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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 220 KB, 800x804, 3A3A6D65-AE4B-4F23-9665-2F6160109B5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9222862 No.9222862 [Reply] [Original]

Lets ignore the Usual Suspects, ie: Radiant Silvergun, SOTN, Street Fighter, etc. There’s over 1000 other games. Some of them have to be good, right?
Bonus points if it’s still somewhat affordable.

Picrel this is a top 5 shooter for me easily

>> No.9223142
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, Idol-Janshi-Suchie-Pai-Saturn-Tribute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not alot of folks know or will bother how to play riichi mahjong so this gets overlooked

>> No.9223215

AnEarth Fantasy Stories
Astra Superstars
Blast Wind
Chaos Seed
Code R
Elan Doree
Fire Pro Wrestling S
Guardian Force
GunGriffon II
Konami MSX Antiques
Langrisser IV
Linkle Liver Story
Nanatsu Kaze Monogatari
Ninpen Manmaru
Riglord Saga 2
Steamgear Mash
Super Tempo
Tengai Makyou IV
Terra Phantastica
Willy Wombat
Zoku Gussun Oyoyo

>> No.9223884
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1080, LindaCube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's gone up like crazy in the past few years. Tengai Makyou IV still dirt cheap though.

>> No.9224934

Super tempo needs some attention for sure, don't understand why it's not mentioned more. Guess being on 32x and jap only Saturn isn't helping.

>> No.9225182

I own it because i loved the 32X game and both look fantastic, but they really are not great platforms sadly. They are successors to Bonk, both ips made by RED. And just like bonk, they look great, but have iffy gameplay. They are both very slow moving games with very little "direction". Lots of stuff thrown in a level you think you should collect with no real understanding of what it does. 32X would be fine if the boss fights were not atrocious as fuck. Super is imo one of the best looking 2D games, but the gameplay doesn't match. It kinda reminds me of Japanese Earthworm Jim in that it will have sections where it just drops the normal gameplay and goes "this is the game now" and changes into something else, which is fine if you dont go into it wanting strictly a platformer. Bosses are much, much better, but has 2 real gimmick fights.

I think Red's issue is they were rpg guys and could produce fucking amazing cartoony platformers visuals, but they sucked at level design and focusing in on what plays good. Bonk and Tempo feel like games made by people with ADD and not in a good war necessarily, lots of ideas thrown in, messy, mix mash level design that isnt very good the deeper you go. If they could have gotten outside assistance to develop the "game" parts and they handled the visuals and character designs, they may be the greatest 2D games of the 32bit era. I still love them both for what they are and are worth trying for yourself, but i dont think id ever nominate them for any "best games" lists.

>> No.9225281
File: 60 KB, 361x520, Otaku_no_Video-634531574-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That cover reminds me of pic rel

>> No.9225305

Super Tempo is too well known, looks cool but wish it was cheaper

>> No.9225426

based kenichi sonoda

>> No.9226060

Too bad nobody can read it.

>> No.9226404
File: 137 KB, 302x361, shady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't there built in translation options in emulators now? Would probably be more accurate than whatever fan translation eventually gets dropped.

>> No.9226472

I don't emulate so it wouldn't help me much.

>> No.9226628
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I'll continue to bang the drum of Digital Pinball Necronomicon which is the greatest digital pinball game ever made.

>> No.9226785
File: 795 KB, 1400x1400, HTColumns_Saturn_JP_Box_Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game was my jam last year when I started emulating a bunch of Saturn games. It and Pukunpa are probably my favorite puzzlers on the system

>> No.9226787
File: 159 KB, 640x640, 53112--joshi-takau-no-houkago-pukunpa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's Pukunpa, very fun puzzler that lets you where you can make chains very quickly and easily

>> No.9227024
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>> No.9227025

>taito f3 arcade system shmup
>time traveling helicopter in space

>> No.9227057

Psychic Assassin Taromaru. At one point it was one if the most expensive Saturn games on the market. Not sure if it holds that title these days though.

>> No.9227091

I played a burn copy, didn't realize it was that popular but prices for alot of Saturn games are high. Shit I bought 2-3 years ago is easily twice as much now. Wish it would peak and level off.

>> No.9227092
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>> No.9227094

I can see your point with bonk, which I feel is isn't given it's due and that may be due to the points you mention. Bonk is more adventure island than Mario and that's probably a barrier for some.

>> No.9227162

i am monitoring this thread

>> No.9227303

That Parodius double pack is also on the PS1, though IIRC the Saturn version has a secret hidden level in the first game.

>> No.9229719

>And just like bonk, they look great, but have iffy gameplay.

bonk 2 and super bonk 2 have very strong level design, and are each top platformers on their respective consoles

bonk 1 is fun but rough around the edges, bonk 3 is a lazy cash-in, and super bonk 1 is just odd

>> No.9229741
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Here are a few I've enjoyed. Starting with Purikura pictured, not sure how well known it is but its great mindless fun
Also Dragon Force 2 is japan only I think, but has a fan translation. It's sad this series never continued because the real time strategy in retro form is super unique. Others are
Koutetsu Reiki: Steeldom is a cool fighter with monsters (sequel to Reverthion)
G Vector for an awesome star fox style game
Cotton series
Assault Suit Leynos 2
Battle Garegga
Linkle Liver Story is a kinda zelda like ARPG
Bulk Slash fan translation is obviously awesome robot fun
Cotton Series has some good entries
Shinrei Jusatsushi Taroumaru is a cool action platformer

>> No.9229747
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, image_2022-09-02_205033603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadows of the Tusk is a very unknown deck building TRPG where pretty much everything besides the dialogue is English. Not sure if its good but its pretty unique in its own way. It's kinda like a chess board game

>> No.9229751

Soukyugurentai. It's like a better version of RayForce, which was already good enough.

>> No.9229756
File: 2.78 MB, 612x320, stellar assault ss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see that my half decade of shilling saturn kino has not gone to waste, you're all missing out on Stellar Assault SS, sequel to the best 32X game; Shadow Squadron. Stellar Assault SS is the kind of 3D flight combat game dreams are made of. 3D control pad support, hefty weighty movement, awesome attacks, tons of explosions, weaving in and around massive blasts and superb visuals built for the Saturn. Oh and the music is one of the best examples of the Saturn as sound hardware, it's done entirely on the console. Great stuff. My personal favorite track is this one, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-be07tyEjwY with its steady build up into a chaotic fight among asteroid fields while you're destroying massive ships.

>> No.9229767

Take your buzzword cringe and kys

>> No.9229769
File: 3.00 MB, 1000x754, sssliders.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go drink bagged milk you canadian

>> No.9229830
File: 17 KB, 360x360, DFF15F32-A8D4-4D46-8403-8A33A66C33CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its spelled KANO dumbass
& What I wanna know... if this Shang Tsung guy's so great, how come he's got such a crummy-looking boat? Ah, anyway, guy gives me the creeps.

>> No.9230085

>Aren't there built in translation options in emulators now?
Imagine google translate. It's really bad on its own. But now imagine if it was 100 times worse, and you have to subscribe to some sort of service thing. That's what those emulator features are like.

>> No.9230979

That's sad. Google Translate has come a long way from where it was even a few years ago and DeepL is a step up from that, so it would be nice if there were a decent emulator translation option for people who don't want to learn Japanese.

>> No.9231982

I want more!

>> No.9232223

liquid kids is awesome, theres also ninpen manmaru a 3d platformer you can use your 3d controller with, recently received an english patch

>> No.9232241

it's been on my hit list for little while, it looks pretty nice and the price's not ridiculously high

>> No.9233843

>40 dollars for a pinball game
>with 3 tables

>> No.9233965

it also comes with a dreamtheater album.

>> No.9234070
File: 854 KB, 300x200, darksaviorplatforming.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like the story aspect of jrpgs but hate the gameplay. For better or worse this game is like no other.

>> No.9236029
File: 313 KB, 500x375, medium_2_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has this been translated yet?

>> No.9237478
File: 31 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tryrush deppy is a cute platformer

>> No.9237491

I do like the Japanese toon thing it has going but the music is kinda ass which sucks.