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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9394728 No.9394728 [Reply] [Original]

Have you guys ever used an old plasma tv for retro gaming and if you did, how was the experience is it just as good as a crt tv?

>> No.9394735

No, plasmas are ugly and full of input delay.

>> No.9394737

Plasma is incredible for retro gaming, usually has ALL the inputs so no scaler needed. Additionally, the later generations of plasma often have exceptional comb filters.

>> No.9394739

scaler reseller detected

>> No.9394742

My family got a plasma in high school and I hated it.

>> No.9394794

I had a dlp and it was great until the bulb started going dim

>> No.9394839

They're the best for 7th gen consoles.

>> No.9394847

yeah, high end flat tvs around the late 00s are a surprisingly decent option for /vr/

>> No.9394852

No, but I'm very interested in the concept.

>> No.9394853

Absolute nonsense. Lurk more.
because you are a know-nothing pleb.

>> No.9394859

The best way to use a plasma would be with RetroArch and shaders. And runahead to compensate for any input delay.

>> No.9394864

got a th-42PZ77U and I love it. been gaming on it for the last 16 years. never noticed any latency. I havent done any in depth testing but if it was adding any in addition to what old standalone higan added I would notice it.

>> No.9394958

based panasonic plasma enjoyer

those things were fucking awesome.

>> No.9394962

Yes. But only because I had one when they were the only large screens worth using for watching TV and shit. Of course I plugged some consoles into it. Didn't like it and switched back to the CRTs. Still have two of those. Plasma trash was tossed out long ago.

>> No.9394985

What retro video game is this?

>> No.9395013

My dad is still rocking a plasma TV in his front room that he watches movies on a lot. It's great for shit like that. I dunno about retro games though. I remember my brother hooking up shit like the N64 to it, and while it was cool to have old games on a big screen again, they looked like absolute shit.

>> No.9395094

I have a 15 year old Samsung 65 inch plasma that weighs almost 200 pounds. It gets hotter than the sun and uses more power than a small town. I think it will still be kicking long after I'm dead. Quality TV.

>> No.9395164
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Yes, and I think it's a good compromise between the "authenticity" of a CRT and the convenience of a flat screen... and you can find them for practically nothing on Cragislist. Also great for live sports, and I watch a lot of hockey.

>> No.9395185

>is it just as good as a crt tv?
Hell no; if anything the lag is going to be worse than a new flatscreen.

>> No.9395206


>> No.9395367

i didnt game much at the time
during that era i was under heavy stress
the townhouse my grams was attempting to buy at the time gave her a free zenith plasma
it got HEAVY use , daily, left on for hours at a time

i didn't do much gaming on it
but for ps2\wii era rpg it seems comfy
anything that isn't going to punish you for latency on input delay is perfectly fine

the colors and saturation were quite good
for movie watching and dvd playback there was no going back

this is why most tards dumped their CRT
it was a remarkable improvement for normie tv watching \ gaming

if you could somehow find a decent sized undamaged plasma with low use hours
for free or very cheap i would say jump on it just for fun

>> No.9395758

>if you could somehow find a decent sized undamaged plasma with low use hours
>for free or very cheap i would say jump on it just for fun
I agree. Be sure to wear eye protection.

>> No.9395818

Plasmas and CRTs have absolutely nothing in common.
I had a Plasma in 2008/9. The most beautiful, bright picture I’ve ever seen on a “flat panel” but holy damn the burn in made playing video games stressful.
The hud from the Mercenaries PS3 game would burn in completely after an hour of playing.
Playing Oblivion caused the entire hud to persist for hours on anything I used afterwards.
So in short:
Plasma is amazing for movies and television, not ideal for gaming at any length.

>> No.9395819

Oh yeah, one last thing:
They get insanely fucking hot. As in I’d be beyond toasty in winter time with this thing burning in my room.

>> No.9396079

For me? Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory on a plasma is the most kino

>> No.9396139

Colors and blacks are exceptional on plasma tv's. Plasma draws a lot of current over other displays so watch your electric bill.

Burn-in can be an issue - check your menu for safety options you can enable for pixel-shift. Don't leave bright red/white images on the display for a long time as they tend to cause burn-in faster than any other colors.


I have a 65" plasma and it's around 100lbs. Heavy, yes. 200 lbs, no.

They do indeed produce a lot of heat.

>> No.9396165

There's very little advantage to use them over any full on digital TV or monitor from 2010 onwards. Plus, the reason plasmas stopped being a thing is a combination of using a shitload of power and being prone to either the bulb going dead (and if you've ever worked on plasma TVs before you know how much of a bitch it is to pull some models open to replace it) or permanent burn-in from even a few hours of play.

>> No.9396172

My 4K OLED has component inputs on it, why would that convince you to get a plasma, they’re shit for anything with a static image
Yes they are way worse than OLED for burn in

>> No.9396178

Correct, I remember playing hours of that online castlevania game, harmony of dissonance
After a week that HUD was burned into it

>> No.9396179

There is one advantage, if you get a Panasonic, the blacks are black

>> No.9396287

I doubt it would offer more than a modern OLED, outside of inputs

>> No.9396295

I sitll use an 82" mitsubishi 1080dlp in my basement because I don't own any systems that would use 4k. It's been the best TV I've ever owned, but will stay with the house whenever we move.

>> No.9396825

Is this free verse?

>> No.9396879

I tried playing Valkyrie Profile 2 using component cables and had to say it looked worse in terms of colour and blurring than connecting it to CRT via RGB scart. It probably varies though so should probably compare screen size and games on a case by case basis.

>> No.9396931

>Plasmas and CRTs have absolutely nothing in common.

nah. consider that they are both
- big
- heavy
- use a lot of power
- have vastly superior image quality to LCD (contrast, black level, no backlight bleed, better motion response, etc)
- had image retention issues (for CRT this was fixed in the 90s, for plasmas it was improved on but they took them off the market before it could be fully fixed).

the model I have is from 2009 and it doesn't have burn-in, only retention, think of it as temporary burn-in, it goes away after a while. When I used it for nothing but playing Borderlands for a week, then it took another week of using it for something else until the burn-in went away. but it went away. So as long as you are mindful of that, it's excellent for games.

they use hundreds of watts and have to emit a lot of that out, so obviously they get hot. It's actually pretty useful in the winter though, except that energy prices are so high that I'm actually cutting back on using my plasma tv.

>There's very little advantage to use them over any full on digital TV or monitor from 2010 onwards.

Every single other digital TV is an LCD or LED LCD and suffers from backlight bleed and color shifting depending on viewing angle. IPS less so, but still has this. OLED is legitimately, but that tech is still early and has some kinks to work out. Unless you have something like a Kuro, which was so far ahead of the rest of plasmas that an OLED is only better due to having seen less usage.

>permanent burn-in from even a few hours of play.
only shitty first gen plasmas have those. It got better with every generation, the last 3-4 years worth of stuff reduced it to temporary image retention.

>> No.9396998

yall cowards dont even smoke crack
this board is demended af KEKKED

>> No.9397002

my brother used to call his handmedown plasma a "wall heater"


he's physically disabled so he only plays simulators and sportssims

>> No.9397289
File: 74 KB, 828x508, Plasma_display_panel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plasmas and CRTs have absolutely nothing in common.
They're quite similar. Both are emissive display technologies that excite colored phosphors to create a picture. One does the exciting with an electron gun, and the other with charged neon-xenon gas.

>> No.9397314

I've used a Panasonic PX-50G20B for years now as my main TV. It's a fabulous TV for 1080p content and it really does blow pretty much every LCD out the water in most regards. The power use is definitely an issue and it generates a lot of heat.

As for SD content it's noticeably better at scaling than an LCD, but I'm not sure why that would be. Makes little sense an older TV would be better at scaling, considering it's also a fixed-pixel display. Whilst it looks better than a comparable LCD for SD stuff it looks wildly worse than my B&O MX6000.

>> No.9397320

Forgot to mention the latency on 1080p through HDMI is in the ballpark of 20ms-30ms.

>> No.9397341

From personal experience, a 1080p plasma looks poor but a 720p plasma looks great, almost as good as a CRT. Very little input lag on Game mode. Just be careful of games which keep a static HUD on the screen.

>> No.9397478

Plasma tv's don't use bulbs you drooling retard.

>> No.9397940

>a fish and an elephant are quite similar. they're both animals
Someone's been paying attention to the posters on the kindergarten classroom wall.

>> No.9398516

Not him but that's a poor analogy, it would be valid if he had said "all displays are quite similar, all of them draw a picture"
try again next time

>> No.9399435

What is fast motion like on that kind of TV?

>> No.9399485

What do you mean? Are you talking about fast paced games? I don't generally give a shit about shaders or getting exactly the right configuration with an emulator, so I'm probably a bad person to ask, but I've never had an issue with blurring or anything that would throw me off. It was the cheapest 80" 1080P tv that I could find 12 years ago, and has functioned flawlessly.

>> No.9399797

you are not a retrogamer

>> No.9399873

>permanent burn-in from even a few hours of play.

do you know how many consecutive hours the HUDs from Oblivion, FO3, FO:NV, then Skyrim were displayed on my plasma? there was a period of like 10 years where one of thos games were the only thing displayed on my TV for months at a time. Turn on tv, play Oblivion for 8 hours, turn off tv, repeat tomorrow. for months.

tv has zero burn in to this day

>> No.9399883

The end result of how each type of television presents an image to you is significantly different looking.
Plasmas are a pixel perfect grid while CRTs are not. This is the biggest point to make that you ignored.
Plasma is superior to LCD/LED but inferior to CRT in my personal opinion but that isn’t really the point.
The electron gun shoots an image onto the grille/mask that is wholly different than a Plasma grid.
I get what you’re saying, but they are radically different visually and in operation. Just because they both use phosphors doesn’t mean they are they similar. They both adhere to the same laws, that’s about it.
I loved my Plasma, shame they aren’t still around.

>> No.9400083

Doubtful, put a solid red, magenta or grey colour
You will notice it, or you should just stay ignorant and that way you can stay happy with it

>> No.9400198

I see a solid gay screen everytime I use my pc to play a game on this tv as thats my desktop, just a solid gray color. theres nothing. my dell ips monitor has worse image retention than this thing

>> No.9400213

>I see a solid gay screen everytime
I bet you do

>> No.9400281

>Not him
I guess he was smart enough to realize his comparison was a bit of a stretch and didn't bother pursuing it.
But not you. Congratulations anon. You're a turbo autist!

>> No.9400386

god damn it. oh well. looks like my secrets out. and now so am I. haaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

>> No.9401792

>calling out stupid remarks in a discussion makes you autistic

>> No.9401862
File: 25 KB, 250x333, the autism is strong with this one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being stupid and autistic makes you autistic

>> No.9402084
File: 170 KB, 768x1024, Samuel_Johnson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't that much of a connoisseur at the time, but honestly the Dreamcast on my 720p 42" plasma did not look that good. I was using a SCART so I dunno.
Also maybe it was just a cheap LG model, but the burn in was real.

>> No.9403429

based Tim Rogers enjoyer

>> No.9403836

Dlps had no motion blur. In fact they didn't have visable pixels. They were excellent as they had no burn in and scaled well. Downsides is they weigh 200lbs, are 3 feet deep, and the bulbs die every 2 years.

>> No.9404825

Lol, are you confusing dlp with something else?

>> No.9405232

The Panasonic plasmas are pretty good for watching BluRay movies. They are good for retro, with component input. Panasonic will accept Sega Genesis over scart to component (no hdmi converter). The fact is they are great for watching cable and satellite TV.

>> No.9405235

Our 2005 plasma never developed permanent burn in and it was gamed on all day.

>> No.9405241

DLP use LCD so they must have some blur. Plasma has some weird blur too

>> No.9405250

>bulbs die every 2 years
Lol I had a DLP set for two years and had to get the bulbs replaced twice. After a few months the edges suddenly started glowing bright blue until half the screen was bright blue.
DLPs are the WORST televisions ever put into production, oh my fucking god they were HORRIBLE.
They needed to be professionally calibrated in order for you to get the entire image on screen, the screens themselves were extremely sensitive to warping (leading to horrible overscan), they were gigantic, and they were compatibly dimmer than a good LCD or CRT.
No product encapsulates “the worst of both worlds” more than a DLP. The only reason they even existed is because they were slightly cheaper than large flat panels for a while.
You are fucking insane or have Stockholm syndrome for them.
DLP is without question the worst type of television ever made, ever.
The only (subjectively) positive thing about them is that they weren’t confined to a pixel grid and had a softer/smoother image, but it didn’t matter because the viewing space was constantly compromised.
For my fellow CRTfags who never had a DLP, I’ll explain it like this:
On a newer CRT, you can head into the service menu and fix the picture so it fills the screen. On a DLP with its stupid wobbly screen, it was next to impossible without opening it up and doing serious work to get a full image without it extending over.
These TVs were so fucking horrendous they were only on the market for a few years. Good riddance.

>> No.9405263

I should have used “image retention” instead of burn in, but burn in was definitely common with them if you watched something long enough.
The retention left was fucking bold though. HUDs would stay on the screen for a while. I vividly remember the Oblivion hud staying on the screen for days and this was a newer Panasonic 08 Plasma that had the pixel shifting.

>> No.9405417

all you have to do is leave your tv on some full screen tv show for 15 minutes when you were done playing. I have an sd card inserted full of 1080p wallpapers. When I am done playing a game or a 4:3 movie I would put the image gallery on and set the tv to auto shutoff after 15 minutes.

>> No.9405620

I know you like your Plasma tv, but don’t bullshit like this.
If you are playing a game with a solid hud for a decent length of time (hours) at 50%+ mods brightness, the only thing that’s making the retention fade is significant time watching/playing something else, not 15 minutes.
I haven’t used a plasma set in over a decade, but I definitely remember it taking a lot more than 15 minutes for Game hud retention to go away.

>> No.9405652
File: 203 KB, 1489x494, 1364750369036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that excite colored phosphors

that is quite exciting!

>> No.9405661

The length it takes for it to go away is directly proportional to how long it is on display. Play the same game for 15 minutes, it'll go away in a minute. Play the same game for a week, it'll take several days for the retention to fade.

Point is, it's not a permanent burn-in like with older plasmas.
also, OLEDs have the same problem (they are basically this decades equivalent to plasmas, both in price, performance, and problems).

>> No.9405994

Works on my machine. There were two major generations of dlps with one color wheel to then individual color wheels for rgb.

>> No.9406012

Plasma is pretty damn sharp and retro games look good on it but not as good as CRT, I had one that sadly got busted during a move, though screen burn is annoying but I ran white screen every once awhile to remove it and not got permanent burn in. The display almost as scanline look to it with the big pixels also no lag so yeah Plasma cool.

>> No.9406016

That TV however was from 2007 and was completely fine forever till the move fucked it up.

>> No.9407275

my aunt had one. i remember not being able to see anything unless you were head on.

>> No.9407546
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>> No.9407583

Yup, forgot about that one. If you try viewing it from an angle you’d just see the material of the screen being gently illuminated while the image itself looks like you turned the contrast down to zero on photoshop.
They were worthless trash and scammed everyone who bought into them. The single reason they sold is because they were far cheaper for a large set than a flat panel.
Of course there is one anon shilling for them on /vr/ and not even baiting. He’s better off just buying an actual projector than using these abominations.
Rear projection tvs in general are garbage technology that are only serviceable under the most optimal circumstances.

>> No.9407595

That’s not what your post implied. Having to scrub the screen with rotating images for 15 minutes after 15 minutes of video games is 100 percent confirmation in your own words why these are not optimal for video games. Plasmas excel in film and if you have one just for movies you’re going to get one of the best viewing experiences possible.
If they still made them I suspect cinephiles would choose them over OLED.