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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9274558 No.9274558 [Reply] [Original]

It baffles me that there are people who insist on remaining an EOP and are missing out on hundreds of amazing games that they'll never be able to enjoy. Very few of them get translated, and when they do the translations are usually awful because most translators for stuff like games and anime (official or not) aren't even fluent in Japanese. You could spend a lifetime just going through what's available. In some cases you might have to wait over a decade for a translation, and in the case of some games it will never happen at all because every team who tries abandons the project due to technical issues.

If you're heavily into this hobby, learning Japanese is a pretty good idea.

>> No.9274562

What if I don't like Japanese games

>> No.9274565

>hundreds of amazing games
name one

>> No.9274571


>> No.9274581

I think it’s “english only pleb” or something faggy like that

>> No.9274586

sounds like some weeb shit from animefags
how bout no OP

>> No.9274589

EOP means Emasculated Original Poster. OP is saying he is emasculated and other OPs are missing out

>> No.9274590 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, that's the gayest thing I've ever read. Anyone reddit tier faggy and smug enough to use an acronym like that with a straight (gay) face has absolutely terrible taste in video games. I'm not sorry about "missing out" on anything besides OP inevitably slitting her wrists in a motel 6 bathtub.

>> No.9274591

English Only Peasant

>> No.9274593 [DELETED] 


>> No.9274594
File: 49 KB, 356x500, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>hundreds of amazing games
>name one
rache~tsu to kuranku

>> No.9274597

Seems like you're the one that needs to learn Japanese.

>> No.9274601


>> No.9274615 [DELETED] 

kino filtered kino filtered kino filtered [insert anime loli]

>> No.9274620

your pic is literally the reason i learned jap

>> No.9274673 [DELETED] 

Who else do you think would take years of their life learning a language just to play video games if not the cringiest of the cringiest

>> No.9274696 [DELETED] 

Dumb eop

>> No.9274705

I learned Japanese and refuse to play kana only games.

>> No.9274714


Are you saying the Mother 3 translation was awful?

>> No.9274726

If I play a JRPG and its story strikes me as childish, kitschy, convoluted fluff, then what would you say are the odds that I'd find the original to be subtle and elegant and beautiful if only I were to become fluent in Japanese and play it in that language?

>> No.9274738

There is a point in which learning a language won't help you. There are English nations all over the world and they have their own cultures that may only happen at that nation. When I checked out the subtitles to the Japanese dubbed Men in Black they translated "Intergalactic kegger party" into "Intergalactic karaoke party". Those hold different connotations. Not only that, but karaoke culture in the west wouldn't be the same as the east so there will always be something inherently lost in translation.

>> No.9274792

I love this cope.
No one was trying to pretend all fan translations were trash back in the early 2000's when it was mostly the big name titles and sequels that were never officially translated. Now all that is left is lesser known stuff, VN's, dating sims, quiz games, and other assorted shit, the people who spent years learning moonrunes are frantically trying to convince people that they NEED to spend years learning moonrunes too in order to ackhually know what's being said. Meanwhile, in Anime and Manga it's long been common knowledge that if something hasn't been fan-translated or officially translated, it's usually not worth translating. To the point where the translation groups will outright drop a series mid-way through if it turns to shit. But for some reason now we're getting down to the bottom of the JP exclusive barrel, we're supposed to believe that videogame fan translations are somehow handled differently than Anime and Manga, and what's left are gems and not the dregs.
The fact of the matter is the games worth playing get translated, because those who can understand the game and enjoy it want to share it with their friends who don't speak JP. That's normal behavior. Not cackling on the internet like a retard about how you don't REALLY understand a videogame plot unless you've spent years learning a crappy language used by less than 2% of the worlds population. That's the pure cope of weebs who are realizing they've spent years of their life learning a language they'll never master, that's only really used in an xenophobic country that would reject them as pathetic gaijin.
Keep on copin' OP, I'm gonna be over here playing fan translated videogames.

>> No.9274818

>Meanwhile, in Anime and Manga it's long been common knowledge that if something hasn't been fan-translated or officially translated, it's usually not worth translating
Completely wrong. I have tons of manga I want to read that aren't being translated. And I've been getting more and more fed up with translation quality, both fan and official. Anime is mostly translated though. There's very few anime these days that don't get translations, but you still have to deal with weird translations that someone who knows the language (the translators presumably) should know better than to do.

>> No.9274828

emulator only person

>> No.9274838

you can't tell if it's worth translating if you haven't read it. We can surmise it's shit

>> No.9274843

sounds like classic sour grapes cope on your part.

>> No.9274845

There are no anime or manga people have failed to translate due to issues with code.

>> No.9274851

yeah I'm really envious that I don't get to read Panty-Chan Statutory Rape Adventures In Another World

>> No.9274854

Post your favourite games so I can tell you all the similar ones you will never get to play.

>> No.9274857

Sounds like you are, yeah.
But yeah there's lots of non-erotic japanese games that haven't been translated.

>> No.9274861

I can read a little bit. I've read several manga that haven't been translated, though that required looking up a lot of words. It's more that people think anything that isn't the best thing ever isn't worth reading (or playing) at all.

Unfortunately, Panty-Chan Statutory Rape Adventures is likely to not have furigana, making it a lot more difficult to read.

>> No.9274869

i just want someone to translate the saturn version of suikoden so i can play it and see the new content that wasnt on the ps1 version. it shouldnt even be hard since you can just copy/paste the ps1 english version in

>> No.9274880

such as?

>> No.9274907

Yea man let me just learn one of most difficult languages in the world so I can play pantu sniffu simulator 4

>> No.9274908

This, but unironically.

>> No.9274910

>hundreds of amazing games
bro I don't even have time to finish all the translated and originally-English games in my backlog. Next up is:

I'd rather make my own game from scratch than learn Japanese at my age and it would probably be easier.

>> No.9274943

Nah I think I'll wait 30 years and let you little nerd translate it for me.

>> No.9274945

>I'd rather make my own game from scratch than learn Japanese at my age and it would probably be easier.
nan sai desu ka? juu go sai no otokonoko detected desu. kinshi shite kudasai

>> No.9274973

That works for me! I will happily be that nerd. I'd love to translate at least one game before I die.

>> No.9274984

You need better life goals

>> No.9274989

I don't think I do, personally. What are your life goals?

>> No.9275114
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>> No.9275336

How do you know translations are bad and that you should be "fed up" if you can't read the original material?

>> No.9275348

A lot of the stuff I have a problem with is like Japanese 101 shit, which makes it even more annoying when it comes up in official translations. In any case like I said here >>9274861 I can read some and enough to be able to read some simpler manga.

>> No.9275384

Gotcha, I missed that second post.

>> No.9275423

where and how do i learn japanese? how many years would it take me before i can, for example, play a JRPG? im 27, and i heard stories of people took 7 years or more just to understand fucking jarpigs. im afraid i might drop out of weeab things as a hobby once im over 30+, so im also having second thoughts if its worth the trouble of learning nip runes

though got to admit, there's still a ton of interesting stuff that are still untranslated.

>> No.9275440

Learning a language besides English is, unless you *really* want to do it, a complete waste of time.
t. traveled the world and never needed anything besides English

>> No.9275471

>asks for games
>posts visual novels

>> No.9275475

>where and how do i learn japanese?
TLDR version is to learn Kana, read/work through a grammar guide and then start consuming media while looking up words. Arguably throw in Anki there to learn your first few hundred Kanji.
>how many years would it take me before i can, for example, play a JRPG?
Entirely down to the person and the difficulty of the game in question.
Some people can start doing it a few months in, others take upward of a year.
That's playing while looking up the words. I've heard 2-3 years is a reasonable expectation for not having to constantly look up terms but ymmv.

>> No.9275476


Sometimes you can tell because the English is bad and doesn't make sense. Some people who work as translators for manga translation groups seem to know Japanese but not English. If they were skilled in English but sucked at Japanese, they could hide it from me, but if they know Japanese well and suck at English, they can't hide it from me.

Sometimes this is a mild problem that can easily be glossed over and sometimes it leaches enough personality from characters and introduces enough noise into the text that the reading experience is very badly damaged by it.

>> No.9275487

Honestly, pretty high. Very often a character will say something that sounds cool and heroic, and when it gets translated to English it just sounds stupid and uncool.

>> No.9275490

Sourest of grapes

>> No.9275493

Most of them are third worlders that run the nip text through machine translators, they know English better than they know Japanese.

>> No.9275495

You just touched on one of the reasons why translations are bad.

>> No.9275503


I don't want this to be true, but I can't disprove it. On the other hand, stuff like Chu-Chu on the cross isn't translation artifacts... I dunno.

>> No.9275505

Learning Japanese is a lot easier and takes a lot less time than you seem to think it does.

>> No.9275509

>one of most difficult languages in the world
That statement just means it's harder to learn in comparison to other languages, it doesn't mean it's hard to learn; because it's not.

>> No.9275526

>i heard stories of people took 7 years or more just to understand fucking jarpigs
It depends on how much time you invest into it. I study every day and after 2 years I'm essentially fluent. I expect that after another year I will be perfectly fluent. You can play JRPGs with no problems way before you reach fluency and you're going to have to use content written in Japanese from the beginning as a tool for learning so you'll actually be playing stuff like that early on in order to learn the language.

>> No.9275548

Another matter is that a lot of stuff simply can't be translated so translators will just make shit up (I'm not even joking) and change it completely. Jokes are a great example of this, because they often can't be translated (unrelated but I watched a Dave Chappelle special on Netflix with Japanese subtitles one time and it was hilarious because they changed literally everything the man said).

Translation also depends on the writing skills of the translator. Nothing can truly be translated 1:1, so the translator has to take the key information and rewrite it completely using their own writing skills. In the process, most of the original is thrown out and replaced by what we call "localization." To make matters worse, translation for games/anime/manga is a very low-paying job so very often they hire people who aren't even fluent so they often make errors.

>> No.9275604

I fucking hate it when games do this
ironically so much harder to read sometimes

>> No.9275608

Its not that im against learning it, i am trying, but my brain is a bucket that wont hold water and the grind is slow and bares little fruit as of yet.

>> No.9275619

You can find rewritten scripts with kanji online if you're that bad

It sounds like you need more sleep.

>> No.9275724
File: 542 KB, 800x600, Screenshot 2022-05-26 22.35.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hate fonts that are like 4 pixels per kanji, or which make katakana look samey

>> No.9275748

Why did you post a game that already has a great English translation

>> No.9275759

2 years is too ridiculous even for shitpost.

>> No.9275885

>English translation
Pick one, you can't have both.

We're talking about 2 years of reading books, playing games, and watching TV, which is exactly what I would have been doing even if I wasn't studying Japanese. What's ridiculous about that?

>> No.9275940

It's not just the ones that weren't translated that are worth knowing japanese for, it's the ones that were """localized""" and utterly butchered in the process.
Like everything working designs ever touched, Skies of Arcadia, and all the Dragon Quest games since they started re-writing them for children (8 on ps2 onwards).

>> No.9275942

There's a 100% chance it will be less childish but convoluted nonsense plots are a staple of japanese media, even in their original language.

>> No.9276067

Somehow I doubt Final Fantasy IX is any less childish in Japanese than it was in English.

>> No.9276081

Did you just make this thread to gloat about how you started to learn Japanese recently? You failed to mention any retro games.

>> No.9276097

I'm playing Mother 1 in Japanese at the moment. I can't tell how much of the dialog being hard to understand is due to me still being shit at the language and how much of it is nonsense even if you can read perfectly.

>> No.9276118

There are no amazing games worth learning any language to play. Games that rely so heavily on dialog are not good.

>> No.9276124

I think the pill that you need to swallow before starting is that you're going to have to be okay with regularly looking up words and that you're going to have to do that for quite a while (assuming the scope is reading only, listening is kinda different).
It's easy to get 95-98% comprehension for most text in games, but accomplishing true 100% comprehension is a different story (even natives encounter words they don't know at times).
If you can accept that and start right know, you can probably can get to a level where you can enjoy most Japanese games before 30 (even if you're a bit lazy with it). You just need to be comfortable with having a dictionary on your side and pulling them up from time to time, that's all.

>> No.9276129

Whats a good dictionary, print or site to have on hand? I tried one that lets you draw symbols, but it had horrible recognition.

>> No.9276135
File: 38 KB, 1200x800, Hancock Red.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how many years would it take me before i can, for example, play a JRPG?
If you started right now and studied hard you could potentially be playing your first untranslated JRPG in 4 hours.
This screenshot is from a game called 萌えっ娘もんすたぁ ハンコックレッド. It's a Fire Red romhack.
It's entirely in kana. Essentially the whole game is written at a first grade reading level.
If you memorize hiragana and katakana (or at least most of them) and have a good electronic dictionary like Aedict, you should be able to play this game and you'll be learning Japanese while you do it.
The same goes for any other JRPG made for kids.
When I was starting out I played the GBA Rocket Slime game. Most of my Japanese grammar knowledge comes from playing Tag Force.

Learning Japanese is way, waaay easier than most people imagine. It's extremely tedious because you have to look up thousands of words over and over again until you finally learn them, but there's nothing difficult about that. It's just frustrating and time consuming. But so is reading a shitty translation.

>> No.9276145

Reading entirely kana is is really tedious honestly. Though your pic has spaces which probably helps. There's still tons of homophones in Japanese though, so you could possibly confuse different words without the kanji to differentiate them. The Pokemon games are probably written simpler than the manga I've read that are mostly hiragana though.

What's worse is when a mangaka overuses katakana for Japanese words.

>> No.9276154

I really appreciate the encouragement to actually study Japanese that's happening in this thread.

>> No.9276157

I use Yomichan:
You can use this to extract text from games so you don't have to look them up manually:
If that doesn't work, you can also try OCR:
If all fails, just use Google Translate's handwriting recognition thing.

>> No.9276168

>Reading entirely kana is is really tedious honestly.
It is, but Pokemon is like 5% dialogue 95% gameplay already.
Even if your reading speed is five times slower than normal that only makes the ratio 25% dialogue 75% gameplay. I don't get slowed down anywhere near that much.
The Ranger games have a ton of dialogue though so they're pretty onerous. They're one of the few games where I actually prefer the translated version because of that.
Tag Force does furigana instead so it's much more pleasant.

>> No.9276203

Sour grapes, when I already have Final Fantasy and Phoenix Wright to humour in the Saxon tongue. Lol, so what's good about these literally who visual novels? Ohh lemme guess the 400yo dragon isn't a hermaphrodite?

>> No.9276252

English translators are the ones putting more subtlety into the story. Partially because English writing uses more characters, and the Saxon localisers eventually realise that 1 textbox of eloquent writing is better than 5 textboxes of crude, stilted writing explaining everything in the most insulting way possible as per the source material. Partially because English lends itself to better writing. The Japanese language sounds nice but syntactically is not beautiful whatsoever; it is a caveman abortion of a language incapable of producing subtlety, where every emotion and intent is telegraphed through grammatical change.
The worst anime fuckshit cringe you'll see as an English speaker is the stuff that this most faithful to the source material.

>> No.9276267

FFIX was childish? Nevertheless some anon posted a comparison of the English and Japanese scripts a while back (was just a few screenshots) and man the English version was leagues ahead. It cut the obnoxious beating-you-over-the-head crap from the original and actually gave the audience permission to read the room.

>> No.9276279

>where every emotion and intent is telegraphed through grammatical change.
Not sure how you think English does this. English grammar is really simplified compared to a lot of languages. Not that Japanese isn't fairly simple comparatively either. This just reeks of someone who has no idea how language works, and probably doesn't know any Japanese either.

>> No.9276280

What I mean about 5 textboxes is it would take additional textboxes to convey the original (and inferior) information

>> No.9276285

>English grammar is really simplified compared to a lot of languages
...which would imply that you cannot simply telegraph every emotion and intent through grammatical change. This wasn't the own you thought it was

>> No.9276298

I'm already fluent, and nobody is gloating about anything.
>You failed to mention any retro games
This topic is about all of the retro games, except for the shitty Western ones.

>> No.9276318

What point are you even trying to make with your post then. It seems like you're saying English is better for various things but none of you examples make any sense and some don't even seem relevant, like the part I replied to, since that isn't how Japanese works either.

>> No.9276319

how long did it take you and what methods did you use?

>> No.9276332

It's not tedious if you make use of modern tools.
You would have to be a retard to mix up homophones because it's clear based on the context. If the text says て に ハシ を もって and you look up all the variations of ハシ in a dictionary and decide that the correct one must be 橋 then you're just a retard and there's no hope for you. This applies for all other homophones as well.

Only faggots would try to discourage others from learning. Learning Japanese is easy if you do it properly. I made this thread to share that learning this language opens up a lot for you in the realm of games, if I wanted to hoard it all to myself then I wouldn't have made the thread in the first place.

>> No.9276349

I haven't played any of the games that anon posted but I have one sitting in my backlog bin (かまいたちの夜 if you're curious) because my boss recommended it to me. From what I understand it's a murder mystery game. The other games he posted seem to be similar. If you like Ace Attorney then this shit would be right up your alley.

>> No.9276370

>English lends itself to better writing. The Japanese language sounds nice but syntactically is not beautiful whatsoever; it is a caveman abortion of a language incapable of producing subtlety, where every emotion and intent is telegraphed through grammatical change.
Says an anon who doesn't know any Japanese at all.
>it is a caveman abortion of a language incapable of producing subtlety
This part is especially hilarious considering the meme about Japanese being vague/subtle

No amount of cope is going to make you correct.

>> No.9276378

>since that isn't how Japanese works either
???????????????????????? In Japanese you need to change the entire structure of your sentence based on how recently you've taken a shit

>> No.9276380

>What I mean about 5 textboxes is it would take additional textboxes to convey the original (and inferior) information
What the hell are you talking about. Japanese can express far more information in fewer characters than English can, that's why Twitter extended the message character limit in English but not Japanese.

You have no clue what you're talking about. English translations often have to cut information or abbreviate words in order to fit a single word where Japanese can fit multiple words and this was a major problem in localization of retro games.

>> No.9276397

>What the hell are you talking about. Japanese can express far more information in fewer characters than English can
That's literally my point. It is a shame then that Japanese writers waste this potential with drivel and drivel and overexplaining mundane obvious bullshit instead of letting the audience read the room; conveying all that information with the same amount of textboxes is impossible in English, and English translators make the wise decision to not convey all that information.

>> No.9276398

About 2 years. I studied by reading native content, and whenever I found a word or grammar point that I didn't know I would look it up in a dictionary and then make a flash card in Anki. If you use Yomichan for dictionaries you can generate those flash cards in a single click.

I did a combination of games, manga, books, visual novels, and tv (anime, dramas, variety shows).

Another anon above gave some pretty good advice regarding Pokemon. He's right: study properly and you'll be playing games in Japanese from day 1 and using them as a tool for studying.

>> No.9276401

Until you give a concrete example of what you're talking about you're just going to continue looking like an idiot. The only odd grammatical thing Japanese has is the particles (and the varying levels of politeness I guess) but they don't work much different than any language that uses cases. Other than that they have the same shit you'll find in any other language like declension of nouns, adjectives, and verbs, though Japanese doesn't have grammatical gender.

>> No.9276409

Like any language, you can express a single concept with multiple different sentence structures. An example using English (since you don't know Japanese):

>I took a shit 5 hours ago.
>5 hours ago I took a shit.

You can do both of these in Japanese, as well as others.

>> No.9276417

You can't even read anything they write, you wouldn't know.

>> No.9276461

The fervour people who don't speak Japanese are explaining Japanese to the people who speak Japanese is a microcosm of this board. These are the same people arguing about emulation vs real hardware, composite vs RGB, which version is the best way to play a game etc.

>> No.9276469

One of the major problems imo of translations/localizations is that the people doing them don't seem to understand this. Like you'll all the time run into translations that seem like they completely ignore the phrasing of the original sentence. It might technically be a correct translation but it misses what the writer was trying to get across in the phrasing as if they don't think there was a conscious effort to write the sentence in this specific way.

>> No.9276472

かまいたちの夜 is the only "game" worth playing there, and the PC version is already translated

>> No.9276481

did you take N1?

>> No.9276494

That's because the people translating them suck at Japanese. For example, Sarah Moon on YouTube.
>the PC version
Imagine reading a soulless translation of a soulless remake.

>> No.9276517

No because there's no point. If I were to enter into university in Japan as a foreign exchange student or work in one of those crappy international jobs meant for foreigners then I would take it since it's basically a requirement for those, but beyond that it's useless for anything other than online dick-measuring contests. I live in Japan, work in a Japanese company, have a Japanese wife and kids, have Japanese friends, play games/watch TV/read solely in Japanese, hell I even naturalized as a citizen and N1 isn't necessary for any of that stuff.

I have taken the online practice test and I passed that. I'll probably take the real tea eventually just to say I've taken it and to get a piece of paper for online dick-measuring contests.

>> No.9276528

It is disingenuous to say you learned in just two years of watching anime when you have lived in Japan long enough to have kids.

>> No.9276548

It's disingenuous to say that I learned in two years from watching anime because I didn't learn in two years from watching anime. Read what I wrote, retard. You're also making the assumption that I started learning Japanese 2 years ago. I didn't - I started learning Japanese 6 years ago. I said it took 2 years to become fluent. That being said, my kids are toddlers.

>> No.9276556

>anon started studying the language 6 years ago
>now has a wife and toddlers in the country that speaks the language
holy shit, I'm gonna make it.

>> No.9276570

Learn math. Id his youngest kid is a toddler he was dating a Japanese girl before he started learning and didn't mention that initially for the e cred of being a self learner.

>> No.9276586

I don't really see how that changes much.

>> No.9276591

Most kana-only games tend to have simplistic dialogue, which helps a lot.

>> No.9276593

you're making sure they learn English, right?

>> No.9276598

Learn English. What do you think a toddler is? My oldest kid is 3, youngest is 2. I moved to Japan 6 years ago and met my wife a few months after I moved here.

>> No.9276602 [DELETED] 

>didn't mention that initially for the e cred of being a self learner
I literally told you how I learned. What, do you think my wife held my hand and said りんご means Apple every day for 2 years?

Even if you have a teacher you're not going to get fluent unless you spend a significant amount of time reading on your own.

I speak English around them enough that they are learning it. Beyond that I don't care but if they express an interest I can buy them some books or something in the future. But to be honest I kind of regret that because whenever I go on he internet in English everything is tranny this, tranny that and I don't want my kids to be exposed to that kind of garbage.

>> No.9276606

So you also left out the part that you lived in Japan at the time you started studying. Got it.

>> No.9276607

And you're on 4chan? How the fuck did you even talk to a Japanese girl for years without knowing the language? Japanese people barely know English.

I don't believe anything you say.

>> No.9276610

>How the fuck did you even talk to a Japanese girl for years without knowing the language? Japanese people barely know English.
different anon, but that's easier than you would think. LINE has existed for a while and deepL isn't half bad at translating English to Japanese and vice versa.

>> No.9276619
File: 1.48 MB, 3024x4032, E0D51156-277D-4FD3-9B06-733C5E3644C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to live in a country to learn a language, you just need to expose yourself to the language which is infinitely possible in 2022 through the internet. Me and another anon both told you to play Pokemon and look up words in a dictionary, you don't need to live in Japan to do that. You don't need to live in Japan to read ebooks or watch anime. This is the worst attempt at cope that you possibly could have made.

> And you're on 4chan?
Only on /vr/, but yes.
>How the fuck did you even talk to a Japanese girl for years without knowing the language?
She's fluent in English. She learned it by watching TV - mostly Grey's Anatomy and Full House.
Also I was learning Japanese from day 1 after arriving here. You can get to a conversational level in just a few months. It takes longer to become fluent of course.
>Japanese people barely know English
Yeah I know. It's awesome.

>I don't believe anything you say.
Would you believe me if I show you my passport?

>> No.9276623

If all you needed to learn Japanese was to live in Japan then there wouldn't be so many foreigners who have lived in Japan for 10, 20, 30+ years and can't speak Japanese.

>> No.9276631

I don't think anon ever pretended that was all you needed to learn it.
What is with you guys? Are you jealous of OP?

>> No.9276634

Nigger my issue was your two year figure. I speak Japanese. Self learning using the methods you described take far longer than two years and you are being retarded for neglecting to mention the other stuff you did for practice that you wouldn't have mentioned at all if you weren't blogging about your life.

>> No.9276635

Those are retards that live in English-speaking communities and never really interact with nips

>> No.9276648

See >>9276606

The only stuff I did was at games, read books, watch tv etc like I mentioned earlier. Like I said, my wife is fluent in English so it's not like we were talking in Japanese. What exactly are the other things that I failed to mention?

If you learn 20 words per day (which should be easy to find if you're playing/reading/watching every day) then you will hit 14k words in 2 years. That's enough to be fluent. If you haven't hit that in 2 years then you're just a retard.

>> No.9276651

How long should it take to learn 20 words a day? That is more than twice as many as most people who study Japanese at university for four years learn for reference.
>b-but they just don't try
Your claim was less than 14k in 2 years is retardation level.

>> No.9276653

>Would you believe me if I show you my passport?
No, but this is still a shitty blogposting thread if not a larp. What was the point of this thread? To somehow imply that spending years learning a language is worth the time just so you can play Mother 3 in its original language? Or was it an excuse for you to brag about your probably made-up family?

>> No.9276668

>How long should it take to learn 20 words a day?
You learn them when you look them up while reading. All of the learning happens when you interact with the language directly - most of which will be when you're reading.
>That is more than twice as many as most people who study Japanese at university for four years learn for reference.
You seem to be unaware, but the vast majority of people with university degrees in Japanese can't actually speak it. Classroom methods are ineffective for language learning, that's why when you talk to people who have reached fluency in any language they always say it was through YouTube or TV or games. Nobody reaches fluency through classesir YouTube. Most of what they learn in their classes is just grammar which you can knock out all of the basics in a few hours on your own. Universities also spend a lot of time learning kanji which is one of the biggest time wasters because you can just learn vocab and then automatically learn the kanji as an extension of that.
>Your claim was less than 14k in 2 years is retardation level.
That is still my claim.

>What was the point of this thread? To somehow imply that spending years learning a language is worth the time just so you can play Mother 3 in its original language?
The point of the thread is that there's a ton of amazing games that never got translated, and all of the translations we have usually fuck up the game. The picture is mother 3 because it's a famous example of a game that was left in Japan.

>spending years learning a language
Technically you're still learning your native language. There's always words you don't know. It's not like learning a language is complicated, a you have to do is watch tv and read books. Wild.

I find it particularly hilarious how whenever I talk about language learning there's always a ton of dekinais who show up crying that it's hard or "YOU CAN'T DO THAT IN TWO YEARS, I'VE BEEN STUDYING FOR TEN YEARS AND IM STILL N5!!!"

>> No.9276669

grrr I hate this guy and his probably fake wife and kids

>> No.9276671 [DELETED] 
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This is the one board on 4chan where an anon is actually likely to have a wife and kids. A better question would be why don't you have a wife and kids?

>> No.9276674 [DELETED] 

Because I like to play and discuss video games and not waste my life shilling for some /pol/-inspired lifestyle.

>> No.9276676

>weebs on 4chan are learning Japanese with this one trick universities don't want you to know and basically you are fucking stupid
Okay, now tell me how many hours a day I should need to spend on Japanese to learn 14k words in two years. This is a ludicrous claim and walls of text saying

>> No.9276679

I'm realistically somewhere between five and ten years from marrying. I'm in my twenties, have spent like ten years of my life dating and need to take the remainder of my twenties to focus on my career and just getting my shit together in general. I'm in no hurry to find a wife right now; I might be in like five years.
I was also making fun of the guy crawling up OP's ass if that wasn't entirely clear.

>> No.9276691

What is wrong with the Mother 3 translation?

>> No.9276693

Same, that's why I made a thread about playing video games but you came in to fill it with cope about how you think learning Japanese is impossible for ye white man or whatever.
At least an hour of reading per day but personally I do 3. Whatever it takes you to find 20 unknown words per day. Although in the beginning you'll be making cards for a ton of words you don't know, so you'll end up with a backlog and can go some days without reading and still do 20 words.
Your 20s is the ideal time to get married. You'll understand in 10 years.

>> No.9276694

>Okay, now tell me how many hours a day I should need to spend on Japanese to learn 14k words in two years.

>use Anki
>20 new words per day
>once you settle in you'll probably average around 350 cards studied per day (that includes the new ones and any you have to retry because you missed them)
>reviews should take 6 seconds on average
35 minutes a day

>> No.9276698

Idk, I've only played the Japanese version. I only used a picture of Mother 3 because it's a famous example of a game left in Japan.

I can point you to examples of problems in games I have played in both languages like Sweet Home or the Rockman EXE series.

>> No.9276708

>Same, that's why I made a thread about playing video games but you came in to fill it with cope about how you think learning Japanese is impossible for ye white man or whatever.
Nah you left the OP vague, barely made it about video games and put some crossboarder memeword into it, then the thread devolved into you blogposting. I don't think you've even played any actual Japanese-exclusive retro games, because, oh wait, there aren't any worth learning the language for, lmao.

>> No.9276710

So three and a half hours per day for two years with no breaks adding up to 2555 hour not including the exposure from having a Japanese girlfriend and living in Japan.
Calling people who don't have that much time to learn retarded is pretty much what I expected. You totally lack self awareness and think people who prioritize other things are beneath you.
Well done on doing 4 years work in 2 years by spending twice as many hours a day doing it I guess.

>> No.9276712
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>> No.9276714

it doesn't take 3 hours to learn 20 words, retard. I said it takes so long as it takes you to find 20 words.

>> No.9276715

>Your 20s is the ideal time to get married. You'll understand in 10 years.
I realize that, but the way my life has gone I likely won't be husband material until I'm 29 or 30.

>> No.9276716 [DELETED] 

>4 years work
You sweet, sweet summer child. Japanese majors can't speak Japanese. And as much as I wish I was joking about that, it's legit.

>> No.9276720

So the other two hours you spent per day reading was worthless?
Thats kind of besides the point. He learned Japanese like a full time job for two years and is shitting on people who do the same amount of hours study over a longer period of time.

>> No.9276729

>Japanese majors can't speak Japanese
Grinding words in Anki and reading wouldn't help you speak Japanese either.

>> No.9276742 [DELETED] 

Is this the same anon who left Tennessee because he saw a tranny on TV

>> No.9276743 [DELETED] 

I dunno, but the TN to Japan pipeline is very real.

>> No.9276747

I read 3 hours a day currently. I haven't always read 3 hours per day, and especially not when I was getting started. The amount of time you can read steadily increases as you learn words, as does how many characters you can read in a given hour. There's also a lot of days where I just don't have time to read because I have a family, a full time job, compete in sports, etc. You're also making the assumption that I sit down for 3 hours straight and read. Usually I read for an hour during my lunch break, an hour before bed, and another hour is spread out throughout the day like when I take a shit or ride the train and those little blocks of time add up to an hour.

You're not doing much to prove that you're not retarded.

>He learned Japanese like a full time job for two years
I told you to read for at least an hour per day. That's not a full time job. Hell I did that while working a full time job. What is wrong with you?

It does but it also doesn't. It does because it gives you the knowledge you need to speak, but yes you do have to work your way into it.

>> No.9276749 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9276750

I learned Japanese. It's cool. I like to play games in the original Japanese. But nearly always, it's unnecessary because a decent English translation exists. All of the good games get translated sooner or later. And the translations are... good enough. Sometimes the translations are great, sometimes they are not so great. Who cares? These are rarely great works of literature.
I feel like learning Japanese so you can play video games (or read comic books or watch cartoons, for that matter) in the original language is kind of like learning English so you can watch Marvel movies in the original language. Sure, they're nice, fun movies. But you're just setting your sights a bit too low.
Try this: put the gamepad down and try reading a book. Hardly any Japanese books get translated into English.

>> No.9276753

Dude, I've lived in a foreign country for more than six years and I can't even manage to learn their language, why the fuck would I try to learn Japanese?

>> No.9276756

>Try this: put the gamepad down and try reading a book. Hardly any Japanese books get translated into English.
Got any recommendations?

>> No.9276759

maybe you're just a retard

>> No.9276761

Okay anon you win. Your prioritization of learning a language makes you more intelligent (and I bet you have a huge cock and are very rich too!) than the people who do the same amount of hours study over longer periods of time because the prioritize other things.
回復術士のやり直し 〜即死魔法とスキルコピーの超越ヒール〜,

>> No.9276770

Yeah, it really only makes sense if you're into a medium that has a high amount of untranslated works, like visual novels. Not so much for retro games, especially when a lot of games don't have much text or the story isn't that important.

>> No.9276772

Seems a little raunchy for my tastes, anon

>> No.9276775

>especially when a lot of games don't have much text or the story isn't that important
A lot of them do though.

>> No.9276781

>A lot of them do though.
No, not really. It's why importing games was ever even a thing, you don't need to know Japanese to play and enjoy most of them.

>> No.9276791

Alright, have fun playing the early Square and Koei games without knowing Japanese. Have fun trying to play a certain legendary game from HAL. Have fun trying to play most games on the PC98. Have fun trying to play the majority of the libraries for the PC Engine, Sega Saturn, Dreamcast, PSX, PS2, or WonderSwan.

>> No.9276818

European kids with extremely limited knowledge of English play English video games regularly despite understanding less than half the text, eops just have some kind of autistic mental block towards getting exposed to text they can't fully read.

>> No.9276824

that's true. we speak the global lingua franca and some of us feel genuinely offended on some level when confronted with another language, at least here in the states

>> No.9276842


Yeah this is probably the most important sticking point here. If I learn a language it's gonna be for some other reason. Manga and anime stories can occasionally be excellent, but whatever, there's obviously far too much excellent English-language fiction for me to consume already. I don't have Japanese friends or any dream of moving to Japan, and I wouldn't fit in there. I don't even find Japanese women very attractive.

If I learn another language it'll be one used in a place where I'd actually want to live. Which is to say, Europe.

>> No.9276843

Then do your best, anon. I'm going to try to make it to Japan myself

>> No.9276846

All the good games on those platforms can be played just fine without reading.

>> No.9276863


Go get 'em anon. As somebody else said previously, I do appreciate the constructive spirit of this thread. I admit to being tempted to try Japanese. (I won't though.)

OP, only losers (and trannies themselves) care about trannies one way or the other. Teach your kids English please. Let them play Doom and Civilization in their original, untainted, English-language glory. They'll be missing too much otherwise right?

>> No.9276865

>I don't even find Japanese women very attractive.

>> No.9276870

You can see this on display in this very thread, where these people sperg about "having to study for x years" to play video games. The fact is that you can gain the kind of basic nip knowledge it takes to play a game in just a few hours. No, you won't be able to fully understand it, but you can still PLAY it. Fucking 6 year old Scandinavians play Pokemon in English despite barely knowing how to read their OWN language, if they can do it, so can you.

>> No.9276886

>As somebody else said previously, I do appreciate the constructive spirit of this thread.
Well what do you know. That was also me! It really was something to behold, seeing a person or two just categorically denying everything that this guy had to say. Very strange behavior. I also agree that the less attention paid to the pro-tranny/anti-tranny culture war the better.
Yup. Complete idiots who think much too highly of themselves and don't actually do much with their time besides shitposting and regurgitating trivia on things they have little to no actual experience with.

>> No.9276909

yeah, it feels almost humiliating to read something that's barely intelligible

>> No.9276918

that's probably what it is, humiliation. I've seen it happen to my older family members and that was the impression I got from them. humiliation shortly followed by outrage.

>> No.9276927

>Pikmin inspired one reader to get sewing.

Good old video games, always driving people to learn new skills. Some of you guys should also learn to play the ocarina, here you go, shouldn't take long https://www.songbirdocarina.com/collections/legend-of-zelda-style/products/sweet-potato-ocarina

>> No.9276929

BRfag here and aside from English, Spanish is pretty similar to Portuguese, so I can kind of get the gist of most sentences with little issues.
What irritates me the most about burgers is simply how the seem to struggle so hard with pronunciation of most words that aren't in English. Like, they can barely say the fucking word. The worst is when they say foreign names as if they're fucking English words, it's like they don't understand vowels sound different in other languages. Burgers really butcher names all the time.

>> No.9276952

this isn't a good excuse, but outside of recent immigrants or their descendants we just aren't taught the value of learning another language here because it doesn't typically aid the majority of people here in their daily life. it's a huge country that most people rarely leave, and you can get through your entire life here only speaking English. the culture here is still that of an English colony. I have a good grasp on Spanish, but I would probably have to study for a few days to have even a basic grasp of Portuguese pronunciation; I won't lie.
we're ignorant, but I would contend that we are bred to be ignorant. not that that makes it much better, but that's the situation over here.

>> No.9276963

Oh yeah, the US is definitely run in such a way as to keep people ignorant and generate resentment and anger towards every group of people. Divide and conquer is as effective as ever. In any case, it just irks me when I see a video by an American, he gets to a very basic foreign word and goes "i won't even try to pronounce that" or some shit. I feel situations like that are pretty context sensitive and you don't really need to be taught, you just need to not be a retard.

>> No.9276964

That's because being a traveller is being a glorified pan handler.

>> No.9276973

>it just irks me when I see a video by an American, he gets to a very basic foreign word and goes "i won't even try to pronounce that" or some shit.
I can't stand that shit either, especially now that the majority of us carry around the entire internet in our pockets. there's just no real excuse to not learn something when you have so much information available. the guys insisting learning any second language is a waste of time are sterling examples of this bull-headed, willfully ignorant mentality that is dominant over here. I hope the culture here eventually changes, but I'm not gonna stick around for it.

>> No.9277047

>Some of you guys should also learn to play the ocarina
I already know how. Yes it's because of Zelda.

>> No.9277056

I replayed OoT for the first time in ages recently and found myself mulling over buying an ocarina. They sold that exact brand of ocarina at the ren faire in my state when I was a kid and I wanted one real bad but never got one.

>> No.9277081

>I even naturalized as a citizen
That's impressive, are you part Japanese? I assumed you needed to have some ancestry in their country to become a citizen.

>> No.9277084

>I assumed you needed to have some ancestry in their country to become a citizen.
Not him, but no. Where'd you hear that?

>> No.9277092

A long time ago, and admittedly I haven't done any research on that since, I just took it at face value. I'm glad to know I was wrong.

>> No.9277101

No kidding. There seem to be a lot of misconceptions out there about moving to Japan. You only have to live there for like five years in order to naturalize if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.9277109

Seems like it. I also see a lot more people trying to discourage others from learning Japanese than other languages, too, but this might be anedoctal evidence on my part.

>> No.9277113

>That's impressive, are you part Japanese?
Fully Japanese - I'm a citizen. But formerly, no not at all.
>I assumed you needed to have some ancestry in their country to become a citizen.
Not at all!
This blog has a lot of info on the subject in English if you're interested.


>> No.9277118

That's certainly something I've noticed as well. Posts here about it, blogs and vlogs about it, articles about it. That all kinda just makes me more motivated to pursue moving there. What is The Man hiding from me over there?

>> No.9277151

>What is The Man hiding from me over there?
Honestly, an amazing society. But it'll be shit unless you learn Japanese and either assimilate or at least integrate. Good luck!

>> No.9277157

That's pretty much what I expected was over there. I hope I don't come to regret saying this but the challenge of assimilating over there seems very appealing to me. Thanks!

>> No.9277167

>If you're heavily into this hobby, learning Japanese is a pretty good idea.
So why didn't you?

>> No.9277239

It's great if your open minded and open to change. It's awful if you're not. Research acculturation if you want to know what to expect.
Basically it's all dependent on you.
Anon, I already did.

>> No.9277289

Have there ever been any developers who have spoken about the translations of their games? What did they think of them? I don't think I've ever heard of a developer, in any language, doing something like praising or criticizing a particular translation, or expressing their thoughts about the idea of translation itself. At best, they'll talk about the considerations they had to make for a foreign market, or business side challenges they faced in getting the translation(s) completed, but never anything about quality or accuracy. It's always just consumers or third parties who talk about that.

>> No.9277298

For the most part, the developers aren't fluent enough in another language to be able to judge the translations on a level beyond maybe recognizing that the translator completely rewrote something, which they may not be very happy with.

But for the most part, an official translation is part of a product their bosses are trying to sell, so devs generally aren't in the position to publicly shit on them.

>> No.9277321

Konami's Goemon team hated the western "localization" of the first SFC Goemon game so much they made the third game as aggressively western-unfriendly as they could as a middle finger to the localizers, to the point of centering the plot around swastikas.

>> No.9277329
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>> No.9277342

Only example I've really seen is Hori saying the DQ garbage is good, but it's obvious he doesn't have a clue what he's on about and is just recycling marketing bullshit talking points because he has to promote the game in the west or whatever.

Kojima has never spoken publicly about MGS1's translation to my knowledge, but it's very obvious he got mad about it given 2 had a full team and constant back and forth between Konami Japan and the team on what could and couldn't be changed, and TTS had an absolute garbage re-translation.

I wouldn't doubt it, but japs just love the manji and it's only recently that they've started doing cuckold shit like replacing it on maps because westerners start crying about it.

>> No.9277350

Yeah, if Hori thought it was pure genius to have characters from different cities talk in different dialects, he'd... you know, have had them do that in the original nip. It's not like fictional characters talking in standardized dialects of Japanese isn't a thing.

>> No.9277383

>speak the only important language
>everybody in the world understands you
>ESL who can't say "Birmingham" gets mad at you for not calling him "Pablo Juan Pedro Hermano Ronaldo Ronaldiño Fernando Hernando Carlos Manuel Jorge Garcia Gonzales" with a perfect Spanish accent in the midst of English parlance
the writer of FF6 said that Kefka was better in English

>> No.9277387

>the writer of FF6 said that Kefka was better in English
He probably lied and told people what they wanted to hear. Probably didn't know English all that well either.

>> No.9277551

>run the nip text through machine translators
that's what every translator do.

>> No.9277568

That's a lot of assumptions in one post, Nigel. I think I hit a little to close to home.

>> No.9277894

>we just aren't taught the value of learning another language here because it doesn't typically aid the majority of people here in their daily life.
Right, although it's not a matter of "teaching" so much as experience.
>Oh yeah, the US is definitely run in such a way
It's not so much a matter of "how it's run," apart from freedom of association being an implicit right, it's just the nature of the country. There's a lot of space so people who speak different languages tend to congregate in immigrant communities and aren't all smashed up against each other like they are in Europe, nor is there a long history of ruling classes speaking different languages and poly-linguistic empires being forged from pre-existing nations. I'd practice my Spanish when I was working late and the cleaning staff came through, but it was of no real use beyond that.

And as far as general diversity goes, there's a lot of it in pockets, but as a white person it's more likely that you'll surrounded by a wide variety than one large group that you can focus on. At one point I had ESL friends and associates who spoke Mandarin, Korean, Italian, Serbian, Spanish, Russian, German and fuck knows how many different Indian languages(I never ask and it never comes up). I even had an Uyghur co-worker at one point. All of them spoke English.

>it's like they don't understand vowels sound different in other languages
ESLs butcher English words all the time. Foreign languages are just hard for some people, especially when it comes to 'unlearning' habits. ESLs often seek out help and have to work very hard to unlearn some habits, like Asians with their Ls and Rs or Indians with their head wiggle. With Americans, it's putting dipthongs on every vowel. As for other pronunciation... you have to basically know every alphabet and the IPA rules associated with its romanization if you don't want to make mistakes. Like how do you know 'j' in Dutch vs Spanish? It's memory

>> No.9277912
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I like Japanese games, but my go to for any system is still going to be the mainstream NTSC-U stuff because that's what I grew up with, maybe with the exception of TurboGrafx CD which just didn't see a whole lot of localized games. Ultimately I don't really feel too hindered by not knowing Japanese. Anyway, if I wanted to learn another language, it would probably be Italian or something, so I could talk to girls from that region

>> No.9277913

FF7-9 had garbage translations
FF4 had a shit translation so did FF5
FF6 had a cool one because of based Ted Woolsey

>> No.9277936

>Fully Japanese
Well that changes everything

>> No.9277943 [DELETED] 

>"Muh manji is le buddhist symbol"
Why do these faggots always pretend this symbol is Asian?
It's fucking not. Pajeets inherited it from the Ancient Aryans.
The symbol is literally European in origin with the oldest known instance being found in Ukraine 10 thousand years ago.

>> No.9277954 [DELETED] 

It's literally a symbol for Buddhism in Japan, dude. Bragging about who "invented" it is like bragging about inventing the cross or a fucking equals sign. Yes, I'm sure it's very interesting on trivia night, but nobody really gives a shit.

>> No.9277985

>the writer of FF6 said that Kefka was better in English
This is a lie. He never said that.

>> No.9277991 [DELETED] 

It's a European symbol and even the Japanese know that. They know that Pajeets are subhumans and that Buddhism originated from the Aryans.
Cope troon.

>> No.9277995 [DELETED] 

You don't really believe that you fuckin goober.

>> No.9278010 [DELETED] 

Are you retarded?
Anybody who actually follows Buddhism have read the Vedas where the Aryans get mentioned constantly.
Of course they know.

>> No.9278014 [DELETED] 

Do you identify as a Buddhist?

>> No.9278042
File: 580 KB, 2644x2027, 5tq7ig2vozr21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IIRC Yu Suzuki said he liked the dub of Shenmue.

>> No.9278048

That photo is delicious if you get rid of the shitty IKEA plant.

>> No.9278061

Except JRPGs are linear garbage with a completely unresponsive plot. You're essentially playing an interactive cutscene the way the designers want you to play, versus at least the fiction of your choices mattering in a Western RPG.

>> No.9278096

>average 4channer learns japanese to read comic LO or play some obscure VN rape simulator
>OP learned japanese because he's a normienigger and already had a japanese wife and already lived in japan
>"bro learn japanese it'll really be useful with your retro game hobby"

>> No.9278110

We're extremely tolerant of ESLs making mistakes or speaking with thick accents to where it's basically mispronunciation and don't expect to have to put a ton of effort the other way. A lot of it is because most people just come here to do business and 40% fluency is easily enough in places like new york

>> No.9278116

You talk like some gross assed faggot

>> No.9278117

Why are you in this hobby, then? While there are some good western retro games like Prince of Persia and the original Fallout games, the vast majority of good retro games are Japanese.

>> No.9278162

Yeah and most of the ones that aren't generic JRPG #542513 have been translated already and even if it hasn't unless it's a JRPG you probably won't need much of the text anyway.

>> No.9278215

The time I'd spend learning Japanese I could spend playing games already in English. Anything out there that hasn't been fan translated already, I don't know exists or don't care much anyway. I'm never going to get through my backlog of English games as it is, I don't need more into the pile. I will accept more, gladly, but they aren't needed.

A lot of stuff that hasn't been translated, I'll just play in Japanese anyway, using google translated guides to get through and learn how to play, like Brandish 3. That game has been fine with me having no knowledge of Japanese beyond being able to recognize the runes for "Yes" and "No". Or like SD G Generation F, I played through that entire game and beat it somehow, despite how text heavy the game can be at times. It's just kind of trial and error. You hit some menu options and buttons and see what happens, then you can remember what runes mean what things. This one is "move", this one is "attack", this one is "defend", then you can see you attacks you can do and know that the one that is "180mmRUNES" is the head vulcan cannons, then you can kinda bullshit the katakana for BEAM RIFLE, shit like that.

I'll gladly bumblefuck my way through a Japanese game before sitting down to learn another language.

>> No.9278225

What do you want to read that isn't translated in some capacity already? Fucking Devilman Lady got a full English fan translation and I never thought that would happen, but here we are, so what obscure thing out there is actually worth it?

I'd rather people took JP raws and put the official English translations into those for shit that is still stuck in left-to-right hell officially, like Ranma.

>> No.9278235

That's not how translations work, you can't just drop a script into a game, you need programing knowledge for that system, it's why some games never got translated, despite desire for them, like Romancing Saga 2 and 3. The font was so fucked up, it was too much work to replace the kanji with English. We had to wait for mobile ports from SE themselves to get the games in English.

>> No.9278339

>No one was trying to pretend all fan translations were trash back in the early 2000's when it was mostly the big name titles and sequels that were never officially translated
People learned, standards changed
Ted Woosley and Working Design shit were product of their time. It's simply inacceptable now
Old ass translations that had a lot of swear words and shit were products of their time. Some of the few pioneers actually starting these projects. Also "product" of their time. Nowadays the language is as accessible as ever and people knows better
But the reality is that there's still a shitload of people who will just deliver an okay at best product, unfortunately they're the ones that actually put the work in. At least it's better than tranny-lators that censor the translation

>> No.9278364

You are baffled thinking alot people are EoP living all in burgerland while most people rather not learn JP is quite funny

>> No.9278371

The EOP meme died like what, in the late 2000s?

Im sry but every half way decent videogame you need a translation to play have been fan translated

People literally translating Kusoge at this point, if there is something untranslated at this point from the 2d Retro era its because literally nobody gives a fuck

>> No.9278402

Gingitsune is a currently running manga that has about 20 chapters translated out of 13 volumes that I enjoy (I've read 3 or 4 chapters in Japanese too) but it's been dropped by at least 2 translation groups and shows no signs of being licensed. I also have about 50 other manga I found with art and concepts that seem interesting that either aren't translated at all or not fully.

As for your example, Go Nagai is a pretty big name.

>> No.9278467

seems like the dominos are all kinda starting to fall quicker and quicker these days when it comes to the more desirable untranslated games on PSX and other /vr/ platforms. at this point the amount of good stuff not available to non-japanese fluent is like.. idk, pretty negligible. I'd agree that at least knowing kana and some kanji here and there can be useful for navigating menus in non-story based games but apart from that who really cares at this point

>> No.9278491

Im not on top of such things, is there some massive big /vr/ era RPG/story game left that is still untranslated?

>> No.9278510

>you probably won't need much of the text anyway.
I've played games in Japanese and there's almost inevitably a point where I think "what the fuck can these characters possibly be rambling on about for so long?"

>> No.9278512

Like the age of niche is over
If there is something and its not being translated either by fans or publishers, its either shit nobody cares about or it some super large project that its unfeasible to translate even by fans which i cant even name 1 in recent times

>> No.9278571
File: 325 KB, 1200x1736, wow you sure told us EOPs, you're so talented anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many adults don't have the time, intelligence, or mental malleability to learn a language as alien to English as Japanese to the point of fully understanding a book for adults, picking up on every subtle reference or bit of wordplay. You're asking and expecting way, way too much. You're a very smart boy if you learned Japanese 100% fluently as a second language. Here's your cookie. Now fuck off.

>> No.9278602

then go to 2ch you pretentious fucking faggot. There's like half a dozen of you effort wasters on here.

>> No.9278627

>Americans and dipthongs on every vowel
Any examples? Trying to think of some.

>> No.9278636

some like roomania 203 is untranslatable
marl kingdom has a finished script just waiting insertion

>> No.9278662

>480i Dreamcast

>> No.9278796

>roomania 203
>look it up
>Chain-smoking Neji Taihei is an average Japanese guy, lives by himself in his apartment, and is kind of a loser
Wtf anon

>> No.9278856

>don't like Japanese x
>"Why do you even like x, based on my opinions Japanese x is the only good kind of x"
Seen this in discussion about almost everything.

>> No.9278880

A lot of games that're actionbased I'll play in Japanese if they're cool enough. RPGs with obscure triggers/no plot knowledge are a brick wall a lot of the time. A friend and I in about 1999 worked our way through Pokemon versions on a bootleg GB cart, and it wasn't too difficult, even less so when the english anime hit before the translations did and episodes were so damn close to the games it was like a strategy guide. We couldn't work out HMs and Cut so had no clue how to progress but did have fun til then.

>> No.9278882

probably because it's often true
don't go on a website made to discuss japanese culture if you don't care for that

>> No.9278894

I like anime and manga. More specifically I've just never been into JRPGs (and OP's image is a JRPG), though saying I dislike all Japanese games is an exaggeration. I have been wanting to start playing VNs but other than that I've never run into a situation where there was a Japanese game I wanted to play that wasn't translated.

It's possible to like some Japanese things without liking all of it, but people take saying you don't like something specific as you not liking anything from Japanese culture.

>> No.9278897

you will never be japanese

>> No.9278925

I looked up Gingitsune and it has an anime that you can straight up get at Best Buy, so there's that, I guess.

I personally just don't have much interest in a lot of manga in general because of how samey a lot of it is or how meh the art styles can be, but then, I don't go looking around for things that aren't translated, because why would I do that? But if you want to learn Japanese to read some manga, I guess that's a thing you can do. I haven't found anything that looks better than Gunnm, so I bought that box set and anything else I just pirate digital editions.

>> No.9278930

>I looked up Gingitsune and it has an anime that you can straight up get at Best Buy, so there's that, I guess.
Happens pretty often that the anime adaptation gets translated but not the manga. For a while the manga wasn't even translated up to where the 12 episode anime ended. It is now but still not very much. Patlabor is a pretty big franchise where all the anime are translated but the manga still isn't, though someone recently has started doing it again. I don't think video games have the same problem with source vs adaptation since they're their own things. Though I wanted to read a VN recently that just recently got translated but they translated the SNES version that is missing a lot of content apparently so that's similar I guess.

>> No.9278991

Not him, but for me, one series I look forward to playing once I'm good enough with Japanese is Summon Night. I bumped into the GBA games, and loved them, then found out they were spin-offs of a decently-sized series stretching back to PS1, with seemingly no hope of translations for the old entries, and even then I'd dread it if GaijinWorks had the rights to it, and messed them up like they did Summon Nights 5 and 6.

>> No.9279169

7's translation was fine and 9's was excellent. 8 is a shit story with or without a good translation

>> No.9279171 [DELETED] 

Mate do you know who the Indo-European were?

>> No.9279174 [DELETED] 

The Japanese do not make good games

>> No.9279179

Turrican, Fallout, Donkey Kong Country, actually I'm not going to waste my energy continuing because you're retarded

>> No.9279180
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>> No.9279184 [DELETED] 

Yeah I know more languages than you American

>> No.9279186

Luckily we are not on /a/
Do you think /int/ should just be about moving to Japan? That /mu/ should just be IV-V-iii-vi J-pop? Do you go on porn boards and start arguing with people posting white women? Jesus fuck, you will never be Japanese.

>> No.9279192

Emmä ole jenkki, mene vittuun

>> No.9279197

>Emmä ole jenkki, mene vittuun
Of all the imbecilic things you idiots could be posting it really gotta post the same tired shit over and over and over again and you aren't even a fucking yank

>> No.9279265

I think there's still a lot of SMT games that aren't translated, that's the biggest thing i can think of.

>> No.9279270

I always thought the “P” stood for pig kek

>> No.9279298

pretty sure every smt game is translated at this point

>> No.9279439
File: 1010 KB, 3296x2472, yosh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For god's sake, that isn't how you post a /vr/ cookie

>> No.9279515

>I personally just don't have much interest in a lot of manga in general because of how samey a lot of it is or how meh the art styles can be
That's because you're limited to seeing what gets translated. The vast majority of manga don't get translated at all because nobody wants to buy the license to anything unless they know it will sell, and fan translation groups don't usually pick up a series unless it's in one of a few different magazines or has an anime. Because foreign publishers are so picky and because fan translation groups focus on a very small selection of magazines, everything that gets translated tends to be very similar.

There's a ton of manga that will never, ever get translated despite how incredible they are. It's not rare to see an anime adaptation get translated but the manga never gets translated. But most manga don't even get an anime adaptation. A lot of them get adapted into dramas and movies but those don't get translated either. Which leads to the really funny meme in the west about how all adaptations are supposedly shit, because they only get the shitty ones.

Lmao you're talking about Tokimemo. There was a thread about playing it on Saturn and everyone shit on the OP.

>> No.9279528

>fan translation groups focus on a very small selection of magazines,

Well why do they do that? Are they stupid or something?

>> No.9279571


>> No.9279652

I think they just don't know any other magazines. Usually they get into anime and manga through whatever has already been translated and then when they start looking for stuff to translate they look in the same magazines that published whatever else they liked. Manga is a huge industry with a ton of creators, even if you live in Japan like I do most manga are going to slip by under your radar. I like watching TV and I often find shoes that I like which are adapted from manga I've never even heard of. My wife is a big manga fan (as am I) and whenever I see what she's reading it's also always stuff I've never heard of.

Sauce for what? Acculturation? Studying Japanese? Did you click the wrong comment?

>> No.9279709

Even in Japan, people generally find some magazines they like and buy those regularly, so they familiarize themselves with the manga in those magazines rather than a wide variety of random series from different magazines.

>> No.9279994

It's particularly difficult for most Americans to not close their long Os. That is, they can't hold an "oh" sound without putting a "u" at the end. Some also add 'e' on the end of long a's and i's.

>Example: Juego
Americans without accent modification may put as many as 5 vowels in this word. Eg "who-weh-ee-goh-uu" where a typical Spanish speaker will just use one distinct sound for each of the 3 vowels (unless they say it so fast that even fewer are intelligible).

I'm not strong with Japanese, but I'm pretty sure a name like 'Hitoshi Sakimoto' is not supposed to have dipthongs. Americans are likely to intuitively say 'Hih-TOE-she Sah-kee-MOE-toe' which I expect is going to sound very wrong to any native speaker.

>> No.9280067

Yes, sourest of them.

>> No.9280068

扉の伝説 is massive

>> No.9280078

>253 replies and we've yet to name one jap-only game worth playing

>> No.9280081

>No! Those don't count because... They just don't okay!?

>> No.9280090

what are THOSE???? list them

>> No.9280104
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>> No.9280106

>what? a game that has too much japanese text/audio in a thread about EOPs? Those don't count! not real games!

>> No.9280118
File: 59 KB, 960x882, 1623088467929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nigga i'm waiting

>> No.9280148

>post games
>"no those don't count!"

>> No.9280184
File: 220 KB, 596x462, fire-emblem-4-jugdral-chronology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Summon Night
What games?
Not him but I've skimmed through the thread and ignoring the people talking about anime, I've seen:
- Summon Night (dating sim visual novel)
- 扉の伝説 (>>9280104 lol)
- Mother 3 (has a translation)
I see one claim that there are untranslated SMT games. Claim is disputed by another anon. No one posts specifics or proof.

Personally the last Japanese game that I got interested in playing was Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. I haven't played it yet, but it has a fan translation, which I have ready to go whenever I get the urge again.

I also found an unfinished translation for one of the SNES SaGa games, I think Romancing SaGa (but maybe the sequel, can't remember). Either way, SaGautists told me not to waste my time on the SNES version and that the (translated) remakes were superior.

>> No.9280879
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I learned english back when the fun stuff was being released in english.
Now the fun stuff and english is completely orthogonal learning japanese seem like a good time investment.

>> No.9280884

Literally not true tho

Even if you are japanophile retard in your late teens/early 20s, you can spend your whole life playing already translated games from japan and coming out games than learning japanese

Learning (in most cases) bad japanese is sabotaging yourself

>> No.9280887

summon night is SRPG

>> No.9280910

Without 1000 hours' study, how can anyone know what exact cultivar of sakura tree Honoka-chan's panties smell like within the first fifteen minutes after she's finished jogging during gym class - and without knowing, how can anyone comfortably live

>> No.9280980
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>Literally not true tho
>already translated games from japan
Localized not translated and it's always a subset of games. We're never going to see translations of niche stuff like the Rekoeition games, PC98 adv games, half of the PS1 sim and rpg library, saturn's niche stuff, all the win95 and win98 games they made etc.
And that's not even considering stuff like GCCX where you see like one episode a year being translated or manga that never will be.

>> No.9281008

You do you but saying its orthogonal to learn japanese to play games that are the niche of the niche and you dont know are even good while investing your time rather playing already translated games is not as smart as it sounds

>> No.9281028

>Implying not only should you spend years on learning a language that has less users every year to plays some nukige pc88-98 games that no one gives a fuck about, but also familirizie you to a level that you gonna pick up culturual clues

>> No.9281097

You're wasting your time learning a language because uh. Because hentai!

>> No.9281134

If you are learning the languag only to play some very niche (niche as in they are not even popular in japan) games that you (cant) even know about if its good without relying on some extremely small 3rd party opinons, yes

Also while i don't agree with the other anon it makes you look quite silly when you imply that not only you need to learn a obscure language in comprasion:
But also learn japanese cultur to what, play and read the game as good as native speaker to interpret the nuances and "localization"

>> No.9281138

I just think it's kinda weird that so many people are eager to put down people willing to learn the language for any reason, and that they assume the only thing they're getting out of learning the language is access to untranslated games. I guess the assumption comes from this being a thread on a video game board.

>> No.9281142

I didn't put anyone down here
Im just arguing (i dont know if thats even you originally) that is not some very logical thing to do as the initial post suggested

We are on a board where people collect overpriced plastic. People should do what they think its fun to them or worthwhile

What i dont agree with is the notion that learning Japanese (and you can replace that with any language you like btw. for example Russian) is very important or worthwhile is even in the same Galaxy cluster as learning English

Nobody will put down someone owning a orginal arcade cabinet
People will shit on the guy that claims if you dont own one you playing arcade games wrong or any other mental gymnastic and so on

>> No.9281238


>> No.9281240


>> No.9281249

They're not all niche though. There's a lot of major releases in Japan that never get translated like that Momotaro Dentetsu game from a few years ago that's been continually within the top of the sales charts for a couple of years now.

>> No.9281258

As a bilingual I literally wish that I could forget English.

>> No.9281287

It's the main language spoken in my country and I feel that way too sometimes.

>> No.9281312

It's just monolingual amerifaggots who think it's some monumental task to pick up a language and not just something you do while having fun.
>hurr you aren't earning money with this why do it
>hurr why do you refuse to let us make this our cultural output by flanderizing it

>> No.9281317

Utterly btfo lmao

>100k l2 speakers worldwide that are atleast b2 level

this just kinda statically confirms 90% of larpers here that can read and speak japanese are, indeed, LARPing

>> No.9281324

I don't really know how it's illogical, honestly. It enriches a person's life to learn another language. That just opens up more of the world to you, allows you to talk to more people and engage in a bunch of foreign art and media.
I wasn't necessarily trying to say that you were putting anyone down either; other people in the thread definitely were is all that I meant.
I think you kinda got lost in the weeds with that second line of greentext, but I mostly agree with you.

>> No.9281341

We're down to very few games worth playing that are untranslated at this point. They're mostly VN/strategy snoozaroos or pretentiously baroque anti-game "experiences" like Moon Remix RPG. Off hand there's what, really? What that we're reallllly missing? Maybe Segagaga and Princess Crown?

Nigger it's not Dostoevsky here and they both got the main points across and allowed you to finish the game without runic lore.

>> No.9281343

I'm glad at least two people piped up about Segagaga. I wanna play that shit.

>> No.9281356

>We're down to very few games worth playing that are untranslated at this point.
There's literally thousands of games that will never be translated.
Not that they're really translations in the first place.

>> No.9281372

And how many of them are worth playing?

>> No.9281379

Plenty if you actually like games and not just using them to be a poseur in retro communities.

>> No.9281386

Such as?

>> No.9281387

You are being so disingenuous.

>> No.9281414
File: 619 KB, 897x676, 1625512476484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cyber Doll (Saturn), Digen no Maseki (PC98), London Seirei Tanteidan (PS1), Eldorado Gate (Dreamcast), Uncharted Waters 3 (PC) and Sorcerian Forever to name just a few off the top of my head.
Several series, hell several entire platforms, are barely translated and when someone actually gets around to doing them it's almost guaranteed to be dogshit. (as anyone who've frequented translation and romhacking groups can attest to)
Fuck off you massive faggot.

>> No.9281415

Except nobody's putting anybody down for learning Japanese dumbass. This guy summarized it nicely: >>9281142
You clearly can't even comprehend the English in this thread why should anyone give a fuck what you think about being bilingual?

>> No.9281416

Learning english isn't important.
If anything it's detrimental to any culture dumb enough to do it.

>> No.9281436

>Cyber Doll
Generic 2deep5u 90s anime JRPG
>Digan No Maseki
Looks pretty cool
>London Seirei Tanteidan
Generic PS1 JRPG
>Eldorado Gate
Generic PS1 JRPG this time on the Dreamcast and released in the jewiest way possible!
>Uncharted Waters 3
Looks like some late 80s PC snoozefest
>Sorcerian Forever
Why not just play Sorcerian?

Not going to lie anon this list isn’t exactly screaming “you need to learn the moonrunes ASAP!” to me.

>> No.9281437

There's not a single game in english worth playing.

>> No.9281442

Custer’s Revenge

>> No.9281449

Alright there's exactly one game in english worth playing.

>> No.9281462

How is that figure even calculated? I live in Japan and I'm a fluent L2 speaker. I've never taken any kind of test or anything, and the only official test that exists isn't a proof of fluency. So how can they know if I'm fluent or not, even if I do take the test?

>> No.9281468

There's thousands of untranslated games and more releasing every day.

>> No.9281470

I thought about making a tool to teach Japanese through Segagaga but nobody seems to be able to dump the script to a text file.

>> No.9281472

>Cyber Doll
I've got a Satiator coming through the mail right now. I'll grab this since you recommended it.

>> No.9281523

You forgot to list good games.

>> No.9281526

ROFLMAO this is sad

>> No.9281530

>Black Matrix
>Cyber Doll
>Doki Doki Poyatchio
>Gunparade March
>Linda Cube
>Oreshika PSX
>Princess Crown
>Shachou Eiyuuden
>Summon Night
>Tengai Makyou

A lot more but that would be a good start

>> No.9281535

Can't imagine why those visual novels and turn-based anime RPG's haven't been translated. Where is the hidden Halo of Japan?

>> No.9281540

Yeah I guess it's detrimental if a culture is so pathetic they react to Nicki Minaj like the homeless seeing bread. Spreading English as much as possible is a good thing in order to destroy weaklings

>> No.9281580

>London Seirei Tanteidan
There's a bit of dissonance between the sprite art style and the backgrounds, but it's not bad and I like the style overall. The gameplay looks like it's heavily on the "interactive fiction" side of RPG and the combat doesn't look like anything special.

>Eldorado Gate (Dreamcast)
The art style is fantastic and the game looks gameplay-focused with sprite-based cutscenes and shipped in 7 installments. The combat looks like straight-from-the-box RPG Maker combat but with high-quality art and a fairly generic UI and mid/low-quality animation in combat. It's hard to analyze the mechanics fairly without playing it, but I didn't see anything impressive outside the artwork. The game was reviewed by western press and it got mediocre scores.

Wouldn't bump anything from my backlog for those.

>Uncharted Waters 3 (PC)
I'm not even sure how I'd go about obtaining this one. The concept is interesting but so are a dozen or more western strategy games that I've never played.

>Sorcerian Forever
There's a partial translation for this (menus/basics): https://www.romhacking.net/translations/2699/
But it looks like nobody even cares about this one enough to put gameplay footage on youtube.

>> No.9281583

Shachou Eiyuuden
That one looks cool

I have all the time in the world tho going through my catalogue and seeing PS1 games are already getting translated its a matter of time imo

>> No.9281608

Yeah there really aren't enough wuxia RPGs. It has some really drawn out attacks that make it drag but other than that it's pretty impressive. To be fair you're absolutely right though, there are so many already translated games a person can play most people really don't need to learn to moon. But if you're really into a genre like JRPGs or visual novels and want to play untranslated games or the games in their original forms you could do worse.

>> No.9281675

This unironically
Like i looked it up and since this thread is created they are 2 more fan translation uploaded on romhacking, its insane

>> No.9281690

>I guess the assumption comes from this being a thread on a video game board.
There's a reason these threads get deleted whenever they are made on /v/.

>> No.9281709
File: 103 KB, 512x512, unchartedwaters4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any anons played Uncharted Waters IV? How does it compare to 2?

>> No.9281749

You picked a pretty poor example as your image because Mother 3 is a professional-quality fan-translation.
Spending 10000 hours of your life learning Japanese is not really worth it for most people. Machine translation, OCR, and emulators with translation features built in will get better and that will be a better option for most people to play that one game they're interested in that never got translated. Most people don't really have more than a handful, I think. If they could snap their fingers and be fluent in Japanese, they would probably drop most of them after a couple hours anyway.
Also, I sincerely doubt you are more fluent than the translators you are knocking.
If you are someone with a lot of time to spare, sure, learn Japanese. It's fun and rewarding to learn another language. If you are someone with a full-time job and precious little free time, then it's probably not worth it just to play a few cool games and a lot of mediocre ones.

>> No.9281768

That's a really low bar to set in the world of Japanese-to-English translations.

>> No.9281771

damm this whole thread is just a troll to earth bounders.

>> No.9281798

Japanese to English game translations have always gotten a shit deal because in the early days, they weren't taken seriously and were censored for religious reasons and now they are taken too seriously and people have weird notions about what a good translation entails. PC censorship is revisionism is the metric for what gaming journos and twitter trannies think is a good translation.
So yeah, I stand corrected. The Mother 3 fan-translation is a better than a professional-quality translation.

>> No.9281832 [DELETED] 

>taken too seriously
>literally americans nonstop making bullshit up and censoring shit just like in the 90s
Consider suicide.

>> No.9281880

>a caveman drew it in a cave once
This is your argument

>> No.9281881

How about I have children, a good career, and a real life. I’m not learning a language just to play games lmao

>> No.9281910

>a real life
>doesn't even have time over to learn a second language

>> No.9281986

What the hell kind of a life includes the permanent curse of ignorance of the exact scent of Honoka-chan's panties (captured perfectly in an untranslatable haiku)

>> No.9281994

>anon's still using this same line of argument for why he doesn't want to learn another language

>> No.9281995

You keep doing this panty joke to death dude, but Elf Panty Romance or whatever sounds like a sick game

>> No.9282114
File: 1.74 MB, 1843x1152, [ミンク] 魔性の貌.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translations are inherently shit because you're experiencing what is in essence a rewrite by third-party based on their personal understanding of the source material, so you're multiple levels removed from the source by default. The quality of the resulting translation is heavily influenced by 1. the translators ability in the source language 2. the way the translator comprehends and perceives the source material 3. the translator's writing ability in the target language. I'd claim that you can't really say you've experienced a work unless you did so in language it was originally composed in.

I do think it's tough to learn Japanese *only* for retro games, simply because a lot of them aren't dense enough so you'll struggle to read the copious amounts of Japanese required to get good. For me, being able to play games in the original Japanese was a by-product of spending thousands of hours watching anime, reading manga and lns and I think it'd be difficult to get to this level with only games.

Unless you count visual novels in which case, yeah no problem at all.

>> No.9282121

Visual novels are games so they absolutely count.

>> No.9282181

This is more pretentious than GitS analysis

>> No.9282189

it may be pretentious

but is it wrong?

>> No.9282223

No it's absolutely correct. Media should always be enjoyed in it's original language.

>> No.9282263

If you said otherwise about any other medium you would be laughed at.

>> No.9282328
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>> No.9282491

True. Not hard to comprehend unless you're a childless loser yourself.

>> No.9282509

>a good career
>a real life

>> No.9282564
File: 214 KB, 1320x594, translation techniques.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gonna drop this. These are the people producing your fan translations.

>> No.9282592

So... What does the Japanese original say?

I work a full time job, have a wife, 2 kids, and do sports. I also study Japanese and am fluent. Language learning isn't something that you can't do if you have a life.

I've been saying for years that may official and fan translations are just edited google translate but autists don't see to believe me even when the information is freely available on the internet.

>> No.9282663

>I like anime and manga. More specifically I've just never been into JRPGs (and OP's image is a JRPG), though saying I dislike all Japanese games is an exaggeration. I have been wanting to start playing VNs but other than that I've never run into a situation where there was a Japanese game I wanted to play that wasn't translated.
What an odd taste. Usually JRPGs and VNs go hand in hand

>> No.9282672
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>> No.9282676

Not him, but I love Super Punch Out: what am I missing?

>> No.9282686

>t. alien

>> No.9282689

>have a wife, 2 kids
Not enough dude you gotta bump out more kids. Get another wife

>> No.9282745

Halo 2, Command and conquer.

>> No.9282750

splinter cell
grand theft auto
half life
call of duty
max payne

>> No.9282757

based, hope you get to do it anon

>> No.9282759 [DELETED] 

Why are you even on /vr/?

>> No.9282763 [DELETED] 

all of those games are retro dipshit

>> No.9282767 [DELETED] 

No, I don't mean they don't count as retro. I mean why are you not posting on fucking reddit.

>> No.9282768 [DELETED] 

because those games are retro and good

>> No.9282786 [DELETED] 

4channel Will Never Be Your Exclusive Club

>> No.9282790

Halo 2
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars: Battlefront II
Star Wars: Republic Commando
Battlefield 2
Age of Empires
Command and Conquer
Warcraft III
Grand Theft Auto
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
Tony Hawk's Underground 2
Ratchet and Clank
Need for Speed: Underground 2
Beyond Good & Evil
Sly Cooper
Worms Armageddon
Rainbow Six
Unreal Tournament
Deus Ex
Ultimate Spider-Man
Metroid Prime
Hearts of Iron 3

What am I missing out on without command of Japanese?

>> No.9282796

VNs don't have gameplay usually and are pretty similar to anime/manga. JRPGs have gameplay I don't like.

>> No.9282805

It’s not that weird. JRPGs have items, battles, and overworld traversal, and the dialogue tends to be short and snappy. VNs have long stretches of text without interactivity to “break it up” and tend to go into their themes in much greater detail.
Of course those are both generalizations and there’s plenty of variation in both genres, but it’s not inconceivable that there are JRPG fans that want to explore and fight things, and VN fans who don’t want a dumb game cutting into their immersive story.

>> No.9282963

>what am I missing

>> No.9282973

What's wrong with the list?

>> No.9283014

No real order or chronology, but games I'm particularly fond of. May like some more than others.
>Doom (+ expansions, 64, and mods, the fun is outright endless)
>Baldur's Gate 1 & 2
>Duke Nukem 3D
>Simcity 2000 & 3000
>Red Dead Redemption (which isn't retro, but it is one of my favorites)
>Saint's Row 2 (ditto)
>Kirby's Dream Course
>Kirby's Avalanche (I'm well aware of Puyo Puyo, and I intend to play through the series, which to my knowledge is all translated, barring a lost phone game)
>Rise Of The Triad
>Wild Guns
>Half-Life (+ expansions, 2 is good enough, but I find it's just not nearly as good as the original)
>The Specialists (a really sick multiplayer mod for Half-Life which I don't think anyone plays anymore)
>Super Mario 64
>Advance Wars (+ sequels)
>Warcraft 3
>Resident Evil Remake
>Resident Evil 4 (Yes, I'm a fucking babby, but I'll get around to the old series some day)
>True Lies
>Super Mario Bros. 3
>Batman (NES)
>Fester's Quest (even though it's bullshit hard and slightly halfbaked)
>Return To Castle Wolfenstein
>Syndicate Wars
>Worms 2/World Party
>Super Metroid
>Metroid Fusion
>Metroid Zero Mission
>Heroes Of Might & Magic III
>Zelder 3 : A Link To The Past
>Gameboy Zelder, Link's Awakening, Oracle Red & Blue
>Warioland, Warioland 2
>Pokémon Ruby
>Castlevania, Super, Dracula X, Harmony Of Dissonance, Aria Of Sorrow
>Indiana Jones & The Fate Of Atlantis
>Final Fight 3
>Gremlins 2
>Twisted Metal Black
>Arkanoid II
>Megaman X
>Harvest Moon
>Smash T.V
I guess I also did enjoy Fate/Stay Night, though that's not really a videogame, and I have yet to see another VN I want to invest that kind of time into, besides perhaps Realta Nua, which I'm pretty sure is translated.
I can't think of any game I've seen which would make it worth my time for learning Japanese.

>> No.9283020

Did I say Realta Nua? I meant Hollow Ataraxia.

>> No.9283048

>Get another wife
Slow down there, Solomon.
We're talking about having another but that'll probably be the last one. Personally I would like to have 5 kids but I don't think it's realistic. 3 is enough.

>> No.9283050

There's not a single good game on it

>> No.9283053

>Advance Wars
That series dates back to the Famicom. Did they all get fan translations?

>> No.9283058

NTA but Ultimate Spider-man 2 is an interesting choice. I played it decade ago but I found Spiderman 2 was better.

>> No.9283059

If you're young you can do it. But yea, my mom had five kids and we're a giant handful.

>> No.9283091

I don’t think it’s that weird or uncommon. I like JRPGs in spite of their trope filled nonsense stories and cringe-worthy babby dialogue. A good combat system and aesthetic is enough to draw me in. If I want to read I’ll read something worthwhile by an actual competent writer, not some autistic JRPG dev’s garbage and certainly not a VN which really is, for me, the worst of both worlds.

>> No.9283141

>cringe-worthy babby dialogue
That's because of the translation.
>some autistic JRPG dev’s garbage
They hire actual writers (usually, not always)

>> No.9283147

I actually don't know. I suppose I might give it a look.

>> No.9283209

the famicom and super famicom versions did, i haven't played the gameboy ones and i'm not going to google it

>> No.9283286

>That's because of the translation.

So in America, Cecil hits Yang with Yang's wife's frying pan and it rescues him from a coma, in a childishly wacky fashion... while in Japan, Cecil hits Yang with Yang's wife's frying pan and it rescues him from a coma in a sophisticated, adult fashion that really makes you think?

>> No.9283429

None of the EOP copers in this thread can refute this.

>> No.9284021

Delusional cope. Read an actual book once in a while. And I don’t mean schlocky genre fiction.

>> No.9284075

That's called a joke.
I read novels and the bible in Japanese every day.

>> No.9284116

Har har

>> No.9284123

Spiderman 2 is better if you haven't played USM before
>That's because of the translation
Lol, no dude. FF7 had a tough translation yet the story survived because it was good. Comparatively, you can't salvage Kingdom Hearts

>> No.9284141

>That's called a joke.
It's an extremely common pattern, though. There will often be plenty of additional storytelling elements that do not require explicit translation (visuals, depictions of actions, and general context), such that you can accurately comprehend a scene without seeing every word. And while I think it's exaggerating to call it "cringe-worthy babby dialog," many cases are like the Yang/Pan scene where the difference between the gist and the detail simply doesn't matter.
>muh EOP cope
Whatever, I always recommend playing the game in the original language if you can read and understand it. That doesn't change the point that the scripts for most videogames aren't deep literature and it's a low bar for a translation to be "good enough" most of the time.

>> No.9284153

You know what I hate about Japanese writing? This doesn't come down to translators missing the point or giving characters oddly emotional outbursts: when the audience learns of new plot-critical information and suddenly EVERYBODY in the gameworld starts mentioning that information in every sentence. It's forced as fuck, I hate it, why do they do it? It's like the writers are taunting me for having not known before.

>> No.9284194

Not quite /vr/ but Ryukishi07 of Higurashi/Umineko infamy appreciated Umeinko's fan translators so much that he gave them a cameo of sorts by naming an in-universe group after them. Then he later hired them officially.

>> No.9284372

>you can't salvage Kingdom Hearts
That's a shit game no matter what language you play it in.
>You know what I hate about Japanese writing?
You can't even speak Japanese, anon. You don't know anything about Japanese writing.
>when the audience learns of new plot-critical information and suddenly EVERYBODY in the gameworld starts mentioning that information in every sentence
That's a gameplay device, not a writing device, and it happens in Western games too.

>> No.9284396

Can you give an example of this?

>> No.9284406

>You know what I hate about Japanese writing?

>> No.9284460

Yeah KH is shit that's the point. And what does knowing Japanese have to do with anything when the games are translated into English? If I play Japanese games and see this writing trend, I'm going to say that's a common feature of Japanese writing as far as video games are concerned. It is in fact a "writing device" given that it is written and all the characters start talking about it for the convenience of the plot. It also doesn't happen in western games, especially not Halo
Literally anytime anything happens in a JRPG

>> No.9284463

newsflash he doesn't know english

>> No.9284541

Final Fantasy 10 spoilers:
When you go to Home, Tidus learns that Summoners die at the end of their pilgrimage. After this point, every NPC suddenly starts talking about the bravery of summoners for willing to die to defeat Sin, when there wasn't any of this talk in the first half of the game despite the population already knowing.

>> No.9284556

>noooo why didn't some random NPC spoil me in the first 20 minutes!
I'll never understand this mentality. I like when NPC dialogue changes through the game.

>> No.9284561

That's fine, but it's a little weird when NPCs instantly learn about shit like that. Especially if they're in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and suddenly catch wind of you getting some random plot device.
I haven't played FF10 so I don't know how jarring it is there.

>> No.9284569

It's not that they magically learnt about it, it's just that they all happen to not mention it before the big story moment because why would anyone make a game where an NPC can randomly spoil you on what's coming up because that's more "realistic"? It's a story beat.

>> No.9284575

This is an issue with jrpgs being too simple to convey complex stories. In old jrpgs with silent protagonists it was assumed that your character asked npcs questions rather than stared at them until he was told information. In a game like FF X that is an 80s style jrpg with 3D graphics and a voiced protagonist it becomes apparent how retarded this is.

>> No.9284590

Every NPC already knows about that, and every NPC is already broadly talking about the topic throughout the game, but once the protagonist learns this detail halfway through the game EVERYBODY starts yapping on about it. What compels strangers I haven't met to start talking about it after I learn about it?

>> No.9284593

I'm not asking for the game to spoil me, I'm asking that the NPC's not have fucking premonitions of my playing the game. If they will not speak of it, then it ought to be because they don't know, and I'd rather them not know than randomly start yapping on about it. It's not like the detail is a minor thing either, it's statistically improbable for a stranger to have not told you about it were you to actually inhabit the game's world

>> No.9284596

Somehow i've always assumed that the player character is initiating conversation and often saying something recently relevant to the plot, just not showing that side of the dialog for whatever reason

>> No.9284601


>> No.9284603

jesus christ

>> No.9284792

you tried your best but the dekinai thread is in /jp/. Tell /djt/ I said hello.

>> No.9285224

I believe that's an accurate assumption.
The "dialog" you see with random NPCs in a JRPG is normally intended to be more like a summary or highlights of a full conversation.
>for whatever reason
For sanity.
I don't need to see the generic small talk social exchanges that would realistically happen before the MC asked the interesting questions, and I don't need to see those same questions repeated every single time.

>> No.9285254

You are mentally unwell, and I am sad you have children.

>> No.9285470


>> No.9285482

Not bait, I learned English on my own as a child in the 90s to be able to play stuff like Legend of Zelda, Mario RPG and Final Fantasy III/VI, it only made sense to go a step further and learn Japanese to play stuff I've missed on like Brandish.

>> No.9285662

The blasted Kanji system just makes Japanese way harder to learn than it would have been if they only used Kana, or if Romaji was used, or basically anything but an ideographic system.

>> No.9286060

>I read novels and the bible in Japanese every day.

The... Shinto Bible? Does Japan have its own Bible? You can't be talking about the Christian one, since that was written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, three languages that you have more than enough time to learn and that you certainly would learn if you were at all interested in that particular text.

>> No.9286120

This might somehow be the most retarded post in this entire thread.

>> No.9286164

Ryuuki Denshou

>> No.9286194

He's got a point beyond the retardedness. Dude's just a Japanophile. Probably watches English-language movies with Japanese dubs.

>> No.9286198

You'd think that, but after you know a hundred kanji or so it clicks and you start to understand how fucked the language would be without it.
Japanese only has about 2,000 kanji in it, which is a reasonable amount to expect an adult to learn. If you can memorize the names of 1,000 Pokemon you can handle learning 2,000 kanji. Even if you only know a couple hundred you can skate by with context clues.

>> No.9286215
File: 56 KB, 581x480, Oudou Yuusha Fanel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they would probably drop most of them after a couple hours anyway.
Funnily enough, that's what happened to me with a lot of the games I was interested in.
Before I started learning Japanese I made a list of all the untranslated games I wanted to play. The list was fucking massive, I think it had close to 900 entries on it at one point.
Over the course of a few years I worked my way through the whole god damn list, and I only ended up liking maybe 30 or so. So like 3%.
Even then learning Japanese was a fantastic decision for me because a lot of that 3% were life-changing experiences that have become memories I'll treasure forever. And while I was going through the list I kept finding more and more opportunities that were now open to me because I could read Japanese; things I hadn't even considered before I started. Did you know there's a Japanese program called SSP that you can use to experience an entire medium of entertainment called ゴースト that doesn't exist in any other language? I sure didn't.
But yes, I did waste a lot of time on games I thought I would love and hated. I wanted to like Oudou Yuusha so fucking bad and it is so fucking bad, massive letdown.

>> No.9286235 [DELETED] 

Not wanting my kids to be encouraged to become trannies doesn't make me mentally unwell. Kys faggot.
You're one of the few posters in this thread with brain cells.

>> No.9286239 [DELETED] 

For some reason I have never considered chopping my balls off. Maybe it's because I'm not a dysgenic mutt with deleterious mutations. I have absolutely zero fear that my children will become trannies precisely because they are my children.
ROFL do you remember that guy who wanted to watch Avatar in Japanese with English subtitles

>> No.9286243

Kanji makes it way easier. Learning Japanese without kanji would be a nightmare.
The Christian one. I use the 新改訳聖書 translation in Japanese and the AMP version in English and compare between the two.
I'm not interested in any of those other languages.
I don't watch English movies at all because they're all garbage these days ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (but if I do watch one, it's in English. I can't stand dubs in any language).
You've got a point and 2000 does make up the bulk of it, but realistically you can expect to learn more than 2000.
>a lot of that 3% were life-changing experiences that have become memories I'll treasure forever. And while I was going through the list I kept finding more and more opportunities that were now open to me because I could read Japanese; things I hadn't even considered before I started
This comment right here is golden.
>Did you know there's a Japanese program called SSP that you can use to experience an entire medium of entertainment called ゴースト that doesn't exist in any other language? I sure didn't.
I'm fluent in Japanese and even I didn't know that. Got any more info on that?

>> No.9286247 [DELETED] 

If you grow up watching the garbage that they're showing kids today then you will absolutely develop mental health issues and chop your balls off. It goes way past just telling kids to chop their balls off. It's at the point where they're saying "hey kid going through puberty, you know how you feel uncomfortable in your body right now? It's not because of puberty, it's because you're a tranny" and it's especially effective on girls.

The Japanese dub of avatar is garbage and it wasn't even complete for a loooooong time.

>> No.9286274

>about 2,000 kanji
2,000 is a good place to be but realistically you're going to encounter a lot more even in vidya unless you stick to junior high level stuff.

>> No.9286295 [DELETED] 

>I'm not interested in any of those other languages.
>I don't watch English movies at all because they're all garbage these days

Are they? There isn't a 3% golden core that's worth digging for? Is that possibility of excellence-hidden-amidst-trash magically unique to Japanese media, the way a tiny amount of information about trannies is magically a super-powerful negative influence on children sufficient to warrant considering limiting their exposure to the world's most useful language? What other spells do you know, anon?

>> No.9286307 [DELETED] 

Mental illness is weak genetics. Nobody with good genes can be convinced to castrate themselves because their DNA would immovably force them to pass on their genes. If my kids are capable of becoming trannies then my bloodline ought to have ended anyway. We all experienced and continue to experience globohomo yet you and I are comfortable with what's in our pants because we're not that fucking retarded, but if you're still worried that your kids will just be dumb cunts then luckily as a parent YOU can raise your kids instead of the television. You ever take your kids out to rainforests? Build cool shit in the backyard? Teach a skill? Give em a dinosaur calendar trust me

>> No.9286310 [DELETED] 

>excellence-hidden-amidst-trash magically unique to Japanese media
I never said that the majority of Japanese media was trash. Only you guys did. And that 3% you're quoting isn't my comment.

Personally I have only played one game in Japanese that I didn't like.

>the way a tiny amount of information about trannies is magically a super-powerful negative influence on children sufficient to warrant considering limiting their exposure to the world's most useful language
Imagine you want to eat a chocolate cake. Cake is great, right? Who doesn't enjoy cake. Alright now what if I revealed to you that there's just a tiny tiny tiny amount of dog shit mixed into that cake. What do you mean you don't want to eat it?!? It's only a tiny bit! You don't want to eat the wonderful treat that is considered a birthday special worldwide simply because it has a small amyof shit in it? How could you!

>> No.9286317 [DELETED] 

>limiting their exposure to the world's most useful language
Forgot to comment.
My kids can speak English because I talk to them in English enough that they're learning it. But no I'm not going to show them Hollywood garbage.

>> No.9286370 [DELETED] 


That's why I said "considering" you doofus. The problem is that you thought it was even worth thinking about and bringing up here, not that you actually did it. You are a lazy reader.

Anyway you seem to be strengthening my mockery of you, though you're too afflicted with tunnel vision to pay attention to that and address the matter. I think you're kinda stupid. You said 0% of recent English-language movies were good, while endorsing the other dude's suggestion that 3% of Japanese games might be good. So okay, you're cool with the idea of some huge list of Japanese games being at least 3% good. But now you're saying the goodness rate is more like 99%? So Japan and the Japanese language are magical. Yeah okay.

I mean sure you could claim that Japan really is superior, but that'd take a much stronger argument with actual evidence and careful thought behind it, and you are not competent enough to muster those. Your basic point is solid: More people should consider learning Japanese for the sake of enjoying Japanese media that they're already interested in. Every other major point you've tried to make is clumsy and weak. You haven't even bothered to point out clearly where any popular, allegedly high-quality translations fail!

As for poop cake: Yeah that's where we all live, in a big tainted cake. There are far greater dangers out there than the extremely small chance that a given child will be tricked into injecting synthetic sex hormones (or whatever it is you're paranoid about) without actually needing them. We all would prefer the poopless cake yes, but there isn't any to be had. You live in a genuinely dangerous world and you don't need to be overfocusing on fake dangers.

Of course Hollywood movies are mostly bad. Those obviously aren't going to be where a person who wanted to find hidden gems should search. Why would you even bring those up? Maybe this is why it's so hard for you to find Japanese works you dislike: You just aren't very smart.

>> No.9286396
File: 33 KB, 449x438, oreshika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chance you can post a few of those 3% titles? I've had pretty good luck enjoying the games I've played through in Japanese so far, currently playing Linda Cube Kanzenban and thinking of trying Oreshika next.

>> No.9286568

>This comment right here

>> No.9286761
File: 31 KB, 720x522, 1660195273540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you only have yourself to blame

>> No.9286787

Would be cool if OP would skip an hour's worth of daily Bible study for a couple of months and use that time to write up a detailed assessment of the flaws in Mother 3's allegedly bad translation

>> No.9286870

Why not do it yourself if you care so much?

>> No.9286876

Problem is, their understanding of Japanese is often very rudimentary.

>> No.9286882

I'll think about it. Thank you for the suggestion.

>> No.9286905

>after you know a hundred kanji or so it clicks and you start to understand how fucked the language would be without it.
I hear this a lot, how they're needed because of the high amount of homophones in the language. But it's not like Japanese people go around with kanji cards all the time for when they need to talk to each other, and most Japanese people haven't been literate for most of history, so this is obviously nonsense.

>> No.9286935

yeah it's a thing you'll frequently hear from gaijins past the beginner stage who booted up their first snes game and got filtered

>> No.9286950

Because anon isn't the one alleging Mother 3's translation sucks

>> No.9286961

Spoken Japanese is simpler. And it has pitch accent.

>> No.9286983

There is a weird culture on some boards in which many anons outright hate Japanese media. /vr/ is often, but not always, one of those kinds of boards. It's amazing how little some people know about super basic shit relating to Japanese media on these boards, despite 4chan's anime origins. I am not like that. I would benefit greatly from learning Japanese and not being an EOP, but alas, I do not want to put forward the effort.

>> No.9287001

Pitch accent is one of the antichrists. Pitch should not be semantically productive that's fucking retarded, pitch should be relevant insofar as how the speaker feels like speaking

>> No.9287009

Awkward use of "insofar as", but I agree. Danish and Fenno-Swedish will always be superior to Norwegian and Swedish Proper for this reason.

>> No.9287010

It's mostly a bunch of twitter troons in my experience.
The more offsite faggots a board has the more whiny about anime it gets.

>> No.9287025

I'm in between I have always been interested in Jap culture and media but not obsessively so and the more I saw the more pragmatic I became(and less tolerant of weebish hatred and contempt of western culture and mindless love of Japan).

>> No.9287046

Danish pronunciation is so incomprehensible even natives struggle with it. Danish kids take the longest of everyone in the world to become fluent in their native language.

>> No.9287257

So written Japanese is basically an entirely separate language?

>> No.9287340

It really is bizarre. I took a break from 4chan from like 2014 to 2019 and noticed there was a lot more of this sentiment floating around here when I came back.

>> No.9287362

It's because the rising popularity of /pol/ and /v/ led to a lot of faggots coming here specifically to post on those boards despite not actually fitting in on 4chan as a whole.

>> No.9287373 [DELETED] 

A man walks into a /vr/ thread and asks for some eastern game recs.
"Hey anon!", exclaimed (You), "learn another language and play a PC-98 panty-sniffing sim on real hardware or you can fuck off"

Later that day, (You) punched a hole in the wall as he wondered why there are so many discussions about Rare and id games.

>> No.9287386

Hey, I think one of those faggots just replied to you.

>> No.9287426

Looks like it.

>> No.9287447

Unlikely since polfags tend to tell anti-anime posters to fuck off.
I think it's mostly twitterfags who find their way onto /vr/ and /vrpg/, mistakenly believing they belong here.

>> No.9287489

I like Japanese media a lot, but I also recognize that Japanese is a retarded language and not worth my time.

>> No.9287864

Electro-Optical Program

>> No.9287879

the P clearly stands for pendejo

>> No.9288093
File: 2.92 MB, 3000x2960, Dr. Chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just play them in Japanese without knowing the language and figure shit out as I go.

>> No.9288101

I do the same thing with Hebrew. I could be fucked to teach myself that bullshit.

>> No.9288114
File: 157 KB, 549x480, Fire Emblem - Monshou no Nazo (Japan).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learning japanese was one of the best decisions i've ever made
tens of thousands of hours of unpozzed entertainment and there's no way i'll ever finish the backlog of all the shit i still want to play read watch and listen to within my lifetime

>> No.9288141
File: 235 KB, 762x506, never ever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English only peasant

>> No.9288476

Think about it this way: after WW2 the government considered switching to the English alphabet. They decided it was a bad idea and stuck with kanji. There's multiple reasons why. Homophones aren't really the problem - otherwise the old Pokemon games and other RPGs of the era would be impossible to play - context makes them quite clear.
Pitch accent is a meme. Your pitch will naturally improve as you learn the language, but you're still going to have an accent and that's not related to pitch (but rather how you shape your mouth when talking - like tongue placement and stuff). I've never studied pitch accent and nobody has a problem understanding me. YouTubers like Dogen and Matt vs Japan push it because they all sell lessons and shit and want to profit off it. They turned it into a niche market that they could specialize in because there's not many products in that area of language learning.
>there's no way i'll ever finish the backlog of all the shit i still want to play read watch and listen to within my lifetime
This is the part that makes me sad.

>> No.9288847

The text is illegible without using filters but filters make the game look shit.

>> No.9289089

Imagine thinking you can learn Japanese without having the elasticity and absorbency of a child's developing brain.

>> No.9289105

This is an excuse.
This has pretty consistently been disproven by many people learning second and third languages in adulthood. If anything, learning a second language is easier as an adult since you have a better grasp on grammar and abstraction as an adult than as a child.

>> No.9289112

Your middle-aged brain can't remember all those fucking kanji.

>> No.9289127

It can.

>> No.9289172

The best way to learn Japanese is to forget about kanji. As a western imperialist you have a duty to make Japanese people speak Japanese the way you want them to. Use Roman script whenever reading/writing but otherwise you can just be illiterate, it's not like Japs know all the kanji anyway, if you ask a Jap to write "parliament" he will be stumped – though he will likely recognise the characters if shown to him

>> No.9289257

>お若いの 元気がいいのう
It's perfectly legible without filters.

>> No.9289260

It can.
Imagine getting filtered by scribbles.

>> No.9289380

There were filters used in the screenshot.

>> No.9289385

I'll wait on augmented reality glasses to go down in price so that I can have them automatically translate stuff for me as I play.

>> No.9289431

What's it look like without the filters? Post an image with a different line of dialogue.
Machine translation is terrible.

>> No.9289503

>oh so many untranslated vidya out there o learning japanese was the best decision in my life
Then stop blogposting about shit no one cares about and post a list of the fucking games you dickride so much, maybe i'll actually consider learning japanese after that.

>> No.9289774
File: 83 KB, 544x403, [Peace Maker].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the website you can download the program:
Here's a website that you can use to download ghosts:
Despite the url, as far as I'm aware the program and all ghosts are freeware.

It's difficult to give a short explanation of what a "ghost" is, but essentially imagine if a Japanese guy looked at Bonzi Buddy, said "Hey, that's a great idea!" and expanded it out into something like a full length interactive visual novel.
Many of them are beautiful in a strange, unsettling way. Ever read a fucked-up VN like さよならを教えて~comment te dire adieu~ or 沙耶の唄? Imagine going through that again, but instead of it being a book you read it's a person standing on your desktop, staring at you.

>> No.9289864
File: 215 KB, 934x931, LupSalada001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most aren't /vr/. When I was starting out I was in the afterglow of reading translated VNs like CROSS†CHANNEL and グリザイアの果実 and I thought all I wanted was more of that.
When I learned the language and could read anything what I actually ended up getting enchanted by was embarrassingly ooey-gooey lovey-dovey sugar smile modern moege like 僕と恋するポンコツアクマ。 and あなたに恋する恋愛ルセット.
Instead of inflicting my "unique" taste upon you, I'll share ten titles I've enjoyed that the average /vr/ user would probably find interesting. I'll also mark the ones that are freeware. A lot of them are, I love the Japanese freeware scene.
>るぷぷキューブ ルプさらだ
>大海原と大海原 (Freeware)
>Holdover (by Fox of FoxEye) (Freeware)
>黒先輩と黒屋敷の闇に迷わない (Freeware)
>弾幕アマノジャク ~ Impossible Spell Card.
>ヴァンガードプリンセス 先陣の姫君 (Freeware)
>ときめきアイドル (Freeware)
>eraMegaten 私家版 (Freeware)

>> No.9289890

thats not true though. there are often situations where in order to explain the meaning of a word, japanese people will tell the kanji that the word is written with, because its often the easiest way to convey the meaning. having the 3 different writing systems is also an integral part of japanese literature, where depending on whether kanji, katakana, or hiragana is used to write a word, it can alter the nuance that the author wants to convey significantly. for example if a character is supposed to sound intellectual a word might be written in kanji, where if the character is childish it would be written in katakana. there are also many instances where there is an entirely made up word, for example "狼殺龍冷拳", where if this word was not written in kanji, there would be no way to understand what it means.

>> No.9289892

>Instead of inflicting my "unique" taste upon you
Do you know where you are? Post moetrash recs.

>> No.9289932
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Thanks for the recs. If you really enjoy a game I don't think it matters what genre it is all that matters is your connection to it.

>> No.9289973
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I won't point out the picks I find questionable, but-
nevermind you're a boss

>> No.9289979
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good vn

>> No.9290029
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>> No.9290041
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cheap whore

>> No.9290050
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>can't take him up on his offer
It's two for the price of one. That's a deal, right there.

>> No.9290140
File: 889 KB, 1920x1080, getthismanaretron5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly a shame you can't put a permanent smile on the face of this kind man and loving father

>> No.9290158

>Retron 5
>Eva and Blondie love it!

>> No.9290414

God I haven't thought of Irisu Syndrome in for fucking ever. One of my first creepy-cute Japanese freeware games.

>> No.9290528

I was huge into the Japanese freeware scene back in the day. Had my computer's locale set to Japanese and everything just so I could play them all properly. Those and any ripped Comiket doujin games I could get my hands on too. Think back on it super fondly.

>> No.9290727

Several SMT/SMT adjacent games that still aren't translated
Kamaitachi no Yoru 2
The Gihren's Greed series
Tokimeki Memorial (the good version and the sequels)
The Twilight Syndrome series
The PSX versions of Snatcher and Policenauts
MGS2 without a butchered TL
Yakuza 1's amazing HD remaster

Just off the top of my head

>> No.9290769

>it is a caveman abortion of a language incapable of producing subtlety, where every emotion and intent is telegraphed through grammatical change.
Your language requires the writer to state the context with every statement because it assumes the listener is fucking retarded.

>> No.9290779

>Meanwhile, in Anime and Manga it's long been common knowledge that if something hasn't been fan-translated or officially translated, it's usually not worth translating
You're exposing how little you watch and read.
Cyborg 009 (60s) and most of Kitaro? Not all in English.
Tetsuwan Atom and Tetsujin-21, the forefathers of anime? Not in English beyond dogshit dubs designed for 60s burgers and lack most of the debut episodes of notable early anime directors.
Getter Robo Go? 7 episodes in English.
Karakuri Circus? Still waiting on the last 5 volumes to be TL'd despite it being one of the most legendary battle manga of the 2000s.
Several Gundam manga and novels, including the Tomino penned Gaia Gear, all untranslated.
Yuusha Raideen? Half not in English. Tomino's Chief Director debut is also marred by godawful machine TL'd subs that were clearly TL'd from Russian.
Sasuke, the legendary 60s anime and manga? Good fucking luck even finding all of it, and guess what, you're not watching it.
Ace wo Nerae Final Stage only got translated in the last 5 years, and even then the remake of the first anime is still untranslated.
The vast majority of the Danganronpa novels remain untranslated, despite the Kirigiri series being exceedingly popular for a novel spin-off.
Hell, even something as popular as Hunter x Hunter has 3 novels that haven't been translated.

>> No.9290795

This thread was like flypaper for some of the most embarrassing EOPs I’ve seen to date.

>> No.9290994
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Ok op, il learn this shit, but im only playing the games in hira and kata. Kanji can fuck off, idgaf, i aint taking the time sink to learn thousands of little squiggles that all look nearly identical. I dont care if i cant play the games that require it and i dont give a shit if it "makes the language better!!", i aint doin it.

>> No.9291136
File: 345 KB, 1024x768, ToHeart2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had no idea there would be so much tolerance/appreciation for moege here. I'll go ahead and post my full VN stack with a few notes.
Mentioned before. The best two entries in the genre I know. If you're in doubt, start here. The first VN has monstergirl heroines in a tropical beach high school and the second one has patissier heroines in a regular high school.
Feels like it was written five minutes before a test but despite that the characters are likeable and interesting. A hidden gem.
Classic of the genre. The girls are fantastic but most people end up hating the protagonist, including me. It has two main versions: XRATED on PC which has H-scenes and two minigames, and DX Plus on PS3, which has no H and no minigames but adds an additional heroine. Has a sequel in AnotherDays which is included in DX Plus (again without H) and another sequel in 愛佳でいくの!!, which has three minigames, one of which is an RPG which has since branched off into its own series.
First in a series of four. Protag is a antiquarian who would climb Mt. Everest to prevent his sisters from getting a paper cut. Has a small side game on android.
Imagine if the best, stupidest Saturday morning anime ever got a VN adaptation, and you've got it in a nutshell but you have no idea what kind of wild ride you're in for.
The pinnacle of nukige. It has two sequels but the first one alone is a Odyssey-level journey, if Odysseus solved all of his problems with fucking instead of just most of them.

Honorable Mentions:
>エロいもサイクロン! (series)
Simple, direct.
>真剣で私に恋しなさい! (series)
Long, hilarious, depressing.

>> No.9291147

I get this, but you really do end up learning them by osmosis if you play or read stuff with kanji in it. Furigana also makes it much easier to deal with.

>> No.9291153

Small error; the first VN in the エロいも series is
エロいもハリケーン! ~アイドルの妹がエロくてエロくてオレの理性に嵐の予感!?~
エロいもサイクロン! ~渦巻くエロエロは妹を中心に急速拡大中!~

The director of marketing at milimili:AMUSE CRAFT EROTICA either needs to get a raise or get slapped for these titles. Ideally both.

>> No.9291181

How common is furigana in games though? I see images of Japanese games all the time and I can't remember the last time I saw one that had furigana. IIRC at one point early on they were even having trouble displaying kanji, much less furigana on top of them. Plus resolution probably causes problems with this too.

>> No.9291202

Edging Only Penis

>> No.9291219

Fair enough. 6th gen stuff and beyond is when furigana really started showing up in games. I don’t know much about Japanese PC games, but I assume they got furigana a bit earlier.

>> No.9291268




>> No.9291274

Furigana is just hiragana written above kanji that tells you how to pronounce it.

>> No.9291292
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Hiragana and katakana are really simple. You could likely learn both of them in a few hours or days at most. There's a limited amount and they're simpler than kanji are. Furigana are kana (though I've seen kanji too) written above kanji. Usually to show their pronunciation but sometimes for pun reasons.

Things aimed at older audiences tend to not have furigana outside of the first appearance of names or less common words since teens and adults are assumed to know kanji to a decent extent. Pic related.

>> No.9291294

Ooooh, thank god, yea ive seen this before then. Usually on that NH World channel.

>> No.9291317

People have limited time, the problem here is that there's many things one wants to do and play Japanese games in Japanese doesn't rank that highly. I have 4 or 5 hobbies, 2 of which are intellectual hobbies that usually steals all of my productive free time. The only way I'm learning japanese is by stopping to do any of those, and adding more games to the already virtually infinite pile of ludo that's already playable without Japanese isn't a very strong motivator.
>but you're wasting time on 4chan how come you don't have time
Spending time on bullshit is an actual human necessity unless you want to become a schizo quick. You need time to cool off.

That being said, I wish I had all the resources I have access now a decade ago, it's a real missed opportunity.

>> No.9291351

MGS2 is ready great I'm English and I can already play Snatcher and P'nauts in English. What does English MGS2 miss?

>> No.9291356

Yakuza is ready in English too
The rest you listed are visual novels that are obviously less subtle than English literature, or even Anabasis

>> No.9291360

>What does English MGS2 miss?
Several lines make no sense (most infamous one being Ocelot saying the paranormal doesn't exist despite the next game showing his dad is a fucking ghost), a lot of direct callbacks like quotes from Metal Gear 1 or Olga just using Grey Fox voice clips aren't present in the English version, a lot of awkward dialogue (mainly because Kaku doesn't actually speak Japanese beyond an intermediate level), etc.
It's mostly saved by the English performances being that good, but there is a reason people were so annoyed at Raiden and Rose, their dialogue combined with somewhat weaker VAs made the issues clear.
And you can't play Snatcher with Japanese VA, just with a hokey dub. And also on the Sega CD.

>> No.9291384

I found it amusing when watching G Gundam recently that the letter G in the episode titles was read as “God” and had katakana above it.

>> No.9291386

I’m not going to learn Japanese just to play video games

>> No.9291389

>Yakuza is ready in English too
Yakuza 1&2 HD aren't, and they're pretty well objective improvements on the PS2 versions. Even then, the PS2 version of Yakuza 1 is tied to a meme dub (which I know has an undub patch now), all the games are missing the licensed music for the openings, several games are Japanese only (and yes, Ishin still is since the new game is a remake with replaced actors), etc.
>The rest you listed are visual novels that are obviously less subtle than English literature, or even Anabasis
You probably haven't read above a YA/high school English class level, so you wouldn't know shit about the subtlety of English literature.
Anyways, Gihren's Greed is a longrunning strategy game series that is prolific in Japan.
Tokimeki Memorial is a dating sim.
Twilight Syndrome is closer to adventure game.
Ronde is an RPG.

>> No.9291390

But it is all crafty science. Paranormal shit goes against the technological themes
>can't play Snatcher with Japanese VA
Woe art thou, the English version has English voices!

>> No.9291401
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>But it is all crafty science. Paranormal shit goes against the technological themes
That's something you gaslit yourself into believing due to poor translation. Ocelot's line is about how the technology of today can replicate miracles. That's because MGS2 is about technology encroaching on society, whereas the English line doesn't illustrate that at all really.
What makes it worse is that in the immediate previous game, Ocelot worked with two different supernatural characters, and in the following game we'd see several more including his dad. Hell, in this game itself he has the shit about magic not being real in the dub, and is then immediately possessed by a ghost.
>Woe art thou, the English version has English voices!
Snatcher with the Japanese VA is a completely different experience. Pretty much the first true Kojima game honestly.

>> No.9291408

>they're pretty well objective improvements on the PS2 versions
People here have viciously disagreed though it may be because of retardation. I thought Kiwami had english subtitles anyway
Also, Dakyn's translation of Anabasis is very much above high school reading level.
>Gihren's Greed
I'm never going to get into Gundam let alone learn a language to play a strategy game worse than Total War
>Dating sim
HAHAHAHAHAH mate this is sad. Instead of getting a nice healthy bitch, you're gonna learn another language to pretend to date a bunch of fictional pixels hahahahaha please tell me you're joking
>Ronde is an RPG
wow another jrpg with nonexistent gameplay where you ultimately kill a deity. Stop and think that this wasn't good enough for an English translation whereas PERSONA was

>> No.9291413

Technology encroaching on society is a reading of MGS2 that does not depend on what Ocelot says in that scene. I'm not going to learn another language so that one throwaway line is slightly different, so as to tell me what I already know.
I'm sure listening to smoke voice actors is a completely different experience, but as a Saxon I shall be listening in English if possible.

>> No.9291417

Listening to anime voice actors*

>> No.9291481

>People here have viciously disagreed though it may be because of retardation.
Mainly retardation and a misplaced sense of purist-tism.
Kiwami is also not a replacement. Fucks up the presentation of anything that isn't the main game (and even then all the animations are still the PS2 ones), and the English version doesn't have the licensed music for the opening, which is a shame since Receive You Reborn is the second best opening for the franchise.
>I'm never going to get into Gundam let alone learn a language to play a strategy game worse than Total War
It's still pretty good. Each game has several routes in war spanning years, the routes creating various canon and AU factions.
>HAHAHAHAHAH mate this is sad. Instead of getting a nice healthy bitch, you're gonna learn another language to pretend to date a bunch of fictional pixels hahahahaha please tell me you're joking
Dating sims are video games. They're pretty much no different from a strategy game except it's about constant micromanaging and event planning.
>wow another jrpg with nonexistent gameplay where you ultimately kill a deity
You genuinely engage with the Yakuza section of this discussion, despite every Yakuza game being the same game pretty much, and then say this.
>Stop and think that this wasn't good enough for an English translation whereas PERSONA was
That's because it was on the Saturn.

>> No.9291487

Soul Hackers was on Saturn too and that's officially in English now

>> No.9291491

It just makes Ocelot look like a fucking retard, yeah.
>I'm not going to learn another language so that one throwaway line is slightly different, so as to tell me what I already know.
I described several other differences. Further differences include various lines meant to parallel each other not being translated (Kaku couldn't even get Snake's catchphrase the second time he fucking uses it), the AI speech being ridiculously fucked up in translation sometimes, and a lot of bad TLs like "We've managed to avoid drowning". The English version is ultimately not the same game if you're in it for the story after a certain point. It's not as egregious as the changes in MGS1, but there's still a lot of little things that were either fucked up or missed, or just flat out translated wrong.
The worst part of this is that the end of your post makes it pretty clear that you don't care about any of the intricacies in the media you consume and just want to consume shit that makes you feel good, so why even engage with this discussion?

>> No.9291505

It took me 2 years then I beat dragon quest V without a guide. Did a bunch of other games before with guide. I’m lazy and a terrible student and damage my brain constantly with alcohol and drugs. You can go faster.

>> No.9291512

If you want intricacies in media then read between the lines like the English version of MGS2 fully allows you to. Do you google "ending explained" after watching every movie? FFS And yeah I really am a consoomer for listening to my own language instead of consooming this: https://youtu.be/OFQQALduhzA?t=248
Hilarious that I apparently can't have a proper engagement with a text if the voices are in English

>> No.9291513

To be fair, isn't Ronde considered god awful even among nips?

>> No.9291518

Playing a jrpg and fluency are two wildly different things. I highly doubt you are “fluent”. You probably haven’t attempted enough real world interaction to realize you aren’t fluent.

>> No.9291536

You failed to mention fucking living here you idiot

>> No.9291856

Idk it makes me really want to learn it for the games and manga and light novels and visual novels but how much am I REALLY missing out on? All the crazy good stuff have large enough fanbases to get international attention in some form and Idk how many more hidden gems are hidden in 2022

We really should have a /jp/ retro thread up for this kind of thing

>> No.9292053
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I literally struggled learning English to begin with and while I feel I can properly articulate myself in the present day my attempts at other languages (especially Japanese) have been so hard I can't even learn the basics. Language has been my hardest field since childhood and I honestly don't think I'm capable of learning Japanese even on a child-level. It does bother me though, I want to play a variety of Japanese-only games like a variety of RPGMaker games, the Starfy series and the Japanese-only Bomberman entries that are heavy on text.

>> No.9292081

>read gibberish written by some retard who didn't understand the original script
>uhh this is better because I can READ BETWEEN THE LINES and invent my own headcanon better I guess
There are absolutely basic elements of the script that were completely ignored in English.

Olga and Solidus are voiced by Meryl and Snake respectively, and this comes up numerous times, from overheard lines that draw parallels to the first game by Raiden, and the ENTIRE OPENING GAMBIT of "A guy claiming he's Solid Snake took over the Big Shell", which makes absolutely no sense in English because Solidus and Snake sound nothing alike. Of all the miscasting in MGS2 (MGS3 was at least much better in terms of voice matching), Raiden is the stand out. Legitimately the worst casting decision ever in a video game, I don't know what they were thinking.

>Hilarious that I apparently can't have a proper engagement with a text if the voices are in English
You can't have a proper engagement with a text if it's J>E. Your experience wouldn't have been any better with the voices on mute, or if the voices were in Japanese, because you're still reading the same garbage.

I don't think it's fair to blame the translation purely on Kaku, most of her rewrites were fixed by other members of the team who were far less vocal about their involvement. The real problem with MGS2's English script is Blaustein's fan fiction triggering Kojima's autism so he had MGS2 translated more "literally" like Twin Snakes, which means it reads like absolute shit and loses half the meaning. Kaku is just a convenient scape goat because she's a worthless piece of shit who doesn't know Japanese and she got off on shitting on former employers without realising other people might call her out on her bullshit.

>> No.9292168

At least in the English script, Raiden is a dork, so I love his casting

>> No.9292182
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Ebonically offensive Pixels. This was a common term in the 80s and 90s when this stuff was still socially acceptable but on the verge of being unacceptable.

>> No.9292595

This, honestly. I've been listening to this EOP spiel for years now, and it just consistently gets proven as shit time and time again. Anything worth translating has been, or will be, translated by a company or fans, and the EOP-poster will always move the goal posts as quickly as possible to the next game.
>Bruh, this unreleaed SMT side game is an AMAZING, nuanced experience!
>Wait, you got it and it sucked? A-actually I was just pulling your leg bro. I knew it all the time. What you REALLY got to play is this untranslated Dragon Quest game! The story is beautiful and you'll never experience it.
>You got that too? And it was pretty bad? Y-y-you just have no taste! It's CLEARLY all about this Fire Emblem game! That was the best ver-
>It was g-garbage? Really? U-u-uh...d-do you like visual novels?
When you finally get them to realize that people don't bother translating garbage to begin with, their next strategy seems to be attacking the translations of famous games.
>BROH! Check out this ENTIRE cope-site I made about the Persona 5 translation! Do you SEE this grammatical issue on page #3,409! That PROVES the 300+ hours of fun you got from playing and replaying this game were ALL FAKE! ALL OF IT!
My favorite new tactic of theirs is when they try to pretend that Japanese is just "cooler" than English because it sounds different to them.
>My dude, this guy's name in Phoenix Wright is just a dumb faggy pun. But in GYAKUTAN SAIBAN, his name is Kita Kita Kita! That means "North North North!" This is way more cooler and meaningful in Japanese and not "just a joke!" (<-This is an actual argument I had with a weeb on /v/ a few years ago)

It amazes me the amount of cope that people go through to justify wasting years in community colleges learning how to read piss-poor hentai visual novels with no substance.

>> No.9292619

Literally every single one of those is actually not reading and people only care about most of them for historical context.

>> No.9292648

my time on this earth is limited as is. I dont really care about what I cant ever do. No use wallowing in misery over things that will never happen.

>> No.9292776

What a bizarre series of strawman arguments. Hey, if you want to read poorly written fan fiction by failed American writers, be my guest.

I only take issue with it when you pretend you played the game. Because, let's be honest, you didn't. You gave up at the first hurdle, and instead read the cliff notes version.

>> No.9292835

Lmao, the literally only genre you can claim someone "DIDN'T BEAT THE HECKIN GAME!!" just because you played it in another language, would be a visual novel completely rewritten into fan fiction.

>> No.9292839

We've reached the part of the thread where both sides are arguing in bad faith.

>> No.9292879

>Literally every single one of those is actually not reading and people only care about most of them for historical context.
The 60s ones, yeah, but Gegege no Kitaro is a solid supernatural anime and manga. Getter Robo Go is probably Toei's best mecha MotW series ignoring OG Mazinger Z.
Karakuri Circus is a certified battle manga classic with some of the best arc in the genre, and it's stuck with dogshit scans and TLs.
Gaia Gear is the first (AND BEST) Char clone series in Gundam.
Sasuke is also really fucking good, can't watch or read it.
Shin Ace wo Nerae is not as good as the original, but it's still an Ace wo Nerae anime so yeah, it is good.

>> No.9292903

oh no. It's almost like this whole thread was made in bad faith

>> No.9292982

Also the Time Bokan franchise is a really fucking fun kids' action comedy and it's outright criminal how unknown it is in English-speaking countries.

>> No.9293075

Name one beloved Japanese game that was poorly received in the west due to bad translation

>> No.9293141

Why do you think it would lead to bad reception when the people involved in the reception (the players and reviewers) don't know Japanese and so wouldn't know a good translation from a bad one?

>> No.9293150

>Avoids the question because he can't answer it in good faith.
Yawn. Next.

>> No.9293156

Different anon, but posting isn't really as fun anymore as it used to be.

>> No.9293189

>bad translation results in shitty script
>"wow this story is retarded!"
Very easy to understand. Though we both know that fact is precisely why you wrote your witless strawman-adjacent abortion the way you did.

>> No.9293226

The only game I've seen people shit on for the story that's potentially due to translation issues is Final Fantasy VII, and that's because the story is a convoluted mystery where you have to piece together subtle details in the text that aren't necessarily reinforced in obvious ways by the visuals (eg why does Sephiroth appear to the party, fly away, then you encounter a Jenova monster).
But nobody in their right mind would say that Final Fantasy VII was not well-received due to the story translation.

>> No.9293232

Digimon World

>> No.9293251

Your question is a non-sequitur.

>> No.9293353
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>there's no need to learn Jap bro, these days everything is trans-

>> No.9293395

Still dodging.

>> No.9293401

>Teenager uses teenager slang
Yes? Is Hikkiko somehow better?

>> No.9293658

No it's not

>> No.9293757

I swear the Yakuza translations get worse with each game.

>> No.9293763
File: 144 KB, 1920x1080, yakuza4-trbar-e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They used to be good.

>> No.9293774

Once "Yikes" started being used all the time on the remastered translations, you know it was over. The famous FAQ guy that has written 100% guides for the whole series is a cuckold, it's not a stretch to presume his little friends are in charge on translating current ryu ga gotoku games.

>> No.9293778

Yeah they take a lot of liberties with the new ones like putting the word fuck as many times as possible in as many sentences as possible

>> No.9293781

She calls him a virgin in the Japanese line, it's the same shit.

>> No.9294024

Even if that's true that doesn't change the fact that their translations get worse with each game.

>> No.9294232

Yakuza 1 & 2.
t. someone who got filtered by the dub back in the day

>> No.9294508

The Yakuza games are very well received in the west
Also fondly remembered by Digimon fans
FF7's translation gets criticised yet everybody still fell in love with the story. If anything, it's more popular in the west than in Japan

>> No.9294514

The same people raged at the TWEWY and NEO TWEWY translations for eloquently conveying the youth culture of the day thru txtin n UwU's

>> No.9294945

>Also fondly remembered by Digimon fans
yeah, by digimon fans
doesn't change the fact that everyone else remembers it as "that game where you always get the poop digimon" which is in large part due to the cryptic nature of the game being turned up to 11 by an absolute trashfire of a translation

>> No.9295182

This requires separating "poor sales due to translations" vs. "poor sales due to Westernsers not liking this gameplay". The latter never made any sense, because if the argument was that Japs don't make any RTS games due to "them not liking the genre", which RTS games even received an official English-to-Jap translation in the first place and how accurate are they?
So, to answer the question, any Jap series with any skipped official game translations can be blamed on the translation (or lack thereof) of the previous entries.

>> No.9296080

Who gives a fuck about Digimon if not Digimon fans. I played Rumble Arena 2 not giving a fuck about Digimon because it's not a game with a story
Being considered a good game has nothing to do with sales figures since you don't know the game's good till you've played it. The question and subsequent dodging of the question has been brought up many times and the one example anybody has put forth is fucking Digimon lol. Who gives a shit