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File: 227 KB, 950x950, Klonoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
926470 No.926470 [Reply] [Original]

This is a very depressing game

>> No.926475

Nothing but loss of loved ones

>> No.926472

Hm. Why?

>> No.926479

That fucking ending, man...I nearly cried

>> No.926495

>This is a very depressing game

How can it be depressing when it looks so cute?

>> No.926501

>it looks so cute
That's where they get you

>> No.926514

played as a child, cried like a little girl
played last month, cried like a little girl

Fuck this game ;_;

>> No.926527

I enjoyed this alot, but the squeals seem to be spread across a couple different consoles.

Are any of them good?

>> No.926539

They're all good.
I don't know much about Volleyball and Moonlight Museum though

>> No.926543

I really enjoyed Klonoa - Empire of Dreams for GBA, it's been a while but I remember having a hard time with the puzzles (and there's a lot of them)

>> No.927414

Don't you mean "boring" OP?

>> No.927452

Yeah, they're great. Second one follows the same charms as the first one, and so does the handheld ones to a lesser extent.
Go play them, I only have fond memories.

>> No.927473

Pretty sure he meant "amazing"

>> No.927630

I felt pretty bored after the first boss...

>> No.927717

Only Lunatea's Veil is a true sequel.
The WonderSwan (Moonlight Museum) and GBA games (all 3 of them) are alternate continuities, while the other PS1 game is...
... I have no fucking idea of WHAT it is.


> dat vocal intro

>> No.927732

I beat klonoa 1 when I was 10 and cried like a bitch. I have klonoa 2 now and instantly turned it off when I heard the cute squealy voices and remembered dat feel when beating 1.
>will 2 make me cry also?

>> No.927737
File: 57 KB, 320x315, klonoa_door_to_phantomile_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile in america...

>> No.927748

Which version of this game is the best. (I have a modded ps1)

>> No.927750

Especially because this time Klonoa can see it coming but Lolo (his first love, to boot) doesn't.

The player should, though. After all, the ENTIRE plot revolves around coming into terms with sorrow instead of pulling a ignorance veil over your eyes and pretending sorrow doesn't exist.

>> No.927754

now I don't want to play it :'(

>> No.927767
File: 14 KB, 350x264, gfs_27331_2_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The King of Sorrow is one of the best anti-villains seen during the PS2 age.

> Please... please help me...

>> No.927781
File: 69 KB, 900x675, klonoa_2_king_of_sorrow_by_guntzorgantz-d4qoy7y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This face will haunt your nightmares.

>> No.927797
File: 27 KB, 480x480, Lolo022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Lolo, she only wanted to grow old with Klonoa at her side.

>> No.927805

Or are they all the same?

>> No.927807
File: 492 KB, 651x291, 1358066306686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you rented the game instead of buying it

I was such a fool

>> No.927823
File: 175 KB, 500x500, 500px-Kanashimi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, the King of Sorrow was a great antagonist because unlike Ghadius, you can't help but sympatize with him and agrre that the universe fucked him in the butt for no reason at all.

Basically the game uses him to show you what Klonoa could become if he had too many bad days piling up on him.

And let's not even start talking about Leorina.

>> No.927836
File: 20 KB, 430x320, 959024528_NULOYHHJPQIIMSB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leorina- best rival ever. Plus she is a sky pirate and owns the coolest skyship ever.

Tat- hyper competent evil sidekick with a sharp tongue and the ability to split in a nice and a naughty version of herself.

>> No.927840
File: 71 KB, 303x363, klbv34ot0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.927849
File: 27 KB, 595x446, klonoa-2-lunateas-veil-image533778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Summon the Dream Walker to your world so he could save your kingdom.
> Make him appear at the middle of the sea during a storm, where he almost drowns.


>> No.927993

It's just too deep for you

>> No.927995

It was nearly too deep for the Dream Walker!

>> No.930079


>> No.930559

The thread was making me depressed...till I read Wa-Hoo!

>> No.930846


tensnake? lel

>> No.930870

oh god, I played the wii """remake""". It's one of the most shitty game I ever played

>> No.930927

What's wrong with the Wii version? I had it pirated, but then I got rid of my Wii because my hard drive crashed and I didn't make backups. I guess that's karma for pirating games

>> No.930951
File: 23 KB, 222x199, 1199664216381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only legitimate complaints are that the 3d isn't as solid of an aesthetic as the original and that the voices default to english (and the voice actors suck) but you can just go back to the menu and switch it back to the cutesy gibberish from the original game. Otherwise it's the same game with a very, very small amount of extra content. The translation is slightly different too but I've yet to see why one is better than the other in that regard.

Also anyone saying it's boring or not sad probably didn't beat it. The ending is a mega downer.

>> No.930974
File: 185 KB, 710x539, 33123411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The script is different in the fact that Huepow (Hewpoe) has almost every bit of dialogue, and Klonoa barely has any for himself, robbing him of any possible character development. I'm not sure if the remake's script is the definitive version, but I don't like it at all.

>> No.931197

I didn't like the Wii version as much, for two reasons. The graphics were too rounded and clean and boring, and the Phantomile language was replaced by lame English voice acting.

Ghadius was a cool villain, and Door to Phantomile is just a game that I can play again and again when the time is right. I love it. The sequel, for PS2 was devoid of charm, though. There was nothing memorable about it, not even the King of Sorrow.

>> No.931221
File: 22 KB, 247x350, Klonoa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Strange, I absolutely adore Door to Phantomile, but Lunatea's Veil is my favorite game of all time, since I believe it's incredible in all aspects.

>> No.931261
File: 68 KB, 764x766, 1370957333642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you bought it and then sold it for like $5 to a friend

>> No.931313

>try playing pcsx2 or whatever
>some stuff is rendered in the wrong place, stuck

>> No.931323


Lunatea's Veil is really hard to emulate accurately, and after all this time, they haven't gotten close to fixing it.

>> No.931331

wtf, that's strange. Wasn't Klonoa 2 like one of the first PS2 games? weird...

also I absolutely loved Door to Phantomile. Cried like a sissy. Wonderswan version wasn't that great nor the GBA ones. Oh well.

>> No.933262


It was, but they still haven't figured out how to emulate the sound properly, and there's a workaround for a softlock that corrupts the water and fire effects in the game.

>> No.933305
File: 541 KB, 702x528, 43324234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you bought it and traded for tony hawk

>> No.933326

... but you actually got the better end of the deal there

>> No.933330
File: 349 KB, 1116x853, 898a5ea85d83655aae81935f30736148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Phantomile language was still in the Wii version, though I do agree that the graphics were kinda dull. Felt like it lost some of it's charm.

I also think they gave you more health in the Wii version, and the added vision from being able to play the game in widescreen also made the game a bit easier. This may have also made the game lose some of it's charm.

I personally feel that the game's story telling wasn't as good as the original version on the PSX, but that's just me.

>> No.934286
File: 25 KB, 400x300, nnmnm_zps9230157e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.934291

this thread actually got me playing the game. it's pretty awesome and inventive so far, i just got to the temple of the sun.

really liking how the characters speak in nonsense-language but you can still make out names and stuff. the only problem i have with it is it feels kinda.. i dunno, floaty maybe? just sorta off as far as controls go

>> No.934310


Are you trying to find all those trapped citizens, in the bubble things? If you find all of them in the game, you unlock more stuff at the end.

>> No.934313


I'm trying, but I've missed a few in a few levels and I don't really see a way to go back and try levels again. Is the stuff at the end like.. A true ending or something? Or just some extra levels?

>> No.934316


It's been forever, but I thought you could choose levels to replay when you go to the level select part in the pop-up book. The bonus stuff is just a bonus level that's pretty cool, and a music box, that let's you play every sound and song used in the game. It was very satisfying unlocking all that when I was younger.

>> No.934432

This game made my childhood.