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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9286696 No.9286696 [Reply] [Original]

How many sonic games have you beaten?

>> No.9286698

at least half of those aren't retro, re-do the picture

>> No.9286710
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I've never beaten a sonic game and have only ever played Sonic 2
I just look at pictures of the background artwork and listen to the music, those being the only worthwhile parts of the experience

>> No.9286726

Only CD, adventure 1 and 2 and chaotix because those are the ones I owned. I only borrowed the others

>> No.9286742
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At least 2/3 of these are from when I was obsessed with Sonic as a kid. Don't care much for this series nowadays.

>> No.9286749

Only beaten Sonic 1.

>> No.9286752

2, CD, Adventure

>> No.9286809

Beaten 1, 2, 3&Knuckles, CD, 3D Blast (Megadrive), Chaotix and Mania.

I played some of the Master System and GBA games as well but I don't remember if I ever beat them. They weren't great games, and between that and Adventure being a shitty non-game, I've had no interest in the rest of the series. Sonic franchise has become a joke for a reason.

>> No.9286896

the list is missing sonic's schoolhouse, sonic pinball party, the sonic pico games, the officially released sonic browser games, sonic jump and its sequels, sonic dash and its sequels, sonic runners and its sequels (reminder that runners is a main series entry.), sonic brain rankings, etc.

also you've made a mistake. sonic free riders is not beatable.

>> No.9286973

1,2,3,&K,CD, Adventure 1&2, Chaotix, Advance 1 2 3, R. Played Spinball but it sucked so I dropped it quickly
From your list I also finished Ristar and Nights, and played chu chu rocket a long time ago but not sure I finished it

>> No.9287110
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I'm a big Sonic autist, so almost every release. I never beat the Advance games besides 2, or the game gear/master system games besides Triple Trouble, never played Sonics school house (which isn't to say I never will). I still haven't played Chronicles beyond the first few minutes on an emulator but I intend to beat it eventually.

I beat every Genesis release including Knuckles Chaotix and CD which are my favorites from that era, I think Chaotix is especially underrated.

I've beaten all of the 3D games. The Adventure games in particular about a thousand times. I put an insane amount of time into Secret Rings for some ungodly reason, Black Knight was kinda fun. I beat Rise of Lyric which is probably the worst one but it doesn't make me as depressed about the state of the video game industry as Forces does.

06 is one of my favorites, I was 12 years old when it came out and my Sonic and anime autism were at their absolute peak. I finally got the true ending in Shadow the Hedgehog in the last couple of years, one playthrough is a fun nostalgic novelty, having to beat it 10 times was a fucking nightmare.
I beat both versions of Unleashed, I love the PS3 version but the Wii version sucks.

I beat SegaSonic The Hedgehog on a MAME emulator, that game is really neat and worth a look. You'll probably have to fuck with the analog sensitivity to make it playable because it originally used a trackball, it's pretty wonky without the trackball but still fun and interesting if you're a fan. You can be Ray and Mighty!

I 100% completed Sonic R with my friend who doesn't like Sonic but loves Sonic R for nostalgia.
I completed the first two Riders games and Team Sonic Racing but any of the other sports or racing spin offs I haven't played. Any console Sonic platformers I didn't name though I've finished, the Rush games too.

My expectations are low but I'm looking forward to Frontiers because experience suggests I'll enjoy it regardless of quality.

>> No.9287127
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Didn't mention the Rivals games which I want to add too just because Rivals 2 isn't talked about enough, that game fucks.

>> No.9287134

none of them

Despite generally liking platformers I've tried to play three or four Sonic games and bounced off all of them within 10 minutes; the physics are just not appealing at all.

>> No.9287176

>based sonic autist
did you like generations, colors, mania?
>SegaSonic The Hedgehog
so weird. 3d blast on steroids?

>> No.9287181

I beat 1, 2, 3, Knuckles, 3&K, Adventure 1, and Adventure 2.

After that Sonic... well, y'know...

>> No.9287187

just sonic1 and im not even 100% sure i beat it. sonic was always bad

>> No.9287262

I've played the first 3 sonic games a shit ton as a kid but I don't recall if I've ever actually beaten one, I should get around to it.

>> No.9287530

>side games
Battle canonically takes place right after Heroes and Shadow and before Advance 3.

>> No.9287684
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So true anon.

>> No.9287687
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>> No.9288450
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>> No.9288457
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>Generations, colors, and mania
Hell yeah, great games. Colors doesn't feel as fresh as it did when it came out, but it's still a pretty good time. Generations and Mania are fantastic. I'm sick of the whole meta thing though I'm glad it looks like we're finally getting away from that.

>3D blast on steroids
That's a good way to put it honestly


>> No.9288537

Just tell a zoomer faggot it's Sonic Smash Bros and they'll praise it.

>> No.9288591


>100% sonic battle.

Why are you lying, anon?

>> No.9289543

>%100 Shadow
I now realize why shadow fags are the way they are.

>> No.9289565
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For what purpose do I exist?

>> No.9289630

Sonic 1
Sonic CD

list is missing Mario & Sonic games

>> No.9292246

- 1-3, s&k, 3&k getting all emeralds
- 2&k. Also a 1&k romhack
- sonic 2 game gear
- sonic triple trouble (great game)
- sonic cd
- sonic adventure 2 battle
- dr robotniks mean bean machine
- one of the racers for game gear. Can’t remember the name

>> No.9292503
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I wish I was, anon.

>> No.9293160
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>> No.9293185
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I thought I'd have this filled out more. Oh well
It's also missing the mobile games, of which I have beaten one: the first one, Sonic Jump for Nokia phones

>> No.9293198

The only Sonic game I've ever 100%ed is Frontiers and board rules forbid me to discussing it, sucks.

>> No.9293239

Does getting every time stone in CD count as 100% or do you need to get a good future on every level too

>> No.9293338
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I was a massive fan growing up, even getting a Wii U to play Lost World and RoL. But looking back now I realize this series is mostly shit.

>> No.9293378
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Someday I'll actually get around to beating Sonic 2 for the Game Gear. Someday...
Fuck that first boss

>> No.9293427

Play the Master System version, first boss arena doesn't suffer from screencrunch there and the balls are a lot easier to avoid.
Hell you should throw the Game Gear versions of 1, 2 & Chaos in the garbage or better yet, play the recent 8-bit recreations that take the best of both.

>> No.9293431

CD, 2, 3, Adventure 1, Adventure 2, Colors.

>> No.9293440
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Never played any of them, I only watch Tamers12345 Sonic Underground Revival.

>> No.9293934

You seem pretty on the level for a Sonic autist so I'm curious for your opinion on a couple things.

What do you think of the idea that Sonic basically went for shit once the jump to 3D was made?

And how do you think Frontiers looks so far? Think it could possibly put Sonic back on the AAA radar like the devs are shooting for? And if not, what do you think it would take for a 3D Sonic game to do that?

>> No.9293943
File: 295 KB, 1400x1400, SegaSonic_Popcorn_Shop.0.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No SegaSonic Popcorn Shop

>> No.9293954

Sonic Chaos on Game Gear is much better than on Master System. The other two are better on Master System.

>> No.9294016
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>get empty popcorn cup
>tfw you can't even 100% a vending machine

>> No.9294037
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>> No.9294113
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How? Besides gross titlescreen assbrow sonic.

>> No.9294160

Wasn't GG Chaos the one that despawns your last ring because it flies too far above the viewing area?

>> No.9294229
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Pretty much all Genesis stuff. A handful of 3Ds. And the Advance series. That's mostly it. Oh and Labyrinth for some ungodly reason.

Not bothering to specify beaten vs 100%. I don't remember what 100% means for half of them.

>> No.9294279

I have unironically 100%'d Sonic 06, that's more than 98% of Sonic fags can say.

>> No.9294286

I beat Sonic Heroes Super Hard Mode and I honestly couldn't tell you why.

>> No.9294584

Chaos' remake isn't finished yet, and it's a 16-bit style reimagining like Triple Trouble's. You're right about 1 & 2 though, they feel like Retro Egine remasters of the Master System originals with some of the minor Game Gear flourishes.

>> No.9294595

Kys classicpedo

>> No.9294887

so this isnt in order and has duplicates ?
fucking gross

>> No.9295115
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1, CD, 2, 3&K, Chaotix, Adventure 1, Heroes, Shadow, Unleashed, Colors, Generations, Mania for mainline.
3D Blast and Battle for side games.
1, 2, Chaos and Triple Trouble for 8-bit.
Pocket, Advance 1, 2 and 3, Rush and Rush Adventure, Colors DS and Sonic 4 E1 and E2 for Dimps.
R and Transformed for Racing.

i liek sonci

>> No.9295307

Only R is retro you fool.

>> No.9295354

Creative Araya's Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 are that rare breed of "why would you ever replay the original" fanmake along with Zelda Classic and Metroid Planetes. Too bad he apparently decided to skip doing Sonic Chaos and Triple Trouble individually, but I'm sure his idea of an 8-bit Sonic will still kick ass.

>> No.9295517

Mixing Chaos and Triple Trouble together might end up pretty good though with how good their 1 and 2 remakes are. Plus Triple Trouble 16-bit already exists and is fantastic.

>> No.9296709
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>> No.9297674

Speaking of Triple Trouble 16-Bit, anyone know any other good fan games? I played both it and Sonic and the Fallen Star and really enjoyed them, so now I'm looking for more of similar quality

>> No.9297975

Sonic Classic
Sonic Robo Blast 2 (3D; the first is a novelty at how far fangames have come, also weirdly has a decent kart spinoff)
Sonic Time Twisted
Eggman Hates Furries
Sonic: Before the Sequel, Sonic: After the Sequel, Sobic Chrono Adventure
Started out as fangames, became their own IPs:
Spark the Electric Jester (same developer as "Sequel" games, plays as mix of Sonic and Kirby, 3D sequels became Adventure-esques)
Freedom Planet (Lilac plays most like Sonic but the series is a general homage to Sega games like Ristar and Gunstar heroes)
Still in development:
Sonic Chaos 16-bit reimagining
Kyle & Lucy: Wonderworld (totally unrelated to Balan)

>> No.9298521

For another couple in-dev games I recommend Sonic Galactic and Sonic & Knuckles Newtrogic Panic.
Both look and sound fantastic and I know at least Galactic controls as well or even better then Mania does.

>> No.9298614

Of course, 100%
100% (unlocking the secret menu and all)
>3&K with all 3 characters
>Adventure 2
beat, not a big fan of 3D sonic