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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9227149 No.9227149 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here 35+ years old and feel like you lost your touch when playing games you used to be great at? For me my hands aren't just as fast as they used to be and it saps all the enjoyment out of retro games to the point where i would rather watch people play said games on youtube. I figured sites like retroachievements would be great but a lot of those things are ultra hard for the sake of being ultra hard and tedious, like that shit would have been great 30 years ago when i had the patience for grinding them out. I dunno, maybe I'm just not into this shit anymore and it really makes me think i could have spent my time doing better shit. /endrant

tl'dr = old man has old man hands and hates gaming.

>> No.9227152

i just play for 5 minutes and start raging at the game and quit then after I realize I wasn't hating the game itself I just was straining my eyes, neck and probably holding my breath or other some stupid geezer shit

>> No.9227154

i feel like i got better
i became the arcade pcb shmup fag that everyone hates here
highly skilled

i moved away from rpg and simple sports/platformer/racers

just make memories
life is over before you know it
spend time with people/titles u enjoy anonkun

>> No.9227159

Same. I've found buying old shmups on the switch store with a 3 to 5 minute caravan mode really satisfies the itch.

>> No.9227168

31 and I only get better. Realistically speaking if you've been playing in a non casual way since your childhood, age won't be a factor at all until you're like 55. You should stop using that as an excuse for being bad.

>> No.9227174

I think the only thing that's gonna slow me down or stop me is if I have kids in the next 5 years, by then I probably won't care also.

>> No.9227184

>having kids

>> No.9227234

Sorry you're not with someone at 32.

>> No.9227237

Nope, beat the castlevanias and GnG not too long ago

>> No.9227243

I have a wife and we'll never have kids. Sucks to be you I guess

>> No.9227280

You're a manchild. Having children is the way to go but its probably for the best that your line dies out.

>> No.9227285

I’m going to assume you replied to the wrong post, if not then you are Gary

>> No.9227290

31, I think I got better overtime, especially after watching speedrun tricks and stuff on YouTube. I feel the opposite about watching people play actually, it gets very boring after a while. Same thing with watching people draw, would rather just do it myself.

Sorry you're stuck with one person :)

>> No.9227292

You're probably just rusty or burned out, same thing happens to me after not playing for a while or playing too much

>> No.9227295

>playing games you used to be great at
Joke's on you, I have never been good at any old game.

>> No.9227353

>Anyone here 35+ years old and feel like you lost your touch when playing games you used to be great at?
That often happens with any skill that you haven't used for a very long time. Happens to be that skill was one game for you.
>hands aren't fast enough
Reflexes only take you so far, you still need to learn levels and enemy patterns. Unless you have arthritis then you should be more than capable using your pattern recognition on triumph over games.
>but a lot of those things are ultra hard for the sake of being ultra hard and tedious
Such things are to extend play time with such games. Ran into someone playing Contra Hard Corps doing a no pick up run. Can't say I'd envy them not having fun switching various weapons for the situation. Sure it adds challenge, but some bosses take longer as well along with less variety on your end.

>> No.9227496

I'm 31 and my 2 year old is getting close to the age where we'll be able to game together. Feels good man.

>> No.9227501

Sorry to hear that.

>> No.9227504

If I wanted that I'd have stayed single.

>> No.9227629

The time in between playing your go-to games has probably increased without you thinking about it. Instead of playing R-Type twice a year, you’re now playing it every 2-5 years, and your skills are appropriately degrading at that game.

>> No.9227674

Having kids is a blast, why do some people think otherwise?

>> No.9227684

Some people want their lives all for themselves, anon. they'll pay for their choices by probably growing old alone, but alas, no choice is goes without a price to pay.

>> No.9227698

My son is 6, the other week he and I got onto the elevator level in Streets of Rage 2. Damn proud.

>> No.9227730

I really hope I can still play vidya as I age.

>> No.9227752

I'm in my 40's. I'm still good at games I was always good at. New shit though, I play on the easiest setting. I don't have time for the bullshit and I suck. Most old stuff have easy patterns to follow. Like Punch-out, watch Mike's eyebrows for the punches and so on.

>> No.9227781

I have lots of games but precisely zero motivation or interest in playing any of them.

>> No.9227796

32 and recently started Godhand. Not sure if im failing because im to slow or i just don't fully understand how to play it correctly.

>> No.9227807

Godhand has layers of clunky to get through until you start to get it and enjoy.

>> No.9227856

Oh i do enjoy it if it was just a standard beat em up, but i feel like im not grasping the complexities of selecting move strings and when to use them.

>> No.9227859

You pick that up as you play, you rarely have to react to inputs fast.

>> No.9227860

I'm 40. I got better but lose attention quicker. Also I really rather not play games anymore. They're such a huge time waster.

>> No.9227864

i was never good at fast paced action games as a kid, but i'm actually better in my 30s

>> No.9227960

The only game I played as a kid I couldn't beat on a modern replay was Super Punchout. Last time I tried it was on an LCD TV, so maybe if I try it on my CRT I'll have more luck. Alternatively, it might just be that I was willing to tank 20 game overs in a row as a six year old but don't care that much as adult.

>> No.9227980

I think it's because those people don't see themselves as capable of raising kids. I feel bad for them, especially so for outspoken antinatalists who think it's straight-up unethical to have kids.

>> No.9228000

I still get my ass handed to me by the bruiser brothers.

>> No.9229465

I'm 37 and better and faster than ever at games.

>> No.9229519

why have a wife then?

>> No.9229558

That doesn't sound cool, you sound like a low-T faggot.

>> No.9229921

Sounds like your coping trying to justify the massive monetary and time investment not to mention all the stress that takes years away from your lifespan

I'm 35 and look 25. I've noticed that other childless people look way younger too.

>> No.9230101

No. Get yourself a CRT and a wired controller and play older games on that. I'm 42 and haven't lost any skill at all. I guarantee it's your shitty modern screen full of input lag or your rubbish 8bitdo controller that's throwing you off

>> No.9230137

36 here. I think my dexterity, fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, etc. are still the same as they used to be. In some respects I'm more patient, I find myself raging less and less at video games, where as I used to get really mad at them, now if I catch myself starting to yell at a game I'll feel silly, which actually helps with performance in a sense. In some other respects though, I'm less patient. There's some games that I got good at when I was younger that I tried to pick up lately, THPS and Twisted Metal Black are two examples, where I could put in some time and get good at them again, but I just feel it would take too much time to do so.

>> No.9230164

I feel like my reflexes have been getting slighly worse ever since I turned 25 and I'm already in my mid 30s, but other than that I'm a far better player now than I was as a kid or even a teen. Experience is unironically a factor, when you do the same shit for years and years, you build up a lot of muscle memory and your brain start to recognize patterns and react to them automatically. But again I'm a loser with no family and barely any responsibility so I still get to play a lot, and that's the important part. It's more of a time issue than an aging one, even if the age obviously plays a factor.

>> No.9230260

I am in my mid-40s and simply becoming faster and stronger. Stop being weak.

>> No.9230341
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I'm 47 now and still do well at most things. For me it's mostly practice, I'm rusty at fighters these days cause I play them maybe once a month now where I used to play them daily. But Injustice wasn't that long ago and I was in the top 10% of online players even at my age.

>> No.9230479

Im almost 50 and could destroy any of you in Street Fighter 2 Turbo.

But my shooter game days are behind me. Which sucks because I loved Gradius

>> No.9230481

Is that u alex valle

>> No.9230484

I'm 34 and as good as I was before. But I had slow maturing.

>> No.9230552

Replying to off-topic garbage

>> No.9230703

Yes yes anon you told us, now go make another Far Cry or Halo thread, that's what /vr/ is about

>> No.9231632

>it really makes me think i could have spent my time doing better shit.

You could.

I realised early on, luckily. I used to be a huge gamer, like stereotypical shut in nerd, when I was in high school. Played online all night on Q3, UT2004, Command and Conquer and shit. I took up guitar, learned music production, man I dread to think what my life would be like if I hadn't gotten into those things. I'd honestly probably be a NEET, probably still be a virgin, probably have nothing to show for my life and feel totally hollow by this age.

The key to all things in life is moderation. If you excessively indulge one type of pleasure, you will become numb to it. You don't have to be the world's best at whatever it is you do- Let go of that notion. Play to have fun.

You're not too old to try new things Anon. You've been playing games for 30 years, and while games are great, there's lots of things you can do. Learn to cook. Go mountain biking. Write a book. Take a course in motorcycle maintenance. Get addicted to painting plastic soldiers. Learn to draw furry porn. Whatever.

Just don't spend your whole life thinking videogames are the be-all end-all. They are ultimately just a pointless time killer, keep that in mind.

>> No.9231637


A Nintendo 64 can't suck your cock Anon.

>> No.9231664

you can save giant amounts of money by having a hooker suck your cock every once in a while.

>> No.9231683
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Anyone who is really skilled at something will eventually have that skill falter due to age. I think you could have wasted time with way worse.

>> No.9231979

Fighters at high level are more mind games than pure execution. It's why you can feel yourself getting worse and worse at Gradius every time you play it, you can still mop the floor with supposed big boys in Street Fighter. You are now the old man at the dojo with a pot belly and walks with a cane who can kick your ass while yawning.

>> No.9231992

I refuse to believe age is a factor in the slightest in any videogame except the top 1% multiplayer esports trash. If you're under like 55 age won't do shit to you, unless you've always played games sporadically.

>> No.9231995

Out of curiosity, how old are you?

>> No.9231997


>> No.9232001

I thought so.

>> No.9232005

Stop blaming your shortcomings on your age.

>> No.9232062

nah im still good. I use a mister fpga or original hardware though.

>> No.9232081

Kek Im 33 and have a son to carry on my name the only reason we're here. 25? Believe that if you want bro hahah. What's the difference if you do anyways? Who you trying to look good for?

>> No.9232162

38(39) in 2 weeks and nope, I feel as sharp as ever.
Hell I bought that tmnt collection and beat the first stage of the NES arcade port without dying for the first time ever, couldn't do that as a kid.
Also came close to 1ccing the OG arcade ver.

Playing games keeps your sharp old man, keep at it, you'll get that groove back.

>> No.9232186


>> No.9232220

Your name isn't worth shit. Nobody will even remember you existed in three generations. Seethe more.

>> No.9232602

>old man hands
I dont know man if your hands are noticeably slower so it even affects your performance in single player games, you might have some illness dunno brain or something.

>> No.9232605

no i mean why have a wife but no kids? just have a girlfriend at that point, kinda gotta spend a lot for a marriage

>> No.9232612

I didn't say I was. I'm laughing at a 30 year old saying what 50 will feel like.

>> No.9232615

Unless you get serious health problems by the time you're 50, you're not gonna be too slow or old for any fucking videogame.

>> No.9232627

Turning 31 in a few days.
I have a very hard time picking a game and sticking to it long enough to accommodate to the gameplay.
So I turn to easier modern games (like Elden Ring) or replay old games for the familiarity I have with them (Doom, Metroid, Sonic)

I need a new hobby

>> No.9232678
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After playing brood war on bnet off/on for 23 years and I'm finally calling it quits as far as 1v1 and 2v2 goes. My fingers can't keep up with what I want them to do, and they begin to cramp up after about 30 min. Even with sc:r and the hotkey customization I just can't keep up with the game mechanically anymore.

Really makes me sad, I made lots of buddies and have so many memories over the years playing this damn game. Guess I can play UMS, but it just doesn't do it for me.
t. Literal 49 year old grandpa

>> No.9232701

Im actually leagues better than I used to be. I have focus and speed, when I was a kid in the 80s and 90s I was all speed and not much else. the only difference now is I dont find a lot of time to play games

>> No.9232715

50 and just as good as I was back then. Haven't lost a step yet.

>> No.9234402

I'm supposed to have surgery and may be stuck on the couch for 6+ weeks. I've got a list of PS1 games I recently picked up and don't know where to start first. I have never played the Playstation 1 so don't know what to start with
Silent Hill
Persona revelations
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Vagrant Story
Tekken 3
Hardball 5
The Legend of Dragoon
Dragon Ball Z (JPY)
Breath of Fire 3
Final Fantasy (JPY)
Legacy Of Kain Soul Reaver
Final Fantasy Tactics
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Bushido Blade 2
Theme Park
Parasite Eve
Final Fantasy II (JPY)
The King Of Fighters 95
Final Fantasy Anthology
Generation Advance Not For Sale Disc (JPY)
Final Fantasy VII
Tales of Destiny
Namco Special Disc Not For Sale (JPY)
Tactics Ogre
WCW Vs The World
Dance Dance Revolution
Front Mission 3
Wild Arms
Command And Conquer
Power Move Pro Wrestling
The King Of Fighters 97
Lunar Silver Story
Lunar Blue Complete
Bushido Blade
Metal Gear Solid
Final Fantasy Premium Package
The King of Fighters 98
Mobile Suit Gundam Game Animation DVD
The King of Fighters 99
Civilization II
Hudson Making of DVD
RPG Maker
Red Alert Retaliation
Castlevania Chronicle (JPY)
Samurai Showdown
Legacy Of Kain Blood Omen

>> No.9234407

Hudson Making of DVD

>> No.9234409

On it

>> No.9234414

Ok here we go, the order I'd suggest
>Metal Gear Solid
>Final Fantasy 7
>Castlevania SotN
>Silent Hill
>Final Fantasy Tactics
>Parasite Eve
Doesn't matter after that. Good luck with your surgery!

>> No.9234418

I'm 33 but I stopped giving a damn about skill a long time ago, I mostly play games just for enjoyment and stress-relief. My mindset is to only build enough skill to finish the single-player campaign.

>> No.9234429
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I'm 38 and still enjoy games, although I took a 10+ year break from them in my 20s. Haven't noticed any age-related skill issues so far. I keep track of all the games I beat/played a lot in the last five years, here are my top 100 most enjoyed since ~2017. Probably will take another break from games for a while soon and move on to books or film or something novel to consoom for a bit, but I'm sure I'll return to the hobby on and off for the rest of my life.

>> No.9234434

33 and I feel far better at games than when I was a kid. Way more patient and willing to carefully observe my surroundings & consider the resources available to me

>> No.9234436

you wont have any sort of existence in one generation let alone three. The fact you're a 30 something year old retard arguing on anime messageboards using teenage meme vocabulary proves you are not married

>> No.9234437

This, where in the absolute fuck was my brain at when I was younger? Or even in my early adult years.
I play some of the older games now and I question how the fuck I struggled in the first place.

>> No.9234543

I am though, cope

>> No.9234551

I’m much better at games now than when I was a kid. I don’t think I ever actually finished a single game when I was young (although to be fair most of my games were unplayable turbojank like Spiderman and X-Men: Arcade’s Revenge on SNES). Nowadays I’m way more patient and can complete plenty of hard games.

>> No.9235208

Thanks anon! I’m excited to play some of these

>> No.9235226

If you are 35 and you think you are old unironically - you've got bigger problems than games.
Get some daily exercise, stop boozing/getting stoned on the regular and try some different games, given that you are interested in games at all and not just use them as a meaningless distraction from your midlife crisis bullshit, and you do it so much that games become associated with that depression (if that's the case - fuck off to do a different hobby).
It's fun to call some 35yo gramps when you are 10 years younger, but 35 is not even close to being old.

That's a pretty basic list you've got there, my guy.

>> No.9235228

You're not 60, it's way too early to talk about "old man hands", you just lack practice.

Also it might be you're using shit emus, at 20 I couldn't beat shit from my childhood without savescumming out the ass, now 30 with a crt setup and I'm beating that shit like I used to
(not saying you actually need CRT, just a good setup)

>> No.9235290

I'm 36 and I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better at games than I ever was. Today I master "Nintendo-hard" games with a yawn, while back then I had to ask for hints to beat SotN and played FFVII with a guide.

>> No.9235832

>Sorry you're not with someone at 32.
I am, it's just I'm, well, GAY

>> No.9236348

Ummm…? Yikes

>> No.9236405

i hope you live long enough to bury your children blogging ass normalfag, die alone painfully

>> No.9236413

both you and your son are completely worthless and he's probably going to end up a retarded faggot with you as his father, hopefully he's buried in the ground before he has to face what a moronic piece of shit his father is though

>> No.9236442

My 2 year old son is a holy terror but I love him. Do you want to babysit for me anon?

>> No.9236449

off topic

>> No.9236453

I mean this without an ounce of malevolence- you should seek counseling.

>> No.9236528

you're right but i can't afford any of that

>> No.9236562


>> No.9236939

Bro, your biological mission is to have kids. Im 29 and i dont see myself having kids in the near future unfortunately thanks to all the crazy bullshit going on in the world. It breaks my heart honestly.

>> No.9236950

it's actually quite on topic, because having kids means you can have them be interested in retro games, thus continuing the discussion of them for generations to come instead of having this board be deleted in 30 years

>> No.9236958

>muh biological mission
brainlet cope

>> No.9236973

I have a hard time playing on d-pads because I haven't used one in so long and have gone to keyboard/mouse and arcade stick. So the thumb muscles are weak and ache when I use a controller now. I want to no death/no upgrade Super C like I used to but I can't press a button that much for that long now. With practice I'd probably fall back into it but I don't care enough to.

>> No.9236981

>i'm too intelligent to have kids, you fucking brainlet
doubtful but ironic if true because the intelligent oughta have the most kids so their genes are passed on

>> No.9237014
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>holding my breath
I thought I was the only one. Sometimes I unconsciously hold my breath for literally no reason.