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930363 No.930363 [Reply] [Original]

Was it really that bad? How would you rank it in comparison to the rest of the series?

>> No.930390

It's probably the worst one in the series, but it's still a solid game. Definitely worth playing.

>> No.930406

it's not great, but it's better than the series after it

>> No.930417

It wasn't as bad as everyone says, it just had the extreme misfortune of coming out after VII.

>> No.930421

all i remember is the whole ost sounded like elevator music.


I wish gackt never existed.

>> No.930427

>It's probably the worst one in the series
>not I and II
>implying XIII isn't also undeniably worse

>> No.930431

I don't think it's really "bad" but rather it's a very polarizing game, especially in terms of story and characters. I do give them props for trying something different with the Junction System, although I personally am not a fan of it.

I wouldn't rank it the worst in the series, I think that honor belongs to XIII. If we're talking about just retro, I'd still probably put it above III, maybe II as well.

>> No.930430

horrible characters, boring story, boring battle system

one of the few games that people turn against nowadays for a good reason

>> No.930443

>Not X-2, XIII and its assorted nonsense, I, or II

It's certainly not the best, but it is BY FAR not the worst. The only stupid parts were the broken-as-shit junction system and the orphanage tweest.

>> No.930460

Don't make me remember that trash. Idk how the fuck they had the idea for that game

>> No.930472

>weird battle system
>monsters on the moon
>gfs eating my memories
>that t-board thingamajig that was never seen again

I liked Triple Triad and the cozy feel of some of the locales, though

>> No.930592 [DELETED] 
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I just started it right now hot off the heels of FF7, an god DAMN the productions took such a giant leap in comparison. Everything looks so fucking nice coming off of that: the character models, enemy models, animations, the menus, the menu SOUNDS, the overall music (FF7 had awesome music, don't get me wrong, but it sounded kind of technically dated for a PS game), the backdrops, the CG, etc etc etc.

Using Shiva for the first time was just... wow, all of that.

Dunno about the whole magic system yet, if it's really gonna stay where I have to go out and keep stock up on it during a battle like it's ammo, that sounds annoying as fuck. But I just beat Ifrit in the cave, so really early like I said.

The whole gf taking damage while you wait for it to attack instead of Summon taking MP thing is kinda cool, though.

>> No.930594
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I just started it right now hot off the heels of FF7, and god DAMN the production values took such a giant leap in comparison. Everything looks so fucking nice coming off of that: the character models, enemy models, animations, the menus, the menu SOUNDS, the overall music (FF7 had awesome music, don't get me wrong, but it sounded kind of technically dated for a PS game), the backdrops, the CG, etc etc etc.

Using Shiva for the first time was just... wow, all of that.

Dunno about the whole magic system yet, if it's really gonna stay where I have to go out and keep stock up on it during a battle like it's ammo, that sounds annoying as fuck. But I just beat Ifrit in the cave, so really early like I said.

The whole gf taking damage while you wait for it to attack instead of Summon taking MP thing is kinda cool, though.

>> No.930605



>> No.930610


>> No.930636

I would say its hard to rank FF as they really differ depending on time frame or if you are counting spinoffs. Kinda boils down to what you find appealing in them.

It did many good things, mana-less combat, depth of field on PS1 was nice, trippy story, realistic for its time graphics, and hell I thought the junction system was pretty clever.

Downsides being you never cast magic to preserve stats, graphics didn't age well, summons are so long you won't use those either and the story seems to have some plot holes and huge retard moments.

I like many things about, but can no longer play it. Not for any of the small things or dumbshit, but because the pacing is fucking horrible. God damn every time you pass out and have to run around like a jackass until the game decides you can have fun again. FUCK.

>> No.930649

FF games generally aren't anything special.

>> No.930658


>> No.930664

Oh no, I am being reprimanded for acknowledging that FF is one of Squaresoft/SE's most mediocre ips amongst a large lineup of better games.

>> No.930670

Oh no, I'm being /v/-tier fanboy shitposted for directing /v/ trash to /v/.

>> No.930729

Please, by all means, list the ones that fall before the /vr/ cutoff.

>> No.931219

Final Fantasy VIII, without a doubt, has one of the most bizarre and needlessly convoluted stories of all time. Also every character is irritating and the art kind of sucks.

However, I actually like the mechanics of this one more than any classic era FF. The idea of keeping your level low but boosting your stats with magic is pretty inventive, and challenged the user to be more creative in their approach to the game than to simply kill everything. While IX, VI and many others are obviously better, their mechanics seem a little bland compared to VIII's. Plus, VIII is one of the few FFs that is actually sort of difficult

>> No.931262

Not fun to play, but the story is hilarious. I guess it can be seen as the FFXIII of its time, the difference being that VIII has some redeeming qualities.

>> No.931271

It was pretty ridiculous at times, but so was every other game in the series.

Battles are unlosable, overworld puzzles don't exist. Again, as almost every other game in the series. The only thing that was a first in FFVIII was that every character looked like a teen idol.

>> No.931272

>Dunno about the whole magic system yet, if it's really gonna stay where I have to go out and keep stock up on it during a battle like it's ammo, that sounds annoying as fuck
You don't have to, because you don't need the spells. The game is too easy.

>> No.931279

I read 'idol' as 'idiot', which really isn't inaccurate.

>> No.931282

It's the same thing, really. Compared to idolshit, even Biebs is like Freddie Mercury.

>> No.931291


It's fucking abysmal, but it isn't nearly as bad as the nightmare of 10 and every game after.

>> No.931308

Extremely exploitable system and the worst love story since twilight.

>> No.931321

It's a decent game marred by high expectations from VII and several poor design choices.

The story is all over the place, starts strong, weakens considerably during the second disc, and then spirals out of control into ridiculousness by the third. It's as if several different stories were conceived and then patched together as one. They would have benefited from keeping it less complex.

There are very few likable characters. Most of the cast are one-dimensional and have to act out their particular dimension to the hilt no matter what the story calls for. Which is a shame because they made an opportunity to make some memorable personalities. Quistis for example is supposed to be a SeeD prodigy who graduated young and went on to become an instructor, but her entire story arc is pouting internally over Squall's unrequited affections. Such a waste.

VIII's strongest point is it's junction and draw system, which admittedly, you loved or hated. It's one of the more unique systems Square ever tried, and I'd like to see them refine it.

Also, Rinoa should have died in space

>> No.931330

If there's one thing that I think FF8 got right, it was an interesting setting.

I can go on about the inane characters, the convoluted plot, and the broken gameplay, but when all is said and done, I think the world they built was very beautiful and unique. Places like the gardens, Deling City, and Esthar were jaw-droppingly awesome when I first played it back in the day, and are some of the more memorable locations of any FF game. They really hit a good balance between modern, futuristic, and all around comfy. If only the world was a bit more densely populated...

Oh, and one more thing they did well. Ultimecia's Castle is one of the most fuckwin final dungeons I've ever played.

>> No.931361

Are you implying that Square's modern games are better than their SNES and PS1 games?

>> No.931372


No, they just realize we can't discuss post-FF9 games here.

>> No.931373

>If there's one thing that I think FF8 got right, it was an interesting setting.

Also, visuals and music were undeniably great.

>> No.931386


If you revise that to 'potentially interesting', I'll agree. If I had given three fucks about any of the characters, fine.

>> No.931382

I think it was refreshing to see such an overly sexual and female focused story in a video game.

>> No.931390


>tfw Squall is gaming's greatest female protagonist

>> No.931396

A game isn't just its protagonist, anon.

>> No.931398

I remember at least one post from /v/ where a guy said he thought Squall was a woman when he saw the opening FMV for the first time.

>> No.931406


Yeah, it was a joke, bitch.

Although I hope you aren't seriously arguing that FF8 features any worthwhile female characters.

>> No.931412

It was a very visually imaginative blend of fantasy, XX-ish retromodernity and high-tech. I still can't really find anything like it.

>> No.931416


>m-m-muh Quistis

>> No.931419
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>> No.931420

Quistis was hot, but she was a terrible character.

I was also really annoyed, even as a 13 year old, when they said she was also a kid. For fuck's sake, shit.

>> No.931424
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>> No.931428

FFVIII has ever-present femininity. Not necessarily in the form of any female character, but the imagery is distinctly feminine.

>> No.931429

dat fucking 'draw' system
dat fucking triple triad mini-game
That said, I do remember it being pretty fun for the most part.

>> No.931672

it hinges heavily on the "love story"

which isn't so much abysmally written as it is nonexistant.

Squall just "goes" with everything, he never really decides anything on his own, and Rinoa is full on ADHD, not to mention has a bad habit of fisting dogs

>> No.931675

>Squall just "goes" with everything, he never really decides anything on his own,

That's because FATE and pre-destination are some of the maine themes of the game. It's what the looping story is all about, and "fate" is important in the musics of the game.

>> No.931680

then it failed to be good, or make any sense

>> No.931698

You're now remembering the footstep sounds for the rest of the day

>> No.931707

FFVIII is an interesting one for me because I have so much affection for the game after playing it so much in my youth, but I really can't defend it due to the awful story, lame characters, and busted gameplay.

I still think it looks and sounds great, and has a number of great moments, plus it has my favorite side quests of any RPG.

>> No.931710

Are "gamers" too stupid to understand a story unless it's shoved down their throat and literaly told to them?

I just read an interview of Tobe Hooper (director of famous movies such as the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre) in a magazine. He was bashing modern american movies for often having a part in the movie where they HAVE to explain everything that's going on with words, to explain it to the audiance. He claims that it's better express things with the visual and sound, and let the audiance understand it that way.
Then he says "unless that audiance plays video games all day, they should be able to understand".

It didn't even take me one second to understand what he meant by that. After talking with many, many, many people on forums (and /v/) about my fav video games (FF8 and SH series), I've come to realize that probably the vast majority of people who have played and finished those games (sometimes several times), have no idea what is going on except for the basic stuff. Oh, and if you start to explain it to them they'll often reject it and say "nah this is just stupid fan theories". That reason is because games like the SH series have a different kind of storytelling, they do not tell everything through words, but rather through visuals, sounds, but also gameplay elements.

So /v/, are gamers really stupid in general and unable to understand a story? is it a generation thing, are people nowadays getting more stupid ? is it really generalizing too much ? is storytelling in video games doomed to having no depth ?

>> No.931729

ff8 is a broken game where the mechanics make it counter intuitive to level up in an rpg. srsly what the fuck were they thinking.

That alone should makes it the worst final fantasy objectively for me even though i enjoyed it more than i did 9 or 10 or 2.

>> No.931759

I almost listened to /v/ and after playing FF7 I thought about skipping FF8 because it was supposedly shit. Guess what? It wasn't.

It's actually the best FF, you just listen to spoony and other faggots too much instead of having your own opinions

>> No.931764

It's really not a bad game.

It's just that many people who expected another fantasy or cyberpunk/fantasy game were disappointed because it was more like a sci-fi highschool drama.

It doesn't have any more or less flaws than 7 and 9.
Personally, I like them all about equally.

>> No.931781

A strong concept.

Extremely good disc 1 with only a slight dip during timber, a few more dips during disc 2 but ending on a high note with the inter garden battle and a godawful ending that takes that sound concept and fucking ruins it during disc 3.

FF8 is at it's best when it's about child mercenaries fighting facist nations run by super wizard ladies. Most of the time when you are on a mission the game shines with almost every element; the set pieces are varied and engaging, the characters have some real meat to them when exploring these situations and the gameplay usually benefits from the unique spin the missions put on it.

It's the loss of these elements, in various moments during the entire game but mostly disc 3, that cripples the game.

>> No.931802
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Most people are stupid, be it videogame players or movie lovers

The thing is that movie lovers are more elitist and can't accept people who like other things (videogames, music, etc) to appreciate them as much as they do

Videogames like FF or SH, simply by having such amount of playtime, are way deeper than most movies, even maybe including some oscar-nominees

This said by someone who studies fine arts and loves both movies, games, music, painting, sculpting, etc.

That guy is simply an elitist faggot with a special snowflake syndrome.

>> No.931803

The problem is that media are becoming more and more accepted by the masses.
Which isn't actually a bad thing, but it creates the feeling that there's a decrease in quality.

I won't go into detail with literature, music and and film, because that would take ages,
but in terms of videogames it's basically that, say, 20 years ago computers weren't used by the general public but a few specialists.
Hence videogames were aimed at this specialist audience.
On the other hand consoles were marketed as toys for kids.
A couple years later both of these areas grow and become more popular. Computers become less of a specialist tool and consoles become more accepted beyond the concept of a "toy".
The mingle and create a new generation in which videogames is (somehwhat) accepted as a new artistic medium.

So, now that that's established, starting with Star Wars as the first huge commercially succesful franchise in terms of merchandizing and marketing (which was nearly unexplored at that point), media like film, music and also videogames were noticed for their huge profit possiblities.

Obviously, the bigger your demographic, the more money you can make.
Which demographic is most likely to spend money on media?
Children, teens and parents.

Ergo you concentrate your efforts on family friendly, easy to understand movies, music and videogames, if you want to make a lotta money.

There obviously still are products aimes at other more highbrow demographics,
but they tend to get overshadowed by the huge amount of lowbrow enterntainment.

So gamers aren't really "stupid" or inattentive per se, but there are a whole lot more of them
and the majority of people only want quick entertainment that you don't have to put much thought into it.

Video games are no longer only for nerds.

>> No.931807

Meltdown, triple and aura are always useful

>> No.931843


X-2 was basically made to give fans the ending they wanted in the first place.

>> No.931926

>the majority of people only want quick entertainment that you don't have to put much thought into

The problem is that we're training everybody to think that way about everything, including their news, politics, religion and even interpersonal relationships. Who needs soma or newspeak when we can forward shit on Facebook?

>> No.931970

More like we're letting ourselves be trained by the industry,
but yeah, youre right.

It's not like the industry could suddenly start being interested in producing art instead of products and wholeheartedly care about their projects.

Commissioned works will always be products, never art.
That's why the older Silent Hills are so much more engaging than the newer ones.
The old devs wanted to tell a story. The new devs want to make the next-gen Silent Hill and producers comissioned it because it's a popular franchise.

That's also why there will never be another engaging Final Fantasy.
All the people who honestly cared have left.

>> No.931975

They really aren't. They would have been, if there was at least a bit of challenge int he game, but that's not the case.

>> No.931990

Try playing a no-draw run, then come back.

>> No.932006

ff8 is one of those games that is such a big train wreck that you can't help but see it through to the end just to see if everything gets better (it doesn't, but if you want to drag yourself through go ahead)

worth a play i suppose

to me the whole "npc opponents leveling with pc's party" is the greatest flaw in terms of game play - mobs with overinflated hp banks create a grind that isn't necessary in a single player game

>> No.932116

What grind? Are you stupid?
Because of the level scaling, grinding is actually contra-productive.
If you wanted the game to be easy you'd want to stay as low level as possible.

>> No.932189

>If you wanted the game to be easy you'd want to stay as low level as possible.

That doesn't make it easier because you'd have to spend MUCH more time grinding in other ways to get powerful magics to be really overpowered.

>> No.932282

Not really. I took on Diabolos as soon as I got the bottle and trained his encounter-stopping abilities.
After that the game was pretty easy and I'm not even good at jrpgs.

>> No.932305


I was really annoyed when Squall didn't take her to pound town even when she was fucking THROWING HERSELF AT HIM.

God I hate him.

>> No.932310


Worthwhile, no.

Sexy, yes.

>> No.932315
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>actually making an argument this stupid

You're like one of those people who defends the Star Wars prequels.

>> No.932316

I always feel that the story in many of these JRPGS are lost due to bad translation. Some JRPGs, like Suikoden, have clear and understandable stories.

>> No.932320


This guy is right. Leveling up makes the game harder, not easier. You don't have to grind for magic either. You can use junction points to get good spells for free, plus you can use the various refine abilities. I mean, using 5 wizard stones with Refine-Fire gives you 100 firagas, which is a STR boost of like 50. If you're level 10, the boost is much more valuable because bosses will also be level 10. Not only that, but Brothers HP+80% + junctioning 100 curagas to your HP is like +7000 HP, and this is very easy to do. The game is easier if your level is lower.

>> No.932324


Oh fuck you

>> No.932330


I'm both a movie lover and a gamer since about the age of 5. Am now 28.

>> No.932347


>oh hai samefag

Go advertise your pathetic game elsewhere. It IS way better than 10 or anything that came after, though, I'll give you that.

>> No.932361

Did someone take a dump in your breakfast today?
You seem awfully grumpy.

Also nice try, but only the middle post is mine.
Better luck next time at the samefag lottery.

>> No.932416

worst game in the series next to x2

>> No.932425

ranking (those i played):
A: 7 and 8
B: 6
C: 10
D: 9

7 has better fighting and skill mechanics. 8 has a better design and atmosphere. they are and the same level storywise, although 8 has a more adult and realistic theme.
square realized players liked the mindfuck, unclear, ambiguous elements of the story in 7 most, so they took it one step further in 8. problem was that 90% of the players did not understand the story in 8, because there was no "solving scene" where everything was explained (even though there were several broad hints towards the "big secret", you know, rinoa..)

>> No.932421

FF8's story isn't difficult to understand, it's just too riddled with unecessary plot twists and deus ex machina

>> No.932429

People expected cyberpunk from FFVIII? Why?

>> No.932443

Third best after FF9 and FF6

>> No.932447

I'm playing through it as we speak, enjoying it a lot actually

admittedly, when I played it the first time when I was younger, I never finished it due to boredom

>> No.932453

>I never finished it due to ̶b̶̶o̶̶r̶̶e̶̶d̶̶o̶̶m̶ ADD.

>> No.932459

You just described almost every FF.

>> No.932749

This is my favorite in the series. Far from the worst in my opinion... i think that would go to 6.

>> No.932762


>this much troll

>> No.932769
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Y'know maybe I just didn't give this game a fair shot when it came out. I guess I just didn't care for Squall and so I never bothered to stick around to see his character develop. I didn't care for the magic system and or the story or setting...It just didn't appeal to me.

I won't bash the game, it just wasn't for me.

>> No.932792

I really enjoyed Final Fantasy VIII on release. I thought it had a lot of neat concepts, just poorly executed. It also came out when I was a teenager, so I didn't mind the story as much then.

I don't think I can really "rank" the FFs since some are comparing apples to oranges, but FF8 wasn't bad, it simply could've used a lot of playtesting and refinement from a mechanical standpoint. The story, like all other FFs, is no worse than generic novels aimed at teenagers and young adults.

>> No.932803

>saying FF6 is bad

prepare for butthurt FF6fags all up in your ass for this.

I like FF8. It was my first FF game and appealed to me the most. I never even played FF7 and FF8 just appealed to me a lot.

I wish the plot would be more advanced though.
that shitty pseudomilitary vibe and school crap didn't do this game justice.

might replay though I have the master race version after all.

if you excuse me now, /v/, I have to go and drink some water or else I feel like I'm gonna die lol

>> No.932825


The main thing killing FF8 for me is that it just doesn't work as a game. It's a mess of weird, nonsensical interconnected systems and it's seemingly impossible to not break the game on sheer accident. In good FF games you are challenged by the game and you use your knowledge of the game's systems to grant you advantages that let you win consistently. In FF8 the systems are random as fuck, make no sense and the game is hilariously easy to compensate.

The main good thing about FF8 is that I kind of liked the school setting (just like my japanese animes!) and it was very pretty for a PS1 game.

>> No.932834

So I'm going to be honest. Is there any gameplay appeal to these games? Because I don't play that many RPGs, but out of the ones I have played, there are much superior games even in the turn-based style.

>> No.932838

I played through all the other FFs without a problem, with some intense grinding to boot. Don't think it's ADD

>> No.932847

>So I'm going to be honest. Is there any gameplay appeal to these games?

not really. I think most older RPGs are more in for the narrative anyway.

>> No.932846

>Is there any gameplay appeal to these games?

Depends on if you use the actual definition of gameplay, in which case yes in some cases, or if you're one of those fags who think only action game mechanics can be gameplay, in which case never.

>> No.932856


This person would be an example of the sort of giganigger who thinks only action games have "gameplay".

I couldn't give a fuck about the story of any RPG not named Torment. I play RPGs because I love to kill things and see my numbers go up so I can kill them harder next time. This is great fun in and of itself.

>> No.932857

at least it isn't FFX. which was the bigger trainwreck.

>> No.932863

>Commissioned works will always be products, never art.

Art has to sell if it wants to have purpose to exist unless you're doing art for art's sake alone. but why bother doing it at all then?

>> No.932872

>this pleb

Art doesn't need a purpose. Art is its own purpose.

>> No.932873

I thought the final boss had great music and design.

>> No.932885
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First Final Fantasy I ever played. I look back and laugh at how wowed I was by it, but again it was my first. I remember losing so much interest by the time I got to the train mini game. It's a game I could never go back and fully play again. Everything just feels so drawn out and there is so much going on that feels unnecessary without being entertaining. To be honest I didn't hate the characters that much but I didn't love them either. I liked Zell and most people give him a lot of shit. I felt like he was one of the few that wasn't all mopy and trying to be "deep" he was just a dude. I despised the convoluted plot and the ending was just so... whatever. The battle system was alright, junction isn't my thing but it's not awful either. Kind of messed up you had to play triple triad to get some things that were necessary, I liked Tetra Master more but then they went and made it unneeded except in one part.

I played VII after VIII. It was a bit better and sort of opened my eyes. It wasn't until I played IV, VI, and IX that I really understood how VIII didn't really hold up as a good rpg to me. I do have to say, I really liked Diablo's summon cinematic in VIII.

>> No.932897

Cheesy but fun

>> No.933018
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Spoken like a true capitalist.
Uncle Sam would ne proud.

>> No.933025

Because 7 had lot's of cyberpunk visuals and themes.
After FF7 every FF was compared to it and people still ask for more FF7 or a remake.
And they actually got a whole lot of spinoffs and a movie already.

>> No.933071

>Commissioned works will always be products, never art.

No, art is really just an overglorified synonym for entertainment. The Mona Lisa was something da Vinci only painted because he was requested and paid to do so, just like nearly everything he painted.

>> No.933138

does that include not drawing GFs when you can?

>> No.933461

Yes. Also no draw points either.

If you really want to spice it up no reading cards for items and magic as well.

Alternatively you could also try a no-stat-junction run.

>> No.933491


WHy is it that the FF series is basically the only games where the hardcore fans literally just admit that the game is easy as shit and just make up non-nonsensical handicaps to compensate.

>> No.933535

>If there's one thing that I think FF8 got right, it was an interesting setting.

A lot of people hate on this game for the gameplay, the story, the characters,... But when all is said and done, RPGs are about "a new life in a new world" and the "new world" part was really great: walking through the gardens, running through Dollet, escaping the prison,... Boy did it make me dream (and still does)...

Maybe the scenario was poor, and I'll forgive some characters for having zero development (the only ones who had any are Squall and Linoa while the rest stayed the same all along) because the same could be said for a lot of games: Barret or Cid from FFVII had zero development except some backstory quest and nobody complained.

>> No.933542
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Most of the love I have for it comes from the nostalgia, it was one of the first games that really grew on me, even though I only played it for a total of fifty hours total (I was about 7 years at the time, found the game difficult at the time). It is one of those games that just makes you wish you could be a kid again and enjoy escapism, most kids are extremely imaginative and have a need for this.

The rest of the love goes too the music and the characters. The main story were okay for me, while the gameplay were often a bore (draw, draw, draw) and I preferred to experience the character interactions while listening to the great music that played. I remember having so much fun when the characters opened up a little in a conversation/situation.

Now that we are on it, I actually did relate to Squall at the time (and still kinda do). Not the edgy part, but having trouble with trusting others and showing my emotions. Obviously that made the game a lot more important for me.

I end up listening to some of the OSTs a few times every week, it gives me one of those intense feelings of nostalgia; when remembering a certain part of the game that had the song I would listen to.

>> No.933549

The things it fucked up were pretty awful but I thought the things it did well more than made up for it. Also, FF8 had the best final dungeon, this is non-negotiable.


>> No.933557

I'd just like to remind people at this point that it wasn't actually confirmed by the developers of FF6 that Shadow was Relm's father until a full year after release.

>> No.933561 [DELETED] 

>Critical health Squall
>R1, R1, R1, Renzokuken
>R1, R1, R1, Renzokuken
>R1, R1, R1, Renzokuken
>Rinse and repeat

>> No.933930

>Irvine in charge of shooting the witch

>> No.933943

9/10 people I knew who played FF8 had no idea Laguna was Squall's father.

>> No.933996
File: 613 KB, 1152x864, apex brother.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FF VIII- 1999
>Twilight- 2005

>> No.934009
File: 339 KB, 768x1280, Screenshot_2013-07-23-23-41-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im hopefully beating Sephiroth for the first time in a day or two (pic related).

Will be starting VIII soon. Its shocking to see so many of you talking shit about it. I thought rhere was a hardcore growing group of people who considered it amazing and VII shit. Or maybe I was getting VIII confused with VI.

>> No.934042

It was actually the first FF I ever played, so I have a soft spot for it. The game makes me sad because the visuals were absolutely fantastic for it's time, and I think it has one of the best soundtracks in the series. Still, the fact that your enemy's level depended on yours is some of the stupidest crap I've ever seen. Sure, you can overpower the enemy if you know how to cheat the junction system, but drawing 100 fires from an enemy just isn't fun at all. It definitely isn't the worst, but its not among the best either.

>> No.934046


>> No.934062

Characters were shit, story was meh, graphics were okay, I liked the battle/junction system and loved the card game
would play again

>> No.934074

What dont you understand?

>> No.934114
File: 126 KB, 407x405, !!1250215884371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone remember the story of the guy who had the vivid dream about Selphie trying to convince him to commit suicide and join her in her little club/party whatever she was organizing in balamb garden?

>> No.934309

actually, my favorite behind #9. definitely one of my most beloved RPG's played, and I consider myself an RPG fan.

not everyone hates it, I meet plenty of people that were as taken away with it as I was. I played it young, but I also beat it a 2nd and 3rd time, plus countless other times of just wasting a couple nights playing the first disc.

I like the characters, the story, and the junction system.

Just my opinion, but it is factual that all your opinions are wrong....

just kidding

>> No.934421


If you enjoyed it, good on you. I did too, back in the day. Now I find it to be an overstuffed nightmare.

>> No.934423

It was good. I saw nothing wrong with it and I played it like any other Final Fantasy. I enjoyed it.

>> No.934746

What hole did you crawl from?
People do this all the time.

Elder Scrolls, Baldur's Gate, Fallout etc etc ...

They seek new challenges because they simply played the games way too often.

Also speedruns have been around for ages.

>> No.934752

ITT people who liked FF8 back then and pretend they don't today

>> No.934770

Time kompression makes everything possible

>> No.934778

>anyone in charge of shooting basically his own mother

>> No.934835

It's the most comfy FF by far.
I really enjoyed it.

>> No.934839

I liked it a lot OP.Characters had amazing design.I wish they improved them indivually instead of focusing too much on Squall and Rinoa.

I always felt the game had one of the best settings,like they didn't improve on characters but instead the locations.

It's sad that anything that can make FF8 amazing is easily fixable,yet they decided to go with such shit disc 3 and rather breakable system.

>> No.935560

rhere = there

It's not that hard broski.

>> No.935564

Naaaah, it's still a decent game.

>> No.935573

tetra master is better though

>> No.935590 [DELETED] 

i hope you don't mean silent hill

>> No.935608

supernova is going to toast you.
even shadow flare would kill you.

>> No.935613

i remember, anon.

>> No.935617
File: 6 KB, 252x252, 45747356736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat balamb garden music

>> No.935645


There was a part, possibly after the Garden was attacked, where a student was playing the theme on their acoustic guitar and you could stand and listen to it. I loved that version, but I've never found it anywhere, and it's not part of the OST.

>> No.935650

In the middle of a playthrough right now OP. I totally recommend you play the entire thing once. It's a very unique final fantasy game, and you shouldn't miss it. Some people didn't like the Junction system, which is super legitimate - it can be a huge pain. Especially if you rely on drawing magic from enemies instead of refining from cards and mugged/dropped items. People who hate on the story or characters in my mind likely didn't finish more than 30 minutes. They mistake Squall for a failed "edgy 90s" style character. Basically all you need to know about Squall is that he's a 17 year old kid trying to act like a 17 year old orphan raised by a mercenary school thinks adults should act.

>> No.935682

Did you try the psf rips?

>> No.936250

>Fisherman's Horizon

>> No.937618

Mario 64 syndrome "FF edition"

>> No.937696


Did Squall die?