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9229857 No.9229857 [Reply] [Original]

It just looks like a kiddie RPG and doesn't seem to do anything new. Why should I play it when there are more original RPGs out there like Chrono Trigger and Persona?

>> No.9229860

it's very charming and the battle system kicks ass

>> No.9229861

And no, this isn't bait. I was a teen when this came out and I felt like I was too cool for Nintendo at the time, so I didn't have a GameCube or GBA. The only system I had was a PS2, so I was playing the cool mature games like Shadow of the Colossus and Persona

>> No.9229865

This one is about the gameplay. Tbh there's plenty of times where the game expects you to know where some place is and if you're coming back to it after months of dropping it, it's gonna be hard to navigate. The writing ain't as good as the other Mario RPG's too, actually the text is probably more infrequent too. I didn't beat it, I got to that cloud or mushroom city (can't remember which characteristic the town had) after the Peach escort mission and haven't been compelled to come back. The battles are amongst the best in the genre though

>> No.9229868

Literally made for little babies, it doesn't require any skills. I'm not the biggest fan of turn-based combat, but these games require player skill and combat is not linear like these glorified puzzle games

>> No.9229874


>> No.9229875

i can attest to that. because when i played it originally i didnt know a word of english and somehow was able to get through it (eventually with some trial and error)

>> No.9229882

There is nothing that chrono or persona did more oriinal than M&L, oh wow two DQ clones #39930201100 amazing

>> No.9229885
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It is mostly aimed at kids, so I dunno. I played it as a kid and loved it, but I would like to recommend it to you in good faith despite this. I don't think you're really arguing in good faith when comparing it alongside games like Chrono Trigger and Persona. The former is an obvious must-play in the genre that isn't even very long, and the former bears very little similarities to this game, having more in common with blobbers and visual novels than a JRPG.
I think if you enjoyed Super Mario RPG or Paper Mario, or even if you're a big Mario fan in general that you would probably enjoy this game. I don't remember having to grind very much, Yoko Shimomura's music is really good, the battle system is genuinely very fun and unique, and the setting and new characters introduced are all very good. I especially liked what they did with Bowser in this game. It's one of the best Game Boy Advance games in my opinion.

>> No.9229909

>I especially liked what they did with Bowser in this game.
you liked him jobbing at every step?

>> No.9229916

i don't care if you play it

>> No.9229919

Yes, it was funny. Cackletta and Fawful were good enough that I think the way they handled Bowser was funny.

>> No.9229923

You shouldn't play it, it would probably filter you with its difficulty.

>> No.9229946 [DELETED] 

So true, bestie. What did you think about Partners in Time? I played that one but was pretty lukewarm on it. Was Bowser's Inside Story any good? I heard that one was a fan favorite but never played it myself. I played Dream Team and didn't bother finishing it; never played Paper Jam. I loved Superstar Saga.

>> No.9229951

Play it or don't play it, I don't give a fucking shit. Good game though.

>> No.9229953

>there's plenty of times where the game expects you to know where some place is
The game actually gives you a map that usually marks the general area you should go next. When it doesn't, there's not a whole lot of places you can even go anyway.

>> No.9229954 [DELETED] 

PiT didn't have the charm of the first imo. I got to the final boss, but dont think i ever finished it. I liked BiS, mainly sold on the fact Fawful was the main antagonist, but never finished it. I bought the first 3DS one during a sale, but never got far in it. Never tried the Paper Mario crossover one. Its too bad they never did another like PiT, except with Wario and Waluigi added, that would have been more interesting then their baby selves.

Superstar Saga is still the best i say, the others couldn't capture all the charms it had and made the combat system gimmicks too bloated.

>> No.9229974 [DELETED] 

>PiT didn't have the charm of the first imo. I got to the final boss, but dont think i ever finished it.
Princess Shroob sucked, so I completely understand that. PiT genuinely overstayed its welcome compared to the first game.
>Its too bad they never did another like PiT, except with Wario and Waluigi added, that would have been more interesting then their baby selves.
I remember thinking this exact thing back when Partners in Time came out! I always wondered why they never bothered to do something like that. The gameplay in Partners in Time was solid but playing as literal babies is so lame in comparison to playing as Wario and Waluigi. That, and the story was unfortunately nowhere near as good as the first game's.
I suppose I'll have to give Bowser's Inside Story a try eventually. I didn't know until your post that Fawful is the big bad in that one, and I'm dumb enough to give it a try on those grounds alone.

>> No.9229996

Its a genuinely fun RPG. It plays well, has delightful graphics, and an engaging story that doesn’t take itself seriously like so many stuffy JRPGs

>> No.9230000 [DELETED] 

Paper Jam was so dull that I suspect even AlphaDream themselves realised it and made the SSS and BIS remakes solely to ensure that PJ wouldn't be their last game.

>> No.9230005

Waow, very strict moderation in this thread. :/
Superstar Saga has a great battle system, great original characters, and a very fun and engaging battle system. I think anybody who enjoys either Mario or JRPGs would get a lot out of playing this one.

>> No.9230442 [DELETED] 

>Waow, very strict moderation in this thread. :/
Right? We used to have almost no moderation at all, it was a chaos, but then they changed the rules to allow 6th gen and got a resident schizo janny at the same time. Quite the coincidence, uh? Now it's the opposite and you can't post anything that doesn't please him. Imagine being so autistic you become a mod just to allow your chilhood to be discussed in a random 4chan board.

>> No.9230448

Why should I? Your loss, faggot.
No wonder you're a tasteless retard.

>> No.9230476

Its one of the best RPGs I have ever played

>> No.9230494

It's charming, looks great, sounds nice, and the combat is well thought out, but the game is way too long for it's own good and once you hit the halfway point, the game starts becoming really tedious and boring.

>> No.9230583

Chrono Trigger is just a normal RPG with time travel and Persona is just SMT with a twist. Mario & Luigi RPGs are humorous, have great music, and are comfy as fuck while being fun to pay.

>> No.9230594

Its not a hard game, my first run when I was a kid I did not understand it though (esl) and just leveled hp and no other stats
Still beat it, with pure autistic child tenacity
Replayed it a few years ago and leveled correctly and it was very easy, fun, but not hard at all

>> No.9230861

>game is way too long for it's own good
I've always felt that it's actually a bit short for a JRPG-style game. You can easily breeze through the game in under 10 hours because you can avoid most encounters and dodging means you don't have to worry about levels either since you don't take damage anyway.

>> No.9232131

>And no, this isn't bait.
Yes, it is. Either play the fucking game or don't. In time it took you to make this thread you could have downloaded the ROM and mgba and seen if the game is for you. You don't need a thread full of people going
To convince you.

>> No.9232138

It just doesn't evolve. 10 hours may be short, but if it's 5 hours of filler, then it's 5 hours too long. It's just the same thing over and over and you don't see anything new after a certain point. And while the combat has a super solid base, it can't maintain engagement with the player because of how poorly planned out fights are. You're just expected to do Bros attacks all the time or else bosses take an absurdly long time to fight. And this problem only gets worse with each sequel.

The first game is neat, but there's no reason to play any other past it. They only get worse.

>> No.9232357

the battle system is fast-paced and unique the artstyle is aged beautifully and is very "fitting" to mario (much better than the stuff they used in the 3ds titles imo) the writing has some genuinely funny moments it's just the right length the soundtrack is fantastic
is it the greatest rpg ever known to man-kind? probably not
is it a solid, genuinely fun rpg title with enough unique elements that make it worth playing? yeah

>> No.9232557

Don't play it. I don't care.

>> No.9232684

This right here. Soundtrack is also pretty solid.

>> No.9232728

>Why should I play it when there are more original RPGs out there like Chrono Trigger and Persona?
Because fun things are fun.

>> No.9232736

I loved Super Mario RPG but I never played any others because they all looked way more geared towards kids, ironic as that sounds. Always heard people say they were good / great though...
Also, what's with the tryhard anti-Persona shit? We get it, the games got popular with the Twitter crowd, so are a lot of things.

>> No.9234654

As far as rpgs go, mario games are not comparable to SMT persona games. they're both jrpgs technically, but their themes and intended audience are on opposing ends of the scale.

>> No.9235121

>there's no reason to play any other past the first game. They only get worse.
Inside Story was pretty good. Have, but haven't played the ones after it, though.

>> No.9236782

You should play it because your heart yearns for the realization of the chance, that tiny chance, that sometime near the emotional climax of the game, Mario and Luigi will kiss

>> No.9236787

It's fun.

>> No.9236826

10 year old vs 15 year olds, some difference

>> No.9237813

super mario rpg and paper mario / paper mario ttyd are way better than this

>> No.9239810

>Also, what's with the tryhard anti-Persona shit?
None of the previous anti-Persona posts are mine, but for me personally my issue is really just with Persona 5. It's the weakest in the series in terms of plot and characters, and yet its immense popularity all but killed the greater Megami Tensei series for the last decade or so (admittedly Persona 4 was the one to start this) and even now that we've got our first non-mainline non-Persona non-rerelease spinoff since 2011 (also worth mentioning there have been eight Persona games/spinoffs since then not including rereleases with extra content) in Soul Hackers 2, it's full of obvious Persona 5 influence. I don't think the Persona series is bad by any means, the two Persona 2 games and Persona 3 are some of my favorite RPGs. I don't even think Persona 5 is necessarily a bad game. And Soul Hackers 2 is great from what I've played so far. It's just kind of demoralizing to see the entire Megami Tensei series get completely derailed because of one of the weakest entries in it because it got popular with people who have never touched the series.
As for the other people, idk they probably just see anime characters and assume everyone overexaggerating the dating sim aspect of the games is telling the truth and get mad

>> No.9241465

smrpg gets the babys first rpg label but that has a matured comedic script whereas m+l is all slapstick-like reddit nickelodeon garbage. These games taking themselves seriously ever is such an eye-roll. SMRPG and TTYD have weight to their tone. This entire franchise should have ended at this game or its sequel. BiS is an abortion.

>> No.9242263

>m+l is all slapstick-like reddit nickelodeon garbage
Superstar Saga and Partners in Time aren't, but after that yeah. TTYD has better writing than any other Mario RPG anyway, excellent balance of comedy and serious stuff

>> No.9242278

idk the first two games are slapstick too but there's nothing wrong with that imo although sometimes it does come off excessive when it keeps happenin to one character, like bowser's inside story doesn't really have anyone be the "punching bag" so to speak
dunno about dream team i didn't play that one

>> No.9242862

>doesn't seem to do anything new
it probably wasn't the first game to try it but an RPG where you don't just dick around taking damage when it's an enemies turn is pretty innovative and makes turn-based combat much more engaging. It doesn't have the strategy involved in most traditional turn based RPGs but that's the trade-off