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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 41 KB, 405x720, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
925645 No.925645 [Reply] [Original]

>sold within 5 minutes of being posted


>> No.925648

Were you the one selling it? You could have easily gotten 200 for that.

>> No.925650

Stack up alone sells for $200.

and no, im not the one who sold it.

>> No.925680

With ROB in box this auction could sell for $500.

>> No.925689

It's not an auction, that's how much the seller wanted.

It was sold and picked up within 20 minutes.

>> No.925692

This is a PAL auction in Australia? I'm jealous - those items are *priceless*.

>> No.925712

Its not an auction, it is on australias equivalent of craigslist.

>> No.925715

>gyromite, stack up, rob
>wanting them because they are worth alot
>wanting shitty games because they are worth alot
>being this hipster

>> No.925718

There goes that word again

It's an easy flip, and still a rare find regardless of huehue hipster it still sucks.

>> No.925736

Some of us are collectors, not to mention the novelty of an NES robot is awesome!

>> No.925760

This kid is legitimate retarded.

>> No.925810

Shit, all the ads I've found are tards wanting $200 for their snes's and an overpriced retro gameshop that just spams the shit out of it with it's "WANTED RETRO GAEMS" postings.

>> No.925831

Wait, is Gyromite by itself worth a lot?

>> No.925878

No, Gyromite is actually a common game, seen it at my local flea markets for $4 (by common, I mean the cartridge is common, I can't speak for anything else)

>> No.925880

Oh, okay. Dammit, I thought I had something good on my hands!

>> No.925967

>It's an easy flip

Point proven. Re-seller scum.

>> No.926021

I thought that your point was that anon was a hipster. A scalper is something completely different.

Perhaps you should learn what words mean before trying to use them.

>> No.926187

>Implying hipsters aren't the ones re-selling and over inflating the market.

>> No.926193

Boxed rob separate from deluxe set, and cib stack-up? Practically a mint. You missed out big time OP.

>> No.926414

No, hipsters are the ones buying them and putting them in display cases to show off how much money they spent on a piece of plastic and silicon "that you've probably never heard of".

Re-sellers are the ones taking advantage of the hipsters and inflating the market.

>> No.926439

What are these things?

>> No.926497

Knows nothing. Nothing at all

>> No.926508

if it has 5 screws on the back, it has a famicom-to-NES adapter inside it. It's actually just a famicom chip thrown into an NES cartridge.
at least I'm pretty sure.
I still need to get around checking mine, I know it has 5 screws, but I haven't tried to take it apart yet.

somebody correct me if I'm wrong

>> No.926520

I don't understand the whole re-seller scum thing...
like, I scored big at a flea market and got 60 games for only $45.
Bucky O-hare was one of them, really the only one worth anything, and I don't really want to play it
so why the fuck not sell it to buy games I actually WANT to play?
I did the same thing with L'Empreur, that game is BEYOND shit.

>> No.926549

I have one. Sometimes they have them but not all the time. You can feel a definite weight difference from regular NES games that dont have it.

>> No.927789
File: 38 KB, 370x278, retrobubble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I may interject, the whole beef with "reseller scum" primarily comes from both their excessive use of eBay pricing and refusing to haggle. It's that they don't care about customers or their business, they just wait for stupid/uninformed people to come in and buy anyways. Not to mention their process of acquiring inventory: they storm yard sales, flea markets, spam Craigslist, and all in all just don't seem to care at all about retro vidya, it's all just money to them.

pic related, my take on the whole thing

>> No.928583
File: 28 KB, 515x325, 9ygiduho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

I just found out who bought it.

A reseller who runs a pawn shop and ebay store.


>> No.928585
File: 97 KB, 720x960, Fuckingresellerscum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.928601
File: 10 KB, 599x521, 1365816101106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well fuck his butthole with a rake.

>> No.928605

You're truly uninformed if you think even even 25% of a video game reseller's profits come from retro video games.

>> No.928707

I never said they make massive profits from vidya. I said the main reason resellers are so hated by the /vr/ community is their attitude towards gamers and their enormous contribution to the retro bubble. There's nothing wrong with selling retro games and making money, but it IS wrong to take advantage of uninformed consumers and artificially inflate prices (i.e. justifying an exorbitant price with "that's what it goes for on eBay, price is firm.")

>> No.928718

Not getting the anger, really. I mean, only an AVGN hipster 90s babby would buy shitty games like Gyromite and Stack-Up, right?

>> No.928737

Fuck you, autist.
I'm going to sell shit, and your going to fucking deal with it.

>> No.928745

>taking over a day to come up with a fifth grade level comeback

Who's the autistic one?

>> No.928754

So, do you guys hate capitalism all the time or only when you don't get the bargains you feel entitled to?

>> No.928762

Are you this much of a dipshit all the time or only when you think it makes you edgy and different?

Don't answer that. We already know

>> No.928765
File: 99 KB, 939x621, 20130505-Holy shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you so stupid that you can't see that this is a simple case of being upset about missing THE SALE OF THE CENTURY? I missed a $25 PS3 on Craigslist because my landlord and his asshole friends were drunkenly arguing in our shared driveway in the middle of the night. Kept me up late, so I woke up late, and missed it. I got a broken one for free shortly afterward, but that was just luck.

>> No.928783

>Are you so stupid that you can't see that this is a simple case of being upset about missing THE SALE OF THE CENTURY?
I was responding to the "reseller scum" conversation in this thread. Of course I get the tragedy of missing a good deal. What I don't get, however, is this righteous indignation some people apparently feel when it comes to resellers.

Good one.

>> No.928801

>Doesn't know the difference between capitalism and an oversaturated after-market.

You are some special kind of stupid aren't you?

>> No.928814
File: 44 KB, 400x353, 1351012955771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so sorry OP.

>> No.928849

Ah that's too bad. It'd be nice to see it go to the hands of someone who wanted to keep it, not just make money off of it.

>> No.928858

There's nothing wrong with buying games just to own them, even if you don't play them.

>> No.928860

Yeah, the market sure is oversaturated with boxed ROBs.

>> No.928863

>buying games and not playing them


>> No.928867

That's what hipsters and hoarders do.

>> No.928868

Why is that a /v/ thing? I don't do it personally but some people just like collecting things, what's wrong with that?

>> No.928870

You told on yourself on that one

>> No.928873

I can understand being called a hoarder but why a hipster?

I think it's in the same vein as sports memorabilia collecting. You wouldn't spend hundreds on a worn jersey then wear it out to play. You'd get that shit framed.

>> No.928874

>whats wrong with that

You're on the wrong board. This isn't /v/

>> No.928879


>> No.928881

Again can you explain why it's a /v/ thing? I thought /vr/ was about collecting and playing retro games. I'm talking about collecting retro games, what's the problem?

>> No.928883

>collecting AND playing

I see no OR there.

>> No.928884

He won't explain shit. He'll just post another poorly punctuated one-liner.

>> No.928889

Okay so /v/ is about collecting retro games is that what you're trying to say?

>> No.928890


>> No.928981

But he's right, are you fucking retarded?

Wait, you're probably a troll, so yeah you are.

>> No.928984 [DELETED] 


>> No.929004


>> No.929141

>You'd get that shit framed.
and am I the only one that finds that weird/disturbing? Your pretty much worshiping an item. Really resellers are the smart ones in comparison.

>> No.929145

/v/ for the last few years seems to not play games at all. /vr/ as a community wants this to be more about playing games and not owning hunks of plastic that you will never use.

>> No.929149

'hipsters' in the gaming culture buy Mario because it's Mario. If you ask them what their favorite level was or what the hardest part for them was they will either blank out or patriot an answer that you can see through.

>> No.929165

>Your pretty much worshiping an item


Having something nice hanging up in your room or hallway is far from worshipping.

Is it so different from having a painting or other form of art hanging up on the wall?

>> No.929171

>/v/ for the last few years seems to not play games at all

What does this even mean? It just sounds like something you've pulled out of your ass.

>> No.929173

>worn jersey in a glass box
>something nice hanging up in your room

>Is it so different from having a painting or other form of art hanging up on the wall?
on a few levels yes, it's very different namely because most people that spend hundreds on ROB and Stack Up in the box are not thinking "that would look great by the coat rack!"

>> No.929174

A sweaty jersey worn by a guy that barely graduated highschool is far from nice.

The only reason you'd have it framed would be to show it off. Games are meant to be played. That's why they are games.

And did you seriously compare a framed jersey to art??


>> No.929179

So you missed the constant jokes/shitposting of the last few years that /v/ dosn't play games? It was a constant thing 2011 and earlier, while it's tone tone the underlining joke that /v/ doesn't play games is still there.
How that all came about was where people would constantly bitch or praise a game but when you push the issue you discover that they never even played it and it was just haters/brand worshiping.

>> No.929181

Have you ever been to /v/??

Sounds like your ass is the one having this pulled out of it and then possibly reinserted multiple times.

>> No.929193

ITT: People claiming they would see a listing for a boxed ROB with Stack-Up and pass it up because they probably wouldn't play it $50 worth

I have a hard time believing these high-faluting moral claims.

>> No.929203
File: 8 KB, 220x180, 1235245586270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy
Where are you seeing that in this thread? I see nothing of that in this thread. There was only what 1 or 2 post that would even count as 'moral claims' and that was about resellers?

>> No.929212

I wouldn't waste my money on something I dont want to play. Stackup and gyromite are awful games and ROB is about as fun to play with as an ass pimple.

So no. Even if I saw that on a local craigslist for a low price Id pass it up. Mostly because I'd rather have the money and it could be weeks/months/never before I could sell it. Mostly because no on in their right mind would pay hundreds of dollars for that shit.

If they do they are either fucking retards or they are pat the NES punk.

Tl;dr fuck no I wouldnt buy something I dont want.

>> No.929213


>> No.929209

>People claiming they would see a listing for a boxed ROB with Stack-Up and pass it up because they probably wouldn't play it $50 worth
are we on the same board?

>> No.929221

Who says there are morals involved? Maybe I just don't want it and have little interest in trying to resell it?

>> No.929240

>projecting your personality on to others
There are a ton of people on /vr/ that have little interest on the collection side of gaming. They love retro games but could give a fuck if they own nothing physically retro related.

>> No.929249

He's right. They are also known as poorfags.

>> No.929247

>Mostly because I'd rather have the money and it could be weeks/months/never before I could sell it. Mostly because no on in their right mind would pay hundreds of dollars for that shit.
Yeah, you sure know what you're talking about:


>> No.929253
File: 169 KB, 470x478, 1361915332965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bait this weak

>> No.929265

>20 retards that have no taste in vidya

You obviously didnt read what I said. I said no one in their RIGHT mind would do that. These people are obviously idiots. The exception to the rule does not disprove the rule.

Your argument is invalid

>> No.929267


R.O.B. is easily one of the greatest technological achievements of the last 30 years, it is not his fault they only made 2 games for him

>> No.929274

>implying it was bait and not a playful jab at emulators

>> No.929285

>You obviously didnt read what I said.
>Your argument is invalid
Blah. You said it would take you up to several months to resell, which is a fucking ridiculous claim to make, given that ROB stuff sells like hotcakes.

>> No.929297
File: 135 KB, 607x455, 207240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't buy something you know damn well you can trade for 10x-30x as much retro video games you DO want then it's no wonder your collection is weak.

>> No.929303

What the hell is with these AUD prices?!! Is this stuff truly THIS expensive in Australia? Shit. N64s around here are like, ttwenty dollars, forty dollars in the box with everything. Pikachu ones are never over fifty. And even that is on the high end. If that's the case, I feel really sorry for the Aussie-bros around here. Though, if it's that pawn shop, then they are awful. Smart, for making that much, but awful, to the people that actually want these things.

>> No.929302

But only idiots would pay 10x as much, and I don't want to sell to idiots, because of very good and extremely logical reasons.

>> No.929319

What's that colorful thing below the Supervision? A bagatelle game or an actual vidya?

>> No.929336
File: 95 KB, 431x640, ParkerBros-WildfireBox[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very good and extremely logical reasons
Go on...

It's an LED pinball game called Wildfire

>> No.929340

Fucking awesome.

>> No.929346

It works, too - unlike the Supervision.

>> No.929352

>mint in box
>boxes have major shelf wear and mildew (black stuff on bottom of ROB?)
Fucking retards

>> No.929362

Maybe the original seller had put a mint in the box.

>> No.929372

"Mint in box" is different than "in mint box"

>> No.929413


It's still misleading and kind of dumb. People who care about an item being mint won't be tricked by it, and people who don't care won't pay because they can get a non-mint one for cheaper.


This makes me sick.

>> No.929423

Actually i said could not would.

Learn to read dipshit b

>> No.929461

I have no words

>> No.930532
File: 62 KB, 720x540, 1012904_10201713427098253_2111922115_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just posted this.

>> No.930720
File: 38 KB, 310x266, crying-indian1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That retro vidya could've fed my people for a year...

>> No.932135
File: 49 KB, 500x326, depression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking re-sellers man.