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9224446 No.9224446 [Reply] [Original]

First time playing Final Fantasy i want to start with the first game should i play the NES version the GBA version or the PC version? i want to try with the NES version because the Retro feel

>> No.9224450

Either go NES or PS1. The GBA version changes up how mana is for spells I believe.

>> No.9224451

Sure. NES version is good. If you're fine with old games, that's a good version. The important thing is you play it.

>> No.9224465

If you want the retro experience or bragging rights(such as they are), go with the OG cart. If you want to play a finished game wherein everything works, play any later release.

>> No.9224474

Patched NES or Pixel remake, other versions mess with the magic and the NES version is comically broken unless you patch it.

>> No.9224479

Quit fucking around and play Wizardry. It's the OG FF before FF. It's much harder and more rewarding, and even has more shit to it.

>> No.9224542

>i want to try with the NES version because the Retro feel
well do it then, there's no reason not to
if you like it enough then you can try some other version for a second go and see for yourself how little a few bugs matter in a JRPG

>> No.9224564

NES or PS1 (pretty much the same gameplay wise except with bugfixes)

any other version is for zoomies and casuals. Are you a casual zoomie OP?

>> No.9224572

Welcome to Corneria!

>> No.9224584
File: 406 KB, 725x778, anonchan_is_evolving.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how little a few bugs matter in a JRPG
In this case, those bugs directly make the game at least 10% less fun. more like 20% for me personally.

>> No.9224585

Nice cropping, doofus.

>> No.9224593

nah that's dude's head for real

>> No.9224609

NES or PS1
Did the pixel remake keep the old MP system? If so, that’s also acceptable.

>> No.9224617

no they don't

>> No.9224658

Purist will shit on the gba version, but honesty, unless you like grinding that much, I’d go for it. I wonder what people think about patching the original nes version bugs.

>> No.9224669

Just do the PS1 version, it has the good stuff from the GBA version but without the borked magic system

>> No.9224695

but your mom does

>> No.9224809

This is the best reply. FF1 is interesting for what it is but not an amazing game otherwise. Having played them all, NES, PS1 and GBA around when they were released. Unless you are interested in the history or hipster bragging rights play a later version.

>> No.9224813

the pr version does have the old system

>> No.9224835

The GBA version is a fucking joke and the extra content is shit.

The only way to play FF1 is on NES, PSX and Wonderswan. Any other version, you basically haven't played the same game.
Saying you've played FF1 because you've played the GBA version is like saying you've read Alice in Wonderland becauase you've read a modern 40 pages illustrated version aimed at kids age 6-10.

>> No.9225428

I like swords!

>> No.9225540

Just make sure you play with a spell-slots version of the game. It doesn't seem like much but the limitation and the way you address it by playing is some of the only complexity in how you play FF1, so discarding that is a big deal. FF1 is great to replay because it's lightning fast and can be done in a sitting or two, then redone with different classes to play it differently. It's the closest to an arcadey-RPG you can find in the FF series.

>> No.9225556

PS1 version is the correct answer and any other answer is retard nostalgiafagging or contrarian bullshit.

On real hardware via CRT

>> No.9225674

Not the same guy, but you make a good argument. I will show a picture of me playing on my CRT later today.

Wait, does the Origin disc work on the PS2 Slim?

>> No.9225825


Should do, I always played a burned copy on my slim using the disc swap method because the actual game is rare as fuck over here.

>> No.9225827

>Saying you've played FF1 because you've played the GBA version is like saying you've read Alice in Wonderland becauase you've read a modern 40 pages illustrated version aimed at kids age 6-10.
It's really not. It's just the PS1's Easy Mode with magic retweaked and some more content. It's perfectly fine as an alternative to the NES/PS1 release.

>> No.9225837

As someone who has played so many versions of FF1, the PS1 version (Origins) is the best.

The NES version is fine, but it's extremely slow if you're not using an emulator (turbo mode) and there is just a fuckton of annoying bugs and glitches, like certain spells outright doing nothing because of shitty programming, or elemental weapons having no effect because again shitty programming.

The PS1 version keeps the same difficulty/numbers/etc as the NES version while fixing all the bugs and glitches and giving improved graphics/sound on top of that.

The GBA remake and all other versions released after it just neuter the difficulty by doubling your damage and giving casters MP instead of spell charges and basically just making the game a fucking piss easy "babby's first JRPG"

>> No.9226029

Welcome to Corneria!

>> No.9226107

>it's extremely slow if you're not using an emulator (turbo mode)
Nigga it has selectable speed, don't play on the slowest setting.

>> No.9226139
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As the others have said, PS1 or a patched NES version are your best options.
Questionable quality aside, the GBA version's extra content consists of cameos of bosses from other games. If you're going through all of the games, you'll want to put off playing it until after VI. And if you do, play the PSP version for the remixes.
Pixel Remaster is also an option, but I'm not sure of the specifics behind it. You can probably try looking up mods to see if any put it at a balance similar to the earlier versions.

>> No.9226363

Even playing on the highest speed it's still slow as fuck. I've played through it on actual hardware multiple times.

>> No.9226383

Just go for the original, play it on the NES and embrace the bugs and all. A lot of spells don't work, occasionally items aren't flagged right so they don't do extra damage to some targets, but by and large you can progress through the game reasonably quickly and see everything as it was meant to be seen.

There's a site for FF1 Randomizer that lets you patch the game with pure bugfixes and quality of life changes (Such as doubling movement speed on the map), it changes up the base game somewhat like allowing you to use the spell Temper to buff attack since it was broken in the original, and can be good for subsequent playthroughs as you can up the difficulty and shuffle items around optionally as well.

>> No.9226682

What about that steam/mobile version, is it any good?

>> No.9226696

You're not a man unless you play the nes version

>> No.9226721

It depends on what you want but honestly FF1 sucks and I think its justified playing the NES version just to see how janky it ia because if you play a later version you're just going to get a very boring version of a 16 bit RPG.

>> No.9226965
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I don't know what you're talking about. The combat is a bit slower than DQ2 but still really fast, faster than any JRPG in the next 3 generations, it can be set to so fast that sometimes you don't even have time to realize wtf is going on during bossfights which is why I usually set the speed to 7 and not 8 (video is 8).

Also the walk speed never feels like a burden either because towns and the world are well designed so it never feels like you spend an eternity slowly walking in filler, which could happen sometimes in towns in DQ games due to having to go to specific places to save.
But in terms of useless filler environment in towns, it's still nothing compared to some of the Famicom RPGs I've played (cough, Indora no Hikari)

is the walk speed in 8-bit RPGs slower than in 16/32-bit RPGs? Generally speaking, definitely, but it is largely made up by how fast combat usually is, the absence of of loading times and the short length of combat animations (when there are any). Generally speaking, playing DQ/FF NES games is still faster than SNES/PSX/PS2 even if you're going to feel the walk speed.

>> No.9227552

This was my first party too in both the NES version and the PSP version.
Pretty good lineup desu. Aesthetic too. The plays out like a typical Dragon Quest with Red Mage being like the Hero class except not getting OP spells.
If I were to replay FF1 for the psp I'd switch out the RDM for a Thief and the Warrior for a Monk.
Its a weird setup but it works in the remakes

>> No.9227567

>Red Mage being like the Hero class
>not putting your knight in first position


>> No.9227572

I do put the Knight in the first position although Red Mage is the most aesthetic looking job, sadly

>> No.9227580

Emulate the PSP version.
Its by far the most polished version, is the easiest for beginners to get into (in terms of QOL updates) and PPSSPP has a handy fast forward function to help out with the grind. Plus, you can save literally anywhere with the emulator, which is the best way.

Every other version is nowhere near as polished or enjoyable. I do like the NES version, but it's slow as fuck and can be a real fucking grind.

>> No.9228828
File: 27 KB, 280x240, Final Fantasy Origins (USA) (Rev 1)-0067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PSX version looks amazing and retains the difficulty of the original version entirely (granted you turn off auto targetting, which you should)

>> No.9229153

Pixel Remaster

>> No.9229184

>White Mage: Calm down, you dumb nignog! You only have 12 DEF!

>> No.9229202

What is your favorite patch of the NES version? I've played a few myself, but for whatever reason Grond's seems to be recommended by people. However, I want to hear which one (you) like the most. It can be faithful (only tweaking a few graphics or patching some spells or weapons to work as intended) or radically different (big graphics changes, monster and character changes, new plotlines, etc.), doesn't matter.

>> No.9229213

fuck off shill

>> No.9229231

I played it on nes. I liked it. It's one of those games you can kinda zone out and do other things though. Like throw on a podcast and just kinda explore and grind.

>> No.9229376

NES, using the randomizer to only apply bugfixes and speedhacks without any real randomization.