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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.19 MB, 1626x1048, 1634016041968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9293720 No.9293720 [Reply] [Original]

>You can pinch Mario's head that is floating in the void
This is so damn retarded, and eerie. What the fuck?
Also, were you able to make such distorted faces on the original console or it's just an emulator quirk?

>> No.9293724 [DELETED] 

Zoom zoom.

>> No.9293742

Guaranteed replies. Can someone change the locks to the doors to 4chan and just put me out of my misery already

>> No.9293745 [DELETED] 

My copy of the game had the hyperrealistic bleeding nostalgia critic.

>> No.9293762

I'm 34. Just never had a Nintendo console aside from the NES close.

>> No.9293765 [DELETED] 



>> No.9293767 [DELETED] 


>> No.9293771

My copy just had Mario turn to me and call me a nigger

>> No.9293779

Every copy is personalized.

>> No.9293782

In mine Wario was there and he had a gun

>> No.9293783

Yeah, he used to look at my Michael Jordan poster on my wall and say "NIGGER".

>> No.9293785 [DELETED] 

Are there any oldfags left on this board or did they all get banned?

>> No.9293791 [DELETED] 

They probably got fed up and left, which is just about where I am with the entire website myself, honestly.

>> No.9293796

Mine too.

>> No.9293798 [DELETED] 

Yea, /vr/ is like that.

>> No.9293801 [DELETED] 

Where else is there to go?

>> No.9293806 [DELETED] 

You're still a retarded zoomer at heart

>> No.9293808 [DELETED] 

At this point, I'm realizing that posting in general just isn't very enjoyable to me anymore. I'm just addicted to it. So, outside I guess.

>> No.9293812 [DELETED] 

That's rude.

>> No.9293816 [DELETED] 

but true
Mario 64 isn't scary, only retards think that

>> No.9293831 [DELETED] 

So, you are saying that there are more people who think like me? To me, that kinda proves it's actually scary.

>> No.9293838 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 246x205, fpbp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9293839

This except unironically. As a wise 12 year old I was actually put off by n64s glaring syatem limitations (what use is 64 bit for a 32mb cartridge), but I've grown to highly appreciate the esoteric dreamlike floating polygon levels that make up the game. As a youth though I was highly turned off by the incohesion...the "DURRR WE CANT ACTUALLY MAKE A WORLD SO .. 8 BIT PAINTINGS!"

>> No.9293846 [DELETED] 
File: 364 KB, 640x448, Piano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one thinks that except for masterbaiters like ohpee and literal prepubescent children (picrel)

>> No.9293849 [DELETED] 

>groupthink means it's true
Fuck off back to whatever normalfag social media cesspit you crawled out of

>> No.9293851 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 700x400, No I Dont Think I Will.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9293881 [DELETED] 

Of course it is, lol. If a group of people thinks the same, it means the object indeed causes that emotion.

>> No.9293959 [DELETED] 

t. fpbp Chad

>> No.9293964 [DELETED] 

>phobias exist
>therefore everyone has every phobia
Yeah, no

>> No.9293972 [DELETED] 

go back

>> No.9293978

Why do people keep trying to make Mario 64 spooky? It’s not any weirder than previous or future entries.

>> No.9293980

>I'm 34. Just never had a Nintendo console aside from the NES close.

Try to imagine thinking the SNES was amazing, and then you get this thing for Christmas and turn it on and Mario is talking and in 3D and you can PLAY with his FACE

>> No.9293987 [DELETED] 

I would, but my threads 404 because nobody cares to talk about third and fourth gen games on /v/. We should really have a dedicated board for those games.

Oh wait, that was here. Emphasis on "was".

>> No.9293989 [DELETED] 


>> No.9293993 [DELETED] 

fucking retard

>> No.9293996
File: 101 KB, 1400x1050, n64-kid.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mario is talking and in 3D and you can PLAY with his FACE

>> No.9294009


Right? Kids' minds got blown

>> No.9294028

Something about early CG is eerie to zoomers that grew up with advanced shaders. Just you wait until we stop seeing grass pop-in, that generation is going to start calling all grass beforehand "ghost grass" and write creepypastas about hyperrealistic blood splattered on the flat ground before being obscured by de spooky ghost grass.

If it's unfamiliar, then it's spooky. Oh well.

>> No.9294056 [DELETED] 

Nice. Love when people here are friendly.
t. OP

>> No.9294087 [DELETED] 


It's good when we can all just actually talk about something we enjoy

that said, fuck you faggot heil hitler etc

>> No.9294102 [DELETED] 

>Love when people here are friendly.
reddit moment

>> No.9294104 [DELETED] 


>> No.9294117 [DELETED] 

It was nice before you called it out like a virtue signalling sperg.

>> No.9294120 [DELETED] 

I'll never forget how this board was known as the last comfy board on 4chan. Fucking gaiafags

>> No.9294124 [DELETED] 

there's no safe space for faggots here, sorry

>> No.9294125 [DELETED] 

The vast majority of people that have played mario 64 did so with emulation, and nobody here can accept that

>> No.9294129 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 1200x900, D_TKUdgX4AItQUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for proving my point

>> No.9294131 [DELETED] 

got his ass

>> No.9294135 [DELETED] 

zoom zoom

>> No.9294151

I’m 22 and I hate this fucking Mario 64 is scary meme

>> No.9294154 [DELETED] 

it do be kinda scary doe

>> No.9294156 [DELETED] 

>phobias exist
>therefore everyone has every phobia
This is still incorrect

>> No.9294157 [DELETED] 

give it up keith

>> No.9294164 [DELETED] 

Anon that replied was ok with that. Don't be bitter.

>> No.9294165 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 1078x266, Capture+_2022-09-28-18-15-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you talking to, shadow people?

>> No.9294171 [DELETED] 

>htmlcel learned to inspect element
good morning sir

>> No.9294175

pretty sure most people don't care for that regardless of age, just seems like one of those forced youtube memes that became ironic like "ness is sans"

>> No.9294176 [DELETED] 

>inspect element
>on mobile
Lmfao check the timestamp of the screencap and the post. Maybe stop playing guess who on an anonymous forum?

>> No.9294180 [DELETED] 

I miss when men could just let nice moments linger in silent but mutual appreciation instead of getting all gay and sappy and circlejerking over it.

>> No.9294182 [DELETED] 

stop it, he's already dead

>> No.9294184 [DELETED] 

Also, you probably don't know what virtual signaling actually means.

>> No.9294185 [DELETED] 

i blame GMOs and female hormones in microplastics

>> No.9294187 [DELETED] 

>Talking about feelings is gay
Males make up 49% of the population but nearly 80% of suicides.

>> No.9294197 [DELETED] 

>Talking about feelings is gay
yes, it is. as a man you are born into this life to work hard and suffer in silence. that strength is what allowed your ancestors to survive and it is the only reason your retarded ass even exists right now. the decay of masculinity and acceptance of "emotion" is a cancererous tumor on the human race.

>> No.9294198 [DELETED] 

Imagine needing to congratulate yourself

>> No.9294202 [DELETED] 

And 95% of lgbt

>> No.9294203 [DELETED] 

>Anon said calmly as he clicked "Post" on the video game board. Sitting back in his gamer chair, he unfastened the velcro on his fingerless gloves and took a big swig of mountain dew. Although he knew he would be contested, he knew he was in the right. He knew he had won.

>> No.9294205 [DELETED] 

And yet you felt a need to justify ignoring your emotions. The irony is palpable

>> No.9294206 [DELETED] 

okay okay, now let me do one for you
>Some faggot said you need to talk about your feelings
see that? that's you. the gay one.

>> No.9294208 [DELETED] 

>having an opinion is the same thing as being emo
you even think like a woman. so when's the operation?

>> No.9294209 [DELETED] 

That was someone else, actually. See? You have feelings whether you like it or not. Hysterical retard

>> No.9294213 [DELETED] 

>That was someone else, actually.
queers finally figured out how to reproduce?

>> No.9294214 [DELETED] 

He broke you.

>> No.9294215 [DELETED] 

You're absolutely seething AND in denial. Fucking lol

>> No.9294217 [DELETED] 

In the missionary position for the explicit purpose of procreation, did you not get the memo?

>> No.9294219 [DELETED] 

Anon, what do you do for a living? Do you have a wife and kids?

>> No.9294220 [DELETED] 

>being this mad because somebody said you shouldn't be a faggot
holy reddit

>> No.9294221 [DELETED] 

Anon, there's a difference between your dad telling you he loves you and circlejerking an anonymous stranger over a nice moment that was better left unsaid.

>> No.9294223 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 605x172, sperg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone else is wrong except me!

>> No.9294225 [DELETED] 

>They probably got fed up and left, which is just about where I am with the entire website myself, honestly.
It's just reflex to load up /vr/ at this point. Most posts here are so mind numbingly repetitive and dumb you could probably code a naive bot that's indistinguishable from the real board posts (if 4chin isn't overrun with bots already). It's funny because this is actually making me more productive since I have nowhere else on the internet to kill time, but I wish I could quit this place for once.

>> No.9294226 [DELETED] 

>Projecting outrage on the other guy because he's too emotionally compromised to think straight

Oops you're fag now

>> No.9294230 [DELETED] 

where did i ever say you were samefagging? i'm well aware that multiple faggots can exist. for example, you, and other faggots.

>> No.9294231 [DELETED] 


>> No.9294236 [DELETED] 

>australia is a "men should talk about their feelings" fag
totally out of left field

>> No.9294240 [DELETED] 

Not really, since they are both easily attained. Your dad did say he loves you, didn't he?

>> No.9294241 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 764x746, 1623392865583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's the /vr/dict? Is talking about one's feels gay or not? I need to know now that I spent $1000 on a good CRT what's the next big thing in retro gaming.

>> No.9294242 [DELETED] 

I broke you with just a single word. Imaine what would happen if I really wanted to break you lol.

>> No.9294245 [DELETED] 

That's pretty much where I am too, anon. I'm realizing more and more that I just don't enjoy posting on the internet in 2022 and probably won't do it very much, if at all, anymore in the future. I'm in that same situation; I don't really enjoy anywhere else online anymore and find myself continuing to use 4chan purely out of habit.
It's frustrating. When the quality of discussion here is high, it's much better than anything any other website out there could offer to me right now, so it keeps me coming back. But that seems to happen less and less often these days.

>> No.9294248 [DELETED] 

notice how the redditor defaults to a faux position of authority when his sexuality is questioned, almost taking on the role of a freud-like psychoanalyst in an attempt to distract you from the fact that he enjoys pp in his poo poo

>> No.9294249 [DELETED] 

>muh didgeridoogieman
Yup, we're done here. Nothing else of substance beyond this point

>> No.9294250 [DELETED] 

based 2020 tourists

>> No.9294251 [DELETED] 
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x1080, 1653919207862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, this level is disturbing.
>A tower out of nowhere, filled with water and without any exits
>Just the sky outside of the window

>> No.9294252 [DELETED] 

> Imaine what would happen if I really wanted to break you lol.
you'd make a shiturn thread?

>> No.9294253 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 1079x488, Capture+_2022-09-28-18-38-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope and seethe, die mad your father will never be proud of you (and don't forget to rape some faggots to feel better about it)

>> No.9294256 [DELETED] 

Talking about your feels with your bros is one of the defining traits of fraternity as far as I'm concerned. Anyone afraid of their feels is no bro of mine. I don't think anon did anything wrong by voicing his appreciation for someone else's kindness.

>> No.9294259 [DELETED] 

>htmlcel inspects element again
lol lmao even

>> No.9294261 [DELETED] 

Whatever hardships ancestors have encountered, I will never encounter those in modern life. .

>> No.9294262 [DELETED] 

2006, unfortunately. Based tourist is 2010s 4chan lingo you big gay homo.
Anon, you have no swag and no bitches. It's written all over your posts.

>> No.9294263 [DELETED] 

butthurt, distilled

>> No.9294267 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9294268 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 512x509, _TLR9_-FdUMADsVIAEyM8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zero zoomers on the internet
>everything's great
>millions of zoomers on the internet
>everything's shit
Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.9294269 [DELETED] 

>keyword BOT detected, replying with random entry from dictionary bait... done

>> No.9294270 [DELETED] 

gayest thread on /vr/ right now
Reply to this post with FUCK YOU OP or you die in your sleep tonight

>> No.9294271 [DELETED] 

>tacitly admitting he was wrong
So which is it? Are there multiple faggots making fun of you, or just one spooky boogieman?

>> No.9294272 [DELETED] 

>Anon, you have no swag and no bitches. It's written all over your posts.
you're right. if only i could be an emotional homosexual that spent 16 years on 4chan, perhaps then i would be cool like the negroes

>> No.9294273 [DELETED] 

Of course he did, I don't buy the zero-emotion hypermasculinity crap that other anon derailed the discussion with. I just think people take things too far the other direction in ways that ruin nice moments by calling too much attention to them, that's all.

>> No.9294278 [DELETED] 

>he didn't get a based autist girlfriend to play retro vidya with
No wonder you're so uptight over nothing.

>> No.9294280 [DELETED] 

Don't worry anon, I took a break for like five years so you could probably make it in at least ten.

>> No.9294281 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 363x363, 1654702101807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you

>> No.9294283 [DELETED] 

>he didn't get a based autist girlfriend to play retro vidya with
your dad's workboot sock is not a "based autist girlfriend", brother

>> No.9294285 [DELETED] 

As much as I want to agree with you, unfortunately we all express ourselves in our own ways. As you can ceer.

>> No.9294289

This was before the weighted bone deformation vertex shaders became common pipeline things. Deforming 3D models on the fly was legitimately interesting technology.

>> No.9294290 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 300x238, seaman1-300x238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate you strawman!!
Do you have a girlfriend?

>> No.9294291 [DELETED] 

Sounded funnier in your head I'm guessing?

>> No.9294294 [DELETED] 

you wouldn't believe me if i told you so what difference does it make? you don't know anything about me and i don't know anything about you except for the fact that you think men should act like women, which makes you a verifiable faggot.

>> No.9294295 [DELETED] 

There is nothing wrong with being gay.

>> No.9294297 [DELETED] 

I don't think he does. I suspect he also doesn't have friends.

>> No.9294302 [DELETED] 
File: 1.90 MB, 1887x923, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9294304 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 350x347, 77701_v1_7369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't heard of HARD GAY
Lmao, newfag is new

>> No.9294305 [DELETED] 

Do you have a job?

>> No.9294309 [DELETED] 

You realise google tailors its results to the person searching, right? You've tacitly admitted you're ultra fucking closeted lmfao

>> No.9294310 [DELETED] 

just tried it and didn't get that picture. probably special for your cookies and search history

>> No.9294313 [DELETED] 

>he didn't disable personalized advertisements in browser settings
heteros just keep winning

>> No.9294315 [DELETED] 

Have you had sex with a woman?

>> No.9294316 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 576x440, 1651013555100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks Google results are ads
It just keeps getting better

>> No.9294319 [DELETED] 

>he thinks personalized content settings don't effect what you see on google
you're trying really hard not to make yourself seem like a faggot for thinking men should act like women and all you're doing is proving you don't know how a browser works

>> No.9294320 [DELETED] 

Ignorance is bliss. God bless ya

>> No.9294321 [DELETED] 

Man he really is under your skin lmfao. You realise that chicks dig guys that give a shit about their feelings right? If you want a doll you can neglect and abuse, you're better off waiting for VR waifus

>> No.9294323 [DELETED] 

I have. Do you have a job?

>> No.9294324 [DELETED] 

Yes. Do you?

>> No.9294326 [DELETED] 

Yeah. Whatcha thinkin' 'bout?

>> No.9294329 [DELETED] 

>You realise that chicks dig guys that give a shit about their feelings right?

>> No.9294330 [DELETED] 

The most aggressive guy is always the closet one.

>> No.9294332 [DELETED] 
File: 406 KB, 383x320, 1652486068839.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I step away for 10 fucking minutes and what the fuck have you guys done

>> No.9294334 [DELETED] 

>The most aggressive guy is always the closet one.
>Trust me, I know a lot about homosexuality.

>> No.9294335 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 960x696, 1477427873_00032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the gayest thread since gay came to gay town

>> No.9294336 [DELETED] 

one guy is malding he got called out for discussing his feelings. no father figure, step parents didn’t hug him, etc.

>> No.9294338 [DELETED] 

somebody casually mentioned that sharing your feelings is for faggots and several unloved autistics threw a shit fit and began a reddit-tier character assassination that resulted in them calling themselves gay. it was weird, but we're cleaning it up, just hang tight.

>> No.9294339 [DELETED] 

How is Gay Town this time of year, anon?

>> No.9294340 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 569x499, 4quv7g895b141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here was my first result, and my personization settings are deleted and deactivated too. Google keeps tabs on you whether you want them to or not, it's in their ToS.

>> No.9294347 [DELETED] 

some closeted fag started larping as an ultra macho dude and people argued with him because they got nothin better to do

>> No.9294349 [DELETED] 

>let's engage in satire
>no, seriously, i know how a browser works and i'm definitely not gay, you hear me?

>> No.9294350 [DELETED] 

>then says calling yourself gay is bad

>> No.9294351 [DELETED] 

lmao got his ass

>> No.9294356 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 1170x772, 1661920098880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah, ok. Carry on then

>> No.9294362 [DELETED] 

The sexual tension is palpable.

>> No.9294364 [DELETED] 

I hope every single poster in this thread dies today in a violent fashion.

>> No.9294369 [DELETED] 

that's fair
remember when this thread was about mario? well it was about a mario shitpost but anyway
what mario games have you guys been playin recently? the wrecking crew thread encouraged me to give that a try and i'm really likin it, rn i'm on phase 19, almost had it once but then i got fucked over near the end

>> No.9294370 [DELETED] 

I love you, too.

>> No.9294371 [DELETED] 

Someone dropped the hammer. Now back to discussing the scary parts in Mario 64..

>> No.9294374 [DELETED] 

Wait... We were talking about feelings and you got that image as a result of Googling "Mario and Luigi"?

>> No.9294376 [DELETED] 

Mod you're such a bitch lol.

>> No.9294378

and as soon as i post that i just got it
the trick seems to be combining the wrench enemies so they don't tagteam you

>> No.9294379

I'm OP and playing M64 right now. Never actually played it before, quite enjoying it now. The only part that I despise is that you need to re-enter the level to get other stars. Also hated this in Gex 3.

>> No.9294381

just delete the whole thread then janny
we were gonna turn it around but you delete the relevant posts? fuck you
that's good to hear, i'm glad you're havin fun

>> No.9294386

>The only part that I despise is that you need to re-enter the level to get other stars.
Banjo kazooie fixed this

>> No.9294391

Let's keep this on topic, anon.
It's popular for good reasons. It's a sick game. The DS remake was also great despite the less than desirable control scheme and questionable choice to have the player start the game as Yoshi. I would love to see the extra levels from the DS version backported to the 64 original or the PC port.

>> No.9294430

>The DS remake was also great
it was the worst port of any mario game in the existence of nintendo's history. literally unplayable.

>> No.9294434 [DELETED] 

anybody else think men who talk about their feelings are faggots?

>> No.9294435

I can understand why you wouldn't like it, but I found it playable enough to collect every star in the game. The minigames were fun too.

>> No.9294436
File: 3.59 MB, 498x281, 1633863196584.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw there will never be another mainline mario game where you can play as wario
he might've sucked ass there but damn if it wasn't cool

>> No.9294437 [DELETED] 

You’re gone.

>> No.9294439

beat this over the summer

>> No.9294443

>I can understand why you wouldn't like it
besides the controls being completely wrong? the heavily reduced polygon count? the resampling of the music so it's lowest quality imaginable? the bugs in level maps? oh no. i'm a huge fan of poorly programmed trash that capitalizes on the success of a previous release on an entirely different system.

>> No.9294449

I collected every damn star and I STILL didn't get to play as Luigi

>> No.9294451

Anybody got any good ROMhacks of this game to recommend? I just got myself a flash cart for my N64 and would ideally prefer stuff that runs on the actual console.

>> No.9294470

Yeah but you could play as Yoshi and Wario.

>> No.9294471

I just noticed how much of a zombie this kid looks like. He must have waited for Santa.

>> No.9294479

I saw a video of these two kids grown up and they were talking about how they didnt even play it much lol kids got fucking filtered hard

>> No.9294482


Last Impact, Sonic Edition, Sapphire, Super Mario 64 Land

Super Mario Bros 64 is fun, basically the OG 2D game rendered in the 64 engine

>> No.9294492

I like to slide the cursor down off the screen and then rapidly move it up and down and pretend im giving mario a handjob

>> No.9294516

Damn, that last one sounds sick. Thanks anon.

>> No.9294572 [DELETED] 
File: 785 KB, 185x185, 1648903578441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1\5th the replies nuked
all jokes removed

why even post here?

>> No.9294575 [DELETED] 

be sure to use that feedback button at the bottom of the catalog to report the Janitor

>> No.9294582

i hate fags but this is based

>> No.9294585 [DELETED] 

the jokes weren't terribly funny tbf but then the janny decided to delete some ontopic posts while he's at it like the faggot he is
just poast about mario games

>> No.9294587 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 550x530, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell, how long has this been here?!

>> No.9294598 [DELETED] 

oh my god i had no idea that was a thing
it's in real fuckin small text so no wonder

>> No.9294734

I did. And it was okay. I got a n64 at release with Mario 64 and even at the time wasn't really into it.

>> No.9294832

I also like to imagine sticking my peepee in his butt and it makes the pipe sound

>> No.9294842

Man, this was amazing as a kid. Being seven years old and doing this was great.

>> No.9294902

The closest thing that I played at that point was Super Mario RPG, so seeing a game as detailed as SM64 that was in full 3D was mindblowing.

>> No.9294912
File: 6 KB, 158x153, 1362378505366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up and post funny Mario faces

>> No.9294915
File: 22 KB, 509x369, 1362380094230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9294916

they were showing off the technology 3d vidya was brand new.

>> No.9294923
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My childhood go to, I call him Cool Elf Sunglasses

>> No.9294930
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>> No.9294947

should have been princess peach's butt

>> No.9294954


>> No.9294985

I can hear it
>oh!! :o

>> No.9295012
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>> No.9295032
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>> No.9295058

Why do zoomers pretend to be scared of Super Mario 64?

>> No.9295078 [DELETED] 


>> No.9295085

It was portable Mario 64 in 2004, you dumb fucking retard. You put with and worked with what you had

>> No.9295086

I know it's lame and predictable but eel and piano creeped me out when I was 13 (was born in 1990)
I literally was afraid to go in that fucking room where piano is.

The game is semi-creepypasta due to its early 3D nature, starts out like an usual Mario game, then Bowser bowses out everybody and you get the spoop.

>> No.9295103

we don't
yeah the piano got me spooked as a kid too but desu i think it was mostly cause of the jarring loud noise, the eel didn't scare me and he didn't have a noise

>> No.9295119

But anon. The polycount.

>> No.9295123

you weren't there then. Anyone could understand why going from mario bros to turning the corner and seeing boo in these new bizarre 3D castle hallways could be a slightly intimidating experience if it was your first 3d game. Then there's the entire courtyard and the level inside the cage, and just the general castle layout of jumping into paintings with faces on them. What game has done such a bizarre wonderland-like thing within setting that works as well and so early on with such an often close and intimate camera? You are playing a game that has not and cannot be recreated

>> No.9295251

I think most zoomers probably don't, because there really isn't much to be spooked by. The haunted piano is like the one thing, and that's more just startling because it catches you off guard, once you know it's there and know there's no point trying to fight the thing, it's funny.
It's either autistic ones too much into low rent creepypasta, or shitposting.

I didn't play 64DS until a few years back. I appreciate some of the additions and changes, but the lack of an analog stick is a VERY serious minus for this game (the 3DS circlepad is an inadequate solution). I could put up with for a while, but it's really not comfortable, and you really can't move as good as you'd normally be able to.
If the original DS had some kind of analog pad or nub you could use, it would probably be an excellent port.

I assume that at the time it was mindblowing to have a game like that but handheld, and I did want it when it was new, but I was broke and forgot about it.

I can get finding the eel imposing, because he's got kind of a mean face and he stops for nothing, but just keep your distance.

>> No.9295270

>If the original DS had some kind of analog pad or nub you could use, it would probably be an excellent port.
The original DS came with a thing that looked like a cell phone strap that had a plastic pad you could strap to your thumb. You could use the thumb pad on the touch screen as a sort of makeshift analog stick. It worked way better than it sounds like it would, but I just played through most of the game with the dpad anyways. I just got used to it, and it honestly never really bothered me too much or made me feel like I wasn’t in complete control of my movements. I completely get that it would probably feel like shit to most people though.

>> No.9295447

>I can get finding the eel imposing, because he's got kind of a mean face and he stops for nothing, but just keep your distance.
The first time I got close and he jumped out of his hole was a big jump scare for me (I was 8 or 9 at the time), I was afraid to go anywhere near him after that and getting the star on his tail was super nerve-wracking for me.

>> No.9295483

Maybe I’m just more adventurous than others, but Mario 64 always gave me a sense of wonder, exploring these strange new worlds.

>> No.9295485

Do it your damn self, you lazy fat fuck.

>> No.9295746

how long could you last if i stuck you in the basement of the castle alone with only the fire painting, a gameboy, food and water for 5000 bucks a day?

>> No.9295763

Different anon, but I could probably make it a whole month down there assuming the outside of the painting isn't heating up the basement.
Do I just get knocked out if I get hurt in the painting like Mario does, or do I die for real if I touch the lava in there?

>> No.9295776

no you can even take the painting down and hang a new one if you beat enough games

>> No.9295782
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>> No.9296830

If I got a nice bunch of games, and assuming I had nice enough place to sleep, and one for taking a shit and otherwise taking care of my needs and hygiene, I could do that very often. I was never afraid of that painting.

>> No.9296968

For $5,000 per day, free food and water, and a gameboy I could stay there for months.

>> No.9297000

Not exactly a tall order, right? Easy money. I'd maybe bring some multivitamins and vitamin D.

>> No.9297026

What really scares me are the skeletons in Zelda in hyrle field at night :3 also those brown guys who latch onto you holy shit

>> No.9297218

If I can bring my laptop and some furniture, and I get supplied with like, flameless MREs or something, I could spend a lot of time down there.

>> No.9297267

pretty long but can i stay in the hazy maze cave room? i don't wanna have wet socks

>> No.9297331

Redeads in Zelda 64 were seriously the stuff of nightmares when I was a kid. Their creepy deformed and blank faces, their moans, their screams, the fact that you froze helpless in place if they got too close, how they jumped on your and sucked the life out of you... There were parts of that game I was genuinely afraid to play because of those fucks, though I did push myself through it eventually. Some parts of that game are still unnerving to me today.

>> No.9297732

If it's not one thing, it's another.

>> No.9298962

The point is to show realtime vertex deformation on a 3d model. Or to put it another way: Nintendo likes to show off features their old console couldnt do in the new ones.

>> No.9299520

I think it's also a clever way to get people familiar with manipulating objects in 3D space using a 2D input device.

>> No.9299547
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>> No.9299565

True, the exterior of the castle is also for that. Just a big safe environment you can jump around in. The only way you can actually die is if you drown yourself.

>> No.9299568
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> Something about early CG is eerie to zoomers that grew up with advanced shaders

I grew up with early CG and it was definitely creepy. Early 3D games like Pandemonium, Twinsen’s odyssey, Montezuma’s return, among others, gave me such an eerie feeling since I was a child, kinda like what zoomers try to meme with the backrooms but 10x worse.

>> No.9299605

>/vr/ is a...

>> No.9299683

>never played Mario 64 on an actual console
That's sad anon

>> No.9299704

It's quite literally an E3 showfloor tech demo repurposed as a title screen.
It's there to wow everyone with the potential of 3D technology, even if Mario in-game was nowhere near as animated.

>> No.9299720

>zoomers will never understand the simple joys of late night N64 vidyan on a CRT