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9224316 No.9224316 [Reply] [Original]

The American version of Super Mario Bros. 2 was actually just a sprite swap of another game called Doki Doki Panic. The real Super Mario Bros. 2 was deemed too hard for western gamers, and was therefor only released in Japan.

>> No.9224321

No. Fucking. Way.

>> No.9224323

I'm so glad they did this, lost levels is such a shit game outside of difficulty.

>> No.9224325
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Another thing most people don't know is that the full title of the game is actually Super Mario Bros 2.: Mario Madness, as you can see on the box art.

>> No.9224332

Mandela effect. Those damn scientists at CERN must be at it again.

>> No.9224693

What the fuck, what else don't I know about games??

>> No.9224712
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>> No.9224716
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In Japan, his name is Dr. Robotnik
but in America, his name is Eggman

>> No.9224910

No fucking way. You're joking anon.

>> No.9225198

Those hardons don't collide themselves.

>> No.9225857

It was difficult in completely bullshit ways too
>gotta jump on this spring JUST the right way or you won't make it
>gotta find this invisible block to proceed
>gotta do retarded speedrunner-tier trick jumps off of flying enemies
It's like they were trying to artificially extend the game's life by making it absurdly hard in all the wrong ways

>> No.9225879

Did you know that if you beat Metroid. The main character, Samus, turns out to be a girl.

>> No.9226685

wtf how could thye get away with that??

>> No.9226732


>> No.9226746

Wait until people figure out who Zelda really is...

>> No.9226824

Despite the name Maruo Madness there is no reason to pick Mario in the game for any stage as he is the worst character. He can't dig for shit compared to toad, can't jump. Can't do anything.

>> No.9226992

Ash's surname Ketchum is a reference to Pokemon's "gotta catch 'em all" catch(hurr...)phrase.

>> No.9227012

It's Diddy's Kong Quest, not Diddy Kong's Quest
Tails real name is Miles Prower, as in "Miles Per Hour"
A Link to the Past refers to the game going back to Zelda 1's style
The bushes and clouds in Super Mario Bros are just color-swaps, as are Mario and Luigi
Half Life, Opposing Forces and Blue Shift are all physical terms

>> No.9227052

A Link to the Past is called that because it's a prequel to Zelda 1

>> No.9227273

Also because the dub needed more syllables in his name to match his Japanese name of Satoshi, which is why Ash always introduces himself by his full name.

Plus, Satoshi is named for creator Satoshi Tajiri. Gary is named Shigeru, which of course refers to Miyamoto.

>> No.9227509

They should have released the real SMB2 in the west though. Imagine if you were 10 years old and you went to your friend's house and they had SMB but with a changed tileset and a mushroom that killed you and fucked up levels that messed you up, you'd be like whoa, what is this? I never played this in SMB, and your friend would be like "No, anon, this is SMB 2, for super players. I am a super player that is why I have this game." Then you'd play it with him and try to beat the first level and it would be so hard and you'd keep trying and your friend could do it, but he was stuck on like 2-1 or something and at the end of it you would be thinking "I have to get this game!"

>> No.9227518

And if you don't beat it she stays a boy forever. That is why you should never beat the game, always kill yourself before the end.

>> No.9227524

Yes there is, because Mario is the all-round good character that is decent in all regards, so if you don't know the level then you can pick Mario and you know you'll have a decent shot at it. Also, it's just fun playing as Mario, so long as you're not a creepy edgelord.

>> No.9227529
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Doki Doki was made in partnership with FujiTV and inspired by a festival and the characters are owned by FujiTV. Thus if they had released it outside of Japan, they would have to pay FujiTV more money. By re-branding it as a Mario game, they can publish it themselves and don't have to do any profit splitting.


>> No.9227530
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DID YOU KNOW GAMING? Level 21 of DOOM 2, titled "Nirvana," starts with the player in a rectangular room, facing a double barreled shotgun. This is a reference to the suicide of Budd Dwyer, who ended his life with a revolver on January 22, 1987.

>> No.9229252

I watched that one video on it (and the 2016 version).
The actual Yume Kojo '87 Communication Carnival must have been fucking mind-blowing for people at the time. Wish there was more footage of it.
>tfw people can own something like Super Game Z(ed) in their own homes now with Mario Kart Live
Goddamn. And people waited in line for up to 5 hours for one single try in 1987. And probably had to pay money each time.

>> No.9229275

Released in 1993 by I.D. Software, Doom for the PC was a real game-changer. It invented the shooting genre and was sold out in stores across the nation.

>> No.9229394

>decent in all regards
It's a platformer with jumping being the most important aspect. Ain't nobody picking Mario on a blind run with Princess and Luigi there.

>> No.9229401

I wonder if the same musician for SMB 1 did Doki Doki

>> No.9229415

>A Link to the Past refers to the game going back to Zelda 1's style
No it didn't? It only had the perspective and dungeons, but not the open world exploration

>> No.9229463

koo koo ga joob

>> No.9229486

>Super Mario Bros 2
Are you sure it's not "Super 2 Mario Bros."?

>> No.9229502

>Also, it's just fun playing as Mario, so long as you're not a creepy edgelord.
Would you care to explain what you mean by this?

>> No.9229651

Yeah, Koji Kondo did both. Doki Doki tracks were a bit simpler compared to their SMB2 counterparts, though.

>> No.9229658

Just because ALttP had a few roadblocks more compared to Zelda 1 doesn't mean it's different style.

>> No.9229673

name 1 video game enthusiast who doesn't know this?

>> No.9229992

his name? Albert Einstein

>> No.9230017

Mario is wholesome and the hero of the tale. Disregarding him out of contrarian angst might appeal to some, but Mario is fun. Kind of makes me want to do a Mario only run.

>> No.9230035

Mario is not fun. I hate Mario.

>> No.9231096

Pokemon are called Pocket Monsters in Japan

>> No.9231105

Doki Doki reskin will never be SMB2 & trannies will never be women.

>> No.9231492
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This must be very difficult for you, how do you have enough hands to deny canon in all the games after?

>> No.9231510

What most people don't know is that Doki Doki Panic actually is Super Mario 2. When it was decided that the prototype Mario 2 was too different, it was made into Doki Doki Panic and a more conservative sequel was made instead.

>> No.9231518
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Look here: >>9231510
Doki Doki Panic is a more bona fide Mario 2 than Most Levels is lol.
Shy Gal makes me feral

>> No.9231524

Lost Levels*

>> No.9231857

just because nintendo games reference each other all the time doesn't make those references "canon"

>> No.9232176

It's canon that I want to nakadashi Shy Gal my hips are already moving on their own I can't stop it