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File: 45 KB, 256x255, Final_Fantasy_VII_Box_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
939391 No.939391 [Reply] [Original]

So Im almost done with FFVII after buying it off of Steam.

I want to figure something out before I finish it though. This game is obviously praised as one of the greatest games ever, blah blah blah. But never in my gaming life have I gotten stuck so many times in one game than this.

Almost every time I turn it on I get stuck and have to resort to a guide. Usually because a character gives off a misleading line ("The keystone? I heard a rich guy has it"), or because I cant figure out how to navigate the pre-rendered world (constantly running into walls). Sometimes I am told to go to a particular location in the hub world, only with a map as mu guidance. A map with no names for any of the locations.

So, /vr/, am I just sucking really bad at this game for some reason? Or is it the games fault? Did everyone get stuck as much as I did? And if so, why is this game praised so greatly?

tl;dr, I think I suck at games. Discuss.

>> No.939425

I didn't get stuck with this game.... at all, that I remember. That loader boss killed me a bunch, but I always knew where to go.

>> No.939442

There are a few parts that are kind of vague on where you have to go, but I don't remember having to resort to using a guide. I think the intent is instead of just blatantly saying "go here", they kind of point you in a direction and let you explore on your own.

>> No.939448

I got stuck on FF7 more often than with other FF games, but when compared to other more open RPGs, it was not a problem.

>> No.939446

This. I played this for the first time when I was 14, and I cruised through the game without needing a guide even once.

>> No.939451
File: 6 KB, 320x200, Ultima_2_Revenge_of_the_Enchantress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just too used to modern shit which plaster big red GO HERE arrows and flags all over the place. Back then, you actually had to experiment and find out shit by yourself. or buy a strategy guide

Either way, FF7 definitely isn't a good example of this. It's rather straightforward and easy to figure out in comparison with a lot of games of that time. Especially compared to early WRPGs. Ultima 2. Dear god...

>> No.939461
File: 56 KB, 816x320, sector8under.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, forgot to mention where it was

>> No.939460

Only time I've felt lost in FF7 was when I loaded up my friend's save and neither of us could remember which direction he had come from, which is especially heinous in that spot because of the "run down 16 identical hallways into a dead end for some materia and grindan" thing it has

>> No.939462

duuuude same fcking thing happened to me lolol

>> No.939463

>Stuck in prerendered areas that are laid out like shit.
In the Playstation version, I remember there being a button you could press that would bring up indicators that showed exits for just that reason.

Also, if you found yourself wondering why so many people like it, it's because it's an overrated pile of shit that has a bandwagon dating back to 1997. Everyone just wants to convince themselves that it's one of the best RPGs ever made when it's just a clusterfuck of a story filled with cardboard cutout characters.

Although just out of curiosity, does the Steam version have the same horrendous localization the original release did?

>> No.939465

I knew what part you were refering to before you even posted the image. Fuck that, especially with those enemies that spammed slowing moves.

>> No.939471

I don't remember my 13 year old self being stuck many times, but it did happen.

>> No.939472

>I cant figure out how to navigate the pre-rendered world
I remember getting stuck because of that on disc 1 when you go through that place full of derailed trains, and it pissed me off pretty hard. After that it was not a problem, however.

>> No.939473

I guess it also could have been because I was in a messy mood, because it took me a while to learn the Materia system (Im very new to jrpgs).

Most of the problems I faced are probably forgivable, but it does annoy me when they tell you to go to specific locations. (I guess it would make more sense if the PSX version came with a map in the guide book.)

The music in the Steam version is converted weirdly. It doesnt bother me, but I totally understand why it would bother fans. Search up comparison videos before buying.

>> No.939481
File: 36 KB, 635x448, This-guy-are-sick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was referring more to the fact that the game read like it was translated by a Japanese guy who had spent a few years in America...to study math.

>> No.939482

I think it is all the same but with slightly updated models.

>> No.939487

>Im very new to jrpgs

That's probably it.

>> No.939501

>Although just out of curiosity, does the Steam version have the same horrendous localization the original release did?

Only some of the worse bits like "This guy are sick" were fixed, and according to the Wikia, the swearing's toned down (more @#%&!s), but most of this was doen back in the 1998 release.

I'd like to see some of the original script stuff the magazines at the time revealed, like unfiltered swearing like Shit being spoken by Barret constantly and more. One EGM showed that originally the pillar sequence had Barret's "Shut yer hole!" was "Shut yer hole, foo'!"

>> No.939507

Is that different from the 1997 original pressing of the game? In the version I have (which is the only version I've played) Barrett says "Shi't" all the time and "foo'" constantly.

>> No.939578

Its mostly !@$#! in the Steam version. And Barrett only says "foo" like 2 times :(

>> No.939592

>getting stuck in a JRPG

You realize that, like, games in this genre tend to be a lot like walking in a straight line?

>> No.939630


OP's problems
>misleading dialog clues
>pre-rendered environments can be tricky to navigate
>finding locations on the overworld can be hard sometimes since the map doesn't list names of locations

Your response
>You morons, just keep walking in a straight line and you'll be fine

>> No.939667

Happened to me too!

>> No.939683

I remember getting lost for ages in that maze like environment just before Demon Gate, but it's purposefully designed to be that way.

Apart from that the general map is set up pretty well, especially the overworld. If you get stuck you usually just talk to person, or party member. They tell you what the town is called, and roughly what direction it's in, be it North, south, or whatever, and you can figure out which way is north or south by consulting the map. It's really not that hard.

>> No.939691

I played through Final Fantasy VII without knowing any English. I think I was level 50 or something when I left Midgard and had unlocked most limit breaks

>> No.939692

>I think I was level 50 or something when I left Midgard

That must have taken you like 3 fucking years

>> No.939714


The entire game took me about that much time.

The worst part was the finding the stuff for the cross-dressing, that shit took literally weeks of talking to everyone over and over again and beating the same enemies probably thousands of times.

but the worst by far was Ocarina of Time. I literally learned English playing that game. I asked my parents about various clues, I looked up shit in dictionaries and what not.

>> No.939731

dunno, man RPG's just aren't my thing.
I fell for the games hype back in the day and having heard so much praise abou earlier iterations.. I wanted a chill, storydriven relaxation to just smoke up and space out but it was so infuriatingly cryptic and the story sucked ass. honestly, take off those weaboo glasses, it's trashy as hell.
so I gave up and lent the game to a supernerd in my class who beat it with his brother in 2 days. major wtf.

>> No.939735

thirded, I also got stuck in the slums area right before you head to that one town where you wear the dress. It took me forever to realize that you could run up that girder/piece of scrap metal or whatever that was leaning against the wall. Everything in midgar from then on was a complete breeze though since I had done so much grinding trying to figure it out.

>> No.939741

i first played this game when i was 10 with limited english knowledge and beat it. I cant tell if youre a subtle troll or you just lack skill

are you under 20 by any chance?

>> No.939858 [DELETED] 

Im a few months under 20. I'm not sure either, but it was probably mostly my fault. If this game has a New Game + mode I'll have to give it a more clear headed shot.

While I am enjoying the game, besides the being stuck part, I will openly admit that this games production is indeed very trashy, especially compared to Square's snes rpgs. Im trying to not let that hinder my experience but then again, the whole being stuck part...

>> No.940323

>but the worst by far was Ocarina of Time
That's kind of the point of that game though, you're supposed to get stuck and explore around.

>> No.940330

Oh God, the exact same thing happened to me, I was stuck in that one area for ages because I thought the pink beam was attached to the upper area instead of the pit behind it. The fact that the game lets you walk under the thing and doesn't show you the point where it touches the ground confused the hell out of me.

>> No.940341

Why are you even on this website, or even this board. All you said was your attention span is too short for anything that isn't immediately given to you on silver platter. I don't even care about FF7, but you're the worst type of person

>> No.940342

I've heard the localization fixed a few of the obvious ones in the PSX but not all of them
To be honest Ultima 2 had almost impossible play without some sort of guide. No one really tells you were to go and what to really do. You speak to one guy and he tells you you have his blessing and you are completely lose on what to do next. There's Morrowind lost then there's Ultima 2. I liked it back in the days but it's almost impossible to play nowadays.

But outside getting totally lost in the background a lot of the time I never really needed a guide. Mostly only used one to make sure I got everything and knew what I should steal.

>> No.940348

Dispite the large world, the progression is very linear. You always just go to the closest location. If you get stuck on the world map then I'm afraid video games just aren't for you. Try movies.

Seriously bro, you can't game at all. I genuinely feel sorry for you.

>> No.941290

There was always 2 items on that section that I never got in about 5 playthroughs

>> No.941296

>Also, if you found yourself wondering why so many people like it, it's because it's an overrated pile of shit that has a bandwagon dating back to 1997. Everyone just wants to convince themselves that it's one of the best RPGs ever made when it's just a clusterfuck of a story filled with cardboard cutout characters.
I still vehemently believe that 50% of the fans didn't actually play the game

>> No.941302

The endgame was also bugged, meaning it was literally impossible to complete if I recall.

>> No.941305
File: 56 KB, 407x405, 1363437806673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played FF7 yesterday after not playing it for like 10 years.

I beat the wall market and don corneo crossdressing section in like literally 15 or 20 minutes from getting there and everything

>> No.941330

>I remember there being a button you could press that would bring up indicators that showed exits for just that reason.
Oh shit, yeah. That was fucking amazingly helpful.

>> No.941346
File: 19 KB, 498x291, 83548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Almost every time I turn it on I get stuck and have to resort to a guide.
Is this some kind of a joke or a misunderstanding? FFVII has almost zero puzzles. You just go throught he motions and read the text. How can you get stuck in it?

Read the manual. In the original, you could press Select to see all exits on the screen. I'm sure it's in the PC version, too.

>> No.941401

Again, I think I had problems because I was very overwhelmed with the Materia system, despite it being very simple, since I am very new to jrpg's. And because of my stingy mood, everything snowballed from there.

It's kind of hilarious to me now, after realizing how simple the magic system is. If Square releases the damn original soundtrack (or fuck, if I mod it myself), I will definitely have to give this game a more clear headed go.

>> No.941473

Woah, careful guys.
We got a badass here.

>> No.941493

A speed runner could do that part in about ten minutes. And that includes Cloud in perfect drag. Twenty minutes would be a major fuckup.

>> No.941506

You suck, sorry.
I remember running through the entirety of FFVII at age 12 and -never- needing a walkthrough for the main game, this included getting Yuffie, Vincent, and Ultima Weapon. No fucking walkthrough. Not one god damn "tip".
I could argue the lackluster explanations for chocobo breeding and other "secrets" might lend a guide, but you lost me with the "I can't even navigate the pre-rendered backgrounds". There's a god damn button that will even tell you
>You are here
>here is the entrance
>here is the exit
FFVII is not a hard game by any means.

>> No.941510
File: 63 KB, 554x439, kxs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only things I've had to look up guides for were missables.

First time I ever played it was just a few years ago when it got released on PSN.

>> No.941514

the chocobo sage gives you exact instructions for breeding a gold chocobo

>> No.941516


> How can you get stuck in it?

Try reading the fucking post

>Usually because a character gives off a misleading line
>cant figure out how to navigate the pre-rendered world
>Sometimes I am told to go to a particular location in the hub world, only with a map as mu guidance. A map with no names for any of the locations.

Sounds like perfectly valid reasons to get stuck.

>> No.941525

Except none of that makes sense. You are literally making the DSP argument.
>character gives misleading lines
nobody does htis
>can't navigate pre-rendered
navigation menu combats this
>told where to go, BUT I DONT KNOW HOW TO EXPLORE
le-doobstep generation. Get back to your halls and pathways kid, lord forbid you don't have a cutscene to tell you to just walk forward.

How hard is doom for you on a scale off 999-1000?

>> No.941606

A particular point where I got stuck in a pre-rendered background:

In the Ancient City, there is a part where you have to climb a sea shell to get to the next room. However, I didnt know that you had to climb literally to the very top of the sea shell (which requires you to spin the control stick in circles then hope that you dont get stuck on a wall), then walk across one of the spikes on the shell to get to the next room.

>> No.941618

>it's just a clusterfuck of a story filled with cardboard cutout characters.
How many RPGs before or after are any different?

>> No.941624

Or watched the Advent Children movie

>> No.941634

That's ok, 50% of the people who hate it haven't played it either.

>> No.941679
File: 41 KB, 600x450, 1374954828075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, OP, what party do you use?

>> No.941757

I started it in 4th grade, came back to it a couple of times and got a little further (I too got stuck/ fed up at many points). I'm now 1 year from finishing up at college. Should I finish this game?

>> No.941758

You should start from the beginning and replay it, yes.

I swap around a lot. I pretty much use every combination excluding Cait Sith and Cid.

>> No.941770

you're supposed to just enjoy walking around in the world. don't worry so much about getting to the end of the game. it's about the journey, not the destination.

there's no benefit to blitzing through the game as fast as possible. i played it when it first came out, and i didn't use any guides, and it was a great experience.

>> No.941772

Not many, but in those cases they at least focus on the aspects they do well, rather than those that they perform poorly at.

>> No.941779

Thats what ive decided to do now. Now im just exploring the lands and collecting all of the Materia I missed out on.

>> No.941793
File: 188 KB, 480x360, Chocobo_color[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason to play FFVII, imo, is to get to the point where you can start breeding and racing these guys. That's like an entire game in itself for me. I don't know.

>> No.942120

>getting Yuffie on the first playthrough
>keep fucking up the questions
>keep losing money
>maybe I'll get it back if I do it right
I had a little trouble with this the first time, but nothing that got me stuck.
Why Cid? Cait Sith I can understand, but why Cid?

>> No.942129

>I cant figure out how to navigate the pre-rendered world (constantly running into walls).

Sounds like you have poor spatial intelligence.

>> No.942220

Ah, I dont know. To me he's Barrett 2.0. Ill give him a shot.

>> No.942256

In terms of story content, maybe, but he's pretty useful in battle. He's the only character besides Cloud to get a triple growth weapon, and Highwind is one of the better level 4 limits.

>> No.942259


>after buying it om steam
>on steam


>> No.942310

You suck if you got stuck more than once or twice. Just explore everywhere. The game's design is such that you'll naturally end up where you need to go next if you keep pushing ahead. The desert maze in Corel Prison and the snow field on the Great Glacier are really the only places you have any excuse to get lost, and even then, you can figure those areas out with some preparation and a thorough approach.

Also, if you can't find doors and ladders, you can press a button to mark all of them with bright triangle markers (red for doorways, green for ladders). It's the Select button on the original PS1 version. Read the instructions next time so you know about stuff like this.

>> No.942314

The Materia system takes time to learn. It's fairly different from most magic/ability systems, even among JRPGs. However, that shouldn't have had any impact on whether or not you got lost and had to consult a guide to find out where to go next. If anything, not understanding the vagaries of Materia can make boss fights much harder than they need to be. It has no impact on exploration.

>> No.942352

>the snow field on the Great Glacier
If you fuck around too long you'll pass out and end up at the house at the bottom of Gaea's Cliff anyways.

>> No.942379

Wow pc peasants really suck at the vidya.

>> No.942404

Yeeaaah I feel pretty ripped myself. Im kind of doubting that Square is going to do anything about the music. Oh well.