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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 263 KB, 1280x720, oculus rift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
931614 No.931614 [Reply] [Original]

How could the upcoming Oculus Rift be used to enjoy Retro games? I mean, Virtual Boy emulation is obvious, but any other ideas?
Other thing I had in mind were pixel filters that utilize depth.

>> No.931621

Just using it as a monitor would be out of the question, right?

>> No.931656

Yeah, that's a given. I could imagine Super Metroid on OR and good headphones would make a very immersive experience.

>> No.933446

A virtual arcade?

>> No.933483
File: 75 KB, 569x480, gamespys-top-50-arcade-games-of-all-time-20110225033253367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it would be fantastic for games like Star Wars where you were enclosed in the cabinet.

You could also have other arcade machines lined up in the arcade around you while you play and virtual people playing them and making noise because why the hell not.

>> No.933501

Still not keen on the idea of strapping a monitor to my head. Back in the day, the Virtual Boy and Game Gear fucked up my eyes.

>> No.933502

Um... yeah... no.

>> No.933541

The RIft only really works well with games that you can tolerate taking up most of your FOV. There honestly aren´t many such retro games.

>> No.933551
File: 14 KB, 400x265, Sentinel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sentinel would be INTENSE.

>> No.933570

Custer's Revenge

That is all

>> No.933585
File: 6 KB, 256x224, 270744-chiller-nes-screenshot-the-guillotine-and-the-vice-work-s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.933590


>> No.933602


Buying an "immersive" version of that will probably end up with your name on an FBI list somewhere.

>> No.933623
File: 870 KB, 1401x894, Famicom_3D_box[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sega Master System 3D games
Laseractive 3D games
Famicom 3D games
Arcade 3D games

There are more retro 3D games than you think.

>> No.933630

It may be good for first person dungeon crawlers. Not getting one either way, I dont like the idea.

>> No.933628
File: 5 KB, 256x224, lmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Lawnmower Man was pretty much made for this.

>> No.933637

>I dont like the idea.
Why not?

>> No.933639

King's Field

>> No.934305

The problem with using it for older games is everything would just look like a garbled clump of pixels. Only games with graphics mods would be playable with that thing

>> No.934341
File: 26 KB, 220x300, Jumpingflash_boxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prepare your anus.

>> No.934360

Could Oculus Rift actually work for retro games like Doom? Things like jDoom make it fully 3D (even sprites can be converted to 3D models).

That would be so fucking amazing. Thing is it doesn't work that way right? In order for OR to work, they need to make the game compatible with it right? Could the modding community do that on its own?

Ugh I want this thing so bad.

>> No.934362

Sure Rift only really works with FPS games?

>> No.934363


>> No.934376

Why on Earth would I want to look at the horse anus that was the Virutal Boy?
I mean, yeah, everything else is cool and all, but the Virtual Boy does not come to mind as things I'd want to use the occulous for.
(Personally, I'd play a GTA with first person mods with it.)

>> No.934383 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 400x400, so this is love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(Personally, I'd play a GTA with first person mods with it.)
Even GTA IV would be fun that way... with OR. Goddamn.

>> No.934387

I'd see the strippers first thing. heh.

Oh my goodness gracious me there's gonna be an insane amount of porn of OR. I wonder if they can make movies specific to OR. If they can, porn sales are going to skyrocket...

>> No.934394

One question about Oculus Rift...

I know that if you turn your head, it's like turning your head irl and you change your view... but what if, for example, you look to the right with just your eyes but keep your head straight? Would that actually work, or can you only change your view only by turning your head?

>> No.934414

Die by the Sword would be fucking awesome.

It would be the same as looking right without turning your head IRL (ie. moving your focus point within FOV).

>> No.934418

>Die by the Sword
i fucking love you dude. come chop my fucking arm off, free of charge, in this virtual landscape

>> No.934431

>Super Metroid
>Not immersive on its own

Um... yeah... no.

>> No.934441

Why are people so in love with this stupid thing?
Wake me up when it can interact with the nervous system.

>> No.934445

have you ever actually played virtual boy?
judging from your way of calling it a 'horse anus' makes me think you've only heard of it but never given it a shot

>> No.934452

The games don't need to be 'OR compatible' unless you want the head-turning functionality.

>> No.934485

>create ultimate retro gaming setup in VR
>equip Oculus Rift

>> No.934502


>lay on bed
>OR on head
>9001 doritos and mountain dew bottles scattered around you
>lay there for a week, nourishing your decaying body with that shit, not once getting up

would this be healthy

>> No.934521

Er... it is interacting with your nervous system. Even old games are interacting with your nervous system. You're seeing and responding to them aren't you? Fucking retard.

>> No.934534
File: 199 KB, 580x307, cinema3d-100041677-large-100045451-large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oculus Rift even has a farking cinema App. You can watch movies on it like you're at a cinema, and it will actually feel like you're looking at a huge cinema screen. I mean... it's just fucking incredible. Destroys even conventional television. I'd imagine you could watch anything like you're at the cinema... maybe you could even put old retro video games on there and feel like you are playing retro vidya on a huge ass screen.

Also, they're aiming for the final release of OR to be full 1080p. This thing is gonna be sex. I really can't wait for it.


>> No.934541

>“the field of view (FOV) is so wide that a switch in your brain flips, and within a few seconds your brain feels like that is reality. It feels that what it’s looking at is actually where you are. If you have a small FOV, like many of the previous devices out there, your brain knows it’s looking at a screen.”

holy shit

>> No.934550

Propaganda. Everyone who uses it says that the resolution is so low you get a screen door effect that makes everything seem incredibly artificial. Obviously you might be able to get over that after a few hours of use, but it's still not going to be ideal until we get a lot higher resolution head displays than the OR.

>> No.934560

I've used the devkit version and it is incredibly immersive despite being only 720p. The final consumer version will be 1080p, rendering your point moot.

>> No.934579
File: 288 KB, 398x400, so this is love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These guys tried the 1080p version, which is what the final thing will be.

Take it right up your ass you cynical little bitch. Ahhhh, yeaaaahhhh, I'm cummmiiiiiiiinnngggggg.

>> No.934581

Cool story, bro. My dad works at Nintendo and says you're wrong.

Every single review says the exact same thing. And it's not going to be 1080p. If it's not 1080p at this point in development, it's not going to be when it's released. They're just baiting you. Maybe the next generation, not this one. Even if it were, that doesn't render any point moot. You're still only getting 1/2 those pixels per eye, it's not enough of an increase to eliminate the massive pixels.

You really can't be naive enough to believe that first generation mass produced home 3D headgear is going to be even close to perfect, can you? Like any other technology, it'll be at least 3rd generation before it's at a point where the majority of consumers would be satisfied with it.

>> No.934597

>I have emotionally shackled myself to a consumer product that has not even been released and now feel compelled to defend it against any criticism

>> No.934601
File: 2 KB, 500x76, 21343rfre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.934607
File: 63 KB, 331x402, butthurt-faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am upset

>> No.934636

Reviews for the devkit have been overwhelmingly positive. It even won best new hardware award at E3, topping even the new console launches of PS4 and XBox One. The final product will be 1080p and they've already got a devkit working at that resolution.

>> No.934668
File: 66 KB, 1280x960, fov901280960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't see this thing being immersive for me with the way games are. No peripheral vision. Not to mention looking down and not seeing your legs or body.

For retro games? It's just be a monitor, so it'd be useless IMO.

>> No.934708

If the DaggerfallXL team support this thing, I'll definitely get one.

I can imagine it would make the dungeons easier to navigate, and the sword fights more intense, especially if combined the a wii/ps move/whatever controller.

>> No.934741

In the future, video game history will be divided between "before Oculus Rift" and "after Oculus Rift"

>> No.934748

it still bothers me to this day how bad the HL1 shotgun looked.

the magnum was so sexy tho

>> No.934750

>but what if, for example, you look to the right with just your eyes but keep your head straight? Would that actually work, or can you only change your view only by turning your head?

It requires something called "eye-tracking". From what I understand, it's something being experimented with, but I don't think it will be on the first release.

>> No.935162

It is already 1080p.

>> No.935224

I don't see the point of adding yet another useless gimmick to my games.