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File: 260 KB, 310x319, not cloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9374445 No.9374445 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that both the hammer forearms in FF7 and Cloud's entire design was a Tetsuhiko Kekuchi (Mischief Makers) rip-off
Nomura's character design isn't only supremely gay, his most iconic character is also a rip-off

>> No.9374449

This is known for almost 30 years

>> No.9374452

Guardian Heroes was awesome

>> No.9374456


>> No.9374468

The design was elevated. The entire world will continue to love FF7 and cloud for generations to come. No one will ever remember or care about Mischief Makers. You will continue to be bitter for for the remainder of your life

>> No.9374469

I literally thought this was Cloud

>> No.9374476

imaigne being so insecure about your taste that argumentum ad papulum is your knee-jerk reaction

>> No.9374481

Cloud is a non-character just like Lacus Cline. Nobody cares about him and the people that love FF7 never played the game.

>> No.9374486
File: 182 KB, 480x360, cloud fan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The design was elevated.
Depending on what kind of people you ask.

>> No.9374526

Pot kettle black

>> No.9374537

But that's just Gaudy with short hair.

>> No.9374549

Guardian Heroes is great. I do want to try Ehrgeiz at some point though

>> No.9374553

Is Guardian Heroes a pure brawler or does it have RPG/action adventure elements? I never understood the appeal of brawlers unless the movesets are very fun like in Viewtiful Joe

>> No.9374561
File: 409 KB, 800x622, guardian-heroes-stats-screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gain EXP that you can spend on stat upgrades, but it plays more like an arcade brawler

>> No.9374568
File: 165 KB, 399x286, Ehrgeiz_battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Cloud is more popular because he has more than two games. Would be nice to see another Guardian Heroes though

>> No.9374569

Does it have diverse movesets or are you just spamming the same two moves?

>> No.9374579
File: 1.89 MB, 1200x895, guardian-heroes-screenshot-C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of cool and stylish moves you can pull off, but truth be told I've only ever played it for a little while. Definitely more you can do than Streets of Rage or Golden Axe, though

>> No.9374795

>Streets of Rage or Golden Axe
I really don't understand the love for this kind of games

>> No.9374808

I thought Nomura didn't design the chibi art?

>> No.9374835

No one actually gives a shit about Cloud, or any other character in FF7 beyond their character art. Cloud is the go to stereotypical spikey haired huge sword jrpg protag, Tifa has huge tits, and Sephiroth is the go to le epic edgy darkness badass that every 12 year old used in their AIM name.
The characters themselves are boring, terribly written, and forgettable beyond appearance, and the rest of the cast is worthless.

>> No.9374839

Thanks for informing us that you've never actually played FF7

>> No.9374841
File: 1.52 MB, 2000x1209, HanCloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOVL vs soulless

>> No.9374849
File: 40 KB, 546x890, cloud-final-fantasy-1997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The soul is in the game

>> No.9374881

>those retarded looking limbs
What was treasure's problem? Have they ever designed a character that was godawfully horrifying?

>> No.9374885

you say that but even that FF managed to ripoff >>9374849

>> No.9374886

Answer the question treasure tramp

>> No.9374891

>Have they ever designed a character that was godawfully horrifying?
no, most are great

>> No.9374910
File: 26 KB, 252x405, what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9374974

>t. Mischief Makers (PlayStation version)

>> No.9374984
File: 229 KB, 900x900, lsm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is that luke smith?

>> No.9375041


>> No.9375186
File: 84 KB, 774x583, 1659487334664084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9375247

Cloud literally has no character. He's a schizo who pretends he's someone else, and then eventually realizes he actually was a worthless grunt, but it makes no difference because his mannerisms and behavior was always played straight, so the fact he was pretending the entire time doesn't mean shit. His actual characterization was so worthless that all subsequent material changed him into a mopey emo tortured soul and everyone just went along with it
Tifa is a generic anime character love interest. She barely has a personality beyond "I like Cloud" Absolutely nothing about her is notable other than she has huge tits.
Sephiroth is one of the worst villains in all of media. He has no actual motive, he barely has a backstory, his evil turn is that he spent a week in a basement, and decided to become an evil supervillain, and he spends 3/4ths of the game not even actually doing anything. All anyone associates with him is the super long sword and him wearing a black trench coat while he walks through a burning village.
Every other character in the game is entirely worthless. Barrett has no reason to be in the party past Midgar, and they threw in a totally irrelevant side story after it to justify his existence and why his daughter is white. He does nothing prior or post that except be a black guy who curses.
Aeris exists to die, and has no impact to the actual story at all otherwise. No one cares about her, she does nothing interesting or memorable, and could be replaced by an item that summons Holy with the same plot impact.
Red is so worthless that the game doesn't even give a reason why he should be a party member other than he's there. He finds out his dad was actually a really brave warrior, which is irrelevant and does nothing at all besides survive the apocalypse at the end.
Every other character in the game is even more irrelevant than these, with the exception of a giant fucking doll, who's actually a spy, until he's a good guy for no reason.

>> No.9375258
File: 124 KB, 253x440, valgar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another character even has the spiked pauldrons

>> No.9375262

how does this make sense?
didn't these games come out at the same time?

>> No.9375265

Just looking at the art makes it obvious that while the character on the left is MEANT to look like that, the character on the right just has block arms because it's a fucking PS1 game.

>> No.9375269

nearly 2 years apart

>> No.9375308

wb yuffie (the only character i like)

>> No.9375468

>rip off things you like blatantly and make them gayer
Is Nomura really worth the money

>> No.9375519

if that's what SOVL is you can fucking keep it

>> No.9375528

I doubt Guardian Heroes was a significant enough game to influence Tetsuya Nomura, especially considering the character designs for Cloud, Aerith and Barret were unveiled just when Guardian Heroes came out.

>> No.9375605

Ayy lmao this nigga skipped every leg day

>> No.9375618
File: 459 KB, 1920x1440, 1920px-Sensory_and_motor_homunculi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The FF7 overworld models were built using the sensory homunculus as template. This was done to achieve instantly recognizable expressions even on simple models from great distances. Because they used SCIENCE as their groundwork, this does not seem off-putting or strange, because it is built on subconscious human perception. Your physically grossly deformed kusoge style has nothing to do with this.

>> No.9375619

Treasure fans unironically like "we have Cloud at Home"

>> No.9376114

What a strange fucking thread. I never ever got the impression FFVII was ripping off anything so overtly in the way you just described. You thread comes off as seriously schizo.
Yep this is schizo alright. FYI I had both of these games as a kid and enjoyed both. Looking back though GH artstyle left something to be desired and I feel there is nothing wrong with admitting that today I'd prefer it more so if it lhad a better artstyle. I can't say the exact same for FFVII though. Really if the chibi models were more in line with FFIX I think people would be completely fine with it today.

>> No.9376427

Brutal mogging

>> No.9376432

>I never ever got the impression FFVII was ripping off anything
It's a typical JRPG as derivative as they come

>> No.9376441
File: 589 KB, 498x451, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine posting this picture and thinking it's a good defense of your game (assuming this post isn't ironic)

>> No.9376687
File: 179 KB, 453x466, 1652528411581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Armor and almost Langrisser tier Pauldrons
>with Jeans
On paper it's fucking dumb, but it looks real cool. Anatomy aside, HAN really is a good character designer.

>> No.9377193
File: 234 KB, 608x720, Gourry_Gabriev_%28TotR%29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Han always looked more like Gourry from Slayers to me.

>> No.9377201

Guardian Heroes is probably the worst looking Saturn game. It's not very fun either but it's truly disgusting looking.

>> No.9378118
File: 357 KB, 901x655, gh-nicole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guardian Heroes definitely has a Slayers vibe

>> No.9378130

Cloud is based on a mix of Guts and Teen Gohan. It's unlikely anyone at prime Squaresoft gave a shit or even knew about Treasure

>> No.9378431


>> No.9379867

Why did FF characters become so gay (honestly the best word for it) after 6 and Sakaruga or what his name was became more of a background guy? Same thing happened with Castlevania around the same time and now the dudes buttrape each other

>> No.9379869

There are like 10 good games a year and Treasure's used to be one of them. Not everyone is as ignorant as you
>Cloud is based on a mix of Guts

>> No.9381347

>Mischief Makers
Nobody cares you autist
Stay mad your platform kusoge is stuck at S-E's gay baby jail

>> No.9381356

>No one actually gives a shit about Cloud
wins fan pollings at Top 1 or 5 each time
Could you show me the buzz with some Konami hack job's ugly platformer mascot?

>> No.9381380
File: 362 KB, 501x461, Cloud_chefskiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>argumentum ad papulum
OP is appealing to the Smash autist clique, who has STILL yet to get over the fact 3 Nomura characters (and, his buttbuddy, Takahashi's Xeno OCs) got in before McLiteralWho and Treasure's Pedobait Robot did.

Reminder to never listen to Smashfaggots as most of their rallied choices got in and ended up as peak dogshit.

>> No.9381987

Most likely, Guardian Heroes design isn't very original itself. I'm sure you can find a lot of manga from that era with similar design.

>> No.9383782

Why do you have feminine bishonen pictures saved on your PC

>> No.9384214

It has juggle combos, and everyone but the bruiser knight can do several different magic attacks (magic is an entire extra button). Beyond the normal attacks everyone has Street Fighter like special moves (ie. qcf puch or qcf magic or so).

But yes, in practice you do the same two attacks, you either poke from a distance with your magic, or do your best juggle attack to lock down enemies indefinitely. Hits recharge your magic, so if they break out you can go back to poking them.

It's really fucking tedious because you actively HAVE to do juggling crap because it builds EXP. You can spend something like 5 minutes in the 1 minute intro area, just juggling dead bodies indefinitely and getting a few extra levels. You should play Cadillacs & Dinosaurs or Streets of Rage 2/Bare Knuckle 3 instead, those are more fast paced and fun.

He is right though, every other guy had an AIM name like 69Sephiroth69 back in the early 00s.

>wins fan pollings at Top 1 or 5 each time
Scorpion from MK, despite not being in any new games for many years (and not being in a decent one for much longer), managed to go up there with Nintendo/Zelda/Sonic in the Gamefaqs character battle when they first did it. Those fan pollings mean fuck all.