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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9232672 No.9232672 [Reply] [Original]

Which one is the quintessential Zelda game?

>> No.9232673
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>> No.9232674

The first one is the quintessential Zelda. When Nintendo's finally admitted that, and look how big of a sensation the new entry was compared to the previous several Zeldas.

>> No.9232681

they're both quintessential for their respective dimension
overall i'd give it to oot for puttin more thought into the dungeons but it's still pretty close

>> No.9232687
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>> No.9232693
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OoT is leagues better, it has more gadgets, more complex moveset and cool puzzle bosses. Oh and it has DEAD HAND, a conceptually genius thing indeed

>> No.9232695 [DELETED] 

BotW is only superficially similar to the original

>> No.9232698

>black sheep of the franchise
I don't think you understood the question.

>> No.9232705

>black sheep
>sold more than half the franchise

>> No.9232706

It defined the series. Every game since has tried and failed to capture that magic.

>> No.9232712

The only good zaldor game is Breath of the Wild

>> No.9232713

3d was a mistake

>> No.9232714

Zelda 1. The ones you show are fucking boring storyshit trash as are most of the other Zelda games.

>> No.9232716

ACfag pls leave

>> No.9232723

I don't even know what that is so it's not the insult you were hoping for, kid. I'm sorry you can't "enjoy" a game without being told a fucking story like you were 2 years old trying to go to sleep without mommy reading you Goodnight Moon or some shit.

>> No.9232725


>> No.9232726

How can ALTTP be "storyshit trash" if it barely has a story to begin with? Even OOT isn't very intrusive with its story. I'm guessing you think 99% of games after the NES are bad.

>> No.9232734

Oh hey, it's the contrarian faggot with the contrarian faggot reply.

>> No.9232737
File: 358 KB, 1600x796, seasons ages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one is the quintessential Zelda game?

>> No.9232760 [DELETED] 

this, but now that BotW is out, we can say it's the quintessential Zelda, sans the soundtrack

>> No.9232761 [DELETED] 

> no hookshot
> no adventure game mechanics


>> No.9232764 [DELETED] 

I don't care about the hookshot, would be redundant anyway since there's now climbing and gliding (either of them is more fun than the hookshot anyway). No adventure game mechanics? How about the fact it is the only non-linear Zelda game

>> No.9232768 [DELETED] 

open world is kinda shallow without tools and abilities to find

there's literally no point to doing anything in BOTW because it's just 1000 same looking shrines with the same loot

>> No.9232772

Now this is a good one. Love both but probably ages. Only by a small margin

>> No.9232774

ESL here. What's the difference between essential and quintessential and do people actually pay mind to it when they make vapid threads like this?

>> No.9232776


>> No.9232778 [DELETED] 

true but that shouldn't be too surprising given the massive time gap between them.

>> No.9232779

it's a meme bro

>> No.9232782

OoT, but I prefer MM

>> No.9232787

Quintessential means representative. OP asks "what game in the Zelda series best represents what the series is all about"
Essential means fundamentally important or necessary.

>> No.9232791 [DELETED] 
File: 939 KB, 733x940, botw haters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no point to doing anything
Let's see:
>the shrines are fun to do
>the people and towns are fun to meet
>the world is beautiful
I admit that on the last point that the appeal is lost on CBD cretins confined to their apartments.

>> No.9232792

Link to the Past was life changing for me when I was a kid. And OoT blew me away as well.
I rate them as a tie as they were both utterly amazing in their own way.

I might try breath of the wild, but I'm hearing it's non linear and open world.. which sometimes those types can get boring.
But the hype is so big on it I might give it a run.

Link to the Past and OoT are both simply out of this world. If you haven't played them, cancel all your plans today and start one up

>> No.9232842

Zelda 2 fanboys are always the pinnacle of retardation. Let's put it simply: if it's unlike every other game in the entire franchise, it's not "quintessential", no matter how much you like it.

>> No.9233043

2D Zelda and 3D Zelda are pretty much different genres, but if you want the best of both worlds in one game, then A Link Between Worlds is as best as you can do.

>> No.9233074

>kinda shallow without tools and abilities to find
You've got climbing, gliding, horseback riding, shield surfing, sheikah sensor for detecting anything and everything. Yeah the game is missing the hookshot but it isn't that big of a deal since both climbing and gliding kinda cover that base. Regardless, the tools and abilities to explore are there. It's just up to the player to do so if they truly care.

>> No.9233086

Ocarina is the better game, but its impact was overstated, people talk about how influential it was to get street cred, but zelda 3 had a huge impact on the industry.

>> No.9233167

Ocarina of time overall.
alttp is the meat and potatoes of the series but oot takes that and adds the quirky writing style that has carried through every entry ever since.

>> No.9233180

alttp btw
I also consider a link between worlds as successfull remake on the same level

>> No.9233220 [DELETED] 

Only non-linear Zelda if you ignore the original and the post-Master Sword sections of both ALttP and OoT.

>> No.9233258 [DELETED] 

There's other open world games with actually complex progression built around tool use... Cataclysm DDA for example

>> No.9233268

>It's just up to the player to do so if they truly care.
Yes but that anon lacks Protestant work ethic and needs a popup every second explaining the purpose of this dungeon-specific item that achieves the same thing as every other dungeon-specific item that is never used again except this dungeon's switches can't be activated with the previous dungeon's dungeon-specific items

>> No.9233270 [DELETED] 

>post-Master Sword section of OoT
Okay and the first HALF of OoT is a SLOOOOOOOOG

>> No.9233273 [DELETED] 

Shit concept. Why shouldn't the game be fun the whole way through?

>> No.9233275 [DELETED] 

Cataclysm DDA is infinitely more fun than any zelda

>> No.9233283 [DELETED] 

Probably, I don't know what Cataclysm is. But I don't think anybody working on Mario 64 said "you know the wallkick is great but we need to withhold this feature till it's unlocked halfway through the game because it would benefit from a progression system"

>> No.9233287 [DELETED] 

How do i get over the bridge? How do I reach the forest temple? If only there were some item that added adventure game mechanics to this action game, then I could call it an Action Adventure game....

>> No.9233291 [DELETED] 

that's the whole concept of an adventure game

>> No.9233294 [DELETED] 

More like first third or both games, only the child Link portion is linear with 3 dungeons, the same as ALttP's opening third with the Light World dungeons.

>> No.9233298

If you think Zelda has a 'story' that is distracting to you, you probably have extremely low IQ. Read a book for once, fucking moron.

>> No.9233302 [DELETED] 

agreed they should also get rid of all the puzzles and focus on a purely action experience with absolutely no direction

>> No.9233315 [DELETED] 

I thought the point was adventuring.

>> No.9233325 [DELETED] 

Play zork and try to grasp what the genre is and why it's satisfying

>> No.9233335

LttP will always be the quintessential one. It took everything good about the first one, and made it better, while also removing its faults.

It truly is the best package as a whole.

>> No.9233338

points at the other spidermemefag

>> No.9233345

OoT is not really my thing, I dom't really enjoy 3D Zeldas.
1-4 are all fantastic games.

>> No.9233348


>> No.9233352

I didn't like either of those two.

>> No.9233357

What? Link's Awakening kicked ass.

>> No.9233758 [DELETED] 

This thread encompasses 12 non-retro games, 8 non-allowed games and only 7 retro games. Why did you choose to make this thread on /vr/?

>> No.9233892

There's literally an interview with Shiguyu Shiyumoto saying the reason they never returned to the the 2d sidescroller is that they all forgot how to code it.

>> No.9233901

OOT is what you hand people who have never played a zelda before, so I guess technically it.

>> No.9233948
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I guess both of those presented?
I have played most of them and there's a sharp distinction between 2D and 3D. At least in the minds of most people.
If you play them in order, 2D games progress in a certain manner, and when you reach 3D if feels like a sharp jump, though it may be just the graphics. The basic idea stays the same.
The model of model+dungeon stays mostly the same, but in newer games they became more linears endeavors.
Since these more linear games are the majority I could say that A Link to the Past is more representative of "what Zelda is".
However, most people who talk about videogames don't actually play them (including this board), so Ocarina of Time is the one that e-celebs always make 3 hour retrospective videos about so I guess that's the answer for most consumer urbanites.

>> No.9234016 [DELETED] 

Thread is pretty clearly about ALTTP and OOT

>> No.9234051 [DELETED] 

OoT>All the others except BotW>raw sewage>BotW.

>> No.9234087

Seasons was more combat driven while ages was more puzzle focused. Like them both but 2D zelda games have pretty basic combat systems so Ages just felt like a better game to me.

Ages was also the one I had as a kid

>> No.9234139

If only other Zelda games had you visting towns, helping NPCs as quests, learning new sword techniques, elaborate swordplay with one-on-one duels, a magic meter, diving deep into monster filled temples...
alas, those things never appeared in the series ever again, Zelda 2 is just too different.

>> No.9234142 [DELETED] 

>12 non-retro games, 8 non-allowed games and only 7 retro games
what would they be, and what's the difference between the former two?

>> No.9234161 [DELETED] 

Non-retro means games that are not retro
Allowed games are games that are not retro but are allowed to be posted on this board (Xbox, Gameboy advance etc.)

>> No.9234193

You know, it's interesting. For me, both those games feel like the quintessential "you had to be there" type of game. My first Zelda games were Link's Awakening followed by OoT around the time that came out, but not long after I went back and played the original, Zelda II and ALttP, and while the former two grew on me since they're quite distinct in their own right, ALttP feels... prototypical? Not a bad game by any stretch of the imagination, but it didn't stick with me, and while I've played and beaten it several times, I just end up feeling like everything it does is done better by later games. But I'm sure had I played it at the time, I'd have been blown away.

Of course, I am fully aware the same could be said about OoT, and the only reason I love it so much is because of all the time I spent playing it when it came out, so I get fuzzy nostalgia feelings from replaying it, but I am not at all surprised when a younger dude getting into the series plays it and makes a thread asking what the big deal is. You really did have to be there for it.

>> No.9234507

> But I'm sure had I played it at the time, I'd have been blown away.
I wasn't blown away or anything but I liked it a lot. And that was like, 2003 I first played it, after I had played WW for example. It's just good. IDK what your problem with it is.

>> No.9234520

OoT is the quintessential video game let alone Zelda game.

>> No.9234553 [DELETED] 

Cry more.

>> No.9234560

I split ratings between 2D/3D so I don't have to consider questions like this. Seems pointless.
I used to think Ocarina was somewhat disappointing because it has fewer dungeons than LttP, but...it's a different dimension.

>> No.9234563

Ages, by far. Seasons feels like a tech demo in comparison.

>> No.9234613


>> No.9234689

game saving without passcodes was a mistake

>> No.9234750 [DELETED] 

Go play Donkey Kong 64 if you want a collectathon and stop pretending BOTW is anything more than a collectathon platform game

>> No.9234772

I'd rather play minecraft because at least it has a skill tree. Zelda is FUCKIN BORING go play Yooka Laylee if you like rareware collectathons so damn much

>> No.9234775

why do zoomers think a skill tree is more fun than being able to conduct the game's mechanics in full from the start? Certainly, skill trees limit the creativity of the level design

>> No.9234791

Because it's more fun to find a new cool gadget buried in a dungeon than a rupee or a sword you already have or 64 different colors of bananas. It's also more adventurous to change the game mechanics depending on the tool you're using, rather than surgically fixing a handful of abilities to all the buttons. Your game turns into an action platform game. Great, 10/10 DK64 material

>> No.9234838

>Certainly, skill trees limit the creativity of the level design
Says who? Seems like the EXACT OPPOSITE would be true. Does choosing between 4 characters limit the level design in Super Mario Bros. 2? Because that's all a skill tree is, playing 4 different styles in succession. And in true adventure games it would be more complex than that, trading one ability for another, locking yourself out of one area so that you could explore a different one. Zelda has never been that complex, but it should have been by now! And it's compatible with open world, such games already exist as PC roguelikes.

>> No.9234849
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>Seems like the EXACT OPPOSITE would be true
No, because levels have to be designed in a way that you don't get softlocked for having the wrong setup. Or you can get Mega Man X6 where you simply will be softlocked.
>it's more fun to find a new cool gadget
Isn't it more fun to find new ways to utilise your tools? You know, the player themselves progressing? It's more advantageous to give new scenarios to the player instead of the Megaton Hammer which is only used in its introductory dungeon.

>> No.9234867

> No, because levels have to be designed in a way that you don't get softlocked for having the wrong setup.
Sounds like a job for world renowned game developers. Stand back indies, watch the pros solve technical and design problems and craft intricate scenarios!

>Isn't it more fun to find new ways to utilise your tools? You know, the player themselves progressing?
That's called an action game. They are very popular and well regarded!

> Megaton Hammer which is only used in its introductory dungeon.
Ocarina is short on content. Wind Waker is better. A Link to the Past and METROID found use for their items all over the map.

>> No.9234878
File: 9 KB, 435x320, sonic problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not asking for Devil May Cry type action.
Consider this Sonic level trope. How does Sonic get to the marked platform? Normally we would ask Sonic to run up the wall and then jump, sending him adjacent to the wall and landing on the other platform. It's a change in the level design and the player is asked to use the mechanics they've been given to make their way through the scenario.

However, you two anons would seem to suggest that we ought to give Sonic a double jump item, and then every level after this will have its platforms raised so high that the double jump serves no further advantage beyond this level – paving the way for the following level's planned-obsolescence item that has the same function.

>> No.9234885

>wind waker is better

>> No.9234886 [DELETED] 

I'm also just butthurt that BOTW was sold to me as being like, dwarf fortress 3D or something. Oooo the fire spreads across the field! You can catch a draft! Elemental effects! And I like all that stuff but it's not worth abandoning Zelda's roots that go all the way back to text adventures.

> paving the way for the following level's planned-obsolescence item that has the same function.

Yes that's the richness of the Adventure game genre, you look through the same stages with a different lens.

>> No.9234891 [DELETED] 

>you look through the same stages with a different lens
Yes that's why games have different level designs in each level. The trek itself is adventurous; not the skill tree, lol
>An adventure game is a video game genre in which the player assumes the role of a protagonist in an interactive story driven by exploration and/or puzzle-solving

>> No.9234939 [DELETED] 

There's just not enough gadgets, anon.

Like with climbing. It's just an artificial, abstract green bar? Could have been a tool.

They had a great idea for getting around bland skill trees, with weapon durability. You lose what you gain. Why didn't they apply that philosophy to climbing? For example, a rope. You descend, you leave it behind or you take it with you. Or you catch on fire and it burns to dust. LOSS as an option. A hookshot that breaks, why not.

They have a boat. Good start, but that's it? Also the boat sucks.

>> No.9234972

I remember as a kid, around the same time, i received ALTTP GBA version, and Oracle of Ages for GBC, and I also had played through Ocarina of Time for N64. Out of all of those, Oracle of Ages was my favorite. I remember not liking ALTTP that much, im not sure why though. ALTTP is a good game, but as a kid, Oracle of Ages was like the best Zelda game imo at the time. The story for Oracle of Ages was just the most interesting out of all of them. There's not like a single memorable thing about ALTTP for me.

>> No.9234976

Ocarina, it's the linchpin for the entire franchise

>> No.9235061

I'm playing through LttP for the first time after having chosen to skip it all this time. While surprisingly enjoyable, I still enjoyed OoT and MM more

>> No.9235079 [DELETED] 

LoZ1 and BotW share the basics in a way that LoZ1 and OoT/WW/TP simply don't. In LoZ1/BotW the basic player action is "look around, notice something that looks interesting, and investigate" while in OoT/WW/TP and the like the basic player action is "find where to go to continue the story".

>> No.9235083

It used to be, but it hasn't been for over half a decade. The ALttP/Ocarina model should've been shelved with Majora's.

>> No.9235084 [DELETED] 

BotW doesn't even have proper dungeons

>> No.9235089

This unironically

>> No.9237083


>> No.9237084

Satan wants you

>> No.9237270


>> No.9237274

I love LttP. It's my favorite game of all time.
But this is the answer. Zelda 1 absolutely.

>> No.9237289

I'm thinking about playing Zelda 1 and 2, anyone have a link to a nintendo power guide or any other old guide books? Or where to find them?

>> No.9237291 [DELETED] 

that image is just missing that faggy zoomer "pube hat" haircut

>> No.9237329

Always search the archive first.

>> No.9237380 [DELETED] 


This. BotW was fun, but it lacked Zelda. Change a few things and it could have easily been something else like the way doki doki panic became mario 2.

If BotW is more glide around the landscape, boring Shrines/lame bosses and no dungeons I'mma nope out quickly. Its gonna have its balls gargled no matter what, but I haven't felt like we've gotten a Zelda game since Majora's Mask

>> No.9237385

Majora's Mask isn't even a Zelda game.

>> No.9237401 [DELETED] 

BotW is more TES: Hyrule than a legit Zelda game. I call it Zelda Gaiden myself. Fantastic game, shitty zelda game though.
Majora is most def a Zelda game. Has all the beats needed. Dungeons, varied bosses, items in each dungeon that have varied abilities, and equipment that does not break.

>> No.9237467 [DELETED] 

TES actually has varied loot. You crawl into a deep dungeon and find some novel spells and so on. In BOTW you just find some fucking garbage or whatever, who cares what you find LOL it's one of the same dozen items.

>> No.9237470 [DELETED] 

Ocarina of Trash is a mediocre Zelda game with sh*t gameplay, ugly graphics and sh*t dungeans like the water temple.

Even Botw is better.

Anyway ALTTP is the definitive Zelda game, Zelda 1 was still too primitive due to the famicom's hardware restrictions.

>> No.9237471 [DELETED] 

I'd say even TES: Oblivion is an infinitely better adventure experience than fucking BOTW. You learn hints about shit everywhere, in an obscure book for example, and it organically leads you to some special, unique item. And there's hundreds of these.

BOTW really fucking sucks the more I think about it. Nintendo has something similar to Apple's reality distortion field going on with their fanbase and the number of simps in the reviews.

>> No.9237472

Lol keep coping, Oot hardly makes it to top 3 of zelda lists let alone all games these days.

>> No.9237474 [DELETED] 

Ocarina is great, inside the well is a classic dungeon experience and the eye of truth is cooool

>> No.9237475

that's bc people are shallow and vapid, once the technology becomes dated they won't even look at old media

this is also why the vapid SCUM refuse to even try classic roguelikes

>> No.9237519

OoT has been surpassed by just about every Zelda game released since, to say nothing of non-Zelda games.
>weird analogue stick deadzones
>low framerate
>slow text speed
>Spirit Temple, Water Temple, and Fire Temple are really good but are in the latter half of the game; the rest of the dungeons are extremely meh and the game reeeeeally takes its time to get started
>Hyrule Field
>most of your gear is only used for hitting switches in their introductory dungeon and never required again – switches that you arbitrarily cannot hit with other equipment
>the combat is really bad
>why can't Link just buy a bigger wallet? I hate Skulltulas

>> No.9237521

these are all problems yes

but it's like the Zelda 1 of 3D, they improved on the technical issues later but it's still a solid game formula. WW and TP are basically the same core game system with a lot of polish.

>> No.9237523

i see why people would say it's their favorite game, it does a lot right, but frankly i'd say it's a bit "jack of all trades, master of none"
like the later zeldas do a lot better at some important points but there's often one or two flaws that dampen the experience, and personally i can usually ignore those flaws but really it just comes down if you can do such

>> No.9237540

WW and TP superficially have the same "solid game formula" as OoT, except that the game design is actually better; you're pressing the same buttons, moving in the same way, but you're being asked to do more fun things with those same mechanics. The worst parts of those games are usually also problems in OoT.

I wouldn't really compare Zelda 1 to OoT because Zelda 1 is a much better-paced game, whereas OoT's technical issues are its least concern. BotW is obviously a much better paced game than OoT, I know a lot of people on messageboards hate BotW but the fact is none of OoT's issues are present in BotW.

>> No.9237547

well tbf it has a lot of its own problems which are more evident to people who didn't grow up with it unlike oot
idk if i'd say it's better paced though outside the beginning to zora land which you don't have to do first but you're probably going to do first unless you know bird powers are the only good ones ahead of time

>> No.9237551

The combat isn't bad, it's brilliant. Best feature of the game. It seamlessly integrates your adventure game inventory with the action. Contextually changing projectiles from first to third person depending on what you're doing - GOOD IDEA.

And I just really dig the instant shift from wandering around to circle strafing 3D fighter style, and how well your inventory items adapt to it. Hookshot, arrows, deku nuts, the function is tweaked with the lock on and it works well.

It's actually GOOD and became excellent in Wind Waker once it got the framerate and the polish it deserved. Picking enemies pockets with the grapple hook - CLASSIC adventure experience.

No, if you want a shitty, shallow, janky lock on combat system look at the PS2 GTA games. They're so janky they make even OoT's unrefined implementation look like art.

>> No.9237554

> Picking enemies pockets with the grapple hook - CLASSIC adventure experience.
Also a missed opportunity - there was never an enemy obviously carrying a dungeon key that you could nab with that trick.

>> No.9237558

>tbf it has a lot of its own problems
Hmm, well I guess I have a love-hate relationship with weapon durability. I'da liked more aesthetic variety in the dungeons. I wouldn't say BotW is a very flawed game though.
>unless you know bird powers are the only good ones ahead of time
haha I did the bird one first, didn't even know what the powers were. The fish one is good though cause it heals you
>Best feature of the game
Not really, there's no weight to your swings, the aiming controls are dog shit though I guess you can just lock on, I never used the shield, and enemies just fucking stand still foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever until they show their weakness. In BotW you can always land the hits you make; but enemies can similarly punish you if you failed to assess their tactics.

>> No.9237585

> enemies just fucking stand still foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever until they show their weakness

They usually have multiple ways to kill them. Like the jellyfish, you could use the boomerang or you could stun them with the deku nut. People with different play styles fall into different habits, and they're not always the most fun ones.

>> No.9238876
File: 60 KB, 696x518, 1644350085647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only 2 real zelda games are the original and lttp. everything else is babby shit for women and faggots. well, zelda 2 isnt, but it still sucks.

>> No.9238879

dumb frog poster

>> No.9238957

Not retro but I like Twilight Princess the most :)

>> No.9238961

easiest /thread ever.

>> No.9239000

Both of games are slogs especially ALttP

>> No.9239009

Based. AoL was the GOAT until OoT came out. Salty ALttP supremacists (also an excellent game btw) simply can't handle innovation

>> No.9239028
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This or the first one

>> No.9239070 [DELETED] 

>Even Botw is better

I don’t get the gate botw gets. I absolutely loved it.

>> No.9239081

The left one caused Graal which defined my childhood and helped me develop skills I probably wouldn't have otherwise developed.

>> No.9239124 [DELETED] 


>> No.9239170

Seasons was definitely an upgrade.

>> No.9239263


>> No.9239265
File: 174 KB, 500x375, I CHOOSE YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right
Spread your message

>> No.9239346

yeah the capcom ones were great wild how they were inspired by twin peaks of all things

>> No.9239354

is it? i haven't played em but i heard that ages is more actiony and seasons is more puzzley, i mean even if they had the similar overworlds that would make the dungeons pretty different

>> No.9239358

They use the exact same engine and the items are the same and the plots are connected. They are the same game sold in two episodes basically.

>> No.9239361

That's like saying Doom and Doom 2 are the same game.

>> No.9239367

it's not bc they were released the same day and are intended to be played and linked together

it's like 2 big expansion packs

>> No.9239372

DOOM and DOOM 2 are the same game, right down the fucking graphics, controls, hud, weapons, monsters and code. all DOOM 2 added was a few new monster types and different levels with more Alice in Chains ripoff midi music.

>> No.9239375

there is no double shotgun in these games

>> No.9239380

>they're different games because of one weapon
no retard, sorry. most actual expansion packs include more content than DOOM 2 added as a "sequel". also if they weren't literally the same game then DOOM PSX wouldn't exist which blends them into one and goes so far as to add SSG and D2 enemies to D1.

>> No.9239384
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Look, both games put together is like playing the full version of doom instead of just knee deep in the dead. It is NOT like playing doom 1 and doom 2. Doom 1 -> Links Awakening

>> No.9239390

well the engine and the plots makes sense, the items bein the same sounds lame though

>> No.9239572

Literally autistic.

>> No.9239573

you aren't totally wrong, the problem is that Zelda 1 sucks for other reasons.

>> No.9239661

It was the best action adventure ever made... in 1986. Everything else was really, really basic.

>> No.9239939

>ages is more actiony and seasons is more puzzley
Other way around.

Both games have their own set of unique items alongside the basic stuff.

>> No.9239961

This one is obviously the quintessential one. Breath of the Wild was entirely, although with significant approximation, constructed in the Zelda 1 engine before they decided it was a fun enough concept to do for real.

>> No.9239970


>> No.9239975

>Breath of the Wild was entirely, although with significant approximation, constructed in the Zelda 1 engine before they decided it was a fun enough concept to do for real.
That's not even close to accurate, they made a prototype with the visuals of Zelda 1 but in a completely separate engine than the same one as the NES game, and that was on top of already having a different prototype experimenting with things like climbing

>> No.9240331

op btfo

>> No.9241365

No it's not retard. There's unique items to each game and seasons has a dark world

>> No.9241531

there's also unique items found in each dungeon. is each dungeon its own game? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

same game anon

>> No.9241541

You just contradicted yourself and proved me right, brainlet. The dungeons aren't the same this neither are the games

>> No.9241561
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I beat Link to the past once a year, sometimes refusing to grab any extra hearts. one thing's for sure, I always rush the red and then gold sword. i grab the hammer from dark world dungeon 1, grab the hook shot from dungeon 2, get the glove from dungeon 4, then try to do dungeon 6 so the super bomb unlocks in the bomb shop. killing all the bosses i from the unfinished dungeons with the gold sword is a great feeling

>> No.9241564

This sounds interesting. I may try it on my next playthrough. I recently did something like this for OoT, rushing to get the Biggoron's Sword before even stepping in the Forest Temple.

>> No.9241568

they are the same game anon
unlike doom 1 -> doom 2, neither of them are supposed to be enhancements or improvements on the other

the differences are like sprinkles and they are spread evenly across both products

products which were released the same day and marketed together.

>> No.9241686

Different map, different concepts, different items.
You'd be hard pressed to tell me the similarities besides the first 2 words in the title

>> No.9241703

you're absolutely retarded

>> No.9241712
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same game anon. you can't even see the ending without owning both of them.

>> No.9241769
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SwitchHook isn't in Seasons.
Magnet Glove isn't in Ages.
You get different seed firing weapons in both games
You only get an L-1 Bracelet in Seasons, though this is irrelevant seeing that means there's nothing requiring anything stronger.
Magic boomerang is only in Seasons.
Cane of Somaria isn't in Seasons.

I'd also argue the dungeons have different pacing between the two games, with Seasons having a bigger focus on action, and Ages having a far greater focus on puzzles. I fucking hate the tile maze ""puzzles"" they put in that one.
Seasons almost becoming a remake of Zelda 1 is kind of a bummer. I would have enjoyed that.

>> No.9241771

>posting OOT at all
fucking tourist i swear, if you think OOT is even close to link to the past or links awakening you should kill yourself

>> No.9241862

The last bastion of a tranny with no argument. Just admit you're wrong

>Unique items on each side
You must be blind or not know what "same" means

>> No.9241875

OOT but the 2D games still use the LTTP formula, so both I guess.

>> No.9242060 [DELETED] 

> The last bastion of a tranny with no argument

You realize there's no objective line you can draw between "different games" and "the same game". It's conjecture. An adult without aspergers would read that and say, "huh haha I see what he means, they're so similar and virtually identical at first glance until you get into the specific content".

I'm sorry that your brain is so bolted down, fixed, unmalleable that you can't engage with that sort of discussion.

>> No.9242069

it's the same fucking game anon. if you play one, you already know what you're getting with the other. Link's Awakening with the engine extended to have scrolling rooms.

>> No.9242092

If LTTP/Awakening aren't the quintessential Zelda games then the best of Zelda isn't considered Zelda. If the 3D open world games are considered quintisential that is still the case, the 2D top down games simply aren't Zelda.

They are better, they set a better example, they make you think more and trick you more in to exploring and wanting to discover.

>> No.9242105

OoT. That's the game you hand to people who are new to the series. Its the most consistent game with the least amount of flaws.

>> No.9242106


Hate to be that guy, but that's entirely down to a preference between 3D and 2D

>> No.9242182

The controls are a bit clunky by today's standards. I would sooner show them WW, despite the whole triforce fetch quest.

>> No.9242431

You also only get the L-1 Roc's Accessory in Ages, though again this doesn't matter as you never need the L-2 version.

>> No.9242536
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Why are you mad lol

>> No.9242538

>you can't even see the ending
Yes you can, but there are 3 different ones. One "unlinked" for each game and the "linked" one which you get by using the password you get from the "unlinked" ending. You can even use a password from someone else's game so you don't necessarily have to play or own both of them.

>> No.9242539

>posting a young girl holding a fully grown cock
how lewd of you

>> No.9242586 [DELETED] 

>gets proven wrong
>has to change the subject and argue over semantics so he doesn't "lose"

>> No.9242734 [DELETED] 

I was wrong in the drooling autistic moron way from the very start. They are obviously sold as two different games. But they are the same motherfucking game. Sorry that this mushy form of communication broke your sperg brain.

>> No.9242740 [DELETED] 

Here, my rephrasing

They *might as well be* the same motherfucking game (because it's the same fucking game)

The pedantry is squarely on the sperg engaging with me, at all. Obviously this two different products, that are the same exact fucking product, are two different games.

>> No.9242743 [DELETED] 

Also THERE IS NOTHING RATIONAL ABOUT ANYTHING WE'RE DISCUSSING. Nothing is the same. No two atoms are the same when they occupy a different point in space. How pedantic should we be? LESS. I AM BEING LESS PEDANTIC BY LOOSENING THE STANDARDS OF "SAME" SO THAT I CAN POINT OUT





>> No.9242746 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9242927

I got high and drunk as shit the first time I played this to completion

>> No.9244265

when playing oot you sink into the game. when playing alttp you speed through the game. oot is more worth marinating in, the scenery, even taking it as slow as possible. alttp is worth speeding through, the thrill is in execution at a steady and exhilarating pace. thats the difference.

>> No.9244270

when playing oot you play for <4 hours. when playing alttp you play for <= 1.5-2 hours. when playing oot you fuck around here and there. when playing alttp admire the crispness of the spritework and amazing oot. so on and so forth. If i had to choose a place to stay at if given a choice, itd have to be oot, but thats just me :)

>> No.9244343

anon the world is just too small

you're held in with all these artificial looking walls

it's like I'm being confined. I just hate the technological limitations. I like the low poly aesthetic, the variety of items, and the general idea but the game feels like a prison.

I wish indies would make something that looks and feels like OoT with a less confining world.

>> No.9244356

no but there are real tradeoffs

>> No.9244546
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>> No.9244626

kill it with fire