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9391123 No.9391123 [Reply] [Original]

I quite enjoy the NES Megaman series, but I think the bosses are terribly flawed. They are supposed to be the highlight of each level, but the fights themselves are not very enjoyable and feel more like a chore.

You get to the boss room and the battle boils down to either:

1. You equip the weapon he's weak against and tank damage while shooting at him, knowing he'll go down in three hits and will die first.

2. You fight without taking advantage of his weakness and just shoot lemons at him, actually engaging with the boss and trying to avoid his attacks.

In the first case, the fight lasts five seconds and feels like an anticlimax, as if you cheated to win.

In the second case, the fight is terribly designed and frustrating as hell because CONTACT DAMAGE takes out a quarter of your health, so you are better off letting the boss' attacks hit you and enter a period of invincibility so you can focus on shooting him.

If I'm supposed to learn the patterns, avoid his shit and shoot back when the chance presents itself, why the fuck does merely touching the boss' body hurt so much more than any of his attacks? Rather than engaging with the boss' patterns, it encourages the player to take a bit of damage from a bullet intentionally to avoid suffering massive contact damage instead.

In either case, it's just both sides taking damage and hoping that the other dies first, only avoiding shit ocassionally becuase it's so fucking hard to do. There's no reason contact damage should be so devastating compared to everything else.

>> No.9391141

I agree that contact damage hurting you more than the boss actual attack is dumb, but that's the case only in a few games.

>> No.9391142

Figuring out the boss order is part of the game, just an FYI. But yeah, Yellow Devil is notorious as far as Mega Man bosses go because of his high difficulty and HP.

>> No.9391148

From what I've played, it's been the case in all six NES games.

I know, but doing it in order makes the boss fights lame as I said. And yeah, Yellow Devil is definitely the worst, it's an atrocious battle and the only one I cannot win without relying on the pause glitch. But I'm mostly referring to all the other boss battles in the series, which are supposed to be good and I hate them all.

>> No.9391190

>In the first case, the fight lasts five seconds and feels like an anticlimax, as if you cheated to win.
>In the second case, the fight is terribly designed and frustrating as hell (rest of blog post)
You are correct anon. I wouldn't call them awful and as some are actually fun and works with your second point, but they are not very common.

And how are you supposed to learn tactics? 2 lives and to level select screen. Stupid live system.

I believe i heard during development Capcom forced them to make boss fights easier. They were gonna be harder. Then again father of Mega man creator of anime and JAV Keiji Inafune might have said it. So its most likely bullshit.
That's to balance game so you don't cheese through boos fight.

Yellow devil was always easy.
1. Invent a time machine
2. Go to future and find and emulator
3. Try to learn stupid boss fight after 50 times dying
4. Your job is done you can finish mega man after that dying only a few times at Yellow Devil.
Game genie also works of course.

>> No.9391250

ITT: skill issues

>> No.9391446
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>touch him 3 times

>> No.9391448

I mean, he's literally covered in Megaman's #1 weakness

>> No.9391449

One of the worst cases of this I’ve ever seen. These are the first games I could beat as a child. My friends psycho immigrant mother could smoke 3.

>> No.9391467

Yellow Devil isn't that bad, the pattern for the blocks is always the same, so once you get it down it's easy to just muscle memory your way through the battle.

>> No.9391489

Yellow Devil is not even the hardest boss in the game but people don't know because they don't play video games and just take their opinions from made up shit on the internet

>> No.9391545

Early mega man games are shit, anon. Sorry you fell for the meme

>> No.9391562

I only play Megaman with the butt-ass-naked Roll hacks.

>> No.9392129
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>he can't no miss perfect

>> No.9393258

Does Roll have a sweaty butt crack, or is she a cold unfeeling robot without erotic and shameful bodily functions?

>> No.9393274

This is why I cannot lewd Curly from Cave Story.

>> No.9393313

I think that 4 has a good level of difficulty.

>> No.9393319

Aha you have infinite continues man. It takes time to get good. That’s part of the fun of this era of game. Using the weaknesses is definitely the easy mode of the game and you can adjust for whatever bosses you find too hard. None of the boss patterns are very hard to learn. Yellow devil definitely took me some practice. But the level itself is pretty short. Needle man and Shadow man definitely took me a while too. Once it clicks you just got it though. I dunno I’m pretty happy the NES games have a built in hard mode. Even junk like just not using time stopper in quickman stage. Lots of replayability.

>> No.9393436

I can beat the bosses after one or two tries, but it still requires pixel perfect jumps to avoid their shit, and you can't afford more than a couple of mistakes because of how much they hurt you. So it's not very enjoyable.

>> No.9393493

>Yellow Devil is definitely the worst,
Incredible boss fight

>> No.9393512

yeah i agree the see-saw difficulty kinda sucks, some bosses have a "mid damage weakness" which is cool.
but its either - as you said - use right weapon and boss dies in 4 hits (overly easy). or use mega buster and it becomes super-challenging. would like some more middle ground.
and decease boss/mm collision damage so its not so much, and in most cases, make the boss get damaged by it too

>> No.9393532

I've beaten him with the buster, it's a fun fight. The contact damage is really high in the first game, but the Devil is always consistent in pattern. Damage also stuns you for some time and his eye disappears quickly, so it's better to just do it fairly. If you want a particularly tough fight, try Shadow Man - he's also absurdly damaging in terms of contact damage, easier to constantly hit, but extremely unpredictable. He's one of my personal favorites because of that. Also try Needle Man, he's fun too. Overall, sure, some Mega Man games can have tough bosses, but as >>9393319 has said, you have infinite continues, so you can constantly try and it won't take too long. This ain't something like an arcade Gradius game, where you have to learn how to survive complex situations and if you die, you might as well restart the entire thing, which does eventually become more annoying than fun. Mega Man is like Castlevania, where it's hard, but definitely fair.

>> No.9393661
File: 293 KB, 600x800, Mega Man Network Transmission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Megaman boss battles are awful

You ain't seen nothing yet

>> No.9393743

>In the first case, the fight lasts five seconds and feels like an anticlimax, as if you cheated to win.

I don't think this is necessarily true. It might feel that way because we are able to look up boss weaknesses very easily, but you're suppose to figure it out on your own through trial and error.

>> No.9393791

i absolutely agree OP. bosses like airman are fucking inexcusable, literally even strategy guides told you to tank the damage and try to kill him with a weapon as the "strategy". i love bosses like bombman, crashman, cutman, that are basically another megaman fighting you.
the worst boss though has to be the dumbfuck retarded wall robots in megaman 2 you have to use crashman for.

>> No.9393845

The only flaw here is that they don't teach you that you can slide underneath bosses because their legs don't actually deal contact damage, and the fact that you can become so overpowered so quick that the boss fights past the first hour or two of the game are all jokes.

>> No.9394000
File: 2.63 MB, 1920x1080, MM6yamato.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get good

>> No.9394008
File: 2.51 MB, 512x480, MM4_ToadMan.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's the best. Except for Toad Man.

>> No.9394012

>Mega Man is weak to smug smiles and Road Warriors cosplay.
Thanks brother, I'll remember this next time I have to face him in battle.

>> No.9395776

This was fixed in X where they actually have strategy to them instead of spam weakness / mega buster until death

>> No.9395785

X made it worse by giving most of the bosses extra animations when hit with their weakness, allowing you to reset their patterns and/or stunlock them to death with perfect shot timing.

>> No.9395860

Lol imagine getting filtered by fucking airman

>> No.9395954

he's right though
it's often literally not possible to no-damage air man without abusing a glitch

>> No.9395982

4 is the hardest NES Mega Man

>> No.9395984

It's so easy to get filter'd by him that it became a meme in Japan

>> No.9396250


>> No.9396270

>Megaman boss battles are awful
What about the dragon in MM2? That was pretty sweet.

>> No.9396305

Airman is objectively shittily designed
just like Fireman
and Quickman
and Shadowman

If a boss relies on RGN and has unavoidable attacks, it's shit.

>> No.9396320

I unironically love Megaman 1 the most, the others felt to easy and using the magnet beam to cheeeeez is more satisfying then using rush. Anyone else like this?

>> No.9396505

Yellow Devil is the number one reason I haven't played another classic Mega Man game after beating the first game. He's such a bullshit boss fight unless you cheese him and I did not. Honestly gives me anxiety thinking that I'll really enjoy another Mega Man game and then run into a boss half as stupid as Yellow Devil. I'm too old to memorize a sequence of jumps and attacks like I'm playing the jet bike level in Battletoads. It's just awful design. That rant over...

Question. Have there ever been any games like Mega Man that don't have boss weapons? That basically allow you to tackle the game in any order, but don't allow you to cheese the bosses with some weapons like Mega Man?

>> No.9396508

He's hard enough that he's the only one I even remember after beating the game a few years ago. Nothing else bothered me. Not even the platforming.

>> No.9396543

The hardest boss in the game (buster only) is definitely Elecman. The window to walk under him when he jumps is incredibly tight and there's some RNG involved in deciding when he does it.

The boss rush at the end can fuck you over even if you're using weapons, if Gutsman decides to be an asshole and come forward you and if you aren't perfect in dodging Iceman.

Wily is trickier to dodge than Yellow Devil ever was, since it's not a simple memorizable pattern.

>> No.9396570

It's the only one where you are not meant to touch the motherfucker and have to focus on the actual projectiles and platforming. All the other bosses literally have the boss attempt to touch you to deal massive damage, which is garbage because you are nowhere near as fast or mobile. You can avoid their attacks but not the motherfucker's body itself, unless you are autismo incarnate and play like a TAS.

>> No.9396573

Is this canon? Do robot girls not sweat at all? That's fucking lame if true.

>> No.9396760

Roll has receptors that produce sweat by filtering the water than enters her body, so yeah. She's a musky lewdite if she doesn't bathe for a day.

>> No.9396887
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is what came to mind when I thought "good Mega Man boss," but on the whole I think you have a point.

>> No.9396936
File: 15 KB, 500x290, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shoot lemons at him

>> No.9397458

>You can avoid their attacks but not the motherfucker's body itself, unless you are autismo incarnate
Matching your weapon selection to the enemy's weakness might help, I hear that is a core gameplay mechanic in megaman games.

>> No.9397550

Every other post in this thread is now null. My post is the only one that matters. Mega Man is good and if you think otherwise you're a fag. Thank you.

>> No.9397559

Man your memory is so much better than mine is. I remember none of that. I know I didn't struggle too much with the boss rush or end of the game. I think once I beat Yellow Devil my brain just kind of told me that if I could do that b.s. I could survive anything else the game tossed at me. Think it took me like two days to do Yellow Devil. Had to sleep on it to get the muscle memory into my neurons or something.

>> No.9397824

retard skill issue didn't read your whole shitty post

>> No.9398479

I like that they kept toad man easy so that if you want a convenient weakness run you're able to do so. Even if he is mega brain dead. Still think 4 is the best in the series

>> No.9398483

>Have there ever been any games like Mega Man that don't have boss weapons? That basically allow you to tackle the game in any order, but don't allow you to cheese the bosses with some weapons like Mega Man?
The Mega Man Zero games do something like that but not exactly what you describe.
>Honestly gives me anxiety thinking that I'll really enjoy another Mega Man game and then run into a boss half as stupid as Yellow Devil
Nothing in any other Mega Man game is as bad as yellow devil.

>> No.9398501
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No, he meant red. Red makes him weak in the knees cause he is so desperate for PROTOMAN's robussy

>> No.9398551

Well yeah, it's 100% memorization. Yellow Devil is now the easiest boss in MM1 if you're not using weaknesses for me.

>> No.9398610

I'll have to check out the Mega Man Zero games. Thanks! I'm glad to hear that there's nothing as bad as Yellow Devil in the other games. I've heard people say that Mega Man 1 was the hardest. I'm skeptical simply because of how people subjectively rate difficulty. Tempted to start Mega Man 2 soon as people keep telling me it's way easier.

>> No.9398640

The easiest MMZ game (which is either 3 or 4) is harder than MM1. I don't think MM1 is even in the top 5 hardest classic games

>> No.9399142

Zero 2 is a good starting point yeah, I love Zero 1 too because it's great once you know how to avoid the bullshit but it's very rough on a first playthrough

>> No.9399214

>The hardest boss in the game (buster only) is definitely Elecman
now this guy (buster only) fucks. everything they said is true. bosh rush with iceman perfect dodging, gutsman rng, and wily circle beams is tricky af in buster only runs. I know people just glitch elecman out mostly (raise hands > shoot > loop), but if you don't have his pattern down his beam is easily the hardest hitting shit in the game.

>> No.9399229

Megaman games aren't that hard but I've always wondered by contact damage is even a thing in games. No melee attack animation is ever show, yet only the player gets hurt. It's like getting a bruise from bumping into someone at a supermarket aisle. I wish enemies took damage from it as well, at least it would be funny.

>> No.9400095

MM2 is much more forgiving than 1 and an absolute classic, definitely play it.

>> No.9401112

4 is my favourite, but it isn't that hard.

>> No.9401115

Like with most sprite based games, an enemy bumping into you is an abstraction of a melee attack.

If you want a game where bumping into enemies causes damage to them aswell as to you, I think Kirby's Dreamland series does this.

>> No.9401191

2 still has some bosses that screw you over and two fights in the game require weapons to be used against them. Aside from that, 2 is way easier and more forgiving, and also allows you to take it at your own pace. If you want a game that completely lacks anything like the Yellow Devil, 4 is a good choice.

>> No.9401619

Why do you suck? Try it more than once. Maybe you will improve. This is true in all things.

>> No.9402350

The multi-part boss of the purple Wily level in MM2 will likely piss you off the first time around. I generally think 5 and 6 are the less annoying ones the first time through.

>> No.9404256

>it's just both sides taking damage and hoping that the other dies first
Well duh, that's how boss battles work.

>> No.9405057

The bosses that can be defeated in three hits of the right weapon can also defeat Mega Man in three hits. The fights that take longer for Mega Man to defeat likewise take longer to defeat Mega Man.

>> No.9405736
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>If I'm supposed to learn the patterns, avoid his shit and shoot back when the chance presents itself, why the fuck does merely touching the boss' body hurt so much more than any of his attacks?
Work backwards through this train of thought. If a boss were to do LESS damage on contact than with bullets, you would ignore the bullets entirely and attempt to hug the boss whenever you think it was going to shoot.

>> No.9405753

so that's what the holes in his shoes are for

>> No.9405945

Elec man is the easiest to buster only because it interrupts his pattern so you just stand there and shoot him.