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9226376 No.9226376 [Reply] [Original]


what went wrong bros

>> No.9226464 [DELETED] 

Everything, fuck this world and fuck this timeline

>> No.9226468 [DELETED] 

well, it's been goin to shit for 400 years already, 22 more ain't really changin much itself frankly besides 9/11 i guess, but even if it weren't for 9/11 the government would be still be gay and do security shit eventually

>> No.9226476 [DELETED] 

I mean the Saturn but damn.

>> No.9226560

oh, my bad
well soa putting it off forever was what went wrong

>> No.9226573 [DELETED] 

Hey, that's Uncle Fester© of the hit TV show The Addams Family© who starred in the hit Nintendo Entertainment System® title Fester's Quest© developed by SUNSOFT™0pkmas

>> No.9226661

I was born that year. Sorry everybody

>> No.9226689
File: 44 KB, 640x396, 307822_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEGA of Japan misreading the market and basically completely disregarding the western install base which was already firmly planted in the Genesis brand. A Neptune with Sonic Mars or an upgraded CDX would've sold like hotcakes, but instead we got stuff like Manx TT and the infamously bad Virtua Fighter and Daytona ports, which weren't necessarily the games we wanted to begin with

>> No.9226703

You've come a long way...

>> No.9226705
File: 32 KB, 640x385, wpid-virtua-racing-deluxe-stock_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

32X gets a lot of hate, but a imagine for a second if Saturn never existed. 32X had
>A proper Sonic title (Chaotix)
>Solid 3D games (Virtua Racing Deluxe, Shadow Squadron, Darxide, FIFA, etc.)
>Arcade-accurate After Burner, Space Harrier, Virtua Fighter, and more
All at a more affordable price point for those who already own a Genesis, with a combo unit on the way which would've been backwards compatible with regular Genesis games. Its only real weakness was using carts instead of discs.

>> No.9226708

>>A proper Sonic title (Chaotix)
bahahahah good one man

>> No.9226735
File: 510 KB, 1014x819, apunight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was pretty disappointing when the ditzy bald Saturn girl suddenly introduces you to her "companion" and then you get cucked by that guy.

>> No.9226738

yeah, just what the hell was up with the marketing? what where they thinking?!

>> No.9226820

>what went wrong bros
Sega of America’s arrogance and incompetence

>> No.9226832

I hate my life.

>> No.9226834


That guy's the best character though. Anyway they might just be fellow demigod emissaries from the Sega dimension, rather than lovers. You don't know.

>> No.9226931
File: 18 KB, 480x360, sega saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where did you learn to fly?

>> No.9226932


>> No.9227069

It's funny cuz in the end the saturn ended up selling on par with the DC. So much for abandoning the saturn prematurely

>> No.9227194

>commercial aired in '95
>21st century begins in '01

>> No.9227767

yes yes we all know this because back when we were in high school in the 90s, every single annoying math teacher had to point out how "absolutely stupid" the whole world is for believing that the new millennium starts on January 1 2000. Still, nobody cared. Also, Prince was no fool, and changing the line to "we're gonna party like it's 2000" would have severely messed up the rhythmic meter of the song.

>> No.9227929


>> No.9228054

The dreamcast achieved those figures in only one year.

>> No.9228075

Nobody buying a next gen console was interested in model 1 games by 1995, let alone stone age super scaler games.
One look at Ridge Racer was enough to get people to buy Playstation over Saturn, what the fuck would Virtua Racing accomplish?

>> No.9228176
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It wasn't all about 3D. Ristar, Vectorman, Yoshi's Island and DKC2 all came out in the same year as Saturn and are widely remembered as some of the best platformers on their respective systems, meanwhile almost nobody remembers the games Saturn got that year. There was basically no need to rush into the fifth gen to begin with, but at least the Neptune and CDX would've made it a smoother transition with backwards compatibility and some enhanced fourth gen titles.

>> No.9228948

Does it matter really matter? in the end it was a stupid strategy anyway because of the looming ps2 figure the dc never had a realistic chance. And the numbers where back to the shitter for japan the only saturn stronghold.

>> No.9229149

Sega's target demographic are men who are into being cuckolded.
It's the only way to explain Sonic Adventure.

>> No.9229214


>> No.9229959

You'll notice none of those games were on new hardware.

>> No.9231367

t̶e̶s̶t test