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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9268295 No.9268295 [Reply] [Original]

I love the aesthetic of 90s era point-and-click adventure games that use pre-rendered 3D graphics. What are the quintessential games in this style? I know of Myst, Drowned God, and the Journeyman Project. Anything else?

>> No.9268297

7th Guest
Lighthouse: The Dark Being

>> No.9268308
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Amerzone: The Explorer’s Legacy

>> No.9268363
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Funny, Syberia was the first thing that came to mind. Didn't know Amerzone was related until trying to remember the fucking name and finding the wiki page

>> No.9268367
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Second thing that came to mind was The Longest Journey

>> No.9268378
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Awesome thread OP. Ever play starship titanic?

>> No.9268413 [DELETED] 

Thanks for the recs
I'm actually only a zoomer who is trying to get started with these kinds of games so I don't have much experience with them. The closest games I've played to this style are The Room, The Witness, and Infra. I watched the Mind's Eye movies not too long ago and they got me really interested in old 3D graphics.

>> No.9268423

Thanks for the recs.
I'm actually only a zoomer so I don't have much experience with these kinds of games. The games closest to this style I've played are The Room, The Witness, and Infra. I recently watched the Mind's Eye movies and they got me really interested in old 3D graphics.

>> No.9268462

Schizm and Traitor's Gate are two obscure ones.

Traitor's Gate is a bit of a stealth game, you break into the Tower of London to steal the crown jewels. It's point and click Myst gameplay but you have to avoid security guards

>> No.9268472

>bit of a stealth game
>point and click Myst gameplay but you have to avoid security guards
I love stealth games but that honestly sounds like a nightmare

>> No.9268478

Its not terrible, theres like 3 humans in the entire game and you get a crossbow to help deal with them. Its mostly Myst style puzzles to disable electronic security systems

>> No.9268571

any good fairly easy entry points for adventure games like this? I've only played Myst 3 for a few hours before i got filtered by a puzzle. figured out most of the stuff in the first hub area, then got walled when i got sent to a new place.

>> No.9268574

Blade Runner is a must play, even though it's voxel based.
Another personal favorite is Mission Critical.

>> No.9268583

Dracula: The Resurrection if you want a good spooky point and click game.

>> No.9268618

I'll add to this, whatever you do do NOT play the "enhanced edition".

>> No.9268621

no one mensions that Dracula game, forgot the name.

>> No.9268625
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This is another good overlooked one imo.

>> No.9269115

The metal place over water?
Keep trying anon, the end result of that area (which I won't spoil) was super satisfying to solve, 10/10 Myst moment.

>> No.9269180

Why? genuinely asking

>> No.9269332

Amber: Journeys Beyond is very creepy/comfy.

>> No.9269345
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>No mention of Atlantis
/vr/ is now just /v2/

>> No.9269348

There is also "just" Titanic, which was fun as hell.

>> No.9269401
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The *icus semi educational games.
Chemicus, Physicus, Biolab...

>> No.9269409

Some are not /vr/ yet but do check out Kheops Studio repertoire of games. Their Dracula game , Voyage and the Da Vinci one are pretty solid

>> No.9269918

Mostly 2D, but early 3D environments, i recommend Lost Eden, its easy, but atmospheric as fuck and with a unique mix of a kinda Conan + dinosaurs world.

>> No.9270591
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martian chronicles.

but its probably too obscure for you

>> No.9270702
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Both Cyberias, Creature Shock, Titanic and Redjack (pictured) by Cyberflix. MC in Discworld Noir is polygonal, but everything else is prerendered, as is he himself in most of the cutscenes.

>> No.9270724
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Hey, if we are just listing mystoids here, i can throw in 1953: KGB Unleashed (my God that's a shitty name) and Sublustrum (not retro but still).

>> No.9270727

How do you make point and click art games in 2022 anyway?

>> No.9270958

Most new adventure games use AGS (adventure game studio)
I'm sure you could make a MYST like game with it if you wanted, it seems pretty flexible.

>> No.9272067
File: 65 KB, 720x480, juggernautps1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I think you'd get a kick out of Juggernaut on the PS1. It's this really bizarre adventure game where you travel through your girlfriends mind to exorcise a demon from it.

You should also check out Garage: Bad Dream Adventure.

>> No.9272341

Give it another go Myst 3 is awesome.


>> No.9272543

I love this game so much.

>> No.9273861

Still Life 1 & 2
In Cold Blood

>> No.9274249

Don't play the modern sequels to this though, horrible pozzed anti white racism

>> No.9276523

How difficult are the games mentioned in this thread? I want to take in the atmosphere but not fucked by insane puzzles

>> No.9276552

Myst really isn't that hard. I was able to get through it with only one hint needed

>> No.9276580

The Journeyman project series if you want a sci-fi version

>> No.9276587

Shit I missed the last part of your post op, otherwise there are the Shivers games which are horror and a largely forgotten game named Traitors Gate where your a spy exploring the tower of london