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File: 38 KB, 600x447, 000054s02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9269096 No.9269096 [Reply] [Original]

why did PS2 games look so comfy ?

>> No.9269121

It's the blur.

>> No.9269148

All the best PS2 titles tend to use pretty heavy color grading

>> No.9269150

i never understood the ps2 blur.
what type of blur is it ?
it doesn't look like morion blur

>> No.9269159

why this version is better than the xbox?

>> No.9269161

Framebuffer blur

>> No.9269193

Because you can see lots of little hints of detail, but in actuality, things are still low detail enough for your imagination to have breathing room.

>> No.9269195

"Comfy" is just another word "nostalgia" on here, isn't it?

>> No.9269204

nah modern games like elden ring can be comfy as well.

>> No.9269213

the better looking ones like mgs2 had a nice clean aesthetic, unless you're a 4k fag modern games tend to be kind of harsh looking, overwhelmed by visual noise in the environments.

>> No.9269242

What about n64 blur

>> No.9269251

Xbox 360 version was a glitchy mess.

>> No.9269270

>cold, windy, rainy night, outside on a boat on a river in New York
How shit is your 3rd worlder life to consider this comfy in comparison?

>> No.9269276
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i live in hungary.

>> No.9269281

they said the xbox version
not the 360

>> No.9269284

Shut the fuck up. Mgs2 wasn't released on xbox.

>> No.9269296

Sorry, I was guessing you were Central/South American
So how shit is your 2nd worlder life to consider that comfy in comparison?

>> No.9269310

It was, metal gear solid 2: substance

>> No.9269320

or frameblurfer

>> No.9269335

i make 900 usd a month and that"s more than average

>> No.9269337

I stand corrected.

>> No.9269374 [SPOILER] 
File: 753 KB, 1000x567, MHFU-Forest_and_Hills_Screenshot_053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m8 is right,is the blurr and the space between restriction and details. Gives me back then the chills.If you look at it today it looks kinda empty but today games are full with shit that makes it empty ayy

>> No.9269379
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>> No.9269385

Infinte number of transparent layers.

>> No.9269389
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Well OP, one thing's for sure: it is in no way related to the fact that you were an impressionable young man when you first experienced it.

>> No.9269391
File: 186 KB, 1920x1200, mgs 2 pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Konami was lazy with porting to other systems than the PS2, PC version is best (modded of course) with the only downside being the worse textures (and this weird skybox line)

>> No.9269394

how can I have nostalgia for something I never played before

>> No.9269395

>with the only downside being the worse textures
No analog leaning, aiming and reduced number of transparencies.

>> No.9269531

Next time spend all of 2 seconds googling before making an ass out of yourself.

>> No.9269535

Not that guy but I wanna apologize on his behalf: we didn't Google because we were too busy fucking your mother.

>> No.9269542

It’s not nostalgia but admittedly newer games are less comfy. Very threatening with anti-civilizational messages.

>> No.9269543
File: 2.84 MB, 1210x902, dbdbounce.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not really blur, lots of ps2 games use a little frame buffer trick where they create a slightly bigger silhouette around models that softens their edges, basically cheap (effectively free) antialiasing.

>> No.9269546

I think they looked "comfy" because it was a sweet spot between devs just starting to get comfortable with 3D rendering + game design but the graphics weren't yet hyper-realistic.

A lot of the games also had this sort of gritty feel to them GTA III, MGS2, SMT, Silent Hill 2/3 etc. that kind of played into that.

>> No.9269558

you just invented a tongue twister, anon. congrats

>> No.9269583
File: 545 KB, 2048x1792, pRAB2Kn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could I recreate the PS2 graphical style in an indie game ?

>> No.9269585

That's the Nina Williams beat'em up innit. I wish it were a better game because Nina is a cute.

>> No.9269587

Your ridiculously high-res, filtered screenshot is nothing like what PS2 games look like, though.

>> No.9269601

They look like shit PS2 has the worst image quality of any console post nes.

>> No.9269602

I played a few hours last night, I don't hate it but its pretty simple and not very challenging

>> No.9269607

That's due to the unholy combination of VRAM too small to hold a full 480p framebuffer + mipmapping broken + anti-aliasing broken (so instead developers would go batshit with post-processing or downsampling weirdness)

>> No.9269616

At least on N64 mipmapping and anti-aliasing worked

>> No.9269627

dreamcast and xbox also have that blurry effect

>> No.9269637

Really? I always thought most Dreamcast games looked pretty crisp compared to PS2. I also never had a Dreamcast so maybe I’m just comparing it to Sonic Adventure and the handful of the 2k sports games I’m actually familiar with

>> No.9269694

games were tailor made for a specific platform back then

>> No.9269723

Yeah get a better reference pic for a start, PS2 had texture filtering.

>> No.9269828
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For me, it's Holland

>> No.9269860

They fucked up with the analog stick fighting controls it was too limiting.

>> No.9269865

Most PS2 games didn't look like that, fuck off.

>> No.9269876

because you played them as a dumb kid.
now go back to /v/.

>> No.9269902

Like what games? That blur was really characteristic of the PS2.

>> No.9269910
File: 1.26 MB, 1520x1080, unknown (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they literally did

>> No.9270407

That's what it is. I notice it's only about a pixel wide at native res so it looks like AA, but on emulator, at anything upscaled, you see it for what it is.

>> No.9270414

10 years in the joint made him blurrier than ever.

>> No.9270425

You fuck off, for one.

>> No.9270471

It hit a nice balance between realism and stylisation. From the ps3 onwards pure realism takes over, at least in the West.

>> No.9270475

n64 blur is comfy too

>> No.9270526

yes, its a big thing a lot of emulator users gripe about, how there appears to be outlines on everything. On real hardware over any output its unnoticeable unless the developers want you to notice it.

>> No.9270543

6th gen assets are probably above your skill level, stick with psx.

>> No.9270551

Pre-HD there was less focus on everything being as detailed and sharp as possible.
When the HDTV era kicked in everyone wanted to get their money's worth so *everything* must be as sharp and clean as possible now. At the expensive the art.
This isn't limited to games.

Just my opinion but 4:3 is better for video games.

>> No.9270556

Resolution is a meme it literally does nothing and people only complain about low res when they use a low res on a high res lcd

>> No.9270557

Inclement weather is comfy because you can be inside warm and dry while the elements outside ensure that most criminals are at home doing the same.

>> No.9270558

what game

>> No.9270564

Nah. You've just swung from one extreme to the other. Resolution does matter and HD can be a powerful tool. But it must not be done just for its own sake. Sometimes a soft image is more effective.

>> No.9270581

maybe if your a console cuck

>better view of everything does nothing, making out your surroundings does nothing

>> No.9270594

>doesn't know for most of the PC era 320x200 was a standard gaming resolution
It was line doubled by the video card to 640x400.
Then for a long time 640x480 was standard. There were a few years when 1024x768 and 1280x1024 were the most common PC gaming resolutions before the Xbox 360 and PS3 generation. Maybe five years.

>> No.9270648

I don't think you can cancel a shot, either.

>> No.9270661

1280x1024 was the ultimate resolution.

>> No.9270751

1600x1200 started to appear when widescreen become the norm. I had a 1440x900 monitor

>> No.9270804

Vidya fidelity stagnated halfway through 7th gen with framerate and pixels on screen being the main improvements. Vidya has looked more or less the same for 12 years and most consoles are just rearranged pc architecture leading to conformity in visuals.
Comfiness literally and probably died after 6th gen as limitations lifted. 6th gen is the last gen where each console takes a slightly different approach to rendering.
While your generalization is true, the quantifiable comfiness remains tangible reality.

>> No.9270932

I dunno m8, N64 gives it a run for its money.

>> No.9270986

That's because N64 textures look all stretched and blurry.

>> No.9271051


>> No.9271075

It's a combination of very low-res textures, texture filtering that uses a primitive form of bilinear filtering (usually referred to as 3-point filtering, which makes textures look jagged and asymmetrical), and a full-screen bilinear filter that always interpolates the image to 640 pixels wide. No other console looks quite like it.

>> No.9271087

N64 jaggies are ultra noticeable

>> No.9271551

Idk, I always preferred PSX graphics.

>> No.9271570

semi realistic but not tooooo realistic

>> No.9272752

same here

>> No.9272853
File: 1.31 MB, 1024x896, gsdx_20210818105704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, but I enjoy playing PS2 games with filters off

>> No.9272898

Either work it out from the acronym, or reverse image search.
Both options are tard-proof

>> No.9274115

Rather not make a new thread for this so I'll ask here:
Wanting to play shit on my PS2 but it has to be over DVD, my ethernet port seems fucked so no network OPL (and it's a Slim so no HDD either). USB is an option but after trying it I'd prefer not using it (at least on FMV heavy games which Drakengard is).
I know mechapwn is a thing now but is ESR worse for the laser than a regular burned disc or are they equally bad?

>> No.9274119

based and aestheticpilled

>> No.9274123

I feel like the word is aptly used in this case, but it's definitely overplayed, by ESL's who have a poor grasp of colloquial English.

>> No.9274125

Are there any good antialiasing examples on PS2?

>> No.9274136

And that should be more than enough if you cut smoking and stop collecting funkopops, but I guess your 10$-a-half-a-pint hipster craftbeers in a gaming bar are a life necessity for you

>> No.9274139

>more than enough
900 USD barely covers rent, you ass. Shut the actual fuck up.

>> No.9274242

Nah it's fine on an actual CRT TV using RGB.
Some arcade ports use 240p and have pristine image quality.
100% u a mutt who only enjoyed chomposhite his whole life. Sad!

>> No.9274251

>barely covers rent
You don't live in a share house? Or out in the country? Paying big rent is a scam anon and I'm sorry you haven't figured a work around.

>> No.9274260

So you acknowledge that the post I replied to is actually some bullshit. Good enough for me, carry on citizen.

>> No.9274269

psx or ps2 level graphics with the limits off and modern horsepower behind it will be my favorite of them all. but we don't get much of this.

>> No.9274359

holy shit kill yourself

>> No.9274361


>> No.9274379

laser scare is stupid, I've burned 500 dvds and my ps2 is still fine

>> No.9274383

holy shit anon, i just finished wolfenstein on the ps2. btw that pic of yours, notice the boobas of the elite guards, i swear they are bigger than the pc version, you can even see the niples and this model of the elite guards is not present anywhere else in the game, just those 3 elite guards on this level with unique open midriff models. go take a screenshot of their big milers and post before thread is over, for research purposes ofcourse.

>> No.9274392

Laser scare is a meme anon. It doesn’t exist. The more data burned to a disc, the more the laser will have to work, that’s it. If a game has data written into the edges of the disc (like racing lagoon psx for example) because it’s slightly over the advertised limit for a CD, it’s the same amount of work for the laser weather it’s burned at home or burned in a factory.
I have never had luck with ESR and you have to patch the games yourself. Try mechapen. Shame you can’t use network OPL because it is godly.

>> No.9274407
File: 625 KB, 1024x896, gsdx_20210818105648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually already had a screenshot of that.

Console versions of this game are actually the best.

>> No.9274814

The difference between composite and component on PS2 is barely noticeable

>> No.9274834

Might be dependent on your display, because when I went from using the pack-in component cables to a component cable, it produced a noticeably sharper image.

>> No.9274894

Try looking at it on a CRT and not a compressed YouTube video on your Walmart phone

>> No.9275091 [DELETED] 

Adam koralik said so and he's never wrong https://youtu.be/H0J3ERZ3nTk

>> No.9275118

I have to disagree with you here. I was shocked by the difference component cables made, especially in games that supported progressive scan and had wide-screen support built in.

>> No.9275150

Games in progressive scan look worse because they lower the color depth

>> No.9275193 [DELETED] 

That fat redditor is wrong about everything all the time

>> No.9275197

A 480i component vs 480i composite signal is a night and day difference though.

>> No.9275209

Bad example.

>> No.9275265

I'll assume that's true but after a few hours I happened to reset and now FMVs don't seem to be playing properly anymore, either massively stuttering (worse than USB tier) or stuff like the background music being off.
Feeling a bit unnerved lads.

>> No.9275302


>> No.9275318

You literally make a regular game with low-res textures and apply bilinear filtering. Just don’t apply additional effects.

The PlayStation 2 is not retro, modern games are not a lot different.

>> No.9275453


>> No.9275707

No you. Majority of games had to sacrifice the color depth to achieve a bigger front buffer needed to display a progressive frame.

>> No.9275780
File: 132 KB, 640x640, 1654675079749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality reply. I mostly agree with everything you said. Thanks

>> No.9275847

PS2's hardware was built for these visual effects

>> No.9276123

>everything* must be as sharp and clean as possible now
Err, no. Not currently. Modern game graphics are some of the blurriest that have ever existed.

>> No.9276579
File: 125 KB, 634x433, 1588955112875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't help that westoids took over as the main driving force of the industry by the 7th gen. The hardware was also laughably weak for the sort of thing they wanted to do. Games never had so many issues with screen tearing, low framerates. It made the 5th gen look like it went by without a hitch by comparison. The UI and menus were also absurdly slow and clunky. Looking back it was a terrible experience and it fits perfectly as the line of demarcation of the death of videogames.

>> No.9276585

Xbox has massive FPS drops, missing effects and the lack of should buttons makes it literally unplayable. Same goes for Silent Hill 2, another Konami game that got an Xbox port at that time.

>> No.9276660

the ps2 has blur because almost nothing supports progressive scan

>> No.9276893

you have visible proof? Because I have never seen a difference

>> No.9277178

PS2 was the lead platform

>> No.9277181

Consoles always had the best games
Why do you think so many PC fats like to use emulators? (A wholly inferior experience)

>> No.9277292

not always, theres loads of pc exclusives that consoles never got, and every game that's on pc is almost always bound to be the best version (if only by fanfixes)

>> No.9277574

Shut up, I'm western euro and been to Hungary. You cant suffer in Hungary.

>> No.9277580

they don't. Maybe that's because you grew up playing them in your youth so you have nostalgia for them. I on the other hand always found ps2 graphics a pain to look at.

>> No.9278013

good point see the amont of:

remasters, classics HD, remake, collection we got in: 7th, 8th and 9th gen are insane.

Those gens doesn't feel complet as the previous ones

>> No.9278230

what about gypos?

>> No.9278292

isn't that kim kardashian

>> No.9278663

You get to beat them up.

>> No.9278673

Yeah, 480i composite is beautiful, soft, blended and soulful while 480i composite is for trannies.

>> No.9278686


>> No.9278689

Silent hill is a very comfy sunny place.

>> No.9278760

This is also one of the things that makes Doom/Quake era FPS games so good

>> No.9278779


>> No.9278971
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>> No.9280794
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MoH is peak comfy

>> No.9280798

>480i composite is beautiful
>480i composite is for trannies.
duality of man

>> No.9281045

Is this Frontline?

>> No.9281046

I played the fuck out of Way of the Samurai
How in god’s name do you make money though? It seems actually broken

>> No.9281061

Way of the Samurai is among the top 10 best games on PS2 and has nearly infinite replay value. I haven’t played it in years and years so I forget how to make money. I remembered my favorite thing to do was pick a fight with the blacksmith which always almost lead to a game over. Loading that shit up on OPL tonight.

>> No.9281079

Can't you sell stuff? I remember there was also some 100-man challenge that could get you money.

>> No.9282340
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>> No.9282358

Get rubbing alcohol and a q-tip. Very very very lightly clean the laser with a barely dabbed Q-tip and then dry it with the other side of the q-tip. Do NOT press hard, gentle as possible.
Make sure you’re burning DVDs at the absolute lowest speed your drive can go. I burned Ehgreiz god bless the ring for my PS1 and I get minor stuttering in the opening FMVs. It can be caused from a multitude of things. Could have smudged the disc, could have been an imperfect burn, could be a bad rip, doesn’t mean it’s the laser. I’ve tested at least 50 games on my softmodded ps1 and that is the only game that has stuttering during cutscenes and it’s extremely minor.

>> No.9284849

because it was the best console in 6th gen

>> No.9284948

That game still holds up today in terms of visual quality, it's a very well made game in that aspect, impressive detail and audio

>> No.9287091

I have such a love/hate thing with Frontline. I like it despite being a massive step down from previous two games, but the aiming sensitivity is so fucking annoying when combined with the framerate on real hardware. You end up ALWAYS aiming either too little or too much past your target. Sensitivity has this annoying jumpiness to it, it's not smooth at all.

>> No.9287101

i want to kiss her on the lips