was the worst enhancement of the lot, both visually and musically.

>> No.9409183
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>> No.9409331

Because I am not neurodivergent

>> No.9409342
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Not at all jank or weird, but it really made DQ more of a handheld series for me, and it's how I only really wanna play the games these days.

>> No.9409345

I'm unironically neruodivergent and All-Stars has never bothered me. Interestingly enough, I grew up with both versions, because I played it on NES first and when I eventually got my own copy, it was on SNES.

>> No.9409350

This and Bustin' Out kind of made me wish that they made more of these types of games. I liked the Sims mixed with Adventure game aspects.

>> No.9409450

You ever try The Sims 2 on PSP? That game performs terribly but it's exactly what you described.

>> No.9409452

It's not a port of anything you brainlet

>> No.9409461

To be fair that's how the japs gravitate too, which in a roundabout way makes it the correct way to enjoy the franchise.

>> No.9409771
File: 44 KB, 466x476, 51FHTEF00KL._AC_SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never knew what I was missing out on with the N64 and DC versions until years later, I did like the voice acting in the PS1 version though instead of the gibberish

>> No.9410910

As a kid I just wanted to play a demake of The Sims not do any of this adventuring bullshit so all of the portable versions of The Sims bugged the shit out of me

>> No.9411634
File: 122 KB, 878x768, tatsuposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's got some of the first arcade mixed in as well, plus a bunch of brand new stuff directly referencing the live action movies.

Konami most likely had some sort of exclusivity clause in his dealings with either Nintendo or Sega during the 90s, resulting in most of their licensed releases (and even some originals) being wholly different games in each 16-bit system. That's how the Genesis got its "exclusive" TMNT game, and how we ended up with completely different Tiny Toons or Animaniacs adaptations, not to mention Sparkster, Contra or Castlevania.

Then again there was Sunset Riders or Lethal Enforcers, so it's difficult to guess how it worked exactly.

>> No.9412029

Yeah I don't blame you, it's how I felt about The Sims 2 PSP but I made the best of it and enjoyed it anyway. It's a weird game, something about stopping a mad scientist plot.

>> No.9412373

If I recall correctly The Sims 2 Pets on GBA tones down the adventuring and weird subplots.

>> No.9412374
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I really like the music in this port

>> No.9412386
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>> No.9412842

the PS2 version is the best of both worlds, though at the cost of the framerate being unstable vs the Dreamcast one

>> No.9413590

Came in here to post this. Its fairly unique to be fair.