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9254267 No.9254267 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong and why? I've always wondered what the development history behind this game was and I've searched for a playable beta but no luck. Also share any experiences with this game you've had.

>> No.9254276

John Romita Sr designed this cover and whoever finished the box art did a terrible job as the originals look great.

>> No.9254282

Something about it reminds me of Amiga games and their special kind of shitty, but I can't pinpoint what.

>> No.9254284

>Whoever finished the box art did a terrible job
Aside from the obvious discrepancies depicted on the box compared to in-game, I've always loved the battle taking place on the cover.

>> No.9254307

Probably the worst sound design of any snes game I've ever played.

>> No.9254318

True, I can't think of many snes games with sound design that sucks as bad as in this game but I feel like the soundtrack really makes up for it, and this game has some of the nicest looking sprites I've seen although that's just my opinion.

>> No.9254319

It's like four terrible Amiga games and one sorta ok one in one game.

>> No.9254426

got this game for christmas i think. the spiderman stuff was the best content but it was all pretty bad. the wolverine stage was ok too but i dont think i ever figured out how to beat juggernaut. i didnt play the other levels much, storm's in particular were very hard and not fun

>> No.9254448

I swear there's a version I played of the game where you can actually claw juggernauts helmet off but it never worked again after the one time I did it. The way to defeat him isn't made abundantly clear so I think a lot of players just sort of gave up at that point.

>> No.9254469

Anyone beat this? I rented it a million times and couldn't even come close to finishing gambits or cykes stages.

>> No.9254497

im embarrassed to admit that it took me roughly 20 years to beat it. it is the hardest game I have ever completed.

>> No.9254823

I played through emulation (ZSnes) around 16 years ago, before going down the Tim Follin rabbit hole or people talking about LJN's 'quality' in their games.
As a poor kid I emulated old games I got from other students at school or relatives, and the experience wouldn't have been complete without getting a CD with 100+ ROMs to skim through. I found Arcade's Revenge in one I got and I thought it was shit but the music kept me coming back to it.
It's a blur in my head, but all I truly remember is using so many savestates to beat it just because I didn't want to play it but needed to see it til the end. I wouldn't play it nowadays, not even if I were paid for it.
The death screams, the grunts, the powerup pickup chimes and many more are so weird and out of place it's surreal.
But the soundtrack does carry the game; cheesy at times but with a lot of charm.
My favorite tracks are the briefing theme and the score table theme:

>> No.9254839

>ljn logo
Ah there’s the culprit

>> No.9254851

My brothers and I tried by splitting up the characters, but cyclops filtered us hard

>> No.9254876

For a while, I associated Spider Sense with spastic farting thanks to this game.

>> No.9254972

Supposedly it had some super rough development, like they had 3 teams working one it at one point which is why has all these stage types that clash with each other.

>> No.9255003

Did you beat it with research and save states or straight bulldogged it with repetition?

>> No.9255017
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Here is the worst part.
You don't even capture Arcade. He just fucking gets away at the end.
No, seriously.

>> No.9255024

LOL. I don't even know who the fuck arcade is. Of all the awesome villians they could have gone with why him anyway?

>> No.9255027

It could be Mojo that was popular with readers, but marvel put the arcade on for whatever reason.

>> No.9255031

Played it many times since a friend had it and there weren't many games around (no rental shops in my city) so you played what you can get. We were able to beat almost all levels except Cyclops's second one. Those fucking mining carts I swear...

>> No.9255074

It allowed for a varied set of stages, so Arcade made sense.

>> No.9255169

How did it allow for variety? Like another anon said Mojo could have worked. Only problem with that is Mojo was an xmen villian and had nothing to do with Spidey. Mysterio or Kingpin also could have worked as the main villian too. Although kingpin had just been the main bad guy in the last spiderman game.

Honestly who the fuck is arcade? I've literally never read a comic with him even mentioned. What are his feats to even challenge Spidey and the xmen?

>> No.9255175

Lol this was my exact experience. I actually played storm's level a lot as the others were too cryptic like how do you stop juggs? And Gambit and cykes were off the chart difficult. For such a shitty game I still played it a lot.

>> No.9255246

>How did it allow for variety?
Arcade builds these killer amusement parks that super heroes have to escape from, you know, like in the game you just played.

>> No.9255276

Yes! that's a perfect way to explain it. "Amiga bad"
Like the game looks good enough, there's good animation, a ton of sprits but it still fails as a game.
Its a special kind of shitty, but not due to low effort, just general not knowing what a fun game is.

>> No.9255281
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The only story I ever read of him was in Avengers Academy. He killed Mettle, a fan favorite character, with zero effort.

>> No.9255282

Problem with these games is that they were too ambitious. Most of these Amiga developers excelled in 3D games, but during those early days they made games that were too complex for their talent, it's amazing that DMA design and Rare had such a good record from the start.

>> No.9255293
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Total rip off of Dessads happyland. Arcade is a hacky villian.

>> No.9255318

>What went wrong
British devs who hate children.

>> No.9255331

I liked the Spider-Man levels. I remember telling kids at school fpr like 15 years that Spider-Man was a canon member of the X-Men because of this game, and because he's technically a mutant.

>> No.9255337

I think it was so they could truck people like me into thinking it was an arcade game experience.

>> No.9255574

Just repetition, man. Save stating became pointless after a while if I couldn't even progress past a certain area.

>> No.9255608

I heard it was because Acclaim was demanding they have it done by a specific time and it put a lot of pressure on the teams involved.

>> No.9255837

Fun fact: Storm's level gave me aquaphilia when I was a kid.