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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9380271 No.9380271 [Reply] [Original]

I enjoy beating games without dying.
And you?

>> No.9380339

Looks like you also enjoy posting Japanese boxarts to feel cool

>> No.9380347
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>> No.9380361
File: 61 KB, 300x188, 300px-titel_ghouls_n_ghosts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cool art
>actual game looks like SHIT

>> No.9380364

I enjoy beating games and never ever give a fuck about how many times I die.

>> No.9380397
File: 60 KB, 512x299, Ghouls-N-Ghosts-Thunder-N-For-Nerds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always play the JP versions (rom) unless the US version is harder or better (rare, but happens)

maybe you're on the wrong board?
arcade version looks amazing, specially for a game released in 1988...the sega gen port is top tier also

good games warrant getting good at
Do you even 1cc?

>> No.9380418

>Do you even 1cc?
Nope, never. I can probably put together a list of 100+ games that I'd like to play and lacking the infinite time of my grade school aged self, I'd rather make my way through them than stick to a single one.

>> No.9380438

you can't play one game regularly for a couple weeks to actually learn the mechanics, boss strats and level design?
Then you really aren't ''playing'' the games you think you're playing but just observing them, might be quicker to watch a Let's Play

>> No.9380445

I do not enjoy this series
But I'm glad you do

>> No.9380461

>I do not enjoy this series
that's fine, ppl have different tastes...BUT
it's so good though, what's not to like?

>> No.9380464

Yeah it's easy with savestates

>> No.9380474

save states invalidate the run though, keep trying!

>> No.9380516

I just started sitting down with super gng a few days ago. On super famicom. Games great, sometimes the slowdown annoys me. I dunno how long 1cc would take but it would be longer than two weeks even if my schedule was clear. Which it’s not. Motivate me.

>> No.9380521

>You need to be autistic about video games to enjoy them
Ridiculous logic. Spending dozens of hours trying to "master" an old video game is stupid when there are dozens of other ones you'd like to experience.

>> No.9380542

I’m autistic about all my hobbies. I’m a 41 year old skateboarder if you’re not autistic you quit. Also I live in Japan and I’m learning Japanese for 15 years feels like I’ve barely started. Also autistic. I’m also writing a really fucking long book. Mega autistic. I would like to also like to 1cc games while getting shit done. I need OP to talk shit to me so I strive for greatness. What’s the point of living if you’re not doing shit? I want my brain to be the one the aliens keep alive in a jar. They’ll just toss yours.

>> No.9380556

It has good replay value so I just kept playing it until I got the 1cc. I made save states for certain bosses and areas and some days I would just practice specific parts I had trouble with.
I also got the stage 2 boat part down good because dying there is really annoying.
I also learned some speedrun strats because the game is like 3x more fun if you keep moving forward always doing something, sometimes standing still and thinking causes you to get swarmed with monsters, but keeping your momentum moving forward makes things easier if you know when/where to jump, etc.
Also it makes the slowdown seem trivial when you are constantly moving forward following your route.
Watching some guides on youtube also helped, basically watch speedrunners or no-death runs they have lots of safe strats

>experience not play
Oh I thought you wanted to learn how to play games, not just jump around aimlessly then drop them

>dozens of hours to master
1cc is not mastering, 1cc is learning how to ride the bike. Mastering is like doing deathless speedruns in a good time, no one is saying that...

A typical GnG game takes a few hundred hours to master. A 1cc might take 10-20 hours...takes a couple weeks. If you can't even spend that on a game then pick a new hobby

>> No.9380558

I'm shit at the game

>> No.9380568

>>dozens of hours to master
>1cc is not mastering, 1cc is learning how to ride the bike.
heard this shit before my friend will spend 60 hours on some piss easy jrpg or grinding Diablo2 then complain that 1CC take too long and are for tryhards

>> No.9380570

Yeah I get what you mean about the momentum. That’s how I like to play anyway it just feels so much more fun and feels like you’re beating it the right way. I just played mega man and bass btw and was disappointed. I didn’t even feel motivated to get good after I beat it. I doubt I’ll play it again. Something was off, rather learn a new megaman or play one I know by heart.

>> No.9380572

This. If I’m wast

>> No.9380575

If I’m wasting time I wanna git gud

>> No.9380579

What games do you have down good anon?

>> No.9380581

God I’ve fucked up like 3 posts already I’m falling asleep. What games do you have down good?

>> No.9380597

The first 3 GnG games: ghosts n goblins, ghouls n ghosts, and super gng.
Metal Slug 1 & 2
Contra Hard Corps

>> No.9380620

Hardcorps was fun. It’s been like 15 years since I played but all contra is so good.
Megaman 2+3
UN squadron
Can absolutely shred Ducktales chip and dale and Aladdin
I’m sure there’s a lot more just can’t remember off top of head all the stuff I wrecked like a speedrunner before I even knew that was a thing
Oh yeah I could absolutely wreck og Metroid in 40 minutes I love that game

>> No.9380627

Nice list, have you tried Neo Contra or Shattered Soldier? both so good

>> No.9380653

Neo contra when it first came out for a few days. I don’t remember much. Same story for shattered soldier.

>> No.9380664

Me too. I can practically beat Castlevania 3 with my eyes closed

>> No.9380671

Only gng game I ever got really really good at was the original arcade on a capcom classics collection. Saw my cousin absolutely fuck it up when he came to visit when I was 5. He was like 17. They had it at the round table pizza in Truckee CA forever on an actual table. That arcade was dope. They always had 2 full neo geos og MvC Pac-Man. Thought it was normal. Worked at two different round tables as well. One had simpsons and Area 51 forever. Me and all my friends could destroy Area 51

>> No.9380674


>> No.9380690

So play a hard game then.

>> No.9380693


>> No.9380779

what's on your mind?

>> No.9380842

Yes,I do.
Currently working on Gokujou Parodius.
I hate how bells cancel out shields.

>> No.9380851
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No way dude, i play games for fun not challenge and use cheats when available.

>> No.9380932

Not really. If a game is enjoyable enough to master I go for no hit while doing a bunch of crazy shit.
Also, you didn't beat the game. You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.

>> No.9380987

I mean yeah you can learn to make a fart sound or a weird screech with each one of 1500 musical instruments... or you can specialize and eventually play music that somebody might actually like
games are different in that they aren't primarily played for an audience, so you are fine doing what you're doing, but the "autistic" alternative is obviously not inferior

>> No.9380998

I only go as far as 1CC. Using continues feels super lame to me, even though it's arbitrary of course to consider the Game Over screen to be something that should actually end your run while the "you died so here is the number of lives you have remaining" screen should not. I mean why should Mario's heroic adventure story include the death of Mario? But I don't care how nonsensical it usually is to die and then inexplicably revive within a victorious endeavor to save the world from evil. To me only Game Over (or the like) is real. No-death runs are just annoyingly brittle I feel, and no-damage runs even more so. But yeah it's all arbitrary so I'm not trying to criticize anybody here. That is just how I happen to have come to feel.

>> No.9381004
File: 96 KB, 1151x672, rpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based OP
I'm trying to 1CC the D&D arcade bmups atm

>> No.9381059

the roms for most genesis games are world releases and the console itself determines the region. plugging a tatsujin cartridge into a genesis brings up the truxton title screen. gng even has a code to switch regions.

>> No.9381067

I do too, but I haven't managed to do it too many times just yet. I'm currently working on doing it in Gradius on the PC Engine.

>> No.9381249

I want to play a game with graphics that look like that poster.

>> No.9381253

>you'd like to experience.
You didn't really experience it if you just credit feed to the end of the game once and move on.

>> No.9382068

>he doesn't load up each ROM, play for a minute, then claim he's """played""" every game and bitch that there's nothing good
Do you even zoom bro?

>> No.9382536

There’s nothing like the feeling of having played so many games that you understand only mastering the classics is important. Wading through the filth is for the unwashed is for the uninitiated. If you truly follow your heart, only 1cc is acceptable.

>> No.9383646

lmao at this grownup. He will never know the feels of 100%ing all the youtubes of his favorite eceleb playing 30 seconds of every NES game while talking over them with zyer valuable opinions

I'm literally shaking right now knowing that such people exist

>> No.9384813

In the end my skull will be just as empty as yours. There's no escaping the grave.

>> No.9384903

>I enjoy beating games without dying.
Sometimes. If I go for the 1cc and I'm having a lot of fun, I might extend it to nomiss, but that doesnt't happen often. I'd probably try hard mode 1cc before normal mode nomiss.

>> No.9384981
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>in a jar
At least you'll get that part

>> No.9384985

Based late century Jewish film image

>> No.9385123

>I’m a 41 year old skateboarder
Dude stop

>> No.9385140
File: 190 KB, 1049x767, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the 1CC chad thread? I'll ask here.

Started learning D&D Tower of Doom and damn it's good but I encountered a bug during the Black Dragon boss fight. I used the standard strategy of LB ring into slash attacks, then once he switched to the right side of the screen I did a jump attack to finish him off but it totally glitched the game, he's not dying he's just frozen like pic related and the game won't progress, the fight won't end....wtf

Also are there region differences between the EU/US/JP versions?

>> No.9385484

Just beat Castlevania 1 on hard without dying, ruined my entire night but what a rush

>> No.9385490

Me too. As a matter of fact, all games I completed without dying so far.

>> No.9385510
File: 1.05 MB, 1024x683, BEFORE 4CHAN - AFTER 4CHAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>41 year old
Literally no one refers to themselves as a "skateboarder".

>> No.9385512

I 1cc my girlfriend in that I cum way too early.

>> No.9385539

me too but now I take tramadol 50mg 1-2hours before and I can last so long it's great....

>> No.9387729

Why does Super Ghouls n Ghosts got so much framerate problems?

>> No.9388125

because it's a snes game

>> No.9388393

Because in some areas there are too many sprites on the screen and new players don't know how to manage slowdown, they also don't have a route, so it feels significantly bad, plus they suck and when they die in those spots it's an easy excuse to cry about!

If you watch speedrunners play through slowdown it's trivial

>> No.9389037

I wasn't asking about player skill but thanks anyways.
This seems to be a problem a lot with snes games. Genesis may be weaker but I never notice framerate issues as bad as with snes for the games. SGnG is a fantastic game that to me gets ruined partially with how much god awful slowdown it can get. It is especially bad due to the game having a double jump which you must commit to.

>> No.9389048

Play it on the Capcom Classics Collection. There's literally no reason to play the SNES version.

>> No.9389101

Level select codes. Always.

>> No.9390462

Yeah stop making money. I’ll get right on that. Great idea.

>> No.9390470

I just did

>> No.9390902

it just can't stop!

>> No.9391042

>And you?
Don't really give a shit about doing single-player challenges myself. It's cool that others do. I prefer live competition. Quake, Soldat, AoE2. Good times.

>> No.9391049

I like some Dukematch whenever possible

>> No.9391074

I prefer the snes version with slow-down, it's the actual classic game. The updated port is okay, but I end up going to the classic instead.