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File: 38 KB, 544x537, Descent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9253396 No.9253396 [Reply] [Original]

Is this better than Doom?

>> No.9253410

Are apples better than oranges?

>> No.9253460

Technically yes, gameplay-wise no.

>> No.9253476

Oranges are soft and juicy. Apples are hard and dry. Oranges win.

>> No.9253480

Oranges are vastly superior to apples. The only reason apples are everywhere is because hundreds of years ago they were an easy way to make alcohol.

>> No.9253491

What about pears?

>> No.9253508

Too elite for this discussion.

>> No.9253509

Pears are a juicier, sweeter version of apples, but they still are an inferior fruit option compared to oranges and watermelons.

>> No.9253546

A ripe bartlett pear chilled in the fridge then sliced and served with cheese and red wine is the absolute zenith of the Fruit Experience (TM)

>> No.9253556

My man. My fucking man. They're also delicious with roast chicken.
But anyways, I think I'd have to agree with >>9253460.

>> No.9253632
File: 53 KB, 705x705, 1636922751868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apples, by far, are the easiest to consume fruit which are instantly gratifying yet never feels fulfilling or leaves you wanting seconds. Oranges though, present a natural filter and challenge where in wanting to eat an orange one must peel back it's tough exterior to be rewarded with a flavorful gem of an inside which satisfies and satiates any hungry stomache and leaves you begging for more. Descent is like an orange, except after peeling back that hard, filter like, layer you aren't rewarded with a substantial delicious inside but with something plain like an apple. Doom is both easy to consume yet insanely tasty and flavorful and the only other thing to fill the void of more, is more doom.

>> No.9253951

don't care. as long as we're not talking about grapes. fuckin hate grapes.

>> No.9253968

You know, I always through grapes were a lower mid-tier fruit until I went to east Asia and had their grapes, holy shit it's like a totally different fruit. Bigger, juicier, with a very thick skin that they peel and throw away. In Korea I believe they were called podo. Even the grape juice cartons were out of this world good, totally different than ours.

>> No.9253970

Grapes really do suck, but wine and raisins are very good. Real life has so much nuance...

>> No.9254016

You almost had it until you started glorifying the taste of an orange when in reality it's very mild to bad

>> No.9254085 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 137x96, sentry drone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9254151
File: 2.97 MB, 700x392, Descent2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Descent is more interesting for me because it makes better use of its 3D space, and thankfully I don't get motion sick so I can fly around all over the place with no problem. They're pretty different types of games though so you need to be more specific than just overall better.

>> No.9254229

These assholes made me take back everything I have ever said about the Cultists from Blood

>> No.9254286

No! But that's okay, because it's one hell of a game.

>> No.9254292

What the fuck kind of apples have you been eating, you goddamn animal? Apples are firm, juicy and delicious and good for your teef.

>> No.9254313

Compared to oranges, apples have no juice.

>> No.9254419

I first played Descent on the PS1 via demo disc and the controls and engine completely mindfucked me, woulddn't bat an eyelid at them now as they're "normal" but back then..

>> No.9255873

this thread inspired me to go and take a look at the source code

it's fascinating

a few cool things I noticed

for perspective correct texture mapping, it does the same perspective-division-every-N-pixels trick that quake does, N is 4 pixels here (in quake it's 8).

famously, it uses portal rendering, and I could be wrong here, but it doesn't seem to do pixel-perfect portal clipping, but instead calculates conservative portal bounding boxes, which means there will be some extra overdraw (you have to use the painter's algorithm for this to work). on the other hand, the portal clipping will be much cheaper, and it still has the effect of capping the amount of map that needs to be processed in the worst case.

has a neat texture overlaying system, that sorta looks like quake's lightmapped surfaces cache, although I believe it's mostly used for overlaying normal textures (switches, displays, etc) rather than a lighting system. I guess it's similar to doom's patches in that way.

>> No.9255916

That's because the best produce from the west always gets exported to Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea, and Japan. We're left with shit options

>> No.9255953

Bro, you're literally comparing apples to oranges...

>> No.9255978

This. I enjoy both though

>> No.9255984

>thats the joke captain obvious

>> No.9256064

>exponentially less influential
>ran like shit on comparable hardware
>cool environments and fun technological improvements over 2.5D formula
>uninspired weaponry with little thought to overall gameplay or strategy
No, it wasn't better than Doom. But it wasn't bad.

>> No.9256926

>ran like shit on comparable hardware
yeah, it's not in the same technological class as doom, since it's fully 3D (I'd argue that doom is also 3D, but with more restrictions, which is what allows for more optimizations)

>> No.9257025


pears are glorious, certainly superior to apples

however the god of all fruits is of course the banana

>> No.9257028

>Real life has so much nuance...

too much artificial difficulty though

>> No.9257034
File: 29 KB, 680x680, percy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks awkward in high resolution, why not just play Forsaken if you're going to do that
also I love persimmons

>> No.9257038

that saying is idiotic you can compare any two things, always

>> No.9257051 [DELETED] 

why does this thread read exactly like a reddit comment chain?

>> No.9257060

What does the resolution matter at all? Why is high resolution any more awkward than low resolution?

>> No.9257161 [DELETED] 

Just the thread? Not the entire forum?

>> No.9257169 [DELETED] 

i'm sure you'd know a lot about that newfriend but you should lurk moar instead of telling us everything about your favorite site that you pretend to hate.

>> No.9257180 [DELETED] 

4chan and reddit have been basically the same site for years now

>> No.9257191
File: 91 KB, 640x480, termf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bethesda engines were better than Carmack engines.

>> No.9258490
File: 2.94 MB, 720x406, three dimensions.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like flightsims more than FPS? Then maybe, but they're pretty damn different games, comparing them is awkward. Descent is played in the first person, like Doom, but it does some of the fundamentals so incredibly different that you're doing both games a disservice comparing them. Are motorcycles better than trains? Both are a form of powered land transportation, but they're by no means easily comparable, and they'd be really shit trying to do each other's main jobs, a dirtbike is almost useless at moving cargo, but a train doesn't go offroad and it's a major catastrophe if it somehow manages to.

Stop buying shitty apples.

In fairness, Doom kinda ran like shit on contemporary hardware. If you had a 386 you had to play on Low Detail mode or a tiny screen size (you may not even have had enough RAM to run your mouse drivers together with Doom), a 486 was recommended, and you'd have a much better time, but you'd still be peaking at 20fps for the most part. Now, 20fps isn't the worst, it'll look silky smooth next to 12fps for the same screen-size, but VERY few people would run Doom and Doom 2 at a consistent +30FPS until the mid 90s.
The fabled optimization wasn't quite as much about making the game lightning fast on 386s and 486s in 1993, as it was to make it even possible for it to be playable at acceptable framerates for the time.

Like with Doom though, if you were playing Descent on a computer from a few years later, BOY where you in for a good time with a fast and fun game which was smooth as silk.

Doom is 3D but they skip a few steps in the physics because they didn't think they would be that important and it saves a bit of time and CPU power. Heretic is the same engine but they just add those couple of short lines of code to round it out.