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9255410 No.9255410 [Reply] [Original]

This was voted as the 2nd-best game ever made in a national Japanese poll last year. Why do I never see Western fans call this the best SNES RPG?
>It never released in the West
You know you can download it English, right?

>> No.9255414

because its shit

>> No.9255507

I’m not sure I’d call it the best either, but it’s right behind Chrono Trigger for me. It’s a great game and my favorite Dragon Quest.

>> No.9255508

Not even the best DQ, but it has the best story in the series. The fact that it's a saga is what makes it great.

>> No.9255513

>Why do I never see Western fans call this the best SNES RPG?
Because it was never released in the West outside of the shitty 3DS port. As a result, nobody in the West has nostalgia for it like the Nips do. Furthermore, most people are too lazy to download the English patch — remember how many retards were begging Nintendo to port Earthbound to the Switch despite the fact that it can be emulated on everything?

>> No.9255625

>It never released in the West
>You know you can download it English, right?
99% of nintendo gamers would never consider this. They see romhacks as just another form of piracy and would rather buy a pretranslated reprocart off ebay for $90. You have to remember who your audience is when it comes to anything SNES related.

White people couldn't legally buy the translated game until 2009, nearly two decades and many generations late. When it finally arrived in the rest it was an antiquated but charming adventure from another era. Too little too late.

>> No.9255648

I'm surprised III didn't rank higher. III seems to be the one Japan constantly raves about.

>> No.9255685

It makes sense, 3 is more gameplay and 5 is more story.

Remember we're talking about people who rate Chrono Cross over Trigger here.

>> No.9255698

Because Chrono Trigger exists. DQV is easily #2 though.

>> No.9255862

I called my guy Moses as a joke, turns out the game is literally a 10 commandments rip-off. There's even a guy called Joshua.

Fun game. Would be the best DQ if 8 didn't exist.

>> No.9255879 [DELETED] 

>best snes rpg?
>never released on snes
zoomer logic
>download unofficial re trans trans hak with nerffed butt battles and gender neutral pronouns by 6969cloudtifasonicchu then you will see
no thank you

>> No.9255892 [DELETED] 
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>most recent translation hack is 20 years old

>> No.9255965 [DELETED] 
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Because most westerners aren't familiar with that game & probably will never bother using a translation hack.

>> No.9256202
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I'm playing the DS port which is decent. Story wise it's very good, gameplay is pretty good but not as interesting as some DQ games. It has some fun monster recruiting which can make team building a little more interesting. I spent probably too long hunting for a metal slime cause they're so cute.

>> No.9256368 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 305x985, best eras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and thats why old videogames are better than modern ones: they have fanservice.

>> No.9256375 [DELETED] 

Some new games still have fan service. Most of the reploid girls in Mega Man X DiVE all have realistic bouncing cleavage and it's wonderful even though it makes absolutely no sense.

>> No.9256485

Many new games have significantly more fanservice than virtually all retro games, excluding the PC-98 ero titles, and even then modern steam ero games are far more explicit and extreme in fetishes than old coomer games. But for simple pantyshots and latex and big tiddy ladies any modern phone game and even some switch games will deliver.

>> No.9256687

It's in my top 10 snes rpgs for sure. 6 is also great!

>> No.9256767

DQ VIII is my favorite too. The NES trilogy is good but very early JRPG style. DQ VII is ok on the PS1 but it hasn't aged well imo.

>> No.9256772

Because you suck ass diarrhea

>> No.9256775 [DELETED] 

Only real retards use tranny emulator.

>> No.9256876

>Why do I never see Western fans call this the best SNES RPG
You do. They either say that or Chrono Trigger.

>> No.9256882

It's on my list OP.
Currently in act III of DQ11
Hopefully no faggots on this one.

>> No.9257204

what was the poll and what were the other games?

>> No.9257221

i have it in english emulated and played snes rpgs in their day.
My theory is that wages are so high in japan that they buy dragon quests as baby siters.
its not a good game, i mean if you think that pressing A between 15 text messages for hours on end and grind a shitty combat system is a good game i recommend you to kill yourself
If you think the opinion of people that are going exting for not having sex is valuable please dont reproduce

>> No.9257228

This one I think. Surprised by the lack of Mario 64 and Odyssey


>> No.9257287

played it to see whats all about, it looks more as an educational game than an actual game, as if it was made to teach kids to read. gameplay sucks but music is cool

>> No.9257487

I started playing the PS2 remake of V yesterday and it's pretty damn charming so far. Upscaled simple graphics like this look real nice.

>> No.9259645

Ten people like DQ outside of Japan and three of them played 5

>> No.9259802
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V is my favourite in the series (and the game that made me fall in love with the franchise) followed by XI. I've also played through I, II and VI and am currently going through IV

>> No.9260053

V was better than IV in plot and cast, but I wasn't a fan of the monster taming as a replacement for a proper party of heroes.

>> No.9261046

Dragon Quest V is the best game in a very strong series. It's one of the best games of all time and remains a real high point in how to specifically use a videogame to tell a moving story.

Of course, it also only became playable in the west almost twenty years after it was released via a DS port that was released a full ten years before the game that caused the series' popularity to explode in the west. In other words, it's not popular in the west because it might as well not have been released here.

There's also the fact that the DS port is arguably the worst version of V, meaning that if you don't speak Japanese you have to play a fan translation. I'm not sure I would have played this game myself if I didn't understand Japanese.

>> No.9262058

SNES original are sovl

>> No.9262062

God damn bro, it's so hard to get one of those little niggers to join. Good job.

>> No.9262132

Sovl broski! Heckin comfy sovl kino brochacho!

>> No.9262349

>the DS port is arguably the worst version of V
Not seeing how unless you absolutely hate the graphics and what they did with the translation. Otherwise it adds a ton of content while not really taking anything away compared to the original.

>> No.9262358


>> No.9262370

>Not seeing how

It replaces original art by re-used assets and engine from DQ7 and all the "new" content, except from the third wife, was already in the PS2 version

Knowing DS versions it probably also has balance changes that make the game easier

>> No.9262380

All the DQ games except for the earliest NES games are piss-easy as they add more and more gamebreaking features, with only the first couple bosses and the last boss being any kind of threat.

>> No.9262381

This is why Dragon Quest in Smash was hilarious. Japs were so happy whereas Westerners didn't really care. Sakurai was desperately explaining why Dragon Quest is so important during the character presentation. Only then did I learn that even your grandma knows DQ when you're Japanese.

>> No.9262487

The SFC version is not the best version because 1) only 3 active party members and 2) the AI isn't good

>> No.9262607

All 4 NES games have decent challenge on a first playthrough. Only about half of DQ5 on SNES felt remotely close to that, but it was at least a good half.

>only 3 active party members
You mean playing the game with the balance it actually was designed with ? Yeah, this a concept unheard of for some people.

>the AI isn't good
You mean party members? I never used that stuff except in 4 when I had to. And in 4, the partner AI was absolutely brillant. Doing exactly what you would have done 90% of the time, with the rest being 5% doing -better- than you would have done and 5% doing worse. It's especially amazing when compared with other games of the time with AI partners and how abysmal they are (Chaos World cough)
From what I understand it's that same AI the rest of the series was built on, I mean they didn't spend 1 year and a half programming that stuff for 4 to let it to go waste.

>> No.9262647

We never got and will never get a DQ as brutally-hard as the original DQII ever again, and even that was mostly the result of no play-testing. Most have grown to accept that.

>> No.9263090

Go away.

>> No.9263118

I hate the graphics. I also think the game is better with just two bride choices and that the PS2 version's orchestral soundtrack is worth the price of admission alone.

Some people prefer that SF three party member balance. I'm indifferent.

>> No.9263337

DQ5 never had a western release until the DS. This was an era where RPGs, especially JRPGs, had to have a Herculean effort to win Western audiences. That effort mostly taking form in action RPGs. It wasn't until the PS1 where RPGs really began to take off in the west.

This is what birthed Mystic Quest Final Fantasy too. The east wanted to westernize things and see how it would go over. Mystic Quest is arguably the worst, baby-brained RPG to exist. I liked the look, but it had a lot of gimmicks and was broken. You could enter the same room over and over just to have the items in chests respawn. This was because developers thought Americans were too impatient to grind and were retarded. At least the music and atmosphere were good.

>> No.9264090
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i played through CT once and never remembered the story, i played dq5 and was moved and will never ever forget the story. the DS version is fucking great too. they remade secret of mana and not CT, that is telling right there.
Final Fantasy 6 beats both of their asses imo.
But EB will always be my favorite because my dad bought it for me on a whim one day at toys r' us. MY fav DQ is 2, because my entire 3rd and 4th grade schoolyears had this music
to start my day and to greet me after school. getting old sucks.

>> No.9264097

>This was voted as the 2nd-best game ever made in a national Japanese poll last year
These faggots literally take time off for a new Dragon Quest game to the point that the government said to not release new Dragon Quest games unless its on a holiday or weekend. They are so heavily biased that I just don't give a shit about their opinion.

Is Dragon Quest a good game? Sure. Is it good enough to treat it like current Americans do with WoW? Hell no. At least WoW has a real reason for this. You will be left behind if you don't try to keep up early now-a-days. But a single player RPG? I just don't understand moon speaking people.

>> No.9264751

A much better "Prepare for adventure" song than that annoying and repetitive ditty from DQ3 onward.

>> No.9264765

>Why do I never see Western fans call this the best SNES RPG?
>It never released in the West

>> No.9265893

I don't understand this post. An MMO is not going to have the same mass appeal as a game like DQ where you can jump in and play anytime without worrying about subscriptions, add-ons and expansions. And even taking MMOs into account DQ has one of its own that's been going strong for 10 years.
DQ got popular because no other game combined story and gameplay in the way it did before. It's literally responsible for setting several trends in gaming that still persist today, and appeals to everyone from young children to the elderly.
DQ5 isn't even close to being my favorite DQ but there was really nothing else like at the time based on story alone. The closest you had was FF which was just a pale imitation of DQ at the time.

>> No.9266034

The WoW comparison is there because in the west, it's one of the few games that people will take full weeks off for to play when a new expansion drops, like the japs do for Dragon Quest. I figured that would have been the obvious comparison here.

>> No.9266076

Started this based on this thread. It's pretty good so far, have only played DQ1 and 2 before. Just got the cat.

>> No.9266102

>people who rate Chrono Cross over Trigger.

>> No.9266108

Played it, just couldn't get into it. I respect it for what it is, it must have been a big deal to have a choice to marry a character in-game and have that kid grow up to be one of your party members, but Dragon Quest's combat system is just so dry.

>> No.9266378

Weird. I played the DS version at launch and enjoyed it, but wasn't blown away. The story was simplistic, but neat - the whole 3 eras thing felt unique, and gave it a lot of personality. A few moments were also handled impressively, given the tech limitations. I can see how it would have stood out on release.

That said, it's a decent, unexceptional RPG by modern standards that's been well surpassed on every level. Fun enough, but I'd never tell someone to go out of their way to play it. Most Greatest Game lists run on "For it's time," and DQV falls squarely into that.

>> No.9266502
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>people who rate Chrono Cross over Trigger here.
They don't though. Trigger is #8 of all time, Cross isn't even in the top 100.

>> No.9266552

I've still never played a DQ game
>You know you can download it English, right?
Where can I find this

>> No.9266572

You know google exists right?

>> No.9266573


>> No.9266574

It was another poll I had seen I was refferring to.

You can't seriously believe a single poll is the absolute truth can you? The reality is probably somewhere in between all the polls you can find.

>> No.9266582

But we're talking about that specific poll that put Dragon Quest V as number two itt. Why do you think that other poll is relevant in any way?

>> No.9266603

m8, we live in the age of emulators and translated roms how is that relevant in the slightest?

>> No.9266606

It's a Nintendo game and Nintendo fans don't pirate, they consume what Nintendo tells them to consume.

>> No.9266607

>Why do you think that other poll is relevant in any way?

It's relevant because it's a reminder you shouldn't take any poll for granted, these polls pop up every year and every time the answers are different.

>> No.9266826

> Why do I never see Western fans call this the best SNES RPG?
because it sucks. 3 party members at a time on the snes version is a fucking joke, you can't even have your whole family out, let alone all the monsters you can recruit. game is hyper linear when one of the main appeals of dragon quest is the non-linear structure, the gameplay is a step back from 3/4 (no classes, no tricky puzzles or hidden items) and the story which is the only part anyone cares about is a bunch of ideas that sound cool but fall flat by the execution. you're married to a girl you met once as a kid (or a woman who has like 3 lines of dialogue) for about three hours and then she's pregnant + kidnaped and you don't see her again for most of the game. the only part of the game that really felt well handled was when you're a little kid and your dad is literally dragging you around the world map without your control and otherwise literally babying you

dq3 is way better

>> No.9267038


>> No.9267065
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Thanks! It wasn't actually as bad as I anticipated, the chance is 1/256 and I got mine after only about 160 slimes. Did the hunting in Whealbrook cave and used a rotten apple, hulagan and walking corpse. Then everyone was loaded with holy waters. If slime were with other mobs that included brownies or walking corpses I'd have hero and apple clear them while my corpse and hulagan used toung lashing and sultry dance which have a decent chance to land. Then if one lands or when they're on their own everyone tosses holy water which always hits for 1 damage.

Now I'm off to find a wife I guess!

>> No.9267115

Poison Needles work better. Always hits for 1 damage and may occasionally OHKO the Metalys.

Now good luck with the Metabbles. You'll need it.

>> No.9267147

Poison needle doesn't always hit, it's what I had on my rotten apple. But you need to be careful also because it only gives an attempt to recruit a certain monster if it's the last recruitable one left alive. So if you come upon a group of two brownies and a metal slime, you crit it with the poison needle before killing the brownies then killing the slime was a waste aside from the xp. That's why if they were grouped with others I would try to stun them first.

I probably won't bother with a liquid metal slime, they're more useful but not nearly as cute which is all I really care about.

>> No.9267163

>Now I'm off to find a wife I guess!
Isn't that your wife right there, in the fourth slot?

>> No.9267316

I kinda wish! That hulagan was the second monster to join and until getting the slime probably the most useful.

>> No.9267332
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Thoughts on SNES Dragon Quest 3?

>> No.9267337

Original is better because it's more challenging, but it looks good.

>> No.9267748

it's not 'more challenging' it's 'more grindy' and has less stuff. bosses and most enemies are easier in the remake, it's just on NES bosses are hard damage checks that invisibly regenerate HP per turn so if you can't do more then that they're impossible and you fight way more enemies on NES

some of the new gear and the item bag can be used to make parts of the game easier then NES, but most of the gear is either really rare drops/end game/optional/medals/shit you get on the board game or just stuff to make warriors less shitty then martial artists by actually being meaningfully stronger/tougher then them at earlier points of the game and you can just not use the item bag

>> No.9267769

I wish there were more RPGs where they found a way to make it challenging without the solution to that challenge always having to be "waste 5 hours fighting shit mobs so the challenge presented is now possible".

>> No.9267772

honestly feel like dragon quest has been weirdly good about this even back in games like 3 on the nes. running away works often and you can use status spells to beat bosses that would otherwise cream you

>> No.9267793

I agree, most Dragon Quest games are pretty decent for that. But it's why I mostly ended up playing roguelikes over traditional rpgs. Sadly there are almost no good blends. Most take out permadeath and what you get is an even more grindy mess.

>> No.9267891

i loved the monster medal hunting in the gbc version too much to ever try the snes DQ3. Also after medal hunting i never want to play it again. last time i played i picked 3 fighters to tag-a-long with Loto. just punching the shit out of everything was very satisfying. ill go try to find the save file. im curious as to where i quit playing.
also, why is the DQ2 map so different from 3's? what made rhone?

>> No.9267970

The DS port of 5 came out in '94/'95? You might be too young to remember it, but DQ8 was when the series finally became widely popular in the US. The first 4 games sold pretty well out here, but that was when only the nerds and fags cared about videogames.

>> No.9268187
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>> No.9268208

Playing V as my first DQ seeing as so many jap gamedevs rave about it. I honestly wish I found DQ sooner, it's all so wholesome and fooled me for years with its 'generic' gameplay. I've played enough random NES rpgs to know what 'DQ-clone' means, but didn't expect a game so laden with neat elements, exploration, and heart to it all. Battles are incredibly standard, but I can raise monsters while doing so, and coming from NES/SNES era Megaten, these battles go by even faster. Definitely have IV (cus I love character scenario rpgs) and VI (because classes and those late SNES productiom values) in my to play pile, the GBC remakes are a maybe as they'll be fairly short in comparison.

>> No.9268216

>You know you can download it English, right?
It is a very small niche of gamers that play fan translated games. It is one of the best games on the SNES for sure though.

>> No.9268226

I would LOVE to see thorough translations of the 8-bit versions of Dragon Quest 1-3 into a non East Asian language.

>> No.9268739

IMO, DQ is so quaint and Ultima-y that it doesn't really even feel generic. When I think of generic JRPG, I'm probably thinking of Final Fantasy 4 or 6.

Play SNES DQ3 as your next game.

>> No.9269042

Yes, people are just stupid and when they lose against something in an NES jRPG, they expect they have to grind until they can just "spam attack blindly until you can win" because that's how later gen jRPGs are balanced

and FAQs don't help but RPG FAQs are written by autist who min max everything and genuinely recommend to grind for tens of hours at once

>> No.9269075

Dragon Quest is THE original JRPG. Every other JRPG just took DQ and made their own thing out if it.
So yeah naturally DQ stories tend to be incredibly quaint and pure fantasy which is then elevated by Akira Toriyama's fantastic designs. I've always loved his monsters.

>> No.9269452

There are some old rpgs where you can do more than either grind or item spam to get through dungeons but most just don't have many interesting options.

>> No.9269773

Tell him, nerd.

>> No.9270946

Having trouble picking a wife, they are all annoying. Bianca talks like a hick and I didn't like her much when we were kids. Nera is cloying and Debora just a bitch.

>> No.9270970

It really doesn't help that the game openly mocks you for not picking the "canon" bride Bianca.

>> No.9271272

Yeah it's pretty lame all around. I wish if they were going to give you multiple options they would have been presented better.

>> No.9272339

So which NES rpgs are beatable with zero grinding at all?

>> No.9272618

I cant think of many. The flagship FF and DQ had the obvious grind. Adventures of link also needed it as did most action rpgs with XP sytem.

Magic of Scheherazade is one of the few I can think of where it progressed quick with no need to grind. I beat it on a weekend rental with ease back in the day and didnt remember having to put in much work.

Action RPGs:
Crystalis was fairly grindy. Something like Willow needed a bit of grind because each sword had weight to it and your agility stat also affected swing speed. After you upgrade a weapon it was important to level up a few times to use it proficiently. Faxanidu you had to grind a lot for jewgold to afford new equipment each time you reached a new ahop.

Destiny of an emperor needed some moderate grinding when chasing after specific characters to recruit(all RNG to meet them in battle). Also max level 50 really helps on the final boss since it determines your “magic point” TP pool and the game offers few if any per level up (RNG stat growth).

>> No.9273646

I think this is part of the point. You are given a choice between two brides; one has an obvious gameplay advantage and the other has an obvious plot "advantage". The two possible experiences here end up being enriched by the fact that most people choose Bianca rather than it simply being a choice between two equally good options.

>> No.9274935

That's just the SNES version, I think.
I don't remember any mockery in the DS version aside from everyone's shock when I picked Debora.

>> No.9274963

I recall the kids mentioning in Party Chat something along the lines of "How'd you let her get away, Dad?" when they meet the unwed Bianca in her dad's inn.

>> No.9275105

As much as I loved V, the overall tone of the story did NOT fit or mesh well with the cute-sy graphics. DQ V story is actually quite somber and melancholic in tone, considering how much shit the MC goes through.
IMO I think DQ V would have been better off as a FF game or just stylized differently

>> No.9275115

The definitive version.
Thief class is great.
Second Zen book is always nice too.
Pachisi is fun.
Albeit not as challenging as the NES version, it is still somewhat challenging if only due to the post-game dungeon and boss.

>> No.9275117

What makes it good? I've thought about playing it but always lose interest. I don't like the whole timeskip thing and I know the hero eventually has a kid? and the kid himself is playable? or something.

I am all about the VO in DQ games. I love 8 and 11. If a DQ game doesn't have VO I probably fall asleep

>> No.9275134

For plot purposes. There wasn't a lot of games back then that had generation-spanning timelines. The closest that comes to mind is Phantasy Star 3 but that was a shit game desu
Monster Hunting is also pretty innovative. Sort of predates Pokemon
There is a major plot twist that breaks away from the usual DQ mold
This wow'd me when I first played it but its not my favorite DQ game. III is my #1 followed by IV and VIII

>> No.9275145

That's kinda how all Dragon Quests go. They can go as deep as mass genocide, holy wars, and corrupt rulers all they want, but in the end, it's still a happy-go-lucky world of smiling Slimes and Puff-Puffing bunny girls.

>> No.9275198

>Sort of predates Pokemon
>sort of
Seems like a binary thing.

>> No.9275226

>the overall tone of the story did NOT fit or mesh well with the cute-sy graphics.
Low IQ assessment. DB and One Piece thrived off of this juxtaposition.

>> No.9275227

So, which version should I play - SNES or NDS?

>> No.9275231

PS2, unless you're a cuckold who wants to marry (((Deborah))).

>> No.9275235

Out of question.

>> No.9275238

PS2, or being a cuckold? Because you'd be surprised at your shitty toaster being able to emulate PS2.

>> No.9275242

I just don't want to emulate PS2 if I don't have to, alright?

>> No.9275247

You'd be emulating the SNES version with a romhack. So I guess retards like you have to go with the only 'official' release.

>> No.9275252

What do you expect? While i still think moving away from focusing on Nintendo history was a hugely retarded mistake to make, at the very least the newest game could have picked characters important to gaming history in general. Of course most retards would not know who Terry is or about the impact of Dragon Quest. Instead we got gay ass advertising and mouth breather poll picks added like persona 5 and fucking sora.

But we best stop discussing this, no life mods here like to purge anything non retro even if the context is related to retro content.

>> No.9275283

>moving away from focusing on Nintendo
It was literally an advertisement for XIS, you incredible dipshit.

>> No.9275339

6 was much better

>> No.9275640
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>he used the default shill skin