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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9244408 No.9244408 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a nice Turok Thread?

Remasterfags OUT, /co/fags IN.

>> No.9244601

>Remasterfags OUT
>posts image from the Remaster

>> No.9244606

what's wrong with the remasters? i thought they were the only good nightdive ports ever

that being said, not much to talk about with turok, it's just an okay FPS with really fun weapon variety

>> No.9244609

pt 2 was neat
cerebral bore is still my favorite fps gun

>> No.9244613

The animations were also great.

>> No.9244617

>Remasterfags OUT
Played the original games on release, played the remasters, remasters are great, OP is a fag.

>> No.9244658

i dunno
without the fog/hardware limitations
how can it have the same vibe anon?

>> No.9244673

I think the auto shotgun from Turok 1 is my favorite vidya shotgun. So simple yet so effective. The explosive buck is just icing on the cake.

>> No.9244679

Because I actually lived through the era of single digit framerates and I honestly never want to back.
Obviously, that is because I actually want to play the games and not be some faux authenticity fag.

>> No.9244684

the remasters look so much better when you force nearest neighbor scaling instead of the shitty bilinear it has by default

>> No.9244690

When are they going to do a remaster for Turok 3?

>> No.9244819

>Remasterfags OUT
Fucking based.

>> No.9244825


>> No.9244829

i don't play this series nor often care for remasters but isn't this one of the good remasters? like what's the issue really

>> No.9245617


>> No.9245619

I think the second game's remaster alters the level design, or so I have been told.

>> No.9245645

You realize there is a PC port that ran better than the n64 version at it's release? You realize the game was designed on SGI workstations which ran it many times better than the n64 ever could?

>> No.9245657

The first game sucked, that draw distance was garbage. The remake that increased the draw distance but was mostly the same was perfect. All the other n64 Turok games were great.

>> No.9245667
File: 2.77 MB, 800x500, Turok.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never got very far when I had this game on the N64 as a kid. I did beat the last boss using cheats though. I beat Turok 2's remaster but haven't played through the first one's yet.

Pic related is from the PC version (not the remaster, the original one). I got it working at 60 fps but your character's animations are too fast at least. Otherwise works great as far as I got, which isn't very far.

>> No.9245670

First one does too, but not massively.

>> No.9245675

Also, watching this again, why do we not get cool animations like this any more? We have tons of processing power now but most games' enemy reaction animations are boring as shit and we get nothing but a handful of blood decals. This game from 1996 had that spurting blood animation that painted the environment with blood that wasn't just a lazy decal.

>> No.9245706

I played through the first one recently and it burned me out from playing the second. I’ll finish it someday because I think I liked Port of Adia more than most or all of the first Turok.

>> No.9245709

I thought until just recently he was drinking some sort of liquid from the keys. The way he tilts his head just looks like it to me.

>> No.9245986
File: 932 KB, 2098x1538, Turok Dinosaur Hunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>early millenial fag
>got 64 launch day
>been following Turok for over a year in game mags, early internet where they had videos of the gameply
>blown away
>the gore, the realistic smooth motion, the sound effects
>my little brain new this was the future, compared to Doom before it
>everyone else was stoked for it too
>Goldeneye? Movie adaptations are bad, and that isn't coming out for months!
>get game
>love it, play the shit out of it
>pick up the controls immediately no problem

It was amazing, bros. Super underrated. It took the formula from Doom that we loved and amped it up to the max potential of tech at the time. Looking around, building GIANT levels with lots of verticality and platforming and exploration. Secrets galore... decently HARD and well balanced difficulty. The weapons... the sounds and looks of them were the most realistic thing out at the time, and there was tons of them, including innovative crazy weapons you find later. All of them had their uses.

I still stand by my love for this game. There still has been nothing quite like the first Turok on N64.

>> No.9245992

The Nintendo 64 plus a save pack for the game were under $250 back then, anon. To get a computer to do the same would be over a $1000. Probably closer to $2000.

>> No.9246007

He's saying that playing Turok at higher than 12 fps doesn't ruin it like the person he quoted was saying. The cost had nothing to do with it. There were people that would have been able to play the game with better performance than the N64 and it doesn't make the game somehow worse.

>> No.9246036

Gotcha. Was it 12fps back on the 64? Back then it felt like 60fps compared to other games at the time.

>> No.9246043 [DELETED] 

>was it 12fps back on the N64
I don't recall. Nowadays, it runs at 30fps on the N64.

>> No.9246049

Complaining about the remaster not having the same limitations makes even less sense if Turok 1 ran well. It's been a while since I've played Turok and maybe I'm more thinking of the sequels that ran terribly.

>> No.9246394

Didn't they add some kind of map in the Gay-master, that had the entire layout of a maze that people got filtered by? Fucking lol
Anyways, nothing will beat the originals. All 4 games on the n64 are fantastic.

>> No.9246398

>like what's the issue really
one of the keys is in a new room in the first game and one maze changed in the second
someone should be rounded and shot

>> No.9246428

>Playing Turok 2 on Steam
>Some of the coolest FPS weapons I've ever used
>Maps are absolute cocksucking hell mazes where you can easily miss a feather or objective if you forget 1 corridor
Mixed feelings on the game to be honest, the maps didn't age well

>> No.9246529

Coming off Turok it was like an expansive pack on extreme hard mode. I've tried replaying it after beating it once on normal and hard back in the day, and always give up on the cave level. Like you said it becomes so hellish it's no longer fun. Only the most hardcore will enjoy that over and over. Like a FPS Wizardy game.

>> No.9246641

It's the same thing with CGI for movies, they put more effort back then because it was hard, so they had to get the best people just to use the tech, someone today with Blender can do things alone on their own that would require a full team back then.
GoldenEye's different body parts hit animations are still a rarity today.

The problem with Turok is the insane fog which will make browsing the maps really difficult.

>> No.9246642

>old good
>new bad
>even when new is exactly the same as old was
OP you're so fucking dumb in your attempt at gatekeeping.

>> No.9246743

>>old good
>>new bad
Yeah, that's how it typically goes with games, and movies even.

>> No.9247864

It's just 3D Metroid in a jungle.

>> No.9247952


>> No.9247956

Turok is fucking based

>> No.9248034

>3D Metroid
*Donkey Kong Country

>> No.9248213

What are your thoughts on the remaster by night dive?

>> No.9248236

You are the mentally slow kid that in 20 years will call current stuff "old" and think it is good. But the same stuff being new now means it isn't good.

>> No.9248238

They are average for nightdive. They have done better. But turdcock is a shitty game so it makes sense the ports would end up being just ok.

>> No.9248819

I'm 36 years old faggot.

>> No.9248969

You still have distance fog for ambiance, it's just farther away.

>> No.9249878
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One day, anon

>> No.9251714
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Honestly prefer T2 over the first game, both are good but 2 has better music, graphics, weapons, animations and maps. I preferred it when I finished it for the first time in 2018 and I still think it is the best.

>> No.9251764

I can make my own levels in the remaster.
That alone makes them superior.
Suck a dick and choke on it op.

>> No.9251890
File: 83 KB, 550x386, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remasterfags are mostly redditors/zoomers anyway.

>> No.9251930

>nice turok thread
well...no. you immediately poisoned the well you dumb shit.

Turok 2 is I think the most underrated late 90s FPS. now with the remaster I judge it higher than even something like Unreal but the things it does are the things I greatly appreciate in an FPS. good enemies variety, and they all have awesome animation. I like the hub world and feeling of going on a big adventure as opposed to just level to level.
plus the setting of The Lost Lands is just fucking cool. they could and basically did anything they wanted and it just fit.

the first game I am really not that keen on however. it suffers from perhaps the worst weapon redundancy I can think of and it's enemies can be very lame at times. for a 3d FPS that's not quake it looks and plays pretty good but it's clearly very amateur in it's design. 2 is a massive course correction.

>> No.9251971

Are gameboyfags allowed?

>> No.9252089

Thas racist.

>> No.9252550

mental gymnastics
you have a wild imagination

>> No.9253291

>old ass fag still behaving like a kid

>> No.9253318

You're not alone.

>> No.9253549

OP reeks of /v/irgin, or alf evading another ban.

Also both remasters are great, sad that Turok 3 and Wars can't be remastered because the SRC is lost and having to reverse engineer off the N64 ROM is a bitch.

>> No.9253571


Turok 1 is Quake meets Super Mario 64
Turok 2 is Goldeneye meets Zelda
Turok 3 is a Half Life clone
Rage Wars is a Quake 3/Unreal Tournament clone
Evolution competes with Big Rigs as the most broken game ever made
Turok 2008 is a generic 7th gen military shooter which has nothing to do with the franchise other than the title and the fact it has dinosaurs in it

>> No.9254205


>> No.9254219

Played it for the first time recently (remaster). I like the feeling of constant forward momentum in it, like you're just blasting through enemies at high speed, the music is all these driving drums that never slow down, makes you feel like a maniac.

>> No.9254223

right on the money

>> No.9254240

Fucking based. Great analogies, anon.

>> No.9254278

That's some nice contrarianism, fag. I had Turok 1, 2 and Rage Wars on N64 and the remasters are fine. I'd rather play the remasters a hundred times over rather than emulating or playing on original hardware again. Turok is not a game that benefits from 15fps gunfights.

>> No.9256819


>> No.9256905

As you sit there and type on your 3 monitor rgb keyboard mouse cat-ears wombo combo, discord on one monitor, steam on the other


>> No.9257263
File: 1.81 MB, 2592x1944, 1642496991778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't need to tell the bloke your life story mang

>> No.9257469

How's Rage wars? Perfect dark mp even with bots is great.

>> No.9257486

It's fun, if you liked Unreal Tournament and shit like that you will enjoy it. Even better if you can get some friends to play!

>> No.9257839

Damn you sound mad, kid

>> No.9259290

You're actually a tryhard contrarian then? Lol.

>> No.9259321

Friendly reminder that the remasters have different maps from the original games but there are mods for PC to play the actual maps as they were in the original release. There are also great mods for original music/fog/european cyborg versions etc.

Nightdive was working on porting Rage Wars when they decided to just say "fuck it let's do a brand new Turok" and started making a Turok 4 using their Kex editor. They're a small team, got other projects and stopped. Still hoping it'll happen.

>> No.9259558

Not him but OP literally stated for remaster troons to keep out so we can discuss the actual Turok games. You zooms get met with hostility when you start spouting off about the shit-masters and act all surprised?

Please leave /vr/ or just kys

>> No.9259605

>implying the people who were actually alive and sentient when rhe originals came would defend them over the remasters as vehemently as you lil zoomer fucking shits
lmao'ing at your life

>> No.9259691

Here is the perfect board for you.

>> No.9259779

Shut the fuck up you retarded kid.
You weren't even alive when Iguana was created.

>> No.9259783

The remasters are great, I love the crazy amount of weapons people have ported to Turok 1.

>> No.9260292

Kill yourself.
Are you retarded? Can you read??

>> No.9260294

You type like a fag, and your shit is retarded.

>> No.9260320


>> No.9260557

I really wonder if it's OP throwing a fit like a little bitch or just some random schizo throwing a bitchfit because ???

>> No.9260581

I'd do anything to get Turok 3

>> No.9260617

Of course remaster kids are going to show up.
Like fucking clockwork.
I miss old /vr/ ;(

>> No.9260661

Turok Is A Shit
Gain Taste Turok Fags

>> No.9260863

what's wrong with the remasters though?
I like the game as is on N64 despite the 2 FPS it has but the remaster feels just like the old game but is better. If you're feeling extra nostalgic you can play the N64 music, add extra fog, play the exact maps of the 64 version so if you really want to the remaster plays the original version as well.

>> No.9260869

>I like the game as is on N64 despite the 2 FPS
It runs at 30fps.

>> No.9261113


>> No.9261171
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>> No.9261185

Not him but I think he means it doesn't actually do the full 30fps all the time, it drops lower than that sometimes as with most fps games of the time but it's not a big deal for most people.

>> No.9261197

Oh ok. I didn't realize he meant that when he said 2fps. Even if we accept that it's exaggeration, it's still an odd remark considering Turok is one of the best performing FPS games on the N64.

>> No.9261202

i don't even like GE and PD that much, i'm more of TS2 guy, but this is a farce. you guys dont know how these games work. N64 shooters have almost unanimously unlocked framerate. there are times you'll play PD and be in a small confined hallway and it'll be running at 40fps. other times you'll be in a wide open area with 6 enemies and explosions and it'll drop to 5fps. saying GE or PD or even Quake 64 or Q2 run at "X framerate" is retarded because it depends entirely on what's being rendered. the opening helipad area of PD chugs around 8fps but as soon as you go in the first door at the bottom past the guard and security cam it jumps to 15-20 depending on difficulty level (since higher difficulty adds more enemies). you can absolutely enjoy these games in 2022 and think nothing of the framerate if you aren't a stickler for the slowdown that results from entity number changes.

>> No.9261208

Well, yeah, I meant it averages 30.

>> No.9261737

Why isn't this game franchise or even shadow man popular considering the woke? Not to say I want any of the anal sore woke fluoride zombies corrupting master pieces like this, but I loved to have something different than the trending shit like fagnite or call of Russia did 9/11 5 or some copy-paste game that we've all seen about a billion times over.

>> No.9261789

Do you actually think anyone cares that you spend every day in this level of emotional pain?

>> No.9261791

It's genuinely fucking amazing to think that Turok came out only a year after Quake. Of course Quake ran at 60fps on my Pentium with a Syncmaster CRT while the N64 listed 30fps as a selling point, but man that was like the longest year of my life. So many incredible advancements in gaming, I felt like I spent an entire age just playing Quake alone before all the many descendants and imitators came out.

>> No.9261839

Less than a year, actually. Quake came out on June 1996, and Turok on February 1997.

>> No.9261867
File: 1.17 MB, 352x640, Turok 2 - Adon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Turok sure made an inpression on it's arrival. Especially the weapon's loud and furious sound effects, for me personally.

For curiosity's sake, what was your impressions when goldenEye came out?

>> No.9262035

>You realize the game was designed on SGI workstations which ran it many times better
What the fuck even is the point of this comment?

>> No.9262041

New = bad, give me e-cred pls.

>> No.9262045


>> No.9264102
File: 2.88 MB, 640x360, T2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9264106
File: 2.90 MB, 640x360, T2 dino ride.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9264109
File: 2.90 MB, 710x400, T2e.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9264112
File: 2.90 MB, 852x480, t2 sg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9264114

War blade and Razorwind are some of the coolest weapons in Turok 2. Also Turok 2 still has some of the coolest blood effects I've seen in a game.

>> No.9264115
File: 2.92 MB, 1280x720, t2 trap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9264121

>Turok 2 still has some of the coolest blood effects I've seen in a game.
The remaster updated them and made them better. They were still good in the original but remaster made them a bit spicier.

>> No.9264424


>> No.9265190
File: 2.90 MB, 432x324, Turok2GBA1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soulless. Pic related is soul.

>> No.9266495
File: 200 KB, 1280x720, ssa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is not a meme

>> No.9266683


>> No.9268487

Having finished both with the remasters recently I think 2 > 1. It still looks great today and the music is excellent. Levels are long as hell - especially Lair and Hive and I had to check where the objectives I missed were but I just enjoyed the game so much and I already feel like playing through it again. So many weapons to use too. Enemy death animations are great & I enjoyed the theme of each level being quite different.

1 is good for the era but is a bit dated going back now. Still good. Just 2 wow'd me far harder. I didn't like the later platforming sections in 1 either. They weren't that bad but I lost 3/4 lives on them. And not having the backpack sucks in that game.

>> No.9269290

No, 2 is a fucking pain in the ass to finish the levels
That fucking feel when you're at the end of a level and you just missed one fucking objective and had to go back