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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 12 KB, 184x276, mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9227513 No.9227513 [Reply] [Original]

Why did they fuck up Mario's colors in All-Stars?

>> No.9227520

That's the way he looks on the Japanese box art.

>> No.9227526

Don't mind the colors, but god what an ugly-ass sprite. Definitely the worst Mario has ever looked, at least in a 2D game.

>> No.9227560

They basically took SMB3's model and fuck it up there

>> No.9227675

Racist Japanese reinforcing the fat greasy wop stereotype.

>> No.9227691
File: 38 KB, 600x600, sprite_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mario will never look this aesthetic again

>> No.9227693
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>> No.9227867

I think he looks cute and energetic enough. The All-Stars look overall is very pretty and lively, glossy yet not overblown. Still it's kinda weird to think the levels are the same as the NES SMB1 & LL.
In brief, Mario looks the best he's ever looked, but should the game with those looks be THE Mario game, or a brand new one?

>> No.9227875

Fair enough on the last one but you need to read up on cyclopean masonry.

>> No.9227894

Smw is ugly as hell too, Mario had a surprisingly rough transition to...2d?

>> No.9227928

yeah nobody who matters prefers the All-Stars graphics

>> No.9228032


>> No.9228049

This. It looks fine.

>> No.9228242

I associate the fat ugly Allstars Mario 1 sprite with a Mario bootleg for the Sega Genesis I ran into when I first started emulating when I was a kid

>> No.9228256

I associate it and the SMW sprite with those old Mario flash animations

>> No.9228334

>why did they fuck up something in soulless remakes
gee i wonder. as if remakes were always bad and not a new fad

>> No.9228347

It was laundry dayvd

>> No.9228395

The All-Stars hate is so autistic and forced.

All-Stars was about having the entire Mario console series on one cart for their current system at the time. Never once has anyone ever tried to say one replaces the other or anything, it was always about convenience and the increase in technology/hardware that allowed all these games to exist on the same cart.
No swapping, no plugging in your old NES to play Mario again, it's all there for you on the SNES.

>> No.9228527

I never met a kid IRL who preferred All Stars back when it was relevant, we all had the originals on NES and greatly preferred them. Everything about AS from the look to the feel was just wrong.

>> No.9228541

yes we all understand the point of remakes.
what you're forgetting is that the same logic you're using here could be used to defend every remake that you hate

>> No.9228605

No it doesn't. Mario's overalls aren't supposed to be red.

>> No.9228613

it's almost like some remakes are good and some are bad

>> No.9228624

>it's almost like some remakes are good and some are bad
no because according to you it's all about making things convenient for the modern age
it doesn't matter if they ruin it—accessibility trumps all, right

>> No.9228626

What the hell are you talking about? He looks great.

>> No.9228636

Because years later they knew someone with nothing better to do with their life would start a thread about it on 4chan

>> No.9228693

>fat protruding gut
>ugly ass red overalls
yeah no anon it's shit. If I wanted to play as Wario I'd play a Wario game.

>> No.9228705

you're not gonna tell me the guy who dreams about pasta and daydreams about shrimp is not fat
he may not be on wario's level but he's gotta have some chub to him

>> No.9228718


>> No.9229124

I literally love each Mario from every Mario game.

>> No.9229296

I like when nintendo does the 20's to 40's cartoon look.
Game and watch is a big example.

>> No.9229361

Imagine being this autistic

>> No.9229373

nobody who matters plays mario games lol

>> No.9229407

Aesthetic reasons probably, always loved that look desu

>> No.9229410

Needs more frames of animation.

>> No.9229446
File: 22 KB, 400x200, 1662168085973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you baiting for this gif to be posted?

>> No.9229447

Post the quantum bouncing version, you know you want to.

>> No.9229460

Why did they change the castles in smb1? They look like Flintstones Hannah Barbera shit.

>> No.9229461
File: 726 KB, 1340x1170, 03027239-6947-491A-8D88-718DE8868203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.9229467

I always liked Super 2 Mario Bros. But I preferred Super 64 Mario.

>> No.9229475
File: 1.01 MB, 1536x2048, 1654114919083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They used the perfect Mario as reference..

>> No.9229476
File: 2.09 MB, 452x439, 92185FBB-5FF2-4A0E-8806-05991949151C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t find the right one

>> No.9229496

39 here, I could beat all this shit in 2nd grade. Fully grown zoomer men have to use game genie, save states and walkthroughs to even beat 1-1 on any SMB game

>> No.9229501

Mario 3 always looked ugly

>> No.9229513
File: 79 KB, 666x461, 8284E1E1-AF51-457D-9A30-852D765DAF8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They didn't fuck anything up, he had red overalls in the original.

>> No.9229601
File: 504 KB, 1204x2060, remake_SMB3_ending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all those unique assets thrown away for soulless copy+pasted assets

>> No.9229758

I had some weird quirk with my SMAS+SMW copy. About 8 out of 10 times, I could press select in SMB3 and Mario would cycle through power-ups. That meant not only I could have the ability I wanted, when I wanted, but also infinite health replenishment. I've never understood that glitch, my game was genuine, so it was not a bootleg issue. Did anyone have something similar happened to you?

>> No.9229848

They're on literally one screen.

>> No.9229863

pasta sauce

>> No.9229869

Wow zoomers are seriously slacking. Too much mac and cheese or what?

>> No.9229872

I have always been ugly

>> No.9230169

He had red overalls in SMB1 tho.

>> No.9230589

The AS remake of the original Mario looks plain awful.

>> No.9230618

Sonic has blue arms!

>> No.9231414

I never saw anyone go on a hate campaign against Super Mario All Stars of all things until recently with /vr/. There are so many genuinely shitty games out there but we have thread after thread of "Mario hits his head on a brick wrong which I can fix but don't want to".

>> No.9231520

There's no "/vr/'s opinion". On imageboards (not only 4chan), one single schizo can give the impression of being a hundred (or more) people. It's anonymous, so, as long as he still has stamina, he can continue to spread his madness.

>inb4 "muh posters count"

Really? You know you can *easily* evade that, right?

>> No.9231539

Sounds like the game was bugging out and going into Debug mode to your benefit.

>> No.9231546

Definitely a possibility. Thanks!

>> No.9231549

That would be the debug mode:
>Due to a programming oversight, the old debug mode has a tendency to randomly enable itself on real SNES consoles.
>It is possible to activate the original SMB3 debug mode (left over from the NES version) by writing 80 to 7E0160--an uninitialized part of the stack. The original NES version sets this to 00 when you start the game, but the SMAS version does not do this! Due to the unpredictable state of RAM when the console is powered on, one could get lucky and wind up with a value of 80 at that address, thus enabling debug mode.
>While this would seem like a 1 in 256 chance each time the system is turned on, the RAM seems to usually settle into certain defaults when powered up, which varies between individual SNES units. Some systems will reliably write 80 to 7E0160, which gives the appearance of a debug mode enabled cartridge. This has resulted in numerous reports over the years that an "early batch" of SMAS cartridges were produced that had the debug mode enabled by default.
So most likely, your cartridge was normal, but you had an SNES that wrote the correct value most of the time. Pretty cool.

>> No.9231550

Mario ass starts

>> No.9231559

Wow! Thanks a lot! Now I know. I also had a similar issue with Sparkster, in which I could select the stage (and part within it) from the start menu.

>> No.9231603
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>> No.9231669 [SPOILER] 
File: 41 KB, 400x600, 1613139861449.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9231673

there it is

>> No.9231716

mario if he real

>> No.9231814
File: 2.73 MB, 1244x934, 1564104945917.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9231819


I really don't care. I love them both. I'm glad they wen't a different route. The graphic style for the most part is not better, but the music was a faithful upgrade.

>> No.9231974
File: 2 KB, 282x289, 1651540560074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
