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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 138 KB, 399x400, hotu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
932970 No.932970 [Reply] [Original]

Remember Home of the Underdogs /vr/?

>> No.932980

I remember some fag named George

>> No.933001


>> No.934489
File: 217 KB, 770x650, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless the Random Pick button. I don't think I would have ever found Deadly Rooms of Death on my own.

>> No.934520

Oh man, the memories.

>> No.934594

Good memories...before the regulation.

>> No.934790

Yes. Oh man, I miss them.

>> No.934945

What awesome games has HOTU introduced you to?

>> No.934951

forgot about it until now.
it's doing fine, right?

>> No.934958

Didn't they die about 4 years ago?

>> No.934962


>> No.934967

I remember, I just hadn't been there in years. I used to go there and to other abandonware sites all the time as a teenager whenever I was feeling bored and wanted to try something new.

>> No.934971

Without this site I would have never have found out about many favorites I sometimes play to this day: Darklands, 4D Boxing, Abuse, Emperor of the Fading Suns...

>> No.934982

They removed any and all files from the site. Even scans of manuals and freeware. The site has become nothing more than a catalog of old games with a search button marked "Where to get it" that leads to a Google search. It's effectively dead and gone, but no one has bothered to bury the body, so all it does now is rot and stink up the place.

>> No.934989

What happened to the chick that ran it? I remember she talked about server costs a lot on irc a while back

>> No.935001

Yeah, it was the prst abandonware portal ever.

>> No.935016

The overview on all the titles was amazing back in the day when most Abandonware sites were a long column of direct links. I remember discovering plenty of favorites I wouldn't have otherwise known about from checking out the list of 'similar' games.

>> No.935017

This is where I first discovered System Shock

>> No.935029

>Forum: Site Concerns / Suggestions Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:32 pm Subject: Site reconstruction

>Any form of download is absolutely out of question. Not with this whole ACTA/SOPA/PIPA things. The danger of HotU being shut down is simply far too high.

Last post made by the site admin on the forums. I guess they got tired of dealing with the site, since this doesn't explain why even the freeware stuff like 5 Days A Stranger hasn't got proper "where to get it" links.

>> No.935053


3 big ones for me - wasteland, the elite sequels, and live a live on SNES. Although mostly pc, or did have a good little console section hidden in the special collections

>> No.935058


In spite of all of that, I still find it a good resource to find out about titles, if not find the download itself. This site still holds a special place in my heart

>> No.935494

Nowadays there are still other abandonware pages, and projects like The Complete Dos Collection keep these games from dissapearing.

>> No.935506

Actually, it was worse for the history of videogames the death of underground gamer than the death of HotU

>> No.935548

I remember it and acid-play.com

>> No.935856

It's too bad the old host shut down without warning leaving her with only database backups and not the files.

She hadn't had a lot of time to manage the site for a long time so she passed on the db to the public. This resulted in 4 or 5 clones of it with their download links pointing to a google search for the title (usually "<name> download"), most running on domain names that were variations of the old one. (I think there's only one left that's relevant but I haven't looked lately.)

She runs (or ran) a Thai blog I believe.

There are a lot of good games I would never have heard of had it not been for this website, I was sad to see it go.

>> No.938531

None of them kept the files, and most of the reviews are not that great. That just did show that some people can't move on, while others try to jump into the wagon just to try taking a bit of the fame.

Anyway, all the games HotU had are kept all around the net.

>> No.938572


>> No.938631


You are on the wrong site! Try hotud.org

>> No.938881

Those are not the original uploads.

>> No.938996

Triumph War 2099

>> No.939027


fuck yeah holy fuck

I dreamt about that game last night and forgot its name and now you mention it