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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 297 KB, 937x1336, 61f6fbda-7d2b-45b0-a684-e03551ec866c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9292271 No.9292271 [Reply] [Original]

When I was a kid, this game was well liked by everyone and the mags rated it well. Now as an adult I have to pretend it's some sort of massive blunder that nearly killed Sonic. No sir I refuse to partake in this act of collective gaslighting.

What are some other cases like this? Hard mode: No Sonic Adventure.

>> No.9292274 [DELETED] 

lmao this is like the opposite of my mm thread where i was wondering why everyone is suddenly forced to pretend they liked it when they hated it for decades

i agree, bro. what is up with this gaming revisioninsm?

>> No.9292276

mgs2 was hated to the point raiden was parodied in fucking mgs3 as a gaiboi, but now its loved and everyone is pretending they never hated it
fuck off with that shit lmao. i dont get it

>> No.9292278 [DELETED] 

Your thread was stupid because MM has always been popular

>> No.9292279

just like sonic 3d is always hated right?

>> No.9292297

>as an adult I have to pretend
Pretend about what? Not liking the game? Aren't you an adult?

>> No.9292353

Earth Bound. No one liked it back then, yet people treat it like it’s the second coming of sliced bread now.

>> No.9292375
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>He doesn't just break pieces off a freshly baked loaf and dunk them in gravy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

>> No.9292376 [DELETED] 

Majora's mask sold 3 million copies so I'm not sure where you're going with this.

>> No.9292380

People didn't dislike earthbound, though. Its widely known that Nintendo killed that game's chances themselves. What you are encountering is people that like Earthbound and discovered it late, which is 90% of people.

>> No.9292389

A lot of games reviewed by AVGN end up like that. Specifically the LJN games but also stuff like Castlevania 2.

>> No.9292391

Casltevania 2 is not "well liked" lmao

That game had always been polarizing

>> No.9292413

Anecdotally I knew 2 people with it, and both thought it was boring. They always tried to trade me it for something like Megaman X because they knew I liked RPGs. I never took them up on it after trying it at their house. It’s a boring game, they knew it, and I knew it. Anyone claiming to like it now only likes the ending and has Stockholm’s Syndrome for the rest of the mess.

>> No.9292590
File: 368 KB, 1280x720, wtfyouwantbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody I knew treated Adventures as the next mainline Star Fox after 64. We all accepted it as a spinoff that was decent for what it was. We didn't care for its troubled development. Then the post-Command dark age happened and people started pointing fingers to figure out where the series went wrong, and the "noooo Dinosaur Planet ruuuuiiiined" voices got louder. Some have even tried to pull the Sonic "Star Fox was never good" angle and others try to say that Command was good actually. No matter what though, Adventures gets tne bulk of the ire despite being relatively inoffensive compared to Guard.

>> No.9292664 [DELETED] 

Imagine having to settle for this when you got a Shiturn while PSX and N64 chads were playing Crash and Mario 64, respectively.

I almost feel pity for them... almost...

>> No.9292683

alright champ

>> No.9292897

pick-me zoomers like to pretend Resident Evil 0 was the """last good RE,"""" but most people at the time were tired of the formula and RE0 felt really tedious and stale. I'll admit RE4 was a bit divisive, but it was generally a breath of fresh air after 0-3, CV, and a remake in two generations.

>> No.9292909 [DELETED] 

OP clearly posted the Mega Drive version.

>> No.9292923
File: 11 KB, 320x224, Sonic3DDirectorsCut_TitleScreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This quasi-official hack seem to give 3D Blast better reception nowadays.
It's highly recommend to play 3D Blast with this patched in.

>> No.9292928 [DELETED] 

>sold on par with F-Zero

>> No.9292949

Command is actually alright for the gameplay alone
The story and endings are pretty deviantart however. Kursed, Fox being a trainwreck, their fucking descendant, and the like. G-Zero and Andross' descendant are good endings tho, still a bit cringe.

>> No.9292959

I was disappointed when I got it for Saturn as a kid. I like it a bit more now replaying years later.

>> No.9292961

never seen anyone defend mgs2

>> No.9292970

I thought the saturn version looked fucking amazing in magazine stills

>> No.9292978

MGS2 was always a fun game, I remember people loving it. People generally just hated Raiden and made fun of him.

>> No.9292992

People in the past were stupid and couldn't look past WEH THIS ISN'T SNAAAAAAAKE long enough to realise they wanted to fuck Raiden so much more instead

>> No.9292993

It's not a blunder, more so an average game following something as good as Sonic & Knuckles. Sonic handles like shit and speed/physics aren't even factors, but you can tell effort went into the visuals and music.

It did introduce the homing attack which is pretty interesting.

>> No.9292998

'isometric sonic' should have been scrapped at the pitching phase.

>> No.9293015

>I have to
You don't. There.

>> No.9293029
File: 22 KB, 285x340, 1593533619148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it difficult for people here to accept that people can have different opinions?

I see people here say stuff like "historical revisionism", like the idea that somebody having a thought that deviates from the schlock in old gaming magazines is emotionally comparable to war crime denial.

>> No.9293040

These people dont have anything going on in their lives besides video games. It's why OP is so bent out of shape about a game he likes and instead of enjoying it, he becomes butthurt.

>> No.9293057

even as a kid, I knew this game was "special"
it's a totally average game that only captures sonic at a bare surface level. the second level is literally about being a ballerina

the one absolute great thing they did in this is the special stage. it's actually really fun
oh and the music is good too

>> No.9293113

Hobby consolas gave this game a 99 out of 100

>> No.9293132

Should've made it clear that I was mostly referring to Command's story. Honest to God one take I've seen was basically a lispy "Command was actually quite bold and refreshing because Krystal became her own girlboss, ssssss oooooh snap btfo Fox lol" (that said, gameplay could've been better at points too, like how your map strategies are fairly limited and locking branching paths in a nonsensical way behind NG+)

>> No.9293178
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i don't know about you fuckers but im forgetting my childhood so i don't even know what ur talking about anymore im just in this present state of enjoying what I enjoyed then by pure instinct

>> No.9293192

If there's ever a dedicated Retro Engine conversion (which is probably likelier than Chaotix or SegaSonic), it needs to be based on Director's Cut, but roll back the boneheaded decision to lock Chaos Emeralds to one per Zone (what is WRONG with him?). At least turn Super Sonic into a post-game reward if you're going to restrict it that much anyway. For reference, the original game let you get two an Act if you found both Knuckles and Tails, then in the Saturn version they merged the Tails/Knuckles Special Stages into one set and so as a result it became one chance per Act. Wouldn't mind if they went all-out with a Saturn GFX/BGM toggle as well.

>> No.9293216
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People always talk like Darkstalkers was some sort of massive failure when the first game alone sold over 40,000 arcade boards and all 3 games in the series made the top 5 of their years' arcade income charts.

>> No.9293227

>Hard mode: No Sonic Adventure.

The only changes in the DX port is better chao system (SADX Chao system is the SA2B system slapped on top of SADX engine), mission mode, game gear games, and (non-consistent) 60 FPS with horribly downgraded graphics and broken game mechanics.

The best version of SA1 is Sonic Adventure DC-HD or SADX with SADX Mod Installer.

SA1 (US 1.005, animated title screen)
Sonic Adventure DC-HD first release

Sonic Adventure DX - Director's Cut (PC, 2004)
SADX Mod Installer

List of available Sonic Adventure (+DX) builds

This blog examines the differences between Dreamcast, Gamecube and PC versions of Sonic Adventure/Sonic Adventure DX, focusing on changes in the Gamecube and PC ports that can be considered downgrades from the original Dreamcast version. For the sake of consistency, we had to follow certain rules and make certain decisions, which are listed here

>> No.9293324

>Now as an adult I have to pretend it's some sort of massive blunder that nearly killed Sonic.
The problem wasn't Sonic 3D Blast.
It was rereleasing it for the Sega Saturn as a replacement for an overhyped 3D Sonic game, Sonic X-Treme, to compete with the likes of Crash Bandicoot and Mario 64. Expectations were set very high, then a Sega Genesis port. Followed with yet another Sega Genesis port compilation. Unlike Sega of Japan, Sega of America didn't export most of their smaller budget Sega Genesis ports for the Saturn, and the couple that made it were treated like major releases.

Moreover, it has a Game Gear tie-in, Sonic Blast, that's one of the worst Sonic games in existence, and it uses 3D prerendered graphics too but feels like a bootleg, looks ugly, and controls horribly, and has fake perspective.
Sonic 3D is prerendered too and has some slight gameplay flaws that were corrected with very minor quality of life patches, but it's a much better game. Some of Sonic Blast's reputation must have rubbed on it.

>> No.9293334

I think he did that so people cam engage with with the zone more, do some exploring before exiting and such.
Probably something speedrunners wouldn't like but these assholes are pretty much the equivalent to eSports tourneyfags desiring less for trade.

I haven't fully kept up with the changes of the game so there's probably something i overlooked.

>> No.9293340

Why are you bringing up speedrunners as if that has anything to do with anything?

>> No.9293420

3D blast is garbage and I’m tired of sonics fans suddenly rising up to defend every turd in the sonic punch bowl as if it’s some hidden gem

>> No.9293587 [DELETED] 

Which dimension did you live in where it was hated?

>> No.9293595

Never seen anyone hate it, apart from here where everyone hates everything

>> No.9293597

People here also live in a bubble so when they hear about opinions on the playground they assume the whole world feels the same way

>> No.9293613

OP is talking about consensus though, which are easy to identify

For instance the general audiance during the 5th gen only cared for "3D", but now the consensus is to blame Sega of America for pushing 3D over 2D on the Saturn. Like they weren't doing exactly what people were asking for.

>> No.9293616

>which are easy to identify
evidently not since people here are treating a legend of zelda game like it's a hidden gem

>> No.9293637

well yea, cause you are like 10 years old and weren't alive then

>> No.9293640

Star Fox Adventure wasn't even a fucking star fox game until later in development.

Anyone hating on this game for "ruining starfox" never was into the series to begin with.

This thread is perfect. I hate so many things about revisionism and it's letting know others are seein it too.

>> No.9293647

the whole "OMG KOJIMA PREDICTED POLITICS" thing made MGS2 suddenly rise up as if it's the best thing ever.

Nah, as a fan of MGS2, I was hated on for having gaiboi protag, now everyone wants to jump on his nuts? fuck you, i liked the gaiboi first

>> No.9293685

My friends and I all thought Mega Man X3 was incredibly badass. It’s one of the only games I rented twice. But /vr/ seems to hate it.

>> No.9293891


>> No.9293918
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From undisputed masterpieces to ruiners of Castlevania.

>> No.9294078

>Star Fox Adventure wasn't even a fucking star fox game until later in development.
Technically, it was; https://shmuplations.com/starfoxadventures/ says the final Star Fox Adventures on GameCube is a merger of Rare's Dinosaur Planet and Nintendo's own N64-era Star Fox Adventures concepts, which survivred as the eight-years-later premise and presumably the space sections.

>> No.9294095

It suffered from the "it's elusive let's overhype it / it rereleased now it's overrated" effect.

>> No.9294343 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 382x551, trashure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contrary to popular belief, it wasn't Symphony of the Night which killed Castlevania, it was the proto-Treasure members involved on Castlevania 4's team that did, by fucking with and dumbing down the core 8-bit Castlevania gameplay which Akamatsu had envisioned for the series as seen in great CVs such as 1 and 3. If Treasure had respected his wishes and stayed true to authentic Castlevania gameplay, the series would have never lost its way, degenerating over the years after the snowball started rolling with 4.

In summary: Fuck Trashure for ruining Castlevania.

>> No.9294541

Meds now

>> No.9294557

Retro gaming is all about gaslighting. Like pretending we all think OoT was the literal greatest game ever.

>> No.9294563

Funnily enough zoomers don't seem to hate MGS2 at all, maybe in recent years it is easier to see the point of the game compared to 2001. But zoomies also don't throw tard rages over not being able to play as Snake rofl

>> No.9294569
File: 223 KB, 853x669, mgs scores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 was the most acclaimed game in the series and 3 was the least

>> No.9294571 [DELETED] 

What happened was, there was a plot analysis that broke MGS2 down as some deconstructed, post modern art piece and posers ate it the fuck up.

I'm not saying it's not those things. I'm saying no one realized it or gave a fuck until they were spoon fed the idea by youtube

>> No.9294583

The game copped shit way before the X Legacy Collection haha dude X3 is really rough

>> No.9294608

The modern Lucasarts vs Sierra debates give the impression that they were rivals and on equal footing, but in reality Sierra crushed Lucasarts in both sales and reputation.
>Day of the Tentacle released in 1993 and sold only 80,000 copies by 2009
You would think many more people had played the game based on all of the hype for the remaster.

>> No.9294609

Damn, my brother loves Day of the Tentacle he's been hyping it up for over 10 years

>> No.9294614

I liked it then and i liked it now. When i found out it was an rpg about kids in modern suburbia using psychic powers to fight aliens, i was immediately interested in playing it. Same as when a friend told me about the plot of Mario RPG(though he completely made it up)

>> No.9294618 [DELETED] 

I played on pc cause i only had that and gameboy.

>> No.9294657

Here's another annoying revisionism. Many people claim that The Secret of Monkey Island was the first adventure game to have no dead ends, based on a misinterpreted comment by Tim Schafer . In fact, Monkey Island 1 did have dead ends and Sierra had released games without dead ends prior, including two the same year as MI1.

>> No.9294870
File: 213 KB, 1590x932, jet set radio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Jet Set Radio Future came out, it had a small but overall quiet reaction. Most people had agreed the Dreamcast JSR/Jet Grind Radio was a better game and decried the casualization of Future even if they appreciated it.

Now 20 years later, there's been at least 4 projects trying to recreate Future's gameplay specifically.Even with people liking Grind's QTE graffiti style I don't think its ever been implemented in those inspired games
Where as JSR's re-release 8 years after Future led to reception souring on it, with people calling it unplayable or terribly dated. People have moaned for 12 years about Future not being available like JSR is. For both games there's probably more fan media in the last 10 years than the 2000's. Its impressive what an afterlife its had despite 2 decades without a new game, and last being featured in a kart racer. You would think these games sold better than they did. I don't think adult players back then appreciated these games as much as people who were kids back then, or the generation of kids who've played them since.

>> No.9294896

The biggest one I tend to see ieven /vr/ continue to swallow hook line and sinker is the myth that DK64 and Banjo-Tooie were widely panned when they came out. Neither were considered all-time-greats, but they were both incredibly well liked. It wasn’t until some nerds started parroting each others’ video essays in the 2010s that people started to claim they were received poorly.

>> No.9294901 [DELETED] 

Blame the trannies, the zoomers and the hipsters, you know, the people who hate vidya.

>> No.9294978

I think the issue with Adventures is that the end of the game was rushed, because Rare already knew they were leaving Nintendo at that point, and had to hurry to get it all together.
If I remember, they do frontload the game with like two hours of good content, but then it just gets progressively sloppier.
To call it some kind of abomination of a game is being a try-hard though. It's like a 6-7/10 game, and it was pretty entertaining as an early GC exclusive. It came out before Wind Waker or Metroid Prime, if I remember.

>> No.9294980

Command is good for like 30 minutes, and then you literally just do the same thing over and over. they needed to actually scatter some linear stages around throughout the game to give it some variety.

>> No.9295217

Sonic CD. I remember a lot of people liking the game ages ago and now I hear a lot of people say it sucks and the only worthwhile thing is the music. While it's far from the best sonic game, I personally still have a soft spot for CD and enjoy playing it through on the occasion

>> No.9295234

As I recall, Sonic 3D was considered very impressive and a great title on the Megadrive but a mediocre effort on the Saturn.

Sonic CD is something everyone had a boner for because it was on the mythical super expensive Sega CD, and had 4 times the stages due to time travel and also CD Audio. It was simply not easily accessible until much later, and as a consequence it people had inflated opinions of it.
I mean it's not a bad game, but nowhere near as good as the holy grail people make it out to be. Half the levels suck and all the bosses are horrible.
The music is OK, but the US release butchered it.

>> No.9295247

Yeah, I think people who were saying it was better than some shit like 3&K or Adventure was more enamoured by the fact they were playing a 2D sonic game a lot of people don't have access to outside of a bad compilation game on ps2 and gamecube and a pc release. But a lot of people who are playing it now are making it out to be a bad game, when it's not, thus it's considered for a popularity retcon.
>Half the levels sucked
I can really only think of Collision Chaos, Whacky Workbench and maybe some parts of Metallic Madness being bad. I think all of the other stages were pretty decent
>all the bosses are horrible.
How is that any different to rest of the series bosses?
>The music is OK, but the US release butchered it.
I agree that the JP music is better overall but the US release also has some decent tracks like Tidal Tempest

>> No.9295257

>not knowing journos always score based on previous game's reception
You don't think FFIX is the worst FF released between VI and XIII right?

>> No.9295265

Sonic CD was mostly praised by le hidden gem fags to drive up prices for it. The reputation got shattered when mobile ports became available.

>> No.9295279

I read game magazines BITD and they said it was pretty average.
Game Players magazine got a hueg lot of letters when they rated EB at only 70.

>> No.9295310

Yeah, that's the downside. The general gameplay is alright but as you play it it becomes just boring.

>> No.9295315
File: 589 KB, 1080x608, livesey_belmondo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw you, Super Castlevania IV ruined my childhood. My last name is Belmont and my favorite holiday is Halloween. I used to be better at NES/GB Castlevania than all of my friends put together, so my circle growing up thought I had to love every Castlevania and nicknamed me Simon. Then Super Castlevania IV came out and I was like "wtf is this" because now suddenly everyone else could play a Castlevania game better than me and meanwhile I was like "why isn't the music pumping me up, where's the use for side-weapons, why's everything zoomed in, etc." They said I didn't get it and started calling me "Bi-man Ball-men," which caught on at school and even my homeroom teacher accidentally said it at one point which made things far worse. My girlfriend (now fiancee) Maria happens to look like Maria Renard but thankfully had a more pleasant experience over it, thank christ she gets most of her gaming opinions from video essays. In fact, we have a longterm plan to deal with you Super Castlevania IV nutjobs once and for all. After we get married, I am going to fuck my wife. A helluva lot. We are going to have so much unprotected sex in so many ways you wouldn't believe. I'm going to creampie her tightass pussy so many times she'll give me dozens of kids. Then, we are going to specifically indoctrinate each and every them into loving every Castlevania game except Super Castlevania IV. A fire of seething hatred will light in their eyes every time my numerous progeny even think of Super Castlevania IV. Then, I will encourage them to get 'their' opinions out there by becoming essayists, reviewers, telling their friends, etc. They will spread and eventually multiply. Soon enough, popular opinion will turn completely and utterly against Super Castlevania IV. While you lot laments at how zoomies just don't get it, I will have weaponized them to my own ends. In the end, I will have the last laugh. I will win. You will lose. Yeah, your days are numbered, Super Castlevania IV.

>> No.9295358 [DELETED] 
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Like with film and popular music, critics and journalists decide the public perception of a work after the dust has settled. It sucks, but that's how it is.
Maybe one day some e-celeb will make an hour long documentary on why the game is actually a masterpiece and the algorithm zombies on 4chan/Twitter/Reddit will like it again.

>> No.9295859 [DELETED] 

Mega Meme Legends was regarded as a complete piece of shit and a stain on the franchise until revisionist zoomers with fake nostalgia decided it was a classic.

PC Gamer - 25/100
>this game neither realizes the brilliance of its predecessors nor takes advantage of the PC’s vast graphics potential.
>But in this awful iteration the evil Dr. Wily isn’t around to stop you, nor are his colorful robot henchmen. Instead, Mega Man faces pirates and cave critters in a droning, zero-personality quest to save humanity.
>It’s a 3D world, although it’s fairly obvious that the series was never meant to transcend that third dimension. Every element screams the pathetic choked cry “console port,” from the bland textures to the monotonous gameplay. Mega Man spends almost the entire game running through rectangular caverns and empty fields, shooting at the same enemies over and over. Gone is the ability to absorb your opponent’s weapon, a feature synonymous with Mega Man titles; in its place is a coin-collecting scheme. Wow.
>With levels that look half-complete and a storyline more mind-numbing than a C-Span marathon, Mega Man Legends fails miserably as a PC game. Hardcore Mega Man fans should grab themselves a PC version of the superior Mega Man X4, a much better effort available in bargain bins everywhere.

GameSpot - 3.6/10
>Mega Man Legends is an unembellished port of a forgettable 3-year-old PlayStation game.
>Unsurprisingly, though, the graphics that weren't noteworthy in 1998 haven't gotten better with age.
>Many much, much better games exist in the same genre.

>> No.9295880
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id always known this to be one of the greatest rpgs of all time, easily standing tall among the snes rpgs. Now it's seen like some kind of baby rpg paper mario prototype but i definitely have a tougher time with this game, and generally find it more engaging. To me the reputation should be reversed. It's like Nintendo came in and nsmbfied smrpg, but in a retro less soulsucking way

>> No.9295881
File: 6 KB, 185x79, gofuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My girlfriend (now fiancee) Maria happens to look like Maria Renard but thankfully had a more pleasant experience over it, thank christ she gets most of her gaming opinions from video essays. In fact, we have a longterm plan to deal with you Super Castlevania IV nutjobs once and for all. After we get married, I am going to fuck my wife. A helluva lot. We are going to have so much unprotected sex in so many ways you wouldn't believe. I'm going to creampie her tightass pussy so many times she'll give me dozens of kids.
dangerously based

>> No.9295907

I was one of those people, I hated MGS2 and just wished we got to play more as Snake, I hate the bishi boy Raiden and I thought the plot was convoluted and nonsensical. It wasn't until I replayed it when I was 15 and started to get over my ego that I really began to appreciate it for what it is. Going back to some of my earliest posts online you may find me shitting on the game on the old gameFAQs forums but I've been a convert since 2005

>> No.9296086

I've never seen it described in any other way than a cult classic. No one's rewriting history to pretend it was a huge success; it just had a small, dedicated audience that eventually brought it mainstream attention (in the West at least).

>> No.9296093 [DELETED] 

>revisionist zoomers with fake nostalgia
There is a lot of meaning carried through this sentence but it is carried to an abortion clinic. Lemme guess, ScrewAttack MTV G4 millennial who has only played 2 and X1?

>> No.9296126

I recall one of the old popular blog sites dismissing Super Mario RPG as a Final Fantasy game in Mario's skin and was adamant that all the later RPGs starting with Paper Mario felt more Mario-esque. I believe it was Waluigious, the predecessor to Supper Mario Broth, because the author was known for being a lot more opinionated and screechy when he was younger. That might be the one to blame in part.

>> No.9297195 [DELETED] 

That anyone ever actually had an N64 to play Goldeneye in the first place
That nintendo is peoples childhood and not sega/spny
That Spyro the Dragon was highly rated, it wasn't it was 7/10
That Tekken 4 is an overlooked gem
That PS2 won because of games, it didn't it won because it had a DVD player
That Sonic 3 and Knuckles was always meant to be one game
That Crash Bandicoot 3 was ever great, it was 8/10
That beyond good and evil would ever be played by anyone
That Devil May Cry 2 was poorly received, it wasnt it was given 8/10, and DMC1 was given 9
That the Og Xbox failed because of anything other than its heavy weight and its controller
That Fable was either a dissapointment or a triumph, it was 8/10 or 910 and well reviewed but not remembered,
That San Andreas was looked on as superior to Vice City, it wasn't it was seen as just as good, but not revolutionary
That Majoras Mask was an important game, it was given 8/10
That Resident Evil Directors cut is the definitive version
That Final Fight or its sequels ever held a candle to Streets of Rage
That Mario was viewed as better than Sonic nd not a more primitive and bland

All of these are myths.

>> No.9297227 [DELETED] 

If it makes you feel better.

>> No.9297498 [DELETED] 

>revisionist zoomers with fake nostalgia
There is a lot of meaning carried through this sentence but it is carried to an abortion clinic. Lemme guess, ScrewAttack MTV G4 millennial who has only played 2 and X1?

>> No.9297694

This, same here. Some fucking Youtuber faggot must have gotten filtered by it, and everyone who watched him that hadn't played the game must have popularized that fag's rage for attention. Doesn't make any sense at all, otherwise.

>> No.9297696

Anon, other anons can't provide you your medication. You need to call your doctor.

>> No.9297703

Decent pasta, 5/10.

>> No.9297708 [DELETED] 

>That anyone ever actually had an N64 to play Goldeneye in the first place
My dad reserved 2 copies from Target and got home at a family reunion to show them off after picking them up after work. Permanently ingrained in my brain. Knew no other kids that had it, though (though a ton of them had N64s, at least by 1998: first grade for me).

>> No.9297710 [DELETED] 

Majora Mask is a glorified Hack Rom

>> No.9297713

This. It was a big game, and was regarded as a great spinoff. This "DIDYOUKNOW" bullshit about DP was not common until a decade ago.

>> No.9297716 [DELETED] 

With way better graphics, music, and gameplay.

>> No.9297720

X Legacy Collection has a legitimately ruined version of X3 on it. The hate makes sense if that's the first place they played it, I guess.

>> No.9297723

Majora Mask is a glorified Hack Rom
Resident Evil was never good Resident Evil 4 was a Trash game and aged very badly

>> No.9297735
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The 2002-2012 period of Megaman that burned people out so bad it killed the franchise for years. And people were upset over Capcom pulling the plug on a bunch of projects by the end of this era, but it feels like for years people were complaining about the games going stale.In that time Powered Up and 9/10 seemed to be the only widely praised games

I think in part it might be a generational thing; kids/teenagers who grew up around this era went all in on all the different styles of games and universes, while adult gamers wrote off all of these as churned out and repetitive(which is ironic as the most classic style games were the most praised.). Plus things were seemingly looking up in the late 2000's/2010s so the momentum being killed was disappointing. But people acted like they couldn't see it coming, when it was a miracle it lasted long enough to start making a comeback.

>> No.9297867

I played this game on the Gamecube collection and I loved it.

>> No.9297872

2000s was the best era for the series, it's only the X series that suffered after X4, the rest of the series was fine.

EXE ran in the early 2000s and was amazing. Zero was a nice return to form for people who likes MMX-style gameplay but with new ideas to shake things up. 9/10 were great.

>> No.9297894 [DELETED] 

No bias there eh

>> No.9297912

>only the best of the Mega Man sub series went to shit
>the less good ones were in their prime!
Yeah anons this is a problem. Imagine if the mainline RE games go to shit but the side games and spin offs don't? This would be a huge issue. X became the flagship and core identity for Mega Man after the classic series. It was great for the first four games. To see it go to shit sucked. And lets not pretend like this isn't the case.

>> No.9297924

This doesn't mean shit. Critics always overrate games. Especially when they are sequels to highly critically acclaimed games since they are riding on an enormous wave of hype. Critics almost always will rate the sequel higher to save face and because they are paid to. Dark Souls 2 is a great example. The highest rated Dark Souls game. Its a fucking joke considering its a massively downgraded game from what was promised.

I also think MGS2 was the best in the series but not because of what critics say. These dipshits don't know shit. They only review based on hype, marketing and direct payments.

>> No.9297936

>only the best of the Mega Man sub series went to shit
What are you talking about? EXE never went to shit, it had a proper ending. ... Oh! You mean X. Yeah that went to shit several years before 2002. It was the best subseries when it was the only subseries.
>X became the flagship and core identity for Mega Man after the classic series
EXE became the flagship and core identity for Mega Man after the X series and brought more money and attention to the series that X or any other subseries has. Get over it old man.
>It was great for the first four games. To see it go to shit sucked. And lets not pretend like this isn't the case.
Yeah you're right. That still doesn't change reality though. The only shitty mainline Mega Man games are in the X series. We don't count the DOS games.
Thankfully, EXE was consistently good for all 6 games.
Also don't forget Maverick Hunter X launched in that period which was a great remake with an awesome OVA.

>> No.9297948
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Shut up Bi-man Ball-men.

>> No.9298037 [DELETED] 

You are not Japanese. It's called Battle Network. It's also awful.

>> No.9298054
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>tfw still no maria renard trad-wife
why even live

>> No.9298062

Dinosaur Planet was publicised as a big N64 exclusive toward the end of the N64's life cycle. People were well aware.

>> No.9298082

I still remember Screwattack saying that Megaman peaked with 2, and that all of the new games suck.
Really? You're going to write off the entire X, Zero, and Battle Network series as nothing but trash? There's legitimate opinions, and then there's just being a fucking Boomer.

>> No.9298104 [DELETED] 
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I'm literally Japanese though.
>it's also awful
It's not, but half of the X series is.

>> No.9298181

Kingdom Hearts fag here this seemed to happen with Kingdom Hearts 2 but now everyone praises it but it's because if youtubers and especially speedrunners so it gets even more obnoxious. People were saying

>Its too complicated I can't understand it
>You mean I need to play the GBA only game to understand it?!
>who the fuck is Roxas this prologue is too long and boring
>too many anime characters not enough Disney
>too much Disney not enough OC
>they should drop Disney they are going to run out of movies
>why is there more than one keyblade
>its retarded

Its almost what people said about every game since which is even more insane to me.

>> No.9298185

Fucking also Kingdom Hearts 1 was unironically better than 2 and always was but people see 2 as a pinnacle of the series. Sure the gameplay is good but damn who fucking cares about combat with empty hallway worlds

>> No.9298207

Since when did that stat happening?

>> No.9298216

Not a game, but people still spouting "piracy killed the Dreamcast" meme 20 fucking years later need to be decked in the face for being retards.

>> No.9298224

>People have moaned for 12 years about Future not being available like JSR is.
this feels like a Sonic CD moment, where people are only complaining about liking the game more because it's harder to access. once Sonic CD became easier to play, the universal acclaim for the game pretending like it was some HIDDEN JEM died out basically overnight.

>> No.9298241

I'd honestly agree with that sentiment. Mario RPG definitely has more of a standard RPG aspect to it, with things like elemental affinities, the Mute status somehow affecting Mario from using his JUMP attack (because it's a special attack, which are essentially spells/abilities), etc. It feels more like a standard RPG than Paper Mario.

>> No.9298274

Dark Souls 2 is great though. Only graphicsfags would disagree

>> No.9298308
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Someone explain to me, is the Director's Cut only for the Megadrive game?
Also, what is the Steam release? Just the Megadrive game?

Even after like 30 years, I still have never played the Saturn version

>> No.9298398

Yes, Director's cut is for the Megadrive. I think that's the version Traveller's Tales prioritised, so that's considered the true version, I guess.

>> No.9298406
File: 374 KB, 763x548, asyoutrulyimaginedit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone explain to me, is the Director's Cut only for the Megadrive game?
It's a quasi-official patch/hack by the game's original lead designer and programmer, Jon Burton (I believe it got a shout-out in Ian Flynn's Sonic Encyclo-speed-ia so it's more or less official, though mileage may vary since Ian also seems to be involved in Dark Horse's infamous wiki-thefts). It's only for the original Mega Drive release, but like Sonic 3 A.I.R., you were encouraged to buy the Steam version first).
>Also, what is the Steam release? Just the Megadrive game?
Yep. There WAS an obscure Windows release, which is a mediocre port of the Saturn version with reduced effects and Flash-tier Special Stages, though it did supposedly remove the horrendous load times.
>Even after like 30 years, I still have never played the Saturn version
Saturn version was rushed to fill in Xtreme's Saturn cancelation, hence its poor optimization and evidence it was built off a beta version such as using The Final Fight's proto-name, The Final Boss. It did spruce up the visuals and replace the audio. The OST is totally different and produced by Richard Jacques, also known for the Sonic R soundtrack (yes, there is a vocal track). Sometimes you get people arguing whether Jun Senoe's team or Richard Jacque's soundtrack did it better, kind of like the JP and US soundtracks for Sonic CD. I honestly think it's a tougher call, though if I weren't judging zone acts individually I'd go with the original. You can listen on YouTube and just for yourself.
But above all, the Saturn version desparately needs a Score Attack hack that strips the game down to its Sonic 2-esque Special Stages, because the Saturn Special Stages are hands-down the best part of the port and it's near-criminal that they're exclusive to a version with worse-than-06 loadtimes. It's one of the last things created by the original Sonic Team before they bloated and fractured. They feel like they were made for another Saturn Sonic project.

>> No.9298439

KH1 was also a very self aware game that didn't take itself seriously

Then fucking kh2 came around and it was all over

>> No.9298443

Huh? Legacy Collection had the normal SNES X3. Only the PS2 X Collection forced the crappy PS1 port.

>> No.9298450

My switch right now has x legacy collection in it and I can confirm its snes x3
the ps2/gc x collection had the ps1 x3

>> No.9298512


>> No.9298542
File: 23 KB, 252x360, NightsIntoDreamsBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nights is the king of this. It got a Wii sequel and a PS3/360 port and the game's rep just died hard. Turns out it wasn't this artsy game it as built up to be, it was just a solid 2D game going for flight at a time it just wasn't that impressive.

I do think if future got the port of Grind it would've had a better reception though. The controls of JGR are just a slog to get used to.

>> No.9298553

>Earth Bound. No one liked it back then, yet people treat it like it’s the second coming of sliced bread now.
the people who actually bought it liked it. problem was no one bought it. no one even bought ff6. earthbound never had a chance.

>> No.9298579

In 2012-2013, when Capcom teased that the series was going to get a new game, then released a collection of the old games on PS3 and Xbox 360. After said collection was released, they declared its sales a failure and the media made a huge fucking stink about it, and of course people just ate it up.

>> No.9298612

That was the first MGS game I played because I only ever had an XBOX back then and I found it used in some random Gamestop. I remember getting stuck in the early part of the game because I didn't have the patience to finish it.
After playing through MG1/MG2/MGS/MGS2/MGS3/MGS4 I will say it's my favorite of the whole series. But I think it really only works that well on a conceptual level after playing the other games before it, which was the intention from the very beginning.

>> No.9299241
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Everyone loved Code Veronica until zoomers were born

>> No.9299269

Some games hold up better than others

>> No.9299346
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>some games hold up better than others
>some games hold up better than others
>some games' sequels hold up better than other games' sequels

>> No.9299382
File: 51 KB, 480x410, e3c3e5fb-355e-49d0-807e-d561e8bb8c9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't help that even before /vr/ was made /v/ itself had a reputation for being hipsters that would latch on to otherwise unpopular games and blacksheep entries in series. Threads about specific franchises would almost always be dominated by discussion of whatever game was losing the popularity polls while shittalking whatever was topping them. It's something people have tried to weaponize for shitposting over the years, and you see it here all the time with things like Australia-kun. Fuck the site as a whole's always attracted the most annoying kind of counter-culture teen who just defaults to disliking what they see everyone else liking.

>> No.9299389

Why accept the fact your favorite game isn't popular if you can blame evil youtube man for its image.

>> No.9299435

>paid reviewers mean the game is le good
kys spammer

>> No.9299440

I had 3D Blast when it came out and I thought it was shot as a kid.