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/vr/ - Retro Games

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929508 No.929508 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /vr/

I am sure this thread has been done before, but I would like to see the average thoughts on "re-sellers"

I have seen many people refer to them as "scum" "trash" and "killers of the retro-game hobby."

I myself am a collector for 11 years, a hobbyist in many fields, and a "scummy re-seller."

My stance is this. We, as re-sellers provide a necessary service for those who are too lazy, unable, or unwilling to go out in the wild and find deals on their own. What is wrong about selling a game to someone who wants to pay the amount we request?

I am a 25 year old, college graduate with a full-time job. My hobbies take up most of my personal time (discounting time spent with my friends and spouse of course.) I thoroughly enjoy playing videogames, tabletop games, and card games. I also enjoy the process of selling games. My job is sporadic, but the process of selling a game is both monotonous and almost never-changing. I enjoy listing items on eBay, packaging them, and shipping them. That is one of my hobbies which I believe is separate from collecting and playing games. My major concern is that I have never heard of another hobby where people who sell items are considered scum. In Magic: The Gathering, I am happy when I can find cards online to buy rather than cracking packs open to find one. SURE if I buy a pack for 4.00 I can find a card that is worth 25.00 inside, but does that mean the game is only worth 4.00 in actuality? Not likely.

I will try to expand my stance via the use of analogy.

When a person goes to a restaurant, they are aware that they will be paying more for a cooked, ready to eat meal than if they had prepared the food themselves. They accept this because they are not interested in learning the recipe, gathering the ingredients, and spending time preparing the food. They want to go, sit down and have someone do the rest. So they pay for that. Well, I am the cook and my customers are the patrons who sit down and get their game hassle free.

>> No.929520

But how much do you charge

>> No.929530

Something is telling me that you're this guy.

>> No.929546

I am indeed.

I let the buyers ultimately choose. I set it up as an auction that starts out at roughly half of the value I want to get out of it, or the price I paid +5 dollars depending on the item.

For more expensive items I set a buy it now price because that is what that particular item is worth for me to sell it. Some things I would rather keep unless my price is met. That simple.

>> No.929547

>ripping off uninformed people and then selling at a much higher mark up
>we provide a service

Eat a dick re-seller scum. You're the reason the market for retro is as fucked up as it is right now.

>> No.929554 [DELETED] 

You sound like a faggot, OP. Why the fuck do you care what a bunch of anons on 4chan think?

I sell extra games on eBay, too, sure, but I don't expect people to pay infinite dollars for a Mario game. I just toss everything up for 99 cents with free shipping and see where it goes from there, since people will pay what they think it's worth.

The fact that you're so butthurt about this board hating resellers (I don't entirely blame them) kind of shows who you are.

Also your M:TG analogy sucks. There's infinitely more scalping in the Magic market than there is in the retro vidya market, and it's not always done by single people; aside form that, there is a lot more to it than supply/demand.

>> No.929553

I agree with your point, but creating a thread like this makes you look like a gigantic asshole.

>> No.929558 [DELETED] 

>>929508 (OP)
You sound like a faggot, OP. Why the fuck do you care what a bunch of anons on 4chan think?

I sell extra games on eBay, too, sure, but I don't expect people to pay infinite dollars for a Mario game. I just toss everything up for 99 cents with free shipping and see where it goes from there, since people will pay what they think it's worth.

The fact that you're so butthurt about this board hating resellers (I don't entirely blame them) kind of shows who you are.

Also your M:TG analogy sucks. There's infinitely more scalping in the Magic market than there is in the retro vidya market, and it's not always done by single people; aside form that, there is a lot more to it than supply/demand.

>> No.929567

This. I resell once in a while but I just put it up as an auction, that way some guy might get a decent deal. When you post it as a set price that is ridiculously high (ex. UrfBownd) then you are just capitalizing on people's stupidity, and that's not cool, yo.

>> No.929576

Owning something just for the sake of owning it is selfish at best. Rubbing your hands together while watching dollar signs reach the stratosphere is essentially what you're doing.

Hell, even owning old games just to fill a bookshelf still holds a purpose. At least that way you can show it off to company. But all sellers do is, essentially, extort money out of true game fans. Now if you ran a shop that's one thing. You're trying to run a business, that makes sense.

But it you're motivated by greed? THAT makes you scum.

>> No.929572

How so? I wanted an open forum for discussion?

This is the hilarious bit. You claim that we rip people off, and that buying a game for a low amount is immoral, yet you get angry when we sell games for their real value, which you clearly deem as the real value because you acknowledge that a game is worth more than I pay for it. So it is either I don't rip someone off and pay the low price that the game is worth, or I do rip the person off and sell the game for a higher amount, which the game is worth.

You can't have both.

>> No.929584

Falling prey to one's own instincts is always undignified, dear OP, and you're falling prey to the gatherer instinct.

Just like with obesity, there's nothing immoral about purchasing products you don't need simply due to artificial scarcity (which is a common trait among all humans), but it decreases other people's expectations of you and lowers their respect towards you. When respect is low enough, people start to insult you for, technically, no reason, simply because they can and you seem like a nice target.

>> No.929594

>All dat self-justification

Look, if you're so convinced there's nothing wrong with what you're doing, why would you feel compelled to spend all this time writing all of that to defend it?

>> No.929602

Markup implies that it's over it's market value you fuckwad. Do you know nothing of the hobby you claim to be apart of?

>> No.929609

So I notice you're ignorant. That's cool we should trade games sometime.

>> No.929607
File: 101 KB, 302x348, 1346740423266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP! I don't think you're a bad guy, I live in the middle of no where so I can't really go hunting anywhere, and as long as a reseller doesn't sell anything for completely outrageous prices I don't mind paying and extra buck or two as long as the games in decent condition.

>> No.929613

Guys.. I buy from ebay at typically 125% the estimated value all the time. I do this because it's not likely that I'll ever find it elsewhere. I don't feel bad or cheated. Sure, there are some who place massive prices out there, but among them, there are some that are more fair.

I say, I get what I want for a price, and the seller get's a decent check. What's the problem?

>> No.929616

If some creep sells 20 year old games for $200 and some fool buys them for that price, it's fine. Neither are worth our respect, we can make fun of both for how sly/stupid they are, but they aren't immoral, because the games are still readily available in digital form - if you're interested in GAMES, you can have them, almsot all of them, 24/7 for free. And if you're interested in plastic, labels, cases and stuff, you're a collector, i.e. the village idiot.

>> No.929618

why are you so self-conscious about this, so much that you write all this defensive rambling?

>> No.929615

Because I am an Investigative Journalist. I am curious by nature. I just want to hear intelligent arguments that refute my stance. I could very well be wrong.

That is certainly a good point.

How does running a shop that sells used products for more than you claim they worth make it okay? Because that is the only way that person can make money? So Gamestop is okay in your eyes?

>> No.929624


You resellers are lower than niggers.

Fuck you and i hope you die slowly.

>> No.929625

So i noticed you have no comprehension for basic business principles. Seriously that's 101 shit. Are you mad because we all think you're being a prick right now justifying your reselling of games aka your hobby to people that blatantly dont give a fuck? Or because you had no concept of how pretentious you are until we pointed it out to you?

>> No.929627

You wouldn't feel the need to create a thread defending yourself if you didn't feel like you were doing something wrong in the first place.

>> No.929642

Just as a closing point, those antiques roadshow guys are scum. Same with pawnstars. At least they tell people how much their items are worth and acknowledge their sleeve.

>> No.929636

I am not defensive at all. I enjoy what I do, and am proud to say that I am able to do it. If I was truly ashamed then I would lie about the fact I sell. Are gay people ashamed when they form parades, kiss-ins etc in "enemy territory." No, they are tying to prove a point. Now, I am not comparing myself at all to those who brave haters in real life, but it is a simple analogy.

Also this (see first portion of this message.)

>> No.929649

I think the used game market is the silliest thing ever, but why do people feel the need to repeatedly say that this thread shouldn't have been made? OP has a question, it's a valid one, either answer or don't. For god's sake, you >>929553 , >>929594 , >>929618 and >>929627 are all shitposters.

>> No.929653

>OP calls himself a faggot

Okay folks. Shows over. We can all go home

>> No.929656

That isn't the OP, I am. I am trying to be non-confrontational, as the rest of my posts show, so that may be evidence enough. But if not, believe what you will.


>> No.929659

Stop it OP.

>> No.929657

i think games should be treated like games

>> No.929658

>I just want to hear intelligent arguments that refute my stance.

Intelligent by whose standards? Yours? Mine? It's all an opinion. My opinion is that reselling games for some artificially inflated price is a scumbag move. You want to claim it's capitalism so you can justify it. Great, have fun reselling them. I don't understand why anyone else needs to make what you deem an 'intelligent argument' to justify their opinions on what you're doing. You'll never agree because it's all opinion anyway.

>> No.929667
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>> No.929663

Wait, doesn't Antiques Roadshow just go around appraising stuff? What's wrong wit that?

>> No.929676

When you're not depending on the sales of your games to make a living, you can price your games at whatever you want and then just sit on that price. As someone out for profit, there is absolutely no reason to drop the price of the game you're selling. Worst of all, you're not even appreciating the game (even as a bookshelf decoration)

I think this is what evokes the image of the greedy little troll.

>> No.929682

I have no issues with re-sellers. I live in Ottawa and outside of this one re-seller there is nothing in terms of old games in the city. However, you in particular are a dick.

>> No.929685

How the fuck does running a business make you scum? Hey get your item appraised for free, and you got on tv. Oooh man, total scum. It's called a business.

>> No.929703

Remember earlier in the thread, when I said you sounded like an asshole? Again. Please just stop. "I'm an investigative journalist" sounds really asinine bro. I'm a professional wrestler, and you don't see me strangling my wife and kids in this board do you? No. Good, shut the fuck up. This thread was literally created for the purpose of causing an argument, this is literally equatable to the SNES emulator thing. Stop it. You know what you're doing, or at least keep it to one thread. Don't make one to stroke your ego.

>> No.929729


Nah, OP, saying what you do for a living as a basis for your opinion or statement makes you look like a giant faggot. What relevance does that have to rhe fact you rip people off and make a profit off of them as a hobby? I've never met someone that pretends to be a jew in their spare time.

The world's just gone to shit hasn't it.

>> No.929734

OP here,

This is what I don't get. How is placing a game on a shelf, never to be played again, not worse than sending the game to someone who will appreciate more than just a decoration. Maybe not everyone will pop that game in and play it, but I am assuming if people are willing to spend money, they will get use out of it. I know one day when i have a son or daughter, I will share those games with them. I like to think that by selling games, someone else has the opportunity. Putting a game in a VGA CERTIFIED plastic case and looking at it is worse than selling a usable game.

That is a very intelligent stance. I thank you for the contribution. By intelligent I simply mean nothing like "YOU ARE A FAG, END OF STORY" or "You are scum cus you don't give me gaems for free xD" that is all. I don't expect much, just a simple and friendly debate/conversation. I am not trying to bait anyone, nor do I want anyone to bait me. I jsut want a conversation that can lead to the possibility of myself, or another to walk away with a different outlook, which your post very well could do. Thanks.

>> No.929736
File: 124 KB, 254x349, 1332465606780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like most people in this thread are jealous adults or children without real careers yet.

I work for a technical support company and I can't count how many clients jew out at me because we charge as little as $5 more than some fucking website for our repair parts that we INSTALL FOR THEM.

People fail to realize that the premium they're paying is because we ordered the correct product and paid the shipping to begin with.

these are the same fucking people that want me to sit and make them a detailed list (while not billing them for the time, how cute) of what parts they need to order (with them having never ordered PC parts before in their lives) so they can save $5. Perspectively speaking,
I bill $100 an hour at work for my services and I'm expected to fulfill at least 5 hours of billable time a day. You can see how this is fucking irritating to say the least.

This is the real world, unless you want to go out and do the leg work yourselves, shut the fuck up and deal with it and pay the premium, otherwise, fly to japan or russia and find the fucking nes/dendy/whatever games yourself.

Seriously guys your underage b& is showing like a motherfucker.

>> No.929738

If you think markup implies that something is over its market value, you probably shouldn't accuse other people of not understanding business.

>> No.929745

That's is your opinion. I simply said I was an investigative journalist because it relates to my curious nature. Though I see your point, I could have just gone with "I am curious by nature" instead of feeling the need to somehow validate my claim by adding my job title. Thanks, I will keep that in mind from now on. My intent wasn't to brag though, sorry.

>> No.929750

ITT: OP kicks a hornet's nest and gets confused about all of the stinging.

>> No.929754

Shit, "That's is" I am embarrassed. I wish there was an edit function sometimes.

>> No.929763

Haha, good analogy. I honestly thought /vr/ was a board that could provide a simple discussion. I was mostly correct, though a few people resorted to name calling and such. I think the thread is doing alright though.

>> No.929765

Stop trying to make yourself out like you're the robin hood or johhny goddamn apple seed of retro games. If you were you would "lol giv gaemz fer free xD"

Then you could make a thread trying to convince us you're a good person for the hobby you call your own. Until that point, you make yourself look like a tool by saying things like

>I provide a service
>Im an investigative journalist
>one day I hope my hell spawn offspring will adopt my jewish ways and help inflate some other market with my scummy ways just like ol' Pop.

Serioualy this thread just made you sound like a tool. You even compared, whether you think you did or not, you being a reseller to the plight of the faggots in America.

Serioualy dude. Get over yourself for all of our sakes. If you want to be the problem rather than the solution, fucking go for it. Someones gotta be the asshole in this world.

Why not you?

>> No.929769

These guys get it. It's not an issue.

>> No.929779

How come you never responded to my questions in the other thread OP? It's here so you can answer them properly. I'm waiting


>> No.929782


Yeah, /vr/ is usually pretty cool. We're just in the throes of Summer right now, dealing with /v/ leakage.

>> No.929797

I buy a lot from flea markets, and I suppose what they're doing isn't any different from what the OP is up to. I'm talking dedicated video game booths, guys that are there week in and out, buying and selling.

I think part of the problem people have with resellers is the anecdotal evidence of them scouring areas clean of all the video games. Showing up at garage sales at 5 in the morning, looting thrift stores, and so on. I'm not hardcore into collecting, but I like finding a good deal as much as anyone, and it's stories like those that leave a sour taste in people's mouths.

Of course, you can take all those stories with a grain of salt because who knows what is actually going out there at 5 in the morning at neighborhood garage sales. I sure as shit don't because I ain't waking up that early just to save a couple bucks on a video game.

Bottom line for me is, I'd like to find more deals, but I can't say whether or not resellers are ruining things for me or not.

>> No.929793

This wasn't my intention.

I like to think that people get enjoyment out of the games I sell them. I am providing a service, that is a fact. It is sort of like manual labor. People have the ability to landscape, but most hire others to do it for them. I travel, which costs gas, I put an initial investment into things I buy, more cost, then I take the time to take pictures and post them online, time=money, and ship them out. Just like a job, I put time into this and I expect to be compensated a certain amount.

Again, you see me as a tool, others don't. Its your opinion and you are entitled to it.

>> No.929805


You feel guilty for all of the money you rake in for little to no work. Yes, going shopping is "no work".

If you really cared about other gamers you'd post your finds here (or on a forum of your choosing) in a BST for purchase cost + paypal fees + shipping. You don't care about spreading vidya, you just care for money, despite what you say.

>> No.929798

>I'm a college graduate.

>> No.929807

Bro those questions are bullshit and leading. Any answer you get from them is an argument. File under T for Trolling.

I'll answer for him.

1. you didn't get there first, deal with it. would you be at a garage sale in fucking nebraska on a wednesday afternoon? didn't think so, pay the premium or get over yourself.

2. Time spent is billable by whatever amount by the seller that is decided. once again deal with it or move on (or emulate for free! imagine that!)

3. once you move out of your mom's you'll realize any bonus money is fucking bonus money, take it for what it is and be happy. anyone else mad? get over it or do the same thing yourself. don't want to do it for yourself? GET OVER IT.

>> No.929810


Minimum wage confirmed.

>> No.929812

OP, I hope you sleep well at night knowing you helped ruin the SNES market.

>> No.929818

I think it's a completely valid way of making some extra money. If you're savvy enough to hit a certain margin of profit, more power to you. This is what makes the free world worth living in. If you can do something you like and get something of value in excess of the value of satisfaction, then you are more than welcome to do so.

Making this into a hobby is a great way to enjoy life. You get games, systems; Play them, clean them up; Resell them at cost or more(if you bought them cheaper).

Even if I am not in favor of people charging asinine prices for certain items on ebay, it is their right to do it, and if people buy from them, why should I care?

>> No.929819

There you go ahain making terrible comparisons. If you think that selling games over the internet that you pick up from craigslist ads and fleamarkets can even be COMPARED to manual/physical labor then you have honestly never actially worked a day in your goddamn life.

I don't see you as a tool anymore. I know for a fact that you're an overly entitled tool. And quite possibly a homsexual.

That one is still up in the air until you say something else that retarded. As of right now though. OP confirmed for troll.

4/10 for the reaponse.

>> No.929828

Who the fuck are you to judge how much a guy is asking for something? Jesus fuck you know what's called free market? There's nothing more annoying that those retarded jelly kids who complain about resellers because they can't find shit at low price, but when they see Earthbound of Chrono Trigger for 10 bucks and know they're cheating someone else you they still buy it without regret. Not counting those same faggot who claim to hate resellers don't have any problem charging more for the very same cart they got for 10 bucks, which is okay anyway.

You're free to sell what you want at the prize you want. Reseller haters are just the biggest hyprocrites of all.

>> No.929832

I agree with this mostly.

I mean, if some guy is waking up at 4am to drive around on a fucking saturday while you sleep in till 10am, to buy something you can play on a PC from the last ~10 years for free, who is the real fool here?

Aside from people with obsession with owning physical copies of things, I really don't see all the upset.

I never expect to find good things at garage sales anyway. I mainly go to that shit so my girlfriend can buy cheap knickknacks.

If I want games I reach in my backpack and pull out whatever I'm currently emulating with.

>> No.929835


This is more than fair. I can see the error in my analogy. However there is a risk once in awhile when I buy a game on gut or instinct. Not enough to dictate some prices, but certainly others. The risk isn't great surely. I do enjoy hunting, but that doesn't mean I should do it for free. I love my job, but I wouldn't do it for free.

2) Firstly I live in a small apartment, so space is an issue. Instead of renting out my second room, I store my items there. So that is costly. Secondly I can spend 4-5 hours on a Sunday going hunting, which results in more gas than I'd like to think about being used and my time of course. But I never said I increase the price of typical re-sellers. If I see an item on eBay for 55, I post it at 50, and so on.

3) This is kind of semantics. But I see your point. What I meant is that the money I make from re-selling is spent on things other than bills and necessities, therefore taking a hefty burden off of my normal income. Does that make sense?

>> No.929850

Am I as entitled as you? Someone who expects paying bottom dollar while giving forth no effort?

>> No.929845

Free market means we're free to judge. This is a free country isn't it? Or do you live in some ahitfuck part of the world like the UK.

You're also free to eat a dick. And I'm free to call you a faggot, faggot.

>> No.929864

Now try to judge my fist, faggot. Free market doesn't involve shitting other people's sales. If you're mad about someone's else business then go cry to church.

>> No.929868

Then feel free to judge how much it's worth to you and stay mad when someone else pays more.

this is like ign forums the winter the wii came out and theads were nothing but people posting "I wish people wouldn't buy and re-sell systems"

All that wishing did a fuck of a lot, didn't it?

>> No.929874

>Putting a game in a VGA CERTIFIED plastic case and looking at it is worse than selling a usable game.

It's this day of Everdrives and CD-Rs, I'd much rather preserve a game I really care about, than to see it passed around like a whore.

I think this might the crux of the whole dilemma. Most people who just want to play or experience a certain game can just emulate it or buy a VC version from an e-store. The people left willing to pay exorbitant prices are the ones who want to hold onto a piece of something they really love.

So, when you add re-sellers into this picture it's easy to see why they're so hated, especially the flea market and ebay types who only see the games as something to dangle in front of the people who actually care about those games.

>> No.929883

i just want to say that someday your video games will break down, having never been played; and someday you and everyone you know will die, having never played them (or at least outside of emulation)

>> No.929886

And this is why I sold all my collection. It's stupid and pointless to even collect stuff if you're not gonna even use it.

>> No.929885

I care about my games man. I really do. I play them as often as I can. However, if I find a second copy of a game, I will re-sell it. That simple. the VGA takes advantage of hobbyists because they reduce the game to one use instead of being multifunctional. That is as display, and to play. Sure I can emulate games too, but it doesn't hit that nostalgia bone as hard.

>> No.929890

This is how I see it. There were re-sellers I've met that had pretty good games for fair prices. But then we have scum who price games like Mario/Duck Hunt for $20 which is pretty fucking stupid. I actually met a re-seller who was selling a working good quality SEGA Nomad for $15. A couple sellers later and I met some guy who was selling Mario 64 for $25 which is outrageous . I understand you gotta make an honest buck as long as you price your games fair and not over do it just to weasel some uninformed seller into buying a game that is priced higher than it normally goes for.

>> No.929896

Op here,

I see how that can be annoying. But I think it is important that people realize that not all re-sellers are high price whores. If I can make 5-6 bucks on a game I am generally happy, but that doesn't mean if I find a 50 game for 5 bucks that I will sell it for 10. I will sell it for 45, maybe 40.

>> No.929901

Understandable. A guy has to make money.

>> No.929904

If going shopping is no work then maybe you should just do it for yourself then you'd have no need to bitch about it.

>> No.929898


1. Hobbyists tend to do something because they are willing to pay for the enjoyment. When you say it like this, it makes you sound like you're not in it for the same reasons as other people, which would help explain their disdain for you (and why you are labelled as a profit driven reseller. Considering all the information you've revealed in this and the second point, I don't think the sentiment is that far off the mark)

2. Well if you are spending that much money, space and time to even get games to resell in the first place, you might want to ask yourself if it's worth the opportunity cost. Would it be more profitable if you got a second job to work one day a week and pay games with that, instead of doing all this treasure hunting which could be costing you more on average? I don't mean to sound condescending, but it really sounds like there is a better way to have your cake and eat it too.

3. It makes sense, but I think for most hobbyists, they use the spare money after their costs to pay for games. I mean, I know I don't use the money that's for my living costs to buy games. When I was younger I didn't have the spare money to pay for games and for rent, so what did I do? I just paid for rent and sucked it up. This is also probably working against your image of the 'friendly reseller/hobbyist', to be frank.

>> No.929920

Tell me where I said that anywhere in that post.

>> No.929925

1) Totally understand this point. However I never sell a game that I don't already have. Unless it was something stupid like NWC or something. No point in owning that because the monetary value of it far outweighs the value of owning it in my opinion. I should have mentioned that I am a collector first, and a seller second.

2) I am not spending a shit ton of money selling games. Plus there are not many jobs that I can find that is nearly as enjoyable, let alone hope to only have to work 1 or two days doing it. The main reason i love it is because I am my own boss, no one tells me what I have to do. I do it if I feel like it. I don't go out every Saturday, just when I want to.

3) Yeah, and I generally go along with that trend. But I DO spend a lot of money that I make form it on dinners out with friends, going to bars, attending concerts/events, basically things that are not meant to sustain life, but make life more enjoyable.

Thanks for the great questions and rebuttals man, this is what I had in mind.

>> No.929934

No, you are right. I got offended and jumped the gun. I regretted sending that the second I did.
However, I will say I have done manual labor. Everything from lugging rugs at a Homegoods to cleaning windows in Boston. Never did do landscaping though. I have heard it is a tough way to make a living, and I don't doubt that.

What I meant was that I simply think that you want to be able to go online and find games for cheap. It happens, but not often. If you really want to find good deals I suggest going out in the wild and finding them.

I am trying to defuse any confrontation here.

>> No.930059

To echo the sentiments of others, I only take issue with resellers that very blatantly try to squeeze as much profit out of it as possible. As long as prices are kept within reason taking into account everything the reseller had to do (finding, cleaning/repairing, etc) then I'm very happy to have them around. It can be difficult to find older stuff around where I live.

A good example I have of blatant profit mongers seems to happen on ebay with the Funtastic line of N64 colors. There's one seller in particular at least that seems to have quite a lot of them stocked up. Problem is the seller guts them and sells them in pieces. He takes out the memory pack and the little cover for its compartment and sells them separately from the console. I can understand selling controllers separate. I can understand selling extra memory pack compartment covers you find because for some reason they do seem to get lost. I don't, however, understand taking all of them apart and selling each piece alone instead of selling a complete, usable console.

tl;dr I'm fine with resellers unless they're profit mongering shit heads. But as usual the negative end of the spectrum is the most noticed and generalizations happen.

>> No.930080

OP raises good points. Some sellers are just trying to make a gain on investment. If you consider the resources you use to find a good deal (ie gas prices, time consumption), you would really be paying the 10-15 dollars you raise such a fuss about on eBay. Now, that's not to say eBay isn't full of people who are seriously trying to shiest-er other people out of thousands of dollars. Or the overpriced carts because of muh rare/classic.

As for the bullshit of not being a true hobbyist because you're selling your collection, give me a goddamn break. That means every single BST thread is full of people who just want to exploit someone's desire to relive their glory days or enjoy an old game. There's nothing wrong with reselling something of the sort that you enjoyed and want someone else to enjoy it, but that doesn't mean you can't turn a little profit on it. The double standard of buyers and sellers on here is atrocious.

You praise one guy for making a steal from a game that the seller didn't know what he had and its real worth, but turn right around and badger the guy who tries to make a 5-10 dollar profit on what a game is worth. You don't have to buy it for one, and it's not an unreasonable amount like we see on Mint CIB shit like Earthbound for $5k.

There's a fine line between being fair and fucking someone over. And it's blatantly obvious when someone is asking too much for an item. And remember, they aren't forcing you to buy it.

tl;dr People trying to profit on selling carts realistically make you pay the same as you would searching over your home town for a 'good' deal.

>> No.930168

I think we should all appeal to the great Spirit of the Vidja Game. Ask not what ye can gain, but rather what can I share. Give not to the ungrateful, but offer to those deserving.

Greed is a slippery slope. Think not of yourself first, but of your brothers and sisters. Covet not what games your neighbors has, instead seek out games which no one wants. Tarry not in the valley of gluttony and avarice, rather share your unused goods fairly and with respect.

For one who is in keeping with this spirit will always be in good fortune from the Vidja.

>> No.931186

You're an asshole middleman, that doesn't even play video games, and only serves to drive up the price.

>> No.931226

You're analogy is terrible because you can always get the ingredients to cook for yourself. It is very rare to not be able to find what you need at a local grocery store.
A better analogy would be the different tiers and services the post office provides because you are having to pay more to get things faster and/or in a more convenient way.

Regardless the service part of you're justification is a joke. End of the day you take deals that could go to others wanting it and exploit it for personal gain. Personally I don't care that you or others do it but keep the honesty to it: You use capitalism the best in your favor fans be damned.

>My major concern is that I have never heard of another hobby where people who sell items are considered scum.
Visit /toy/ sometime. In fact most hobby groups trend to frown on reselling because it's taking the fun out of the hobby.
And the Magic: The Gathering fails to work because they start blind bagged with out knowing what you'll get most of the time, this is what makes that exploit acceptable is because most people got the rare card like everybody else.

>> No.931238

>Some sellers are just trying to make a gain on investment.
I'll be honest it blows my mind they resort to gaming systems, games and what not for that. You could dedicate that that energy to actual and good investment options.

>> No.931240

your analogy sucks.
Your analogy implies you put effort into the creation of the game, all you do is relist games at a fuckhigh price, and artificially inflate the price for games like Earthbound.

>> No.931247
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>but I would like to see the average thoughts on "re-sellers"
You're a vulture preying on stupid/impatient people.
But I gave up on collecting stuff a long time ago, since even before we got cycle-accurate emulation it was more of a choice of nostalgia rather than experience, so I don't really give a shit about what you do.

>> No.931249
File: 395 KB, 600x875, fuck no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add to this, since you wanted explanations, you are a vulture because you do not add value.
Like high-frequency traders you skim off the top of those who do add value.

>> No.931451

It's an open market, they can choose whatever the hell they want. It is a good investment option since people WILL pay. Just stick to your emulators if price tags upset you that much, you're letting something trivial get to you.

>> No.931456

You don't even consider people who don't have much free time to scrounge around every neighborhood and pawn shop, they would rather take to eBay and make things just a matter of time rather than effort. The only stupid buyers are those people who bid on the $150 dollar Earthbound carts
[spoilers]Seriously, I cannot imagine why so many people would want that game so badly unless they're just trying to flip it[/spoilers]

>> No.931460

I don't see a problem with making money off of stupid people. It's video games, and you can play most of them via your computer or find cheap ones if you try harder. My dad does a similar thing with comics, it's good money.

>> No.931483

They can do as they please, but it doesn't mean that they're entitled to the respect of others.

>> No.931582

It doesn't bother me massively but when i see someone online selling a common game thats maybe worth about £5 at best boxed for around £30 and describe it as "COLLECTURZ ITIEM SUOPOR RAYR" in the hopes that some poor fool will buy it, that pisses me off.

>> No.931784

They never implied they were entitled. Even though that had little relevance to the subject.

>> No.931795

>They never implied they were entitled.
They sit and wonder why people dislike them, feeling that they deserve otherwise. This is exactly what the OP of this thread did.

>> No.931918

>collect gameboy games
>find a dude that's selling a gba and "some games"
>go check it out, ask what he wants for the lot
>ridiculous low price
>contain my giddiness, pay and leave
>at least 5 games that by themselves are worth what I payed for the whole lot
>already have most of em
So, I should give em away or sell em for 50 cents each instead of the common $10, otherwise I'm scum? Even when I'd still be cheaper than the retro stores in the area?
Perhaps I should trade em in at one of those stores since they are a 'business' and it would be fair for them to give me €5 for the whole lot and sell em for €15 each?

>> No.931935

I'd sell them for whatever you think is a fair price. Not ebay price, a fair price. I know someone who does something like that, buying up collections and then selling the excess at a flea market. He's cool, compared to the others who go around buying all the cheap games and sell every single one of them.

Your own post differentiates you from a reseller. You're a collector. You buy the games because you want to have them, but wind up getting games you already have. You didn't buy the whole lot for the sake of selling it all, you bought it for the games you wanted, or at least that's how you presented it.

If I'm wrong, of course, and you just bought a bunch of games you already own just to sell them, you can go have lunch with BGH in hell.

>> No.931954
File: 473 KB, 1740x2492, IMG_20130715_161257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I bought em because there was 1 or 2 that I didn't have yet. He was looking to get rid of it asap, I mailed him beforehand, offering €12 for hte gba. I got there, he had about 20 games with it. I took a look at it, commented on the poor condition of the gba, and mentioned I already had most of the games.
I asked what he wanted for the lot, expecting something in the €40 range.
>well, you said you'd pay €12 for the gba, so, uhm, €15 for everything?
So yeah, I'm not gonna say "naw, it's worth a lot more, here have €50", I only do that for friends and family.

>> No.931987

Look here, motherfuckers.
I go to yard sales every Friday and Saturday. Most of what I find is shit, or my wife might find something she wants. On occasion, I'll find something cool and depending on what it is I might buy it. If It's something I want for my collection, I keep it. If not, I'll sell or trade it.
For example: I found a copy of Rival Schools on PS1 at a yard sale last week. I paid $1. Did I actually need it for my collection? No, but I'll be goddamned if I'm going to just leave it sitting there when I know I can sell the thing on eBay for $40 on average.

>but it's not fair to the rest of us

Fuck you.
You want the shit? Get there earlier than me and buy it. No skin off my ass if you get it first.
If I find it before you do and I either want it for myself, can trade it, or can sell it for something I WILL pick it up and you ARE going to deal with it.

The past 6 months, I haven't paid anything for the stuff I've added to my collection beyond the amount I've spent at yard sales. I got a Wii U about 2 weeks ago with just credit I gathered at a local place from shit I found at yard sales and traded in. I've also paid on some bills thanks to profits from selling on eBay. I'm not going to suddenly stop doing this just because some asspies think they're entitled to find cheap things at yard sale, then get angry when they don't. Fucking deal with it.

>> No.931993

I dislike resellers for being a reason that a lot of retro prices got inflated.

but WHY did those prices inflate? BEcause people are willing to pay those premium prices thinking either "I wont get it elsewhere" OR not thinking at all!

If I search for a car, I will not run into the nest car dealer store and buy myself a nice overprices Ford Mustang and then complain about car sellers.

yet people just shell out big money for retro stuff after having heard about them without any due diligence!

However resellers cary the stigma of having spiked all the prices which is right, since people start believing those prices and those prices are established as the new norm.

>> No.931997

This isn't /v/. Try to avoid invalidating your entire post in the future.

>> No.932007

But that's how these retards act. They invalidate their entire argument when they act like they're owed a good haul at a yard sale and that no one else is allowed to touch it, let alone resell it.
All I did was paraphrase the drivel they usually spew.

>> No.932009

Don't care.
>All I did was paraphrase the drivel they usually spew.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.932014

>Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Which one of us is from /v/ now?

>> No.932015

>It is a good investment option since people WILL pay.
But it could bottom out any moment. FF7 was worth over a hundred back in 2005 now it's lucky to reach $40.
And the other issue is your wasting time and gas for the gamble of finding rare items, it's a poor mans investment. There are far better options to earn money in.

>> No.932019

The one using "muh".

>> No.932021


I'd say maybe 10-15% in this are actually making a living out of it and will continue to do so in the next 10-20 years.

most people either do it to make a quick little buck while studying etc etc

especially french and american students studying in Japan do this often.
I did it too.

so I doubt many people are in for the big money - those who are, are rather naive.

>> No.932025

More like the one making a huge deal out of it and shitposting everywhere while ignoring the entirety of the original post. Good job, dipshit.

>> No.932024

>those who are, are rather naive.
For sure. It felt pretty good to hear that the whole thing fell apart on BGH, for example.

>> No.932027

I think you missed the point of the thread. OP was trying to paint his actions as something 'good' when the reality is it's just capitalism without 'morals'
People are dealing with you just fine, it's a bigger thing for you to deal with the fact that by majority no one will like you for what you do.

>> No.932030

>I'd say maybe 10-15% in this are actually making a living out
You're being to generous. Might be 1% because this would be a hard market to make money off of on that rate. You have to devote more time to it than a full time job.

>> No.932035


yeah..might be true.


Tbh I dont know who BGH is.

>> No.932037

I like him because he's not an idiot.

>> No.932042

>People are dealing with you just fine
But they aren't though. I can't post anything on this board about selling without someone flipping shit.

> it's a bigger thing for you to deal with the fact that by majority no one will like you for what you do.
I don't really care what they think of me, I just don't want to hear it if I happen to mention selling something.

I like you too, anon.

>> No.932043

He's a tripfag who used to post a lot on /v/ before people made him leave, and then on /vr/ for a brief time... before people made him leave again.

He would post videos of him buying games for $0.50, then link to his ebay store where he was selling them for $50+. Last I heard he was peddling greatly overpriced game case prints on /vr/, and then he just left.

>> No.932049

you either didn't read the OP/thread or have serious insecurities.
this isn't about feeling entitled to finding cheap things. It's about resellers trying to get the community to like them/not hate them for there actions.

>> No.932058

>about selling without someone flipping shit.
why would you even bring it up? /vr/ as whole dislikes people talking about selling outside of the bst here. It's hard to believe there is a situation here where you need to bring it up.

>I don't really care what they think of me
Yes you do, you might not care in the sense of their moral angle, but you do care how people react to what you do, after all you "don't want to hear it" and considering this is a anonymous image board that is notorious about name calling it shows how thin skin you really are.

>> No.932062

So that leads to the two-part question "Why do you hate resellers and what do you think they should do differently?"

>> No.932061
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I love being an emu junkie. I really do! I just download the roms and call it a day.

>> No.932070

The problem is that when someone says "I dislike the reseller's effect on prices!", people like you twist and skew the words to mean "Resellers shouldn't be allowed to have high prices!"
There is no answer that you can be given that you won't immediately twist into something unreasonable.

>> No.932079

I appreciate resellers to an extent. I don't have time to go to three flea markets a weekend and I certainly don't want to look at 2500 pounds of baby clothes at a garage sale hunting. I want to collect games.
What I don't like is how much resellers want for their profits. A small finders fee is totally reasonable and I'll happily pay when its justified. It is not OK to charge silly prices just because stupid people with more brains than money are willing to pay.

When I sell a game, I sell it for below the going rate.

>> No.932081

Sounds like you have no confidence in the strength of your convictions. If you had anything approaching a reasonable answer, you wouldn't be afraid to say it.

What you don't like is the MARKET'S effect on prices. Prices are driven up by DEMAND or in other words, it's the BUYERS you should be angry with. The more resellers there are the more the SUPPLY is increased, driving prices DOWN.

>> No.932083

I personally don't hate them. As for what they do it's either out of desperation or greed.
This is not a moral high ground statement, It's more of a matter of fact statement.
Again, I don't care you do it, just don't cry as much as you claim the other side does.

>> No.932084

No, see, there you go doing exactly what I said, twisting my words to have the meaning that suits your argument.

What it sounds like TO ME is that I've seen people do the exact same thing in the past (and in fact even in this thread) and find it utterly useless to bother.
After all, what use is it to answer a question when the person you're answering will immediately tell you "No, your answer is wrong, I will provide you with your opinion."?

>> No.932086


this is true to some extent.

but resellers do help the price bubble by offering to those prices. people start believing them.

these people are still sheep though that'S true.

>> No.932094

This thread is full of jobless autistic children who lack a business sense. Also, double standards everywhere.

>> No.932092

I think it's fair to be upset at both, they are both needed for the spike to occur.
Also prices are not always driven up on demand alone
Ranger X CIB is a pretty sought after title with a lower print than other Genesis titles yet it is lucky to reach as high as $30
Where a Earthbound cart that was at best uncommon reaches $100+
Both also sell on Ebay about the same rate making it clear there are elements more to it than just supply and demand.

>> No.932101

Everyone is entitled to their opinions even if they're wrong but by clinging to wrong opinions and beliefs, especially on subjects you are passionate about, you're only making yourself suffer.

There's no "believing" inflated prices there's only failing to execute due diligence as a buyer by failing buying for the lowest price. Again, if this is happening and it's a clearly visible trend that if you use the word "rare" in your listing it will sell for 30% more than an identical item without the word rare then again it's the fault of the buyers.

But those days are over.

>> No.932103
File: 19 KB, 460x276, Toshiro-Mifune-008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucking self justification in this thread is sickening
>I'm a reseller
Good for you. Half my retro collection comes from resellers, so I'm not at all immediately apprehensive just based on your "job" title. I still buy on e-bay, and I still give some of you -deserving- good business.
What gets me is the
The problem is, this is all recent and speculative due to the increased demand in "retro gaming"+the bubble. Being a part of that does make you seem slimy, given somewhere along the line you exploited a poor sap and then turned around and made a 500% profit, especially when you're not a collector yourself.
>But I am a collector, and I charge a whole $5 less than the going ebay price!

The problem me and many other collectors have (and why you probably lose a sale from anyone with brain cells) is your justification. If you do know about video games, even more so. Nobody's asking you to sell your $5 Chrono Trigger for $20. Being open to offers, not having a stick up your ass, and not thinking every "decent" SNES game you come across should be $20 or more because idiots are willing to be taken by you. It's supply and demand, but if you think being a savvy merchant equates respect for your position, you're better off advocating self respect for prostitution.

For the thin skinned reseller, bottom line is do justice by your customer, work on a fair price, and don't try to rip off people who share your hobby just because you can squeeze an extra buck out of them. You would help pop the retro bubble and allow more people to enjoy classic video games.

>> No.932105

No it's just a matter of the demand being higher for Earthbound (for obvious and well-/vr/-discussed reasons) than for Ranger X while the supply is approximately equal.

>> No.932107


>But those days are over.

you think so? I still see a lot of people shelling out cash for retro stuff.

it gets even worse when it comes to japanese retro stuff.

>> No.932113
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Could you elaborate on that butthurt of yours? Because I'm not seeing the double standards.
>This thread is full of jobless autistic children who lack a business sense.
What's funny is I can't tell f you were aiming this at resellers or collectors because that sloppy strawman could easily apply to both.

>> No.932125

You misunderstand my wording demand is approximately the same between the two. Ranger X CIB sold just as many copies on Ebay as Earthbound did last few months. It's not about demand, it's about the market being able to hold one product at that price point rarity be damned.

>> No.932127

There's still a huge demand for retro video games. What's over are the days of ignorant buyers overpaying for "SUPER RARE!!!!" auctions. I actually get the best returns on my super brief phone posted, unformatted auctions for whatever reason maybe buyers have something against sellers who try too hard or something.

>> No.932132

The number of copies sold over time is an indicator of supply not demand. The fact that the same amount of copies sold at a consistently lower price is indicator that demand is lower.

>> No.932134



I don't know..when I see places like Hit-Japan and Tokyotoyfactory and their ratings on Ebay I still wonder if there aren't still enough stupid people out there.

mind you - these resellers charge over-the-top premium prices but don't do that "SUPA RARE YO GONNA SHIT YA PANTS!" bs.

>> No.932138
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>maybe buyers have something against sellers who try too hard or something.
It's the used car sales men effect where it's clear they are trying way to hard to push the sale.

>> No.932136
File: 49 KB, 752x843, 1372483403818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.932139

>maybe buyers have something against sellers who try too hard
Yes. Too much unashamed razzle-dazzle can be off-putting.

>> No.932145

Yeah well I would say that even more buyers will go with slivk so-called "power sellers" who have tons of listings, consistent formatting and very explicit policies (and lots of good feedback) I'm more the eBay equivalent of a guy selling out of his trunk. Some people are going to go right for me because they assume my prices will be lower (and they are, slightly) or maybe I just seem more chill and that draws some as well.

>> No.932181

I just try to keep it real. When I list my Laseractive 3D goggles I probably will use the words "incredibly rare" because they really are. When they're the only ones on the whole site (including three months back worth of completed auctions) they really are rare. I'll eveb level with my buyers "look, these may be the last ones ever to be made available" or something like that.

Plus I accept trade on retro video, which no one else on eBay does and that goes a long way too.

>> No.932225

Does anyone have that picture of the NWC gold cartridge that got VGA approval and was put in a plastic seal with the PCB removed from the case?

>> No.932242

Yea. Google does

>> No.932307
File: 310 KB, 1600x721, 1990-NWC-Nintendo-World-Championships-Gold-Competition-Cart-VGA-GRADED-85-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this? Dem exposed windows!

>> No.932313
File: 359 KB, 1600x981, 1990-Nintendo-World-Championships-Competition-NWC-Gold-Cartridge-VGA-85-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seal? A tomb would be a better way to describe it.

>> No.932337
File: 371 KB, 500x525, renegade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>No, I did not ruin this game. I think it's beautiful this way.

I sling a pox upon his house

>> No.932441

He's probably killed it already with that flash photography.

>> No.932965
File: 87 KB, 256x382, have_a_fishy_stick__higher_quality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sir, have summed up what I look for in a reseller:
Someone who loves the culture as much as anyone else, who's open to offers and haggling, and doesn't have any presumed notion of "eBay price-based value"

>> No.933004

I don't understand this mentality. The actual game has been uploaded to the internet. If you actually wanted to enjoy the game, you can. Everything beyond this is pure aesthetics and taste. The data is already preserved, might as well preserve the physical parts of the cartridge.

I mean I might understand if it was really a game you loved playing or wanting to relive the feeling of playing the game when you were younger.

>> No.933058

A few years back I bought a copy of Eternal Darkness (not /vr/, but bear with me) at my LGS for five bucks. I was pretty psyched to have gotten ahold of it, since I'd wanted to play it for a long time. I noticed there was some damage to the back cover but other than that, it was pretty decent.

The next week I went back to the same store and there was another copy, tagged the same five dollar price point, that was dead mint. I picked it up and thought about it, then went 'Nah, leave it for the next guy' and set it back on the shelf.

Apparently some people in this thread would call me an idiot for having done that.

>> No.933081

I wouldn't. I understand where you're coming from. I've seen some rare SNES games pop up on craigslist, like Earthbound for 60 bucks or something like that. I could have bought it, but I'm really not much of a fan. Instead I just posted the listing on here, hoping someone else in the area who would appreciate it more would buy it.

My fear is that it got bought up by some douche who just threw it on eBay for 200 dollars.

To be entirely fair, this wasn't some completely noble gesture on my part. I just figured I could spend 60 dollars on something else. I really do hope someone who legitimately loves the game got it, though.

>> No.933098

Thanks. Good to know there are others on this board that would rather leave stuff for another guy to find and have a decent day than make a few bucks on ebay.

>> No.933104

Depends how many years back I guess but yeah, you could have had that mint copy and unloaded your damaged copy for enough that both would have been free but something aboit the tone of your story makes me think it was more a matter of laziness than stupidity.

I think that a lot of people in this thread who are professing some kind of morality actually just don't think reselling is worth it, that they'll make the same $15 at their job in an hour that the hour or more it might have taken to get their money back out of it isn't worth, because it's the playing of games that they want to enjoy in their free time, not necessarily the collecting and trading of them.

That's fine and a perfectly reasonable way to feel but to turn that into some kind of irrational hate on resellers and even on collectors in general is dumb.

>> No.933134

Resellers control the market and inflate the price of gaming merchandise.

>> No.933157

Buyers determine price, not sellers. Blame the people willing to pay more than you, not the people who take their money

>> No.933174

I didn't know buyers put the price tags on things. Fuck yea dude I'm gonna go to walmart, grab the biggest Tv on the wall and flick the shop keep a nickle.

I'll tell them you said it was okay, anon. You know since the buyer sets the price.

>> No.933213

it's how i feel, too. i recently started hitting up thrift stores and i told my friends to give me lists of any games they want so i can pick them up if i find them. i know they'll be in good hands, too, because these guys will play them. sometimes i'll come into multiple copies of a game one way or another and i just hold on to the other until i find someone who wants it. e.g. i gave a sealed copy of the gamecube version of the mega man x collection to a friend who liked to play the games when he came to my place. he opened it and played it when he got home. i have no regrets

>> No.933232

>not turning around and selling it for $100+ like OP would and say he did somebody a service


>> No.933241

It's both Buyers put the price as high as they think it can go and adjust to meet sales.
Mario 64 isn't selling at $50? You try $45, still not? You keep going till you hit the sweet spot, $25 buyers then flux the price to see if they can get nibbles at higher prices. That's how things climb, not necessarily out of demand but rather new blood that is stupidly willing to pay the higher cost.
Again, both are needed to make this market, the issue is one side is fully aware of what it's doing.

>> No.933246

zmurdered that post. Needed to say sellers not buyers.

>> No.933319

any i've met have been: fat/obese, balding, old enough to have better things to do and suffer from mental issues.

good luck with your life bros

>> No.933324

Living in fucking brazil, resellers are the only way I can even get games.

>> No.933394

Good on you. Someone got some enjoyment out of that Megaman game, rather than it sitting in the plastic.

>> No.933413


What systems do you buy for that resellers are your only hope?

>> No.933597

A buyer doesn't set the price, buyers in general set the price. If you don't like the price, you don't buy it. If nobody buys at a price then the price gets lowered. This is the case for TVs at Wal Mart, for Earthbound on eBay and for burgers at Burger King. If after all this you still do not understand this basic concept you are willfully ignorant and it's no wonder you're frustrated.

>> No.933636
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> yet you get angry when we sell games for their real value
Who or what determines their "real" value? For example, typical resellers will try to sell Super Mario World for $15-20. Yet, in reality, the game isnt even worth half that. It was a launch title. Resellers just see the name Mario and assume it's worth over $20, Using SMW or SMB3 is a good benchmark to quickly tell if they are a reseller and what their games would be sold for. Polite sage.

>> No.933645

Would anybody on here be willing to sell me a copy of earthbound for 50$? Since that is what the price SHOULD be? I wouldn't sell the game I would just play it once now and keep it in my collection then maybe play it again in a couple years like I do with all my games.

No takers? Because you could sell it for more on eBay? Hmmmm so who is the scum? For me, the scum are people selling retro games like Duckhunt for 20$

>> No.933646

>Who or what determines their "real" value?
Value is exactly the point where supply meets demand.

>> No.933662

Good point. When I go into a flea market/garage sale, I'm looking for a deal, not ebay prices. That's why i'm not fond or resellers, for most go by ebay price. Finding a game for cheap isnt just to try and find a rare game for $5. It's also to save money. For me, it's all about the finance planning. One time, I was looking at a Master System with a controller and a game for $35. Thought it was fair enough, but I decided to see if there was a cheaper deal. I ended up finding a Master System in the box with everything for $25. Im probably rambling at this point.

I like to save money by getting deals at sales. Resellers are the wrong place to go.

>> No.933668

>if you're interested in GAMES, you can have them, almsot all of them, 24/7 for free. And if you're interested in plastic, labels, cases and stuff, you're a collector, i.e. the village idiot.

Let's try this with another analogy:

If you are interested in seeing the Mona Lisa or any other revered artwork, you can see it at any time on the internet with a cheap low-res digital photo. This is what people do when they are interested in ART.

If you want to own those artworks, see them in their original glory, feel the culture and the artistry in person, and preserve history, you are the village idiot.

>> No.933679

spending millions of dollars for a painting like the mona lisa to keep to yourself when you can just go to the art gallery or on the internet. yes you would be an idiot

>> No.933681

Yeah that's absolutely valid. A lot of people, myself included, really enjoy the search for bargains and if you're the kind of person who invests serious time in it, I can't imagine passing up major bargains even if you don't want it for yourself, because you can trade it to resellers for something you DO want - or even go as far as to do the unthinkable and sell it yourself. Focused collectors all do this.

Some people don't want to search for bargains and they just buy directly from the people who do the searching for them, the resellers. There are more and more of these kind of people and that drives prices up.

It's people who don't want to do either the search for bargains or pay the going rate that hate on resellers.

>> No.933686


>implies all museums have the Mona Lisa
>implying seeing a photo on the internet is just as good

The retardation is strong in this one.

>> No.933692

At time, I do sell some of my collection, whether it's spare consoles or games that I just have no interest in or have beaten. I usually sell them for the same price I bought them or a bit cheaper because what I get will go towards something I DO want. I get rid of stuff I DON'T want to get things I DO want, and I don't feel like I was at a loss of value or profit. I think this is fine for a collector because it's on the fine line of being fair and being a reseller. I have met some resellers who tried to sell something at a premium at first, but were willing to lower it a bit at a decent price. There are some nice resellers, but sometimes it's just not worth it, especially when the majority of their lot is sports games.

>> No.933695

Buying the mona lisa is on the same level of stupid as paying 50,000$ for that NES competition car thats in a plastic case.


>> No.933696

Anybody trying to resell sports games for more than $2 deserves to go out of business

>> No.933701

>he doesn't value what i value
>let me whine and cry about it

Nice job.

>> No.933707

I've seen a lot of sports games (Madden, NFL 2K, Tiger Woods, etc.) for $10. I can't think of a single sports game that would go for more than a buck or two, especially since Sports series get annual releases. May as well use them for firewood.

>> No.933706

So would anybody in this thread be willing to sell me earthbound at a fair price? 50$ is what it should sell for so unless you are a greedy reseller scum you would be okay with letting it go for that completely fair price because it's a common game right? Everybody can agree on this?

>> No.933709

There is one for the gamecube that is worth 50 or 60$ i think its college basketball or something like that. Keep an eye out!

>> No.933712
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I don't mind resellers that also collect, usually because they clean up the games beforehand and their prices aren't always insane.

The re-sellers that I absolutely hate are the ones who mark up Mario Paint to $20+ "CAUSE ITS MAHREEO GAME VERY RARE!!!" Also, just because the games are old doesn't mean they're worth a fortune. Golf isn't even worth a dollar you scum.

>> No.933727

I would if I had it and if I were convinced you authentically wanted to play it and weren't just looking to flip it.
Not even trolling.

>> No.933763


>> No.933865

Thirded, though it's worth pointing out that the chances of me stumbling on and buying two copies of Earthbound so that I had a spare to sell is unlikely. Also worth pointing out is the incredible likelihood of someone jumping on that price just to resell it, so without that complete confidence, it's stupid to sell it for that price.

Unfortunately, I think that the only reasonable price, if I found myself selling a copy of Earthbound, would be just below whatever it's currently selling for. Enough to help drive the price down, but at the same time enough to try to ensure a lack of profit for someone looking to buy it up and resell.

>> No.933873

I would give you an Earthbound ROM and an emulator on a cd set up to autorun for free. I'll even email it to you right now. As for my CIB copy of Earthbound I can't sell it to you for $50 because I already sold it for $450 four years ago.

>> No.933886

I've taken to just buying this shit off Amazon and Ebay simply because it's not convenient for me to go deal hunting.
Any thrift shops, flea markets or retro stores that sell videogame shit by me are at least a 30 minute drive by parkway, and I've yet to find a garage sale that's sold anything pre-PS2 era. I've occasionally found some good deals at those locations, but unless I happen to be in the area for some other reason I end up wasting more money on gas alone when deal hunting than I would paying the extra 10 dollars to order a game online. Saves me a hell of a lot of time in the end, too.

As long as it's not some asshole trying to pass Super Metroid off as an $80 deal, or package a copy of Sonic 2 with a dozen sports titles for $100, I'm supportive of resellers. If you want the games cheaper, go search for deals yourself instead of expecting people who have already done the leg work for you to sell you games at a loss.

>> No.933887

Indeed, that's what I do whenever I end up with a game I don't like. I try to sell it for close to what I bought it for, though that usually goes for new-bought games like 3DS games and the like. With old ones, it's just whatever ebay says will sell well. I'm pretty damn amazed by how fast stuff actually goes when you set it at their recommended values. I'm talking literally minutes for some items I've sold.

>> No.933890
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I just don't care anymore. Most of them scour giant flea markets, where even the sellers that the resellers want to buy off of are checking the prices online so it's basically a moot point to try and find a deal.

I just go the unbeaten path and garage sale till I find treasure because resellers usually don't even bother. You don't find as much but you get some hilariously sweet deals from uninformed sellers. Once got pic related for 3 dollars. So to me sellers aren't my friends but neither are they my enemies. My hopes are that the market will drop off for a lot of the games that these sellers are holding onto as speculators, and they lose a bunch on it.

>> No.934086
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>This thread

>> No.934106

You're like the biggest cause of reseller hate on this whole board.

>> No.934112


Dude gave me a hell of a deal on River City Ransom.

>> No.934117

Which is weird, because I only sell/trade my duplicates. I admit I made a few mistakes in the beginning, and people like to hold grudges. I'm not gonna go outta my way to change people's minds, though.

>> No.934156

Well apparently you're not supposed to have duplicates. You're expected to leave them behind for the next guy or maybe to give them to your friends?

I dunno I'm still not entirely sure what they want us to do.

>> No.934167


Buy the dupes (if they're cheap enough), post said dupes in the BST for the price you paid + PayPal fees + shipping.

Spread love and gain karma.

>> No.934175

Nobody here said a damn thing about what you were 'supposed to' do, fagort. You can do whatever you want. You resellers are the ones who came in here crying about the fact that some of us happen to think what you do is scummy. If anything, the only people here making demands of what someone is 'supposed to' do are you resellers telling us how we're supposed to think about your game flipping.

>> No.934203

I do not have a problem with resellers.
I do not have much opportunity to go out and look for games so it is convenient I can just buy some online.
I do my research to know what I am getting for my money, and I am willing to pay a little more to know it is in good condition.
The people who do not do their research and buy at high prices are the ones people should be mad at. It is uneducated buyers that allow sellers to mark up games, a seller would be stupid to not mark it up if people are buying it at that price.

>> No.934234

That's the weird thing in this thread. Start with a butthurt reseller trying to paint what he does as something the retro community should be glad exists. It's pointed out countless times that it's not needed and they just need to deal with the fact that they are seen in the same light as a shift used cars salesman. Yet some how that makes many of them focus on arguing that the collectors are just as bad or would be.
It's mind blowing this thread is still active because the general consensus is fans accept resellers and understand it's fair capitalism exist but dislike there practices and what it does to the fandom.

>> No.934263
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this is the sole reason i hate re-sellers

>> No.934268

That guy's not a reseller he's a wannabe artist

>> No.934270

Jesus fucking christ who painted that? Chris-chan?

>> No.934272

>buy Game Boy
>destroy it
>re-sell it
you were saying?

>> No.934281

Can't even be bothered to get a battery cover for it.

>> No.934284

He uses the same 8-for-$1 batteries I use.

I don't think you have a very firm grasp of what we're talking about in this thread.

>> No.934289

if you bothered searching through that guy's ebay store you'll see he's right

>> No.934292

>Trying to become a retro collector in Toronto
Life is suffering. I can't even find a SNES decently priced. The lost I've seen was like 70+ and the only deals are on Ebay which I am forced to use Paypal, which I don't like.

>> No.934297

Thanks to resellers I´m happy that I started collecting retro before it hit the market hard. What you idiots will actually do is raise the flashcard business even more, after all why pay ridiculous prices for a game, when I can pay 99 bucks for a flashcard that holds possibly the whole console library? I can´t imagine paying over 20 bucks for a game that has been used several times before in various states of decadence. The only exception I ever did was Ogre battle 64, for 40 bucks.

>> No.934301

You provide a necessary service to people who are too lazy to go out and find deals? Yea, nah. What about people like me who are out there but cant find any of the games for their collection because people apparently make a living buying out entire inventories you vapid cunt

>> No.934304

>Nerf Guns
>Clock Radio
>Religious paraphernalia
>Pokemon cards
>Remote control

So now people can't try to sell junk for way too high prices without being "scummy resellers"?

The guy is clearly some kind of dumbass. If this is the type of person your hate is directed at you're wasting your time.

>> No.934321

As a /toy/ soldier, I can say this... no matter what you´re selling, if it stretches the price too far, you´re pretty much asking for trouble.

>> No.934332

Seriously though what's the difference between having a collection that's not for sale and having a collection that's priced so high no one will buy?

>> No.934340

Hey Guys, Op here.

Figured this thread would have died by now. Guess not.

Now a lot of what I have read says that I am acting "self-righteous" etc. by saying that I enjoy the idea that the game is going to a person who enjoys it more than me. I can see why this may seem self-righteous, but the fact remains that I enjoy that idealistic vision. Knowing someone else can enjoy a game because I middle-manned it to them is a nice feeling now and then. It doesn't drive me to continue selling games, it isn't a motivator to keep going necessarily, but that doesn't invalidate that feeling.

Secondly I want to make a distinction from the two types of "re-sellers" that are being cited. This is not an argument or discussion about the dickwads on Amazon and eBay that will actually post Mario Bros. for 8 bucks, or SMW for 25. This is about the people who post them for understandable amounts. Like SMW for 8 or DKC for 8. Those are my standard prices for those game. LoZ and Link's Adventure combo is 15, etc. I am not sitting on these games until someone pops on them for 30 dollars or some shit.

>> No.934350

I don't mind re-sellers as much as other people on /vr/. Yeah, it's annoying when they have something common (ex: Looking for NES Rampage and its $10? No way!) and gouge the prices way up but it's case by case seller by seller. Don't like the price? No one is holding a gun to my head to pay. Is it depressing to find a scumbag holding on to something I want for exorbitant prices? Yeah, but once again, I have the freedom to quest on. I will shop elsewhere while they prey on the idiot masses and the stock gets further sun damaged and worthless.

Ultimately, I want to scratch some stuff off my list for a fair price. I got Metroid Fusion and Sonic Advance 2 from a re-seller last week. Paid $15 for both but you know, fair price and much lower than I would have paid if I found them at my LGS or eBay. Have I gotten better deals at the flea market? Of course. Was I happy to have a game I really wanted for under the going rate? Damn straight. This was a case where I was actually kind of glad this guy picked them up. I may not have found them otherwise.

However, the people who charge far over and above eBay and grab all the goodies from other vendors? I mentally mark those booths. Proceed with caution! I scan quickly (sometimes, they get caught slipping!) and move on with my day. Oh and this dude charging me $50 for Metal Storm with the justification "That's the eBay price!" is a dick-hole. Yeah, eBay copies are in better shape generally and come with some safe guards and paper work should I need that. Why should I give you that price for what is ultimately a lesser product? Where is the value in this for me? I have it a few days quicker? Pfft.

tl;dr: I expect flea markets/person to person re sellers asking price to be at least 20% off the eBay price or more dependent on condition. I do not go out to the bad parts of town and hunt every weekend for my health. I go looking for deals.

>> No.934353

Get there before me. You are not entitled to those games. No more than I, a reseller am.

>> No.934364

I know alot of butthurt /vr/ troopers have raked you over the coals but you seem legit to me. No $20 SM3's or other bullshit.

Um...you don't got Megaman V perchance do you?

>> No.934370

Nah, I do Have MegaMan 4 though!

>> No.934373


>> No.934378

Hahaha, Yeah, the later games have always avoided my grasp.

>> No.934401

Ducktales 2?

>> No.934630

Fuck off big jew hunter

>> No.934692
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Having fake fun

>> No.934705


>> No.934715

Just admit you are scum /vr/ won't be happy til you do

>> No.934734
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>Kill retro game hobby
>Emulators widely available and typically accurate


I don't blame resellers for ripping you nerds off. If you wanna pay 200 dollars for a hunk of plastic and some metal that you could otherwise enjoy for free, have at it, dumbass.

>> No.934760

you tell em, anime girl

>> No.935189

>We, as re-sellers provide a necessary service for those who are too lazy, unable, or unwilling to go out in the wild and find deals on their own.

No, you take deals out from under the noses of people like me who aren't lazy and just want to find some old vidya to play.

>> No.935229

Okay, I'm completely uninformed about this topic as a whole.

The only retro games I own are games I got when they were new and have kept since then. I haven't traded anything in ever (aside from some Gamecube shovelware)

What's the deal with "re-sellers" and why are they messing up the "used game market"?

My stance is that playing the original game on its original console is the best way to play it.

What's the deal with resellers? Can't someone looking to buy a game get it from the same place a reseller gets their games? Are resellers an unnecessary middleman? I don't get it.

>> No.935247

What's wrong with resellers? Most of the games in my collection are Japanese. There is no other way for me to get them, other than flying to Japan and looking for obscure PC-98/MSX games

>> No.935250


>Are resellers an unnecessary middleman?


>> No.935282
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I get all the games I want for free! What more can you ask for? This even includes stuff that never had official cartridge runs like Starfox 2 and Crimson Echoes.

>> No.935286


this to some extend.

most people cannot hop into a plane towards Japan, speak Japanese or have relatives etc in Japan who can receive their orders for them.

of course there are proxy buyers - but those tend to be only a wee bit cheaper than resellers.

>> No.935337

listen, i'm not going to read this whole thread because i've heard it all before.

the reason that re-sellers are damaging the retro scene is because they're actively going out to yard sales, thrift stores, pawn shops, and flea markets and buying up all the best shit that they don't even care about playing (perhaps because they already have a copy).

you're not JUST providing a service, you're creating a demand for it at the same time because games are a limited commodity.

if you go and buy 5 copies of secret of mana, that's 5 copies less "in the wild" for another enthusiast to stumble upon, making him likely to be forced into purchasing an over-priced copy from you.

that's the only problem.

your auctions are a good way of doing business should you continue, however, and i don't hold any personal grudge.

>> No.935372

Sorry for loving the games more than you do, being willing to get up earlier etc to make sure those five copies end up with people who will take care of them instead of some random fuckers who'll let their dog eat them and or shit on them.

>> No.935383


Next time I go to live in Japan (hopefully in a year or two) I think I will help people by selling things people want at cost + shipping, no profit to myself. I wonder if anyone would take that offer?

>> No.935385


>being out for profit
>loving games

Pick one. You don't get to have your cake and eat it too.

>> No.935384

I resell only when I'm hurting for money. If people want to pay me for parts of my collection, and I'm short on rent, that sounds great to me. Of course I miss my games when they're gone, but I can always rebuild later when I'm more financially stable.

I don't have a problem with resellers. I think they can go way overboard, but I always have the freedom to just not buy what they're selling and go try to find it myself instead, so I don't really get all the hate. Yes, I'll poke fun at VGA graded games selling for thousands of dollars on eBay, but that doesn't mean I despise resellers per se.

>> No.935556

If we were out for profit we would definitely pick a more profitable hobby.

>> No.935707

>implying you cant make money selling video games.

Have you ever been to ebay or amazon?

>> No.935907

>Implying you can find even a single +$100 title a week.

Trust me, the job of searching for rare video games pays less than minimum wage per hour. We'd make more money flipping burgers.

>> No.936040

>Having artificial fun
Poor neet detected

>> No.936058

It isn't OP's fault that their are retards out there who are willing to pay ridiculous amounts of money for certain games. What, is he just supposed to ignore the money everyone else is getting for the game in an effort to be a "good person"? Fuck you, and fuck that.

>> No.936920


That's the problem, if somebody bought it for 60$ they would probly flip it right there. There is no way to stop this market increase that happened already.

>> No.937019

Holy shit why didn't they cover the chip erasing windows?

>> No.937045

Supposedly the plastic case is uv proof

not buying it

>> No.938643

>plastic case
>uv proof
i bet my ass that some chinese wrote "100% UV PROOF" on some crates full of generic plastic granulate and sold it for twice the price.

implying VGA buys high quality stuff only