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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 825 KB, 1238x860, Screen Shot 2013-07-25 at 11.15.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
937139 No.937139 [Reply] [Original]

This might not be earth shattering, but I just realized Jerry had an NES.

Any other examples you guys have found?

>> No.937146

Galaga in Avengers

>> No.937152

Well, there's the obvious Frogger episode.

>> No.937158

I think they just put that box up there to make it look like he had more movies than he did.

>> No.937163

That's actually the episode the screen grab was taken from too.

>> No.937164


>He looks like a frog...

>> No.937173

In Hudson Hawk, after Bruce Willis is released from prison, Danny Aiello asks Bruce if he wants to play Nintendo. Bruce looks at him and asks "...What's Nintendo?"

Later in the film, "play Nintendo" is used as a sex euphemism.

The bigger joke, of course, is that there's a Hudson Hawk game for the NES. And yes, it's shit.

tl;dr - go watch Hudson Hawk.

>> No.937185

In Ghostbusters 2 where that nerdy lawyer dude and the secretary have sex over Super Mario Bros.

>> No.937186

Just watched the Continue? episode where they play Hudson Hawk. Yeah, that game looks like freaking trash.

>> No.937191


And they control the Statue of Liberty with a Power Pad.

>> No.937201

Actually, it's a NES Advantage, but close enough.

>> No.937207
File: 38 KB, 240x260, seinfeld_jerry_240x260_052820041524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More importantly why has there never been a Seinfeld game/fangame?

>> No.937208
File: 45 KB, 500x275, %5BMovie%5DGrosse%20Pointe%20Blank%20(1997)_03[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For years I thought there was an arcade version of Doom II because of a scene in Grosse Point Blank.

I will never know the satisfaction of seeing my initials on the high scores of a Doom machine. ;_;

>> No.937213
File: 40 KB, 480x270, 418-final-fantasy_480_poster[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.937209
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>> No.937212

I don't see it.

>> No.937217

Why would they elaborately go to the trouble to fake a prop for a game that doesn't even exist in that form? It had to be Doom II?

>> No.937215

Come to think of it I have never seen anyone play an n64 in a movie.

Even the Genesis had its moment in the sun with swingers. Why not the n64?

>> No.937224
File: 200 KB, 650x800, I Want To Believe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would pay dumb amounts of money to have that. I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult to set up on a MAME cabnet/computer...but how would you switch weapons?

>> No.937221

World Cup. I have a boxed version too for some unknown reason.

>> No.937225

Look on the shelf. Nintendo World Cup.

>> No.937240


>> No.937246

Map some buttons

>> No.937242


George had one too.

I don't remember what episode, but is was in the foreground in his apartment not hooked up to anything.

>> No.937247


What show is that?

>> No.937249


I read the OP as SNES.

George is shown with a SNES in one episode.

>> No.937250

can't find a picture but in The 40 Year Old Virgin, the main character has a Prima Wario World Strategy Guide by his bed

>> No.937256
File: 39 KB, 573x378, will-smith-fresh-prince-playing-nintendo-black-and-white-90s[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shouldn't be too hard...

>> No.937258

Yeah, but when you've got like what, 6 buttons to take advantage of (unless you go super crazy and add things like the ball used in the bowling games/golf games, etc), it's going to be an odd configuration.

>> No.937270

For Doom don't you just need fire, action, strafe left, strafe right, change weapon up, and change weapon down?

>> No.937276

Weapons were on shortcuts on the number row. Cycling through them with an up/down would be tedious and you couldn't switch weapons very efficiently at all.

>> No.937278

Well you'd have to figure out how to make it about nothing.

>> No.937283

there's a Quake arcade version

>> No.937284

In the scene, there is a gunfight going on in the convenience store behind that kid, and he's completely oblivious because he's having a simulated gunfight in a video game. The movie came out in '97, so I guess it was relevant at the time, but I'm pretty sure there were light gun games at that point that would have made the point just as well. Maybe it was cheaper to build a mockup around a PC running a demo than to buy a relevant arcade cab?

I've thought about this too much.

It's a dream of mine, as well. Doom has pretty simple controls. With the basic 8-way stick and 6-button design I assume most people put on a general purpose MAME cab you'd have just enough - shoot, open doors, cycle weapons 2 ways, and strafe left and right. The stick would move/turn. You would have to always run, though. If you had a flight joystick or whatever with buttons on it, it would be even easier.

>> No.937281


It would be a life sim.

>> No.937282

Joey and Chandler had an N64 at one point.

I remember a little snapshot for it in the foreground in N64 magazine yeaaaars ago.

>> No.937286

Earthbound box is Fraiser iirc

>> No.937287
File: 101 KB, 720x540, Silver Spoons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also the an Roseanne episode where DJ gets a Super Nintendo.

>> No.937289

Good to know. It's strange how little I remember the n64 in pop culture.

>> No.937295

I'm so sorry for your lots.

>> No.937296

Really? I'd love to see that without watching the entire show.

This needs to be a tumblr.

>> No.937292

One joystick for movement. One spinner for turning. One button for fire, one for run/use. A row of small buttons for weapon select (or hold a button and use the joystick to select between the 8 weapons).

>> No.937293

Princess Bride

>> No.937294

Any show trying to look hip

>> No.937291
File: 39 KB, 275x208, freezeframe060[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played it mostly on Playstation.

>> No.937308

In the first episode of the Animorphs show, they play the PS1 Beast Wars Transformers game on an arcade cabinet.

>> No.937305

Top left corner.

>> No.937306

There was an episode of Roseanne where the little boy is sitting on the couch with a SNES controller, Fat Bitch asks him what he's doing, he responds "I'm waiting to get out of the dungeon" then Fat Bitch does something bitchy.

I still remember it as clear as day.

>> No.937313

In The X-Files Season 3 Episode 3 "D.P.O", Giovanni Ribissi watches Jack Black play Virtua Fighter in an arcade while Marcy Playground's Sex & Candy plays in the background.


>> No.937316

Pretty much every episode of ReBoot is one long videogame reference.

>> No.937317
File: 26 KB, 400x300, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PS version wasn't the same as the PC original, for sure, but it had its own charm. The Aubrey Hodges Doom music is really creepy and oppressive, the colored lighting is pretty cool, and fighting Doom II monsters in Doom was pretty cool for a kid who didn't have a computer or know mods were a thing in the 90s.

I played it mostly on the N64.

>> No.937319
File: 1.46 MB, 1956x2276, todd-bridges-asteroids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

favorite video game themed sitcom episode is the Diff'rent Strokes where Arnold becomes addicted to an arcade machine.


>> No.937321

2 90s 4 me

>> No.937327
File: 1.69 MB, 250x250, jack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all-time favorite episode

>> No.937331

You've suffered more in a lifetime than I could suffer in 10. The fact that you're still here is tantamount to your courage.

>> No.937332

Vidya shows up frequently in Roseanne. There are at least 2 episodes that show one or another of the Connors playing with the SNES that Anon mentioned, also in one episode Mark is shown to have an NES in his apartment and in another episode he plays an arcade game at the grocery store after punching the manager. Oh, and there's another that has Darlene playing arcade games at the local bowling alley.
Show had a lot of comic book culture as well.

>> No.937334

It's the most 90s thing that has ever or will ever happen.

>> No.937336

I wonder if Will still plays games.

>> No.937337
File: 307 KB, 620x477, 1_LaughingBull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find the right picture at the moment, but Laughing Bull from Cowboy Bebop had a PlayStation in his tent.

>> No.937350
File: 351 KB, 853x480, sms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too obvious to really count

>> No.937353
File: 178 KB, 509x382, Screen-shot-2011-06-10-at-3.07.38-PM[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.937358
File: 172 KB, 504x377, Screen-shot-2011-06-10-at-3.07.46-PM[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.937361

Aww man I was hoping fraiser played it.

>> No.937362

Didn't Drew Carey have a Sega Saturn in his show, too?

>> No.937365
File: 429 KB, 644x568, Rad_Mobile[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Encino Man had Sega's Rad Mobile

>> No.937370

And then later it turned into a Dreamcast

>> No.937372

encino man is totally my sca childhood.

>> No.937371

I won't lie, I cried when they gave him the handful of quarters and tried to chase him away

>> No.937378


How about Ben Affleck and Jason Lee playing NHL on a Mega Drive discussing comics and lesbians? That's pretty fucking 90's.


>> No.937382


Kevin Smith & co. love the Genesis NHL games. He wanted it in Mallrats, but Sega pushed the latest Saturn one, which he hated.

>> No.937381



I only kind of remember it, but it was a typical "Oh, the adult got upset at the child for playing too much! But look! Now the ADULT is hooked! Hilarious!" sitcom scenario she was playing Super Mario World, but saying shit like she had to find more bones for the monkey king or something.

>> No.937384

I thought that was blades of steel for nes

>> No.937387

they show Bobby from KotH with his N64 and controllers a lot and they allude to the fact that he plays Tomb Raider

>> No.937390

>Kevin Smith & co. love the Genesis NHL games.

They're not the only ones. I still give '97 a bash every now and then.

>> No.937394


I watched it on Netflix months back. It was more about how Rosanne's mother undermines her plans, since they saved up for the SNES but DJ's grandma bought it randomly without consulting her daughter.

I also talked with the actor who played DJ. He is a total gamer

>> No.937423


Yep, shitload of games too. Who knows what treasure were on that set?

>> No.937450

Chuck i think.
Its the guy from chuck anyways

>> No.937454

He looks depressed at that res.

>> No.937465

>Marcy Playground's Sex & Candy
God I hate that song so much. I can't imagine what the songwriter must feel that it was their one hit.

>> No.937468

I would imagine someone of the crew did that for their own mame cabinet nonsense and just offered to bring it in.

>> No.937471

>Hey guys, I'll totally rent a truck and get a couple buddies to help me haul my custom Doom II arcade cab down to the set so you can shoot it and have it in the movie for 45 seconds! That'll get asses in the seats at the theater!

>> No.937505

I like how one of the most common games they're seen playing is a beat'em up, possibly as an allusion to the SMS' only killer app, Double Dragon. It was a better port than the NES version, but the NES version was apparently the better game.

Also, I've been dying to know this. There was one movie, I think an Arnold movie, where he was frozen and I think revived, and somehow couldn't talk. He then broke into some kids tree house when they appeared to be playing an SNES, and the game appeared to be F-Zero. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.937509

Probably cod and Madden

>> No.937513
File: 37 KB, 600x347, top-10-dumbest-death-jokes-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.937517

NHL 93 was my shit, I have 2 Genesis copies and 1snes copy

>> No.937515

>he was frozen and I think revived, and somehow couldn't talk. He then broke into some kids tree house when they appeared to be playing an SNES, and the game appeared to be F-Zero.
YEEES. It was Forever Young with Mel Gibson and Elijah Wood.

>> No.937525


>> No.937540

Do you have the clip at hand? Thanks in advance.

>> No.937552

Yeah, Animal Crossing already demonstrated how to make a game about nothing.

>> No.937565

Actually, I remember an N64 controller scattered among the debris of pudding cups in the beginning scenes of "Dude, Where's My Car?"

>> No.937582

What Baseball game is that? NES had a ton of them.

>> No.937589

I already switch weapons almost exclusively with weapon up/down. There's no real need to have dedicated hotkeys when it means more than doubling the size of your button layout.

>> No.937590
File: 334 KB, 1180x720, lost4_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost, season 4 episode 2. NES with games stacked on it on the shelf under the TV.

It's quite coincidental that I'd happen to watch this episode the same day I see this thread.

Don't mistake coincidence for fate

>> No.937591


>> No.937596
File: 33 KB, 500x377, tumblr_lrfqlkNdgW1qaw92eo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bobby Hill's video game system is an N64.

>> No.937602

>Why not the n64?
Because it was a colossal failure, and singlehandedly brought Nintendo's home console empire down to the ground.

>> No.937605

But Doom 64 is pretty cool too, mate. I think you're too close-minded with your Dooming.

>> No.937608

There was that one Friends episode where they were trying to beat a record on Ms. Pac-Man, because Chandler put obscene initials on the High Score table.

Which was pretty dumb, really, you can't even record input any initials on Ms. Pac-Man!

>> No.937606

>center position
What game is he playing?

>> No.937613

Doom 64 is a great example of how to do PC-to-console ports. Last-gen PC game, some extra shine, new levels, etc, on a "current" console.

>> No.937615

Considering the movie came out in '97, when MAME barely existed, I highly doubt that this was the case.

>> No.937617

Was it really? Every kid on the playground I knew had a N64. When I first heard about the Playstation, I thought it was some sort of train-themed Chinese knock-off. It wasn't until somewhere around middle school (2000ish) that I knew what a Playstation actually was.

But then, that might have been because I was 10.

>> No.937624


>> No.937620

Perhaps one of the AKI wrestling games

>> No.937621
File: 27 KB, 620x350, Regular Show Master System.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The console on can see a few times on Regular Show is a Master System.

It was a pretty nice touch.

>> No.937626

It was destroyed by the PS1 in sales, and it caused third parties to run to the hills when it came to Nintendo consoles. So yeah, it did affect Nintendo for the worse. It's failure is the reason why BAH BAAH exists.

>> No.937627

Then explain why Nintendo is the company that still sells the most consoles right now.

It still sold well enough.

>> No.937632

The N64 was an alright console. Nintendo was only the market leader because of predatory, illegal developer contracts. Once that went away, their marketshare dropped from 90% (NES versus 7800+SMS) to 50% within one generation (SNES versus MD+TG16) and then down to 25% the next (N64 versus PSX+SS).

>> No.937635

Because it costs half as much.

>> No.937646

Because it didn't sell to gamers, it sold to casuals. The best selling games for the Wii prove this.

The Wii sealed Nintendo's fate as an outside market that is unprofitable to anyone but Nintendo themselves and their lackeys.

>> No.937648

I've been looking, but I can't find it anywhere. I remember the kid(s) playing F-Zero as the only remotely interesting thing about that movie.

>> No.937654

>Then explain why Nintendo is the company that still sells the most consoles right now.
They're barely in the lead (100m Wii versus about 75m each of the PS3/360), with the lowest software attach rate. Also, let's not forget the PS2, which still dominates everything with over 150m units sold.

Nintendo isn't a magnet for innovative 3rd party development. They're a self-contained ecosystem which is fairly profitable by itself. This began with the N64.

>> No.937660
File: 12 KB, 477x477, Earl_Sleek2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, alright. Thanks. I actually thought they were playing an SNES version of Forsaken, as the vehicle kinda looked like Earl Sleek's ship.

>> No.937664

There was a Sonic 1 arcade cabinet in one episode of X-Files. You can hear it in the background, and one of the main characters in that episode is playing Virtua Fighter.


>> No.937665

>Nintendo isn't a magnet for innovative 3rd party development anymore.

Fixed that for you.

>> No.937675

>Friends episode
There was one episode where someone mentions a girl giving her boyfriend the greatest possible gift, and Chandler goes, "A Sony PlayStation?!"

>> No.937673

>It's failure is the reason why BAH BAAH exists.
That's something of a stretch, but I see what you mean about the third party thing.

>> No.937678

Fucking fuck, I searched X-Files and everything and I still managed to miss the other post. Ah well.

>> No.937679

How is that ant different from what he wrote?

I realize there are posts from people in this thread that didn't read the thread before they posted but it's like you didn't even read the rest of the post you're replying to.

>> No.937684

It's okay, Man I wasn't going to specifically call you out on it.

>> No.937690
File: 552 KB, 1152x864, frasier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.937702

Because his initial statement >implied that Nintendo never was, and never will be, a platform for third parties. It used to be.

Of course, that doesn't seem to be a problem with their handhelds, but what's that? Like the NES before them, they literally face no competition. That still doesn't explain why they keep getting ports and spinoffs from the big third parties, though.

>> No.937708
File: 362 KB, 1035x722, Malcolm-Sonic-r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey at least I mentioned that Sonic 1 is playing in the background, that's something.

So used to /v/ being shitheads about every little thing I guess.

Anyway here's another to contribute:

>In one scene Malcolm and Stevie are in Stevie's room playing Sonic R. Malcolm is playing as Sonic. Stevie who is confined to a wheel chair is playing as Amy Rose who is the only character in Sonic R that is on wheels.

>> No.937705


And to think, if Frasier bought that copy and held onto it, he could sell it today and take a year off of work.

>> No.937725

>tfw I missed out on the N64
>tfw I missed out on the DreamCast
>tfw I missed out on the NES and SNES
>tfw I only had a Sega Saturn as a kid

>> No.937730


>only had a Sega Saturn

But... this is a good thing, dude.

>> No.937735

>Because his initial statement >implied that Nintendo never was, and never will be, a platform for third parties. It used to be.

>Nintendo isn't a magnet for innovative 3rd party development. They're a self-contained ecosystem which is fairly profitable by itself. This began with the N64.
>This began with the N64.
>began with the N64.

>> No.937738

Oh I had tons of fun with it
I just missed out on playing ocarina of time, sonic adventure 2, and super mario bros as a kid

>> No.937740


There's a NES in the background of the show The IT Crowd along with a bunch of other 'nerdy' stuff. Great show, though.

>> No.937757

>tfw i didn't have a console at all as a kid
but my pc did have Rolleroaster/Zoo Tycoon.

>> No.937763

>tfw only had a GBC as a kid
>tfw had to rely on friends' houses for console gaming
>tfw parents didn't get me a console until the PS2

I would have been so grateful for a Saturn.

>> No.937768

I didn't have a console and was only allowed educational games and racing games on PC.

>> No.937786
File: 242 KB, 446x422, deadpool make it stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mordecai and rigby play a videogame
>the tv goes out as they reach the final boss
>mordecai tells ribgy to pause it
>rigby hits a button on the controller
>the game pauses

>> No.937783

Now you're just doing it on purpose

>> No.937804

The Amazing World of Gumball has quite a few.

>In "the Third", Tobias changes his colors while Mario's walking sounds from Donkey Kong play

>In "the DVD", when Gumball and Darwin jump on a trampoline, the "woop woop" sound from those jumping plungers in stage 2 from Donkey Kong is played

>in "the Treasure", when they make the sun shine against the chimney, you hear a chime similar to the one from the Zelda games

>in "the Secret", Gumball and Darwin appear to be playing a fighting game with a stage that resembles Final Fight's train stage. Gumball character was a rat that resembled Balrog, while Darwin's was a goofy hot dog guy, as if from Clay Fighter. The lifebars are clearly from SF2, and their controllers resembled SNES controllers. All those games appeared on the SNES.

>in "the Refund", they appear to rent a European/Japanese SNES game, but doesn't work on their console. In the end of this episode, the store owner gave them a machine that closely resembles the Retron Famiclone that apparently is a shredder.

>in various episodes, such as "the flower", you can see SNES cartridges lying around

>in "the Words", they recreate a fight that resembles Street Fighter, with a remix of Guile's theme

While Regular Show is referred to be like /v/ in cartoon form, I definitely think Gumball is /vr/.


Forgot to mention that the Pause button is on the console itself in real life, not on the controller.

>> No.937803



Fucking great.

>> No.937816

Well, I figured everyone here already knew that.

>> No.937903


Every ma/vr/ick should become cultural warriors to get the phrase 'play Nintendo' into common parlance as a euphemism for sex.

As in 'Your sister totally played Nintendo on the regular over summer break.'

>> No.937908


Just have EA publish it.

>> No.937912


Careful, I hear she Lizer ass off.

>> No.937914 [DELETED] 


Is Hank Hill the reason we say vidya?

>> No.937918


That's my favorite episode of Spaced.

>> No.937925
File: 73 KB, 429x410, 1337023757970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is how I'm always going to remember him. The cool, wisecracking Fresh Prince of my childhood, sitting on the floor playing Nintendo with that childlike joy in his eyes.

Rather than the staid, boring, strangely metafictional father figure of After Earth.

>> No.937934 [DELETED] 

>Is Hank Hill the reason we say vidya?
Yes. 0:35

>> No.937935



You mean 'testament'.

>> No.937936


Someone get some aloe, because that burn is sick as fuck.

>> No.937939


I think it appears prominently in the movie.

He probably played it with Spike while they smoked the peace pipe.

>> No.937951


Although to be fair he was sort of playing vidya in that movie.

>> No.937958

Drew Carey had a Sega Saturn on top of his tv, it was later replaced with a Sega Dreamcast

>> No.937959
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>> No.937963
File: 59 KB, 443x594, HYAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robin Williams named his daughter Zelda directly from "The Legend Of Zelda". Apparently his whole family loves the shit out of those games.

>> No.937967


I'm kinda surprised he didn't just call her (COCAINE SNORT NOISE).

>> No.937973

Too easy.

>> No.937979


Just like the majority of Mr. Williams' comedy. Can't blame me for trying to be consistent.

>> No.937986
File: 28 KB, 320x400, Ostrich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.938038


I'm surprised it's connected.

They're still button mashing, and shaking the controller like they're actually playing it. Malcolm in the middle surprisingly had a lot of vidya in there.

>hurr durr not retro fgt

Oh, and this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owsxzKb3Nus

>> No.938040
File: 1.35 MB, 1360x768, MITM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot pic

>> No.938072
File: 238 KB, 600x252, 1038589-vlcsnap_209017_super.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terminator 2
Also prominently features an Atari Portfolio.

>> No.938074


Ha, you can see a Gameboy at 2:29, some guy behind him has it in his hands.

>> No.938081
File: 24 KB, 624x256, Ferris Bueller-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

And the Terminator 2 scene I just noted

>> No.938089
File: 46 KB, 720x536, straight shota fantasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which do you choose, /vr/?


Would post from YouTube, but couldn't find a good video there. The show is Picket Fences.

>> No.938091


Lauren Holly, obviously. Though I'm not sure why I would have to choose.

>> No.938101

I used to love that show as a kid.

>> No.938102

I will fap to that scene later.

Look at her thighs mang, shit.

Lauren Holly is fucking bauss.

>> No.938108


Nostalgia'd so fucking hard.

Also that guy who tried to get rid of him was a douche. He didn't really have any redeeming qualities in retrospect (no pun intended).

>> No.938112


I love Encino Man from pure nostalgia.

>> No.938116 [DELETED] 

I remember the grandma buying DJ an SNES when his parents already had one wrapped up for him hidden somewhere in the house.

>> No.938117

No screenshot handy, but Finn and Jake have an NES.

>> No.938119

I assume he means "mame cabinet" figuratively.

>> No.938120


Do you mean BMO? She's not an NES, she's a BMO!

Big Adventure Time fan. I know BMO's meant to be male, but I can't accept that.

>> No.938123

heard hes a big tabletop guy too.

>> No.938121
File: 318 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mp66cvAggQ1rtnso6o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot adorable picture.

>> No.938125

i got banned for posting that pic on /v/ one time.

>> No.938126


My uncle was at college with him. He was apparently a cool dude.

>> No.938128


By gays?

That's completely without justification. It isn't porn.

>> No.938135
File: 133 KB, 652x526, DrGiggles_DrMario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The NES version of Dr. Mario is prominently featured in the 90's slasher "Dr. Giggles". The titular doctor sneaks up on an unsuspecting kid, who's completely engrossed in playing Dr. Mario (with a joystick no less). It seems as if Giggles were about to murder the boy, but then he just looks at him gawking zombie-like at the TV, diagnoses him as "terminal" and walks away. It's actually a pretty funny scene.

>> No.938138
File: 36 KB, 622x321, Capture1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they have an actual NES.

>> No.938141
File: 76 KB, 512x370, Cloak and Dagger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whole movie written around a game that doesn't exist, at least not in the format it was featured.


>> No.938146

omg I remember this movie. I remember spending hours searching for a rom of Cloak and Dagger because I thought it sounded really cool.

>> No.938179

Scott Pilgrim has the Fairy Fountain playing in a dream sequence involving Ramona.

>> No.938184
File: 17 KB, 440x355, 440x355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One episode of That 70's Show has a subplot involving Red and... that guy played by Ashton Kutcher hard-modding a Pong console. Their goal is to decrease the size of the paddles.

>> No.938186

Some of those mock-up Atari 5200 Cloak and Dagger boxes showed up on eBay around 1999-2000. "Retro gaming" wasn't a thing yet, so they didn't sell for a stupid amount of money IIRC.

>> No.938195
File: 94 KB, 960x720, video_alf_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alf had an Amiga 2000

>> No.938201
File: 17 KB, 500x289, sopranos64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tony beats his son one handed at Mario Kart 64


>> No.938205

that always bothered me


it also bothered me in breaking bad how Jesse was playing RAGE like an on-rails shooter while pointing the gun at the screen. but thats not retro so...

>> No.938221


>> No.938230

Yeah when I saw that and realized id was making House of the Dead style arcade zombie rail shooters I never looked at anything they touched again.

>> No.938245

Have they touched anything else yet?

>> No.938254

In Malcom in the Middle it always got to me that the youngest brother's GBA didn't have carts in it, while it beeped and booped. Sad too, because the kid said in a later interview that he knew it was wrong.

>> No.938273

Yeah, it's Chuck.
He and the chick have been hiding for days in the basement, and there's nothing to do, so he suggests they play Final Fantasy II to pass the time, since it's his favorite game and he used to play it all the time with his roommate Morgan.
And then she suggests sex instead.

>> No.938275

They basically own the handheld market though, and sold more DS's than any of those consoles sold.

I hate that western devs hate handhelds though because handhelds are better than any console on the market now.

>> No.938297

Damn, that bitch don't know what she's missing

>> No.938307
File: 34 KB, 640x350, vac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

National Lampoon's Vacation
Apple II *and* an Astrocade!


>> No.938313 [DELETED] 

a whole thread made for autism!


>> No.938314


He also loves Evangelion. She's Zelda Ray Williams.

>> No.938342

Yeah, it's about video games in movies and TV shows. How autistic.

>> No.938358

Don't have a screenshot, but Leisure Suit Larry 6 is featured in the movie, Striptease with Demi Moore.

>> No.938363


>> No.938375
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2013-07-25-22h53m52s202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They play a lot of video games on that show.

>> No.938394

Robocop 2 had an arcade scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLO7MhtHYKg

>> No.938421

Maybe it's the cabinet owner's store, so they didn't have to move it.

If they were moving it from another location why is there a banner too? It's too excessive for it to be deliberate.

Unless it's integral to the plot or something, but I think if there was a work of fiction involving an arcade version of Doom 2 we'd know about it.

>> No.938431
File: 43 KB, 200x111, post-5085-1132136517_thumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Name is Earl had an Atari 2600 in it, one of the characters owned it and took Polaroid photos to track high-scores.

I think it's notable because it's actually a "retro" console in the fiction too, not just a dated TV show with whatever console they had on hand.

>> No.938440

I want more examples like this, rather than just background props.

>> No.938442


Oh shit, I forgot Crabman had an Atari.

It's even referenced a lot.

>> No.938447

in FREAKS AND GEEKS the little brother of the hot main character gets an Atari 2600

he is at the store checking one out when he sees his friend's dad hugging and kissing some lady that is not his wife


>> No.938453

how the fuck did they pull that in Breaking Bad, that part was so wtf

did id Software go and try to whore their game out??

>> No.938487

No he didn't, he meant tantamount.

>> No.938492

What movie or show?

>> No.938507

If that's the only reference you caught you're doing it wrong.

>> No.938518
File: 183 KB, 416x436, 654684651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also hate.

>> No.938526


Actually BMO's genderless.


>> No.938530


>> No.938538
File: 236 KB, 531x535, 8786958758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's because you're stupid sheep.

>> No.938542
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>> No.938551

Also in Rumble in the Bronx, the kid in the wheelchair has a Game Gear he plays with no cartridge in it.

>> No.938561 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, 49867374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Ctrl-F
> The Wizard
Phrase not found?


>> No.938562
File: 165 KB, 429x289, 432424324324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tantamount doesn't work where anon put it though, and testament does. Tantamount means "equal to".

>> No.938565


Office Space

>> No.938569
File: 66 KB, 267x447, 6154616517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a little too on-the-nose, don't you think? Things have deviated a bit from OP's post. 'Hey look, Jerry had a Nintendo' does not equal 'entire movie about video games featuring lots of games played by a video game savant'.

>> No.938581
File: 788 KB, 720x480, snapshot_dvd_00-26-38_2010-10-12_21-52-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Evangelion was referenced in the movie One Hour Photo in which he stars in. He even mispronounced it on purpose as an inside joke.


>> No.938587

That movie is so disturbing.

>> No.938585
File: 232 KB, 637x472, Father Ted Street Fighter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Father Ted has Dougal and Father Damo playing Street Fighter II.

>> No.938595
File: 293 KB, 637x472, Father Ted Street Fighter2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But when we actually see them playing it, they appear to be playing it with joysticks that don't look like they even have enough buttons. Especially strange since the cowriter Graham Linehan is a big video games fan, so I would've expected him to try and get it more accurate.

Speaking of Linehan, the IT Crowd has a lot of video game references, mostly in the menus for the DVDs.

>> No.938594


I know. I love it and own it on DVD. I have a thing for movies like that.

>> No.938597
File: 10 KB, 370x197, Juice-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone remember the original Street Fighter in the movie Juice?


>> No.938601

Is that the master system version?

>> No.938603

Winter Games for the NES seems to be a pretty popular game in a lot of TV shows and movies.

>> No.938605


Thank you tensnacks. Sorry about your trip being hacked.

>> No.938612

>Controller plugged into player 4

>> No.938616 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 589x375, 1289787485759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Retro Video Games in Popular Culture
> Any other examples you guys have found?
a 35 year old movie sponsored by Nintendo to hype the release of Mario 3 is a watershed moment in video game marketing history. It proved the demand of its rabid fan base could provide a significant return outside of the console market, grossing over 14 million, even if you feed them shill. The birth of the COD culture and one of the reasons vidya is randomly inserted into popular shows/films as a lure for a specific demographic. Entirely relevant to the thread.

>> No.938621
File: 50 KB, 640x478, 1299400508626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you will never be old enough to remember SMB3 being unveiled through "The Wizard"

I was born the year that movie came out.

>> No.938618 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 500x281, it_extras03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea, they never show the console they're playing it on and the joysticks they're using are both completely different.

The DVD menus for the IT Crowd are a rather interesting example. The first series had one based on old 80s computers like the C64 and ZX Spectrum, namely the games Jet Set Willy and Head Over Heels.

>> No.938625

OP here. Not really relevant, everyone has heard of that movie. It was more for obscure one off things. Thanks though.

>> No.938632

I saw it in the theater. Fred Savage and I are the same age.

>> No.938640
File: 303 KB, 854x478, Spaced Playstation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost forgot that Spaced had Tim play Playstation quite a lot. Resident Evil 2 somewhat figured into the plot of one episode and they even worked a bit of dialogue from it into the script. According to Simon Pegg he would actually sit there and play the game between shooting and was consciously trying to avoid "bad Playstation acting" and make it look authentic.

>> No.938659
File: 962 KB, 1496x759, Screen shot 2013-07-27 at 2.11.12 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go. A whole bunch of Sierra games in Striptease.

>> No.938672
File: 191 KB, 630x339, Screen shot 2013-07-27 at 2.16.39 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can anyone forget the Bomfunk MCs?



>> No.938693

In "The Glass House", the main character's little brother can be seen playing video games on various systems all throughout the movie, including the N64, a Gameboy Color and a Playstation. It plays into the plot, too, because the adoptive parents basically bribe the kid with those consoles.

>> No.938719

Didn't that show imply he made a lot more money than a few thousand a year?

>> No.938720

Those are easy to emulate, save for N64 games, but OoT has a great remake on 3DS. Just play em now.

>> No.938725

Guess that even Master System fans hated a pause button on the system.

>> No.938734

Wasn't Final Fantasy VIII in Charles Angels?

>> No.938739

He was a big time radio psychologist and lived in a kick ass apartment while indulging in fine wine, up scale entertainment, and generally the finer things in life.

Frasier was a pimp and living large.

Unrelatedly, Kirstie Alley ruined Cheers.

>> No.938746

I would play the hell out of a game like this, even if the commissioner part was stupid plot BS.

>> No.938752

>implying Earthbound is worth a few thousand dollars

>> No.938762
File: 67 KB, 750x390, Penny Arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically it stemmed from this and kind of spread afterwards, though whoever made the comic probably did get it from that.

>> No.938763

You can't imagine stupid college kids putting a cheat code like that in a multiplayer online game?

>> No.938767

I say "vidya games" because of KoTH. I have never seen that comic in my life.

>> No.938768

>Bobby Hill's video game system is an N64.

Yeah but every time you see him playing a videogame on it, its Tomb Raider.

At least he is in at least 3 or 4 episodes

>> No.938776

IIRC the first episode has a ZX Spectrum, it's even referred to by name.

>> No.938787
File: 278 KB, 600x347, zaxxon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corey Feldman plays Zaxxon in Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter.

>> No.938794
File: 111 KB, 604x438, chase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure the 'deflectors' in that show Cha$e in the Sci Fi channel were Wii remotes (with the little rubber protector) painted gold.

>> No.938843


The Ice King, in that Marceline episode, also had one, but inside a box.

Nintendo needs to learn that the NES is by far their most influential console, and none of their other consoles will ever, ever, be like it again. That was only because of illegal monopolistic contracts, though.

>> No.938849

>I married a man, Hank...not a ...gamer.

dem beta feels...

>> No.938892

Naturally the astrocade died after filming the scene in which it appeared.

>> No.938905
File: 724 KB, 3264x1840, IMG_20130726_120803_691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beemo related.

>> No.938919 [SPOILER] 
File: 58 KB, 520x1086, 1349500154131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Asuka plays a Sega Saturn in NGE

>> No.938920

That part was great.

>"Whadda ya know? I beat my high score!"

>> No.938925


Yeah, Sega partially funded the show, so they put one in.

Anybody mention that Jackie Chan movie with the Game Gear yet?

>> No.938924
File: 71 KB, 954x614, 1343168024959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.938928

In Alien: Resurrection, there's a scene early on where they play some then-current arcade fighter jet game. Searching for it on YouTube just brings up clips of games based on the movies...

>> No.938929
File: 115 KB, 415x338, eeeh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count?

>> No.938934

Not one that ended the game on everyone else's machine. But god mode type dealy? Yeah for sure. I'm cool with that at least.

>> No.938935

If it's CIB it might be, people are pretty stupid about that game's value.

>> No.938937
File: 258 KB, 760x417, game_gear_surf_ninjas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.938945
File: 12 KB, 410x273, turboexpressenemyofthestate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Turbo Express is used alot in Enemy of the State

>> No.938956

>Anybody mention that Jackie Chan movie with the Game Gear yet?

>> No.938963


wasn't RBI the one with the fat players?

>> No.938970
File: 1.72 MB, 1870x1432, Screen shot 2013-04-09 at 5.23.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, I been storing these up for a while. Dumping. This is Kids in the Hall

>> No.938975
File: 676 KB, 2560x1440, Screen shot 2013-04-05 at 9.35.43 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to the Future 2

>> No.938976
File: 2.54 MB, 2560x1440, Screen shot 2012-01-22 at 9.17.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toy Story 2

>> No.938978
File: 1.35 MB, 1826x1368, Screen shot 2012-02-17 at 6.09.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua Teen Hunger Force

>> No.938982
File: 1.07 MB, 1643x731, Screen shot 2012-05-22 at 6.23.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never Say Never Again

>> No.938991

Is it an evil terrorist machine?

>> No.939016


tantamount is a comparative. He meant 'testament'.

>> No.939018

I notice anytime a show does a plot that involves video games, it's basically about how addicting they are.
While they can be (how else can you explain the tf2 mann-conomy doing so well?) methinks it was also due to 80's and 90's fears about video games' corrupting influence. I bet they were just jealous, because any kid watching these shows would have enjoyed playing whatever vidya was shown much more.

>> No.939052

People were legitimately worried about the influence of video games on children, so it is no surprise. Remember the outrage caused by Doom, Postal or other games of they kind? Even after the retro days, we still had controvesies like the GTA:SA one.

>> No.939062


Videogames are STILL always the first thing to get blamed when there's some kind of violent incident. It'll be a while before everyone who didn't grow up playing and loving games is gone.

Even then the media will probably still jump on them.

>> No.939076

The train yard scene. I remember asking myself if this was the first streetfighter.

>> No.939104

Fucking loved that episode.

>> No.939110

Soldering is the future of video gaming. We just haven't reached it yet!!

>> No.939181

Ah yes, that was a good episode.

>> No.939184

Never noticed this one before.

>> No.939194

Rex plays the SNES alot in Toy Story 2, though I can't remember if it was the SNES or a generic console now that I think about it.

Andy has a couple of consoles in Toy Story 3 when he cleans his room out too.

>> No.939202 [DELETED] 

True, but the GTA:SA one is because of sex.
Videogames do a great job highlighting how you can show scores of people getting murdered but as soon as one chick shows her tits suddenly it's a crime.
To drag another topic into this I don't get why drawn porn of pedo stuff is a crime but drawing people getting viciously killed isn't.

>> No.939205

It makes the opening sequence that much more impressive that it's basically though the eyes of Rex as he interprets the pixels on the screen.

>> No.939216

I always chuckled when the game sound effects/console/controllers NEVER matched up, not even two out of three.

>> No.939227

I remember a Bond movie with a high class party hosted by the villain and there were some arcades in the big fancy hall for some reason, I think one was Centepide.

In the movie Sean Connery looked old, maybe it was his last movie on the role.

>> No.939235
File: 97 KB, 748x908, kchamp bloodsport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloodsport and the Karate Champ match

>> No.939236
File: 9 KB, 244x227, 1358851021443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that these shows have already been mentioned, but...

Chandler walks into the apartment and Joey is dressed as a 90's teen to prove he can play a young role as an actor (think backwards ball cap and saggy jeans). As he gets up from his chair, you can see he was playing Crash Team Racing, but he didn't bother to pause the game.

>Drew Carey Show
In one episode, I think the company is bribing him over something, so they give him a PS1 for his desk station. He's playing Madden, I think. Also in one of their April Fool's Day episodes, the scene is set as The Sims.

>> No.939237


oh yeah that was it

>> No.939250
File: 17 KB, 700x250, K-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

James Belushi killing time with Manhole in K-9. Bonus points for being a "Chekov's gun"

>> No.939263

My mind is fuzzy but I think there was a TMNT scene (second movie I guess) with the Foot clan recruiting youngsters by being cool and their lair had some arcades but maybe I'm mistaking it with a another movie.

>> No.939264

Oh yeah, he uses it as a fake remote for a supposed bomb later on, right?

>> No.939280



>> No.939278


And is busted when a sfx for loosing plays

>> No.939286

I remember in American Beauty where the daughter was playing gameboy while her friend was talking about how she wanted to fuck her dad.

Forgot if the gameboy even had a game inside of it.

>> No.939297
File: 34 KB, 640x368, snapshot20130726224121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not only the NES also a Atari 2600 and some other famous computers like PET2001 and Altair.
pic is from the first episode

>> No.939336
File: 16 KB, 608x352, snapshot20130726230056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Police Academy 7
The Gameboy is used as a prop for a fictional russian game referred as "The Game".

>dat acting at the beginning of the movie
>wiggling a gameboy like a wiimote
>its turned off, not even game inserted
pic fucking related

>> No.939376

They (the student devs) were sick of it ("psh nobody plays that anymore") so they probably wanted an excuse to take the server offline to use it for their newest project.

I probably watch too much KoTH

>> No.939386

You're right. It's MLB

>> No.939393

>Videogames are STILL always the first thing to get blamed when there's some kind of violent incident.
Or second after 4chan

>> No.939405

No body beats subzero! That's just stupid!

>> No.939404


Clearly that's not actually a gameboy and runs on entirely different hardware.

>> No.939408

Yeah KoTH has made several references to Tomb Raider and Lara Croft.

>> No.939415


You're referring to this right?


>> No.939591

I don't think so, the Master System version doesn't say "First Attack," and it was made by Tec Toy for Brazil.

>> No.939620

We established it's a ZX Spectrum

>> No.939647
File: 10 KB, 320x256, street_fighter_ii_06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the Amiga version. Which, as I remember, was truly awful. And with the controls somehow mapped to the one button Atari standard joysticks.

>> No.939657

Theres a scene in the goonies where the kids are playing Ocarina of Time

>> No.939662

This must be Super SF2, due to the "First Attack" message and the star win icon. Probably the SNES or Genesis version.

>> No.939672
File: 6 KB, 320x200, street_fighter_ii_08[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's not the Commodore version...

>> No.939695

I find that difficult to believe.

>> No.939702

> Surf Ninjas
Man, didn't think I'd see that mentioned.

>> No.939717

I love that movie, I don't care what anyone says

>> No.939718


>> No.939747

Why the hell is Ken doing a crouching kick in midair?

>> No.939758

Maybe that version recycled animation frames to save space.

>> No.939784


That's in the first movie, actually. There's a few scenes that show some kids playing NARC (fighting the final boss) in their warehouse/hideout/whatever.

>> No.939808

I remember having to watch this one movie back in elementary school, I think (so early 90's) that was about this black thug kid who goes back in time to slavery time to learn a lesson about something. How much it sucks to be a slave, or empowering the black kids during african american history month. I can't remember.

Anyways, at the being of the movie he was fencing goods out of the back of his car, and one of them was a nintendo

>> No.939818

All the time in Malcom in the Middle.

Actually, pretty much anything Nintendo in Malcom in the Middle.

>> No.939820

Oh, also Enemy of the State, he thought he bought a Game Boy but it was some NSA bullshit

>> No.939823

My cousin vinnie, He is playing TMNT on a NES

>> No.939827

Malcolm played Saturn.

>> No.939832

He said make it about nothing. Not worth nothing.

>> No.939837

But with EA it will cost $300m in marketing alone

>> No.939848

Turbo Express >>938945

>> No.939852
File: 429 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2013-07-26-20h43m02s215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.939889

I'd choose a mint Ted Williams rookie card.

>> No.939905


Stop it.

>> No.940141

I think there was one in malcom in the middle or was that a gameboy

>> No.940303

I am the moon master

>> No.940321

thanks for reminding about this movie.
>kid shoots a dude

damn 80s was awesome. fucking libs and soccer moms would be screaming now a days

>> No.940332

corey feldman was molested.

>> No.940347 [DELETED] 
File: 575 KB, 1246x866, 873187 - Klonoa Matthew_Perry klonoa_(character) twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There was an episode where Chandler gets a laptop and brags about how good Doom looks. I fucking hate Friends, but Matthew Perry is rather bro-tier.

>> No.940354


>> No.940403

Wild Gunmen Arcade cabinet in the cafe.

>> No.940438
File: 29 KB, 400x278, wife_and_kids_dreamcast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dreamcast in Wife and Kids

>> No.940808
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>> No.940928

Moot confirmed it was stay mad autist

>> No.940936


The father of the show has a sexual relation with a hobo for crack.

Beat that ALF

>> No.940938

>I cannot read the board's sticky that clarifies the rules

>> No.940939


Sadly they do that for show the incompetence of the son as a future mafia leader... So sad.

>> No.940941
File: 21 KB, 580x345, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wayne's World had some kind of Sonic 1 proto in it:

>In the movie Wayne's World, near the beginning, there is an advertisement for an arcade. In the background, you can clearly see that a pre-release version of Sonic 1 is being played. You can see the "Score Time and Rings" display in the upper corner, as well as a few rings and the Marble Zone background.

No idea where they got the footage from.

>> No.940945

Go make a thread then faggot

>> No.940943


That's gay. I want my BMO straight For fuck it anyways

>> No.941396

I remembered about 10 seconds after I posted that it wasn't allowed, but I didn't think anyone would be autistic to care either.

>> No.941420
File: 115 KB, 480x342, where.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.941643

Why would anyone want to have sex with some dumb bitch doesn't want to play Final Fantasy II for the SNES?

>> No.941654


I don't think you understand what that word means. I know it's summer and you're want to be one of the cool kids before you start high school, but please don't use words when you have no idea what they mean.

>> No.941664

Why would I choose? I'd take Lauren Holly smeared in chocolate cake while we both play Game Boys with a link cable.

The question is what game to play while taking Lauren Holly smeared in chocolate cake?

>> No.941678

. . . are there more movies like that?

>> No.941739

Tetris DX.

>> No.941753

And every time you make a tetris, she curls her toes, arches her back, and begs for more of your thick, long hard lines.

>> No.941776
File: 722 KB, 767x496, two best friends play.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.941835

loveloveloved this movie as a kid.

Even the kids' neckbeard game store friend was fairly treated and quite accurate.

>> No.941881

>JVC Super VHS
This shop has damn good taste.

>> No.941885

yeah, your right bro

>> No.941893
File: 47 KB, 600x430, virtual boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

George also had a Virtual Boy.

>> No.941919


That's what happens when you're a kid working for Hollywood.

>> No.943073
File: 46 KB, 420x432, west feeladelphia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those feels. He'll always be Fresh Prince to me.



>> No.943096

Fuck you.

>> No.943115

You're my new best friend.

>> No.943134
File: 54 KB, 512x384, Baywatch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an episode of Baywatch where mini Hasslehoff gets into a fight because he beats a guy in SF2CE. They show the game a few times, real sounds, and he explains the whole deal to his dad.

>> No.943140
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>> No.943141
File: 60 KB, 512x384, Baywatch3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I lost, better chuck a beer at the cab

>> No.943145
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the end

>> No.943147

the reason he said the mass produced Eva kills bad guys is because Williams is a Reifag

>> No.943209

always wanted to know the name of that game

>> No.943207

Powerpuff Girls and Dexter's Lab frequently show an N64. I'm having trouble finding pictures and I don't feel like sifting through and screencapping.
BMO seems to be a Gameboy with an NES/SNES built in. Something like a $200 emulation machine.

>> No.943219
File: 16 KB, 480x360, emilio_arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pre-fame Emilio Estevez chilling out at the arcade in "The Bishop of Battle," a segment from the horror anthology "Nightmares."

>> No.943220


Looks like Berzerk for the Atari 2600.

>> No.943236 [SPOILER] 
File: 24 KB, 375x500, cartucho-para-atari-2600-edu-juegos_MLA-F-4512576961_062013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, that's what Earl said.

I have the cartridge but it's a pirate one (pic related), so it has another label and until now I never knew the name of one of my favourites for the 2600

>> No.943256

This is the single greatest vidya reference of all fucking time.

>> No.943258
File: 84 KB, 500x333, berserker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He called it "Berserker."

>> No.943280


>dat long ass arm


>> No.943321

Where to start...

Corey Feldman is a bigtime gamer. He built his own MAME machine.

That 70's show has some gaming anachronisms, like Asteroids showing up years early.

Robin Williams, gah what a geek. Love him!

The Doom 2 prop from Grosse Point Blank appears in a Seinfeld episode.

Seinfeld's only saving grace (Terrible show...ugh) is all the easter Eggs. Watch his show closely and you'll see things you never noticed, like a mockup NES box for Simcity (!!!!)

>> No.943328

>Corey Feldman is a bigtime gamer. He built his own MAME machine.
Really? He seems like a bro.

>> No.943340

2 player SMB3 in Beethoven.


>> No.943341



Gamer for LIFE.

>> No.943343

Well he did have access to Michael Jacksons personal arcade.

>> No.943350
File: 721 KB, 418x647, mj and sanic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, Michael Jackson was big into Sega, huh?

The whole Sonic 3 music thing aside, he had that Moonwalker game, which he actually assisted in production of. And later assisted in development and made a cameo in Space Channel 5 on the Dreamcast.

Any other stories involving MJ and vidya games? Like some specific on what games he liked besides Sanic and his own?

Also, >personal arcade
is that some sort of joke or are you actually talking about the arcade he had?

>> No.943372


After he died, there was a website that gave you a 360-degree tour of his arcade.

The games looked like they hadn't been played in ages.

>> No.943381

Here it is:

>> No.943385

I love that game. it isn't very good but there's a place in my heart for it.

it isn't that bad.

>> No.943387

>The games looked like they hadn't been played in ages.
well he has been dead anon

>> No.943389


Yeah, but those pictures were taken in 2008, BEFORE he died.

>> No.943392

we play that game. we get pretty crazy with it.

>> No.943397
File: 30 KB, 390x310, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he had karate champ

>> No.943409

think he ever had maintenance on them from time to time?
He probably only played there when there was a bunch of kids pizza partying there man.

Its a shame hollywood is so pedofied.
being a childstar must suck.

>> No.943412
File: 72 KB, 616x353, corey_haim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, just ask this g-Oh... wait. ;_;

>> No.943425

>Seinfeld's only saving grace (Terrible show...ugh)

>> No.943454


Happiness(1998). It's a dark comedy but holy fuck it takes 'dark' to a whole new level.


>> No.943772

There are signs on some of the games that say "do not touch."

>> No.943796

Too bad the kids didn't have those signs on them.

>> No.943812


>> No.943969
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>> No.944018

I think the Atari 400/800 version was found, though, with the name Agent X. They had to recover it from a floppy that was literally folded up into a 1/4 size square.

>> No.944028

It's actually believed to be a prototype of SF2 SCE for Mega Drive, Even predating the odd SF2 Turbo prototype.

>> No.944098

>those thighs
I'll take her.

>> No.944407

His head looks identical in both photos, it looks like it was photoshopped into the first one. Otherwise those are gold.

>> No.944894
File: 39 KB, 580x884, oot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mayor plays OoT in an episode of Powerpuff Girls.

>> No.944902

There's the picture. I knew he played a zelda where he just fucking hit himself in the head. Then the girls play Puppet Pals 64, which is just the one bonking the other one repeatedly.

>> No.945710

Not shopped.
There just isn't a whole lot of variance in his smiles due to the prominence of his jawline and how significantly his face has been altered by plastic surgery.

>> No.945938

This sounds like a joke, but this is basically what simple mode on mvc3 is

>> No.946328

Doom Rails. Not even kidding.

>> No.946419


Load site, first thing I spot is a Zoltan machine.


Also, Big opened with Tom Hanks playing a game, which I think was Colossal Cave Adventure?

>> No.946427
File: 950 KB, 908x581, ayaotd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are You Afraid of the Dark had a few. In the tale of the Crimson Clown, the kid buys what looks like a fake Genesis game. He also had an NES sitting on his desk.

>> No.946437


There's actually a Kids In the Hall episode where one of the guys wears a Zork! sweater.

Ever since I saw it, I've been looking for that sweater.

>> No.946446

Hate me for it, but it bears mentioning.
In an episode of Big Bang Theory, Leonard and Sheldon's apartment gets broken into, and he rolls off a list of game systems that got stolen.
And there's probably a few shots of them throughout the series.

On a much happier note, how does /vr/ like Code Monkeys?

>> No.946452

>Any other stories involving MJ and vidya games? Like some specific on what games he liked besides Sanic and his own?
Supposedly he owned a Darkstalkers cabinet.

>> No.946468

I remember Code Monkeys for 3 things:
>Pretty unique visually in that I don't think anyone's tried an animated sitcom done in sprites
>Jonathan Coulton opening theme
>Cock Goblin

>> No.946851

>how does /vr/ like Code Monkeys?
Unique, and therefore not bad.

>> No.946862

It's ok, but I'm not into stoner humor so that aspect turned me off.

>> No.946876

>gets called out on standard autistic antisocial behavior

confirmed for autism

>> No.946880

Code Monkey very simple man with big warm fuzzy secret heart. You should play Game Dev Story if you haven't already. Also not every board hates Big Bang Theory like /tv/ and its wretched ilk.

>> No.946927

>"They took our PS2, our PS3, our Xbox, our Xbox 360, our Classic Nintendo, our Super Nintendo, our Nintendo 64, and our Nintendo Wii"
No Sega. /vr/ is unimpressed. At least their list of games wasn't flagrantly contradicted by their list of systems plus they only list Final Fantasy 1-9 so they cut it off at /vr/ FFs


>> No.946976

Who are you misquoting?

>> No.947196

Your mama

>> No.947376

Charlie's Angels had a scene where two kids were button mashing to FF8


>> No.947391

Is Spaced actually a good show?

>> No.947401


Fuck yes.

>> No.947404

Only 14 episodes anyhow.
I'll check it out.

>> No.947429


FFII is garbage.

>> No.947440


Fuck my ctrl button


>> No.947445

Are you trying to talk trash about FF2us or FF2j?

>> No.947462



>> No.947472

>FFIIUS is garbage
How does it feel to be that wrong?

>> No.947473


>> No.947503


I see flip flop threads on that stupid game all the time. It's either not liked or everybody loves it.

>> No.947504

>"Oh, you mean the holes."

>> No.947509



>> No.947516

>Fuck the gameboy
>Play with the cake
>Eat Lauren Holly

>> No.947845

In "Romeo must Die" they were playing a football game on the Playstation

>> No.947928

That was when Marble Zone had UFOs in the sky. Wayne's World came out in 1992, why couldn't they have just taken footage from the released game?

>> No.948042

Movies are made before they come out

>> No.948048

You're blowing my mind here, dude.

>> No.948090

Hahaha, yeah, I see your point. It's just weird to see a proto like that.

>> No.951058

There's a Virtual Boy in one episode, too.

>> No.951072

use that logic with anything else that appears for 45 seconds

It's amazing how much work goes into filming

>> No.951078

It's obviously because they wanted to make it look obvious they were playing Doom 2

>> No.952298
