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9238309 No.9238309 [Reply] [Original]

Im playing this ps2 port through pcsx2. It kind of isnt good. Any one know if the pc version is better?? Also discuss this game

>> No.9238310 [DELETED] 

the levels of mental retardation this board showcases daily is astounding

>> No.9238319

It was released before your birth

>> No.9238329

Its a pretty dogshit game. I can see why its not popular. If the pc version is at all alike. I thought it might be good. Cause its presented as a good but forgotten game. But i can see why its forgotten

>> No.9238340

>Im playing this ps2 port
Good God, why?

>> No.9238343

the pc version is kind of a mixed bag for as big of a cult classic it is. It's got a great, fun aesthetic, it's all around of a higher quality than the bond games of the time(not saying a lot), has some decent gunplay, but the AI is weirdly robotic and it constantly tries to encourage you to use a stealth system that's trash.

>> No.9238345

It was released during a time when tongue-in-cheek spy movies were still popular.

>> No.9238347

I dont know where to download the pc port and this was like 800 mbs. So it downloaded pretty fast and runs really well on pcsx2. Googled the pc port but it was like some shady sites. I also checked the doom threads mega links. I didnt see it either so i downloaded the ps2 version

>> No.9238353 [DELETED] 

don't you get tired of being a zoomie?

>> No.9238354

I never even knew it had a PS2 port so I can't make a comparison, but the PC game is amazing.

>> No.9238356

You have to be over 18 or over to post here. Come back in 5 years

>> No.9238358

Ahh that makes sense. Austin powers was pretty popular back then. Pierce brosnan bond. Thanksgiving bond marathons.

Ahh maybe i should try this stealth mechanic. I was just kinda blowing through the game just shooting everyone. Ill mess around more with the game later

>> No.9238360

Apparently it came out like early 2002. Had like one print run. Didnt sell well. Forgotten port basically

>> No.9238364

nolfrevival . tk
this site is legit. It's been linked in articles and whatnot before.

>> No.9238367

But that one print run means nothing. Its like a 10 dollar game

>> No.9238372

Oh thanks anon. I will check this later and acquire the game.

>> No.9238442

>Also discuss this game
You are not in any position to give orders.

>> No.9239259

Bro any early 2000s pc shooter ported to any console besides the xbox was gonna be shit

>> No.9239264

It's not as good as hitman, but the aesthetic is nice. all these monolith fps have fan made patches if you want to play on modern systems

>> No.9239564
File: 17 KB, 240x320, 1653913728262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing the console port of PC game
You disgust me OP.

>I dont know where to download the pc port

That's ez, just go to myabandonware.com or archive.org .

>> No.9239786

>abundant clearnet sources for all but the most lost of media
The internet is wasted on you, tard. Fucking christ, are you a woman or what? Justify your failure to find and download shit.

>> No.9239801

IIRC the stealth might be even worse on PS2. Never played it in PC but on PS2 I remember having to start and stop movement a lot since you technically couldn't just move slow enough to remain undetected. It's bizarre.

>> No.9239967

Yes that's how I got my copy.
Glad it is still around

>> No.9239987

Yeah, I think this is my biggest issue with it. It's very schizofrenic whether it wants to be a stealth game or not. Kate is too squishy to just go in guns blazing and pretty much dies to a sneeze, but the stealth system is the most basic, broken shit, where if you are spotted by one guy, you have the entire army on your ass. And then the game gives you gadgets tharlt are supposed to help you in stealth, but most of the time, they are useless. It's a weird design.

>> No.9240942

Monolith had a rough transition to actual 3D

>> No.9240958

> actual 3D

Now explain to me why Blood isn't "actual" 3D. You can't because you're just repeating words without thinking what they mean. Blood has X, Y, Z axis, all of which are extensively used in both gameplay and level design. That is the very definition of 3D.

>> No.9242381


I have the actual PC discs in my binder of forgotten games..... somwhere....
Thanks anon, this is more convenient

>> No.9242389

It's called Direct3D.

>> No.9242456

it's a cult classic for the humor and era. Shit, there's a whole thread on /vr/ right now about muh early 2000s aesthetic and this game just nails it in it's own way. The actual shooting mechanics and weapons had no gimmicks and were solid with plenty of interactive stuff, gadgets, and different atmosphere between levels It's really peak FPS not taking it's self too seriously.
it sits nicely between Quake II/Half life world we were all living in and before the dominance of party shooters (halo), and gridmark muh military shooters (COD)

Never played the PS2 version but the PC version was recently repackaged and re-released for modern OSes and worth the playthrough if you know anything about early 2000s pop culture. Why you would emulate the ps2 version?