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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9402051 No.9402051 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9402068
File: 40 KB, 672x542, Jin_Chonshu_NGBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to git good at Real Bout Fatal Fury on my NeoGeo Mini
In RB2 I used Franco, but I'm trying out Chonshu.

>> No.9402079

I'm getting into King of Fighters for the first time and learning three characters at a time is a little difficult compared to the 1v1 fighting games I'm used to.

>> No.9402081

Soul Calibur 1 on dreamcast and 2 on PS2.
Usually play Nightmare or Siegfried in SC.

>> No.9402083
File: 20 KB, 250x322, Tekken_2_Yoshimitsu_Artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing the shit out of Tekken 2 lately. My main as with every Tekken game is Yoshimitsu. I've found that I like his second outfit in T2 a bit more than the default.

>> No.9402090

Picked up flying dragon for a taste of nostalgia. Boy did I have bad taste as a kid.

>> No.9402098

>Boy did I have bad taste as a kid
You think that's bad? One of my most played multiplayer games on the NES growing up was Karate Champ. Played that game so much in spite of it being such a shitshow with attacks seemingly having only a 10% chance to connect with your opponent regardless of how close or far you were from him.

>> No.9402115

Ha, never had an nes growing up.
In Flying Dragon, every four tournaments you fight a metal version of a character. The first has an ability that makes you freeze for a few seconds if you hit him with a physical attack. On top of that, there is no round timer and he heals once when he reaches like 10%. All of the other metal bosses have similar abilities, one making you drain the health bar like nine times. For the SD mode, anyway.
Think I'll pick up fighter's destiny again. That was actually a good fighting game, or at least one with unique mechanics. There is the typical KO and ring out, but there are KO techniques and throws that'll end the round and score you points.

>> No.9402173

Interesting. I actually never owned a Nintendo 64 growing up, or at all. My progression over time was NES -> SNES -> PS1, and by that point I could buy what I wanted with my own money so I got a PS2 and Gamecube and really enjoyed them both. N64 was a mysterious console to me for a while. I did eventually play titles like Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, F-Zero X, Mystical Ninja, and enjoyed them a lot.

>> No.9402176

I just want to know why N64 couldn't even get ONE of the Marvel fighters. Like come on, a port of MSHvSF sounds totally feasible and they just didn't care

>> No.9402179

awful shitty console, get over it faggot.
don't bother replying to me with your cope.

>> No.9402223

They could have made money

>> No.9402736

smaller install base

>> No.9402751
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>> No.9402778

Played the out of Flying Dragon with my brother as a kid. You know about the items you can find to negate the bosses abilities right? They are still powerful but they make them function just like other foes.

>> No.9402792

I played battle arena toshinden and loved it. I also liked rise of the robots 2. I played the hell out of star wars: masters of teras kasi, and I played the wu tang game so much I can hear the fatality theme song in my head at will. bloody roar and tekken 2 were peak fighting games for me. I played a lot of stinkers and few good ones

>> No.9402916

USF4 because its better than 3rd Strike. It really should be considered retro.

>> No.9402940
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Often over looked.

>> No.9402948

I played sf2 the movie for a laugh and it pains me that such a basterdized, crappy incarnation of sf2 is the only one that fixed the input buffer and allowed dp inputs to function reliably.

>> No.9402971
File: 1.06 MB, 1862x1099, feli&huitzil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was playing Night Warriors and Vampire Savior on Capcom Fighting Collection when it first came out, but it died after a month or so. So I jumped over to Fightcade. Skill level is a lot higher there so it's tough for a casual like me, but I'm still having fun. Maining Huitzil in NW, Felicia in VSAV.

>> No.9402995

N64 can't do necessary quality 2D graphics and animation because of small texture cache.

>> No.9403059

how is the loading compared to 3?

>> No.9403068

Been playing third strike on the blast city, maining Ryu like a casual and getting A+ like a champ

>> No.9403075

Same size as the PS1... So what is your point?

>> No.9403080
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Dude KOF 2003 is so good, one of my favorites you should check it out if you have not already.

>> No.9403112

PS1 texture cache is updated from vram automatically while N64 texture cache requires cpu overhead to run complicated manual updating code where the textures had to be split, resized, etc. In most cases preprocessed small 32x32 textures were used because this is faster. Good luck running a 60 fps arcade 2d game with large sprites and good animation through this bottleneck.

>> No.9403126

People wouldn't just make stuff up on the internet, to argue?

>> No.9403296

I'm seeing this argument about how "n64 would totally run capcom 2d fighters effortlessly" too much lately.

>> No.9403318

Would a port of a Street Fighter Alpha game have been feasible? Less random fucking shit flying back and forth at all times. They cut frames from PS1 so you'd think they'd do it so N64 too

>> No.9403326

Street Fighter III 3rd Strike
Ibuki she's hawt

>> No.9403331

You would need to cut even more frames and replace 2d backgrounds with 3d equivalents similar to what KI Gold has.

>> No.9403339


>> No.9403348

While I'm at it

>> No.9403384

I wish I had friends to play bushido blade with

>> No.9403385

I would play Bushido Blade with you if I didn't suck at it. Also, 1 or 2?

>> No.9403426

It's been so long, I don't remember the differencex between the two

>> No.9403552

What's the best arcade version of Street Fighter 2 to play? People keep telling me Super Turbo but I'm seeing like 20 different roms here and I'm unsure which one.

>> No.9403553

1. go on fightcade
2. play the one that has the most players

>> No.9403560

How do I see which one has the most players?

>> No.9403561


>> No.9403563

their search system is pretty crappy but they have a popular tab, you'll see SFII grand champion edition or whatever is the most popular on that.
you'll want to set this up because finding the exact roms is a pain manually.

>> No.9403564

why doesn't fightcade have any classic williams titles?

>> No.9403605

Just messing around with the SF 30th anniversary collection, I suck but it's still fun.

>> No.9403702

which fighting game you wish more people played?

>> No.9403716

For me, it's SVC Chaos

>> No.9404129
File: 163 KB, 703x1024, FZcyarKWYAEO5w6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virtua Fighter 4
I have a thing for Chinese girls in fighting games, so Pai Chan
She has a DDT throw in VF4 which becomes fucking wall run DDT if you do it near the wall which is awesome. Too bad they removed this move in VF4 Evo and later games.

>> No.9404347

Should it be done? For players no. If someone were to attempt to port an arcade fighter to PS1 or n64 it should be an exercise for the developer. Kinda like the Simpsons arcade to Sega Genesis. I would hate on anyone for trying but I doubt that anyone will be arguing either PS1 or n64 has truly great fighters. For the most part that generation of consoles was as far from arcade as the generation prior. Only SNK and Sega made efforts to bridge that gap

>> No.9404397

>I doubt that anyone will be arguing either PS1 or n64 has truly great fighters
Nice try, tendie

>> No.9404412
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Breakers Revenge

>> No.9404418

Sorry, did I stab you right through the nostalgia? The arcade version is better in gen 4 and 5 every time.

>> No.9404446

Arcade versions being usually (not always) better and ps1 having great fighters are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.9404516

>"Anon, N64 can't have good fighting games by design"
The cope is real.

>> No.9404579

I was expecting PS1 cope to call me a Sonic fag or an SNK cope for pointing out PS1 and N64 were a stinkers. While SNK and Sega were better for fighters. But nope somehow you concluded that I play n64 fighters? The cope is real bois.

>> No.9404586

On the plus side N64 has a legacy of quality wrestling games. Wrestling games are at least kind of fighting games

>> No.9404878

They're sports games. And yes they were awesome.

>> No.9405676
File: 2.47 MB, 1280x1803, tumblr_mb40rqUu5O1qcrzzno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Night Warriors. Different enough game from Vampire Savior that I feel it's worth playing as its own thing, like an Alpha 2/Alpha 3 sort of situation. Would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants a fighter in that middle ground between the methodical footsies of Street fighter and the hyperactive rush of Marvel.

>> No.9405691

He's not wrong though. Implying that ps1 is as bad as n64 for fighters makes you either stupid or a coping n64fag.

>> No.9405762
File: 134 KB, 450x635, 954894-lei_wulong_4 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tekken 3 and Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution. The best 3D fighters of their respective eras. Going back and fourth between direction-blocking and button-blocking was rough at first. Can't decide which one is better, Tekken 3 has godlike music while VF4Evo is more satisfying to play.
Lei Wulong and Pai Chan.

>> No.9406902

>Tekken 3 has godlike music
Only the arcade version music.

>> No.9406920

Nope. Arcade music was just one simple riff for round 1, the same riff but with added beats for round two and and a bridge for round 3. Very simplistic. Home version soundtrack has actual music, good enough to listen outside of the game.

>> No.9406926

I've been playing Last Bronx and I don't really see why Japanese kids went gaga for this game in the 90's.

>> No.9407978

I tried emulating it a few days ago and was having trouble coming to grips with the move sets and it also seems like if you get hit once you just get stun locked no matter what.

>> No.9408986


>> No.9409003

console desgind and controller were really bad, also cartrigdes

>> No.9409467

psx music was good too

>> No.9409487
File: 208 KB, 800x809, E92DFC4E-4095-41CD-978E-002328D5FA5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and Night Warriors . To “main”, is faggy zoomer shite, you’re supposed to be able to win with everyone.

>> No.9409537

Objectively incorrect.

>> No.9410409

Is it just me or is lei wulong the best character in tekken?

>> No.9410439

N64 couldn't handle 2D very well and had to rely on a lot of 3D transformations and translations to cheat instead of the traditional way 2D works with bitmapped graphics. The best looking 2D games pale in comparison while looking neat (rakuga kids, j2) they pale in comparison to things like sfz3, princess crown, lomax, legend of mana, etc. Some like mischief makers look utterly terrible

>> No.9410449

wait, sunsoft has another fighter apart from galaxy an waku?

>> No.9410525

Objectively, it's Jin.

>> No.9410535

>win with everyone
Takes too long to even learn everyone's move set. I'm learning a handful and that's it. Also they have to be overpowered.

>> No.9410707


>> No.9410919

we had a great thread a few days ago:

>> No.9410931

>you’re supposed to be able to win with everyone.
Nobody designing a fighting game has ever had this thought so stop talking out of your ass

>> No.9411058

you are supposed to look up tier list and pick one of the top 3

>> No.9411085
File: 34 KB, 739x415, images - 2022-11-13T221153.364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tier lists change. Here's one of mvc2 current best teams.

>> No.9411339

Post vids or it didn't happen.

>> No.9411340

SFA3, Sakura.

>> No.9411367
File: 127 KB, 881x682, 1660070485924016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KOF 98 always
Kyo, Choi and O. Yashiro, thinking of switiching him for Kim for a change of pace

>> No.9411890

KoF 2000/03 striker/assist system in IkemenGO (MUGEN but open)

these vids are vs WIP AI I put together years ago.
If you're on MUGEN I strongly recommend migrating to IkGO

>> No.9411985
File: 2.99 MB, 976x732, nuke.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nu "clear and honest" wastor

>> No.9412294

newfag to this board

>> No.9413168

Only russians play this shit

>> No.9413251
File: 2.58 MB, 640x480, Fightcade FBNeo 2022-08-29 22-02-28_Trim (6).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play Garou

>> No.9413282


2:09:38 for grand finals. Thrillah has also defeated every current and past pros showing he's one of very best right now and he plays of a playstation pad.

>> No.9413662

and brazilians for some reason

>> No.9413874

Am I subhuman for playing Grant?

>> No.9413973

That's pretty rad. Thanks, anon.

>> No.9414052

I've been playing Soul Calibur II with a friend a lot, not really maining anyone, cause the whole cast is great. We've been playing a lot of Weapon Master, too. I assume you unlock VS Mode with unlocked weapons eventually?

>> No.9414298

Good for you. I thought Edge Master mode kinda sucked, ngl.

>> No.9414324

I play 3rd Strike very Friday on Fightcade with Necro. I absolutely fucking suck but I still have fun anyway. Great game.

>> No.9415281

SF2 CE is a great place to practice air to airs. Great game too. Shame about Chun having no reversal.