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File: 357 KB, 1360x432, donkey-kong-country-snes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
936706 No.936706 [Reply] [Original]

>Best overworld
>Best soundtrack
>Best level design
A tie between DKC 2 and DKC 3
>Best completion bonus
>Best characters and character design
>Best atmosphere
Can we all agree on this ?

>> No.936710

DK64 beats all

>> No.936727

No it doesn't
>Sloppy controls
>Way too many collectibles
>Forgettable soundtrack
At least it introduced Lankey Kong who was fucking awesome

>> No.936771

>best atmosphere

Hell no. DKC2 oozes atmosphere.

>> No.936778

>Holding up DKC while talking about sloppy controls

>> No.936797
File: 132 KB, 256x250, dkl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you for the most part, but 2 had a better soundtrack than one.

Also props on recognizing how good 3 is, it is criminally underrated, although on a personal level I'd say 2 has a better atmosphere, but I most certainly see where you are coming from.

DKL2 > DKL3 > DKL in level design
DKL > DKL2 > DKL3 in music
DKL3 > DKL2 > DKL in gameplay and overall enjoyability

>> No.936804

ITT: muh nasty pre rendered graphics nostalgia

>> No.936812

They're good games, I go back and replay more often than I should.

But if you don't like them, then thats your opinion, just don't try to start things, please.

>> No.936817

>Best soundtrack
>DKC 1

Gonna have to disagree there. DKC2's soundtrack was superior, though DKC1 was good too.

>> No.936828
File: 60 KB, 600x630, Koin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you all of those, OP, though I think 1 and 2 should tie when it comes to music.


>DK Coin collecting

Koin was one of my favorite parts of DKC3, I loved some of the trickshots.

>> No.936830

DKC 2 doesn't have the bright colors of DKC 3, it's all muddy and disgusting to look at, i don't deny that DKC 2 have a nice atmosphere but it's ruined by the way the game looks

>> No.936836

I went from Super Mario World to these games, and jesus christ they were fucking AWFUL. I returned them to the store within a week.

>> No.936838
File: 19 KB, 402x268, 1373588977033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fucking nigger.

Going home to get my SNES in a few days, I'm going to replay DKC3 first, just because of this fucking post

>> No.936847

I actually liked DKC2's atmosphere better than 3's but thats just my opinion. However 2 had the best soundtrack. you can't beat stickerbush symphony.

>> No.936846

>Best overworld
>Best soundtrack
>Best level design
A tie between DKC 2 and DKC 1
>Best completion bonus
>Best characters and character design
>Best atmosphere

DKC2 is pretty much the peak of the series, in every direction. I only wish there was a way to unlock DK playable, but oh well, Diddy and Dixie are good enough.

Soundtrack for 2 is best just because of this track alone:

yeah it wasn't bramble blast

>> No.936854

Thats my favorite track as well, it transitioned very well into 8bit in the DKL2 version. Give it a listen.

>> No.936860


You easily can with Forest Interlude

renate constantly, good advice

>> No.936861
File: 16 KB, 256x224, dk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only wish there was a way to unlock DK playable
DKC3 would have been a lot better if DK had just returned and you had to rescue Diddy instead.

>> No.936862


Haha, at first it starts off weird... then it really picks up, dope as fuck. Love it

>> No.936868
File: 501 KB, 650x1300, 1371076305029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My thoughts exactly

>> No.936872

Best soundtrack is 2 then 1 then 3.

best level Design i would say they are all fucking great but 2 is very slightly above 1 and 3

best completion bonus? 3 was pretty fucking awesome how you went inside the volcano and got the video at the end when you beat the game but 2 did have K rool get thrown to the sharks. They were both awesome

Man, everytime I start thinking of 2>1>3 I start remember how awesome 3 is and all the great things it did but them I'm playing 1 right now and I love the forest and snow areas but then 2 had all those great soundtracks and bosses. It's so hard to choose but I think we all agree that it goes 2>1>3

>> No.936876 [DELETED] 
File: 2.12 MB, 360x213, 1335648057133.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.936880

shit I've never heard this before, it's great

>> No.936882
File: 2.65 MB, 1659x1659, The DK Crew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Best characters and character design
I actually want to nominate DKCTF for this.

>> No.936885

It's obvious you never played DKC 3, or at least haven't played it recently. The level design is genious and every single level offers a new twist, you can see that they put a lot of thought into every level so that it doesn't get repetitive

>> No.936894
File: 271 KB, 392x553, ooyg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DKL has a lot of good music.

DKL2 and 3 were pretty much 8bit versions of the original soundtracks, and the Disco Train remake was the highlight of DKL2's music IMO
DKL3's music isn't bad at all, but it lacks anything that really sticks out.

>> No.936896 [DELETED] 

You sir, are going to need to dump any more gifs from this film plx

>> No.936897
File: 2.12 MB, 360x213, 1335648057133.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.936909 [DELETED] 

Sorry, but that's the only one i have >>936897

>> No.936913



>Level Design



>> No.936919

>Best overworld
DKC1, it's a fucking mountain in the shape of DK's head. With every zone you climb higher, and the final bosses ship gets closer and closer, really building up to the confrontation.
>Best soundtrack
DKC2, it has Stickerbrush Symphony, Forest Interlude, K.Rool Duel, Funky Flights II, a more tribal cover of Jungle Hijinx, a bouncier cover of Gangplank Galleon, and that amazing final boss theme. There's so much to enjoy. Can't forget the map theme either.
>Best level design
DKC 3, almost every level had a special something to do in it while you still contained full control of Dixie and Kiddy, outside of the few vehicle levels. Time attack, outrunning a buzzsaw, having to kill all the mice, avoiding cannonfire from an unseen foe, reversed controls, running through a thunder storm, there were few levels without something entirely unique to them.
>Best completion bonus
DKC 2, beating Mario, Link and Yoshi and then blowing up the entirety of the enemies fucking homeland is better than freeing some giant banana bird mother who you don't meet until the final part of the game.
>Best characters and character design
DKC2 has all of the bet ones in it, DK, Diddy, Dixie, Cranky, Funky, the best designed Kremlins, classic Zingers, that Swanky.
>Best atmosphere
DKC2, it took full advantage of you being on the enemies island. Most of the kremlins had pirate attire, you swam through sunken ships, there was a big fucking traitor who would let you into his golden barrel if you paid him enough. What natural beauty remained untouched by the pirates was all perilous to remind you you're still in dangerous territory; marshlands, masses of thorns and boiling lava. Combined with the music and the gameplay, I think this is why people remember DKC2 more fondly, and why DKC3 initially pales in comparison until you play it and get involved.

>> No.936927


>> No.936940

This game looks totally fucking awesome but I have no money at the moment.

>> No.936949

I'm super excited about it too. But every time I see a thread about it on /v/ all it turns into is just another console war thread.

>> No.936952
File: 70 KB, 740x406, monkeying around.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game will be the reason I buy a Wii U, honestly.

Also I never understood the hate for Kiddy Kong, I didn't mind him as a character, and playing around as a giant dumbass baby in dangerous terrain always made me laugh.

>> No.936957
File: 90 KB, 318x235, lWPdJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of them were really tricky wich provides you with a genuine satisfaction when you get them

>> No.936964

Oh look they're playing N64 on the N64

>> No.936974

This game is looking great and all, but I sure do miss K. Rool and the Kremlings as the main villains.

At least the penguins and seals look cool, relatively speaking.

>> No.936984

I miss K Rool too, does Microsoft hold the rights for the karacter?

>> No.936986
File: 34 KB, 688x387, dkception.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw some kid back in high school stole my copy of DKC3 and moved away

Those games are really expensive now. I want to go back in time just so I can punch him in the face.

>> No.937000

Nope, Nintendo does, he appeared in a few mario games.

I guess Retro just wanted to try something different for once, but it feels like something crucial is missing.

>> No.937001
File: 10 KB, 65x161, LeMonkeyFace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more for the Expand Dong family.

>> No.937007

They never held the rights in the first place I don't think. Nintendo always had them. His trophy has been in at least one of the smash games I know it. and plus kremlings were in Mario Strikers and Dixie is returning.

>> No.937008

none of the the DKC games are expensive

>> No.937015
File: 129 KB, 300x340, uh oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know how that feels, I loaned my SNES to my friend so he could play with his family, his father who speaks no english gave it away to some guy who just moved from Laos, he thought it was his.

I recently won a goodwill auction for a SNES and all 3 DKC's though, so all is finally right in the world again however.

>> No.937021

They are where I live, anyway. The sellers must be all a bunch of dicks.

>> No.937123


I want to be excited, but I really wasn't digging 4 on the Wii. Ignoring waggling, the minecart level was heinous level design, with all the scripted explosions going on and you having to make a specific jump on that one enemy to make it or die.

It left a sore impression. I hope they work out the issues in 5. I really, really do.

>> No.937129
File: 47 KB, 225x225, Hank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some guy who just moved from Laos

Sooo.. was he Chinese or Japanese?

>> No.937148

I really liked those minecart levels it seemed so crazy how it looked like you were in a cutscene with the explosions but some of those timed jumps did get annoying. very fun with friends. Did anybody here actually use the 2-player function in the DKC games?

>> No.937153
File: 101 KB, 480x360, he-man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then we get the Koindozer level where half the enemies are weaponized versions of Koin that don't directly hurt you but push you off the stage.

>> No.937168

Agree except for character design.
I would give that to 3. Now, did I LIKE Kiddy? No, but I think it WORKS better. Lets compare:
DKC: two best buds
DKC 2: couple
DKC 3: babbysitter of a kid that's actually physically stronger than them. sort of like king kong :O

The first two are fine, just not very interesting.

And I feel like not a true fan asking this, but what are these completion bonuses?

>> No.937180

>DKC1 comes out
>original Donkey Kong arcade game was about 13 years old at that point
>they make the original DK character in to an old man: Cranky Kong
>introduce a new Donkey Kong

>fast-forward to 2013
>DKC1 will be 20 years old in 2014
>we still have the same Donkey Kong and Cranky Kong despite more time having passed between now and DKC than passed between DK and DKC.

>> No.937223

I liked played Donkey Kong

So for me DKC2 and DKC3 sucked and I hated playing through them, I forced myself and thought I'd like them but they both sucked and didn't have any of the charm the first one had.

>> No.938532
File: 272 KB, 900x567, cranky kong is vr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, DKCR implies that the Cranky Kong in that game is the Donkey Kong from DKC. His lines make reference to the original DKC instead of the arcade Donkey Kong.

>> No.938773

DK64 was shit. The controls were shit and controlling the POV were atrocious.

>> No.938781

Highly disagree. I think you'd find most people disagree.
I went from SMW to DKC1, right when DCK1 came out and I fucking loved it. I put DKC series and SM series up as my favorite platformers on SNES.

Also, I never beat DKC3 because I only rented it, never owned it. So I can't really make an informed decision on it, but I did think the whole overworld was cool.
I'd say I liked DKC1 the most. I liked the worlds more.

>> No.939269

I liked it. A far cry from the 2-D games but still fun.

>> No.939310

I am half way through with DKC2 and one thing that annoys me a bit, which is that the worlds, or whatever you should call them, aren't consistent in the way DKC's worlds were.
In the jungle world, the levels are jungle or damp caverns. In the factory world, the levels are mostly industrial. In the snowy mountains the levels are snowy. It just makes sense.
In DKC2 the type of levels are, seemingly, random. First there could be an underwater level, then a bee hive level, then a crystal cave level. Why didn't they keep the consistency from the first game? Otherwise it's pretty damn great.

>> No.939341

>Best overworld
>Best soundtrack
Tie between DKC 2 & 3
>Best level design
>Best completion bonus
>Best characters and character design
>Best atmosphere
Tie between DKC 2 & 3

>> No.939351

Frankly, the Diddy/ Dixie team worked best. The combination of speed + flying > speed + strength or flying + strength. It's just... More appropriate for a platformer.

They could've left it at that, send DK on a vacation to avoid repeating the plot of part 2, and solve the Kremling mystery for some other reason than relatives being abducted.

>> No.939357

>best completion bonus? 3 was pretty fucking awesome how you went inside the volcano and got the video at the end when you beat the game but 2 did have K rool get thrown to the sharks. They were both awesome
>but 2 did have K rool get thrown to the sharks
He means 100% (102%/ 105%) completion bonus. Which is the Kremling Island exploding as the temple detonates, and K Rool rowing away on a raft.

>> No.939927
File: 41 KB, 250x247, donkey kong land 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do all you guys think of the Donkey Kong Land series? I think 2 and 3 are some of the best platformers on the gameboy

>> No.939959

I... hated DKC3.

>> No.939980

They're really good, although sometimes I had trouble telling the sprites from the backgrounds. I guess that's to be expected, though.

>> No.940005

Oh that was terrible in 2 especially

>> No.940038

Maximum Autism alert.
> DKC2 really annoys me because of the font they use on the overworld.

That terrible shape and horrible yellow was the worst thing ever. Especially compared to the classy font that DKC1 had.

>> No.940047

Love those games to the fucking death. Play 1 all the time since forever, never got tired of it, 2 and 3 are also great. Surprisingly though, 2 would be the worst because it's more of a demake of Country 2.

>> No.940115

I agree that two kinda lacks in that regard.
DKL1 has the best music, but FUCK those cloud levels, FUCK THEM

>> No.940125

Wait, the font in DKC is different from the one in DKC2 & DKC3?

>> No.940329

this is why i love /vr/

>> No.940334

I honestly never played DKC3. I hear its the best in that trilogy and sometimes the worst. Guess ill give it a whirl soon though.

>> No.940343

Its a fantastic game, as other anons stated before, it has level design that some would say surpasses DKC2. The first few levels are just deceptively simple, and the game gets much more difficult later on.

>> No.940346
File: 22 KB, 479x480, 1372823481786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, i decided to change my list after reading some of the posts:
>best overworld
>Best soundtrack
DKC 2 (i guess i just wanted to include DKC 1 in the list)
>Best level design
DKC 3 (i wanted to include DKC 2 because i really fucking love the beehive and castle levels, but i guess DKC 3 is the best if only for the tree level with the saw)
>Best completion bonus
>Best characters and character design
>Best atmosphere
.......i still think it's DKC 3

>> No.940349
File: 68 KB, 705x400, 1344138021767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with this revised list 100%

>> No.940356

Also, what do you guys think of the GBA ports? They slaughtered the sounds (Except the music in 3), had a TON of glitches and oversights, and sloppily ported the sprites, but had more emphasis on collectables (or in DKC1 and 2 GBA, more collectibles in general), and minigames.

One thing that bugged me about DKC2 GBA is that when Dixie runs, her sprite is a lot bigger than her walking/standing sprite.
Sorry if discussing the GBA games aren't exactly retro

>> No.940359

Aren't the GBA ports notoriously bad?

I cant remember which port of DKC one is really bad its either the GBC or GBA one.

>> No.940362

>Best overworld
2 > 3 > 1
>Best soundtrack
2 > 1 > 3
>Best level design
2 > 1 > 3
>Best completion bonus
2 > 3 > 1
>Best characters and character design
2 > 1 > 3
>Best atmosphere
2 > 1 > 3

>> No.940365
File: 282 KB, 476x364, dkc3 96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man the GBC one is garbage, everything looks very cluttered and you can't see shit.
the GBA one is OK, but they changed the overworld maps into cheesy 3D maps, and changed the sounds that Kremlings made into the n64 sounds.

Also what pissed me off the most is that in the GBA port of 3 they changed how the fucking bears looked! Now they're all big beefy grizzly bears, unlike pic related

>> No.940367

>Best overworld
>Best soundtrack
>Best level design
DKC 2, DKC3 took the gimmicks too far to the point that I just wanted normal levels
>Best completion bonus
>Best characters and character design
>Best atmosphere

>> No.940378

DKC soundtrack is obviously the best.
Unless ya take it into account of atmosphere.

>> No.940657

One of the greatest levels, together with

>Blazing Bazookas
>Krevice Kreepers
>Ropey Rumpus
>Konveyor Rope Clash
>Stampede Sprint
>Criss Kross Cliffs

>> No.940659

>Best Overworld
>Best Soundtrack
>Best Level Design
Tie between DKC2 and DKC3
>Best Completion Bonus
DKC2, although DKC3 has a good secret world too.
>Best Characters and Character Design
>Best Atmosphere

>> No.940675

That fucking game was hard as fuck... GB DKL were hard as shit.

>> No.940680

Hell yea.
DKC2 had the best set of enemies. All dark and pirate-like.