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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 633 B, 555x110, Super Mario World (USA)000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9264012 No.9264012 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: the little things in /vr/ games that irritate you

>> No.9264072

Bullshit, this isn't real. There's no way.

>> No.9264074

In RPGs receiving the same EXP per enemy when fighting multiple as when fighting just one. It shouldn't just be a straight sum, there should be a multiplier based on the number of enemies in the battle.

>> No.9264210
File: 2 KB, 268x188, that fucking pixel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9264218

It's real. I just double checked the font sheet on spriter's resource, and I booted the game up to check.
For some fucking reason, the S in START is green for both Mario and Luigi.

>> No.9264235

When I was a kid I really hated the sound effect for using L and R to scroll the screen in SMW. The feature was practically useless, anyway.

>> No.9264357

cool feature though. lets you see the entire map.

>> No.9264389

disk swapping hell. Monkey Island 2 was a nightmare if you didnt have a hard drive

>> No.9264495

i dont get it

>> No.9264825

No, it doesn't. It just scrolls slightly ahead or behind.

The space between the t and !. OP must have severe OCD.

>> No.9264882

The shades of orange, yellows, whatever are more of a brownish tone in the letter "S" than any other character. It's inconsistent with the other letters.

>> No.9264915
File: 62 KB, 1200x900, 1615132049_Conkers-Bad-Fur-Day-turns-20-1200x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes me not want to play the game. Like, how could they not notice it unless they barely play tested it. Or it was just rushed out the door.

>> No.9264930

What is it?? You're not even going to say and asssume everyone reading knows what you're thinking???

>> No.9265297

I’m going to kill Shigeru Miyamoto.

>> No.9265307

that's really weird. It's been nearly fifteen years since I've played the OG mario world, can't believe I never noticed that

don't think it would be very noticeable on composite though

>> No.9265329

What irritates you about it? That the spacing between letters is different between each letter, or that the gradient on the S is darker than the other letters?

>> No.9265337
File: 83 KB, 960x720, monkey island disks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9265341

Why does this image have a 3d effect on my phone wtaf

>> No.9265371
File: 822 KB, 858x1673, 1632709771804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wilhelm scream
It's not just retro but every time it fucking pisses me off so much I have to take a moment to get a grip.
Yes, it's very fucking funny and immersive to hear that stupid sound. You are being very clever by using it. I bet you and your clown ass buddies patted each other on the balls for this one. Who gives a shit how dramatic the scene is supposed to be, let's fucking shove it in anyway so then later you can say "I did a historic thing today, it's such an awesome tradition you guys, I'm totally in the know haha".
Literally every time I hear that shit in videogames it takes me out and all I can see is the group of fat neckbeards with the smug look on their face, the fucking cunts.
Still yet to play GoW3 because that stupid ass sound is in the first cutscene.

Only media that it works for is Venture bros., because it's filled with shit like that anyway.

>> No.9265460

it's the S being a different color for no apparent reason

>> No.9265557

It was pretty great where they snuck it into Tropic Thunder

>> No.9265594
File: 5 KB, 384x271, 57349-the-great-giana-sisters-commodore-64-screenshot-title-screen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also spelled the name of the game wrong in the Amiga version.

>> No.9265597

This. Also the Goofy Yodel for the same reasons.

>> No.9266136

Midwits and normies don't notice kerning