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File: 1.18 MB, 738x775, 1663211400118394[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9259407 No.9259407 [Reply] [Original]

Master of originality

>> No.9259413

have you considered that nothing is original and that, would you retards have your wish granted, we would all be cavemen painting in caves? if you want that that's okay, i'm not here to judge, but i am here to tell you that bitching about shit being inspired by other shit just for the sake of is retarded

>> No.9259416

Great artists steal.

>> No.9259417

Background layer looks like Akira.

>> No.9259418

Have you listened to his podcast? He fully admits to using Snake Pliskin as inspiration. Who cares? Metal Gear Solid as a franchise is far more epic than whatever it’s inspired from and that’s that.

>> No.9259419

Which also stole from Blade Runner. Frankly once anime stopped aping Hollywood blockbusters and various well known fables it suddenly got very very shitty.

>> No.9259421

The shift was from nerds copying the sci-fi or fantasy they thought was cool, to pandering to merch buying lonely shutins.

>> No.9259424
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Campbell was also inspired from a Rambo character. In the end it’s like music sampling. More often than not the new creation is better.

>> No.9259426

This is why I like Kojima. His "auteur" reputation is entirely forced on him by fans. Meanwhile he's just doing his thing and doesn't try bullshitting anyone.

>> No.9259428

Nothing in Metal Gear is better than Blade Runner and First Blood.

>> No.9259429
File: 100 KB, 695x535, mg2ss_avatars[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The portraits in MG2 are directly traced from media, and was too on the nose so they replaced them in the re-release.

>> No.9259430

First Blood is an amazing movie, but that’s just complete and utter cope. I haven’t seen Blade Runner but I’ll check it out.

>> No.9259438
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Metal gear gets so weird it even starts copying itself for no reason, Like in MGS 3 when you have Raidenkov who looks like Raiden but isn’t related to him at all by blood.

And somehow Snake has a face mask disguise that looks almost exactly like a random high ranking military member and future MC (timeline).

>> No.9259446
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This was so common back then you can't even hold it against him as if he was uniquely a hack. Balrog was so obviously Mike Tyson Capcom felt the need to shift the names around. Video games were still seen as electronic kid toys that flew under the radar of adults in "serious" businesses so there was less thought put into things like likeness use and plagiarism.

>> No.9259448

Blade Runner has some nice visuals, but I find it boring outside Roy Batty's character. Personally, the book it was based on was more interesting.
>Metal gear gets so weird it even starts copying itself for no reason,
It's a called a throwback. Lots of long-running series do this after a certain point.

>> No.9259452
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Vega's portrait is traced from the Riki-Oh manga with the design also lifted directly from it. M. Bison is just a 1:1 Mike Tyson, and as such they moved names around to hide it.

>> No.9259459
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>> No.9259461
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Who copied who?

>> No.9259474
File: 246 KB, 602x876, main-qimg-40280b9306eb77998d05428928c6b31f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cloud and Seph are derived from Berserk. Nothing really deeper than the huge sworded guy with spikey hair versus the bishonen with long white hair. Cloud's hair is obviously taken from Goku's SSJ form and he's generally made a twink.

Final Fantasy Tactics borrows even more, with a similar military story as Golden Age, and most strikingly the same magic stones that grant a wish in exchange for selling your souul to a demon.

>> No.9259481

>berserk started in 1989
holy shit I legit didn’t know that. It feels pretty ahead of its time for some reason

>> No.9259485


>> No.9259486
File: 133 KB, 1920x1080, A67E5D57-7893-4D74-BAB7-6CC9AAD577A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, Cloud looks pretty much like a literal interpretation of the NES fighter sprite with a different palette. A lot of the visuals in FFVII were deliberately exaggerated so that you could visually understand what was going on even if the character models were far away from the camera.

>> No.9259489

>the biggest western media of the 80s and 90s
>"the GALL of these people to reference these materials!"

>> No.9259490

Isn't Mega Man just a mix of Astro Boy and Casshern?

>> No.9259491

so what

>> No.9259502

I'm still amazed James Cameron hasn't sued Kojima's pants off for stealing the Terminators. He obviously has a case.

>> No.9259503
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Just Japanese Things

>> No.9259504
File: 321 KB, 1280x1700, 71054FB7-0CB9-478F-AE77-9FE5539E221D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayami Kojima has to be a fan of Interview with The Vampire. Alucard's redesign in SOTN is blatantly Tom Cruise's Lestat.

>> No.9259505

No way he knew what Snatcher was when it was new and now its way too late and pointless to bother with.

>> No.9259506

Yes Japan the island nation America forced to open up and later occupied following WWII.

>> No.9259508

Thievin' Jim suing someone else for ripping off his material would be some powerful irony.

>> No.9259512 [DELETED] 

why are americans obsessed with copyright

>> No.9259514 [DELETED] 

Nobody likes what they have to be stolen.

>> No.9259515 [DELETED] 

>Mel Gibson as Snake
Oh boy
>Swimming pools? Soccer fields? Colonel, what the hell is going on?
>I'm sorry Snake, I couldn't let you know until you got there.
>What else have you been lying about?

>> No.9259516

Some of these are stupid. "Copying" jelly beans? And Pong? Literally everyone copied Pong. Pong copied Pong.

>> No.9259517

Clouds not actually a twink, at least in the Remake. In Remake he's waaayy overtrained his forearms, giving the optical illusion of being skinny

>> No.9259518 [DELETED] 

Its more a point about originality

>> No.9259520

Cloud is more like a Devilman character, Berserk isn't original at all, its a straight Devilman clone

>> No.9259531 [DELETED] 

jews aren't americans

>> No.9259539

>Trying to rewrite history this fucking hard
The Dutch and Bti'ish forced Japan to open before the United States of America was a country.

>> No.9259554

Cope. Sakoku didn't end until after Perry.
>muh sakoku wasn't really sakoku

>> No.9259562

Argument invalid, /v/irgin. Go back.

>> No.9259564

Back then everyone tend to steal images of others

>> No.9259568

I'm glad the internet has finally exposed these hack frauds.

>> No.9259573
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Real original design there, Kojima.

>> No.9259575

No, First Blood is a solid, poignant story and better at what its trying to do than anything Metal Gear does. I admire Kojima's ambition, but the MG series as a whole, or even taken for their individual installments, don't reach the same level of complete competence as First Blood.

>> No.9259581
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Big kek

>> No.9259584

Great artists like who?

>> No.9259585
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Konami bros...

>> No.9259587

Solid MacGyver?

>> No.9259594

Why didn't Japan copy anything from Halloween? Can't recall any references in vidya or anime relating to it.

Does a simple mask wearing, knife wielding serial killer not do it for them?

>> No.9259595
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Yeah, not even entirely Japan as well but you see a lot of it there.

>> No.9259603

Yes, Mega Man X is even more overtly Casshern, with Sigma being Braiking Boss

>> No.9259608

I'm sure the entire Clocktower series was inspired by Halloween.

>> No.9259621

you need to stop

>> No.9259642
File: 276 KB, 1792x1080, ebc104b3707441cd739097a2a697463e-imagejpeg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sure the entire Clocktower series was inspired by Halloween.

It's the Italian film Phenomena with JCon.

>> No.9259647

if you didn't realize how on-the-nose all of this was from the start, you are a retard

>> No.9259651

Albert Einstein is crazy if they thought they could get away.

>> No.9259681
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>Bob Hoskins

>> No.9259687
File: 1.92 MB, 257x193, 1652754677714.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody knows this
Plus you're gay
Plus playing Snatcher right now.

>> No.9259689

I enjoy Kojima games but it should be brought up how derivative his work is, especially when his games rely so much on narrative, before so much praise is heaped on him.

>> No.9259702

I remember Kojima flat out saying when MGS2 came out that he copied the bullet time effect when Olga dodges the bullet on the tanker from the Matrix because he was watching that movie at the time I felt like a big reason that game decided to delve into the nature of truth and reality was because Kojima was into the Matrix at the time I’m not sure he deserves to be heralded as a creative genius

>> No.9259703

>In the end it’s like music sampling
Hip hop and any other genre that uses sampling is shit.

>> No.9259705

Now post Berserk.

>> No.9259710

God, you are right, He looks so gay

>> No.9259713
File: 482 KB, 762x926, Castlevania_VHD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Konami bros...

>> No.9259715
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>> No.9259716

I mean, she clearly inspired Sonia Belmont more...

>> No.9259718

This is so forced, though the last one it’s probably real.

>> No.9259720

It was inspired, big deal. The game is not worse because of this

>> No.9259721

People who get uppity about originality and seek only pure originality are so soft in the heart and brain.

>> No.9259724
File: 279 KB, 1200x907, Dije2FvXsAEvOKj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akiman's evolution as an artist is impressive, in 8 years he was already working with tomino

>> No.9259728

It's okay to be inspired by something. It's not okay to copy it 1:1 and pass it off as your own.

>> No.9259730

Honestly I’ll praise Kojima more for the originality in gameplay over his “stories” the stealth genre, all the fourth wall breaking stuff very interesting and his games usually have great music although I think even the MGS theme was said to be inspired by something else to the point he had to stop using it after 2 or 3?

>> No.9259762

It’s not, it’s well known Konami games took from movies and anime, except unlike licensed games, they actually are some of the best games of the generation

>> No.9259775 [DELETED] 

>Lol, so bro get this. The Japs STOLE from Blade runner. Lol, that's right, the movie that literally starts out with "YOOOOOOOO" with a floating Geisha flying over a cramped neon cityscape that isn't based on Tokyo with it's denizens speaking a mashed up version of Japanese on the street. Yeah, the Japs ripped themselves off, lol.
Fuck out of here.

>> No.9259785
File: 46 KB, 500x275, 2ed96bb3ad62162e1823eef4c48e140d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how in Lethal Weapon 4 Riggs has a laser module on his gun, like Jonathan from Policenauts

>> No.9259797

It's great isn't it? Him and Raiden make me wish we had more blonde ultratwink main characters in things.

Hideo Kojima loves giving big sloppy blowjobs to all the western media he likes this is not new information

>> No.9259804

Are you fucking retarded? FFT has nothing to do with Berserk.

>> No.9259806

>con air and christina aguilera
konami has good taste

>> No.9259809
File: 2.27 MB, 2000x1333, castlevania-map-bill-mudron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Castlevania explicitly imitated Hammer and Universal horror, not D. Both Castlevania and D borrow from German Expressionism, not from each other. Castlevania even framed itself as a movie, with movie roll in the beginning, and a fake credits sequences that EXPLICITLY referenced famous Hammer and Universal directors and actors like Terence Fisher and Boris Karloff.

>> No.9259812

Of course it's not fucking real. The incredibly famous and influential cogwheel sequence comes from Modern Times, a Charlie Chaplin movie.

>> No.9259827

Yeah, because american horror movies are known for having a protagonist fight vampires with a whip, fight a plethora of different monsters including inside the castle including a feline beast and zombies, only to fall into a trap floor into sewers followed by fighting Medusa. Has absolutely NOTHING to do with how that description matches Vampire Hunter D perfectly, a movie that came out less than 2 years before Castlevania and was a gateway to horror and gore for many Japanese at the time.

>> No.9259835
File: 72 KB, 995x560, FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you never seen any of the Hammer Horror movies you fucking plebian
Castlevania 1 has so many fucking Hammer references in the credits that anyone even remotely familair with the horror genre would pick up on, the whole game is one big fucking Hammer suck off

>> No.9259836

The whip comes from Indiana Jones. D fishts with a long sword.

>> No.9259837
File: 110 KB, 1024x672, 432637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Castlevania starts with a film reel, all bosses are Universal monsters, and the end credits are a parody of Universal/Hammer. I realize you will never be convinced by any evidence or logic, though.

>> No.9259839

He does, but Simon Belmont is more inspired by the girl >>9259713 than by D. D would be Alucard in SotN.

And then many of the next CV games also took from VHD, like Dracula's throne room being identical in Rondo, or the jump through the castle's gate on horseback in SotN. It ended up getting to the point they finally had to admit it in an interview. Denying the influence of VHD on CV1 is like denying this >>9259429

>Oh no no a work of art can't possibly have more than ONE source of inspiration!!! No work of art has more than one source of inspiration it can't be true!
>My precious Castlevania video game can't possibly have been inspired by a contemporary movie!

I don't know why this makes you seethe so fucking much. I don't even consider being inspired by CV and directly taking things from it an insult or something that undermines the games, on the contrary I think it's cool. It's like Contra and Alien.

>> No.9259843
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>> No.9259847

The girl is a minor damsel in distress in just one of the books. Her design is not even remotely influential. All whip heroes in 80s games are inspired by Indiana Jones.

>> No.9259849

>It's like Contra and Alien.
Contra is inspired by American action movies, and Castlevania is directly and clearly inspired by American and british horror. D novels are irrelevant. That's the whole point.
An example of Japanese media being inspired by other Japanese media is Mega Man / Rockman clearly being an Astro Boy ripoff.

>> No.9259867

What a retarded thread. Doesn't help that all of this is common knowledge.

>> No.9259875

and they're BOTH based on Yasunori Kato, the main antagonist of Teito Monogatari.

It's more likely they're both based on him than each other.

>> No.9259882

It's just 18th century fashion.

>> No.9259883
File: 310 KB, 1536x2048, DpPTTmkUUAAM22v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started watching the 78 Casshern for the first time last night after playing through X1 for the first time years. It's hilarious how even some of the basic enemies, like the big green guy with the chain arm and the spiked wheels, are very clearly nabbed straight from the grunts in the show. I can't blame them though, the goal from the very beginning with Mega Man was always to make a game that felt like you were playing a shonen robot anime, and X was just continuing that theme.

>> No.9259885

They literally use actors faces, like anyone didn’t know they used movies in their games

>> No.9259886

Inafune art has so much charm, he may be a conman but he is a good artist

>> No.9259887

Blade Runner and Akira came out the same year

>> No.9259890
File: 96 KB, 630x945, 6728C05D-33C5-4E0C-A690-B079BBF16EE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait til you find out about Sniper Joes.

>> No.9259893

I hope you mean the manga

>> No.9259894
File: 165 KB, 512x384, Vlcsnap-3783193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I know. Hell Bass is just Atlas.

>> No.9259895

>In the end it’s like music sampling. More often than not the new creation is better.

Nothing has EVER been better than what it "sampled"

>> No.9259896
File: 79 KB, 490x750, 47e93eac84d9e5170cf9a1efebd1c02b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cloud is literally Teen Gohan with a sword

>> No.9259903
File: 268 KB, 700x538, vhd-castle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cool and all but you are fucking retarded if you genuinely think that Castlevania took zero inspiration from the first Vampire Hunter D film. Things can have multiple sources of inspiration and D was both relatively recent and hugely popular at the time, with things like the Medusa fight and even the castle design with its iconic hanging throne room, taken from the film. I don't understand what you have to gain from pretending the series has purely western roots.

>> No.9259904

Guess you don't know much about art then. For example:

>> No.9259907

All of those visuals you keep focusing on come from Gothic and Victorian fiction and Hammer and universal movies. It's a case where both contemporary media are inspired by something older rather than each other.
As a side note, you are such a quintessensial imbecile digging up his heels despite all of the evidence that you should be put in psychology textbooks.

>> No.9259910

Oh no I wasn't denying the influence. I was mainly just mad that dude put Hammer under the umbrella of "American" "Horror" honestly

Watch Hammer films kiddies, they're on YouTube now and you'll appreciate your horror games a whole lot more when you pick up on all the references

>> No.9259912

Which Hammer movie had the protagonist infiltrating Dracula's castle, falling into a trap pit, then having to fight a medusa?

>> No.9259917

Pretty much every single one of them.

>> No.9259918

Shakespeare and Disney then?

>> No.9259927

No seriously what do you get out of denying the obvious? Are you just retarded?

>> No.9259929

The Japanese stuff in Blade Runner wasn't from their media though. Its not like Ridley Scott was some big fan of Speed Racer. It was based on the growing fear in the 80s that Japan would take over the world with economics instead of warfare. That geisha was meant to be grim, not be like "Japan is so cool."

>> No.9259931

The only things unique to D (space vampires, the postapoc sci-fantasy world etc.) are not present in Castlevania. The elements and imagery Castlevania shares with D are not even remotely unique to D - some come from Universal/Hammer movies and most comes from Gothic fiction and accompanying art. This is what you must accept, but I already understand that you never will.

>> No.9259932

Terminator didn't invent robot skeletons, it just popularized them.

>> No.9259934 [DELETED] 

Imagine you made a dystopian hellhole movie today and everywhere is China. That's not borrowing from China or celebrating it. In many ways, Japan back then was what China is today, down to buying off Western businesses, rampart copying of intellectual property, and a repressive corporate culture that they were exporting left and right.

>> No.9259937

>D would be Alucard in SotN.
Maybe his personality but his appearance is clearly Lestat. Interview With the Vampire came out just a couple years before SOTN.

>> No.9259940 [DELETED] 

Yeah that's dystopian only Americans can buy off businesses and export repressive corporate culture

>> No.9259947

You're describing Crono.

>> No.9259951 [DELETED] 

For all its problems, the US is decades upon decades ahead of Asian countries in this no matter how you look at it. Just like having corruption is not the same as turning onto a Somalia-grade failed state, having a shitty corporate culture is not the same as being as bad as 80s Japan or modern China.

>> No.9259952

Which Castlevania do you fall into a trap pit to fight Medusa?

>> No.9259954 [DELETED] 

It's okay when we do it

>> No.9259956 [DELETED] 

No, it's not okay when you do it.

>> No.9259957 [DELETED] 

Well then stop doing you dirt Yank

>> No.9259958

To be fair, setting Vampire Hunter D in 10,000 AD or whatever barely served a point. You had maybe three instances of future tech showing up and being irrelevant to the story. Most viewers probably forget it isn't the 1500s or something even while watching the movie.

>> No.9259965 [DELETED] 

The corporate culture thing was American, too. See: Die Hard.

>> No.9259968

>barely served a point.
D was postapoc sci-fantasy. It served a point. Read the novels. Seriously, go beyond the single irrelevant fucking cartoon you seem to base your entire world on. Why are you so fucking hell-bent on the film? It's almost entirely irrelevant to D as a franchise, let alone other media.

>> No.9259969

One thing they touch on is the fact that vampires have technology that makes things larger on the inside with shifting geometries. In the novels their lairs and coffins contain giant, constantly changing labyrinths, something that Castlevania would pick up over time with the castle itself being alive and never keeping the exact same layout.

>> No.9259970 [DELETED] 

The life expectancy of an American today is lower than China's. Fucking CHINA is a healthier place to live than America.

>> No.9259973

"I base my world on"? You're telling me to read a bunch of Japanese novels but I'm the one basing my world on something?

>> No.9259980

theres a difference between inspiration and copying something verbatim. the pictures on the right and lower left are straight up theft

>> No.9259983 [DELETED] 

You'd never get that impression from liveleak!

>> No.9260004 [DELETED] 

>The life expectancy of an American today is lower than China's.

It's because of all the niggers who die of heart attacks, dug overdoses and bullets by 40.

How many niggers do you see with grey hair?

>> No.9260048 [DELETED] 

>How many niggers do you see with grey hair?
just uncle ben. of course the motherfuckers couldn't stand for that and had to go kill him too

>> No.9260061 [DELETED] 

Remember that butter packaging where they kept the land but removed the indian LOL

>> No.9260067

First Blood is fantastic, but Bladerunner is kind of overrated.

>> No.9260069

Go to bed Harlan.

>copy of the Luger
Retarded. For one thing the Luger was actually really good, for another they differ significantly in mechanics.

>> No.9260109
File: 99 KB, 895x1270, LostHighway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hardly the only thing Silent Hill 2 shamelessly ripped off.

>> No.9260124

KEK, first blood completely dropped the ball with whoever wrote the end speech. It started good then his breakdown was just poorly written and it turned cringe

>> No.9260125

>straight up theft
seriously, who fucking cares?

>> No.9260126 [DELETED] 

black hands

>> No.9260127 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 680x670, NDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hip hop and any other genre that uses sampling is shit.

>> No.9260152

Who is the top right art by? Is it from something?

>> No.9260238


>> No.9260248

>things everyone has known for the past 20 years
You forgot to mention that Policenauts is Lethal Weapon.

>> No.9260348

Roll came from Charge Ken, not from Iran from Astroboy.

>> No.9260393


>> No.9260402

They basically said during the development of SH1 part of their inspiration was David Lynch.

>> No.9260414

He's probably underage and can't understand real drama

>> No.9260418

Kojima didn't do any of that art.

>> No.9260434

Kill yourself

>> No.9260454

People say movie licensed games suck, but the trick is to just not license them.

>> No.9260460

imagine being the dude who did the portraits in Neverwinter Nights after watching Japaneses do this shit for decades without so much as a peep and then you get fired and ridiculed in every gaming forum and magazine....and then you go on living your life as a disgraced artist and witness the career of Greg Land

>> No.9260464

Not really a big deal. They were using movies to understand how Americans dress. We didn’t yet live in an androgynous globohomo gayplex.

>> No.9260491
File: 61 KB, 640x640, RE Dredd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The virgin ripping off Lynch vs the Chad ripping off Judge Dredd

>> No.9260745

lol wut? You must have brain damage. No need to reply, I won't read your retarded reasoning for why anime "isn't le gud N E more"

>> No.9260761

Wait till you learn about Mighty Atom.

>> No.9260809

Yes I know about Astro Boy anon, hence the end of that post. I was specifically talking about X's connections to Casshern.

>> No.9260857
File: 3.01 MB, 4390x3501, 007_006_007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shinkawa carried MGS

>> No.9260865

>the man who drew the cover art and art for the manuals but had nothing to do with the games themselves carried the series of games
People always try to give credit to everyone other than the person in the spotlight just because they don't like them getting credit for anything.

>> No.9260880

I hate how Anti-Kojimafags like this guy (>>9260857) are suddenly using Shinkawa as ammo against Kojima, now that the Fukushima meme has been debunked, while Blaustein and Kaku have both turned out to be even more unlikable than Kojima. As if Shinkawa isn't Kojima's best bud and choose to leave Konami with Kojima when he was ousted.

>> No.9260881

I love that opening. Best Lynch movie.

>> No.9260889

He was the art director and did all the character and mechanical designs. To say he had nothing to do with the MGS games is absurd.

>> No.9260893
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>nothing to do with the games themselves

Fuck right off, he's the character and mech designer and art director

I don't hate Kojima, Shinkawa just doesn't get the credit he's due imo.

>> No.9260904

You can have all the good designs you want but it doesn't make the game fun to play. There are plenty of games with great visual design that are complete garbage.

For me, it's Inland Empire. Though what do I know, the lighting director is probably the one who was responsible for the quality of David Lynch movies.

>> No.9260905 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 544x356, psychotic_asshole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well to be fair, Snake is written with the purpose of advancing his character beyond his war experience and I think Kojima does a great establishing that development through MG2:SS, MGS and MGS2. I would say Big Boss falls short of Kurtz though - there was a lot of untapped potential for that in MGS3 but he decided to make the whole game a more personal experience with his themes and while I accept and respect sacrificing Big Boss' persona for it (since he wanted that to be the last game he would direct from the series), it always left me with a sour taste given how interest his character's story could have been.

>> No.9260908

>You can have all the good designs you want but it doesn't make the game fun to play. There are plenty of games with great visual design that are complete garbage.
Yes but that doesn't change the fact that Shinkawa was integral to the success of MGS.

>> No.9260909
File: 135 KB, 544x356, psychotic_asshole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well to be fair, Snake is written with the purpose of advancing his character beyond his war experience and I think Kojima does a great establishing that development through MG2:SS, MGS and MGS2. I would say Big Boss falls short of Kurtz though - there was a lot of untapped potential for that in MGS3 but he decided to make the whole game a more personal experience with his themes and while I accept and respect sacrificing Big Boss' persona for it (since he wanted that to be the last game he would direct from the series), it always left me with a sour taste given how interesting his character's story could have been.

>> No.9260914

>I don't hate Kojima, Shinkawa just doesn't get the credit he's due imo.
He's the only other name people associate with the franchise nowadays. If anything, I would argue Shinkawa overshadows all of his assistant artists.

>> No.9262023

I always wonder what happened between Kojima and the Snatcher/Policenauts artist (Tomiharu Kinoshita) that they stopped working together before MGS was a thing. They don't even follow each other on Twitter...

>> No.9262189

fruitful discussion, dumbass piece of shit

>> No.9262825

Snatcher stole like half the plot of Jiro Oishi’s Imitation city for the PC88 too, nothing new

>> No.9263167

You do know that he doesn't do every single aspect of a game right?

>> No.9263290

How so? I played them both and they're nothing alike aside from the Blade Runner influences.

>> No.9263310
File: 101 KB, 1024x819, 1661925364284543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love his movies so much it's unreal

>> No.9263498

>was too on the nose so they replaced them in the re-release.
naw they just retconned them so snake and the other characters look more like they do in the future games.
and I personally like the new portraits more.

>> No.9263754
File: 43 KB, 464x198, DME7qD7UMAAG_F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here. I mostly just prefer stylized art in general over photorealism.

>> No.9263762
File: 9 KB, 398x198, qxwrmnB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Similarly I love the codec portraits from Ghost Babel.

>> No.9263783

Trying way too hard to attack silent hill, it had been well known by most fans and openly admitted by the devs since the earliest days that sh is strongly influenced by lynch. If you want to say it's just ripping him off fine but stop acting like it's some amazing revelation that no one knew about.

>> No.9263856

No. FFT is basically the Wars of the Roses in a fantasy setting.

It's basically the events just before, during and after the Wars of the Roses with demons, magic and revisionism thrown in. Even the names of the wars in the game parallel history.
in game: War of the Lions, wherein two rival factions of a larger family battle for supremacy and the throne, each family designated by a heraldic lion of a colour different from the other.
IRL: Wars of the Roses., wherein two rival factions of a larger family battle for supremacy and the throne, each family designated by a heraldic rose of a colour different from the other.

In game: 50 Years' War, a war preceding the one mentioned above wherein Ivalice (the kingdom in which War of the Lions occurs) is in a long battle with a neighbouring kingdom for control of that kingdom's throne. The war was over when Ivalice gave up its assault. Ivalice paid none of its soldiers as punishment for losing the war. Bitter, these unpaid soldiers set up antimonarchist, revolutionary factions.

IRL: 100 Years' War, a war preceding the one mentioned above wherein England (the kingdom in which Wars of the Roses occurs) is in a long battle with a neighbouring kingdom for control of that kingdom's throne. The war was over when England gave up its assault. England paid none of its soldiers as punishment for losing the war.
Bitter, these unpaid soldiers set up antimonarchist, revolutionary factions.
Even Delita is an amalgam or IRL counterparts in Margaret Beaufort (and her extreme manipulation of events to put her son, who had no legitimate claim to it, on the throne) and Henry Tudor, her son who became king.

>> No.9263930

>naw they just retconned them so snake and the other characters look more like they do in the future games.
It's a bit of both. The Metal Gear 2 portraits were definitely too on the nose to keep as is for the re-releases, so they just redrew them to better fit the post-MGS style. Solid Snake's portraits, both the in-game one and one used on the attract and ending sequences, are both straight up lifted from Lethal Weapon 1 & 2.
>and I personally like the new portraits more.
The new portraits are too static for me. Plus the old portraits fit the wannabe-Hollywood vibe that the MSX2 games were going for.

>> No.9264101


>> No.9264253
File: 87 KB, 673x1024, harald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the end it’s like music sampling. More often than not the new creation is better
Incredible. This level of retardation is incredible.

>> No.9264264

THIS ffs, thank you.
Nobody ever thought of "getting away" with it. The Einstein is so blatantly obvious, how dumb do you have to be to believe it's "hidden" in there somewhere. It's simply a very direct reference. Tell me, did you also find hidden swastikas in Wolfenstein?

>> No.9264348

>pic contains cover art of a game he had nothing to do with.

>> No.9264912
File: 463 KB, 1200x1552, meta-lgear-msx-big[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

msx original cover is the same fool.

>> No.9264914
File: 195 KB, 616x857, Metal_Gear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NES and MSX2 versions use the same art.
The Snatcher pics seem like they're from the Sega CD version (which didn't release until mid-90s) which Kojima didn't work on, though.

>> No.9264943
File: 331 KB, 2048x1082, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For added bonus: that one concept art of Treble that was blatantly just Friender

>> No.9265042

Kojima still didn't have anything to do with the Metal Gear 1 boxart. It was decided by Konami's marketing department without his input.

>The Snatcher pics seem like they're from the Sega CD version (which didn't release until mid-90s) which Kojima didn't work on, though.
The same scenery appears on the PC Engine version though, which was the last version of Snatcher he did worked on.

>> No.9266712
File: 103 KB, 972x1080, 098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait for fem snake

>> No.9266787

Which anime is that?

>> No.9266936
File: 2.90 MB, 2185x1473, 1662743749620641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh

>> No.9266945

>Hideo Kojima loves giving big sloppy blowjobs to all the western media
God, I wish I was all the western media.
Hide-chan a cute. A CUTE!

>> No.9266946

This is a parody of these lists, isn't it? They're all beyond retarded, but this would take the cake. But I'm pretty sure this was actually intended as a joke.

>> No.9266949
File: 133 KB, 1456x1080, Vampire Hunter D (1985) (1080p BluRay x265 SAMPA).mkv_snapshot_00.10.24_[2021.08.25_22.05.16].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9266953

One of the arcs is named after the han solo ship. maybe it's just references or material he used as a reference, I don't see any problem here.

>> No.9266964

Sometimes you retards should just stick to old games and stay away from any other form of media, because it baffles you.

>> No.9266965

>Kojima still didn't have anything to do with the Metal Gear 1 boxart
Sure, but anon said Kojima had nothing to do with the game at all which is just plain false.

>> No.9266975

>it's OK when Miura copies wholesale

>> No.9267014
File: 245 KB, 450x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shame the hand Guts lost didn't come back to try and kill him. Would've been a kino arc.

>> No.9267112

Claiming absolute originality over large creative endeavors is fucking stupid. any artist in any field who takes it seriously and is under company pressure to make fiscal profit is gonna wear their influences on their sleeves. If you've made a 100% original story that doesn't borrow from any popular media, your art probably sucks because you have to follow conventional appeal at least a lil bit

>> No.9267193

TLDNR: Kojima was still a rookie when he did Metal Gear 1 and didn't had any input on who or how the boxart was made, but he did went on to commission Yuji Kaida for Snatcher, Yoshiyuki Takani for Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake and Noriyoshi Ohrai for some of the MGS games.

>> No.9268636


>> No.9268640

thats literal the whole game industry on the early years you zoomer

>> No.9269292
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>> No.9270548
File: 21 KB, 320x320, 3079479-carl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kojima is Carl from family guy. He being a massive movie fag is old news kiddo.

His twitter bio explicitly says: "70% of my body is made of movies".

If you ever meet him and ask him anything movie related you better have your bladder ready because that rant is gonna last for hours.

>> No.9270561

>gets proven wrong
>changes to WHO CARES
you're an absolute faggot

>> No.9270916

I love the way he just no sells her offer to bang him as payment.

>> No.9270926

How is he stealing from other IPs and/or infringing Copyright?

>> No.9270943

anon... you're not replying to the same person... i'm the guy who made the first post but not the reply...
that said i don't care either because fuck copyright laws so yeah

>> No.9271129

Kojima is a hack
However MGS, MGS2 and MGS3 are some of my all time favorite games

>> No.9271158

Let me guess, you believe in the CODEC guy meme.

>> No.9271163

Kojima being a Hollywood-worshipping starfucker faggot is way more disgusting than what this image is conveying imo

>> No.9271190

t. David Hayter fan

>> No.9271196

I don't see a huge problem with this. I WISH more developers would emulate based media. Let's not pretend most great classic games, like Deus Ex for example, isn't also an obvious rip off of several other tropes, movies, etc. But like Kojima, they mix it all up to make something relatively new, interesting, and interactive.
The problem, really, is all the movie-illiterate fags who think Kojima is some creatively inspired genius.

>> No.9271205

>The problem, really, is all the movie-illiterate fags who think Kojima is some creatively inspired genius.
I'm a movie buff and book worm and I still think Kojima is a creatively inspired genius. Very few game designers have achieved what he has done in vidya.

>> No.9271209

Everyone in Japan stole back then why is Kojima being singled out?

>> No.9271221
File: 1.17 MB, 1075x1081, ud84lh65w6c31[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like Deus Ex for example, isn't also an obvious rip off of several other tropes, movies, etc.

JC Denton's outfit is a 1:1 copy of Blade's. They only made it dark blue rather than black.

>> No.9271230

Because Kojima is probably the most popular living game designer that's been active since the 80's, and success breeds jealously.

>> No.9271234

The guy you are arguing with is either baiting you or he's on hardcore copium.

>Movies go to shit
>Video games go to shit a decade later
It all makes sense now

>> No.9271246

For me it's the cultish fanboys.

>> No.9271284

Personally, Kojima-haters are more annoying than his fans.

>> No.9272353
File: 68 KB, 600x338, zeldapeterpan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9273438

If it wasn't for Blade Runner and Death in Venice i doubt Anime would even exist

>> No.9273453

Anime existed for decades before Blade Runner and Death in Venice. Manga even before that.

>> No.9273469

B-but Star Wars?

>> No.9273476

>Castlevania explicitly imitated Hammer and Universal horror, not D
Holy cope

>> No.9273481
File: 130 KB, 900x619, super-metal gear-SS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only…

>> No.9273498

What is the top right source material? Looks comfy.

>> No.9273512

tell me you realized that yesterday? XDD
and the problem is?

>> No.9273527

>and the problem is?

Blatantly ripping off movies. JC Denton is Neo from the Matrix x Blade both films that had come out very recently. the rest is ripping off Cyberpunk. The stealth pistol is taken directly from that anime film that I acn't remember the name of.

>> No.9274472

Kinda curious if Solid Snake had been ported to the Super NES (or Genesis for that matter), would they had left the plot as is or rewrite it into a sequel to Snake's Revenge and retitled the game Metal Gear 3: Solid Snake.

>> No.9274475

I'm sure Osamu Tezuka and the people at Tatsunoko Productions must be time travelers then.

>> No.9274536

And Matrix is just Plato's cave with Ghost in the Shell visuals. Everything is a "rip off" or rather a continuation of previous story elements. And even the first story elements ever created are just ripping off reality. Nothing is truly original.